23 minute read


From the Editor’s Desk

Dennis Whittam, Editor Reflections on 9/11 and a Busy Fall Season

As I write this editorial, the date is September 1, 2022. This editorial is my October editorial. Sitting at my desk, my mind is reflecting ahead to September 11, 2022. Taking a few moments remembering the day our nation was attacked, it is our duty to never forget September 11, 2001. I remember driving to work on a clear crisp day. The major story on the radio was about a “small” airplane that crashed into the World Trade Center. When I arrived at work, I immediately turned on the news and realized the airplane was not a small plane and my city was probably under attack. Yes, we were under attack. I reflected and shared my recollection with my readers for the past 21 years.

Last year, I attended as many memorial services as possible. One year later I find myself thanking many of my photographers who joined me and spread throughout as many communities as possible, capturing photographs of the memorial services. Fire News utilized our photographs in our 9/11 20th Anniversary-Fire News Remembrance and Tribute edition. This magazine was a work of art that remembered all those lost on September 11, 2001, and continued paying tribute to those that passed away over the past 20 years due to illnesses spurred by toxic chemicals generated by the attack. When I pass Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Center, it is still common to find an FDNYFirefighter Transport Unit waiting outside of the hospital to bring one of our loved ones back home.

As we move into 2023, try to think about something special your department can do to bring peace in our world. Plan on reflecting with your neighboring departments to never forget September 11, 2001. Remember to never forget those that continue to be lost to 9/11 diseases. Never Forget!

As the summer months are passing us by and we enter the fall, are you prepared to do your job under different conditions? Already I am finding that the windows on my car are fogging up on the inside, making response a little slower. Before you know it, the inside fog will move to the outside of your car windows, and you will be reminded that winter is not far away. Please take the time to clear off your frosted windows before you respond to a call. Think about the children who are waiting at school bus stops. Use caution while responding through school zones and bus stops. I have seen two students who were badly hurt when they tried to run across a busy street to catch a bus that they were late for.

Is your fire prevention program updated with new ideas to bring to the kids in your district? Yes, September and October are busy times in the fire service. Polish off your ideas and incorporate new activities into your Safety Programs. If you need help, meet with your Fire Prevention Committees to discuss what you can do to embellish your Fire Prevention Program.

Remember; if it wasn’t for the beep, you would still be asleep! Change your smoke and CO detector batteries or if you have 10-year detectors, check their dates to ensure that they are still good.

Stay safe!

- Dennis

Page 6, Fire News, September/October2022 Cover Story

City of Chester2-Alarmer City of Chester2-Alarmer

On May 17, 2022, while Chesterunits were operating at a different second alarm, covercompanies were dispatched fora building fire. Upon arrival they found a single-story commercial structure with heavy smoke showing. Crews made an initial interiorattack but were forced out by heavy fire conditions. The fire went to two alarms plus special calls. - Fire News photos by Frank Wesnoski

Fire Destroys SilverSpring Twp. House

On June 27, 2022, a few minutes afterSilverSpring and New Kingstown fire companies cleared a call fora backhoe accident, Box 31-07 dispatched Engines 31 and 33, Truck 30, and Tankers 33 and 20 to Wild Rose Lane fora house fire. Multiple calls were being received forreports of a bedroom fire and the house was evacuated. Chief 2-31, responding to the alarm, saw a a column enroute and requested the first-alarm assignment. Chief 1-31 arrived shortly afterto fire through the roof of a two-story, single-family dwelling. Companies led off with deck gun operations before stretching lines and protecting the D exposure. The TankerTask Force was requested to supplement watersupply in the neighborhood. The fire was darkened down in about 15 minutes and firefighters remained on the scene extinguishing the hot spots and overhaul. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

Woman and 3 Dogs Perish in Allentown 3-Alarm

At around 0500 hours on July 16, 2022, the Lehigh County Communications Centersent Allentown Battalion Chief 43, Engines 9,6 and 10, Truck 2, and Engine 14 as RITto Walnut Street foran apartment building fire. The callerreported heavy smoke coming from the building. Engine 4 arrived on scene to heavy smoke showing and reports of people trapped. Battalion Chief 43 took command. Engine 4’s crew pulled three 1-3/4 inch lines. Engine 6 went to the rearand laid a supply line. Engine 9’s and Truck 2’s crew did a primary search. Battalion Chief 43 struck the second alarm bringing in Engines 11 and 13, Truck 1, Air1, and Station 101 (Rehab). Crews encountered maze-like conditions, holes in the floor, and high heat, and were pulled. Battalion Chief 43 struck the third alarm bringing in county units to staff the city’s stations, as well the last available engine in the city to the fire. Truck 2 set up out front and went to the roof. Crews brought the fire undercontrol in about 45 minutes, but found a large amount of fire in the walls and the cockloft area. Crews remained on scene forabout two hours hitting hotspots and ventilating the structure. Despite the AFD’s attempts a woman and three dogs perished in the blaze. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold

Family Displaced in Little Mahanoy Twp.

Afamily of five was displaced on July 14, 2022, by fire in Cape Cod dwelling on Route 225 in Little Mahanoy Township. - Fire News photo by Harry Deitz

Quick Stop Saves House

Engine 15 (Junction) arrived to find a working porch fire. Aquick attack prevented any extension into the main house. - Fire News photo by Patrick Shoop

Hoarding Conditions at Dauphin Fire

On August 2, 2022, crews were called to a late evening kitchen fire on Kathryn Avenue in the Dauphin Middle Paxton. Chief 38-3 requested the first alarm assignment and arrived to fire through the roof as well as from the A, C and D sides of the home. Crews were advised of severe hoarding conditions within the home. As crews began the fire attack, command requested the evacuation of all crews and masterstream operations were begun from Duncannon Truck 2. With a large bulk of the fire load knocked down, crews began to try and open up the structure to reach remaining fire spots. Crews worked into the early morning.

- Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

House Fire in Nockamixon Township

On July 9, 2022, crews battled a house fire in Nockamixon Township, Bucks County.

- Fire News photo by Rich Rolen

Lucky Lady, Baby Escape Elysburg Fire

Firefighters and otherfirst responders from seven communities responded to a two-alarm house fire on August 13, 2022, on Alpha Avenue in the town of Elysburg. Apregnant woman and a young baby escaped when flames and smoke of undeterrmined origin filled the house. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by officials.

- Fire News photo by Harry Deitz

LowerMakefield Apartment Fire

In the early hours of May 28, 2022, the Yardley-Makefield Fire Company along with numerous otherfire companies were dispatched to the Cornerstone Development off of Township Line Road in LowerMakefield Township foran apartment fire with possible entrapment. Yardley-Makefield Chief Glenn Chamberlain arrived to heavy fire conditions from two units extending to others. First arriving companies went in service with multiple handlines and master streams and worked underextreme conditions to control the spread of the fire. - Fire News photo by Jeff Goldberg & Yardley-Makefield FC

2-Alarmer in ButlerTownship

In the evening hours of August 28, 2022, Station 3 ButlerTownship Fire District was dispatched in the area of Acre Avenue forsmoke in the area. Station 38 (Veterans Affairs Fire Department), Station 99 (ButlerAmbulance Service) and ButlerTwp. Police were added to the alarm. Engine 3 arrived and found a working fire in a single-family dwelling. Crews encountered fire in the basement and all floors of the structure. Asecond alarm was requested bringing Station 1 (ButlerBureau of Fire), Station 11 (Penn Twp.), Station 12 (Connoquenessing), Station 13 (Prospect) and Station 14 (Unionville). - Fire News photo by Artie Osniak

Shamokin Commercial Building Destroyed

Crews battled a large barn fire on Route 61 in Shamokin Township, Northumberland County, on August 18, 2022, at 2300. Alarge industrial building used as a garage and storage facility fora trailerbusiness was destroyed. At least 30 fire companies responded and firefighters operated forsix hours as flames towered overthe area and could be seen for miles. Route 61 was closed due to the incident. The fire’s cause was under investigation by officials. - Fire News photo by Harry Deitz

Seven Row Homes Destroyed in Harrisburg

On June 9, 2022, at 1459, Harrisburg companies responded to reports of a structure fire in the 1400 block of Berryhill Street. Squad 8 arrived to a working fire in the 400 block of South 15th Street which involved the front porches of several row homes. Extra alarms were requested and reports of entrapment from an exposure dwelling kept firefighters heavily engaged while working to contain the fire. Numerous handlines were put in place and extensive opening up of the roof and ceilings allowed crews to bring the fire undercontrol in about an hour. The fire affected at least seven row homes and displaced numerous occupants. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

ButlerTwp. Structure Fire

Members of the Unionville Fire Company in ButlerCounty worked a residential structure fire in ButlerTownship on the evening of August 28, 2022.

- Fire News photo by Artie Osniak

McKean County Fire

Corydon Township and Bradford Township VolunteerFire Departments were dispatched to a working garage fire at 1719 on August 290, 2022. Corydon Township responded with an engine and a tankerand Bradford Township responded with three engines. An additional tankerwas requested from the Lewis Run VolunteerFire Department. Firefighters were on the scene for approximately two hours. There were no injuries. Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshals investigated the origin and cause of the fire. - Fire News photo by Jay Bradish

Harrisburg Fire Strikes FourRowhomes

On July 1, 2022, Harrisburg fire companies and mutual aid companies battled a fire involving fourrow homes. Multiple lines were stretched into the exposures and the rearto knock down heavy fire. The fire building was a three-story, brick row of four dwellings in which the middle two were marked as no entry. Exteriorlines were used on these two dwellings and a partial collapse occurred on the C side. Eventually the balance of the second alarm would be requested as extensive opening up and humid temperatures required more manpower. Aggressive interiorwork and masterstreams from Tower1 and Truck 32 knocked down the bulk of fire in about 20 minutes and the fire was placed undercontrol at 2039 hours. Two of the homes were occupied and 10 occupants displaced.

- Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

Allentown 3-Alarmer

At around 0930 on August 19, 2022, the Lehigh County Communications Centersent Allentown Battalion Chief 43, Engines 10, 9,4, Truck 2, and Engine 6 as RITto Liberty Street fora reported house fire. Police were reporting that there was a male that was trapped on the roof. The Comm Centerthen notified the Battalion Chief that the male had jumped off the roof. Battalion Chief 43 furtherreported that there was heavy fire in the rearand was spreading to otherhouses. Engine 10’s crew secured theirown watersupply and stretched fourattack lines. Engine 4 took the alley to the rearand secured theirown watersupply as well. Engine 4’s crew stretched three attack lines. Battalion Chief 43 struck the second alarm bringing in Engines 13 and 14, Air1, and Station 101 (Rehab). Truck 1’s crew set up and went to the roof and made several cuts in the fire and the the exposure buildings, encountering fire in the cockloft. Chief 43 eventually struck the third alarm bringing in Engine 11 and the county units to cover. Crews remained on scene forthree hours hitting hotspots and ventilating the buildings. Three houses had fire damage and two others had smoke and waterdamage. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold


Fire News, September/October2022, Page 15 Keating Township Auto Shop Destroyed

Rew, Smethport and Otto Township volunteerfire departments were dispatched fora structure fire at an auto repairshop at 2245 on June 4, 2022. First arriving firefighters found the building fully involved and a large pile of tires outside the building on fire. Additional mutual aid was requested from Bradford City, Port Allegany, Eldred Township, Eldred Borough and Hilltop. Firefighters were on the scene forseveral hours. The building and contents were destroyed. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photos by Jay Bradish

Fire Guts Home in Middle Township

On July 3, 2022, firefighters battled a house fire in Middle Township, Monroe County. The fast-moving blaze gutted the home. - Fire News photo by Rich Rolen

Collegeville Building Fire

At 1722 on June 28, 2022, the Perkiomen Township Fire Company’s Engine 66, Tanker66 and an all-volunteercrew responded on mutual aid to the Collegeville Professional Center on Second Avenue in Collegeville fora building fire. Light smoke conditions on the second floorwere confirmed by Battalion 34 upon arrival. Aftercrews searched the building, the source of the smoke was determined to be an airhandler. Volunteers were in service forabout an hour.

- Fire News photo by Ted Hodgins

Harrisburg Tire and Auto Shop Fire Burns

On June 14, 2022, at 1655, while Squad 8 and Tower1 were handling an active fuel leak from a vehicle at the Capital Complex, Box 1-3 sent Wagons 3 and 4, Truck 2, and Battalion Chief 6 (Bradford) to North 7th Street in the city’s Uptown fora fire at an automotive shop. Truck 2 arrived and Captain 3 reported a well-off fire. Wagon 3 led off with a step gun to the rear. Tower1 set up to the rearand was supplied a three-inch line from Wagon 3. Chief 6 requested the first alarm at 1701, bringing Engine 301, Truck 32, Rescue 69, and Air13. Wagon 4 supplied Truck 32 who set up on the A/D corner. Penbrook Engine 301 brought in watersupplying Squad 8. All employees were reported to be out of the building but two dogs were still inside. Firefighters remained on scene foralmost 12 hours. Companies were called back to the location several times on the next day as the remains of the building continued to smolder. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

PowerLine Starts Allentown Fire

At around 1700 on May 24, 2022, the Lehigh County Communications Centersent Allentown Battalion Chief 43, Engines 9, 4 and 6, Truck 2, and Engine 14 as RITto North 6th Street fora house fire. The caller reported that a powerline came down on the house and was igniting a fire. Battalion Chief 43 arrived to fire showing from the rear. Engine 9 stretched two 1-3/4 inch lines. Engines 4 and 6 backed up the Engine 9. The fire was knocked down within 15 minutes and crews remained on scene for45 minutes checking forhotspots and ventilating the structure. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold

Allentown Middle-of-the-Row 2-Alarmer

Allentown firefighters battled a two-alarm dwelling fire on North Front Street on June 21, 2022. Crews arrived to find fire venting from the third story of a middle-of-a-row.

- Fire News photo by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.

Vehicle on Fire on Route 145

At around 2055 on July 17, 2022, the Lehigh County Communications Center sent Whitehall Stations 36 and 37 to the area of Route 145 southbound and the Route 22 on ramp fora vehicle fire. Perthe cameras in the area the Communications Centerannounced that the vehicle was fully involved and was on the northbound side of the highway instead of the southbound side. With this information Deputy Chief 3502 called forStation 38. Truck 3831 and its crew stretched a 1-3/4 inch attack line and went to work. The fire was knocked down within minutes. Engine 3711 arrived on and supplied Truck 3831. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold

Kedron Avenue Fire

On June 27, 2022, crews were dispatched foran odorinvestigation on the 100 block of Kedron Avenue in Ridley Township. Aftera significant delay crews found a working fire up a long-wooded driveway. The building was vacant. - Fire News photo by Frank Wesnoski

FireNews.com Fire News, September/October2022, Page 19 Glenolden House Fire

On July 16, 2022, crews dispatched fora working fire on Custer Avenue in Glenolden on the first floorof a two-story twin. - Fire News photos by Frank Wesnoski

Looking Back Allison Hill - 1929

In December 1929, the Allison Fire Company wanted to buy a rig and dispense coffee and ‘sammichs’at alarms on Allison Hill. Allison purchased a used International furniture wagon and remodeled the rig into a neat little canteen wagon with three coffee urns, a three-burner stove with gas storage tanks, a 30-gallon water tank, a steam sterilizer, and cupboards and drawers for storage, and added a serving window on the right side. The truck was repainted red with “Allison Coffee Association” and a large Maltese cross with the number 12 appearing on each side. The rig was placed in service by Commissioner Herman on November 3, 1930. Haerrisburg Fire records the first response of the coffee wagon occurred on November 11, 1930, for a stubborn fire at the Harrisburg State Hospital. - Submitted by Steve Austin; photo courtesy of the Harrisburg City Archives; story by David Houseal, Historian-Allision Hook & Ladder 2, Harrisburg Bureau of Fire

Ridge - 2002

On August 9, 2002, at 2207, the Limerick Fire Department was dispatched to assist Ridge Fire Company at house fire on Old Schuykill Road. Ladder51, Engine 51, Air51 and Traffic 51 responded. Upon arrival the crew assisted with laddering the building, interioroperations, overhaul and ventilation. The department returned to station around 0100. - Submitted by Limerick FD

Helicopter Crash in Carbon County

On August 3, 2022, crews responded to a helicoptercrash in Mahoning Township, in Carbon County. - Fire News photo by Rich Rolen

Susquehanna Twp. Fatal TractorTrailerMVA

On August 14, 2022, Susquehanna Township Box 84-1 sent Progress Company 32 to Interstate 81 northbound in the area of milemarker67 fora vehicle accident with entrapment and fire. Engine 32 advised of a tractortrailer involved and a working fire. Chief 32-2 aboard Engine 32 requested three additional tankers (20, 37 and 38) and then two more tankers (35 and 6) to the scene. Two lines were stretched and operated, knocking down the fire in less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately, the incident was fatal to the operatorof the tractortrailer. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

Carinto House in Forks Township

On July 30, 2022, crews responded to a vehicle that crashed into a house in Forks Township, Northampton County. - Fire News photo by Rich Rolen

Levittown Pkwy. MVA

Several medic units responded to the intersection of Route 13 and Levittown Parkway, in Tullytown, fora serious MVA. This happened in July 2022. Fire Police from Tullytown, Falls Township and Bristol Township were called to the scene. - Fire News photo by Alex Lloyd Gross

Bensalem Blvd. MVA

Two medic units were called to an MVAon Bensalem Boulevard in July 2022. At least two injuries were reported. One of the vehicles ran a red light. Newport Fire Company responded to assist. One of the vehicles went through a set of hedges. - Fire News photo by Alex Lloyd Gross

MVAon Ridge Pike and Township Line Roads

On July 30, 2022, at 1237, Limerick Fire Department was dispatched fora three-vehicle MVA. Rescue 51, Squad 51, Command 51, and Fire Police responded. Three vehicles blocked lanes on Ridge Pike. Deputy 51 determined the incident happened in UpperProvidence and Trappe Fire Company were dispatched. Crews and apparatus cleared debris and fluids from the road before returning to station approximately 30 minutes later. - Submitted by Limerick FD

Vehicle Rescue in Perkiomen

At 1941 on July 21, 2022, the Limerick Fire Department was dispatched fora vehicle rescue on Township Line Road and Bartlett Drive. Squad 51, Engine 51, Rescue 51 and Fire Police responded. Chief 51 arrived and determined the incident to be in Perkiomen Township. Crews found a tree on the road and the vehicle off the roadway in a ditch. Crews cut trees as the rescue team extricated the patient. - Submitted by Limerick FD

CVVFA CVVFA121st Annual Convention

High Angle Rescue

Amid-day call was received fora reported high angle/technical rescue in Jefferson Township at a local camp. Additional information was of a juvenile on a high rope course approximately 20 to 30 feet in the airwho had become in need of emergency assistance afteran equipment malfunction. Crews from numerous UpperDauphin companies were dispatched. Units staged nearthe entrance and utilized ATVs to travel to the scene, which was in a steep wooded hilly area. Additional Upper Dauphin units were added, as well as Rescue 1 from Harrisburg Bureau of Fire. Camp staff were able to secure the distressed individual until fire crews arrived. Aftersecuring the individual with additional ropes and rigging equipment the individual was safely lowered to the ground and into the care of EMS. LifeLion was then requested to fly to the scene. Reliance Hose Company Rescue 21 assumed LZ responsibilities. Aftera short period of time the victim arrived at the LZ and was loaded onto the helicopter. - Fire News photos by Seth Lasko

Township Line Road MVA

At 1946 on July 21, 2022, Perkiomen Township’s Engine 66 and an all-volunteercrew responded to a single-vehicle MVAwith injuries on Township Line Road nearBartlett Drive. Also responding were Limerick Fire Department, Collegeville Fire Company, Limerick Township Police Department, Pennsylvania State Police and Skippack EMS. Thanks to the Fire Police for keeping the scene safe forfirst responders.

- Fire News photo by Ted Hodgins


The Wilson Borough Fire Department recently placed into service this 2022 Pierce Enforcer107-foot Rear-Mount Aerial with a 1750-gpm pump and a 500-gallon watertank as Truck 2421. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold

Antique fire apparatus from the Goodwill Fire Company of Carlisle. - Fire News photo by Shane Shifflett

Franklin County Fire AirUnit - Fire News photo by Shane Shifflett

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