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Up Close &Personal
Allentown FirefighterWentz rescues a cat at a working house fire at North 6th Street in Allentown on May 24, 2022. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold
Allentown FirefighterCochran at a working house fire at North 6th Street in Allentown on May 24, 2022. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold Crew from Jefferson Hills 180, and West Mifflin 295’s assistant chief. - Fire News photo by Nick Kurta

Emmaus Lieutenant Knauss stretches an attack line at an outside fire in the City of Allentown on July 16, 2022. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold Allentown FirefighterBellois checks the roof forextension at a working house fire on Linden Street in Allentown on July 4, 2022. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold

Central Districts Convention Parade
On August 20, 2022, the NantyGlo Fire Department in Cambria County hosted the 2022 Central Districts Convention Parade. Apparatus from Cambria, Westmoreland and BlairCounties attended the parade. - Fire News photos by Artie Osniak

Dan SchaeferBook: The Church Emergency Handbook
Shout out to Perkiomen Township Fire Company volunteerDan Schaefer; he has a Master’s Degree in emergency management and has served many roles in emergency management within Montgomery County. Dan shared his second book with us, The Church Emergency Handbook. This is great content that will assist concerned clergy and church members in recognizing, mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from hazards, emergencies and disasters. This manual applies sound emergency management practices to the needs of all houses of worship of every size and faith. - Fire News photo by Ted Hodgins
John Moran Sr. 5th Anniversary of His LODD

On the night of August 29, 2022, (the five-year anniversary of Chief John T. Moran, Sr.’s, passing in 2017, after attending two incidents and a training exercise. He was 71). our members and members of the Moran family traveled to the Montgomery County Fire Academy in Conshohocken to honor and remember Chief Moran.
His name is now etched onto the memorial alongside others who have answered the last alarm in Montgomery County. John Moran, Sr., was a former chief at the Perkiomen Township Fire Company who served in that capacity for 20 years and spent more than five decades with the agency. He also worked as Perkiomen Township’s Fire Marshal for about 15 years.
The lights at Station 66 were turned red on August 29 in honor of John Moran, Sr.

- Fire News photos by Ted Hodgins

Sponsored by Command Apparatus
BETHPAGE ENGINE 905 "Pride of Plainedge" 1998 Seagrave 1500 GPM single stage pump , 500 Gallon Water Tank , 40 Gallon Foam Tank. Served the residents of Bethpage from 1998- 2019 . The rig now belongs to the Harwood Fire Company located in Hazel Township Pennsylvania. 2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank. 2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT.



Sold by Command Apparatus
Sold by Command Apparatus
We are looking forward to We are looking forward to our new monthly feature our new monthly feature “It’s New to THEM” “It’s New to THEM”

To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly 631-776-1853