Fire News West Virginia 1-2025

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This Looks Familiar

Ahouse which previously burned in May was followed by a control burn after this fire .

See story on page 4

Woman, 2 Dogs Die in Cecil County Blaze

Ajoint investigation continues into the cause of a trailer fire that claimed the life of a woman and two dogs.

See story on page 10

Fatality at Kentland Blaze

Kentland Truck 33 was dispatched after receiving multiple calls reporting a house fire with people trapped.

See story on page 17

Hagerstown Duplex Fire

Held from Extending

Hagerstown units were alerted for smoke in a duplex.

See story on page 20

MVAin Clarksburg

The Hebron Volunteer Fire Department was alerted for an MVAwith injuries.

See story on page 22

MVAin Summit Park

Squad 7 was requested to respond to an MVAwith injuried aboard.

See story on page 24

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This Looks Familiar This Looks Familiar

On December13, 2024, at 0242, Kanawha Counties Station 3 Malden, Station 4 Rand & Station 5 Belle were alerted fora house fire on Campbells Creek Drive in area 3. Engine 32 arrived at a single-story house well involved. Rand Engine 42 reverse laid to the hydrant 400 feet away. The house had previously burned in May and it was determined to control burn the remaining part of the structure. There were no injuries and crews cleared the scene around 0430.Units that responded were Malden Engine 32, Rescue Engine 33, Squad 3, Utility 3, Rand Engine 42, Utility 4, Belle Engine 53, KCEAA157.

- Fire News photo by Gradley ‘Sparky’Scott, Malden VFD

BoilerRoom Fire Held from Spreading

DC’s Bravest battled a fire that damaged a large two-residence home in the Woodley Park neighborhood. Abox alarm was dispatched at 1623 to the 3100 block of Cathedral Avenue NW. First arriving units encountered fire coming from the roof of a large three-story structure. Flames were found in a top floorboilerroom that had extended to the attic. Firefighters working from both above and below prevented furtherspread of the fire. There were no injuries, and fire investigators were looking into the cause. The Canteen Unit, staffed by volunteers from the Friendship Fire Association, provided refreshments at the scene.

- Photos courtesy of DC Fire & EMS

Dog Dies in CamperVan Fire

On November29, 2024, at 1430, Kanawha County’s Station 16 Loudendale VFD, Station 18, Davis Creek VFD and Station 3 Malden VFD were alerted fora camperfire on Kenwood Road in area 16. Crews worked forabout an hourto contain the blaze. The

male subject that lived there was not home at the time of the blaze and a dog perished. There were no injuries.

- Fire News photo by Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott, Malden VFD

Woman, 2 Dogs Die in Cecil County Blaze

Ajoint investigation continues between the Office of the State Fire Marshal and the Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division into the cause of a trailerfire that claimed the life of a woman and two dogs. Just before 2100 on November29, 2024, firefighters from Singerly Fire Company and surrounding departments responded to East Old Philadelphia Road fora reported travel traileron fire. Firefighters arrived within minutes, and the male occupant told them he escaped unharmed; however, his girlfriend and theirdogs were still inside. Firefighters extinguished the fire in under10 minutes and laterdiscovered the deceased victim inside. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation. The victim was transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. A joint investigation is a standard operating procedure between the Office of the State Fire and the local authority having jurisdiction whenevera fatal fire occurs.

- Photo courtesy Maryland State Fire Marshal

MVAwith Rescue in Hebron

In the early morning hours of November8, 2024, the Hebron VolunteerFire Department and the Salisbury Fire Department was alerted foran MVAwith rescue at the intersection of westbound Ocean Gateway and White Lowe Road. Crews arrived to find a two-vehicle collision between an SUVand a tractor-trailer. The driverof the SUVwas rapidly extracted and transported to Tidal Health in Salisbury fortreatment. It appeared that the tractor trailerwas turning into the Royal Farms store parking lot when the SUVstruck the rearend of the trailer. Route 50 westbound was completely shut down during the alarm. The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department along with the Maryland State Police were investigating the cause of the accident.

- Fire News photo by Wayne Barrall

CarFire Snuffed in Malden

On November1, 2024, at 0142, Kanawha County Station Malden VFD was alerted fora vehicle fire on Cloverleaf Circle in Malden. Rescue Engine 33 and Chief 3 arrived to a working vehicle fire. Crews quickly knocked down the blaze. Units that responded Rescue Engine 33, Squad 3, Utility 3.

- Fire News photo by Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott, Malden VFD

Stevensville ExteriorFire

On December2, 2024, the Kent Island VolunteerFire Department responded fora reported structure fire on Shi Lane. The homeownercalled in the blaze. The smoke alarm status was reported as present and activated, howeverthe occupant discovered the fire at the exteriorarea of the home priorto the smoke alarm alert. Approximately 30 firefighters operated on scene. One firefighter sustained minorinjuries and was transferred to the Queen Anne’s Medical Centerfortreatment and laterreleased. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by officials.

- Photo courtesy Maryland State Fire Marshal

Busy Day for Kentland Vols

Kentland Rescue Engine 33 was alerted to respond on Box 55-01 forsmoke coming from the basement of a building. Crews arrived to smoke showing from a single-story, end-of-the-row commercial building. RE 33 completed searches of the first floorand basement, which were negative, and located a small fire in the basement that was quickly extinguished. E 332 responded and ran 400 feet of 11/2-inch hose through the rearto assist companies operating in the basement. The nine volunteers returned to service shortly after, and RE 33 immediately responded on anotherbox alarm in company 2’s local. - Photos courtesy of Kentland VFD

4 Displaced by Hebron House Fire

On November19, 2024, the Hebron VolunteerFire Department was alerted fora structure fire on Quantico Road east of town. Salisbury Fire Department along with Westside Fire Department were also alerted formutual aid. Engine 507 with Deputy Chief Beach and its crews advanced a line into the side doorof the residence. Engine 16-1 arrived and advanced a line through the front doorof the home. Interiorcrews found a working fire in a rearbed-

room. Crews had the alarm undercontrol in less that 20 minutes. A Maryland State Forestry crew was in the area and arrived first and was able to gain access to the home and get all the occupants out of the structure. The Maryland State Fire Marshals office was called to the scene as well as the American Red Cross to help with fourdisplaced occupants of the home.

- Fire News photos by Wayne Barrall

Space HeaterFire

Just after0940 on November21, 2024, DC’s Bravest responded to a box alarm assignment to the Cannon House Office Building forthe report of a space heateron fire. Companies found a small space

heaterin the hall extinguished priorto arrival with no extension. There was a considerable smoke condition requiring ventilation, however.

- Photos courtesy of DC Fire & EMS

Good Stop in St. Albans

Recently, the Saint Albans Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire in the Ordinance Park District of St. Albans. Upon arrival, crews found a large outbuilding well-involved threatening to catch the house on fire. Crews arrived less than two minutes afterdispatch, and kept the majority of the damage to the outbuilding, saving the house from furtherdamage. Thanks to Nitro FD forautomatic aid assistance and KCEAAforproviding medical coverage. Fire Marshal 906 was investigating the cause of the fire. - Photos courtesy of Saint Albans FD

Rescue at Hagerstown Row Home Fire

Hagerstown units were alerted fora smoke alarm activation at a row home in the 200 block of Prospect Avenue. As units were responding, the Washington County Emergency Communications Centerreceived additional callers that there was a fire with possible people trapped, and the assignment was upgraded to a structure fire response. Special Unit 3-2 arrived on scene first reporting a working row house fire with an obvious rescue from the roof on the front side of the structure needed, and the Safety Taskforce was requested. Additional units from Hagerstown and Longmeadow arrived and quickly deployed a ground ladderto the roof and res-

cued the occupant, who was then transported by Community Rescue Service to Meritus Medical Centerforsmoke inhalation. Simultaneously, crews deployed attack lines and began searches of the individual units. Significant fire damage was contained to two of the nine units within the row, with several others experiencing smoke and waterdamage. The Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office was on the scene to investigate the fire, which was determined to be accidental in nature. The American Red Cross was also on the scene assisting the occupants.

- Photos courtesy of Hagerstown FD

Glasgow Works a Brush Fire

Glasgow crews were on scene of a brush fire in the area of Pansy Lane off Kelley’s Creek, on November6, 2024. While on scene, Tanker 71 utilized its front bumperdeck gun to extinguish the fire, which was approaching the roadway. - Submitted by Dylan Hackworth

Camperand Cars on Fire in Stonewood

At 2102 on December5, 2024, Company 12 (Stonewood VFD), Engines 71 and 11 (Anmoore VFD), and 521 (Bridgeport FD) were alerted foran unknown type fire on the 8200 block of Indiana Avenue in Stonewood. Engine 71 staffed with three responded with Tanker7 with two personnel following. Engine 122 arrived to a large working fire determined to be a camping trailerand eight

Could Have Been Worse

Just after2100 the Sissonville Fire Department was dispatched for a reported structure fire. Upon crews making entry they found light to moderate smoke conditions, and confirmed the fire was out. Crews checked the structure with a TIC (thermal imaging camera) and ventilated the structure. Once the scene was secure units returned to service. - Photos courtesy of Sissonville FD

abandoned vehicles. Crews placed two 1-3/4 inch cross lays in service. Tanker3 (Lost Creek) was added to the assignment due to water supply issues. Engine 1 and Tanker7 supplied waterto Engine 122 as well as assisting with fire suppression and overhaul. Shinnston VFD Engine 101 transferred to Co. 12 forthe duration of the incident.

- Photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

Stonewood Christmas Parade

Recently, NutterFort Engine 72, Truck 7, Unit 75, and Medic 718 participated in the annual Stonewood Christmas Parade. - Photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

Single-Wide Fire Displaces Occupants LZ Assistance by NutterFort

On December2, 2024 at 0924 Kanawha County's Station 2 Pinch VFD, Station 3 Malden VFD and Station 26 Sissonville VFD were alerted forstructure fire on Surface Drive in area 2. While en route, Engine 21 requested Charleston Engine 457 be added to the call. Crews arrived to a single-wide trailerwith heavy smoke showing and made an aggressive interiorattack. Crews were on scene forabout two hours. The red cross was notified forthe displaced occupants.

- Fire News photo by Bradley 'Sparky' Scott, Malden VFD

Recently, NutterFort Engine 72 responded to assist Mt. Clare VolunteerFire Department Engine 51 with an LZ forHealthNet 6 at Clarksburg Country Club fora patient experiencing a medical emergency.

- Photo courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

Fatality at Kentland Blaze

On December4, 2024, at 1634, Kentland Truck 33 was dispatched as the second truck, with fourvolunteers, forthe report of a house fire on Box 09-03. While en route, communications advised they were receiving multiple calls reporting a house fire with people trapped. Engine Company 9 went on scene with fire showing from a two-story Cape Cod. Truck 33 positioned in the rearand made

theirway to the second floor, where the company completed searches and opened up forEngine Company 5. Chief 33Ahad the interiorand Chief 33 had safety. Unfortunately, there was one fatality. The company operated forapproximately one hourbefore returning to service.

- Photos courtesy of Kentland VFD

Hagerstown Duplex Fire Held from Extending

Hagerstown units were alerted forsmoke in a duplex in the 800 block of Mulberry Avenue. Engine 2 arrived and reported a 2-1/2 story side-by-side duplex with smoke showing from the delta side unit. Battalion Chief Cleck arrived and requested the Safety Taskforce be started. Attack lines and search crews were deployed, discovering a fire in the basement on the delta side unit. Crews quickly contained the fire, and checked forextension vertically into the first floor, and horizontally into the bravo unit, with no extension found. Ventilation was initiated, and the fire was investigated by the HFD Fire Marshal’s Office.

- Photos courtesy of Hagerstown FD

Scrapyard Fire in Coal City

On October29, 2024, around 1409, Coal City units were dispatched to assist BeaverVFD with a large scrapyard fire. Ghent VFD, Bradley VFD, Mabscott VFD, Ghent EMS, and WVDivision of Forestry also responded. - Photos courtesy of Coal City FD

Might Have Been a Good Lunch

Just as the men started getting lunch together, the tones dropped forthe report of smoke coming from a house in the 5400 block of Lanham Station Road, on Box 2810. Kentland Truck 33, with four volunteers, was alerted as the first truck on the box. Engine Company 48 arrived to smoke from a two-story single-family dwelling. Truck 33 arrived on the scene, entered the front door, and noted the floor-to-ceiling smoke condition. Truck 33 and Engine Company 48 were redeployed to the rearof the structure, where they made entry to the basement access via side Charlie. Truck 33 located a fire in one of the bedrooms in the basement and opened up forthe engines. The exteriorteam placed 64 feet of ground ladders.

- Photo courtesy of Kentland VFD

Structure Fire in Helen

December12, 2024,


around 0604, Coal City units were dispatched to Bamboo Court in Helen fora structure fire. Sophia City VFD, Sophia Area VFD, Mabscott VFD, and Coal City EMS also responded to the scene.
Photo courtesy of Coal City FD

MVAin Clarksburg

On October14, 2024, at 1646, Squad 7 staffed with fourpersonnel and Medic 719, responded to a single-vehicle MVAwith reported entrapment on South Chestnut Street just onto Mt. Clare Road in Clarksburg. Units arrived on scene to find negative entrapment.

One ALS patient was transported to UHC by Medic 719. Stonewood VFD Rescue 124 also assisted on scene fora short time.

- Photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

Abandoned Structure Fire

At approximately 0300, the Sissonville Fire Department was dispatched to the 3100 block of Falcon Drive fora reported structure fire. Crews arrived on scene to find a fully involved structure that had been reported abandoned. During this incident, there were no injuries reported. Otherresponding agencies were: Malden VolunteerFire Department, Kanawha County Emergency Ambulance Authority.

- Photos courtesy of Sissionville FD and Bradley ‘Sparky’Scott, Malden VFD

MVAwith Rolloveron Rte. 50

On November22, 2024, the Hebron VolunteerFire Department was alerted foran MVAwith injuries on eastbound Route 50 and Rockawalkin Road. Ladder5 arrived with 2nd Assistant Chief Andrew LeCates and established command. Crews arrived to find a four-doorpassengervehicle had left the roadway, struck an

embankment and overturned. The sole occupant was able to selfextricate herself from the vehicle. Paramedic B-5 transported the driverto Tidal Health in Salisbury fortreatment. The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department and Maryland State Police were on scene.

- Fire News photos by Wayne Barrall

Coal City MVA

On November21, 2024, around 1654, Coal City units were dispatched to the 1400 block of Coal City Road in Coal City foran MVA. Coal City EMS, Sophia City VFD, Raleigh County Sheriff’s Office, and Speedy Wreckeralso responded.

- Photo courtesy of Coal City FD

MVAin Summit Park

At 1515 on November30, 2024, Squad 7 was requested to respond to an MVAwith injuries on Murphys Run Road in Summit Park. Squad 7 responded with three personnel in three minutes. Engine 132 arrived at the single-vehicle accident into the guardrail with the vehicle partially overthe embankment creating an egress issue forthe sole occupant. Squad 7 arrived and placed two Rescue 42 struts in place to stabilize the vehicle with Engine 132 securing a chain to the vehicle as a tie back. Crews quickly removed the patient from the vehicle into the care of EMS. One BLS patient was transported to UHC by HCES 628.

- Photo courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

ElevatorRescue Training

Recently, members from Kentland Fire Department drilled on handling elevatoremergencies. The class was held at the University of Maryland and began with a presentation, followed by a practical portion. Special thanks to Tony Tricarico forthe great instruction

and to the University of Maryland forallowing ourmembers to use the elevators on the campus forthe great hands-on training.

- Photos courtesy of Kentland VFD

Everyday is a Training Day

DC’s Bravest fireboat crew conducting training on the Medevac

litter. On land orin the water, every day is a training day. -

CFSI Symposium and Dinner

The 35th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Symposium and Dinner is expected to draw over 1,500 fire and emergency services leaders from across the country.

Participants will attend seminars, conduct meetings with their members of Congress and network with their colleagues.

The Symposium and Dinner will be held on February 12 and 13, 2025 at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, DC.

At the conclusion of the two-day event, you will join together in the Washington Hilton ballroom to hear national political leaders paying tribute to the dedication and commitment of our nation's firefighters and emergency services personnel.

Individual tickets are $475 and include a seat at the dinner as well as access to all seminars. If you order before 12/1/24, the Early Bird Sale ticket price is $425. If purchasing 10 or more tickets, please see the table level options on our website. Order tickets at https://cfsi .org/annual-symposium-and-dinner/tickets/.

Matheny Fire & Emergency Expands Service Capabilities

Matheny Fire & Emergency, a division of Matheny Motor Truck Company, is pleased to announce its service center expansion into Delaware located at 260 Edwards Avenue in New Castle where the Matheny team will provide service and warranty repairs of fire apparatus sales for Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LLC and Osage Ambulances.

As part of this expansion, Matheny Fire & Emergency will be better positioned to provide sales and service support for Delaware, Maryland, and Southern New Jersey. This soon to be opened facility will be staffed with a service manager, parts team, and EVT/ASE certified technicians. Mobile service, technical support, training, and readily available parts shall also be available to minimize vehicle down time and keep customer fleets in service.

“We are excited to be able to make this increased service presence announcement,” said Tim Allaband, Vice President of the Fire and Emergency Group, “Since our partnership started with Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LLC the customer response, especially in Delaware, has been extremely positive, getting this service center up and running to support our customers was a high priority.”

Matheny Fire & Emergency will also be able to repair any make of fire apparatus and ambulance manufactured in North America and can upgrade and modernize any used ambulance and fire apparatus as well as serve as the one-stop shop for parts sales to support customer fleet operations.

Photos courtesy of DC Fire & EMS

Coal City Assists at Structure Fire

On November26, 2024, at 0046, members responded to Interstate 64 in Institute, foran MVAwith a rolloverand vehicle fire.
- Photos courtesy of Institute FR
On November27, 2024, around 0702, Coal City units were dispatched to the 600 block of Larew Avenue in Beckley to assist BeaverVFD with a structure fire. Ghent VFD, Mabscott VFD, Bradley VFD, and JanCare Ambulance also responded to the scene.
- Photos courtesy of Coal City FD

Cover Story

Stonewood Structure Fire

At 0321 on November23, 2024, Company 12 Stonewood VFD, Engines 71 and 11 Anmoore VFD, and 511 Bridgeport FD along with Anmoore EMS were alerted fora structure fire on Hilltop Court in Stonewood. Engine 71 staffed with three personnel responded in three minutes. Engines 122 and 71 arrived to a twostory dwelling with nothing apparent and all residents evacuated. Upon investigation, smoke began to push from the garage area.

Crews placed a 1-3/4 inch cross lay in service and made entry to find heavy fire within the attached garage in the basement area. Engine 122 laid approximately 200 feet of four-inch line to a nearby hydrant forwatersupply while othercrews gained access to the garage from the exteriorand placed anothercross lay in service. The fire was placed undercontrol in less than 20 minutes.

- Photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

Whitby MVA

On December14, 2024, around 0610, units were dispatched to the 100 block of Riley Street in Whitby fora vehicle accident. Sophia CIty VFD, Coal City EMS, Jan Care Ambulance, Raleigh County
Sheriff’s Office, and Speedy Wreckeralso responded to the scene. - Photo courtesy of Coal City FD

Anne Arundel County Chief Wolford Appointed to the FirstNet Authority Board

US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced the appointment of 11 public safety, technology, and business leaders, including Fire Chief Trisha L. Wolford, to the Board of the First ResponderNetwork Authority (FirstNet Authority). Chief Wolford was sworn in as a board member. The FirstNet Authority Board has three permanent seats: the U.S. Attorney General, The Secretary of Homeland Security and the Directorof Office Management and

Budget, and 12 non-permanent members selected by the Department of Commerce. The Board oversees activities to ensure that the FirstNet Authority and AT&T(its commercial partner) develop, build, and operate a nationwide public safety broadband network that best equips first responders to save lives and protect local communities. Congratulations Chief Wolford! - Photos courtesy of AACOFD

Odenton Celebrates Longevity

The Odenton VolunteerFire Company is proud to have eight Life Members with over50 years and counting of dedicated active service. They are: Wylie L. Donaldson, Jr. - 72-years of service; Wilbert 'Bill' H. Lewis - 63-years of service; William ‘Bill’P. Rose, Jr. - 61-years of service; Charles ‘Chuck’F. Olson - 54-years of service; David W. Lewis - 52-years of service; Craig B. Harman - 52years of service; Timothy ‘Tim’A. Hammond - 52-years of service; Robert L. ‘Bob’Rose - 51-years of service.

It should be noted that David Lewis is past President of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association (MSFA) and is current President of the Cumberland Valley Firemen’s Association. Craig Harman is in his last yearas company President. Wylie Donaldson holds the title of Chief Emeritus and Chuck Olson holds the title of President Emeritus. Tim Hammond is an active apparatus driver and still has a regularduty night. Bob Rose is also an apparatus driver, when needed. Wylie, David, Craig, and Bob all served as President of the Anne Arundel County VolunteerFirefighters Association (AACVFA). All eight of the above are in the AACVFA

Hall of Fame with Wylie, Bill L., David, Craig, and Bob in the MSFAHall of Fame. External awards forthese gentlemen are many. We salute these members fortheircommitment to the volunteerfire service. - Submitted by Patti Kidwell

Nitro Helps at Toy Drive

Nitro Station 80, firefighters provided toy donations forthe 2024 The Spark of Love Foundation Toy Drive. - Photo courtesy of Nitro FD

Maryland Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal Graduates from DC Police Leadership Academy

After working together with law enforcement leaders from across the world over the last three months, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal Caryn McMahon of the Maryland State Police Department graduated from Cohort 2024-02 of the DC Police Leadership Academy hosted by the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

Cohort 2024-02 was the fourth cohort of the DCPLAprogram. The three-week program, divided into two sessions, comprised 73 participants from across the US and international representatives. Participants engaged in shaping the future of policing by developing their leadership abilities through facilitated discourse and interactive activities.

In 2015, Deputy Chief McMahon made history as the first female regional commander for the Upper Eastern Regional Office in Easton, marking a significant milestone for the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office. She began her career with the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) as a college intern in the summer of 2006, where her strong passion for the investigative field quickly became evident. McMahon graduated from the Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy in May 2008. Her exceptional work has earned her three regional nominations for Deputy Fire Marshal of the Year, and she was honored as the

Tractor-TrailerVs Caron Rte. 50

State Deputy Fire Marshal of the Year in 2011. That same year, McMahon was also selected for the Exceptional Police Performance Award by the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association

The goal of the DC Police Leadership Academy is to develop a strong cadre of second-line supervisors who are adaptable, creative, and motivate others. DCPLAdevelops leaders with high integrity, trust, openness, humility, and respect. The program facilitates a culture of positive police leaders who understand the profession of law enforcement beyond their assigned role - leaders who create and maintain a sense of purpose and innovation in their agencies.

- Photos courtesy Maryland State Fire Marshal

On October13, 2024, Hebron and Mardela Springs first responders were toned out foran MVAwith entrapment in a car-versus-tractortrailer collision on westbound Ocean Gateway nearPorterMill Road. Ladder5's crew performed a doorpop and one patient was transported by Paramedic B-5 with minor injuries. All westbound lanes of US 50 were temporarily closed while firefighters and EMS were on-scene.


Fire News photos by Wayne Barrall

Sissonville Christmas Dinner

The Sissonville Fire Department’s annual Christmas Dinner was held recently. Each year, this is done to show gratitude to our members for their tireless efforts throughout the year.

The following members received awards for the following categories: 15 Years of Service: Christian ShamblinFirefighter/EMT/President; John Miller - Firefighter/ Paramedic; Sturgill Jones - Firefighter; Michael Oakleyll - Firefighter/ EMT, 35 years of Service: Chief Tim Lilly. Firefighterof the Year: JR Weekley - Firefighter. Memberof the Year: Brad Carney - Firefighter. Fire-Line Officerof the Year: Eddie Elmore - Asst. Chief . Board Memberof the Year: Zach Bess - Secretary.

Ancillary Memberof the Year: Jennifer McFarland. Top Fire Call Runner: Brad Carney - Firefighter. Top Medical Call Runner: Dillon Burgess - Firefighter/ EMT. Chiefs Award: Kevin Ream - Firefighter.

The Fire Department also gifted Mrs. Johnson (wife of former Chief Tom Johnson) with a photo of the founders of the department. We would like to thank Jennifer McFarland for making this event possible, and Kay’s Balloons and Rentals for assisting with the decorations.

- Photos courtesy of Sissonville FD

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Fire News West Virginia 1-2025 by Fire News - Issuu