1 minute read
18eighteen years buildingofquality
We are very grateful and honored by the loyalty and ongoing support we have received from our customers. It is a privilege to raise our families and work in production agriculture, serving some of the highest caliber cattlemen and women in the industry.
We have all been exceptionally happy watching this group of bulls develop. The thought and foresight into making these bulls the best quality we can starts with breeding decisions, with our customers’ needs front and center.
The sale combines the top of each of our herds, with a nice combination of Fullbloods, red and black Simmental and Angus.
The bull sale offering is selected by all three programs with exceptionally high standards; we offer only bulls we would look for to improve our own herds with sound, high quality performance bulls, built to last and most importantly backed by great cow herds.
We are excited to offer over 20 embryo transfer calves from some of the best cows in the industry.
We look forward to helping you move your program in the direction you wish. We back our programs 100% and guarantee this sale offering is a ‘no disappointment’ kind of group.
We are all passionate about our programs and feel we have a good grasp on what our bulls can offer you.
We invite you to call any of us or the sales staff before sale day to discuss your herd bull needs. Better yet, to get your best look at the bulls come for a tour at our farms anytime - The coffee is always on and the beer is always cold!
The bulls will also be available for viewing at the Lloydminster Exhibition grounds Tuesday and Wednesday before sale day. Please join us Wednesday night for a free supper and our “Ceasar Social”. We look forward to seeing you Wednesday night and Thursday the 23rd for sale day.
We look forward to working with our great customers and welcoming new ones that will become like all, great friends. Enjoy browsing through the catalog and selecting your next Herd bull from Robb Hoegl Greenwood!!
Trevor and Gary Robb
Trevor 780.205.0226
Gary 780.205.1744 trevorrobb@hotmail.com
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Murry and Lynette & family
MURRY 306-821-1205
LYNETTE 780-205-3742 hoeglfarms2@sasktel.net
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Greenwood Cattle
Scott, Jackie, Jayden & Jaxon Payne
Scott 306.825.4328
Jay 306.821.2260 Jax 306.830.0456 www.greenwoodcattle.com
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