First Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

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F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H O F AT L A N TA • A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 6


Dear Friends, In January 2016, the Session formed a Long Range Strategic Planning Team made up of nine church members, Rev. Rebekah LeMon, and me. Our charge was to discern what God is calling us to do and who God is calling us to be as our congregation approaches our 175th Anniversary in the year 2023. Our Long Range Strategic Plan, called “On the Way to 175,” is the result of an engaged congregation willing to share their honest feedback and heartfelt hopes for our faith and life together. After 10 months of prayer, study, Town Hall meetings, congregational surveys, and leadership and individual conversations, the LRSP Team humbly endeavored to put into words what a faithful response to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ might look like in this particular time, both at the corner of Peachtree and 16th Streets and in the places to which we are sent throughout God’s good world. The plan includes a mission statement, a statement of what we value, and seven goals.

MISSION First Presbyterian Church is a community of humble followers of Jesus Christ who choose, by God’s grace, to live by love, seek continual transformation, and equip all to be servant leaders in Atlanta and throughout the world. WE VALUE Community Spiritual home, a place to belong for a lifetime of faith; Enduring commitment, ordering our lives around worship, education and service to God; Authentic diversity, building relationships that honor one another as children of God; Love Radical hospitality, sharing with all the welcome we receive in Jesus Christ; Mutual care, giving and receiving shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship; Restorative relationships, seeking reconciliation with God and one another;

WE VALUE (continued) Transformation Continual conversion, being shaped as disciples through God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit; Joyful worship, gathering to give thanks and praise to our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer; Theological formation, pursuing deeper relationship with God through study, discernment, and spiritual discipline; Servant Leadership Bold humility, acknowledging our dependence on God by following the example of Jesus Christ in an increasingly secular world; Just generosity, using all that we have received to promote justice, righteousness, and human dignity; and Missional living, proclaiming God’s Good News in everything we say and do.

GOALS, IN SUMMARY Deepen Participation Prioritize engagement in the life of the church in order to strengthen our community and be transformed in our faith. Relational Priorities Engage the congregation in fulfilling our relational priorities and ensure that all ministries promote human dignity, personal empowerment, restorative relationship, and just generosity. Servant Leadership Equip members and friends to be servant leaders in the church and in all spheres of their lives. Social Entrepreneurship Promote individual economic empowerment. Compassionate Care Provide regular visits and spiritual friendship with all members and friends who are ill, bereaved, elderly, homebound or in need of care. Purposeful Engagement Elevate the capacity of the church to be a dynamic center and resource for learning, building relationships, and spiritual growth.

Forward Thinking Reshape our structure, operations and communications to prepare the congregation for our third century of ministry. “On the Way to 175� can be found in full on our website, Hard copies are also available at church and can be mailed by request. Please call Katie Law at 404-228-7715. As we journey on into 2017, I invite you to consider how you will allow your gifts for ministry to bring this mission and these values and goals to life for the sake of the Gospel and the sake of the world! Blessings, Tony Sundermeier

Membership Statistics Membership, 1/1/16 Total: 1943 New Members

Membership, 12/31/16 Total: 1809 Confirmands


Transfers Out


Total Losses


2016 73



22 13 35


2015 48



20 23 43


2014 38



38 21 59


2013 47




25 100


2012 61



48 19 67


2011 41



50 20 70


2010 48



32 15 47


2009 40



32 24 56


2008 78



46 26 72


2007 84



62 29 91



In 2016 our congregation experienced a fully-staffed professional team for the first time in several years, and it feels great! We are energized by the enthusiasm and new perspectives of our new generation of professional leadership, anchored by the strong, steady hands of our longer-term staff. We have also begun to reap the benefits of the new nominating process for our Session, which matches new lay leadership with the needs of each of our 11 Session Councils. Our focus and collaboration have never been stronger. As a result, we are seeing exciting new initiatives in every area of our life together: in expanded worship opportunities, in new education and discipleship opportunities for all ages, in ministries that care for our congregation and for our surrounding community, and in new connections in our global partnerships. We are also enjoying invigorating growth in our membership, with broad diversity in virtually every dimension imaginable, and reflective of the growing vitality of our Midtown Atlanta neighborhood. As we begin the countdown to our 175th anniversary in 2023, we anticipate the implementation of our Long Range Strategic Plan and prepare ourselves to respond to the needs and challenges of the next chapter of the story of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta. We feel the refreshing, quickening Spirit empowering us to follow our Lord Jesus Christ in this time and place, more closely, more fully, more discerningly, to God’s eternal Glory. Mary-Ellen Vian Clerk of Session




Revenue Contribution Revenue Endowment Income Endowment Income-Stembler Other

Actual Budget Budget $3,844,088 $3,586,156 $3,738,262 $756,706 $757,353 $823,923 $164,899 $164,899 $175,838 $305,392 $285,500 $275,000

Surplus Total

$164,547 $5,235,632

$164,547 $4,958,455

$303,986 $5,317,009

Expenses Care $236,331 $246,114 $259,481 Communications $462,670 $500,310 $500,240 Discipleship $19,983 $27,050 $22,700 Emerging Generations $354,769 $446,884 $440,021 Stembler Ministry $164,899 $164,899 $175,838 Connections $139,680 $226,157 $151,611 Community $528,161 $494,565 $604,223 Global Mission $266,735 $266,620 $272,350 Stewardship $314,794 $321, 682 $326,000 Worship $592,515 $530,622 $613,475 Arts $17,189 $24,338 $37,550 Administration: Property Management $1,189,639 $1,231,381 $1,375,609 Other Management $525,097 $477,833 $537,911 Total $4,812,462 $4,958,455 $5,317,009 Net $423,170 - -


Under the leadership of Rev. Kevin Knab, Rev. Katie Sundermeier, and Ms. Pam Parrish, the Pastoral Care ministry seeks to witness to the love of Christ by attending to the physical, spiritual, and mental concerns of the congregation. The primary mode of care is one-on-one visitation and engagement – in residences, in the office, in hospitals, and with families in times of crisis, including death. One under-the-radar aspect of Care ministry is having Stephen Ministers, and sometimes pastors, available for individual prayer in the Chapel after the 9 and 11 am services. This year we have experienced an abundance of sacred moments in which members of our prayer team have been able to humbly bow their heads in prayer alongside someone who has a specific concern, sorrow, confusion, or even joy. The opportunity to make personal connections, especially after corporate worship, is precious and profound. Care ministry highlights include: • Meals on Wheels delivering 60 meals three days a week.

• The Knitting Ministry creating shawls and quilts as a gesture of love or tangible prayer. • Ms. Julia Brooke driving older adults and shut-ins to the store and to church with unique care. • Through the Flower Ministry, three or four church members who are ill or recuperating, are shut-in or experiencing a loss, receive a bouquet cut from the sanctuary flowers after Sunday worship. • The Come-on-Along program, led by gracious member Bruce Gregory, takes older members to places of interest, including the Jewish Temple and a mosque this year, and fosters wonderful fellowship and discussion. • Our members and friends at Presbyterian Village, Cobblestone at Park Springs, Calvin Court, Lenbrook Square, and Canterbury Court gather bi-monthly for Bible discussion and Communion led by Rev. Knab and the rest of the pastoral staff. • The Stephen Ministry continues to flourish under the leadership of Rev. Katie Sundermeier, with 14 active Stephen Ministers meeting weekly and 9 caregiving relationships established with care-receivers. • FPC’s partnership with the Samaritan Counseling Center deepened this year, offering “Lunch and Learn” opportunities for teens and their families and a fruitful Divorce Recovery Group. We also have referred dozens of members to the new and skilled therapists and counselors now working regularly and on site through Samaritan.


In 2016, First Presbyterian Church launched a new mobile-friendly website, creating a front door for the church online. We have an updated events calendar, live streaming of worship services, and modified navigation to make it easier for both members and visitors to get connected. In February, we hosted the NEXT Conference. Our broadcast ministry, supported by our team of youth and adult volunteers, provided technical support by operating cameras, audio boards, and digital switchers to serve a live audience in our sanctuary and far outside our walls. Our Lenten video and sermon series, Wrestling With God, engaged the whole congregation, offering different viewpoints from our Pastoral staff. In the summer of 2016, we renovated Fifield Hall, outfitting it with new lighting, sound, and robotic cameras for the successful fall launch of our 9:00 (casual) Sunday worship service. Fifield Hall and its enhanced equipment are also being used for high-quality production of the Discipleship ministry’s popular digital education video and podcast series Theology Matters. Moving into Advent, we successfully launched a devotional online and in print, while positively growing our online advertising efforts and drawing new people in for our worship services, concerts, and videos.


In 2016, Community Ministries continued to serve the most vulnerable individuals in our community. With the help of committed volunteers, the working poor were given 40,000 pounds of food to help supplement monthly grocery expenses. Over 100 families avoided eviction with the help of the Rental Assistance Program. The Women’s Transition Center continues to walk alongside working women on their journey to safe and affordable housing. During 2016, the number of guests living in the WTC increased by approximately 50%. Community Ministries entered into a new partnership with Georgia State University’s Social Work department, and now has two social work interns. The interns have made a significant difference with the mentoring program, the Women’s Transition Center, and other areas of Community Ministries. We also continue to host 11 student interns from Candler School of Theology’s Contextual Education Program, who serve in community ministries for four hours per week and attend a weekly class led by Rev. Connie Lee and Rev. Rebekah LeMon. The Mentoring Ministry provides counseling, prayer, and one-on-one services to disabled homeless men and women. Faithful volunteers Alan and Nancy Harris have dedicated their lives to assisting the chronically homeless and mentally ill with kindness, compassion and commitment. Through their devotion and guidance, individuals have been successfully awarded social security benefits, received much-needed mental health care, and moved into permanent supportive housing. Throughout 2016, Alan and Nancy have recruited and trained additional volunteers to serve in the Mentoring Ministry.

Success stories are celebrated on our “Wall of Hope,” located on the 2nd floor in the Food Pantry area. Efforts are underway to add the Wall of Hope to the FPC website. 2016 Highlights: • The Venable Food Pantry increased family distributions from four to five times per year. • Over 12,000 guests attended the Sunday Morning Prayer Breakfast. • On average, 500 individuals received mail services provided by dedicated volunteers. • The Wall of Hope was created in the Community Ministries waiting room.


The Connections Ministry continues to focus on hospitality, member integration, parish ministry, membership, and congregational events. The Connections Council’s charge is to welcome, integrate, and connect people to each other, to ministries of the church, and to Jesus Christ. 2016 brought many opportunities for members and visitors to connect with each other. The End of Summer picnic in August was attended by over 350 members and guests and provided a relaxed and fun afternoon of lunch, activities for children, and wonderful gatherings at different tables of people getting to meet and enjoy fellowship with new friends. The Get Involved Fair showcased the many different ministries of the Church and offered attendees the chance to ask questions and learn more about how they could volunteer or serve in new ways. In the calendar year 2016, we welcomed 73 new adult members as well as 23 ninth-graders who joined with their profession of faith as part of their graduation from Confirmation Class. As we look forward, Connections hopes to be nimble in its response to the new Long Range Strategic Plan with an emphasis on the following Plan Values: • Enduring Commitment: ordering our lives around worship, education and service to God • Radical hospitality: sharing with all the welcome we receive in Jesus Christ

• Theological formation: pursuing deeper relationship with God through study, discernment, and spiritual discipline • Missional living: proclaiming God’s Good News in everything we say and do First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta has a shared vision of how we are called to participate in God’s mission, and the Connections Ministry will continue to strive to equip all to be servant leaders in Atlanta and throughout the world.


The Discipleship Council and its associated staff seek to support, nurture, and advance opportunities for adults to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and theology and to deepen their spiritual formation. This ministry area not only includes traditional offerings in Christian Education (Sunday School classes, weekday Bible studies, Presbyterian Women circles, men’s groups, etc.) but also strategic initiatives that aim to position FPC as a leader and innovator in church-based theological education. This year saw the continued development of the Theology Matters program, through which we offer seminary-level education in a format that is accessible and engaging to a lay audience. These courses are offered in the form of Wednesday evening lectures in newly-renovated Fifield Hall, as well as audio podcasts (available on iTunes – search “Theology Matters”) and stand-alone video courses, complete with lesson guides and discussion questions. New in 2016 was the “First in Focus” guided curriculum series, which is designed to bring all of FPC’s Sunday School classes together around an important topic in Christian faith and practice. In 2016, FPC also launched an innovative Supervised Ministry in Teaching and Theological Education, a position offered to a top masters-level student at Columbia Theological Seminary. Other highlights of the year included a video-based Lent small group series on “Wrestling with God,” a new Sunday School class called “On Second Thought” that gives individuals the chance to discuss the sermon with the pastor, the launch of a Sunday morning Disciple Bible Study, and Men’s Quarterly breakfasts featuring Peter Correll and Kyle and Brent Pease as keynote speakers.

2016 Highlights: • Over 225 members participated regularly in staff- and member-led small groups, including Moms Seeking More, the FPC book club, Disciple Bible Study, and over a dozen PW circles and men’s groups. • Nearly 200 members gathered for study and fellowship in 11 different Adult Sunday School classes. A highlight was the new First in Focus guided curriculum series on “Practicing Sabbath.” • During the summer, four church-wide Sunday School classes were offered: Ryan Bonfiglio on “Great Figures of the New Testament,” Allison Cochran on “Spiritual Practices for Today,” Tony Sundermeier on “Who is Jesus the Christ?” and Greg Allen-Pickett on “Christianity in the Middle East.” • Three new Theology Matters classes were offered on Wednesday evenings (Ten Commandments, Roadside Religion, and Texts of Terror) with nearly 100 different members participating. • A print and online Advent Devotional offered inspirational reflections on biblical texts from over thirty FPC members.


Our 2016 Emerging Generations highlights include: • A new and thriving Emerging Generations team. • A robust children’s ministry that created a meaningful First Communion, a lively Easter egg hunt, an enlightening VBS, a festive Hanging of the Greens, a spectacular Christmas Pageant, a highly successful canned food drive, and many other opportunities to connect, learn, and serve.

• A special focus on tween and middle school ministries. • Two urban plunges serving the people of Chicago with our middle and high school students while seeing and reflecting on God’s face in the city. • Youth education and fellowship opportunities that included Braves games, bowling excursions, Friday night fellowship, lock-ins, movie nights, and “Texts of Terror” Bible studies. • A move into a newly-imagined space just for youth that includes room to spread out, study, and play.

• A restructuring of our Sunday morning schedule created and led largely by our faithful Sunday School teachers and parent volunteers. • Newly-formed Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and 20s/30s’ Ministry subcommittees and leadership teams. • Continued growth in participation, leadership, and commitment within our 20s/30s community through worship, Councils, Couples’ Groups, retreats, Bible studies, small groups, social events, service opportunities, and Theology on Tap.


As the oldest preschool in Georgia, First Presbyterian Preschool embraces the principles of respect, responsibility and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment. The interest of the individual child guides the Reggio Emilia Project approach, which is enhanced by a research-based curriculum that prepares the child for the next level of their education. 2016 Highlights: • Developed partnerships with area cultural organizations including the Woodruff Arts Center and Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA). • Redesigned Camp Friendship format and initiated summer camp partnerships with SciKidz, MODA and Alliance Theatre. • Enhanced the school’s website, including an aerial panoramic video of the church and school. • Integrated science curriculum more deeply in the classrooms. • Continued increase of school enrollment.


2016 was a year of growth and development in our mission partnerships in Atlanta and around the world. Refugee Resettlement: Partnering with Hillside Presbyterian Church and New American Pathways, FPC helped to settle two refugee families, one from Afghanistan and one from Syria. More church members got involved in this vital ministry in 2016 and we hope to see it continue to grow in the future. Brazil: After a two-year hiatus, a team from FPC traveled to Brazil to reconnect with our partners and dream about the future of the partnership. We continued our relationships with the Pacajus Church, Messejana community, and PRECE program, funding microcredit and technology for education. Cuba: The church in Cuba continues to thrive despite many changes. A group from FPC visited our partner church in Perico in March 2015 to continue to build relationships, have children’s activities, share in worship, and do vision testing (giving away more than 800 pairs of eyeglasses). The water filtration system FPC furnished and helped to install at the Perico church in 2014 continues to draw people who come for water and stay for fellowship. Two representatives from FPC returned to Cuba in October to attend the 2016 Cuba Partners Network in Matanzas.

Haiti: Haiti was struck by a hurricane in October 2016 and FPC responded generously by raising and sending funds for hurricane relief efforts. In January an FPC team of 10 traveled to Nouvelle Cité on La Gonâve to worship with our partner congregation, hold VBS, and provide support with school lunch and student health assessments. Our partnership continues to focus on the Community Clean Water Project, microfinance, agricultural development, a goat project, medical support through the Bill Rice Clinic, and the Children’s Nutrition Program. In July, our partner Haitian Priest Pere Vil met with members of FPC at the La Gonave Haiti Partners Meeting held in Charleston, SC. Jamaica: FPC and Hillside Presbyterian continued in our partnership with the United Church of Jamaica by providing financial support for students’ educational needs at the Mt. Olivet Boys’ Home. In July we sent a team of 7 FPC and Hillside members to visit with our partners there, interact with the boys, worship with partner churches, visit micro-finance recipients, and hold lively conversations about what it means to partner and do ministry and mission in Jamaica and Atlanta. Kenya: In 2016 we continued our partnership with the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for the Tumaini Children’s Home, Hawa Boys’ Home, and the Muteero Church- Project Joshua. We also continue to support scholarships and micro-finance at Mount Kenya Academy, Chaka Church and the Grace Chapel at MKA. Some of our Kenyan partners helped to lead worship at FPC on World Communion Sunday. FPC also continues to support local partners AMIS, Villa International, and Childspring International, with both funding and volunteers who care for international students, visiting international scholars and children in need of medical care.

Found Wandering MUSIC AND ARTS

In August, we welcomed our new Co-Directors of the Choir & Orchestra, husband and wife Dr. Daniel Bara & Dr. Deanna Joseph. Deanna is the Assistant Professor and Director of Choral Activities at Georgia State University, and Dan is the John D. Boyd UGA Foundation Professor of Choral Music and the Director of Choral Activities and Professor of Music at the University of Georgia. Both have continued in their university roles as they joined our music ministry staff. Deanna and Dan have brought an incredible level of expertise and skill to our ensembles. The highlight of their work with us so far has been the performance of excerpts from Handel’s Messiah in our annual Sunday School Christmas Concert.

You are invited to join us on Wednesday nights (orchestra from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., choir from 7:30 to 9 p.m.) and on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m.! 2016 Arts Highlights • As part of our Musica Sacra concert series, Found Wandering gave the first-ever bluegrass Christmas concert at FPC. The concert was a huge success! • The Arts Council hosted a tour of the Chihuly exhibition in the Botanical Gardens. • The 2016 winners of the George Wirth Scholarship of the School of Fine Arts are Andrew Stevens, Anna-Claire Cables, Ariana Ramsey, Cole Saunders, and Luke Sundermeier. • The School of Fine Arts went live with its new website:, offering information about private music lessons, group music classes, and preschool enrichment classes. • In January, Jens Korndoerfer gave a solo organ concert in collaboration with the High Museum of Art’s Habsburg Splendor exhibition. Highlights of the well-attended concert included Strauss’ Blue Danube Waltz and Brahms’ Hungarian Dance No. 5.

2016 Music Highlights: • After almost a decade at FPC, Katharine Hamer decided to return to school counseling in August. Our new Administrative Assistant, Melissa Godbee, has done a great job keeping our day-to-day operations going. • The choir and orchestra performed works by Handel, Lotti, and Martin as part of the Good Friday Tenebrae worship service under the direction of Wes Stoner. Wes served as Interim Director of the Choir from January through July 2016. • During Phase I of the organ renewal, the gallery organ was taken out for renovation after Easter and reinstalled in October. Phase II (renovation of the main organ in the front of the sanctuary) is currently underway and scheduled to be completed in October 2017. Phase III will take place in 2018, when the organ will be voiced (i.e., the more than 6,000 pipes will be blended to each other so that the old and new pipes will create a unified sound). • In preparation for the annual Sunday School Christmas Concert, Ryan Bonfiglio and Jens Korndoerfer gave a joint presentation about Handel’s Messiah, which was presented by the chancel choir and orchestra on the Fourth Sunday of Advent.


2016 was a year of transition for some of our dedicated staff team at First Presbyterian Church. Staff transitions and celebrations by department included: Administration: Director of Accounting Peggy McCurdy and Assistant Director of Accounting Pam Carver marked 25 years of faithful service at FPC. We are blessed to have them! We celebrated with Karin Davis and Roadshows Catering as they retired after many years on site at FPC. Care: Rev. Katie Sundermeier took on the role of Executive Director of the Samaritan Counseling Center in addition to her work as Parish Visitor at the church. Communications: Communications Coordinator Pam Smith returned to her former career in consulting. Tim Haney took on expanded responsibilities to broaden our communications services. Community Ministries: Granvette Matthews retired as Coordinator of the Whiz Kids Program at Snapfinger Elementary at the end of the 2015-16 school year and we celebrate the impact her work has had in our community. Marie Wandera joined our team as Administrative Assistant and has become invaluable to our staff and guests. Logistics Coordinator Lincoln Simpson and Case Manager Terresha Anthony moved from part-time to full-time effective January 1, 2017, further expanding our community ministries services.

Discipleship and Emerging Generations: In summer 2016, Margaret Evans answered a call to serve in children’s ministry at our sister church, Shallowford Presbyterian. In October, we welcomed Sarah Kate Bumgarner as Director of Children’s and Family Ministries. Anne Carpenter joined our team as Administrative Coordinator for Discipleship and Emerging Generations, and Cassie Waits came to FPC as a Supervised Ministry intern from Columbia Theological Seminary. Facilities Management: As of January 1, 2017, we welcomed onto the First Presbyterian Church staff our former VT Services and CORPS Security team members: Craig Anderson, Facilities Director, Carolyn Bridges, Custodial Supervisor, Jack Yeager, Maintenance Technician, Bennie Crawford, Travis Smith, Marquis Booker, Custodians, Capt. James Oates and Officers Fred Thorpe, Cedric Jones, and Pokhyia Powe, Security. We are grateful for all the support our community receives from this team and are so glad to have them on our staff. Worship and Arts: Wes Stoner served as Interim Conductor of the Choir and Orchestra from January to July 2016. In August, we welcomed Daniel Bara and Deanna Joseph as Co-Directors of the Choir & Orchestra. Katharine Hamer left the staff to return to school counseling, and we welcomed Melissa Godbee as Administrative Assistant for Music and the Arts.


Trustee-Elders for 2016 are Mary Claire Allvine, Bobby Candler, Chair, Tommy Hills, Jeff Irby, Jeff Neikirk and Gary Shell. Trustee-Elders are responsible for managing, investing, and disbursing funds from the Church’s Endowment Fund and making recommendations to the Session regarding real property of the church. The Board of Trustees leads three teams: Finance and Asset Management Team (formerly Stewardship Council): (1) works with Councils to build the annual operating budget, and (2) reviews quarterly revenues and expenditures and makes recommendations regarding needed adjustments. Property Management Team oversees and makes day-to-day decisions to manage all Church property. Futures Team plans for capital expenditures, capital improvements, and capital campaigns. Legacy Giving and Investment Committees also report to the Trustee Council. The Endowment Fund is in good shape thanks to gifts and bequests from members and the continued excellent work of ALESCO Advisors of Pittsford, NY, under the leadership of Jim Gould. As of December 31, 2016, the unaudited market value of the Endowment Fund is $16,715,322 million. This represents a net increase return of 3.78% for the year. The overall return was greater except for the major projects reported below. The Investment Committee continues to review ALESCO’s performance as it relates to our investment policy.

The Property Management Team awarded a contract for immediate repairs to the Peachtree Street parking deck including concrete and railing repairs. Parking deck lighting has also been replaced with LED fixtures that provide more lighting at less cost. The painting of walls and columns has enhanced lighting and visibility. The work should be finished by April 2017. The renovation of the sanctuary pipe organ also began this year with minimal interruption to usability of the organ. While the main organ will be out of service for several months in 2017, the balcony console will continue to be operational. The Futures Team was instrumental in researching and negotiating these projects. A smaller but more visible project was completed this year: “Way Finding� (directional) signage and maps have been installed to improve our church’s navigability and hospitality. The Parking Deck Reserve Fund within the Endowment provided $440,000 for the deck repairs. The Organ Renovation project is being funded with gifts from a threeyear campaign seeking $1.6 million for repairs and a permanent fund for ongoing maintenance. As of December 31, 2016, pledges and gifts totaling $1,148,403 have been received.


• We had a Lenten Sermon Series entitled “Wrestling with God” with each of our seven pastors and our Stembler Scholar preaching one of the sermons in the series. • On May 15, we began using the recently released GLORY TO GOD Presbyterian Hymnal. • We had a Summer Sermon Series on the Parables of Jesus. • On September 11, we launched a 9:00 a.m. casual worship service that meets weekly in Fifield Hall.


Average Weekly Participation

6:30, Prayer Breakfast


8:00, Chapel


9:00, Fifield


11:00, Sanctuary


Live Stream, 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.


2016 WEEKLY AVERAGE: 873 Easter Attendance (Sunday, March 27)


Christmas Eve Attendance (Saturday, December 24)


We celebrated 25 Baptisms. We had 14 Memorial Services. We celebrated 17 Weddings.

CHURCH S TAFF (as of 1/29/17)


Tim Haney

Rev. Kevin Knab

A/V Technician

Senior Pastor

Associate Pastor

Katie Law

Rev. Katie Sundermeier

Assistant to the Pastor

Parish Visitor

Community Ministries


Pam Parrish


Julia Brooke

Pastor’s Office

Rev. Dr. Tony Sundermeier

Peggy McCurdy Pamela Carver Assistant Director

Administrative Assistant Bus Driver

Sandra Harsh


Director of Meals on Wheels

Executive Pastor


Sheila Daniely


Rev. Rebekah LeMon

Manager of Administration and Executive Assistant

John Kabashinski Lee Barrineau

Rev. Connie Lee Associate Pastor

Connections Stephanie Lane Director

Discipleship Ryan Bonfiglio

Lincoln Simpson

Stembler Scholar and Director of Biblical and Theological Studies

Logistics Coordinator

Allison Cochran

Terresha Anthony

Director of Small Groups and Bible Studies

Tricia Passuth Director

Case Manager, Women’s Transition Center

Susan Feurzig Martha Neal Shelter Assistants

Emerging Generations

Rev. Ann-Henley Saunders Associate Pastor for Emerging Generations and Young Adults

Jay York Director of College and High School Ministries

Sarah Kate Bumgarner Director of Children’s Ministry and Family Ministries

Emily Miller Director of Parents’ Morning Out Program

Director of Publications

Anne Carpenter

Kia Smith

Administrative Coordinator for Discipleship and Emerging Generations

Digital Specialist

Global Mission

Rev. Greg Allen-Pickett Director

Music and the Arts Jens Korndรถrfer

Director of Worship and the Arts and Organist

Daniel Bara Co-Director of Choir and Orchestra

Deanna Joseph Co-Director of Choir and Orchestra

Melissa Godbee Music and Arts Administrator

Allegra Whitney Director of Cherub Choir

Katie Patterson Director of School of Fine Arts, Archangel Choir

Wes Stoner Director of Carillon Choir

First Presbyterian Preschool JoAnn Regruto Director

Linda Touart Assistant Director

Ilgin Ak Office Manager

Preschool Teachers Rena Bell Catherine Brock Taliba Broomfield Shama Catalano

Carina L. Daniel Jane Dear Ada Demlow Lauren Dutro Shannon Fahey Jodie Fulford Julie Grant-Brown Lori Beth Green Karen Kristensen Marilyn Lapu Madeleine Lavin Sherri Lisenby Amanda McSeveney Ruthie Miltenberger Elizabeth McCutchen Kristen Mullin Susan Paull Debora Riddick-Seals Alison Roby Ashley Salome Karen Sanders

Kijuanna Stevens Amy Stewart Nikki Teeple Jeni Thomson Cecilia Underwood Shauna Woods


Craig Anderson Facilities Director

Jack Yeager Maintenance Technician

Carolyn Bridges Custodial Supervisor

David Booker Custodian

Bennie Crawford Custodian

Travis Smith Custodian


James Oates Captain

Pokhyia Powe Cedric Jones Fred Thorpe

1328 Peachtree Street NE • Atlanta, Georgia 30309 • 404-892-8461 •

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