Annual Report 2017

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F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H O F AT L A N TA • A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 7


Dear Friends, As I reflect back on 2017, there are many “ministry highlights” in which we have had the privilege to share. Here are just a few: • Launching of our Goal Teams for our Long Range Strategic Plan, “On the Way to 175” and the good and faithful work that has begun to deepen participation, fulfill our relational priorities, equip members to be servant leaders, promote individual economic empowerment through social ventures, provide compassionate care to all in need, elevate our capacity to be a dynamic center and resource for learning, and to engage in forward thinking about our structure, operations, and communications to prepare the congregation for our third century of ministry. • Welcoming 91 individuals into the membership life of the church, sharing the joy of 25 baptisms, and celebrating 18 weddings. • Working with Matchstic, the branding firm we’ve engaged to help us tell our story and shape communication strategies and implementation. (We are scheduled to complete this work in the spring.)


• For me personally, visiting our global mission partners and sharing in ministry in Kenya and Haiti. • Continued faithfulness, service, and excellence from our amazing Session, staff, and lay leaders. • Gratitude for this congregation’s generosity, which has made it possible for the church to finish eight consecutive annual budget years in the black. As you read this annual report, perhaps you can make your own list of “ministry highlights” for 2017. Jot them down. And give thanks to God for the opportunity to serve the Gospel, the city, and the world in and through our beloved church.


Tony Sundermeier

Membership Statistics Membership, 1/1/17 Total: 1809

Membership, 12/31/17 Total: 1846

New Members













Transfers Out


Total Losses









































































It is a joy to report the vigorous good health of our beloved congregation. The past year has seen us welcome many new members, with all kinds of gifts, from every part of town, and from every walk of life. The nursery and preschool Sunday School halls in particular are experiencing a baby boom. More members than ever are stepping into leadership roles, especially through our Long Range Strategic Plan Goal Teams. We are deepening our discipleship and our nurture and care for each other in new and vital ways. Our partnerships of service and outreach in our local community, our city and state, and around the world are also all energized and growing. Our online presence has expanded rapidly via multiple platforms, bringing worship, music, theological education, and connection to thousands and thousands of persons throughout the year. We are broadening our relationships with institutions and enterprises in our immediate Midtown neighborhood and throughout metro Atlanta, developing new ways to enhance the lives and meet the needs of all our neighbors. We are joining with others in our Presbytery of Greater Atlanta and our larger PC(USA) denomination in initiatives that seek justice and support human wholeness. We are celebrating milestones with our long-time global partners and discerning opportunities for faithful response to our world in the midst of volatile change. By living into our mission of grace, humility, love, continual transformation and equipping all as servant leaders, we have found ourselves greatly blessed, so that we may be a blessing to others. To God alone be the glory!

Mary-Ellen Vian, Clerk of Session




Revenue Contribution Revenue Endowment Income Endowment Income-Stembler Other

Actual $3,818,311 $823,391 $175,838 $279,231

Budget $3,738,262 $823,923 $175,838 $275,000

Budget $3,879,265 $861,339 $191,603 $422,000

Release from Operating Reserves Total

$26,092 $5,122,863

$303,986 $5,317,009

$290,417 $5,644,624

$252,769 $498,997

$259,481 $500,240

$271,247 $486,218

$402,687 $16,578 $175,838 $140,277 $572,371 $201,054 $312,860 - $605,291 $23,569

$440,021 $22,700 $175,838 $151,611 $604,223 $272,350 $326,000 - $613,475 $37,550

$450,832 $90,737 $191,603 $231,894 $628,105 $264,070 109,405 $628,549 $39,547

$1,267,845 $652,727 $5,122,863

$1,375,609 $537,911 $5,317,009

Expenses Care Communications Christian Education Emerging Generations Adult Discipleship Stembler Ministry Connections Community Global Mission Stewardship (reallocated in 2018) Session Commitment & Expenses Worship Arts Administration Property Management Other Management* Total

$1,442,579 $809,838 $5,644,624


FPC’s Pastoral Care ministry seeks to witness to the love of Christ by attending to the physical, spiritual, and mental needs of the congregation. The primary mode of care is one-on-one visitation and engagement—in homes, in the office, in hospitals, and with families in times of crisis, including death. Stephen Ministry continues to flourish under the leadership of Rev. Katie Sundermeier, with 9 ongoing caregiving relationships established and a new class of Stephen Ministers beginning their training. Stephen Ministers also pray with individuals after worship, providing an intimate setting for personal care. The Stephen Leadership Team (Katie Sundermeier, Kevin Knab, Jim Brown, Kathleen Lewis, and Rodrick Glass) is essential in caring for our Stephen ministers, and will work together in instructing the new class.

2017 Care ministry highlights include: • Meals on Wheels delivering 60 meals five days a week. • Knitting Ministry creating shawls and quilts as a gesture of love and tangible prayer. • Ms. Julia Brooke driving older adults and shut-ins to the grocery store and to church with unique care. • Flower Ministry volunteers delivering bouquets made by the Flower Guild from Sanctuary flowers each Sunday to church members who are ill, recuperating, shut-in, or experiencing a loss. • Older adult fellowship shared through Come-on-Along excursions to places of interest, led by church member Bruce Gregory. • Bi-monthly Bible discussion and Communion with members and friends residing at Presbyterian Village, Cobblestone at Park Springs, Calvin Court, Lenbrook Square, and Canterbury Court, led by Rev. Knab and other pastors. • Expansion of FPC’s partnership with the Samaritan Counseling Center of Atlanta through dozens of referrals to skilled therapists and counselors working through Samaritan, as well as initiatives shared by FPC and SCCA, including a forum on technology, church staff and leader training in suicide awareness, and a divorce recovery group.


In 2017, the Communications Ministry actively pursued the goals of the Long Range Strategic Plan, enabling people to access FPC’s worship and extensive original content. The Communications team continued to provide Audio/visual support for services, classes, and fellowship gatherings, as well as handling our live-streaming, AIB, and WSB Radio broadcast ministries. We also expanded our creation of original digital content this year, with significant efforts in the creation of a video about our Global Mission partnerships for World Communion Sunday, as well as short documentaries to share the success stories of Community Ministries guests appearing on the second-floor “Wall of Hope.” The Community Ministries videos feature real stories of individuals who have received help through First Presbyterian Church and have successfully regained their independence. The Communications team spent 160 hours filming and editing these inspiring real-life accounts of struggle and progress. The videos have been viewed over 20,000 times on social media and the FPC website, and have garnered the support of our members and viewers around the city and across the country. The Archives & History Committee has plans to digitize some of the church’s historical records. The Committee is also working on an application to the National Register of Historic Places. The Founders Day Program provides an opportunity to honor our history and always sheds light on interesting stories from our past. In the fall, the Communications team transformed Fifield Hall into a true “black box” theater for the launch of TheoEd Talks—20-minute presentations by leading thinkers in several fields. Even with a packed house of 400 participants, every

seat had a great view of the screen, and the sound was clear throughout the hall. The TheoEd talks have been widely viewed and shared online and will become an ongoing effort as FPC becomes a forum for thought and conversations affecting the world today. To support the increased emphasis on digital content, John Kabashinski was moved into the role of Creative Director, where he can focus on how we tell our story through worship services, concerts, video, and educational opportunities. Stephanie Lane became Senior Director for Connections and Communications and is working with the whole Communications staff to use all available platforms to connect us as we participate in God’s mission here at First Presbyterian and beyond.


In 2017, our dedicated staff and Community Ministries volunteers continued to walk with sisters and brothers whose lives are impacted by economic and social vulnerabilities, living out the charge we hear in Matthew 25 to care for those considered to be “the least” in our society. In January, we joined with our partner church, Hillside Presbyterian, as well as members of New Birth Church, for a Martin Luther King day of service at Snapfinger Elementary School. Hundreds of people from all four communities came together to get to know each other, work together, and share a meal. We completed many large projects at Snapfinger and provided hundreds of children with warm gloves, coats, hats, and scarves. We continue to partner with agencies in the Atlanta area, including Partners for Home, MARTA, The Georgia Justice Project, The DeKalb Drug Court, Hope Atlanta, and Mercy Care, in order to enhance our work and empower our guests and clients. We have created a “Wall of Hope” on the second floor, celebrating the persistence and independence of our guests, and John Kabashinski and the FPC Communications team have created documentaries about several of our clients’ inspiring and hopeful journeys. Some highlights of our 2017 efforts to be a transformative community and live into the goals of our Long Range Strategic Plan include: • Assisting 20 individuals with securing permanent housing and 42 individuals with securing temporary housing.

• Creating the Wall of Hope and corresponding documentaries, which have been viewed by over 20,000 people through social media and the FPC webpage. • Distributing 26,580 pounds of food through the Venable Food Pantry. • Providing a hot meal for 11,223 individuals at the Sunday Morning Prayer Breakfast. • Caring for approximately 725 men through the Judith A. Richardson Foot Care Ministry. • Assisting 750 individuals with transportation, 151 with securing birth certificates and 175 with securing state identifications.


The Connections Ministry continues to focus on hospitality, member integration, parish ministry, membership, and congregational events. The Connections Council’s charge is to welcome, integrate, and connect people to each other, to ministries of the church, and to Jesus Christ. 2017 brought many opportunities for members and visitors to connect with each other. Over 350 members and guests attended the August End-of-Summer picnic, sharing a relaxed and fun afternoon of lunch, children’s activities, and enjoying fellowship with new friends. In 2017, we welcomed 77 new adult members, as well as a Confirmation class of 14 ninth-graders who joined the church with their professions of faith. As we look forward, Connections continues to live into the Long Range Strategic Plan with an emphasis on the following values: • Enduring Commitment: ordering our lives around worship, education and service to God; • Radical hospitality: sharing with all the welcome we receive in Jesus Christ; • Theological formation: pursuing deeper relationship with God through study, discernment, and spiritual discipline;

• Missional living: proclaiming God’s Good News in everything we say and do. First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta has a shared vision of how we are called to participate in God’s mission, and the Connections Ministry will continue to strive to equip all to be servant leaders in Atlanta and throughout the world.


The Discipleship ministry seeks to support, nurture, and advance opportunities for adults to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and theology and to deepen their faith. In 2017, we welcomed Rev. Jamie Butcher to the staff as Director of Spiritual Formation. Rev. Butcher acts as a resource for small groups, leading Bible studies, book clubs, and parenting groups. This year, she and Senior Pastor, Tony Sundermeier, launched a vibrant new Sunday school class, Parents with Younger Children. We also welcomed Lydia Foreman as our Intern in Teaching and Theological Education and Cassie Waits as our Stembler Fellow. In addition to regularly teaching Sunday school classes, Lydia and Cassie contributed to numerous projects, including the compilation of the Advent Devotional and the development of First in Focus Sunday School curricula. In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the Discipleship team sponsored a number of special programs, including a study abroad trip to Switzerland, various lectures, and two Theology Matters courses. The Reformation program also included a four-week interfaith dialogue with The Temple that explored what it means for each of our congregations to identify as being reformed/reform within our respective religious traditions. This year also saw the launch of TheoEd Talks, an exciting new speaker series designed to bring together leading thinkers in the church, the academy, and the non-profit world to give a TED-style presentation.

2017 Highlights: • Over 225 church members participated regularly in staff- and member-led small groups, including PW circles and men’s groups. • Nearly 200 members gathered for study and fellowship in 11 different Adult Sunday School classes. Highlights included the summer series “Great Figures of the Old Testament” and the fall series “Living the Lord’s Prayer.” • 32 members traveled to Switzerland for a 9-day study abroad trip that focused on the life and teachings of John Calvin. • 10 members participated as auditors in a Columbia Seminary course on Old Testament Theology that was hosted at FPC and taught by Ryan Bonfiglio. • 4 new Theology Matters classes were offered in person and online: Half Truths; Five Pillars of the Reformation; The Bible in Translation; and Hymns of the Reformation. • 400 people attended our first TheoEd Talks event. • A print and online Advent Devotional offered inspirational reflections on biblical texts from over 20 FPC members.


FPC’s Emerging Generations ministries create opportunities for those in our community under 40—from babies to young adults—to learn about God, connect with our community of faith, and serve the communities around us. 2017 Emerging Generations highlights include: • The celebration of 23 baptisms along with a re-imagined worship education experience for first graders and their families known as “New to the Pew.” • Continued focus on fourth and fifth grade ministry through a re-designed classroom, a more engaging Sunday School curriculum, and numerous service projects and fellowship events. • Renewed focus on ministry with our youngest children through Cradle Care Ministry, which supports expectant and adopting parents, and by welcoming Carrie Donaldson in our newly created role of Director of Nursery and Preschool Ministries.

• A Children’s Ministry calendar full of opportunities for children and families to connect through the Easter Egg Hunt, Hero Central Vacation Bible School, Hanging of the Greens, the Children’s Christmas Pageant, winter and summer break events, and the CHOA Christmas Parade. • A re-imagined Confirmation experience comprised of eight retreats that focus on personal encounter, mentorship, fellowship, and service. • Ongoing collaboration with the church’s Care ministry in developing mental health series to increase awareness and conversation between youth and their parents.

• Two weeks of service in the Appalachian Mountains that challenged our youth to consider service an essential part of living out an authentic Christian faith. • A Youth Ministry calendar full of education and fellowship opportunities including in-home dinners, weeknight small groups, Braves games, Hunger Walks, TheoEd Talks, movie nights, and a revival of our Youth Labor Day beach retreat. • Prioritization of discipleship in every aspect of our 20s/30s ministries by launching Couples Group and Theology on Tap book clubs and Bible studies and creating a new PW Circle devoted to studying Jesus.

• Empowering members of our 20s/30s Leadership Team to lead and serve in specific ways, whether leading a discussion, planning an event, or imagining a retreat. • Empowering our Emerging Generations Council subcommittees to develop, lead, and accomplish ministry-related tasks while freeing the Council to serve as visionary architects for our Emerging Generations ministries. • Emphasis on the integration of the Long Range Strategic Plan within our ministries and a continued emphasis on caring for our community through all that life and death can bring.


As the oldest preschool in Georgia, First Presbyterian Preschool embraces the principles of respect, responsibility and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment. The interest of the individual child guides the Project approach in a Reggio Emilia inspired environment, enhanced by a research-based curriculum that prepares children for the next level of their education. 2017 Highlights: • Design and approval of new playground to be constructed in 2018. • Implementation of “One Book” program involving teachers, students and families. • Continued increase of school enrollment. • Enhanced partnerships with area cultural organizations including the Woodruff Arts Center and Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA). • Increased collaboration with FPC’s children’s ministries.


Covenant relationships with committed global partners continue to be the hallmark of our global mission activities. Evangelism comes through our affirmation of our partners’ witness to the Gospel in their communities and in our mutual fellowship, through ongoing correspondence and annual visits to and from our partners. In keeping with the goals of our Long Range Strategic Plan, 19 people participated in adult mission trips or visits for the first time in 2017. Brazil: We remain in relationship with three congregations of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil around Fortaleza who provide after-school programs, feeding programs, and a supplemental computer education program. Cuba: We partner with a local congregation of the Presbyterian-Reformed Church of Cuba in the town of Perico. We have focused on building relationships between our churches, as well as installation and maintenance of a community-supporting water filtration system and providing needed eyeglasses and basic health supplies. During our trip in April 2017 we also worked with the Perico church to launch a jewelry-making social entrepreneurship venture to support both the women members and the Perico church.


Jamaica: Mt. Olivet Boys Home

Haiti: We had two trips to visit our partner on the island of La Gonave in Haiti, one in January and the other in December of 2017. As members of the La Gonave Partners, a group of 18 churches who work together through the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, we offer support to one of the communities on the island. In Nouvelle Cite, we provide the elementary school with teachers and a lunch program and assist with a microfinance project, clean water, provide health professionals at the Bill Rice Clinic and a goat project. Jamaica: The Mt. Olivet Boys Home is the primary focus of our involvement with the United Church of Jamaica and the Caymans. In July, members of the Hillside Presbyterian Church, our Atlanta Partnership church, joined us for a family mission trip to Mandeville to visit with the boys, see the work of the microfinance organization, and worship with five different congregations.



Kenya: In February, we travelled to Nairobi and Nyeri County. We work with the HAWA Boys Home and the Tumaini Children’s Home which are both local ministries of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Nairobi. We also continue to support scholarships and micro-finance at Mount Kenya Academy and the Chaka Presbyterian Church. In addition, we have been a funding contributor to Project Joshua at the PCEA Muteero Church in Karen. In July, a delegation headed by the senior pastor of St. Andrews visited us here in Atlanta, worshiping with us and staying in the homes of FPC members. Refugee Resettlement: With the U.S. immigration policy remaining in a state of flux, FPC and its partner, Hillside Presbyterian Church, did not receive any new refugee families. FPC volunteers continue to walk alongside families settled in previous years.


Childspring International

Through financial support and volunteers, FPC continues to be connected with other Atlanta area organizations, including Atlanta Ministry with International Students (which provides fellowship with visiting international students), Villa International (which provides housing, food, and fellowship to visiting international scholars), and Childspring International (which provides medical care to global children).

George Wirth Scholarship Recipients

Reformation 2017


In 2017, the music and arts ministry collaborated extensively with other churches and arts organizations. To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, our orchestra and choir performed Bach’s Cantata A Mighty Fortress together with seven other churches, and the choirs from Central and Morningside Presbyterian Churches joined us for the Good Friday Tenebrae worship service. Our School of Fine Arts began a partnership with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s Talent Development Program, and we hosted performances by the Atlanta Opera and the Georgia State University Singers. Our choirs and ensembles provided beautiful music at our worship services, and all are invited to participate in music ministry on Wednesday nights (bells from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, orchestra from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., choir from 7:30 to 9 p.m.)!

2017 Arts Highlights • We have diversified the program of our Musica Sacra concert series by adding opera, bluegrass, and even musical theater. To better reflect this range, we renamed our series Concerts @ First. • 28 year-old Chopin Competition Prizewinner Charles Richard-Hamelin gave a stunning piano recital to an enthusiastic public. • Our new arts events team organized visits to the Millennium Gate Museum and Fox Theatre. • The George Wirth scholarship committee awarded scholarships to five students, who will perform at several events and services throughout the year. • As part of our new collaboration with the Talent Development Program we are offering a full year scholarship to a student who is preparing to audition for the ASO’s program in 2018-19. We look forward to providing many opportunities for budding musicians.

2017 Music Highlights: • Wes Stoner, Director of the Carillon Choir and staff singer in our choir, left us to pursue a doctoral degree in choral conducting at the University of Miami. Gus Godbee has joined our choir and taken over the direction of the Carillon Choir. • As part of the three-year-long renovation of our sanctuary organ, organ builders Klais and Schlueter took out the main organ in the front of the sanctuary in January. The renovated instrument came back in the fall, together with a brand new division in the rear gallery and 16 new stops. From January through June 2018, the organ will be voiced (i.e., more than 6,000 pipes will be fine-tuned). Inaugural concerts with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and others are scheduled for fall 2018. • In preparation for the annual Sunday School Christmas Concert, Ryan Bonfiglio and Jens Korndoerfer gave a joint presentation about Charpentier’s Messe de Minuit de Noël, which was presented by the Chancel Choir and orchestra on the third Sunday of Advent.


2017 was a year of transition for some of our dedicated staff team at First Presbyterian Church. Staff transitions by department included: Care: Rev. Kevin Knab was on sabbatical from May 21-August 31, traveling to the western United States and Chile. Communications: Communications Coordinator Robin Thompson returned to her former career in teaching, and departmental roles were reorganized. Stephanie Lane assumed the role of Senior Director of Connections and Communications, John Kabashinski moved into the new position of Creative Director, and Tim Haney’s position was expanded into the new, full-time post of Production and A/V Manager. Community Ministries: Jay Middleton was hired as Women’s Transition Center Assistant. Discipleship: Allison Cochran left the church staff to prepare for her family’s move to Dallas, Texas. Her former position was redefined and expanded and Rev. Jamie Butcher joined our team in the new, full-time position of Director of Spiritual Formation. Cassie Waits is our first Stembler Fellow and Lydia Foreman is our Stembler Intern in Teaching and Theological Formation.

Emerging Generations: After Rebecca Rowell’s departure, Sarah Kate Bumgarner’s role as Director of Children’s and Family Ministries was expanded to include ministry with tweens (4th/5th graders). Ministry with children and families of our Parents’ Morning Out program was woven together with church ministry through the hire of Carrie Donaldson in the new position of Director of Nursery and Preschool Ministries. Mary Catherine Sutherland joined the team in the part-time role of Assistant Director of Parents’ Morning Out. Facilities Management: Anthony Jackson, Justin Toles, and Maintenance Engineer Marvin Brown joined our facilities team, along with new security guard Alexander Raven. Global Mission: Rev. Greg Allen-Pickett answered a call to pastor a church in Hastings, Nebraska. Elder Paul Dimmick continues to serve as Interim Director of Global Mission during our search process. Worship and Arts: Ginny Tarver joined the staff as Assistant to the Pastor, and Katie Patterson’s role was redefined into the expanded position of Assistant Director of Arts. Staff singers Alan Higgs and Wes Stoner left our staff for other opportunities, and we were joined by singers Gus Godbee and Jonathan Pilkington.


Trustee-Elders are responsible for managing, investing, and disbursing funds from the Church’s Endowment Fund and making recommendations to the Session regarding real property of the church. The Board of Trustees leads the Finance and Asset Management Team, the Property Management Team, and the Futures Team. The Legacy Giving and Investment Committees also report to the Trustee Council. The church’s Endowment Fund is in good shape thanks to gifts and bequests from members and the continued excellent work of ALESCO Advisors of Pittsford, NY, under the leadership of Jim Gould. As of December 31, 2017, the unaudited market value of the Endowment Fund is $19, 275, 702. This represents an increased return of 17.02% for the year. The Investment Committee continues to review ALESCO’s performance as it relates to our investment policy. In 2017, the Peachtree Street parking deck was repaired and renovated. Concrete and railings were repaired and replaced. LED fixtures were installed, improving lighting and visibility and reducing costs. The painting of walls and columns has enhanced lighting and visibility. The renovation was completed with funds (approximately $440,000) from the Parking Deck Reserve Fund. At year-end, FPC transitioned to new management for the parking deck, which is now handled by Lanier Parking Systems.

Library Renovaton

The renovation of the sanctuary pipe organ was completed in 2017 through generous gifts totaling $1.2 million. Concerts highlighting the renovated instrument are scheduled for fall 2018. Interior projects completed in 2017 included the building of a new, permanent stage for Fifield Hall, the creation of a Discipleship office suite in the Library, the addition of built-in shelves and added furnishings for the Library, and the creation of an Office Manager’s office inside the former workroom. In keeping with the Long Range Strategic Plan, members of the Forward Thinking Goal Team began work on a Campus Master Plan for the church.


Worship continues to be the center of our church life here at FPC, where seekers first determine if they have a place here in our community and established members continue to find renewal of their faith and a deepening of their participation here. In January, Tony preached a sermon series focusing on the values highlighted in our Long Range Strategic Plan. These values are Community: Spiritual Home, Enduring Commitment and Authentic Diversity; Love: Radical Hospitality, Mutual Care and Restorative Relationships; Transformation: Continual Conversion, Joyful Worship and Theological Formation; and Servant Leadership: Just Generosity, Bold Humility and Missional Living.


Average Weekly Participation

6:30, Prayer Breakfast


8:00, Chapel


9:00, Fifield


11:00, Sanctuary


Live Stream, 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.


2017 WEEKLY AVERAGE: 962 Easter Attendance (Sunday, March 27)


Christmas Eve Attendance (Saturday, December 24)


We celebrated 25 Baptisms. We had 12 Memorial Services. We celebrated 18 Weddings.

CHURCH S TAFF (as of 1/31/18)

Pastor’s Office


Marie Wandera

Lee Barrineau

Rev. Dr. Tony Sundermeier

Rev. Kevin Knab

Administrative Assistant

Senior Pastor

Associate Pastor

Lincoln Simpson

Director of Print and Publications

Ginny Tarver

Rev. Katie Sundermeier

Logistics Coordinator

Kia Smith

Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor

Parish Visitor

Terresha Anthony

Digital Specialist

Pam Parrish


Administrative Assistant

Case Manager, Women’s Transition Center

Peggy McCurdy Director

Pamela Carver Assistant Director

Administration Rev. Rebekah LeMon Executive Pastor

Sheila Daniely Manager of Administration and Executive Assistant to the Executive Pastor

Julia Brooke Bus Driver

Julius Middleton Martha Neal

Sandra Harsh

Shelter Assistants

Director of Meals on Wheels

Connections and Communications

Community Ministries

Stephanie Lane

Rev. Connie Lee Associate Pastor

Tricia Passuth Director

Senior Director of Connections and Communications

John Kabashinski Creative Director

Tim Haney

Emerging Generations Rev. Ann-Henley Saunders Associate Pastor for Emerging Generations and Young Adults

Production and AV Manager

Jay York


Sarah Kate Bumgarner

Ryan Bonfiglio Stembler Scholar and Director of Biblical and Theological Studies

Rev. Jamie Butcher Director of Spiritual Formation

Director of Youth and College Ministries Director of Children’s Ministry and Family Ministries

Carrie Donaldson Director of Parents’ Morning Out Program

Anne Carpenter Administrative Coordinator for Discipleship and Emerging Generations

Global Mission Paul Dimmick Interim Director

Music and the Arts Jens Korndรถrfer Director of Worship, the Arts and Organist

Katie Patterson Director of School of Fine Arts, Archangel Choir

First Presbyterian Preschool JoAnn Regruto

Daniel Bara


Co-Director of Choir and Orchestra

Linda Touart Assistant Director

Deanna Joseph

Ilgin Ak

Co-Director of Choir and Orchestra

Office Manager

Melissa Godbee

Rena Bell Beatrice Breuer-King Catherine Brock Taliba Broomfield Cindy Brown Shama Catalano Adam Cole

Administrative Assistant for Music and the Arts

Gus Godbee Director of Handbell Choir

Allegra Whitney Director of Cherub Choir

Preschool Teachers

Carina L. Daniel Jane Dear Ada Demlow Lauren Dutro Shannon Fahey Jodie Fulford Teresita Gomez Julie Grant-Brown Lori Beth Green Shawna Husted Karen Kristensen Marilyn Lapu Madeleine Lavin Sherri Lisenby Tara Lystad Amanda McSeveney Ruthie Miltenberger Elizabeth McCutchen Kristen Mullin Dianne Oliver Susan Paull Debora Riddick-Seals

Alison Roby Ashley Salome Karen Sanders Kijuanna Stevens Amy Stewart Nikki Teeple Jeni Thomson Cecilia Underwood Shauna Woods

Facilities Craig Anderson Facilities Director

Marvin Brown Maintenance Technician

Carolyn Bridges Custodial Supervisor

Bennie Crawford Custodian

Anthony Jackson Custodian

Travis Smith Custodian

Justin Toles Custodian

Security James Oates Captain

Cedric Jones Pokhyia Powe Alexander Raven

1328 Peachtree Street NE • Atlanta, Georgia 30309 • 404-892-8461 •

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