FPC connects
The Chimes Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta
SUNDAY Schedule Sunday, September 4 Sunday, August 28 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am • The Mustard Seed Bookstore 9:00 am - 12:00 pm • Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 11:15 pm, Fifield Hall • Excelsis Choir - 1:00 pm
Sunday, september 11 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Cherub Choir - 9:30 am • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School - 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 am, Fifield Hall • Excelsis Choir - 1:00 pm • Musica Sacra Concert - 5:00 pm, Sanctuary
September 4 & 11, 2011 Christ at the Center
hen there are disagreements in the church, I suppose that in most cases, we act much the same way as any other group of people. We choose to ignore the hurt, September 4 Chris Moore-Keish to preach silently nurture our wounds, or wait for an opportunity for revenge. Jesus calls us to respond differently as a household of faith. We are to reach out and to seek reconciliation. In our attempts to offer and to receive forgiveness, we mirror in our own small ways what God has done for us. Here in the church, we are a dress rehearsal for what is going on in the kingdom of God. When we forgive, when we refuse to ignore wrong that has been done, when we humbly confess the wrong we have done and ask to be forgiven, here in our church we become a corner of heaven. I hope that you will join us for worship and live into this prayer: “Lord, teach us to forgive. Teach us not to nurture the hurt once received, but to let it go, to give back our pain to You and let You transform our hurt into an invitation to healing. Teach us to seek reconciliation in all things, to reach out, to risk, to be the first one to act to set things right when things are wrong. Teach us to tell the truth to one another, but first to ourselves, to admit our wrongs, to take responsibility for our sins, then to repent and make things right. Lord, teach us to forgive. Amen.”
s we prepare f o r Su n d a y, September 11, a day when we will remember the tragic events of ten years ago and reflect on where we are today and where the September 11 Tom Tewell to preach Lord is leading us into the future, I am pleased to announce our FOCUS Preacher/ Speaker is Dr. Tom Tewell, Director of the Faith Based Ministries of the Cousins Foundation. Tom is one of the outstanding preachers in America,was pastor of the Fifth Ave Presbyterian Church on 9/11, 2001 and has preached from our pulpit a number of times, He is married to Suzanne who teaches in our Weekday Pre-School, they have two married sons and four grandchildren, and both Tom and Suzanne have been part of our church family for several years. We look forward to his preaching in the morning (9 and 11:15am) and to his key note address following the 6:30 dinner that evening. So please come join us, and invite your family and friends to come as well!
Faithfully yours,
George B. Wirth
Return to Regular Schedule September 11th, Focus Sunday
8:30 am - Communion Service 9:00 am & 11:15 am - Worship Services 10:05 am - Sunday School for All Ages 5:00 pm - Musica Sacra Concert
The Chimes Care, Growth & Events
Prayers for THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719.
Pray for: Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III MC2 Tyler Wilson
Pastoral Care Report (As of August 24, 2011) Recuperating: Jean Rogers, Carter Stalvery, Gayle Kennedy Births: Congratulations and many blessings to Whitney and Ted Woodward following the birth of Knox Walters Woodward on August 18th; big sister is Anneke. Deaths: We extend our sympathy and lift up in prayer, Lydia Weathersby & family, following the death of her husband, Roy Weathersby, on August 13th.
f your family, or any you know, has children who are dealing with loss, RAINBOWS can help. RAINBOWS is a weekly support group program for children and youth who have experienced traumatic change, usually due to divorce, abandonment or death. Parents and guardians also meet in a group to consider what is happening in their families from the child’s point of view. This program is open to the community, so spread the word. For more information, or to register, call Sue Anthony at 404-257-9388, or the Pastoral Care office at 404-228-7719.
RAINBOWS SCHEDULE Thursday evenings, Sept. 29 - Nov. 17 and Jan. 5 - Feb. 23 Gather for brown bag supper: 6:00 pm Groups: 6:45-7:45 2011-12 session begins September 29. Groups are forming now.
September 4 & 11
COME-ON-ALONG TO the DELTA HERITAGE MUSEUM DATE: Thursday, September 15, 2011 TIME: Meet at 2nd Ponce de Leon Baptist Church at 10:30 COST: $10.00 Lunch at Jolikobe (self-pay) TOUR: begins at 1:00 P.M. We are looking forward to a tour of the Delta Air Transport Heritage Museum. Historic Hangar I houses among other treasures a modified Lockheed L-1011, (the first one manufactured by Lockheed), one of the largest airline uniform collections, and the first DC-3 to carry Delta passengers. Historic Hanger II has the Spirit of Delta – the first Boeing 767-200 acquired in 1982. Come see this and so much more! Call Pat Kimbrell (404/2287719) to make your reservation, and if you need a ride from one of the Hi-Rises, please call Julia Brooke (404/438-7344).
The Chimes PROGRAMS & events
F a l l C h o ir R e h earsa l s
September 7 & 14
Wednesdays, Beginning September 7 Handbell Choir Archangel Choir (Grades 1 - 2) Archangel Choir (Grades 3 - 5) St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir (Adults)
5:30 p.m. - 6:25 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - 7:25 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sundays, Beginning September 11
W EDNESDAY T he M ustard S eed 9:00 am - 1:00 pm,
4:30 - 6:30 pm Books, gifts and cards for all ages.
D inner 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Adults and Youth :$8 Children 3-12: $4
P reschool 5:30 - 8:00 pm Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available.
Cherub Choir (age 4 by Sept. 1) 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Youth Choir 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
E lementary A ctivities 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Music Office (404) 228-7732; adrake@firstpresatl.org
All youth are invited to join us for Fellowship, Food and Bible Study.
LOGOS program. Children have dinner & choir.
Y outh 5:30 - 7:30 pm B111
W ednesday N ight C hoirs
First Presbyterian Church Playground Renovation In conjunction with the children’s ministries at FPC, playground renovation began on Friday, August 19, 2011. The renovation includes the removal of all existing metal structures, fencing and trees. The trees will be replaced with some better suited for our urban area. The existing trees drop hazardous branches and sticks and the roots of some trees present trip hazards and conditions that are not sufficient for healthy tree growth. All of these issues as well as an irrigation system to support the cultivation of trees and plants and a natural play space will be addressed in the renovation. Be sure to follow the progress of the playground project on either the First Presbyterian Church Facebook page or the First Presbyterian Preschool Facebook page. “Like us” to receive regular updates and pictures!
5:30 - 6:25 pm 6:00 - 6:45 pm 6:45 - 7:30 pm 6:30 - 7:25 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Handbell Choir Archangel Choir (Grade 1 -2) Archangel Choir (Grade 3 -5) St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir
Wednesday Night Studies & Worship 6:00 - 7:30 pm Reception Room The Book of Creation Dessert, Fellowship and Worship Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong, Rev. Kevin D. Knab and Rev. Hardy Kim
The Lay Academy 6:30 - 9:00 pm Room 156 Science, Religion & the Diversity of Life. Dr. Christopher Beck, Emory University & Dr. Mark Douglas, Columbia Seminary.
look what’s on your computer
Worship with us live from any place in the world. http://www.firstpresbyterian.tv Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
September 4 & 11
The Chimes
September 11, 2011
Book Club
Sponsored by Partnership Ministry & FPC Christian Education.
FOCUS 2011
Our 31st Annual Theological Forum and 6th Marion Kenan Lectureship Featuring Dr. Thomas K. Tewell What is FOCUS?
Foundations Of Christian UnderStanding is a theological forum that is held annually at FPC. This year, Dr. Tom Tewell will lead us in reflection on the impact and opportunities of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Kathryn and Jim Claffey serve as our 2011 FOCUS Chairs.
Join us for an exciting discussion of “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett.
All are welcome. Sunday, September 25 at 2pm at the home of Darryl Payne in Decatur.
Call Darryl Payne (404.228.7741) or Lindsay Armstrong (404.228.7713) for details.
Who is Our Speaker?
The Reverend Dr. Thomas K. Tewell is the Executive Director of Faith Based Ministries for the Cousins Foundation. Having served as the Senior Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in New Providence, New Jersey, the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas and the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of New York City, Dr. Tewell now directs the Macedonian Ministries, a ministry of renewal which focuses on mentoring and coaching pastors to help their congregations grow spiritually, numerically, and in their commitment to the mission of Jesus Christ in the world. Dr. Tewell has taught seminars on preaching, leadership and stewardship, and has led conferences and retreats around the country. He has published sermons and has written articles for Theology Today, Christianity Today, and the Christian Century. He was Senior Pastor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City when the terrorists attacked the World Trade Centers.
Preaching and Worship: 9:00 & 11:15 am Memorial Concert: 5:00 pm
The Musica Sacra Chorus, Children’s Chorus, Soloists and Orchestra will share works by Barber, Bernstein, Gorecki, and Vaughan Williams.
Dinner and Keynote Address: 6:00 pm, Fifield Hall. Dinner: $12. Reservations Required. For more information call 404.228.7709. Register on line: www.firstpresatl.org, events page.
September 4 & 11
A n n ou n ci n g t h e 7 t h A n n u a l
C hildspring I nternational
Childspring Challenge Golf Tournament Join us for a fun-for-the-whole-family day of golf. This event will help Childspring raise funds to provide medical care and opportunities for children around the world. Non-golfers welcome! For more information, call Childspring at 404.228.7744 or visit our website at www.childspringintl.org
September 10th 2011 Cross Creek Café & Golf Course
The Chimes
The Worship Committee will host an information and appreciatiion dinner for our current usher teams.
Sunday, September 18 6:30 pm Reception Room
Sermons In Stained Glass, Pt. 2 Led by FPC Church Historian Bill Lyons
Sunday, September 4th 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. in FPC Sanctuary Start of the 2011-2012 season with Rev. Dr. Cheryl Gosa teaching on the Gospel of John Wednesday, Sept. 7 - Oct. 5 6:30 - 900 pm, Room 156 Please Join Us!
Deliver, pack, coordinate on Monday, Wednesday, Friday For more information please call on Mon, Wed, or Fri between 9 am and 2 pm - Sandi Harsh, 404-228-7726.
has openings! Hours vary depending on the volunteer opportunity. Please call for more information. Regular and substitute volunteers are needed. Our need is great – especially for the summer months!
connected coming Sept. 7
September 4 & 11
The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary
Mark your calendars!! Wednesday night programs Including LOGOS, Elementary Choir and Nursery/ Preschool activities all begin on September 7th at 5:00!! We hope to see you there! If you need information about registering for LOGOS, please check out the Elementary page on the FPC site: http://www.firstpresatl.org/elementary. Join us for FOCUS Sunday on September 11th, when we kick-off the new year! Children will move to their new classes, and we go back to two services at 9:00 and 11:15, and Sunday School at 10:05. Calling All Volunteers!! Both the elementary and nursery/preschool ministries need volunteers for the 2011-2012 program year. If you are interested in teaching Sunday school, volunteering with LOGOS on Wednesday nights, participating as part of the committees, or rotating on the halls please contact Katharine Hamer at khamer@firstpresatl.org for Nursery/ Preschool or Lauren Patrus, lpatrus@firstpresatl.org. for Elementary.
youth ANNUAL YOUTH BEACH RETREAT SEPTEMBER 2-5, 2011 Please pray for our Youth and Leaders who are away on our Annual Kick-Off Beach Retreat. Departure is Friday, Sept. 2 and return on Monday, Sept. 5. !!! NO YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL ON SEPTEMBER 4 !!!! Wednesday Night Youth Bible Study Begins September 7 – October 26 All youth are invited and encouraged to join us each Wednesday night for fellowship, friendship, food and Bible Study. This fall we will do a video series by Max Lucado, “Out Live Your Life”. Join us! Bring money for dinner and your Bible. We meet from 5:30-7:30 PM in B111. YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS KICK-OFF PARTY AND LOCK-IN! We’re starting an awesome new program at church called D-groups! The Kickoff Party for these D-groups will be a gigantic Lock-In at church on Saturday night September 10th! Everyone is asked to bring $10 for pizza dinner and breakfast! It will be an awesome way to kick off the year and get to know your D-group! Please mark it on your calendar and plan to attend! We also need everyone who is planning to come to RSVP so that we can plan for food and other details! All leaders will be required to attend. RSVP to Grace Meade at grmeade@lovett.org or Claire Per-Lee at claire.perlee@gmail.com. FOCUS KICK-OFF SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 2011 10:05 AM – SUNDAY SCHOOL BEGINS! All Youth 6-12th grade meet in B111 for the Gathering Time and Fellowship. Everyone will be dismissed at 10:20 AM to go to their classes. (6-9th upstairs on the 3rd floor – 10-12th will stay in B111). 10:20 AM – CONFIRMATION YOUTH PARENT BRUNCH – ROOM 330 – All 9th Grade Youth and their Parents are invited to join us for an overview of the Confirmation Class. 5:00 PM – YOUTH/PARENT FOCUS EVENTS – Memorial Concert in the Sanctuary to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of 9/11! There will be a dinner afterward in Ffiield Hall. Youth are needed to wait tables for this event. HABITAT HOUSE SERVICE PROJECT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 – 7:00 AM-3:00 PM The youth will be joining other FPC members and folks from our other sponsoring organizations to work on our Habitat House this Saturday. We will be Finish insulation, Finish siding and caulking, begin painting exterior siding, foundation, window trim, build side porch and ramp. If you are interested in helping out...EMAIL me! Youth must be 16 or older and must have parents sign a waiver. I need to email the information to you...so EMAIL me if you want to help! PATH OFFERING SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18 AT 9:00 AND 11:15 AM. 12 youth are needed each service to take up the PATH Offering. Please email me to sign up for either 9:00 or 11:15 AM. This is a great way to serve the church and God. BRAVES GAME FOR BREAST CANCER AWARENESS SEPTEMBER 18! The youth will go to the Braves Game on Sunday, September 18 after worship. This is a special game to raise an awareness for Breast Cancer. Watch youth email for information. Bring money for lunch and the game.
September 4 & 11
The Chimes
ses Clas rt st a 1 .1 Sept Berean Bible Class Reception Room
The Bereans were “critical thinkers who, with study, became believers,” (Acts 17: 1014) and using that as our format, our class enjoys fellowship, song, and thoughtful study. Classes are led this year by a variety of speakers who discuss the scriptures and the story of our faith with insight, critical analysis and historical context.
Community Bible Study Room B415
Taught by the Rev. Charles Black and Rev. Connie Lee, the Community Sunday School class includes First Presbyterian members and community participants.
Covenant Class Room 230
The Covenant Class examines an interesting combination of family and social issues, church history, theology and Bible lessons, all from the perspective of today’s family. Our lively discussions are led by members of the church staff and congregation. Our members are generally age 35-55, married, have children in Elementary-College, and interact socially.
Discovering God’s Word Room 317
Discovering God’s Word is an informal, discussion-oriented class for adults of all ages who enjoy Bible study. Please join us!
Emmaus Class Room 227
The Emmaus Class is a place where those who wish to draw closer to Jesus Christ can learn to recognize Him in their personal experiences. Led by class members and guest speakers, using the Bible and other books, the class enjoys lively discussions of how scripture applies to everyday life
Faith and Life Room 218
As Christians, we believe that knowing God is critical to making sense of our world and of our relationships with others. It is only as we become aware of our convictions and explore our beliefs that we are able to understand our lives. Join us for coffee, thought-provoking speakers, and discussions.
Forum @ First Fifield Hall
Not involved in a class? Join us each week to hear a visiting biblical scholar of renown speak on topics designed to challenge and enable us to live & work faithfully in the world.
adult sunday school
Internationals Room 327
The Internationals Class welcomes globallyminded individuals of all ages ~ both U.S. citizens and International students and residents. Sept. 4 – R.C.(Cannon) Dear will discuss “C.S.Lewis and the Inklings at Oxford.” Sept. 11 – Jing Chen & Frank Xie of the Chinese American Assn. will discuss the “Renaissance of Chinese Culture and Its Global Impact.”
Meditaton Group Room 319 The light of God surrounds us. It is within and all around, and this guided meditation class is designed to awaken us to a greater sense of the presence of God in our lives.
The Upper Room Room 332
The Upper Room Class is made up mostly of couples with Preschool through Elementary age children. Our ages, on the other hand, vary greatly. We encourage any interested people to join us.
Young Couples Class Room 219
A laid-back, discussion-oriented class for couples in their early years of marriage. Many couples are also newer members of First Presbyterian. This is a great place for Bible study and building relationships with others in the first years of marriage.
Older Couples Class Room 322
A vibrant, conversational class that discusses a variety of topics, including the Bible, theology, current events, and the arts. Most of us are thirty something and many have young children. Visitors welcome!
Open Door Room 156
Started in 1953, the class remains committed to its initial goal: to join intelligent minds and strong faith. Its sessions, both lecture and free discussion, have centered on historical settings at different stages of church development, evolution of creeds, history of religious freedom in this country, church in society that is open to all religions, and many more.
Ours for Today Room B308
Our class is designed for parents of kids PreSchool~High School. We are an energetic group of 30–50 “somethings” who are seeking spiritual and practical guidance on our journey of faith. Throughout the year we host speakers who share their insight and perspective on parenting, marriage and the challenges facing the modern Christian family.
Spiritual Living Room B202
Our class is an informal and talkative group with different class members taking the lead each week. Sept. 11th - Welcome back to a new year of spiritual living. We’ll begin the year on Sept. 11th with a social hour, catching up on each others’ summer events and travels. New members and visitors welcome!
911 ad coming from Dottie
September 4 & 11
The Chimes
“Without music, life is a journey through a desert”
For information about private music instruction and group music, dance, and art classes, please visit us on the web or call: Kate Breytspraak, Director www.PSPAonline.org (404) 228-7772 kbreytspraak@firstpresatl.org
Music for September 4 Prelude Anthem Ben Resp Postlude
Allison Beskin – flute Ubi Caritas - Lauridsen Peace I Leave with You - Matthew Glandorf
ar t s
first presbyterian church of atlanta
Music for September 11 Autumn is just around the corner and the kids are back in school... time to catch up on your reading!
The Mustard Seed
Wednesdays 9-1, Sundays 9-12 (404) 201-6442 info@themustardseedbookstore.com
in and Come wide r u o see on of selecti s. o bo k
Prelude Anthem Offertory Ben Resp
Prelude in D Anonymous 16th century Allemande Anonymous 16th century Ave Maria Bach / Gounod And I Saw A New Heaven - Bainton Like As The Hart - Howells O Day of Peace - Daw
WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am On demand anytime www.firstpresatl.org/servicesonline AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am Sunday School 10:05 am HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: youbelong@firstpresatl.org Web: www.firstpresatl.org
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 Bi-weekly Newsletter of
The Chimes
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Atlanta, GA Permit No. 1521