eChimes for October 31

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FPC connects

The Chimes nline

Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta

SUNDAY Schedule Sunday, October 31 Reformation Sunday • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Cherub Choir - 9:30 am • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School - 10:05 am • Youth Contemporary Worship 10:05 am, B111 • Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am Fifield Hall • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Reception Room

reminder The Chimes is published bimonthly. In months where there are five Sundays (as in October), the fifth Sunday will be printed as a single issue.

October 31, 2010 Christ at the Center


h i s Su n d a y, October 31, is Halloween. Do you remember the excited anticipation that we experienced as kids around this holiday? The October 31 candy, the costumes, Craig Goodrich to preach and especially the question “What are you going to be this year?” Halloween, though now almost an entirely secular holiday (with decorations proliferating in recent years!), has a past that includes both pagan as well as religious roots. The name itself comes from a shortening of “All Hallows Eve,” the evening before All Hallows Day, which we know as All Saints Day, and which is Monday November 1. Well, as Presbyterians we do not officially recognize Halloween and typically we have not celebrated All Saints Day. Instead, we celebrate “Reformation Sunday.” It is a time to look back to our roots in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century and in remembering perhaps to rediscover who we are. Our Book of Order describes the Reformation led by Martin Luther, John Calvin and others as a time characterized by the “rediscovery of God’s grace in Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture.” For these reformers this rediscovery of grace had a powerful and profound effect both on their self-understanding and on the world.

But what exactly is the grace of God? One writer has described grace simply as “God’s one way love.” (Paul Zahl in Grace In Practice). The writer of John’s gospel says of Jesus, “From his fullness we have all received grace upon grace. The law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1: 1617). And the apostle Paul in one of the most famous passages in the entire Bible writes that there is nothing that “will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8: 39). You see, grace is a gift. It can only be received. It is never earned. Grace upon grace. God’s one way love indeed! I wonder what a rediscovery of this grace might mean for you and for me, and for this world? So, let me ask you, what are you going to be for Halloween this year? If you are having trouble deciding, how about being a grace-filled Presbyterian? After all, what could be more exciting than that! Come to worship this Reformation Sunday. The sermon is entitled “Rediscovering Grace.”

Grace and peace to you.



The Chimes Care, Growth & Events

Prayers for THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719. Pray for: Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew 1st. Lt. Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Lt. Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III 1st Sgt. Antonio G. Whitfield MC2 Tyler Wilson

Pastoral Care Report (As of October 20, 2010)

Hospitalized: Eleanor Calhoun Recuperating: Anna Belle Allison, Pam Hassebroek Deaths: We extend our deepest sympathy and lift up in prayer, Floy Daugherty and family, following the death of her father, Bill Oliver, on October 14th.

R e s o n at E Led by Rev. Kevin Knab

f your family, or anyone you know, has children who are dealing with loss, RAINBOWS can help. RAINBOWS is a weekly support group program for children and youth who have experienced traumatic change, usually due to divorce, abandonment or death. Parents and guardians also meet in a group to consider what is happening in their families from the child’s point of view. This program is open to the community, so spread the word. For more information, or to register, call Sue Anthony at 404-257-9388, or the Pastoral Care office at 404-228-7719.


RAINBOWS SCHEDULE Brown Bag Dinner: 6:00 Groups: 6:45-7:45 1st semester: Thursday evenings, September 30 - November 18 2nd semester: Thursday evenings, January 6 - February 24


October 31

Featuring the Art of Salvador Dali

The man whose art-and personalitywere larger than life. November 3rd at 6:55pm in the Reception Room as part of Wednesday@First.

Young Adult Fellowship follows at 7:45 pm at Front Page News on Crescent Ave. Come to worship, come to fellowship, come to both.

Wednesday, November 3rd at 6:55 pm, Reception Room

The Chimes programs & events




November 3

W EDNESDAY T he M ustard S eed 9:00 am - 1:00 pm,

4:30 - 6:30 pm Books, gifts and cards for all ages.

D inner 5:00 - 6:30 pm

Adults and Youth: $8 Children 3-12: $4

P reschool 5:30 - 8:00 pm Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available. E lementary A ctivities 5:00 - 7:30 pm 2




LOGOS: dinner, choir, study, and recreation.


oin us for our 2010 Mission Celebration on November 7th! MISSION During our Sunday Worship serCHURCH OF ATLANTA vices, we will hear inspiring stories CELEBRATION celebrating 32 years of First PresbyN O V E M B E R 7 terian Church missions around the world. Speakers include by Rev. Connie Lee, Ms. Rose Emily Bermudez, Ms. Sidney West, and Mr. Craig Maxwell & family. Following the 11:15 worship service, all are invited to attend a Mission Celebration Luncheon in Fifield Hall with an inspirational presentation by the Hillside Presbyterian Church Dance Ministry. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN

S U N D A Y N O V. 7 Following the 11:15 worship service, all are invited to attend a Mission Celebration Luncheon in Fifield Hall. Sign up outside Fifield Hall.

Y outh 5:30 - 7:30 pm B111

All youth are invited to join us for Fellowship, Food and Bible Study.

W ednesday N ight C hoirs

5:45 - 6:30 pm 5:30 - 6:25 pm 6:30 - 7:25 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm

Archangel Choir Handbell Choir St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir

Wednesday Night Studies & Worship 6:00 - 6:55 pm Reception Room The Gospel Stage Dessert, Fellowship, Study and Worship Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong, Rev. Kevin D. Knab and Rev. Hardy Kim 7:30 pm Reception Room Young Adult Social Gathering Meet in Reception Room, we’ll go from there. Led by Rev. Kevin D. Knab 6:30 - 7:20 pm Room 223 Music Appreciation for Adults Led by Mr. Jonathan Pilkington The Lay Academy 6:30 - 9:00 pm Room 156 The Lay Academy: Rehearsing the Text. Dr. Anna Carter Florence, Peter Marshall Associate Professor of Preaching, Columbia Theological Seminary.

Haiti Mission Trip

January 14 – 21, 2011 Come to Nouvelle Citè to spend time with and work alongside our partners at Holy Cross Church and School. Space is limited so call NOW to sign up: Norma Feagin 770-493-4414 or Barb Wirth 404-897-1381

Save the s Date

A Taste of the Parables with Dr. Steve Kraftchick

November 14, 21 and 28 10:05 am in the Reception Room

October 31


The Chimes PROGRAMS & Events

Synaplex @ The Temple TM

r e h e a r s a l s


Children e ’ h Christmas Pageant

The Temple Friday, November 5 & Saturday, November 6, 2010 s

Pageant Christmas The Christmas Pageant practices begin FIRST soon, soPRESBYTERIAN mark CHURCH OF ATLANTA DECEMBER 9, 2007 your calendars! • 5th Grade Rehearsals (Narrators, Advent Wreath Lighters & Prayer Readers)

Sunday, Nov. 14, 21, 28 & Dec. 5 10:15 -11:00 am in the 5th Grade classroom • Preschool Rehearsal (Rainbows, Butterflies & Stars only)

Sunday, December 5 10:15 -11:00 am in the Sanctuary (Please drop children off at Sunday School and teachers will escort them to the Sanctuary) • 2nd and 5th Grade Rehearsal Wednesday, December 8 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary (Immediately following the Family Advent Service) • Elementary Rehearsal

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

A Shabbat Celebrated with Clergy & Congregants from First Presbyterian Church Guest Speaker—Professor Amy-Jill Levine, Ph.D. is the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of New Testament Studies and Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University Divinity School and College of Arts and Sciences. A self-described “Yankee Jewish feminist who teaches in a predominantly Protestant divinity school in the buckle of the Bible Belt,” Levine combines historical-critical rigor, literary-critical sensitivity, and a frequent dash of humor with a commitment to eliminating antiSemitic, sexist, and homophobic theologies. Her most recent publications include The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus, the edited collection; The Historical Jesus in Context; and the fourteen-volume Feminist Friday,toNovember 5 &and Saturday, 6, 2010 Companions the New Testament Early ChristianNovember Writings.

First Presbyterian Church

Reclaiming the Center Choose One or More of These Experiences

 5:00aPm —Unwind Wine—“Love Your Neighbor” • Bring Friend * All Arewith Welcome

Gallery of Art created by religious school students from The Temple and First Presbyterian Church. Celebrated at the Temple: Friday Shabbat

1589 Peachtree Street NE *You Atlanta, GA 30309  5:00 Pm—“Everything Wanted to Ask the Rabbi” with5:00Pm—Unwind Rabbi Peter Berg, The Temple with Wine

 5:00Pm —“Everything You Wanted to Ask Gallery of Art created by children and youth fromthe TheMinister” Temple and with Rev. “Everything George Wirth, You FirstWanted Presbyterian Church FPC. to Ask the Rabbi or Minister”

with Rabbi Peter Berg,Service The Temple and Dr. George Wirth, FPC.  6:00 Pm—Worship

Main Sanctuary featuring choirs from The Temple and First Presbyterian Church

6:00pm—Worship Services

 6:00Sanctuary Pm—Family Worshipchoirs Service · Main featuring from The Temple and

Chapel Service geared FirstMusical Presbyterian Churchto 2nd–6th graders and their families from The Temple and First Presbyterian Church

· Chapel Family Worship Service geared to 1st–6th graders

 Pmfamilies —Congregational Shabbat Dinner and7:00 their

(1st through 5th Grades)

With interfaith table discussions – Space limited. Adults $12; children ages 12 & under Shabbat Dinner $6.7:00Pm—Congregational To make your reservation: register online at or callInterfaith The Temple office (404) 873-1731 your credit card information. Reservation table discussions. Spacewith limited. deadline November 1. Veggie option available upon request. Payment must Adults $12; children ages 12 & under $6. accompany reservation. To make your reservation: register online at or call The Temple (404) 873-1731  7:30 Pm -9:00office Pm—Kids Campwith your credit card information. Reservation deadline November 1. VeggieChildren option available upon request. will join 2nd–6th graders – Registration required. from both congregations together formust art and social action projects. Payment accompany reservation.

(All Children)

 8:00Pm–9:00Pm—Presentation by Professor Amy-Jill Levine 8:00Pm–9:00Pm—Presentation by Professor Amy-Jill Levine,

Saturday, December 11 1:00 - 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary • The Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 12 9:00 - 10:00 am in the Sanctuary

p r a c t i c e s s ta rt soon! • If your child cannot attend his or her practice(s), please contact Ann Council at (770) 452-8428, or Gail Price at (404) 724-9570,


Choose One or More of These Experiences • Bring a Friend...All Are Welcome

October 31

In Vanderbilt the Sanctuary—“Jesus, UniversityJudaism, and Jewish-Christian Relations”

“Jesus, Judaism, Jewish-Christian Relations”  9:00Pm —Onegand Shabbat

JoinChild as acare community socializing availablefor fordessert childrenand up to age 5. Reservations required. Babysitting available for children up to age 5, reservations required. OurSaturday program continues on Saturday morning… see reverse side. at FPC:

1328 Peachtree Street NE * Atlanta, GA 30309 8:30 am – Breakfast and Discussion “Where Good Intentions Create Bad Readings: How Jews and Christians Bear False Witness Against Each Other” Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, Vanderbilt University Reservations for breakfast and child care required by November 1. Call or email Dottie Hitchcock at (404) 228-7709 or

The Chimes PROGRAMS & events

One of the organizations that the Partership Ministry works with is The Metro State Women’s Prison. The MSWP Christmas Bags is a program that attempts to provide each of the 1,000 women at Metro with a small bag of personal items. Rev. Shannon Ball is the Reentry Chaplain at Metro, and the Reentry Program has taken up soap as their item to contribute to the bags this year. We are hoping to help them raise 2,000 regular size bars of bath soap (as opposed to smaller, hotelsized sample bars). This would provide each of the 1,000 women at Metro with 2 bars of soap, but at a minimum we would like to raise at least 1,000 bars so that they might each have one bar. The soap and others items included in these bags are a real luxury that the women at Metro look forward to every year. Soaps can be dropped off at the Community/Ministries Partnership Office until Friday, November 26!

Family Service Day

Sunday, November 14th 11:00 -1:00 in Fifield Hall Come join us for a fun morning, and a chance to share your time & talents with others. Brunch is available for participating families.

Make Sandwiches for the Atlanta Union Mission Make Centerpieces for the Christmas Prayer Breakfast Make Gifts for Meals-On Wheels Recipients Sort & Deliver Food to the Food Pantry Assemble Condiment Packs for the Christmas Prayer Breakfast Decorate Envelopes to hold Gift Cards for Christmas Prayer Breakfast Make Bookmarks for Craddock Center's Storybook Express Make Fleece Scarves for Community Ministry Make Greeting Cards for Mission Partners in Brazil, Jamaica, Haiti, Honduras and Kenya

Forum @ First Sponsored by the Faith & Life and Berean Sunday School Classes and the Stembler Ministry

When Religion Becomes Lethal Led by

Dr. Charles A. Kimball Presidential Professor of Religious Studies University of Oklahoma

Sunday, October 31 10:05 – 11:00 am Fifield Hall

October 31


The Chimes PROGRAMS & Events


THE GOSPEL STAGE Setting, Characterization, and Tone in the story of Jesus

Each of the Gospels presents a clear depiction of Jesus the Christ and the world in which his life was lived. Yet distinguishing them week to week in our lives is a tall task. Join together as we discuss the differences between the presentations of Jesus from each of the Gospel writers. Led by Kevin Knab, Lindsay Armstrong, and Hardy Kim

Wednesdays, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 17 6:00 - 6:55 pm Fellowship & Study 6:55 - 7:25 pm Worship Reception Room

Mark your calendar for Friday, November 12 to join other church members in a home near you for dinner and fellowship. Sign-up Sundays through November 7th. Come join us for a fun evening and a great chance to meet and greet old and new church members. For more information call or email Church Growth Office, (404) 228-7737 or

dinners HOSTS: Florida and Doug Ellis Buckhead/Vinings area Donna and Jim Philips Decatur area Julie and Craig Maxwell Ansley Park Caroline and Jack Hardin Young Adults Sue and Don Freeman Families with young children Carol and Jim Dew Buckhead

CHILDREN’S CHEWABLE VITAMINS NEEDED We are preparing for our Mission Trip to Haiti and invite all of FPC members to help us get the supplies we need for a successful trip. We need Chewable Vitamins for Children, Sun Glasses and Reading Glasses. Bring your “gift to Haiti” to Room B-223 and leave it outside Rose Emily’s office.


Ring Bells: Six Reasons Playing Handbells is Good for You!



October 31

h et

Contact the Music Ministry Office Today!


s av

1. Handbell music brings many emotions from joy to comfort. 2. It has basically two notes per player. 3. It teaches excellent music reading & rhythm skills. 4. Handbell choir members have great fun, fellowship and sense of community. 5. It combines the best of two worlds: music-making and teamwork. 6. Allows anyone to “play an instrument.”


The FIRST PREsAll C h u rc h p ot- l u ck D inners

at e

• nOV 12

The Chimes PROGRAMS & events Share





Youth Wreath Sales

The Holidays will be here before you know it... Support FPC Junior & Senior High Youth 2011 Mission Trips. Place your order today for your 22” Fresh Balsam Fir Wreaths

Orders taken from October 3 through October 31, 2010 $33.00 per wreath, boxed with a gift card, and red bow, shipped UPS directly from Maine to each destination you specify . . . Special price of $25.00 per wreath for orders of 3 or more. Self pick-up at FPC and does not include a gift card. All Proceeds Benefit Youth Missions

Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:00 - 7:00 pm in Fifield Hall Register online or during Fellowship Hour.

The Lay Academy presents

Nursery/Preschool & Elementary

FALL FOOD DRIVE Starts October 24th

This is a class competition for Elementary children! The winning class will get a Breakfast Party!

Rehearsing the Text

All proceeds go to the FPC Food Pantry and will be sorted on November 14th ~ Family Service Day. The children’s donations will be presented and blessed on November 21st during the 9:00 am church service. Bring in canned and boxed food ~ no glass please.

As we move farther into the 21st century, change is happening all around us. We live in a time of rapid innovation, and within the church, fresh ways of engaging the scriptures are emerging. Please join us for five weeks of exploring sacred texts in new ways. Focus will be on a different scripture each evening, and the conversation promises to be dynamic.


with Dr. Anna Carter Florence

Lay Academy meets on five consecutive Wednesdays from 6:30 – 9:00 pm in Room 156, and tuition is $50 per person. (Scholarships available.)

October 20, 27 and November 3, 10 and 17 For questions or registration, please call Lindsay Armstrong at 404.228.7713 or Margaret Murphy at 404.351.3938.

Put your donations in the bins on the N/P & Elementary halls. Elementary kids ~ remember to count yours in your classroom first and then report the total to David!

Please join us for our annual weekend retreat at The Monastery of the Holy Spirit, in Conyers GA. The dates are Nov. 5 – 7. Cost: is $120 total - 2 Nights Room & Board. Make your reservation by sending $30.00 deposit to Pat Kimbrell in the Care Office. $90.00 balance due upon arrival. (Make checks out to FPC). For more information call Pat in the Care Office 404-228-7719.

LED BY REV. Chris Moore-Keish October 31


The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary


r e h e a r s a l s

e Th


Christmas Pageant


Pageant Christmas The Christmas Pageant practices begin FIRST CHURCH OF ATLANTA soon, soPRESBYTERIAN mark DECEMBER 9, 2007 your calendars! • If your child cannot attend his or her practice(s), please contact Ann Council at (770) 452-8428, or Gail Price at (404) 724-9570,

p r a c t i c e s s ta r t s o o n ! S e e pa g e 4 f o r d e ta i l s

Fall Food Drive The food drive for all elementary and Preschool children and families is underway and will run through Sunday, November 21. All donations will be sorted and taken to the FPC Food Pantry. The elementary class that donates the most food will have a party during Sunday School! Reclaiming the Center Elementary events at the Temple Friday, November 5 *See the “Reclaiming the Center” ad on page 4 for all happenings and details for the Temple weekend! Save the Date Family Service Day Sunday, November 14th 11:15 am-1 pm Join us as we participate in activities that benefit our community and mission partnerships! Looking Ahead Sunday, NoVEMber 28 First Sunday of Advent 8

October 31

“HAIRSPRAY” UPDATE!!! Youth Musical Rehearsals began Sunday, October 17 for our 2011Youth Musical, “Hairspray!” Each Sunday afternoon through November and December we will rehearse with our Hillside Youth partners and cast members. Since it takes us time to transport the Hillside Youth, we will have lunch from 12:15-1:00 and try to begin rehearsals around 1:00 PM. Sunday, October 31: Sunday, November 7: Sunday November 14: Sunday, November 21: November 28:

ndships New frie ming! are for

1:00-3:00 2:00-4:00 1:30-3:30 1:00-3:00 NO REHEARSAL- THANKSGIVING

WREATH SALES ARE GOING ON NOW! All youth who are going to Jamaica or St. Louis need to help us sell wreaths. Each person is asked to sell at least 10 wreaths. There will be tables set up in Fifield Hall and by the elevator in the new building to take orders. Wreath orders are also online on our website at <http://www.firstpresatl. org/> – Christian Education – Youth page. YOUTH CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP OCTOBER 31 – 10:05-11:05 AM Youth and friends are invited to join us for our monthly Contemporary Worship. Joel Moore will be assisting in the services this year. Join us for singing, worship and fellowship! The Youth Leadership Team (YLT) will meet immediately after Contemporary Worship in B111. WEDNESDAYS THIS FALL 5:30-7:30 PM We will continue our Bible study of Mark through October. In November we will not have large cast rehearsals as in the past, we will be working on backdrop painting, line rehearsal and solos. This will allow flexibility. Most of the large cast rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons because this is when Hillside can get here! Please see the rehearsal schedule above.

The Chimes adult sunday school

On Oct. 31, David Drake will join us to teach on The Reformation & Martin Luther.

Discovering God’s Word Room 317

Emmaus Class Room 227

Faith and Life Room 218

On Oct. 31, we’ll join others in Fifield Hall for a discussion of When Religion Becomes Lethal with author Charles Kimball.

Forum @ First Fifield Hall

On October 31, we welcome Dr. Charles A. Kimball, former director of the Middle East Office at the National Council of Churches and current Presidential Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Oklahoma. An expert on religion and the Middle East, Dr. Kimball will speak on “When Religion Becomes Lethal”. Book signing afterwards.

Internationals Room 327

Ours for Today Room B308

On Oct. 31, Rev.Chris Moore-Keish continues the series “The Gospel According to the Simpsons.”

Spiritual Living Room B202

This fall, we are reading and experiencing Barbara Brown Taylor’s book An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith. This week, we’ll review Chapters 7 and 9, “Living with Purpose & Carrying Water.” We’ll also take a look at Shop Class as Soul Craft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work by Matthew B. Crawford.

The Upper Room Room 332

There will be inspiring presentation and lively conversation in the Upper Room on October 31 as we welcome Jeff Irby as our teacher. Through a short DVD and follow-up conversation, Jeff will be introducing us to Dr. Amy-Jill Levine of Vanderbilt University, who is our featured speaker for Reclaiming the Center on Nov. 5-6. Join us!

Young Couples Class Room 219

On Oct. 31, we’ll begin a discussion series on the topic “End Times.” Join us!

On Oct. 31, class member Rev. George Harjes will speak on “Surfing The Big Apple (NYC).”

COMMITMENT SUNDAY November 14, 2010

Please prayerfully consider submitting your 2011 Annual Giving pledge by this Sunday. Your timely response will help us successfully complete this year’s campaign for our church’s continuing services and outreach programs.

Check out our brand

spanking new website

Any time, day or night, you w can get es ome all the latest information on events, classes, worship, youth, missions, and much much more. Make reservations for events and even pay online. And don’t forget to register in the Members Only Section. You’ll be able to see the church directory and manage a b o d all your group affiliations and giving. Registering is easy, simply send your email address to Pam Parrish See you there! A

On Oct. 31, Craig Goodrich will continue our discussion of the spiritual habits of the abiding life. Please join us as he shares his heart and wisdom from personal experience and from the devotional resources that have shaped his spiritual journey. We hope for some good discussion!

On Oct. 31, Dr. George Stroup, our speaker, shares with us his studies on idolatry and work on a book about it. The Bible is deeply concerned about idolatry. Are there idols in our church and in our culture, as well as, our personal lives? What are they and does Christian faith help us deal with them?


This fall, our class is studying John Claypool’s book “Stories Jesus Still Tells: The Parables.” On Oct. 31, we will discuss Chapter 5, “The Petulant Child” (Luke 7:31-35).

Open Door Room 156


Covenant Class Room 230


On Oct. 31, all are welcome to come up to the 4th floor and join in a lively study of the Gospel according to John.

Beginners and pros are both welcome as we meet for guided meditation designed to awaken us to a greater sense of the presence of God, help us relieve stress and negative emotions, remove blocked energy from our bodies and let the healing light of God surround us. Please join us!


Community Bible Study Room B415

Meditation Group Room 319


On Oct. 31, we’ll join others in Fifield Hall for a discussion of When Religion Becomes Lethal with author Charles Kimball.






Berean Bible Class Reception Room

October 31


The Chimes


All Church Retreat Community of Faith






F E B R U A RY 2 5 — F E B R U A RY 2 7 Join

u s at

The Ridges Resort

Make plans now to attend the All Church Retreat, in Hiawassee, GA at the fantastic “Ridges” Resort!


Whether it’s the Annual Giving Campaign or Fall Food Drive, at FPC, October is a month for giving. We have books on just the subject!

The Mustard Seed

Wednesdays 9-1, 4:30-6:30 Sundays 9-1 (404) 201-6442

y, Stop b y a and s hi!

Music for October 31 Prelude Suite No. 2 in B Minor – J.S. Bach (St. Cecilia Consort) Introit Ein Fest Burg – Bach Anthem Aria (from Ein Feste Burg) – Bach Offertory Justice, O God – Mendelssohn Ben. Rsp. Amen – Brahms Postlude Make a Joyful Noise – Alan Viner

Worship for October 31 Communion Service 8:30 am Rev. Kevin D. Knab and Rev. Lindsay P. Armstrong. Sunday School for all ages 10:05 am Worship Service at 9:00 & 11:15 am Rev. Craig N. Goodrich

The Chimes Bi-weekly Newsletter of

First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: Web: WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service - 10:15 am WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 10:15 On demand anytime AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.

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