eChimes Newsletter for Feb. 6 & 13

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The Chimes nline

Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta

SUNDAY Schedule

February 6 & 13, 2011 Christ at the Center

Sunday, February 6 Annual Meeting Sunday • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am • Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary • Annual Meeting - 11:15 pm Fifield Hall

Sunday, February 13 Youth Sunday • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Cherub Choir - 9:30 am • Sunday School for all ages - 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Fifield Hall • High School Senior Banquet - 12:30 pm, Fifield Hall

Youth Sunday, February 13 – This year’s theme is “Clothe Yourself with God’s Wardrobe.”

February 6 9:00 am, Sunday School for all ages. 10:15 am, Sanctuary – One service only. Dr. George Wirth preaching “Moses and the Promised Land.” Annual Meeting immediately to follow. See page 2 for details. February 13 9:00 am & 11:15 am, Sanctuary – Youth Sunday. Come celebrate as our youth lead us in a service of worship!

See page 5 for details.

The Chimes PROGRAMS & Events

A n n u a l



M e e t i n g


F E B r u a r y



he Session has called a Congregational Meeting for February 6, 2011 at 11:15 am immediately following the one worship service that day, which will be at 10:15 am. Sunday School at 9:00 am. The purpose of this meeting is to receive the Nominating Committee’s report, to elect new elders, and to receive other reports relating to the business and life of the congregation. Childcare will be provided. William M. Earnest


NOMINATING COMMITTEE Mary Claire Allvine (MC) joined First Presbyterian Church when she and her husband Doug were expecting their second child. They quickly became active in the Sunday Preschool, later joining the Annual Giving Committees. MC is also a member of the Stewardship Committee and co-coordinator for the Ours for Today Class. A Chicago native, MC has an undergraduate degree from Princeton University and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. She founded the Atlanta office for Brownson, Rehmus & Foxworth, Inc., a multi-family office headquartered in California. A converted Georgia Tech fan, MC joins Doug at most Yellow Jackets football and basketball games. Margaret VanDeman Blackmon joined First Presbyterian Church in May 2007 and is an active member of the Faith and Life Sunday School Class, of the Adult Christian Education Committee, and of an ongoing Disciple Class. Last May, she participated in the Church’s mission trip to Kenya and is now a member of both the Kenya Mission Committee and the Microcredit Committee. Margaret has taught several Sunday School classes including lessons on the human brain, on the Kenya Mission, and on microcredits. After her retirement in 2006 as a school superintendent in Virginia, Margaret moved to the Druid Hills area to be close to her son and daughter and their families. During her years in Virginia (1971-2006), Margaret served as an elder in two different Presbyterian churches. A graduate of Agnes Scott College, she earned her doctorate from the University of Virginia.

Join us for an afternoon of celebration as we honor our High School Senior Class of 2011! High School Senior Appreciation Banquet Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:30-2:30 pm In the Youth Light House – B111 First Presbyterian Church Dinner - $10.00


February 6 & 13

Stuart F. Bondurant has been attending First Presbyterian Church since 1989 and joined a few years later. He has served on two Nominating Committees, on the Long Range Planning Committee, and on the Search Committee for Christian Education. Stuart is currently Co-Chair of the 2011 Annual Giving Campaign. He is a long time Usher for the 9:00 services and is a dedicated teacher in the Butterflies Sunday School Class, serving for the past 17 years. Stuart is married to Lisa Bondurant, and they have four children: Will (21), Beth (19), Ben (19), and Bear (16). Stuart works as a financial officer for private business, most recently as the Chief Financial Officer for Directo, Inc. He graduated from Davidson College (A.B., 1979) and from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (M.B.A., 1983). Badi Bukas-Yakabuul was ordained a Pastor by the Presbyterian Church of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1974. He and his wife Kambal Masang have been members of the International Sunday School Class since 1977 when Badi came to Atlanta to attend Emory University. In 1979 Badi earned an M.T.S. degree at Candler School of Theology, and in 1986 he earned a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies in the Department of Religion of Emory University. Upon returning to the Congo, he served the United Bible Societies as a Bible Translator and a Bible

The Chimes programs & events Translations Consultant, supervising Bible translations in the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. He now is serving with the Ushers Team and has initiated a partnership between Kroger and First Presbyterian Church which provides food to Community Ministries. Ann Duttera Council has been a member of First Presbyterian Church since 1996. Ann and her husband Greg have three children: Drew (8), Maggie (5), and Ben (3). A native of LaGrange and a life-long Presbyterian, Ann enjoyed her childhood summers going to Camp Calvin and Montreat. At First Presbyterian Church, Ann has participated in Circle Eleven, the Upper Room Sunday School Class, and various Bible studies including Disciple. In addition, Ann has served the Church in a variety of capacities including: Young Adult Task Force; Nominating Committee; Health Ministry Committee; Senior High Youth Advisor; FOCUS Weekend Co-chair; Nursery/Pre-school Hall Rotator, and Children’s Christmas Pageant Chair. Ann received Master of Public Health degree from Emory University. James K. Hasson, Jr. (Jim), a native of Knoxville, Tennessee, became a member of First Presbyterian Church in May 2003. He is a returning elder who currently serves the Church as a member of the Board of Trustees and a member of the Stewardship Council. He is a member of the Faith and Life Sunday School Class. His wife Jane (a member of Circle Three and of the Flower Guild), son Keith and daughter-in-law Betsy are members of First Presbyterian Church, and his two grandsons have been baptized here. Jim is a partner in the law firm of Sutherland Asbill & Brennan, LLP. Jim has been nominated to serve in the Class of 2014 as a Trustee Elder. John S. McColl and his wife Lee joined First Presbyterian Church in 1994. They have three children: John Jr. (20), Duncan (18), and Virginia (16). John’s early involvement at the Church included serving as Co-chair of Property Management, participating in the Family Mission Trip to Brazil, assisting with Habitat home builds, and assisting with Hanging of the Greens and Vacation Bible School. During his previous service on the Session, he continued his role on Property Management and co-chaired the Nominating Committee. His most recent involvement has been as Chair of the Renovation Committee. John is Executive Vice President of Cousins Properties. He serves as Director of Midtown Community Improvement District, Treasurer and Director of Sheltering Arms Early Education and Family Centers, Chairman of Atlanta Police Foundation, and Vice-Chair of Georgians for Passenger Rail. John has been nominated to serve in the Class of 2014 as a Trustee Elder.

Claire Per-Lee is the daughter of Allison and Phil Per-Lee and is currently a junior at Providence Christian Academy. Her younger sister, Laura Per-Lee, is an eighth grader at Intown Community School. Claire has been actively involved in First Presbyterian Church all of her life and was confirmed in 2009. Growing up in the Church, she has always actively participated in Sunday School and worship. Claire has participated in a total of fourteen mission trips, both local and international, to places such as Mexico, the Gulf Coast, Honduras, West Virginia, and many others. She will be traveling to Jamaica, St. Louis, and Honduras in the summer of 2011. Claire has been a cast member in numerous youth musicals including Hairspray, Oklahoma, Cotton Patch Gospel, South Pacific, Godspell, and Footloose. Claire has been nominated to serve as a Youth Elder. Thomas L. Shields, Jr. (Tom) and his wife Charlotte have been members of First Presbyterian Church for 28 years. A returning elder and a member of the Board of Trustees, Tom has served as Chair of the Stewardship Council, the Nominating Committee, the Investment Advisory Committee, and the Search Committee for the Executive Director of the Church. Tom has been the Treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors of the Samaritan Counseling Center since 1999. Tom is a Chartered Financial Analyst and has served on the investment committees for the endowments of Columbia Theological Seminary and the Paideia School. Tom has been nominated to serve in the Class of 2014 as a Trustee Elder. Graysen Walles and his wife Kenddal have been members of First Presbyterian Church for five years. They have three sons: Nevlynn (17), Leytan (10), and Colin (4). He is a member of Ours for Today Sunday School Class and is active in the Lay Reader Ministry. Graysen is a professional educator and charter school advocate. He is the founder of the Elite Scholars Academy in Clayton County and is the Principal at Tech High, a charter school in Atlanta. His education includes a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership and Change from Fielding Graduate University, a Master of Divinity degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Science degree from Wayland Baptist University. He also serves in the United States Air Force Reserves at the 700th Airlift Squadron, Dobbins Airbase.


Annual Meeting

Thomas Reeder Meade (Tommy) has been a lifelong Presbyterian and a member of First Presbyterian Church for more than 20 years. He and his wife Cindy have 4 children: Bess (21), Grace (17), Reeder (13), and Josephine (9). First Presbyterian Church has been the focal point of raising their children. Tommy has been active in the organization and support of our Children’s Ministry including Missions work, fundraising, Family Retreats and Elementary and Youth activities. Tommy has taught the Fourth Grade Sunday School Class for five years, has served on the Nominating Committee, on the Elementary Committee, and on the Annual Giving Campaign Committee. When not teaching Sunday School, Tommy has been a member of the Covenant Sunday School Class since it was called the “Swing-Set Set.” Tommy is a graduate of Auburn University and is a Financial Advisor with the Private Bank of Wells Fargo. Sonia Wallof Mize has been a member for 14 years of First Presbyterian Church, where she was married and baptized two of her children. Sonia was born in Sete Lagos, Brazil while her parents were there as missionaries. Her husband Gerry and three of their four children - Ramey, Jane Robbins, and Frances - traveled to Brazil this past summer as part of the mission outreach of this Church. Sonia has been on the Elementary Committee for several years and enjoys having dinner with her son Trip and the rest of the second grade boys during the Wednesday night Logos program. Sonia is a member of Circle One and spent several years as a member of the Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team.

Jack Webster has been a part of the First Presbyterian Church family all of his life and was baptized and confirmed here. Son of John and Julie Webster and big brother to Luke and Faye, Jack is a junior at Grady High School. At the Church, he has been active in youth missions, the musical productions, contemporary and Youth Sunday worship, Sunday School and fund-raising efforts. In addition, Jack is a member of the Youth Band and works on audio in the Broadcast Ministry. Jack has been nominated to serve as a Youth Elder. Gayle White has been a member of First Presbyterian Church since 1997. She was married to the late Robert E. (Bob) White, Jr. A returning elder, she is on the Shelter Review Committee, the Hillside Partnership Committee and the Long Range Planning Committee. She is also a Mustard Seed Bookstore volunteer. Gayle previously has been on the Community Ministries and Missions Councils and on the Nominating Committee. Her son Bobby lives in Washington, DC. Her daughter and son-in-law, Margaret and Matt Evans, are members of FPC and her wonderful grandsons, Candler and Bryson Evans, attend FPP. A native of Barnesville and a University of Georgia graduate, she is a free-lance writer and former newspaper reporter.

Nominees for Elders Class of 2014 Information compiled by the Nominating Committee:   Merrill Earnest, Co-chair • Adele Shepherd, Co-chair Peter Boorn • Jay Bowman • Betty Case • Brant Ferrell Lloyd Flood • Lena Galindo • Missy Madden • Anne Neikirk Jerry Peterson

February 6 & 13


The Chimes Care, Growth & Events

Prayers for THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719. Pray for: Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Lt. Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III 1st Sgt. Antonio G. Whitfield MC2 Tyler Wilson Forum@First ~ Sponsored by the Stembler Ministry


Dr. George W. Stroup

J.B. Green Professor of Theology, Columbia Seminary

January 23, 30 and February 6 10:05-11:00 am, Reception Room

What is idolatry? How is idolatry related to images? Was idolatry only an issue in ancient Israel? The Presbyterian Church’s Brief Statement of Faith says Christians are called to “unmask the idolatries of church and culture.” What are the idols with which we struggle today — both within the church and within society? Join us as we explore these timely issues.

2011 Annual Giving Campaign Goal: 800 Pledges Pledges Received (as of 1/18/11): 629 in the amount of $3,378,626


February 6 & 13

Pastoral Care Report (As of January 26, 2011)

Hospitalized: Jack McGaughey Recuperating: Eleanor Beckman, Florence Sumner, Jim Morgens Births: Congratulations and many blessings to: Jennifer and David Pearson on the August 27th birth of Ryan Wallace Pearson; big sister is Maclauren and big brother is Christian; Beth and Keith Louer upon the birth of Elizabeth Jane Louer on October 4th; proud big brother is Jack; Gale and Michelle Davis following the birth of Martha Rose Merrick Davis; proud family includes big brother Hoyt and grandmother Alice Davis; Sue Anthony following the birth of her granddaughter, Olivia Ashling Broyles on January 16th; proud parents are David Broyles and Yvonne McVann. Deaths: We extend our heartfelt sympathy and lift up in prayer: Sandi and Wendell Harsh upon the death of Sandi’s brother, Robert Lever, on January 11th; Holcombe and Nancy Green & family following the death of Holcombe’s sister, Caroline Green, on January 22nd; and the Rooker family and many friends of our long-time member, Mary Winston Rooker, who died January 24th. Forum @ First Sponsored by the Stembler Ministry

ECONOMICS & FAITH Dr. David L. Bartlett

Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Columbia Seminary


Dr. Mark A. Douglas

Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Columbia Seminary

February 13, 20, 27 & March 6 10:05 - 11:00 am Reception/Berean Room

The Chimes




Fe b r u a r y 9 & 1 6

W EDNESDAY T he M ustard S eed 9:00 am - 1:00 pm,

4:30 - 6:30 pm Books, gifts and cards for all ages.

D inner 5:00 - 6:30 pm

Adults and Youth: $8 Children 3-12: $4

P reschool 5:30 - 8:00 pm Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available. E lementary A ctivities 5:00 - 7:30 pm

LOGOS program. Children have dinner, choir, Bible study, and recreation.

Y outh 5:30 - 7:30 pm B111

Come worship with us! February 13, 2011 Youth Sunday Youth Ministry Team


his year the theme for Youth Sunday is “Clothe Yourself with God’s Wardrobe.” Our youth decided on this theme because they are keenly aware of how important it is to clothe yourself properly. They chose the theme based on Colossians 3: 12 which reminds us “clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience... forgive each other...and above all clothe yourself with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Six of our High School Seniors, Tinsley Birchfield, Rachel Brannon, Haley DuPre, Hannah English, Emily Payne and Perrin Turner will share their thoughts on clothing ourselves as Christians and share their faith experiences.

All Youth are invited to join us for food, fellowship, and Bible Study.

W ednesday N ight C hoirs

5:45 - 6:30 pm 5:30 - 6:25 pm 6:30 - 7:25 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm

They will share their understanding of God as He has revealed Himself to each of them in their spiritual experiences. Our teenagers recognize that faith begins from the day one is born and grows and develops throughout life. They will look at what Scripture says and will share some of the experiences they have had along the way. We will be inspired as we hear their stories of faith and their interpretation of Scripture. It is our prayer that all will be moved to deeper relationships with God as we listen to their insights. I’m convinced that we will be touched by their joys, struggles and discipleship, and we will be encouraged by their willingness to share with us how to “Clothe Yourself with God’s Wardrobe.” Come worship with us open to God’s Spirit and leave enabled and empowered to live and share the powerful Gospel message of God’s incredible love and grace.

Archangel Choir Handbell Choir St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir

Wednesday Night Studies & Worship F ebruary 9 5:30 - 8:15 pm Reclaiming the Center Fifield Hall Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong, Rev. Craig Goodrich and Dr. George Wirth 6:00 - 7:00 pm Life in Film, Reception Room 7:00 - 7:30 pm Taize Worship Winship Chapel Led by Rev. Hardy Kim and Rev. Kevin Knab

F ebruary 16 5:30 - 8:15 pm Reclaiming the Center Fifield Hall Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong, Rev. Craig Goodrich and Dr. George Wirth 6:00 - 7:00 pm Life in Film, Reception Room 7:00 - 7:30 pm Resonate Worship Room 156, Women’s Bible Classroom Led by Rev. Hardy Kim and Rev. Kevin Knab

Did you know you can register online for the 2011 FPC All Church Retreat? h t t p : / / w w w. f i r s t p r e s a t l . o r g

February 6 & 13


The Chimes

All Church Retreat The ancient future Church

T h e F i n e A r t s C o m m i tt e e

Invites you to Celebrate the Valentine Season at our

F E B R U A RY 2 5 — F E B R U A RY 2 7

Sunday, February 13, 2011 6:30 pm Reception Room

Make plans now to attend the All Church Retreat, in Hiawassee, GA at the fantastic “Ridges” Resort! $100 (or less) per person all-inclusive weekend at The Ridges Resort

J o i n u s at The Ridges Resort

Non-Risqué Cabaret Dinner and Show

Join us for an “almost scandalous” dinner theatre. This four course menu of music will include everything from Schubert to Sondheim. Performed by Kate & Will Breytspraak & Taylor Driskill with surprise cameos by other FPC and Atlanta personalities and performers.

Dynamic Keynotes by Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka, Columbia Theological Seminary

February 6 & 13




Beginning on Saturday, February 19, 2011, volunteers from First Presbyterian Church (FPC) will partner with volunteers from four other churches to build a new, environmentallyfriendly Habitat house here in Atlanta for a new homeowner and family. Our house leader will be one of our very favorites, Alex Cook. Construction of the house will occur on seven Saturdays (February 19 and 26; March 5,



New Habitat Construction Begins February 19th




$25 per person includes three course dinner with indulgent desserts, fabulous musical show and free babysitting! Patron level tickets are available at $35. Benefitting First Presbyterian School of Performing Arts scholarships. Buy tickets at or at tables outside Fifield Hall beginning January 23.

12, 19, and 26; and April 2). The work day begins at 8 a.m. and ends about 4 p.m. Lunch is furnished on site as are all needed tools. No skill is required. Please contact Bill Earnest 404/351-8030 or WilliamMEarnest@ for more information or to sign-up. As sign-ups will be a “first come” basis, so make your reservation(s) early.

The Chimes PROGRAMS & events

Blessed Are You

A Seven Week Lenten Bible Study on the Beatitudes

Small Groups Forming Now Register after worship or on line at

For information, call Ginny Munger (404.873.4607) or Lindsay Armstrong (404.228.7713) F p C



JAMMINFORJAMAICA YOUTH SILENT AUCTION – MARCH 20, 2011 All youth families and church members are encouraged to mark your calendars NOW for our Youth Silent Auction. We have not done a Youth Auction since 2003! This will be a big event and we want everyone to participate. There will be vacation homes, sports tickets, artwork, dinners and so much more!

Life & Film

A Series On Movies And The Ways They Reflect The Experience Of Faith. Led by Rev. Hardy Kim and Rev. Kevin Knab

Film is a medium capable of inspiring and persuading in powerful and visceral ways. For many, the scenes and lines of movies are a common vernacular and a popular culture canon. We will open these ideas up for discussion with clips and draw connections to our own journeys of faith.

Wednesday Nights Starting January 12th Film Series: 6:00-7:00 Worship: 7:00-7:30 Room 156, Women’s Bible Class

February 6 & 13


The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary


First Presbyterian Parents’ Morning Out registration will begin on Monday, February 7. Registration for the 2011-2012 school year will begin on Monday, February 7th. For more information, please contact Katharine Hamer in the PMO office at 404-201-6443,, or visit our site at For any other questions, contact Katharine Hamer at or call 404-201-6443. Pa r e n t s ’ M o r n i n g O u t

No idea where they are going... but they’re making great time! WEDNESDAY NIGHT FEBRUARY 9 – 5:30-7:30 PM Join us for our final Winter Wednesday Night. Bring money for dinner. We will be done at 7:30 PM. Dinner, Fellowship and Bible Study! Beginning Wednesday, February 16 the Youth will direct the Elementary Musical each Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 PM. YOUTH SUPER BOWL PARTY AND SOUP DINNER FEBRUARY 6 – 6:00-8:30 PM – B111 All Youth are invited to come cheer on either the Steelers or the Packers in the Super Bowl. We will gather at 6:00 PM to have dinner – homemade soups from our youth parents – and watch the first half of the game. Parents should pick up at 8:30 PM. Youth need to bring a can of soup as admission into this party.

The Y ou was a th Skating O perfe ct 1 0 uting !!!!

YOUTH SUNDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2011 Join us as our Youth lead worship February 13, 2011 at 9:00 and 11:15 AM Theme: “Clothe Yourself with God’s Wardrobe” This is always an inspiring service and we hope you will join us. UPCOMING EVENTS: Fine Arts Fundraiser – February 13 – 6-9 PM All Church Retreat - February 25-27, 2011 Older Youth Stephen Class – Begins Mid-March Youth Silent Auction Fundraiser - March 20, 2011 8

February 6 & 13

The Chimes adult sunday school

Berean Bible Class Reception Room

On Feb. 6th, The Bereans will again host Forums at First with Dr. George W. Stroup, J.B. Green Professor of Theology at Columbia. He will continue to explore Idolatry. Join us and bring a friend.

Community Bible Study Room B415

Join us on the 4th Floor as we continue our study of The Gospel According to John.

Covenant Class Room 230

On February 6th, Joel Moore will be leading our class. On February 13th, Lindsay Armstrong will be with us for the first of a two part series.

Discovering God’s Word Room 317

On Feb. 6th and 13th we will view and discuss Parts Three and Four of Affectionately Yours, Screwtape, a DVD series based on C. S. Lewis’ classic book, The Screwtape Letters.

Emmaus Class Room 227

Please join us for a provocative study on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, Life Together as we focus on being and interacting as part of a Christian community. We welcome you to be a part of meaningful fellowship.

Faith and Life Room 218

On February 6 Faith and Life continues with our series on Genesis (please use previous description). On February 13 we will join with the Economics & Faith program in Fifield Hall led by Mark Douglas and David Bartlett.

Forum @ First Fifield Hall

On Feb. 6th, Dr. George Stroup from Columbia Seminary concludes his three week series on idolatry with a discussion of “unmasking the idolatries of church.” Please join us! On Feb. 13th, Columbia Seminary Professors David Bartlett and Mark Douglas begin a series on Economics & Faith. All are welcome.

Internationals Room 327

On Feb. 6th, Caroline & Jack Hardin will discuss “Varanasi, India.” On Feb. 13th, Dr. Mark Braverman, an Israeli author, will discuss “The Role of Faith Communities in Achieving Peace in Israel/ Palestine.” Copies of his book will be available for sale.

Meditation Group Room 319

On Feb. 6th and 13th, we continue with guided meditation designed to awaken us to a greater sense of the presence of God, help relieve stress and negative emotions, remove blocked energy and connect with God more fully. All are welcome.

F e b r u a r y


C ircle 1

Monday, February 28th at 7pm at the home of Monica Eith, 1986 Brookview Drive

C ircle 2

Monday, February 7th at 10am in the Women’s Bible Classroom

C ircle 7

Open Door Room 156

Monday, February 7th at 10:30am at the home of Carolyn Smith, 3809 Castlegate Drive

Ours for Today Room B308

Monday, February 14th at 7pm at the home of Beth Edwards, 21 Muscogee Ave, Apt B

On Feb. 6th and 13th, Martha Moore-Keish will be speaking on Living faithfully in a world of religious pluralism. We welcome Doug Ellis on February 6th. Doug will present an update on “Christ and the Economy.” Class will be at 9 a.m. to accommodate the annual meeting.

Spiritual Living Room B202

On Jan. 30th, we contine our discussion of The Sermon on the Mount and The Lord’s Prayer: An Interpretation by Emmet Fox with Fox with Chapter 3: “As a Man Thinketh” On Feb. 13th, we will have a special “Valentine’s” Class. Bring a picture of you and your spouse on your wedding day and share how you met!

The Upper Room Room 332

On Feb. 6, Hardy Kim will conclude a 2-week discussion on how we teach our faith to others (especially our children). We will explore topics about teaching the faith and re-exploring old ideas about how to make disciples. On Feb. 13, look for information in the class email or contact Ann Council or Mike Tillman for details.

Young Couples Class Room 219

On Feb 6th and 13th we’ll continue and conclude our three-part Marriage series with Craig and Andie Goodrich.

C ircle 8

C ircle 9

Monday, February 7th at 11am at the Lenbrook Dining Room

C ircle 11

Thursday, February 17th at 7pm. See Evite for location or contact

C ircle 12

Tuesday, February 8th at 7pm. See Evite for location or contact

C ircle 13

Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:30pm. See Evite for location or contact

Come Join Us! Contact Tanya Soderberg,, for information about joining an FPC Women’s Circle






But we are still 171 pledges short of our goal. If you have not yet submited your 2011 Annual Giving pledge, please prayerfully consider doing so. Only with your support can we successfully complete this year’s campaign for our church’s ministries, services and outreach programs. February 6 & 13


The Chimes

The Partnership Ministry

The Partnership Ministry is actively seeking assistance with our “Whiz Kids” tutoring/mentoring program.

We need persons willing to donate one hour per week to read and listen to an elementary aged child in 1st through 3rd grades on a one-on-one basis. We also have children in 4th and 5th grades who need assistance with reading in our math lab. For more information, please contact Alice Moore or Connie Lee at (404) 289-3092 or (404) 228-7741 or email to

Music for February 6 Prelude Anthem

Reverberations – Lloyd Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – arr. Hart Morris


Cantique de Jean Racine - Fauré

Ben. Rsp.

Threefold Amen McNeil Robinson II


Fanfare - Jacques Lemmons

Music for February 13 Valentine’s is just around the corner. We have lovely gifts for that special someone in your life.

the Mustard Seed

Wednesdays 9-1, 4:30-6:30 Sundays 9-1 (404) 201-6442

Join us for Youth Sunday! Come worship with us open to God’s Spirit and leave enabled and empowered to live and share the powerful Gospel message of God’s incredible love and grace.

Stop in op and sh !! s u with

The Chimes Bi-weekly Newsletter of

First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: Web: WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am Sunday School 10:05 am WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am On demand anytime AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.

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