FPC connects
The Chimes nline
Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta
SUNDAY Schedule Sunday, April 3 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Cherub Choir & Worship Education - 9:30 am • Sunday School for all ages - 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Fifield Hall • Hillside & FPC Joint Lenten Bibe Study- 5:30 pm, FPC
Sunday, April 10 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Cherub Choir & Worship Education - 9:30 am • Sunday School for all ages - 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary
April 3 & 10, 2011 Christ at the Center
n one of his earliest books “A Cry For Mercy,” Fr. Henri Nouwen wrote these words which have held great meaning for me over the past thirty years: April 3 - George Wirth “God’s Mercy to preach is greater than our sins…(but) our temptation is to be so impressed by our sins and failings…that we get stuck in paralyzing guilt…Guilt says ‘I am too sinful to deserve God’s mercy’…. Lent is the time to…direct our attention to our loving Lord and ask the question: ‘Are we like Judas, who was so overcome by his sin that he could not believe in God’s mercy any longer and hanged himself, or are we like Peter who returned to the Lord with repentance and cried (for forgiveness) of his sins?’ The Season of Lent, during which winter and spring struggle with each other for dominance, helps us in a special way to cry out for God’s mercy.” I hope those words will lead us to our worship services this coming Sunday at 9 and 11:15am as we talk together about Jesus’ Beatitude “Blessed Are The Merciful, For They Will Receive Mercy.” I look forward to seeing you in the sanctuary, and please invite your family members and friends to come on along too!
• Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Fifield Hall • Sunday School Coordinator’s Meeting - 12:15 pm, Room 156
Faithfully yours,
• Musica Sacra Concert - 2:00 pm Lunch & Learn preceeding, Reception Following
George B. Wirth
• Hillside & FPC Joint Lenten Bibe Study- 5:30 pm, Hillside
hirty four years ago in my senior year at the University of North Carolina, I took a course in which we studied side by side the works of the Danish Christian April 10 - Craig Goodrich philosopher Soren to preach Kierkegaard and the Southern novelist Walker Percy. It was a great course! It was Kierkegaard who wrote a work entitled Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing, and so it was him (and springtime in Chapel Hill!) that I thought of when I read the beatitude for this Sunday, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” But what does this saying of Jesus mean? From what I have gleaned from my study, “purity of heart” is less about chasteness and more about singlemindedness of purpose or focus. Or in others words, “to will one thing.” I wonder if you were to describe the “one thing” that motivates or dominates your life, what would it be? As Christians who are always in need of a little help, the apostle Paul is a good guide for us. In his first letter to the Church in Corinth he describes the love of God which “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” and goes on to say that we are to “pursue love” or to “make love your aim.” (1st Corinthians 14:1, RSV). What about you? What about us? Is the love of God our aim? Are we pursuing the love of God with all our heart? If we do, we just may be surprised to find that, from time to time, we catch a glimpse of God whose love in Jesus Christ never ends.
See you Sunday,
The Chimes Care, Growth & Events
Prayers for THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719. Pray for: Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III 1st Sgt. Antonio G. Whitfield MC2 Tyler Wilson
easter memorial flowers
Pastoral Care Report (As of March 23, 2011) Hospitalized: Jim Mills Recuperating: Gayle Kennedy Rehab: Dodie Chapman Births: We send our heartiest congratulations to: Amanda Baxter and Ian Zabor who welcomed Zoe Thomas Zabor on February 24th; Michelle and Charles Hatch following the birth of their son, Charles Evan Hatch, on March 19th; proud big sister is Katelyn; and Bobbie and Jim Richardson following the birth of Hunter Britt Richardson on March 19th. Deaths: We lift up in prayer and extend our deepest sympathy to: Nancy Sligh (Administration) and family following the death of her grandmother, Bertha Stelter, on March 10th; the family and friends of our long-time member, Gordon C. Berry, who died March 14th; Mike and Diane Collins & family following the death of Mike’s brother, Larry Collins, on March 16th; Gary and Christine Ozburn & family upon the death of Gary’s father, Charlie Ozburn, on March 19th.
The Easter Memorial Fund is your opportunity to share in the Easter Memorial Flowers. The name of the person(s) you wish to list will appear in our Easter Worship Bulletin. Complete and return the form to the Church with your check by April 10.
Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and mail to: Easter Memorials / First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree St NE Atlanta GA 30309-3902 Please print plainly. The names will be printed in the bulletin exactly as you print them. Name of Contributor: Phone: Name(s) to be listed: Amt of contribution enclosed: $
2011 Annual Giving Campaign Goal: 800 Pledges Pledges Received (as of 2/24/11): 727 in the amount of $3,598,091.49
April 3 & 10
STate Capitol at l a n ta , g a .
COME-ON-ALONG TO the GEORGIA STATE CAPITOL (and catered lunch at the Capitol)
DATE: Thursday, April 21, 2011 TIME: Meet at 2nd Ponce de Leon Baptist Church at 11:15 a.m. COST: $ 15 Join us for what promises to be a fascinating afternoon as we enjoy a catered lunch by the Oakwood Cafe (the Restaurant we all know and love at the Farmers’ Market) and then meet with your State Rep. Edward Lindley. Please call Pat Kimbrell (404.228.7719) for reservations, and if you need a ride from one of the Hi-Rises, please call Julia Brooke (404.438.7344).
The Chimes Legacy
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PROGRAMS & events
April 6 & 13
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T he M ustard S eed 9:00 am - 1:00 pm,
4:30 - 6:30 pm Books, gifts and cards for all ages.
D inner 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Adults and Youth: $8 Children 3-12: $4
P reschool 5:30 - 8:00 pm Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available.
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Children’s Musical Rehearsal.
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For m or e in fo rm at io n , pl ea se co n ta ct C ra ig G oo d ri ch : cg oo d ri ch @ fi rs tp re sa lt .o rg
Y outh 5:30 - 7:30 pm B111
All Youth are invited to join us as we work with the children on the Elementary Musical.
W ednesday N ight C hoirs
5:45 - 6:30 pm 5:30 - 6:25 pm 6:30 - 7:25 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Archangel Choir Handbell Choir St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir
Wednesday Night Studies & Worship A pril 6 6:30 - 7:30 pm Lift Up Your Hearts Worship Service Reception Room Led by Rev. Charles Black
A pril 13 6:30 - 7:30 pm Stations of the Cross Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong and Rev. Hardy Kim
FAMILY FUN DAY Saturday April 9 12:00 noon
at McKoy Park in Decatur
The Parntership Ministry of FPC and Hillside Presbyterian invite you to a Spring Family Fun Day. Come out and celebrate with our partners, the Dekalb County Drug Court participants and their families and members of both churches. There will be a picnic lunch, games and activities for all ages and live music! The event will take place on Saturday,
April 9 from 12 noon to 3pm at McKoy Park in Decatur. For directions, information and to sign-up, please call Sharon or Rev. Connie Lee at 404-228-7741 or Anne Drake at 404228-7746 or email to fpc_hillside@ bellsouth.net.
April 3 & 10
The Chimes
Adult Sunday School
FOOD DRIVE MARCH 6 - APRIL 17 Demand is high and supplies are low. Please give as you are able. Items most needed: o Tuna o Canned Fruit or Vegetables o Hearty Soups o Peanut Butter o Canned Pasta Sauce o Breakfast Cereal
Lent Worship Service Led by Rev. Charles Black
Wednesday, April 6 6:30 – 7:30 pm Reception Room
Drop-Off locations: Marked Bins@FPC
Your gifts feed hungry people throughout Atlanta through the Venable Food Pantry F p C
Christian Education
The First Presbyterian & Hillside Presbyterian Joint Lenten Bible Study
Perspectives on t h e b el h ar C o n f essi o n Sundays, March 13 - April 10 5:30 pm ~ Dinner & Study l e d b y R e v. C o n n i e L e e & R e v. C h r i s M o o r e - K e i s h
Thursdays with Hardy Kim 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Registe r Today 404-228 -7741 fpc_hil l bellsou side@ th.net
April 3 & 10
Education for Ministry
Small Group Bible Study Program September 2011- May 2012
Thursdays with Lindsay Armstrong 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
U P C O M IN G LO C A T IONS A P RIL 3 - F P C A P RIL 1 0 - H i l l s i d e
You are invited to be a part of FPC’s new
Registration begins online on March 27 and concludes on May 10.
The Chimes
A Christian Passover Seder
Led by Lindsay Armstrong and Hardy Kim
Wednesday, April 20 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Reception Room
Dinner Included ~ Reservations Appreciated Please call Dottie Hitchcock at 404.228.7709. F p C
The Nominating Committee has the task of nominating a new slateof Elders every year. It’s time to nominate new individuals to the Nominating Committee! Look for forms at the Reception Deskand turn them in. It’s important!
Christian Education
(Jesus Judged by Pilate and the Crowd)
Stations of the Cross Led by Hardy Kim and Lindsay Armstrong
Wednesday, April 13 6:30 – 7:30 pm Reception Room F p C
Christian Education
April 3 & 10
The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary First Presbyterian Church Family
Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 23, 2011
youth YOUTH SILENT AUCTION WAS A JAMMIN’ SUCCESS!!! Special thanks is extended to everyone who came to our Auction and bidded. We made over $30,000! We are so grateful for the generosity of this church! Thank you! Special thanks to our Auction Co-Chairs Vicky Fowler and Jane Race.
“SAVE THE DATE” 5TH GRADE RETREAT “Come to the Mountains”
Jane Race and Vicky Fowler, our Auction Co-chairs. OLDER YOUTH STEPHEN MINISTRY Note the schedule for the upcoming classes. We will not meet on April 3 due to Spring Break!
May 6 & 7
April 10 – Change – Loss, Divorce and Death – Dr. Dorothy White-Williams and Mrs. Susan Hovis
To sign up contact: David Florence dflorence@firstpresatl.org
April 17 – Addictions – Mr. Craig Elam YOUTH LENTEN BIBLE STUDIES CONTINUE The Jr. High and Sr. High Bible studies are going very well. All are welcome. Join us each Sunday through April 10 for our study of the Beatitudes. Jr. Highs meet at 5:00-6:30 and Sr. Highs meet 6:30-8:00 in B111. IMPORTANT CONFIRMATION EVENTS IN APRIL April 10 – 6:30-8:30 – Confirmation Class Service Project - We will prepare dinner for the Shelter ladies and dine with them. April 15-16 – Confirmation Lock-In – Join us for an important evening of wrapping up the Confirmation Class. April 17 – Confirmation Sunday – 5:30-6:30 PM – Dinner in Fifield Hall; 6:30-7:30 PM – Worship in the Sanctuary We invite and encourage everyone to attend the 2011 Confirmation Celebration. We will welcome 16 youth into the life and membership of our church!
Save the Date! for the Elementary Musical: “IT ’S COOL IN THE FURNACE” A Musical about Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego
Sunday, May 1~4:00 pm Wednesday, May 4~6:30 Pm Fifield Hall 6
April 3 & 10
The congregation is invited to join us for dinner and worship. UPCOMING EVENTS Maundy Thursday In-Home Potluck/Worship – Youth and Families will be at the Bennett’s Home – April 21 Contemporary Worship – Easter Sunday – We will welcome and host the Mt. Kenya Academy Youth – April 24 Elementary Musical Performances – May 1 & 4 Youth Leadership Team Planning Retreat – May 14-15
The Chimes adult sunday school
Berean Bible Class Reception Room
Throughout the Lenten Season, we will be joining Rev. Lindsay Armstrong and other classes for “Hidden Treasures: A Lenten Sunday School Series on Jesus’ Beatitudes.“
C ommunity B ible S tudy Room B415
Join us on the 4th Floor as we continue our study of The Gospel According to John.
Covenant Class Room 230
On April 3rd, TBD. On April 10th, Mark Douglas will be here to teach a two-part series.
Discovering God’s Word Room 317
This spring, our class is studying John Claypool’s book, Glad Reunion: Meeting Ourselves in the Lives of Biblical Men and Women. On April 3rd, we will discuss “Moses” (p. 44-53), and on April 10th, “Samson” (p. 54-63). Please join us!
Emmaus Class Room 227
For each of the Sundays during Lent, we will enjoy fellowship together as we participate in Lindsay Armstrong’s series on the Beatitudes, “Hidden Treasures: A Lenten Study on Jesus’ Beatitudes.” This Lenten season we have an opportunity to study and discuss in depth these important teachings - don’t miss out!
Faith and Life Room 218
On April 3rd and 10th, we will be “Revisiting our Childhood in Sunday School--Reinterpreting these Stories of Faith” We’ll look back at Bible Stories of our Childhood and Reinterpret these Stories of Faith for Today” Hardy Kim, Associate Pastor for Church Growth, will lead us in reexamining familiar Bible stories and applying them to deeper stages of faith development.
Forum @ First Fifield Hall
On April 3rd and 10th, join us in Fifield Hall as we contiue our Lenten series on Jesus’ Beatitudes. Taught by Lindsay Armstrong, all are encouraged to join for the series “Hidden Treasures.”
Internationals Room 327
On April 3rd, Rev. J. C. Austin, who grew up at FPC and helped to develop the General Assembly’s Middle East Report last summer, will share his analysis of the current Middle East situation. On April 10th, class member Rose Cunningham will tell us about “My Life during the Holocaust and Beyond.”
Meditation Group Room 319
Do you wonder if God is really listening to your prayers? Have you thought about if you are taking the time to listen for his answers? Do you need some help getting centered? In this guided Meditation Class you will learn to relax, de-stress, clear
your mind, and learn to connect on a deeper level. Beginners are welcome as we have some new people each week!
Open Door Room 156
Jonathan Clemens from Candler School of Theology will have a two lesson mini-series on the historical development of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and it’s ethical and liturgical implications.
Ours for Today Room B308
On April 3rd, we will welcome our own Dr. Chad Costley to discuss “God and Medicine in Times of Insurance.” On April 10th, the class will re-enact the closing of the Scopes Monkey trial, reviewing the Creationism and Evolution arguments, particularly in light of how we teach our children.
Spiritual Living Room B202
On April 3rd, we will complete our discussion of The Sermon on the Mount. Our program for April 10th is yet to be announced.
The Upper Room Room 332
Throughout the Lenten Season, we will be joining Rev. Lindsay Armstrong and other classes for “Hidden Treasures: A Lenten Sunday School Series on Jesus’ Beatitudes.“ in Fifield Please join us!
Young Couples Class Room 219
On April 3rd and 10th, join us as we continue our series on The Beatitudes.
MAUNDY THURSDAY DINNER & WORSHIP APRIL 21 7:00 – 9:00 PM (Times may vary in some locations.)
Potluck Dinner & Communion Service in FPC Members’ Homes around Atlanta. Children & Youth welcome. Sign-up: Sundays, April 3 thru April 17 outside Fifield Hall. For more information contact Joy Spangler at joyspangler@bellsouth.net.
The Annual Giving Campaign announces “March Manna.” Do you remember the story of manna in Exodus 16 from the Bible? When God provided the Israelites fleeing Egypt with “manna” or “bread from heaven?” Well it’s happening again (sort of), for every new pledge of just $52 or more (also increased pledges), a “March Manna pool” will contribute $1,000 to the Annual Giving Campaign! So if you haven’t already, be part of the miracle and make your pledge today.
April 3 & 10
The Chimes
The Partnership Ministry
The Partnership Ministry is actively seeking assistance with our “Whiz Kids” tutoring/mentoring program.
We need persons willing to donate one hour per week to read and listen to an elementary aged child in 1st through 3rd grades on a one-on-one basis. We also have children in 4th and 5th grades who need assistance with reading in our math lab. For more information, please contact Alice Moore or Connie Lee at (404) 289-3092 or (404) 228-7741 or email to fpc_hillside@bellsouth.net.
Easter is just around the corner. Stop in to see what the Easter Bunny has for you!
The Mustard Seed
Wednesdays 9-1, 4:30-6:30 Sundays 9-1 (404) 201-6442 info@themustardseedbookstore.com
Hop on by and ! say hi
Music for April 3 Prelude
My Heart Is Filled with Longing, Op. 122 - Johannes Brahms
Durufle Requiem: Introit and Kyrie
Ben. Rsp.
What Wondrous Love is This
Bryn Calfaria - Ralph Vaughan Williams
Music for April 10 Prelude
(11:15): Nocturne in A Minor – Buckwalter (Carillon Choir)
(9:00): Pie Jesu
(11:15): What Wondrous Love Is This – Page
(11:15): Faure Requiem: VI. Libera Me
Ben. Rsp.
Fugue in D minor, BWV 565 – J.S. Bach
The Chimes Bi-weekly Newsletter of
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: youbelong@firstpresatl.org Web: www.firstpresatl.org WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am Sunday School 10:05 am WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am On demand anytime www.firstpresatl.org/servicesonline AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.