FPC connects
The Chimes nline
Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta
SUNDAY Schedule Sunday, March 20 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Youth Silent Auction for Jamaica - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Fifield Hall • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Cherub Choir & Worship Education - 9:30 am • Sunday School for all ages - 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Fifield Hall • Officer Training- 5:00 pm, Room 323 • Hillside & FPC Joint Lenten Bibe Study- 5:30 pm, Hillside
Sunday, March 27 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Cherub Choir & Worship Education - 9:30 am • Sunday School for all ages - 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Fifield Hall • Officer Training- 5:00 pm, Room 323 • Hillside & FPC Joint Lenten Bibe Study- 5:30 pm, FPC
March 20 & 27, 2011 Christ at the Center
March 20,
March 27,
“The Beatitudes Blessed Are The Meek, For They Will Inherit The Earth”
“The Beatitudes Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst For Righteousness, For They Will Be Filled”
Dear Everybody, As we continue our sermon series during March 20 & 27 - this Lenten journey, George Wirth to preach lifting up Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes He taught those first century disciples and the crowds who gathered to hear Him beside the Sea of Galillee, we’ll focus our attention Sunday on the words “Blessed Are The Meek, For They Will Inherit The Earth” (Mathew 5:5) Our good friend from Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, Dr. John Buchanan, said in a recent sermon that the late Kurt Vonnegut once declared “that if you want to discover the meaning and potential of human life, you might start with Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount and the Beatitudes. That one about the meek inheriting the earth is the best idea anyone ever had” (“Cold Turkey”, In These Times). Although I don’t think Kurt Vonnegaut spent a lot of time in church circles, he was right on target with his insight about our text for this coming Sunday morning! So please come join us for worship as we explore these radical and revolutionary words which Jesus spoke long ago, words that still speak to us today about humility, kindness and compassion that have the power to turn this world upside down, inside out and rightside up! And please invite your family and friends to come on along with you. I look forward to our worship services at 9:00 and 11:15 with great anticipation!
When Jesus let these words loose in the Sermon On The Mount, He was speaking about both physical and spiritual realities. The people who came to hear Him preach and teach beside the Galilean Sea were, most all of them, suffering from poverty and oppression under the Roman occupation of Palestine. In the parallel version of the Beatitudes found in Luke 6, our Lord said “Blessed are those who are hungry now, for you will be filled.” He was talking about physical and widespread deprivation of food which those first century people had to deal with every day of their lives, just as billions of people are suffering from hunger and starvation in the world today. And Jesus was envisioning the future when those who had more than enough food and resources would find a way to share their gifts with those who had none and help them produce these basic necessities of life and become more selfsufficient. But Jesus was also addressing the spiritual hunger and thirst of the people around Him, letting them know that if they desired and were receptive to God’s righteousness - to the gifts of peace, grace, justice and love that He offered to them - they would receive what they needed and be blessed beyond measure. My friends, that promise is still offered to all of us today! So come join us Sunday as we explore this Beatitude with open hands and with open hearts, seeking to be filled by the promises of our Lord. I look forward to seeing you in your usual pew!
Faithfully Yours,
George B. Wirth
The Chimes Care, Growth & Events
Prayers for THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719. Pray for: Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Lt. Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III 1st Sgt. Antonio G. Whitfield MC2 Tyler Wilson
Pastoral Care Report (As of March 9, 2011) Hospitalized: Dodie Chapman, Gayle Kennedy Births: We extend our congratulations to Meeghan and Rob Fortson following the birth of Grant Lombard Fortson on March 8th; very proud grandparents are Doug and Sue Murphy. Deaths: We lift up in prayer and extend our deepest sympathy to: Wayne Hyatt and family following the death of his mother, Grace Lorentzson Hyatt, on February 27th; Mike and Diane Collins & family upon the death of Diane’s father, Pete M. Ebersole, on February 27th; Eleanor Calhoun & family upon the death of her son-in-law, Hugh Fields, on March 1st; Jeff and Kathleen Lewis & family following the death of Jeff’s father, Ken Lewis, on March 5th.
! 4 T H S T. m o s q u at l a n ta , g a .
Vacation Bible School 2011 Registration begins soon.
Save the Date JUNE 6th-9th, 2011
June 10 Elementary optional bonus day
2011 Annual Giving Campaign Goal: 800 Pledges Pledges Received (as of 2/24/11): 703 in the amount of $3,564,576.49
March 20 & 27
COME-ON-ALONG TO the 14th street MOSQUE (and lunch at Copeland’s Cheesecake Bistro)
DATE: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 TIME: Meet at 2nd Ponce de Leon Baptist Church at 10:15 a.m. COST: Lunch is self-pay Al-Farooq Masjid, Atlanta’s largest Mosque, is a $10 million edifice with a 65 foot prayer dome which holds 1,100 people. Interesting things we will see include carved travertine stone details, with intricate, geometric, hand-painted designs on the dome and walls. Officials estimate that there are 80,000 Muslims in Metro Atlanta. Afterwards we will enjoy fellowship together with lunch at Copeland’s Cheesecake Bistro. Please call Pat Kimbrell (404.228.7719) to save your seat on the bus, and if you need a ride from one of the Hi-Rises, please call Julia Brooke (404.438.7344).
The Chimes Legacy
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T he M ustard S eed 9:00 am - 1:00 pm,
4:30 - 6:30 pm Books, gifts and cards for all ages.
D inner 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Adults and Youth: $8 Children 3-12: $4
P reschool 5:30 - 8:00 pm Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available.
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Children’s Musical Rehearsal.
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All Youth are invited to join us as we work with the children on the Elementary Musical.
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March 23 & March 30
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PROGRAMS & events
5:45 - 6:30 pm 5:30 - 6:25 pm 6:30 - 7:25 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm
y widening
Wednesday Night Studies & Worship M arch 23 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jazz Vespers Reception Room Led by Rev. Hardy Kim and Rev. Lindsay Armstrong
For m or e in fo rm at io n , pl ea se co n ta ct C ra ig G oo d ri ch : cg oo d ri ch @ fi rs tp re sa lt .o rg
easter memorial flowers
The Easter Memorial Fund is your opportunity to share in the Easter Memorial Flowers. The name of the person(s) you wish to list will appear in our Easter Worship Bulletin. Complete and return the form to the Church with your check by April 10.
Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and mail to: Easter Memorials / First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree St NE Atlanta GA 30309-3902
Archangel Choir Handbell Choir St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir
M arch 30 6:30 - 7:30 pm Taize Worship Winship Chapel Led by Rev. Kevin Knab, Darryl Payne and Margaret Talmadge
Please print plainly. The names will be printed in the bulletin exactly as you print them. Name of Contributor: Phone: Name(s) to be listed: Amt of contribution enclosed: $
March 20 & 27
The Chimes
Adult Sunday School
LENT Wednesday@First
WORSHIP SERIES March 16 ~ April 20 6:30 - 7:30 pm Reception Room
Led by Lindsay Armstrong, Kevin Knab and Hardy Kim
The First Presbyterian & Hillside Presbyterian Joint Lenten Bible Study
Perspectives on t h e b el h ar C o n f essi o n Sundays, March 13 - April 10 5:30 pm ~ Dinner & Study l e d b y R e v. C o n n i e L e e & R e v. C h r i s M o o r e - K e i s h
Demand is high and supplies are low. Please give as you are able. Items most needed: o Tuna o Canned Fruit or Vegetables o Hearty Soups o Peanut Butter o Canned Pasta Sauce o Breakfast Cereal
Drop-Off locations: Marked Bins@FPC
Your gifts feed hungry people throughout Atlanta
You are invited to be a part of FPC’s new
Education for Ministry
Small Group Bible Study Program September 2011- May 2012
Thursdays with Lindsay Armstrong 9:30 am – 12:00 pm Registe r Today 404-228 -7741 fpc_hil l bellsou side@ th.net
March 20 & 27
Mondays with Kevin Knab 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
U P C O M IN G LO C A T IONS M ARc h 2 0 - H i l l s i d e March 27 - FPC
Thursdays with Hardy Kim 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Registration begins online on March 27.
The Chimes
HIDDEN TREASURES: A Lenten Sunday School Series on Jesus’ Beatitudes
Led by Lindsay Armstrong Sundays, March 13~April 17 10:05 – 11:00 am Fifield Hall All are Welcome.
Ladies Weekend Getaway Mountain home in Cashiers and Dillard & Big Canoe Beach home at Seaside
an terinta Panama City Vacation Condo y b s re f Atla on Don’t P t it Various Dinner Parties Firs rch o t Aucti Miss ! n MON u e l i h S C 1 h 1 Wine Baskets 20 Yout 2 0 ,0 p.m. 11 h 0 2 c 0 r Kids’ Birthday Parties M a r .m. - 1: a r ou a y fo maic mone ps to Ja e s i a ri us r on T ! Help er Missi t. Louis S m d m n a Su 9:00
Braves Tickets Jewelry Professional Services and much more!
The Nominating Committee has the task of nominating a new slateof Elders every year. It’s time to nominate new individuals to the Nominating Committee! Look for forms at the Reception Desk and turn them in. It’s important!
FPC Mission Trip J u ly 1 5 – J u ly 2 3 , 2 0 1 1
Join our Family Mission Trip to Brazil. Children 10 years and older are welcome to travel with a parent or grandparent. It is a fabulous international experience. We are working hard to make it as affordable as possible for everyone. Approximate cost of trip $1500, which includes airline, room and board and ground transportation.
Rose Emily Bermudez 404-228-7733
March 20 & 27
The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary FPC prayer breakfast All elementary children are invited to serve at our FPC prayer breakfast on March 27. We will not be doing the ACFB Hunger walk. Spring Elementary Musical “It’s Cool in the Furnace” continues on Wednesday nights. Meal is form 5:00 to 5:30, Choir and Musical songs rehearsal 5:45_6:30, Stage rehearsal in Fifield Hall 6:30-7:30. Save the performance dates for Sunday, May 1 and Wednesday, May 4. Craddock Center Family Mission Trip in Appalachia (Memorial Day weekend May 27-29) sign-ups continue in the Oasis. Join us for a planning meeting in the Temple at 11:15 on March 20. Sign up now for the Family Mission Trip to Brazil! The Trip runs from July 15-23. Joel Moore will be leading this life-changing trip!
youth YOUTH JAMMIN’ FOR JAMAICA SILENT AUCTION! MARCH 20, 2011 – 9 AM – 1 PM – FIFIELD HALL We also REALLY NEED everyone to invite people to come to the Auction to bid. We may have loads of wonderful stuff, but won’t make any money unless people come and buy. YOUTH LENTEN BIBLE STUDIES CONTINUES WEEK OF MARCH 20 – APRIL 10 “BLESSED ARE YOU” – A closer look at Jesus Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. Jr. High Lenten Fellowship and Bible Study Each Sunday afternoon from 5-6:30 PM All Jr. Highs (6-8) are invited to join us for fellowship and Lenten Bible Study at 5:00 in B111. Some Jr. High parents have said that they would like to have Sunday afternoon events for Jr. Highs. This is the first of many opportunities to do this. Please email me to let me know if you will participate so I can plan materials, food, etc. Allison Per-Lee will lead the Jr. High Group. Sr. High Lenten Fellowship and Bible Study Each Sunday evening from 6:30-8:00 PM All Sr. Highs (9-12) are invited to join us for fellowship and Lenten Bible Study at 6:30 PM in B111. Stop on the way to church and bring your own dinner. Please be sure to let us know if you will participate so we can plan. Alan Dyer will lead the Sr. High Group. OLDER YOUTH STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING FOR JUNIORS AND SENIORS Schedule is as follows:
March 13 –Listening/Feelings/Communication Skills Making Good Choices/Small Steps Approach
March 20 – Assertiveness Training – Discussion of Technology and Social Media in care-giving
March 27 – Depression and Suicide
April 10 – Addictions
April 17 – Change – Loss/Divorce/Death
Training sessions are on Sundays from 12:30-2:00 PM in B111 (dates above). There will be a light lunch served. Pre-registration is required for training materials. Sessions are led by licensed counselors, doctors, trained Stephen ministers, and experts on each topic. MEETING IN THE MOUNTAINS MARCH 26-27 Jr. and Sr. High will travel together to Ducktown, Tennessee to have a “Meeting In The Mountains.” Each group will have opportunities for separate fun activities like paintball, low/high ropes, horseback riding, volleyball and much more! We will have worship and study around the campfire and enjoy great fellowship. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to “get away to the mountains.” Brochures available outside the Youth Light House.
March 20 & 27
The Chimes adult sunday school
Berean Bible Class Reception Room
Throughout the Lenten Season, we will be joining Rev. Lindsay Armstrong and other classes for “Hidden Treasures: A Lenten Sunday School Series on Jesus’ Beatitudes.“ Bring a friend!
Community Bible Study Room B415
Join us on the 4th Floor as we continue our study of The Gospel According to John.
Covenant Class Room 230
On March 20th, Anne Farrisee will conclude her two-part series, Crashing through the Crusades. On March 27th, Craig Goodrich will lead our class.
Discovering God’s Word Room 317
This spring, our class is studying John Claypool’s book, Glad Reunion: Meeting Ourselves in the Lives of Biblical Men and Women. On March 20th and 27th, we will discuss Jacob (p. 23-33), and Joseph (p. 34-43). Please join us!
Emmaus Class Room 227
For each of the Sundays during Lent, we will enjoy fellowship together as we participate in Lindsay Armstrong’s series on the Beatitudes, “Hidden Treasures: A Lenten Study on Jesus’ Beatitudes.” This Lenten season we have an opportunity to study and discuss in depth these important teachings- don’t miss out!
Faith and Life Room 218
On March 20th, Martha and Chris Moore-Keish will speak on the Discipline of Prayer as part of their Lenten Series on Spiritual Disciplines. On March 27th, Chris Moore-Keish will lead us as we explore Spiritual Disciplines.
Forum @ First Fifield Hall/Recption Room
On March 20th and 27th, join us for our Lenten series on Jesus’ Beatitudes. Taught by Lindsay Armstrong, all are encouraged to join for the series “Hidden Treasures.” We meet in the Reception Room on March 20 and in Fifield on March 27.
Internationals Room 327
On March 20th, Shawn F. Dooley, Global Initiative Lead at Coca-Cola, will speak on “Shawn’s Shanghai Sojourn.” On March 27th, King Deng, the Original Lost Boy of Sudan, will speak to the class.
Meditation Group Room 319
More of us are learning that guided meditation is effortless and feels so good. Letting go of stress is like opening a window so we can hear God speaking to us more clearly. Please join us. All are welcome.
did the season of Lent develop? What was it about, originally? Why do we consider it a 40 day period when it has 46 days? Why does our liturgical calendar call Easter a season? Are there 50 days of Easter? On March 27th, Sally Bethea from the Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeepers will be partnering with Earth Covenant Ministry to speak on water conservation.
Ours for Today Room B308
We will welcome Craig Goodrich on March 20th to continue our series on God in America. George Wirth will return to our class on March 27th to guide us on Being a Christian in a Pluralist Society.
Spiritual Living Room B202
We continue our discussion of Emmet Fox’s “The Lord’s Prayer” On March 20th, we will discuss pages 147-161. On March 27th, we will discuss pages 162-183.
The Upper Room Room 332
Throughout the Lenten Season, we will be joining Rev. Lindsay Armstrong and other classes for “Hidden Treasures: A Lenten Sunday School Series on Jesus’ Beatitudes.“ We meet in the Reception Room on March 20 and in Fifield on March 27.
Young Couples Class Room 219
On March 20th and 27th, we continue our series on The Beatitudes. Please join us!
C ircle 1
Monday, April 25th at 7pm at the home of Joy Spangler, 757 San Antonio
C ircle 2
Monday, April 4th at 10am in the Women’s Bible Classroom
C ircle 3
Monday, April 4th at 10am at the home of Anne Bryan’s 3119 Rockingham Drive
C ircle 6
Monday, April 11th at 10am Contact Adele Shepherd for location
C ircle 7
Monday, April 4th at 10:30am at the home of Carolyn Smith, 3809 Castlegate Drive
C ircle 8
Monday, April 11th at 7pm at the home of Eleanor Beckman, 5 Bohler Lane
C ircle 9
THE 2011 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN IS ROLLING ALONG! If you have not yet submited your 2011 Annual Giving pledge, please prayerfully consider doing so. Only with your support can we successfully complete this year’s campaign for our church’s ministries, services and outreach programs.
Open Door Room 156
C ircle 11
Thursday, April 21st at 7pm See Evite for location or contact anncouncil@gmail.com
C ircle 12
Tuesday, February 8th at 7pm. See Evite for location or contact goodcaitie@yahoo.com
C ircle 13
See Evite for location or contact kbhamer@comcast.net
Come Join Us! Contact Tanya Soderberg, tsoderberg@bellsouth.net, for information about joining an FPC Women’s Circle
On March 20th, L. Edward Phillips from the Candler School of Theology will speak on the early history of Easter, Pentecost, and Lent. How
Monday, April 4th at 11am at the Lenbrook Dining Room
March 20 & 27
The Chimes
The Partnership Ministry
The Partnership Ministry is actively seeking assistance with our “Whiz Kids” tutoring/mentoring program.
We need persons willing to donate one hour per week to read and listen to an elementary aged child in 1st through 3rd grades on a one-on-one basis. We also have children in 4th and 5th grades who need assistance with reading in our math lab. For more information, please contact Alice Moore or Connie Lee at (404) 289-3092 or (404) 228-7741 or email to fpc_hillside@bellsouth.net.
Music for March 20 Prelude
Divertimento - Mozart (St. Cecilia Consort)
Requiem (Introit and Kyrie) - Mozart
Lacrymosa - Mozart
Ben. Rsp.
Dresden Amen
Fugue in G minor on B-A-C-H, Op. 60 – Robert Schumann
Music for March 27 The Mustard Seed is filled with lovely books and gift items. Stop by for a quick browse around.
The Mustard Seed
Wednesdays 9-1, 4:30-6:30 Sundays 9-1 (404) 201-6442 info@themustardseedbookstore.com
Stop by and ! say hi
Nimrod from Enigma Variations - Elgar (Arr. by Harris)
Like As The Hart – Howells
Oh For A Closer Walk With God - Stanford
Ben. Rsp.
Peace I Leave With You - Clausen
CWM Rhondda - Manz
The Chimes Bi-weekly Newsletter of
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: youbelong@firstpresatl.org Web: www.firstpresatl.org WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am Sunday School 10:05 am WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am On demand anytime www.firstpresatl.org/servicesonline AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.