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The Chimes nline
Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta
SUNDAY Schedule
March 18 & 25, 2012 Christ at the Center
Sunday, March 18 Fourth Sunday in Lent • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:15 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore Open 9:00 - 1:00 • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School for All Ages - 10:05 am • Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm, Reception Room • Five @ First Worship - 5:00 pm Reception Room • Officer Training - 5:00 pm • Partnership Bible Study - 5:30 pm
Sunday, March 25 Fifth Sunday in Lent • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:15 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Worship Service 9:00 am, Sanctuary
March 18,
March 25,
“Seeking the Face of Jesus Jesus’ Parables The Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37)
“Seeking the Face of Jesus Jesus’ Parables The Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:11-32)
“And who is my neighbor?” That is the question put to Jesus by one who sought to test him. In response, Jesus tells what surely must be among the most wellknown of stories, the parable of the Good Samaritan. In fact, whereas now the term “Samaritan” is always used positively as a description of one who shows compassion to those in need , for instance, the “The Samaritan Counseling Center” which is housed in our own Church, at the time Jesus told the story, Samaritans were not well regarded at all. This Sunday as we continue in the series “Seeking the face of Jesus” with help from the art of Rembrandt, we will dig into this parable and see how it shows us the face and heart of Jesus. As we anticipate Sunday, please read Luke 10: 25-37, travel that road from Jerusalem to Jericho, and be asking yourself, “And who is my neighbor?” March 18 Craig Goodrich to preach
• Sunday School for All Ages - 10:05 am • Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am
Grace and courage,
• Worship Service 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm, Reception Room • Five @ First Worship - 5:00 pm Reception Room • Officer Training - 5:00 pm • Partnership Bible Study - 5:30 pm
“ Yo u h a v e t h e capacity to give from abundance, there is so much love within you that can be poured out to those around you. The example of this in the parable is the father letting the prodigal son leave home, and then forgiving him. Love does not seek revenge by saying, ‘You did this to me and now you must pay me back.’ There is nothing in the father that needs to show superiority or demand something back. The father welcomes his sons just as they are. His love is there for them whether they are at home or away. Love flows from each of us because God’s Spirit of abundant love flows through our hearts.” These words from Henri Nouwen’s Lenten devotional booklet “From Fear To Love” remind us of the Parable of the Prodigal Son and Rembrandt’s famous painting of the story. That’s the focus of our sermon this Sunday and I look forward to seeing you in worship – please invite your family and friends to come along “just as they are”! March 25 George Wirth to preach
George B. Wirth
The Chimes Care, Growth & Events
Prayers for THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719.
Pray for: Forrest “Woody” Bass Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III
Adult Sunday School
FOOD DRIVE February 26 - April 1
Demand is high and supplies are low. Please give as you are able. Items most needed: bTuna b Canned Fruit or Vegetables bHearty Soups b Peanut Butter b Canned Pasta Sauce b Breakfast Cereal Drop-Off locations: Marked Bins@FPC and in your Sunday School classroom. Your gifts feed hungry people through FPC’s Venable Food Pantry.
March 18 & 25
Pastoral Care Report (As of March 7, 2012) Hospitalized: Al Griffin Hospice care: Marie “Pinky” Sheffer Recuperating: Charlie Cunningham Births: Congratulations and many blessings to: Carrie McColgan and Mike Wsol following the birth of Fineas Charles Wsol on December 31, 2011; proud big sister is Vivian; Carla & Bo Jackson following the birth of Stanley Clayton Crawford Jackson, on January 20th; big brother is David; grandparents John E. Smith II and Barbara Smith Howell following the February 11th birth of Cameron Nels Temin; proud parents are Jon & Hayden Temins; proud grandmother, Erin Woodward following the birth of Dominic Oliver Alverson on February 29th to Brittany & Edgar Alverson. Deaths: We extend our deepest sympathy and lift up in prayer: Charles and Ginny Brewer following the death of Charles’s father, Dr. McHenry Shreve Brewer on February 19th; Jennie Stribling upon the death of her grandmother, Marjorie Jeanne Foster, on February 19th; Chris and Martha Moore-Keish & family upon the death of Martha’s aunt, Carol Henry, on March 4th.
tion oca 6 L 5 New om 1 o R
EYEWITNESSES IN JERUSALEM The Trial of Jesus in Context
Attorney, teacher, and Trinity Presbyterian Church elder, Mac Irvin, will explore the events and the setting of Jesus’ final week through the viewpoints of men and women who played roles in the narrative leading to the Cross. The class will focus on their characters as evidenced in scripture, history, art, music, and literature. March 4 Galilean Encounters Jerusalem: the Final Week March 11 The Story of Simon Peter & Judas Iscariot March 18 The Trials before the Jerusalem Leaders and Pontius Pilate March 25 The Roman Centurion & the Marys: Improbable Witnesses at the Cross Room 156 10:05 - 11:00 AM All are Welcome
The Chimes programs & events
FPC Youth Easter Fundraiser
HoneyBaked Ham for Easter Gift Card Sales: February 19 - March 25 Gift Card Pick-Ups: March 28 - April 1
Ma r c h 2 1 & 2 8
W EDNESDAY T he M ustard S eed 9:00 am - 1:00 pm,
HoneyBaked carries a variety of offerings, including the World’s Best Ham, turkeys, side dishes and desserts. Gift Cards come in $10, $25, $35 or $50. HoneyBaked Gift Cards can be used at any time of the year at any location nation wide.
All proceeds benefit FPC Youth Missions.
Seeking the face of Jesus
Jesus in a New Light, Reflections featuring Rembrandt’s Art
Adults and Youth :$8 Children 3-12: $4
P reschool 5:30 - 8:00 pm Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available. E lementary A ctivities 5:00 - 7:30 pm
LOGOS: recreation, dinner, musical rehearsal.
Y outh 5:30 - 7:30 pm B111
All youth are invited to join us for Fellowship, Food and Bible Study.
W ednesday N ight C hoirs
5:30 - 6:25 pm 6:00 - 6:45 pm 6:45 - 7:30 pm 6:30 - 7:25 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Handbell Choir Archangel Choir (Grade 1 -2) Archangel Choir (Grade 3 -5) St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir
Wednesday Night Studies & Worship
M arch 21 “Thinking about Offering & Response”
M arch 28
Dr. William Eiland Director of The Georgia Museum of Art
A Traditional Passover Seder A service of contemplation and prayer Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong & Rev. Kevin Knab Reception Room, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Andi McKenzie Assistant Curator of Works on Paper at Emory’s Carlos Museum Dr. Anne Leader Art History Professor at SCAD
Mr. Spalding Nix Art Consultant and Appraiser
D inner 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Led by Rev. Kevin Knab Reception Room, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong Associate Pastor
Dr. Joel LeMon Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Emory
4:30 - 6:30 pm Books, gifts and cards for all ages.
Sundays, February 26 – April 8 10:05 - 11:00 am Fifield Hall
The Nominating Committee has the task of nominating a new slate of Elders every year. It’s time to nominate new individuals to the Nominating Committee! Look for forms at the Reception Desk and turn them in. It’s important!
March 18 & 25
The Chimes
f i v e
Five@First is a new faithful and unique addition to this congregation’s vibrant worship life. This hour-long service is held each Sunday evening beginning at 5PM in the Reception Room and will feature a casual, “comeas-you-are” atmosphere, innovative acoustic music, and spirit-led prayer and preaching.
f i r s t
What? A “new” style worship service with acoustic music, inspired prayer and preaching, and a casual atmosphere. When? every Sunday evening at 5PM
The Easter Memorial Fund is your opportunity to share in the Easter Memorial Flowers. The name of the person(s) you wish to list will appear in our Easter Worship Bulletin. Complete and return the form to the Church with your check by March 25.
Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and mail to: Easter Memorials / First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree St NE Atlanta GA 30309-3902 4
March 18 & 25
Who is this service for? Anyone and everyone. All are welcome! Will there be childcare? Yes!
FPC is partnering with Life South Community Blood Centers, to hold a blood drive on April 15th, 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Please consider giving the “gift of life” and sign-up today outside of Fifield Hall or call Pat Kimbrell in the Care Ministry office at (404) 228-7719 to schedule an appointment.
easter memorial flowers
Where? Reception Room
Led by Lindsay Armstrong and Kevin Knab
Wednesday, March 28 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Reception Room
A Christian Passover Seder, Dinner Included ~ Reservations Appreciated. Please call Dottie Hitchcock at 404.228.7709.
Please print plainly. The names will be printed in the bulletin exactly as you print them. Name of Contributor: Phone: Name(s) to be listed: Amt of contribution enclosed: $
The Chimes
And I still want things. I want to eat out more. I want to travel. I want more stuff. But God keeps working on me. I’ve seen how distorted my thinking has become, and I’ve begun to see how much we have. We have a place to live. We have food to eat and clean water to drink. On most days, we have more than enough to meet our basic needs. Our heavenly Father has fed us, and fed us abundantly. How can I continue to worry? Stewardship Season is helping me learn to trust that God will feed us—in body and in spirit. Could this be the message for you as well? Stewardship Season teaches us to understand God’s abundant promise, but it is quickly coming to a close! Make your pledge now so we can dedicate our pledges together on March 25. Thank you! Jami Wise, Director of Stewardship www.firstpresatl.org/annualgiving
It’s Time to Pledge Make your pledge now so we can dedicate our pledges together on March 25. STEWARDSHIP
worry about money every day. My giving to the church has always reflected this insecurity. Even after I agreed to come to serve as Director of Stewardship, Fred and I hesitated to stretch our church pledge. It was budgeted! We were generous! How could we take risks and disrupt our daily lives?
As I spent time among the generous congregation at First Presbyterian Church, I came to see that disruption was in order. I had become so worried about our budget that I was not hearing Jesus’s words in Matthew 6:26 – 27: “Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?” In a fit of senseless faith, we doubled our pledge to the church for 2012. The story at this point usually goes on to say that we never missed the money. But I did. Worries persist; maybe I will never feel fully safe financially.
The Flower Guild is in need of clear vases The Flower Guild is in need of clear vases for home and hospital deliveries of the sanctuary flowers each Sunday. If you have some that you can share, please leave them by the door to the Flower Room, across from the Reception Desk. Thank you!
March 18 & 25
The Chimes
The Agony in the Garden - Rembrandt
Stephen Ministry Exactly what is it? ....why we need it?... and why you should consider if it’s for you! CARE MINISTRY
Everyone has experienced some kind of life challenge - the loss of a job, death of a loved one, loneliness, illness, or divorce. Many people struggle alone, but this was never God’s intention. In Galatians 6:2, we are told to “Bear one another’s burdens.” Stephen Ministers are trained and willing to help people who are struggling and need individualized care. What is the Stephen Ministry? Stephen Ministry was named after Stephen found in Acts 6:5 who was the first layperson commissioned by the Apostles to provide a caring ministry to those in need. Who are Stephen Ministers at FPC? Stephen Ministers are members of FPC, many who have experienced and overcome difficulties in their own lives. Because of God’s grace and the love of people who have helped them heal, they have been called to serve others with “distinctively Christian care” in 6
March 18 & 25
Holy Week
Stations of the Cross with Rembrandt their time of need. After 50 hours of training a Stephen Minister is commissioned by our church and assigned care receivers, who have been referred. Men care for men; women care for women. What do Stephen Ministers do? • Meet with their care receivers once a week for about an hour. • Listen – really listen – as their care receivers’ talk through their difficulties. • Reflect what they hear from care receivers and help care receivers recognize, express, and accept their feelings. • Maintain confidentiality. Care receivers need to know that what they say to the Stephen. Minister will remain in confidence. • Pray daily for their care receivers asking for God’s support and healing. If you are interested in having a Stephen Minister or if you would like more information to become a Stephen Minister, please call Rev. Chris Moore-Keish at 404-228-7720 or send and email to cmoore-keish@firstpresatl.org.
Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong & Rev. Kevin Knab Wednesday, April 4 6:30 – 7:30 pm Reception Room
Save the Date! We are so excited about our 10th Annual Elementary Musical !
“LIFE OF THE PARTY” Performances: Sunday April 22 at 4:00 pm Wednesday April 25 at 6:30 pm
“The Story of Jesus, Mary and Martha”
The Chimes
Save the Date! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 4 - 7, 2012 Sign-up online beginning March 18th at www.firstpresatl.org/vbs
SAVE THE DATE! First Presbyterian Church Family
Lent, the Upper Room will be discussing Adam Hamilton’s, 24 Hours That Changed the World. Please join us as we discuss the final day in the life of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to join us.
EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday April 7, 2012 10:30 am Winn Park
(in the Ansley Park Neighborhood)
2012 Stewardship Season
For more information, or to register, please contact Katharine Hamer, 404.228.7712 or khamer@firstpresatl.org.
APRIL 5 7:00 – 9:00 pm
(Times may vary in some locations.)
Potluck Dinner & Communion Service in FPC Members’ Homes around Atlanta. Children & Youth welcome. Sign-up: Sundays, March 18 thru April 1 outside Fifield Hall. For more information contact Annika Eichenlaub at eichenlaub@earthlink.net.
Pledge Now! Commitment Sunday Is March 25.
March 18 & 25
The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary
youth Youth Fundraising! Time to get busy again raising money for our 2012 Mission Trips!
Here we go again — rehearsals for the 2012 Children’s Musical have begun! Thanks everyone who joined us for the HungerWalk! We were able to greatly support our First Pres Venable Food Pantry! And thanks to all Elementary families who came out to serve at the breakfast. Parents’ Morning Out registration for the summer 2012 session has begun. For more information, please visit the PMO website at http://www.firstpresatl.org/pmo or contact Katharine Hamer at khamer@firstpresatl.org or 404-201-6443. Sunday April 1st Rainbows through 2nd grade will participate in the Palm Sunday Processional! Easter Egg Hunt @ Winn Park! Saturday April 7th 10:30 am We are hard at work on our Spring Musical, “Life of the Party!” Performances are Sunday April 22nd @ 4:00pm and Wednesday April 25th @ 6:30pm. You don’t want to miss this show! Save the Date May 11th – 12th ~ Annual 5th Grade Retreat! Make plans now to join us for an exciting weekend! Be on the lookout for details.
terian First Presby ing rn Parents’ Mo on ti Out registra n has begu !
May 25th - 28th ~ Craddock Center Trip! We will be going to Cherry Log and workng ti p ce ing with the Craddock ac e ar We for children s on Center and Rev. Trisha ti ca li p ap ages 8 weeks Senterfitt. Deposits who will be . 12 s by 9/1/20 t to 23 month si due soon, contact Lauvi , n io format For more in satl.org/pmo ren (lpatrus@firstpreswww.firstpre atl.org) if you have any questions, er h ot questions! y an r Fo amer arine H contact Kath at resatl.org pmo@firstp 1-6443. 20 4or call 40
g Out
’ Mornin
March 18 & 25
June 12th – 20th ~ Family Mission Trip to Brazil! Contact Lauren if you are interested!
HoneyBaked Ham Gift Card Sale All Youth going on a mission trip need to help sell Honey Baked Ham gift cards for Easter. The sale will go on through March 25! We need everyone to sell as many as you can! Order forms are available and I can email them to you! Youth will take orders and money then gift cards will be at church for pick-up March 28-April 1. Or Youth can pick them up and deliver them. We will have a table at Coffee Hour for anyone who would like to sit and sell! Lenten Spiritual Events for Youth! D-Group Opportunity! Five @ First! Youth are invited and encouraged to attend the new Five at First Worship and Fellowship that will happen each Sunday in Lent. Worship in the Reception Room at 5:00 and Dinner afterward at 6:00! D-Groups are encouraged to worship together then get dinner and have time for fellowship, sharing and prayer! CONFIRMATION UPDATE! MARCH 25 - CONFIRMATION SUNDAY!!!! The next few weeks we will be working hard in Confirmation to finish the class. Please try to attend classes. We will be working on the worship service, our faith statements, understanding the questions of membership, etc. March 23-24 - Confirmation Capstone Lockin March 25 - Confirmation Sunday - Worship at 11:15 AM and Dinner and Communion at 5:00-7:30 PM (this is when youth actually join the church) March and April Fellowship Events The Youth Leadership Team met last week to plan some fellowship activities for the Youth in March and April! Mark your calendars and join us for fun and fellowship! March 18 - Woodward Play - “Hairspray” - 12:30-5:30 PM - Tickets are $6.00; must email me to sign up so I can get tickets! Henley is Edna! March 23-24 - Confirmation Lockin March 25 - Confirmation Sunday - Dinner and Worship - Sr. Highs are needed to introduce 9th Graders to Session! March 27 - Youth Parent Advisory Committee Meeting – 7:00 PM – Webster Home April 1 - Five@ First and Dinner April 8 - Easter Sunday - No Fellowship April 15 - Braves Game after church! April 22 - Elementary Musical and Dinner April 27 - Casting Crowns Concert - Must let me know if you want to go. We have to pre-purchase tickets! April 29 - Teacher/Advisor/Parent Commitee Appreciation Dinner - 6:00-8:00 PM
The Chimes adult sunday school A gora Room 322
In New Testament Greek, the name means “meeting place,” and we are a vibrant, conversational class of mostly 30-40 somethings. Join us!
Berean Bible Class Reception Room
The Bereans were critical thinkers who, with study, became believers. (Acts 17: 10-12). This year our theme is “What is the Bible?” It is God’s word, but it is also art, literature, and the most influential book ever written, and that is just the beginning. Join us on March 18 & 25, when Dr. George Yacoubian continues his discussion of this interesting and vital topic, focusing on the New Testament.
Community Bible Study Room B415
Taught by the Rev. Charles Black and Rev. Connie Lee, the Community Sunday School Class includes First Presbyterian members and community participants.
Covenant Class Room 230
We welcome back Miriam Rosenbaum from The Epstein School on March 18 as she concludes her lesson entitled “Judaism in the First Century AD”. On March 25, please join us as we enjoy a “Meditation on Hospitality” with Rebekah LeMon.
D iscovering G od ’ s W ord Room 317
Our class is studying the Gospel of Matthew, using Thomas G. Long’s commentary, Matthew, from the Westminster Bible Companion series. On March 18 we will discuss Matthew 8:23-9:8 (Long, Chapter 5, p. 93-101); and on March 25, Matthew 9:9-34 (Long, Chapter 5, p. 102-111). Please join us!
Emmaus Class Room 227
Please join the Emmaus Class on March 18th as Tim English wraps up our study of King’s Cross. And then again on March 25th when Donna Tabaka shares devotional insights from her trip to the Holy Land. All are welcome!
Faith and Life Room 156
During March, the Faith & Life Class joins with the Open Door Class in Room 156 for Eyewitnesses in Jerusalem – the Trial of Jesus in Context. Attorney, teacher, and Trinity Presbyterian Church elder, Mac Irvin, will explore the events and the setting of Jesus’ final week through the viewpoints of men and women who played roles in the narrative leading to the Cross. Join us!
First Foundations Room 319
On March 18th, Wayne Hyatt will be our guest, leading a series on C.S. Lewis’ “Surprised By Joy.” On March 25th, we will continue our C.S. Lewis study in preparation
for Wayne Hyatt’s next visit on April 1st.
Forum @ First Fifield Hall
Join us as we journey through Lent with Rembrandt. On March 18, we welcome Dr. Anne Leader, Art History Professor at SCAD, and Rev. Lindsay Armstrong as they teach on The Good Samaritan. On March 25, Dr. Joel LeMon, Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Emory, and Rev. Lindsay Armstrong will teach on The Prodigal Son. All are welcome.
G alatians 3:28, Room 323
A brand new Bible Study class, we are open, inclusive, and discussion-oriented. Join us for historically informed, biblically grounded conversations about faith issues.
Internationals Room 327
On March 18, Irene Mbari-Kirika, Executive Director of inABLE, will speak, describing the work of this non-profit organization in serving disadvantaged communities in Kenya, Africa. On March 25, Shirley Rose of Acworth UMC will share some of her experiences while visiting mission activities in the hinterlands of Zimbabwe and Malawi.
www.firstpre satl.org Don’t forget you can get details and registrations for many of our upcoming events online. Services are available in our online viewer, and the Events page has links to our Lenten Sermon Series materials. You can also pledge, donate, and check your pledge balance in our Members section.
Meditation Class Room 320
Is God really listening? Are you? Come join us during Lent as we learn to de-stress so that we can truly listen for what God is trying to say to us. All are welcome!
Open Door Room 156
During the month of March, the Open Door class joins the Faith & Life class in our room for Eyewitness in Jerusalem - the Trial of Jesus in Context. Join us!
Ours for Today Room B308
On the 18th, Laura Diesley, Director of 21st Century Learning at The Lovett School will present, “Your Kids Are Online: What Every Parent Needs to Know.” The following week, our own Tom Lowry, a Director at Google, will follow up with “Technology Jumpstart: Empowering Parents Born Before The Internet.”
Spiritual Living Room B202
FPC Mission Trip
The Upper Room Room 332
Come alone, or take one or more members. Of your family to a wonderful experience in Brazil.
Please join us for discussions on various topics, primarily centering around spirituality in the second half of life. Throughout Lent, the Upper Room will be discussing Adam Hamilton’s, 24 Hours That Changed the World. Please join us as we discuss the final day in the life of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to join us.
J u ly 1 2 – 2 0 , 2 0 1 2
An informational meeting will take place on March 18 in Reception Room after the 11:15 Worship. Rose Emily Bermudez 404-228-7723 rebermudez@firstpresatl.org
March 18 & 25
“New name, new logo, same great teaching.”
For information about private music instruction and group music, dance, and art classes, please visit us on the web or call: Kate Breytspraak, Director (404) 228-7762 www.firstpresatl.org/sfa
Why Do The Nations Rage Lucem Pax – Jerry Ulrich “Kyrie” from Beethoven’s Mass in C Help Us to Help Each Other Variation on “Vater Unser,” Sonata No. 6 Felix Mendelssohn
first presbyterian church of atlanta
Music for March 25 Easter is just around the corner. Stop in to see what the Easter Bunny has for you!
The Mustard Seed
Wednesdays 9-1, 4:30-6:30 Sundays 9-1 (404) 201-6442 info@themustardseedbookstore.com
Hop on by and !! say hi
Partita on Sei Gegrusset, Jesu Gutig (Hail to Thee, My Jesu, Lowly) - J.S. Bach Hear My Prayer - Kopolov Help Us O Lord - Copland Amazing Grace - Parker Three Fold Amen Toccata - Georgi Mushel
The Chimes Bi-weekly Newsletter of
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: youbelong@firstpresatl.org Web: www.firstpresatl.org WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am Sunday School 10:05 am WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am On demand anytime www.firstpresatl.org/servicesonline AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.