FPC connects
The Chimes nline
Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta
SUNDAY Schedule Sunday, May 15 Children’s Sunday
May 15 & 22, 2011 Christ at the Center
• The Mustard Seed Bookstore 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
MAy 15, Children’s Sunday We expend a great deal of energy teaching children how to do the right thing. Consider May 15 - David Florence how often we recoil to preach from complexity and just say to our children, “Be good!” We may remember our grandparents sharing wisdom in a nutshell: “A stitch in time saves 9,” “Waste not, want not.” Beyond proverbs, we often feel compelled to drive the message home by summing up stories with a moral about being good. Jesus’ way of teaching was not as straightforward. He grew up with Jewish law, but found its counterpoint in grace. His riddle-like parables invited puzzlement and discovery. It’s almost impossible to summarize an inner discovery or an “Ah ha!” moment. Our text, the Prodigal Son, is a familiar one, but it invites us to discover something. Dr. Wirth and I will deliver our sermon together in a dialogue form with room for the child in all of us to puzzle and discover.
• Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary
• Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Children’s Sunday Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School for all ages 10:05 am • Parenting Seminar 10:05 am, Fifield Hall • Children’s Sunday Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Good-bye Reception honoring Rev. David Florence - 12:15 pm Reception Room
Sunday, May 22 Disability Awareness Sunday • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel
• Sunday School for all ages 10:05 am • Youth Contemporary Worship 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Fifield Hall
David C. Florence
May 22, Disability Awareness Sunday As we prepare to celebrate Disability Awareness Sunday on May 22, I am delighted to welcome May 22 - George Wirth to our worship to preach services Ms. Subie Green, President of the Center for the Visually Impaired, and Mrs. Jenny Pomeroy, Executive Director of Prevent Blindness Georgia. The focus of our liturgy that Sunday morning will be “The Gospel of Imperfection” as we recognize that people with disabilities, including sight impairment, can actually help us “see” things that many of us cannot see…and that all of us have different kinds of disabilities which bind us together as “imperfect members” of God’s family. Following both worship services, we will offer the opportunity for everybody to interact with leaders from both CVI and PBG in Fifield Hall as we demonstrate the realities of living with disabilities. So please join us at 9:00 and 11:15 in the sanctuary on May 22 – I look forward to seeing you in worship, and hope that you will invite your family and friends to come on along!
Faithfully Yours,
George B. Wirth
The Chimes Care, Growth & Events
Pastoral Care Report (As of May 4, 2011) Recuperating: David Watson, Wally Hills
This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719. Pray for: Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III 1st Sgt. Antonio G. Whitfield MC2 Tyler Wilson
Births: Congratulations to the following proud grandparents: Kit and Ron Robey following the birth of Julia Lucille Robey on April 2nd; parents are Captain John Warren and Nicole Robey in Fort Benning, GA; Randy & Liza Bryan following the birth of Blakely Taylor Bryan, on April 23rd; parents are Holly & Randall Bryan; Gary and Jenny Shell upon the birth of Caroline Lea Dinges on April 24; parents are Martha & Andy Dinges; Dick & Robin Lea following the birth of John Harrison Deupree on April 25th to Reed & Roberta Ann Deupree; big sister and brother are Amelia and Charles. Deaths: We extend our condolences and lift up in prayer: Polly and Dennis Price & family following the death of Polly’s mother, Dorothy Anglin Jenkins, on March 12th; Stacy Martin & family following the death of her mother, Doris Pade Stacy, on April 14th; Tina and Horace Bornstein & family following the death of Tina’s brother, John Hansen, on April 18th; Randy Harris & family upon the death of Randy’s husband, David Harris, on April 20th; Ted & Patra Buchanan & family following the death of Ted’s father, Dr. Bailey Buchanan, on April 23rd in PA, Eleanor Dabney, John Dabney Jr. & Russell Dabney, following the death of husband and father, John Dabney Sr., on April 28th; Mike, Alice and Lane Tillman following the death of Alice’s father, Mr. H.C. Hunt Jr., on May 3rd.
C O M E - O N - A L O N G M AY 2 6 t h !
Are YOU TRAVELING THIS SUMMER? Don’t forget to take us along. Worship with us live from any place in the world. http://www.firstpresatl.org or www.firstpresbyterian.tv Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. this summer
May 15 & 22
LAKE BURTON at l a n ta , g a .
COME-ON-ALONG TO A DAY ON LAKE BURTON DATE: Thursday, May 26, 2011 TIME: Meet at 2nd Ponce de Leon Baptist Church at 9:30 a.m. returning around 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. COST: $20 Join us for a bus trip to the Barber’s family lake house, “White Pines.” Enjoy a catered lunch on the porch overlooking the lake and take a pontoon boat ride with “Captain Bill” Barber. For reservations, please call Pat Kimbrell (404.228.7719), and if you need a ride from one of the Hi-Rises, please call Julia Brooke (404.438.7344).
The Chimes PROGRAMS & events
May 18
W EDNESDAY W ednesday N ight C hoirs
6:30 - 7:25 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm
St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir
No Wed. night activities til Sept. 7
Goodbye Reception May 15th
Rev. David F lorence T h e F ine A rts C o mmittee presents
Andrew Crawford Metal Artist May 15, 2011, 4:00pm
Join Andrew at his design - Nancy’s Garden Lamppost – outside of the Smith Building to hear from the artist and then travel by car to his Westside studio to see his artisans at work. Complete the tour with more conversation and light urban bites and wine. Tickets available online now or outside of Fifield Hall. Reserve your space early. Due to studio space limitation, we must limit this special event to just 50 people.
Cost $20 per person Tickets available between Worship services or by emailing Kate Breytspraak at kbreytspraak@firstpresatl.org.
Thank-You David! After serving faithfully and beautifully as our Interim Director of Elementary and Family Ministries, the Reverend David Florence is becoming the Director of Buc Outdoor Center in Sapphire, North Carolina. On Sunday, May 15, we celebrate his ministry at FPC and wish him well at a 12:15 pm good-bye reception held in the Berean/Reception Room.
May 15 & 22
The Chimes
Sunday, May 29th 9:00 – 10:00 am Fifield Hall Come one and all as we thank God for our country, enjoy patriotic songs and honor our veterans.
Childspring International is in urgent need of Frequent Flyer Miles on any domestic or international carrier. We prefer a minimum of 30,000 miles and need up to 80,000 miles for children to travel to the United States for
life-saving and life-changing medical treatment. P l e a s e contact Rose Emily Bermudez at 404-228-7733 or reb@ childspringintl.org if you would like to donate. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Led by Rev. Chris Moore-Keish and Rev. Hardy Kim Childcare available for ages 5 and under.
D R I VERS NEE D E D ! The Prison Visitation Programs desperately needs volunteer drives! The next trip will be May 14. Quite often, the GJP’s visitation coordinator doesn’t know which Georgia state prison will be visited until the week of the trip. Therefore, there is no way to know until then how far the trip will be. For that reason, we ask volunteers to plan to be gone all day and early evening, just in case the trip takes 1012 hours. The volunteers will pick up the family members at the GJP office (438 Edgewood Avenue NW, Atlanta, GA 30312). The Georgia Justice Project provides a car or van (depending on the number of people visiting). Please contact Connie Lee at 404.228.7741 for more information.
May 15 & 22
Have You Ever Considered Becoming A Stephen Minister? Stephen Ministers work alongside our pastors to care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. If you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening, please prayerfully consider becoming a part of this exciting ministry. If you think you might be interested, please call Rev. Chris Moore-Keish at: (404)228-7720.
The Chimes Legacy
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Adult Sunday School 10:05 am Fifield Hall
Led by David M. Alexander
“Family Stress, the individuality of each child and parenting” g
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Celebrate, Educate, Activate!
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“For Our Children’s Sake” worship
Susan Daugher
May 15, 2011
9:00 am and 11:15 am
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DON’T FORGET Don’t forget, on Sunday, May 29 we will be switching over to summer schedule.
David M. Alexander, psychotherapist and member of the Temple, specializes in child, family and parenting concerns.
6:30 am – Prayer Breakfast for Homeless Persons, Fifield Hall 8:30 am – Communion Service, Winship Chapel 9:00 am – Sunday School for All Ages 10:15 am – Worship Service, Sanctuary 11:15 am – Fellowship Hour, Fifield Hall
For more information contact David Florence at dflorence@firstpresatl.org, or Jennifer Pendergast at jpendergast@mindspring.com, or Barbara Richardson at BRichardson@familiesfirst.org.
May 15 & 22
The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary
Thank you for making the Children’s Musical a huge success!! Children’s Sunday May 15th! “For Our Children’s Sake: Celebrate, Educate, Activate!” · Wednesday, May 11 is Children’s Sunday Rehearsal. Dinner at 5:00 and rehearsal at 5:30 ·On May 15, we will celebrate children with our children leading worship at the 9 and 11:15 services! Children are signing up for slots as ushers, offering gatherers, and readers for the service. ·During the education hour, David M. Alexander will speak on “Family Stress, the Individuality of Each Child, and Parenting.” · A Goodbye Reception for our Interim Director of Elementary Ministries, David Florence, will follow the 11:15 worship service. Welcome New Interim Directors May 16th Please welcome Joel and Morgan Moore mmoore@ firstpresatl.org as they step into the position of Interim Director of the Elementary Ministries! Craddock Center Trip Please keep this important family mission trip in your prayers. We leave on May 27th and come home May 30th. ·Thank you to everyone who has donated books for the Story Book Express!! You have until the end of May to drop them off. · Contact Morgan Moore at 404-216-1593 or mmoore@firstpresatl.org. Vacation Bible School 2011 June 6 - 9 (optional elementary day on June 10) - Make your reservations now for the SHAKE IT UP Café!, where kids carry out God’s recipe! June 6 – 9 (optional elementary day on June 10) for VBS 2011 at the Shake It Up Café - where kids carry out God’s recipe! In this kid-friendly café, kids will explore the Bible as a cookbook filled with recipes for living out God’s word. Through interactive lessons, that are easy for kids to apply to their lives today, boys and girls will celebrate biblical festivals that reveal ingredients for being a follower of God. For more information, please contact Margaret Evans at mwevans76@gmail.com or Ann Council at anncouncil@gmail.com. To register, please visit the VBS site: www.firstpresatl.org/vbs. 6
May 15 & 22
youth YOUTH JAMAICA ORIENTATION SESSIONS MAY 15 AND 18, 2011 On Sunday, May 15 we will go over details and answer questions for youth and parents. We will meet right after worship at 12:30 in B111. On Wednesday, May 18 we will have team building and work project planning for youth h t i ic w n c i only. We will meet at 7:00 p the nman I PM in B111. e c en
ejoy Youthrs. Flor M
PATH Offering May 15 at 9:00 and 11:15 AM We need youth to take up offering on Sunday, May 15 at both the 9:00 and the 11:15 AM Worship Services. Please let Allison or Alan know if you can serve God and our church in this way.
THANK YOU TO OUR 2010-2011 YOUTH TEACHERS AND ADVISORS! BRUNCH ON MAY 22, 2011 -10: 15 AM IN ROOM 330 Sunday, May 22 at 10:05 AM we will honor our Youth Teachers and Leaders as we recognize them with the youth at the beginning of Contemporary Worship. After that recognition, the teachers and advisors will go upstairs for a Brunch hosted by the Youth Parent Committee. We hope you will join us for this fun event. YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL UPDATE Sunday, May 15 – Last Regular Sunday School Class of this church year. Sunday, May 22 – Contemporary Worship – Recognize Teachers/Advisors and Brunch for them. Sunday, May 29 – No Youth Sunday School Sunday, June 5 - Youth Summer Sunday School Begins – “Faith in Films” – 9:00 AM – all 6-12th grade at 9:00 AM in B111 HAITI ORIENTATION FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS MAY 25 AT 7:00 PM All College Students and Leaders going on the Haiti Mission Trip – May 29-June 4, please plan to attend an orientation meeting on Wednesday, May 25 at 7:00 PM in B111. We will get organized, give out airline tickets, etc. Please plan to attend.
UPCOMING YOUTH MISSION TRIPS Please pray for our college students, youth and leaders who are preparing for 2011 Mission Trips.
May 29-June 4 – College Mission Trip to Haiti June 5-11 – Sr. High Mission Trip to Jamaica
June 12-18 – Jr. High Mission Trip to Jamaica
July 10-16 – Passport Mission Trip to Missouri
July 23-30 – Youth Family Mission Trip to Honduras
The Chimes adult sunday school
Our lively discussions are led by members of the church staff and congregation. Our members are generally age 35-55, married, have children in Elementary-College, and interact socially.
The final two weeks of the our church school yearMay 15 and 22- we will have Florida Ellis as our teacher. Florida will wrap up our year of “Abiding” with a Christian contemplation teachings and discussion. All are welcome.
Faith and Life Room 218
Our Class will meet in Fifield Hall to hear “Family Stress, the individuality of each child and parenting” led by David M. Alexander. May 22 - Faith and Life will not meet.
Forum @ First Fifield Hall
On May 15, Forum hosts David M. Alexander, a highly regarded psychotherapist specializing in child, family and parenting concerns. On this Children’s Sunday, Mr. Alexander will be teaching on family stress, parenting and the individuality of each child. Bring your questions & please join us. May 22 is the last Sunday before we switch to a 9:00 am Sunday School hour, and we encourage everyone to join one of the other adult classes on this day. Next week is Memorial Day Weekend, and you are invited to Fifield at 9 am for a Memorial Breakfast and Celebration.
Internationals Room 327
On May 15th, Bob Duggan will describe the opportunities for “Traveling the World Via Ham Radio”. On May 22nd, Mario de la Hoz will be speaking about the country of Colombia.
Meditation Group Room 319
Meditation Group Room 319 - May 15th will be our last class for the church year. If you want this Meditation class to continue next year please
Older Young Couples Room 322
A vibrant, conversational class that discusses a variety of topics, including the Bible, theology, current events, and the arts. Most of us are thirty something and many have young children. All of us are friendly and eager for new people to join us as we learn, laugh, drink coffee, and build friendships together. Visitors welcome! On May 15th and 22nd, we’ll discuss “Christian Perspectives on Vacation”
Ours for Today Room B308
On May 15th, we will introduce our summer study program and beginning planning for next year. On May 22nd Kate Breytspraak will reward us for our bean-gathering efforts with a private performance! A representative from the Venable Food Pantry will then update us on the work they do to serve the community.
Spiritual Living Room B202
Througout the month of May, we are discussing Emett Fox’s book, Diagrams for Living.
The Upper Room Room 332
On May 15th, Darryl Payne will speak to the class about his mission trip to Nicaragua. Please come hear about his amazing trip. On May 22nd we will meet as a class to discuss our plans for next year. Please come for this time of fellowship but more importantly to give input into what we will learn about in the following year.
Young Couples Class Room 219
On May 15th we will have a planning meeting to discuss upcoming events and plans for next year. We don’t yet have something scheduled for May 22nd, but we plan to have class. Please contact Matt Wirth with questions: mwirth@carterusa.com. Thanks!
Check out our super
duper way-cool website www.firstpresatl.org
Any time, day or night, you w can get es ome all the latest information on events, classes, worship, youth, missions, and much much more. Make reservations for events and even pay online. And don’t forget to register in the Members Only Section. You’ll be able to see the church directory and manage a b o d all your group affiliations and giving. Registering is easy, simply send your email address to Pam Parrish pparrish@firstpresatl.org See you there! A
Emmaus Class Room 227
On May 15th, Ed Phillips from the Candler School of Theology will be our speaker. We’ll touch on the early history of Easter, Pentecost, and Lent, or Why does the date of Easter move around the calendar, and why does that matter? How did the season of Lent develop? What was it about, originally? Why do we consider it a 40 day period when it has 46 days? Why does our liturgical calendar call Easter a season? Are there 50 days of Easter? Join us to discuss! On May 22nd, we’ll have our end of year celebration.
Discovering God’s Word Room 317
This spring, our class is studying John Claypool’s book, Glad Reunion: Meeting Ourselves in the Lives of Biblical Men and Women. On May 15th, we will discuss “Solomon” (p. 103-111), and on May 22nd, “Elijah” (p. 112-122). Please join us!
Open Door Room 156
Covenant Class Room 230
A new class is forming, and if you are interested in Bible study and in being a part of something new at FPC, you are invited to an organizational meeting on May 15. For more information, please call Nathan Hartman at 404.271.5646.
Join us on the 4th Floor as we continue our study of The Gospel According to John.
NEW Sunday School Class Room 323
Community Bible Study Room B415
make your wishes known by emailing me at dhitchcock@firstpresatl.org.Have a wonderful and blessed summer!
On May 15th, the Bereans will finish up the series on Love and Justice in Christian Life with Dr. Mark Douglas. We will continue to explore three different ways that the Christian faith has understood agape (love) and how those perspectives on love have shaped understandings of justice. On May 22nd, the Bereans will finish up our year with a celebration brunch in the Reception Room.
Berean Bible Class Reception Room
May 15 & 22
The Chimes
“Without music, life is a journey through a desert”
For information about private music instruction and group music, dance, and art classes, please visit us on the web or call: Kate Breytspraak, Director www.PSPAonline.org (404) 404-228-7762 kbreytspraak@firstpresatl.org
Music for May 15 Prelude Anthem Offertory Ben Rsp Postlude
Pastorale, BWV 590 – J.S. Bach Archangel Choir This Little Light of Mine – Moses Hogan Threefold Amen Toccata – Georgi Mushel
Music for May 22 Mother’s Day, graduation, wedding, baptism... we have gifts and cards appropriate for all occasions. Let us assist you in making a selection.
The Mustard Seed
Wednesdays 9-1, 4:30-6:30 Sundays 9-1 (404) 201-6442 info@themustardseedbookstore.com
Prelude Offertory Ben Rsp Postlude
Sinfonie Nr. 11 in D Major – Scarlatti (St. Cecilia consort) Mass in C Major: Kyrie & Gloria – W.A. Mozart Amen – Lutkin Recessional – Francis Jackson
y Drop b d an ! say hi
The Chimes Bi-weekly Newsletter of
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: youbelong@firstpresatl.org Web: www.firstpresatl.org WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am Sunday School 10:05 am WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am On demand anytime www.firstpresatl.org/servicesonline AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.