eChimes for Oct. 16th & 23rd

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FPC connects

The Chimes nline

Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta

SUNDAY Schedule Sunday, October 16 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Cherub Choir - 9:30 am • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School - 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fall Festival and Picnic - 12:15 pm, Parking Lot and Playground • Excelsis Choir - 1:00 pm

Sunday, October 23 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Cherub Choir - 9:30 am • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School - 10:05 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 am, Fifield Hall • Excelsis Choir - 1:00 pm • Book Club - 2:00 pm, Home of Caroline Hardin

October 16 & 23, 2011 Christ at the Center

October 16, “Make Today Count” “A California preacher who foretold of the world’s end only to see the appointed day (May 21) pass with October 16 & 23 - no extraordinarily George Wirth to preach cataclysmic event has revised his apocalyptic prophecy, saying he was off by five months and the Earth will actually be obliterated on October 21” (from an article “Apocalypse Later: Oct. 21” by Garance Burke, Associated Press and page A13 of the AJC on May 25, 2011). This article from the Atlanta JournalConstitution last spring has me wondering whether or not the October 21 “End Of The World” prediction by radio evangelist Harold Camping will stir up as much commotion as did his May 21 debacle. I also wonder why so many people spend so much time and energy on these predictions, especially when Jesus told His first disciples and all of still today not to do it (read Acts 1:6-11). That will be the focus of our sermon on October 16, “Make Today Count,” as we talk together about the time of our lives as Christians and how we are all called to focus on the present, instead of regretting the past and worrying about or trying to predict the future. The sermon text is taken from these familiar words in Psalm 118:24: “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” That is what I look forward to doing with you in the sanctuary on Sunday morning at 9:00 and 11:15 - so please join us and invite your family and friends to come on along as well!

October 23, “Ammendment 10A and The Presbyterian Church USA” When the General Assembly of the PCUSA met in June 2010 and voted to change the Book of Order regarding sexuality and ordination, some congregations and individual members rejoiced and voiced their approval while others lamented and resolved to resist the change. Since then, most of us have been trying to understand what the GA decision means for all of our local churches. That will be the theme of our sermon on October 23, “Ammendment 10A and the PCUSA”. I plan to summarize the helpful report shared with the Session in September by the Rev. Dr. Joan Gray, former PCUSA Moderator and FPC staff member here. In addition, we will explore the guidance of scripture from Romans 12 which will hopefully set the tone not only for the sermon, but also for the way that our congregation deals with this divisive issue. So please pray to God for guidance as FPC seeks His direction in the days and months ahead, and lift up your prayers also for all of our Presbyterian sisters and brothers who seek to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives, who desire to be faithful to the truth and authority of the Bible, and who are committed to the peace, unity and purity of the Presbyterian Church USA. I look forward to worshipping with you all on Sunday morning, and to engaging in an ongoing dialogue about these important issues. And please remember these words from Romans 12:18: “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all (with one another). Faithfully Yours, George B. Wirth

The Chimes Care, Growth & Events

Prayers for THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719.

Pray for: Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III MC2 Tyler Wilson

Pastoral Care Report (As of October 5, 2011)

Recuperating: Dan Smith, Beverly Wesley Rehab: Florence Inman, John Talmadge Births: Our congratulations and many blessings are extended to Katie and Bob Weston following the April 2nd birth of Robert “Bo” Gabrey Weston III. Deaths: We extend our deepest sympathy and lift up in prayer: Will & Diane Pharr and family following the death of their son, William Samuel “Sam” Pharr Jr., on October 4th; the family and friends of our former member, Mrs. John O. (Tino) Gaultney, on October 4th in Nashville.



f your family, or any you know, has children who are dealing with loss, RAINBOWS can help. RAINBOWS is a weekly support group program for children and youth who have experienced traumatic change, usually due to divorce, abandonment or death. Parents and guardians also meet in a group to consider what is happening in their families from the child’s point of view. This program is open to the community, so spread the word. For more information, or to register, call Sue Anthony at 404-257-9388, or the Pastoral Care office at 404-228-7719.


RAINBOWS SCHEDULE Thursday evenings, Sept. 29 - Nov. 17 and Jan. 5 - Feb. 23 Gather for brown bag supper: 6:00 pm Groups: 6:45-7:45 2011-12 session begins September 29. Groups are forming now.


October 16 & 23




COME-ON-ALONG TO CHERRY LOG FOR BBQ (with the Senterfitts and a visit to Merciers Orchards) DATE: Thursday, October 20, 2011 TIME: Leave 2nd Ponce de Leon Baptist Church at 9:15 a.m. COST: $15.00 per person Mark your calendar and save the date! Make your reservation and send in your check so we can save your seat on the bus. It’s going to be a day of fun, food, and fellowship with Trisha and Jack in Cherry Log. The leaves will be turning and the BBQ will be tasty! You can just sit and relax or walk the labyrinth. And don’t forget the apples, cider, fried pies and other delicious goodies you can purchase at Merciers. You don’t want to miss this special trip, so call Pat now! (404.228.7719). If you need a ride from your Hi-Rise call Julia Brooke at 404/438-7344.

The Chimes PROGRAMS & events



The Holidays will be here before you know it... F I R S T

FPC Youth Wreath Sales

October 19 & 26



T he M ustard S eed 9:00 am - 1:00 pm,

4:30 - 6:30 pm Books, gifts and cards for all ages.





Support Junior & Senior High Youth 2012 Mission Trips. Place your order today for your 22” Fresh Balsam Fir Wreaths

D inner 5:00 - 6:30 pm

Adults and Youth :$8 Children 3-12: $4

P reschool 5:30 - 8:00 pm Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available. E lementary A ctivities 5:00 - 7:30 pm

LOGOS: recreation, dinner, choir, drama and art.

Orders will be taken from

Y outh 5:30 - 7:30 pm B111

October 2 through October 26, 2011

All youth are invited to join us for Fellowship, Food and Bible Study.

Please sign-up on line at :

W ednesday N ight C hoirs

5:30 - 6:25 pm 6:00 - 6:45 pm 6:45 - 7:30 pm 6:30 - 7:25 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm

Handbell Choir Archangel Choir (Grade 1 -2) Archangel Choir (Grade 3 -5) St. Cecilia Consort Chancel Choir

Wednesday Night Studies & Worship

$32.00 per wreath, boxed with a gift card, and red bow, shipped UPS directly from Maine to each destination you specify.

6:30 - 7:30 pm Reception Room Midweek Worship Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong, Rev. Kevin D. Knab & Rev. Chris Moore-Keish

Special price of $25.00 per wreath for orders of 3 or more. Self pick-up at FPC and does not include a gift card.

The Lay Academy 6:30 - 9:00 pm Room 156 God told you WHAT?! Dr. Brent Strawn Associate Professor of Old Testament Candler School of Theology, Emory Unv.

All Proceeds Benefit Youth Missions








Next month (Friday, November 11th) we’re going to see the Musical Drama performance of Heaven Bound at Big Bethel AME Church. Call Pat for more information and to make your reservation!




Make plans for your whole family to attend this exciting Mission experience. S U N D A Y

N O V .





October 16 & 23


The Chimes

The FPC FALL The Partnership Refugee Subcommittee will be setting up the apartment for our new refugee family on Saturday, October 29th. We need your help in furnishing the apartment. We need furniture, linens, pillows, dishes, household goods, cleaning & laundry supplies, lamps, alarm clock, iron & ironing board, microwave, TV, wastebaskets, toiletries--everything a family needs to set up housekeeping. Please bring your donations to the Community Ministry Office at First or the office at Hillside as soon as possible. If you have large items, we can pick them up. Just call Michele or Rev. Connie Lee at 404-228-7741 or email to


Book Club

The Partnership Ministry & Christian Education collaborative Book Club will meet on Sunday, Oct 23 at 2pm to discuss “Nickel and Dimed” by Barbara Ehrenreich. We will be continuing our discussion of “Who is your neighbor?” We will meet at the home of Caroline Hardin in Virginia Highlands. To receive directions or more information please contact Rev. Lindsay Armstrong at 404-228-7713 or Darryl Payne at 404-298-5920 or email to 4

October 16 & 23

FESTIVAL & PICNIC 4 not to mention

Ca r n i va l 4










With loads of music, food, fun, and more great stuff!

Sunday, OCT. 16th FUN



Location: Our newly renovated playground and in the back parking lot. 4 4

4 4

T h e F in e A r t s Commi t t e e presents

Picasso to Warhol at the High Thursday November 10th

Join us for Picasso to Warhol at the High, featuring approximately 100 works of art created by 14 of the most iconic artists from the 20th century. 6pm dinner and lecture in the Reception Room 7 pm tour of exhibit at the High 8 pm optional cash bar gathering on the Table 1280 Patio.

Cost $20 for non museum members $15 for museum members Register online or between Worship services on Oct. 30 & Nov. 6 For more info email Kate Breytspraak at

The Chimes

V ol u nteer

Please join Presbyterian Women at our

G od told you WHAT?!

The Theology of Old Testament Law Dr. Brent A. Strawn

Associate Professor of Old Testament Candler School of Theology, Emory University Have you ever wondered about the significance of Old Testament law? Is it all outdated in light of the New Testament or are any of those laws (613 according to the rabbis) still useful and pertinent? This five week study will provide an introduction to the theological and ethical significance of Old Testament

law and will cover such items as: the narrative setting of OT law, various legal collections in the OT (including the Ten Commandments and, yes, Leviticus!), and other matters pertaining to interpreting OT law, especially the important question of the ongoing usefulness of law for Christian faith and practice. Join us!

Wednesdays, October 19 - November 16 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Room 156 $50 per person; scholarships available

FALL GATHERING as we welcome Margaret Aymer speaking on the Beatitudes. Monday, November 7th, 6:00 pm Reception Room $13.00 for dinner and program. R.S.V.P. to Carla Ferrell, (404) 228-3825, THE LAY ACADEMY

F p C

Christian Education

Be included in our NEW Pictorial Directory! Appointments available starting Sept. 20th. Go to for link to sign ups!

or Sign up outside Reception room during Fellowship Hour on Sundays, October 16, 23 and 30. Childcare and transportation are available upon request.


Children e ’ h Christmas Pageant



December 11th, The Christm our precious children will lead us FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHUR through the story of our Savior’s birth. Don’t miss this opportunity for your little one to take part in one of First Presbyterian Church’s most beloved traditions. You will be able to sign-up through the church’s website starting October 9th. You can also stop by the table outside Fifield Hall after the 9am worship service or after Sunday School on the following Sundays: October 16th and 23rd.

b e a pa rt o f t h i s Christmas tradition o n S u n d ay, December 11th. The Christmas Pageant is looking for volunteers to help with one of First Presbyterian Church’s most beloved services. All are welcome—you do not need to have a child in the Pageant! You can help organize costumes, make or mend scenery, write prayers with 5th graders or help with sign-ups. We also always need plenty of extra hands the morning of the Pageant, helping little ones into their costumes or directing people to their places. Please contact Gail Price at (404) 724-9570, or Laurie Campbell at (404-228-7722),

October 16 & 23


The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary

youth 2012 Youth Mission Trips!

The Fall Food Drive begins Sunday, Oct. 23

It’s time to SIGN UP! We have finalized the 2012 Youth Mission Trips and it’s time to sign up! June 3-9, 2012- Sr. High Tornado Relief Trip, Joplin, MO June 10-16, 2012 - Jr. High Tornado Relief Trip, Joplin, MO July 8-14, 2012 - Combined Youth Group Trip, Orlando, FL July 21-28, 2012 - Family Mission Trip to Roatan, Honduras Applications are available in the Youth Ministry Office and online soon. Email me and I’ll email you one! FPC FALL FESTIVAL AND CARNIVAL October 16! Youth will lead carnival games at the FPC Fall Festival - face painting, nails, sand art, bean bag toss, moon bounce and so much more! Lunch and Festival Carnival will be in the parking lot from 12:30 till! Join us for an afternoon to GET CONNECTED at FPC! There will be an old-fashioned “Bake Off” so start getting those recipes out! Youth are needed to man the booths! Youth visit Hillside for Youth Sunday October 23, 2011 All FPC Youth will worship with HPC Youth on October 23. We will depart at 10:15 AM and return after lunch. WE will have lunch at HPC. Please make plans to join us and worship with our HPC Youth Friends and Families.

Fall Food Drive The food drive for all elementary and preschool children begins on Sunday, October 23rd and ends on Sunday, November 13th. All donations will be sorted and taken to the FPC Food Pantry. The elementary class that donates the most food will have a party during Sunday School! Join us at the FPC Fall Festival October 16th See page 4 for more information.

Youth Fellowship October 23, 2011 – Random Acts of Kindness Night All youth are invited to join us to bake cookies for local Fire Fighters. We will bake cookies at the church then go in teams to visit Fire Stations and share our goodies and our appreciation for their courage and service to our community. We will meet at 4:30 PM to bake then go visit and grab dinner while we are out. Bring money for dinner. Pick up will be at church at 7:30 PM.

Upcoming Events “Outlive Your Life” - Regular Wednesday Night Bible Study - 5:30-7:30 PM Christmas Wreath Sales October 2- 26, 2011! Hillside Presbyterian Church Youth Sunday - October 23, 2011 - 11:00 AM Random Acts of Kindness Night - October 23, 2011 - 4:30-7:30 PM Youth Parent Advisory Committee Meeting - October 25, 2011 - 7:00 PM Youth Halloween Parties - October 30, 2011 - 5:00 - 7:00 PM Important Need!!! Party Homes NEEDED! We need host homes for our Jr. High and Sr. High Halloween Parties scheduled for Sunday, October 30 at 5:00-7:00 PM. Email me if you would like to host one of these parties! 2012 Youth Musical – Guys and Dolls Rehearsal will begin in November for our 16th Annual Youth Musical. This year we will perform, “Guys and Dolls.” Plan now to participate. This is our largest fundraiser during the year. Please join us!!!


October 16 & 23

The Chimes adult sunday school A gora Room 322 In New Testament Greek, the name means “meeting place,” and we are a vibrant, conversational class that discusses a variety of topics, including Bible, theology, current events, and arts. Most of us are thirty something, and many have young children. Visitors welcome! B erean B ible C lass Reception Room The Bereans were critical thinkers who, with study, became believers. (Acts 17: 10-12). This year our theme is “What is the Bible?” It is God’s word, but it is also art, literature, and the most influential book ever written, and that is just the beginning. On Oct. 16th, Dr. George Yacoubian will discuss his take on this interesting and vital topic. On October 23rd and 30th, Doug Allen joins us. C ommunity B ible S tudy Room B415 Taught by the Rev. Charles Black and Rev. Connie Lee, the Community Sunday School Class includes First Presbyterian members and community participants. C ovenant C lass Room 230 On Oct. 16 Craig Goodrich will lead out class. On Oct. 23 Katherine Davey will lead us in a discussion on the book Love Wins. D iscovering G od ’ s W ord Room 317 Our class is studying John Claypool’s book, Glad Reunion: Meeting Ourselves in the Lives of Biblical Men and Women. On Oct. 16th, we will discuss Jeremiah (p. 159-170), and on Oct. 23rd, Ezekiel (p. 171180). Please join us! E mmaus C lass Room 227 The Emmaus Class will be studying the Gospel of Mark, using Tim Keller’s book, King’s Cross as a resource. These classes will be led by class members. All are welcome. F aith and L ife Room 218 On Oct. 16th, Andi Goodrich will conclude our study of “Older in Age, Deeper in Grace: Living in God’s Loving Presence.” We are delighted Andi is returning to our class to teach. On Oct. 23d, Zach Young will begin a two week study on the book King’s Cross by Tim Keller. Please join us as we welcome Zach.

F irst F oundations Room 319 On Oct. 16th,we will attend the Islam discussion in Fifield Hall. On Oct 23rd, we will reconvene in room 319 for the first part of a two week series on “God and Money” taught by Jami Wise. F orum @ F irst Fifield Hall On October 16 and 23, Forum welcomes Dr. John A. Azumah, Associate Professor of World Christianity at Columbia Theological Seminary. Growing up in a Muslim family and later converting to Christianity, Dr. Azumah specializes in Islam and Christian-Muslim relations. On October 16, he will be speaking on “Christians and Christianity through Muslim Eyes.” On October 23, Dr. Azumah will be speaking on “Christian responses to Islam since 9/11.” G alatians 3:28, Room 323 On October 16th this new class will meet for just the third time, allowing us to continue exploring Paul’s understanding (as well as our own) of body & relationships. The class has been formed as a safe place to engage questions of relationships, love, sexuality, and life in the Bible and faith. Parker Diggory, a PhD student in Biblical Studies at Emory will lead us. I nternationals Room 327 On Oct. 16th, class member Larry Galindo will discuss “Christianity in the Middle East Today”. On Oct. 23rd, Rev. Lisa Majoros, Asso. Director of AMIS, will review “AMIS Today and Tomorrow.” M editation G roup Room B320 Everyone is Welcome. You will be guided to relieve your stress, balance your body’s energy and connect more deeply with God. If you are experiencing a health challenge this is a great place to learn techniques that will help you to heal yourself. O pen D oor Room 156 On Oct. 16, Rose Emily Bermudez will tell us of our church’s work in Jamaica. On 23 Oct our friend Tom Munger will be our speaker. O urs for T oday Room B308 On Oct. 16th and 23rd, we will welcome Dr. Martha Moore-Keish, Associate Professor of Theology from Columbia

Seminary, to guide us through a Christian perspective on pluralism. Dr. Moore-Keish has engaged and enlightened our class before, and we are eager to welcome her back.

S piritual L iving Room B202 On October 16 and 23, we continue our discussion of Diagrams for Living. T he U pper R oom Room 332 On October 16 and 23, Rev. Chris Moore-Keish will be teaching the Upper Room class with his characteristically winsome ways. Join us!

O f f ic e o f Eld er Look for the Recommendation Forms located throughout the church to submit names for the Office of Elder for the Class of 2014. Recommendations must be submitted by October 30, 2010.

Calling all Game Gurus

2nd Wednesday of each month 3 - 5 pm, Fifield Hall @ First Presbyterian Church You don’t really have to be a guru. In fact, you don’t even have to be good. Just stop by for a few hours of cards or other board games. For more info contact Maree Durmeyer amdurmeyer@yahoo. com 404-872-6040

October 16 & 23


The Chimes

“New name, new logo, same great teaching.”

For information about private music instruction and group music, dance, and art classes, please visit us on the web or call: Kate Breytspraak, Director (404) 228-7762


first presbyterian church of atlanta

Soon leaves will turn glorious colors, the air will be crisp and the sky a vivid invitation to curl up with a good book.

The Mustard Seed

Wednesdays 9-1, 4:40 - 6:30 Sundays 9-1 (404) 201-6442

r Let ou lp e h f f a st our with yion. select

Music for October 16 Prelude Introit Anthem Offertory Ben Resp Postlude

Allegro, Concerto #4 George F. Handel Seek Ye First – Lafferty (9:00) Lilies White and Fair - Paul J. Christiansen (11:15) Consider the Lilies Natalie Sleeth This Is the Day Which the Lord Hath Made - Flor Peeters The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Rutter Psalm XIX - Benedetto Marcello

Music for October 23 Prelude Introit Anthem Offertory Ben Resp Postlude

Variations on Liebster Jesu - arr. Sue Mitchell-Wallace Come, O Spirit, Dwell Among Us Let Nothing Ever Grieve Thee - Brahms Greater Love Hath No Man - John Ireland Amen - Brahms Fantasia on Ebenezer - Richard Purvis

The Chimes Bi-weekly Newsletter of

First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: Web: WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am Sunday School 10:05 am WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am On demand anytime AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.

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