FPC connects
The Chimes nline
Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta
SUNDAY Schedule Sunday, July 17 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am • Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 11:15 pm, Fifield Hall
Sunday, July 24 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am • Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 11:15 pm, Fifield Hall
Summer/September Preaching Schedule July 17th - Rev. Craig Goodrich July 24th - Rev. Hardy Kim July 31st - Rev. Kevin Knab August 7th - Dr. George Wirth August 14th - Rev. Caleb Clarke August 21st - Rev. Lindsay Armstrong August 28th - Dr. George Wirth September 4th - Rev. Chris Moore-Keish September 11th - Dr. Tom Tewell
July 17 & 24, 2011 Christ at the Center
n his book The Hopeful Heart, John Claypool writes, “What breath is to the physical body, hope is to the human spirit….It is the fuel that energizes July 17 - Craig Goodrich us, gets us up in to preach the morning and propels us through the day.” Hope is the ability to look forward to and imagine a meaningful future. As a way to authentic hope, Claypool suggests that we look to Scripture which tells of God’s love and promises. In the first lesson for this Sunday, Jacob finds hope in a barren, rocky place, in a dream in which God promises blessing to the nations through Jacob’s offspring and says to him, “know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.” (Genesis 28:15). Jacob awakens with hope and exclaims, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it!” In the second lesson, Paul also speaks of hope, encouraging believers that the ‘”sufferings of this present time” cannot be compared to the glory to come, God’s promised new creation, adoption and redemption. (Romans 8: 18-25). Where are you looking for hope today? Maybe the place to start is with the promises and love of God in Jesus Christ. The sermon this Sunday is entitled “The Place of Hope.” See you soon.
uring my time at the First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, I have been blessed by the amazing community and inspiring work done in the name July 24 - Hardy Kim Symington to preach of Jesus Christ. I have also had the privilege of welcoming amazing new people into the life of FPC. During the new member process I am almost always asked: “What about predestination?” Predestination is a doctrine important to historic Presbyterianism that is summed up in this passage of the Westminster Confession—“By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory, some men and angels are predestinated unto everlasting life, and others foreordained to everlasting death.” It seems strangely appropriate, then, that the lectionary readings for this Sunday include Romans 8:26-39, the very passage in which many ground the concept. As my time with you draws to a close I invite you to join me in reflecting, one more time, on this important text and on the question of the role that our own will and choice play in our faith. For I am convinced that our understanding of these ideas is critical in determining, “The Church We Choose.”
God bless,
Peace, Hardy H. Kim
The Chimes Care, Growth & Events
Prayers for THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family. To add names, please call 404.228.7719.
Pray for: Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III MC2 Tyler Wilson
Pastoral Care Report (As of July 6, 2011) Recuperating: Scott Patterson, Dottie Hitchcock
Deaths: We extend our deepest sympathy and lift up in prayer: John, Cyrus and David Strickler (and their families) following the death of their mother, our long-time member, Elizabeth “Chi Chi” Strickler, on June 22nd; Steele and Melody Hays & family following the death of Steele’s father, Judge Steele Hays, on June 22nd in Little Rock, Arkansas; George Lancaster upon the death of his mother, Sarah Dyer Lancaster, on June 23rd in Nashville, TN.
Sunday, July 31 4:00 pm
Don’t forget to take us along. Worship with us live from any place in the world.
Summer is a time for taking a break from our usual hectic routines. Come relax with your FPC family in Piedmont Park as we gather for a pot-luck picnic. We’ll provide a main dish. Bring sides, desserts, and drinks to share.
http://www.firstpresatl.org or www.firstpresbyterian.tv Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. this summer
Sunday, July 31 @ 4:00 pm Piedmont Park – Main Pavilion
July 17 & 24
The Chimes PROGRAMS & events
Summer Fellowship FPC EVENTS 2011
C heck
out what ’ s going on this summer
J u LY
Thursday, July 21 - 5:00 p.m. FPC Game Day and Tailgate Party Winn Park Contact: Will Breytspraak 404-228-7772 Thursday, July 28 - 6:00 p.m. Holy Rollers Bowling Night Midtown Bowl Contact: Margaret Evans 404-316-9751 Sunday, July 31- 4:00 p.m. FPC Potluck Picnic Piedmont Park - Main Pavilion Contact: Hardy Kim 404-228-7718
Saturday, August 6 Whitewater Rafting Trip Contact: Lindsay Armstrong 404-228-7713 Sunday, August 14 - 11:15 a.m. Ice Cream Social FPC Preschool playground Contact: Hardy Kim 404-228-7718 Sunday, August 28 - 4:00 p.m. FPC Potluck Picnic GlenLake Park Pavilion, Decatur Contact: Hardy Kim 404-228-7718
with Whitewater Express – Camp Ocoee When: Saturday, August 6, 2011 Carpool departs FPC at 8:30 am Return by 5:00 pm Where: Middle Ocoee River
C h r i s t m a s
i n
Children ’ he Christmas Pageant
J u l y
Christmas Committee The ChristmasPageant Pageant is looking for a few seamstresses to FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF ATLANTA DECEMBER 9, 2007 this help make costumes summer. If you are interested, please contact Kelly Shea-Miller for more information kshea_miller@yahoo.com (770) 454 8890.
Who: Any FPC members and friends (must be age 12 or over) Cost: $45 per person, includes lunch. Financial assistance available. For more info: Contact Lindsay Armstrong at 404.228.7713 or online at www.whitewaterexpress.com To secure your spot, register on-line at www.firstpresatl.org First come, first serve reservations, with a maximum of 75 people.
All are welcome. Please join us!
July 17 & 24
The Chimes
N o t i c e
o f
S p e c i a l
Co ngr e gatio nal M e e ting The Session has called a special congregational meeting for Sunday August 7 immediately following the 10:15 morning worship service. The purpose of the meeting, which will be in the Sanctuary, is to vote on the Reverend Hardy Kim’s request that the congregation dissolve his call. Rev. Kim has accepted a call from the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago to be an associate pastor there. Following the congregational meeting there will be a reception during which gratitude and best wishes can be expressed to Rev. Kim and his family. Signed
duper way-cool website www.firstpresatl.org Any time, day or night, you can get all the latest information on events, classes, w worship, youth, missions, e s o m e and much much more. Make reservations for events and even pay online. And don’t forget to register in the Members Only Section. You’ll be able to see the church directory and manage all your group affiliations a and giving. bod Registering is easy, simply send your email address to Pam Parrish pparrish@firstpresatl.org See you there! IT’s
William M. Earnest, Clerk of Session
Check out our super
J O I N U S F O R A G R E AT A D U LT M I S S I O N T R I P t o Fo r t a l e z a , B r a z i l
F P C A D U LT M i s s i o n T r i p S i g n up e a r ly f o r 2 0 1 2 B r a z i l
F o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n C o n tact: Rose Emily Bermudez 404-228-7733 reb@childspringintl.org 4
July 17 & 24
The Chimes
New Orleans Mission Trip for new members FPC Atlanta New Member Mission Trip October 2-8, 2011
Join us as we share in the hands-on work of rebuilding homes in New Orleans, learn about the situation in the Gulf Coast, get a taste of bayou cooking, and share in relaxed fellowship with other FPC members and volunteers from around the country. You don’t need to be skilled in construction; Project Homecoming is set up for volunteers of all skill levels. And the cost of everything for this trip is only $300 per person! We really hope that you will consider getting involved in a project that promises to be as fun as it is meaningful. Contact Rose Emily Bermudez, FPC’s Mission Staff Liaison (404.228.7733 or reb@childspringintl.org) so that we can talk about how you can be a part of this amazing new journey.
FPC Game Day and Tailgate Party Thursday, July 21 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Winn Park Join us for an evening of Games at the FPC Game Day and Tailgate Party. Games to include: Softball, Kickball, Capture the Flag, and More! Be sure to bring your own tailgate picnic for your family.
The Partnership Ministry’s Refugee Resettlement Committee works with Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Services of Atlanta (RRISA) to help resettle arriving immigrant families every year. RRISA has asked for our help in collecting items related to newborns and their care as they are expecting a lot of new babies this summer among their families. They are requesting donations of the following:
Cribs, car seats, high chairs, pack n plays, umbrella strollers, infant tubs, and financial contributions. For safety reasons, they ask that items be new or gently used and manufactured in the last 5 years. Please drop off your donations at RRISA by July 30. Donations will be received Monday through Thursday, 10am to 3pm, at 4151 Memorial Drive, Suite 205D, Decatur, 30032. Their contact is 404-622-2235, ext. 233 or Phyllis@RRISA.org. If you have items to donate and cannot make it to Decatur, please contact the Partnership Ministry at 404228-7741 or email to fpc_hillside@bellsouth.net.
July 17 & 24
The Chimes nursery/preschool & elementary
youth YOUTH FELLOWSHIP JULY 17 – BRAVES GAME! All 6th-12th graders are invited to join us after worship to go to the Braves vs. Nationals game at 1:05 PM at Turner Field. Bring money to buy cheap tickets ($8 and money for lunch). Bring about $25 cash. We will depart after worship and return about 4:30 PM for pick up at the church. All are welcome! FINAL YOUTH MISSION TRIP OF 2011!
Calling All Volunteers!!
YOUTH FAMILY MISSION TRIP TO ROATAN, HONDURAS – JULY 23-30, 2011! ! n i Please pray for the 24 youth and families that a g d A GA. a o are going to Roatan, Honduras for our Youth R e , On thg in Helen Family Mission Trip. This year we are building a home for a family in the Colone District. It Tubin is very exciting to help provide shelter for a family that does not have a home.
Calling All Volunteers!! Both the elementary and nursery/preschool ministries need volunteers for the summer and the 2011-2012 program year. If you are interested in teaching Sunday school, volunteering with LOGOS on Wednesday nights, participating as part of the committees, or rotating on the halls please contact Katharine Hamer at khamer@ firstpresatl.org for Nursery/ Preschool or Morgan Moore at mmoore@firstpresatl.org or Joel Moore at jmoore@firstpresatl.org for Elementary. We look forward to seeing you at the FPC summer fellowship opportunities! Be sure to check out the schedule on page 3 of this Chimes for upcoming events!!
Vacation Bible School was cool! 6
July 17 & 24
YOUTH INVITED TO ALL CHURCH THURSDAY EVENTS! Be sure to watch the Chimes for more details and how to sign up! Thursday, July 21 – Game Day Tailgate Party at Winn Park – Bring a picnic dinner and be ready to play softball or kickball! Thursday, July 28 – Bowling with the Church Family Sunday, July 31 – All Church Picnic UPCOMING EVENTS FOR YOUTH! Youth Leadership Team Lunch and Planning Meeting – August 14 Youth Teacher/Leader Lunch and Orientation – August 21 Youth-Parent Kick-Off Lunch – August 28
The Chimes adult sunday school T
– No
SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES Everyone Welcome! Christian Views on the News (Sundays, July 10 - August 7)
9:00 am, Fifield Hall
Each day we are impacted by events in Atlanta, our nation, or around the world. Yet, how does the good news of God’s victory in Jesus Christ speak to some of these stories? What are the scriptures and personal stories that shape your views on the news? Join us each week as a different person from the First Presbyterian Church community shares the scriptures and personal stories that shape their views on a top news story. Topics and leaders vary each week and are posted on the FPC website.
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The Internationals Class
July 17: Class member Dorothy White-Williams will share her “Reflections on Ghana.”
“NEW” SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Come join us on Sunday mornings for prayer, scripture reading, and sharing of personal experience. We especially welcome visitors who have never had a home Bible class - We Welcome You!
Sundays, 11:25 am to 12:25 pm Room #323
July 24: ipangani M. Vokhiwa, class member – Report on Mercer on Mission to Malawi.
Sundays, Room 327 9:00 – 10:00 am
July 17 & 24
The Chimes
“Without music, life is a journey through a desert”
The FPC School of Performing Arts would like to thank the Fine Arts Committee for its generous donation to our scholarship fund. Both need and talent based scholarships are available. If you are interested in our music lessons or classes, please contact Kate Breytspraak, Director www.firstpresatl.org/pspa (404) 228-7762
The Mustard Seed will be closed from June 27 - Aug 16 for inventory and restocking.
The Mustard Seed
Sundays 9-12 (404) 201-6442 info@themustardseedbookstore.com
Have a nice r e summ
Music for July 17 Prelude Anthem Offertory
Variations on Earth and All Stars - Robert Powell If Ye Love Me - Tallis Simple Song – Bornstein Jonathan Pilkington, tenor Ben Resp Tallis’ Canon Postlude Tuba Tune in D Major - C.S. Lang
Music for July 24 Prelude Anthem Offertory Ben Resp Postlude
Arioso in F - G. F. Handel Be Thou My Vision - Rutter Ave Maria – Mascagni Heather Witt Owens, alto Be Thou My Vision Festive Trumpet Tune - D. German
The Chimes Bi-weekly Newsletter of
First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309-3209 HOW TO CONTACT US Phone/404-892-8461 Fax/404-228-7760 E-mail: youbelong@firstpresatl.org Web: www.firstpresatl.org WORSHIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am Sunday School 10:05 am WEEKLY BROADCASTS Sundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am On demand anytime www.firstpresatl.org/servicesonline AIB Cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22) Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.