lecture 09 dsdn142 T2 2011

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Analysis of given topic Brainstorming Mind-maps Morphologic box Procedural task analysis Flow chart visualisation Pseudocode

Analysis of given task/ topic: at the beginning of every design project, learn about the topic.

Brainstorming: a combination of divergent and convergent thinking

Divergent thinking

Convergent thinking

List all the uses you can think of for a shoe.

Which shoe idea is the most novel?

Generate meanings for a nutshell.

Rank your meanings of the nutshell from the most personally meaningful to the least.

List all the resources available for your next project.

Select the resources that are most challenging to maintain.

Make as many sentences as you can using all of the following words: candle, hope, tissue, egg.

Of all the sentences you made, which is the most intriguing?

Source: http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/ideageneration.html


Source: http://www.mindtools.com/media/Diagrams/mindmap.jpg

Morphologic box 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Circle Triangle Square Contour Contrast Rotation Modulation

Jナォrgen Spト》h, Zeichenmodule, University of the Arts, Zナォrich

Other tools for creating ideas Absence Thinking: Think about what is not there. Morphological Analysis: Forcing combinations of attribute Art streaming: Keep creating until you get through the blocks. values. Assumption Busting: Surfacing and challenging unconscious Nominal Group Technique: Getting ideas with minimal assumptions. personal interaction. Attribute Listing: Listing attributes of objects and then Pause: Think more deeply for a minute. challenging them. Post-Up: Brainstorming with Post-It Notes. Brainstorming: The classic creative method for groups. Provocation: Shake up the session by going off-piste. Braindrawing: Good for reticent groups. PSI: Problem + Stimulus = Idea! Brainmapping: Combining brainwriting and mind-mapping. Random Words: Using a random word as a stimulus. Brainwriting: Group doodling for non-verbal stimulation. Rightbraining: Combine incomplete doodles around the Breakdown: Careful decomposition to explore the whole system. problem. Challenge: Challenge any part of the problem. Role-play: Become other people. Let them solve the problem. Crawford Slip Method: Getting ideas from a large audience. Remembrance: Remembering solutions not yet discovered. A Day In The Life Of...: Building creative tension from Reversal: Looking at the problem backwards. contextualized situations. Reverse Brainstorming: Seek first to prevent your problem Delphi Method: Explore ideas or gain consensus with remote from happening. group. Rubber-ducking: Get someone else to listen to your talk. Doodling: Let your subconscious do the drawing. SCAMPER: Using action verbs as stimuli. Essence: Looking elsewhere whilst retaining essential qualities. Six Thinking Hats: Think comfortably in different ways about Forced Conflict: Using conflict to stimulate the subconscious. the problem. Guided Imagery: Letting your subconscious give you a message. Storyboarding: Creating a visual story to explore or explain. How-How Diagram: Break down problem by asking 'how'. Take a break: When creativity is fading. How to: Frame statements as 'How to' to trigger focused Talk streaming: Just talk and talk and talk until you unblock. thinking. TRIZ Contradiction Analysis: Use methods already used in Incubation: Letting the subconscious do the work. many patents. The Kipling method (5W1H): Ask simple questions for great Unfolding: Gradually unfolding the real problem from the answers. outside. Lateral thinking: Thinking sideways to create new ideas. Value Engineering: Deep analysis to understand and innovate Lotus Blossom: Unfold the flower of extended ideas. in areas of key value. Chunking: Go up and then down elsewhere. Visioning: Creating a motivating view of the future. Mind-mapping: Hierarchical breakdown and exploration. Wishing: State ideas as wishes to expand thinking. Modeling: For the artist in everyone. Write streaming: Write until you unblock.

Source: http://creatingminds.org/tools/tools_ideation.htm

Procedural task analysis: break down the steps and actions that a certain task involves

Procedural task analysis in an outline – linear I. Prepare for giving dog a bath A. Get Supplies 1. Purchase dog brush 2. Purchase dog shampoo 3. Gather old towels to use for drying dog and covering floor of bathing area B. Arrange bathing area 1. Cover floor with old towels 2. Place shampoo near water source where dog will be bathed 3. Place remaining old towels in pile within reach, but as far from water sources as possible 4. Place brush near pile of towels 5. Close doors torooms that you do not want dog to enter while damp II. Get dog to bathing area A. Lead dog to bath 1. Secure collar and leash on dog 2. Walk dog to bathing area (you may need dog treats to bribe the dog) B. Secure the dog in bathing area 1. Close door behind you and dog after entering bathing area a. Lift/command the dog into bath tub b. Remove leash and collar from dog III. Bathe the dog A. Wet the dog 1. Turn on the water 2. Check the temperature and adjust it until it is luke warm 3. Saturate the dog with water B. Shampoo the dog 1. Pour shampoo on dog 2. Lather and rub into all parts of the dogs fur vigorously with your hands C. Rinse the dog 1. Saturate the dog with water 2. Massage water into fur with your hands until all remaining shampoo is washed away 3. Drain remaining water from tub (if applicable) IV. Dry the dog A. Reach for the towels and pull closer to you B. Lift/command dog out of tub C. Towel dry the dog 1. Place towel on dog's back and rub up and down 2. Repeat step one using dry towels and rubbing different areas of dog D. When all excess water is off dog and it is essentially damp, put leash and collar on dog E. Take the dog to area where you would like it to continue drying F. Give dog a treat Source http://classweb.gmu.edu/ndabbagh/Resources/Resources2/procedural_outline.htm Credit to Robin Talbot

Procedural task analysis using a flowchart

Source: http://classweb.gmu.edu/ndabbagh/Resources/Resources2/procedural_analysis.htm

Pseudocode: use your natural language for describing computer programming

Pseudocode This is the pseudocode for a Game of Monopoly, including one person's move as a procedure: Main Procedure Monopoly_Game Hand out each player's initial money. Decide which player goes first. Repeat Call Procedure Monopoly_Move for next player. Decide if this player must drop out. Until all players except one have dropped out. Declare the surviving player to be the winner. Procedure Monopoly_Move Begin one's move. Throw the dice. Move the number of spaces on the board shown on the dice. If the token landed on "Go to Jail," then go there immediately. Else if the token landed on "Chance" or "Community Chest," then draw a card and follow its instructions. Else follow the usual rules for the square (buying property, paying rent, collecting $200 for passing "Go", etc.). End one's move.

Source: http://www.wiley.com/college/busin/icmis/oakman/outline/chap05/slides/pseudo.htm

Go crazy!

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