Agrifacts October November 2020

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AgriFacts October / November 2020 Your monthly roundup of news, prices and other farming matters

ELMS Update As the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) consultation

challenges associated with agriculture, focusing on how to address these

responses are reviewed and analysed ahead of the DEFRA statement

in the shorter term.

expected in November Charity Shaw, of Fisher German, explains some of

George Eustice has confirmed a three tier scheme will be used when

the key points about the proposed policy.

delivering the ELMS scheme and recently suggested a Sustainable

There will be a shift in the future of subsidies, and the government is

Farming Incentive Scheme for 2022 & 2023 would be a prototype for Tier

currently looking to introduce the ELMS scheme in 2025 which will involve

One of ELMS, a scheme that would be available to all farmers. Mr Eustice

paying farmers for public goods rather than providing income support

confirmed he would like to drive up participation rates in Countryside

based on the area of land farmed.

Stewardship Schemes so it starts to become a stepping stone to the

This ‘public money for public goods’ system will see farmers and land

Tier Two level of the future policies, in addition to rolling out some of the

managers paid for environmental benefits other than food production

bespoke schemes around woodland creation, peatland restoration and

including clean air, clean water, the protection from and mitigation of

those bigger schemes that might involve land use change which will

environmental hazards, the mitigation and adaptation to climate change,

become effectively a prototype for the Third Tier.

thriving plants and wildlife, heritage and engagement.

We would advise landowners to continue to submit Countryside

DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) have

Stewardship Scheme applications, as we await further information on the

held webinars on the new scheme, and while some key points were

new policy. During 2020 Fisher German submitted applications for clients

covered it was clear that there is still a lot of uncertainty around the

worth a total value over five years of £7.48 million and additional capital

proposed policy and how it will work.

items worth a total value of £1.8 million.

One of the main details we are yet to be given is around budgets, and

The next applications will open in Spring 2021, and we would urge anyone

exactly what money is going to be available. However, despite the

wishing for more information to get in touch.

uncertainty, there is key information which landowners hoping to benefit from the policy will need to be aware of.

Charity Shaw

The ELMS strategic objectives are to secure a range of positive

Agribusiness Farm Consultant

environmental benefits and to help tackle some of the environmental

Fisher German

Agricultural Bill Update The House of Commons must again consider amendments to the Agriculture Bill tabled by Lord Curry and Lord Grantchester which would provide safeguards against British food and farming standards being undermined by imports produced to lower standards. A revised version of Lord Curry’s amendment was voted through in a Lords debate on 20 October and MPs will now be given a final chance to vote. The amendment would strengthen the role of the Trade and Agriculture Commission by giving it a longer lifespan and enable it to provide expert advice to Parliament on every future trade deal, assessing what impact each deal might have on British food and farming standards. MPs can then take this into account when deciding whether to accept trade deals or not.

Market Prices Month (ex farm) Midlands

Feed Wheat

Feed Barley

Oilseed Rape


November 2020




£/€ = 0.91

March 2021




€/£ = 1.10

Milk Data

Avg Monthly Price

UK Farmgate Milk Price

27.77 ppl





Red Diesel


34% N AN (bags UK) £/tonne


Big sq Baled Wheat Straw


0:24:24 blend (bags) £/tonne


Big Bale Hay


20:10:10 blend (bags) £tonne


Finished Steers

Finished Lambs

Finished Pigs




p/kg dwt

Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme Round 3 The third application window for the Countryside Productivity Small Grants (CPSG) has opened. The CPSG provides funding for farmers towards specific items of equipment to improve in either technical efficiency, animal health and welfare, resource efficiency or nutrient management. Grants of up to 40% of the standard cost of the item are available (50% in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly). Applications must be between £3,000 and £12,000. The closing date for applications is Midday 4 November 2020. For further information, click here

Key Dates Date



31 October 2020

Cross compliance

If you hold a summer water abstraction licence (authorising abstraction wholly within the months of April to October), the Environment Agency will make actual abstraction return forms available to you from 31 October. You then have 28 days to send your readings to the Environment Agency.

1 November

Cross compliance

You can burn heather, rough grass, bracken, gorse or vaccinium on land, other than in upland areas, from this date.

30 November

Cross compliance

If you have a two-part tariff agreement for your water abstraction licence, expect to receive your second part charge after 30 November.

1 December

Cross compliance

You need to carry out your annual inventory of sheep and goats. 01858 410200

Fisher German is a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales. Registered number: OC317554 Registered office: The Head Office, Ivanhoe Office Park, Ivanhoe Park Way, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire LE65 2AB Regulated by RICS Fisher German LLP has tried to ensure accuracy and cannot accept liability for any errors, fact or opinion. Please do not use this as all the advice needed to make decisions.

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