On the Level: Spring/Summer 2022

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Sullivan County Partnership President Mark Baez

Sullivan County Partnership Hosts Economic Development Summit The Sullivan County Partnership for Economic Development March 24 summit was a spring ahead gathering of the county’s leaders and business owners, all poised to get things done in Sullivan County.

“Themainreasonwe’rehavingthisbreakfast representatives todayis fromanarrayofindustries,fromre

thatthingsarehappeninginSullivanCounty, to”architecture saidSCP toconstruction.Thespeakerswe President/CEOMarcBaez.“Projectsthatstarted Lavelle prior ofRand toCommercial;MatthewMilnamowof COVID are now ramping up again.”


TerryFloodofCrownCastle;TownofLibertySupervisor Aprimary focus of the SCP, he said, is to encourage FrankDeMayo,andDanDepewofHoltConstruction. mindful development and, especially, to further expand

the Sullivan’s economic mix, which has traditionally Theconversationwaslively,informative,andpres

been tourism-based but is making strides towards holisticvisionofhoweconomicdevelopmentproj more diversity.


The“brasstacks.”saidBaez,ofwhatittakestoget Thepaneldiscussion,moderatedbyBaezandheldat things done. Bernie’sHolidayRestaurantinRockHill,included 66


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