The Quarterly Associations Publication of: Construction Contractors • Sheet Metal & Roofing Contractors • Fabricators Erectors & Reinforcing Contractors
On the
Milestones: Summer brings Retirements, Anniversaries and New Challenges
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DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic: it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” — Colin Powell
COVID has prompted the “great resignation” and our industry is not immune to people leavingourworkforcesandmovingon.Somearefindingnewjobs,someareretirin somearegoingbacktotechnicalschoolsorcollegestolearnnewskillsandc career direction.
Thereare,however,somededicatedindividualsleavingourassociationsth shout-outfortheircontributionsthathavemadeapositivedifferencein
LisaArgenio and Dick Messina have both retired from Local 1 7 after many years of service. Their acco their positive attitudes and their can- do work ethics will make it hard to fill their shoe in retirement.
MikeGaydos,BusinessManageratIronworkers417,hasannouncedhisretirement WhileIknow asofMatt June30. StoddardwilldoagreatjobashissuccessorandtheIronworkerswillnotmissabeat,we(especiall MikeandMargarethavebeenpersonalfriendsforyearsandwhileIknowtheyaren’tgoinganywheresoo regularinteractionwithMike.Nomatterwhatthejob,hisattitudehasalwaysbeen“cando,we’llg workingwithbusinessesandourcontractorstogetworkforourmembersandunionmembersisinspi havealwaysbeenagreatteamandIamlookingforwardtocontinuingtoworkwithMatt.Mike,evenasyou knowyou’llcontinuetobearesourceforallofus.
BobKaehler,PerrecaElectric,andBobAmbrosetti,BusinessManagerof37,havealsoannouncedtheirpl sometime this year. More to come then.
Theconstructionindustryinourregionwillnotonlyflourishbutitisinabetterpositionthank theircontributionsthroughouttheircareers.Ilookforwardtoworkingwiththeirsuccessorsa firsthandtheirpositiveimpacttoourindustry.
Inaddition,congratulationstoourmemberWaldenSavingsBankonitsterrificmilestoneof150yearsin communitybank.Contrarytowhatmychildrenthink,Iwasnottherefortheoriginalribboncutting!
Inthisedition,youwillalsoseehowweareresponding YorkState tothe Secure New Act.TheSecureActwillgointoeffe laterthisyearandrequiresemployersinNewYorktomakeretirementbenefitsavailabletoemplo partner,Affinity/BSTAdvisors,CCAwillhelpourmembersfulfillthisrequirement.PleaseseeBobCant learn more.
Throughouttheyears,ourAssociationshavecontinuedtoserveourmembersdespitepersonnelch GeneralPowell’squotecertainlyappliestoeachoftheindividualsmentionedaboveandwhileIt trustedfriendsmoveon,wewishthemmuchhappinessandfulfillmentinretirement.
Alan Seidman Alan Seidman ExecutiveDirector
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HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD Advertise in On the LEVEL Advertising with us is a great way to showcase your brand to a wide variety of construction industry and business professionals including large construction companies and small equipment stores. It is circulated quarterly throughout the Hudson Valley, Catskills, and Southwest Connecticut and seen internationally via
On the LEVEL offers in-depth coverage and analysis of construction news, provides health and safety information, financial and economic insights, and authoritative comment from industry experts on laws and regulations affecting contractors.
Magazine design and creative services by FisherMears Associates Marketing Communications 845-562-4280 330 Meadow Avenue, Newburgh, NY 12550
Construction Contractors Association Mike Adams — President James McGowan — First Vice President Joseph Perez — Second Vice President Josh Ingber — Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Barone Roland Bloomer Dan Depew Scott Dianis Louis J. Doro Ira Gold Jay Harrison Robert Kaehler Alfred D. Torreggiani Charlotte Van Horn Fabricators, Erectors & Reinforcing Contractors Association Justin E. Darrow — Chairman. Jake Bidosky — Vice Chairman Bernie Hillman — Secretary Daniel Teutul — Treasurer
To contribute stories, advertise in future publications, or learn more about our products and services contact: Lisa Ramirez, Editor:
SMACNA of Southeastern NY James D’Annibale — President Steve Mulholland — Vice President Dominick DiViesti — Treasurer Mark DiPasquale — Secretary Louis J. Doro — Immediate Past President Daniel Harden Richard K. Berg Walter “Chip” Greenwood William Haskel Dennis LaVopa, Jr. Association Staff: Alan Seidman — Executive Director Lisa Ramirez — Director of Communications and Membership Millie Rodriguez — Executive Assistant Vincent Rouhotas — Administrative Assistant
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Keeping Safe in Summer’s Heat
Ironworker Mike Gaydos Retires
How to Get a “Yes” on Your Next Project Proposal
What the Secure Act 2.0 Means for Businesses and Employees
Total Compensation Statements Can Help Attract, Retain Workers
Power Lines Promise Jobs, Tax Benefits
Think MWBE Renewals Come Easy? Not Always
Walden Savings Bank Celebrates 150 years
The Importance a Successful Succession Plan
Sullivan County Partnership Hosts Economic Development Panel
Cyber Criminals are Poised to Attack, but You Can Protect Yourself
The CCA welcomes members and guests to a full schedule of direct networking events in 2022 while at the same time adhering to all safety guidelines.
For any updated information on all upcoming CCA events, please visit our website, or call 845-562-4280 ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Mike Gaydos Retires By Lisa Ramirez, Director of Communications and Membership
Michael Gaydos remembers the day two letters arrived in the mail. He had recently earned his Associates of Architecture degree from Orange County Community College, and one of the letters was from IBM, the other was from the Ironworkers. Both were job offers. “Idon’twanttohavetoworryaboutthetwoofyou,”heremembershis momsaying.Allthroughhishighschoolyearsshetriedherbesttosteer hersonintoacareerthatwouldhavehimatdesk, .Now, notinthesky lookingbackasaparent,heunderstandshismom’sconcern,thefearthat musthavetuggedathereachmorningasherironworker , husband,Gary headed out the door. Theirsonwasalwaysaclimber,andmuchofhischildhoodwasspent inandoutoftrees.Thatamazingsensationofbeingabovetherestof theworldandhearinghisdadtalkofbridgesandbuildings,pointingout theonesheworkedonwhenevertheydroveby,theunmistakablepride clearinhisvoice,wereasirensongtoayoungMike.Thatdeskhismom dreamedofdidn’tstandachance. continued on page 8
Mike Gaydos 6
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“You develop a very special kind of bond when you have somebody’s life in your hand,” Gaydos says. “I honestly don’t know if I can explain it.”
continued... ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Mike Gaydos Retires
Sohefollowedhisfather’sfootstepsintowhat Michael manyPhilip — only has a couple of years left in hig
bothGaydosmenamongthem—regardasthetoughest school, and Gaydos doesn’t want to miss another g
andmostdangerousofallthetrades.Itwas1982when or school event or opportunity to, well, just spe hejoinedtheNewburgh-basedLocal417. That’showMikeGaydosbecameanIronworker.
together. Gaydos surely recognizes the immeasura value of father-son time; he and his dad worked in the
field together on jobs across the HudsonValley, fo
a connection that it’s likely only other ironwo Gaydoswouldgoontorisethroughtheranksto become understand. Local417’sbusinessmanager,justashisdadhadcan done.
He’dserveoncountlessboardsandcommittees,his Andtherehavebeensomanygooddaysoutthere,he voice crucial in many of the decisions shaping the region. says,climbingintotheironandallthewaytothet Earlierthisyear,whenheannouncedhisretirement, thecablesontheMid-HudsonBridge,“beingintheai the collective moan among his colleagues was almost TheTap.TheNewburghBeacon.Dayswhenheputthe audible.Mike,afterall—respectedandadmiredand lastpieceofironinandwalkedaway,feelingthe loved—hasbeenthefaceoftheLocalforsolongit’s satisfactionofajobdoneexceptionallywell. hardtoimaginehisabsence.
“IalwaysfeltIhadtoprovemyself.Youknow,ifIsaid, Thedecisiontoretirewasn’teasy.Helovesthework.He ‘Hi,I’mMikeGaydos,’everyoneonthejobimmediately lovesthepeople.Helovesknowingthathe’splayeda knewwhomydadwasandwouldbelookingatmelike, partinthecreationoftheHudsonValleylandscape,and ‘Let’sseeifthisguy’sgoingtobeabletodothejob’.” that the work will stand for generations. Buthesoonrosetoforeman,managingcrewsatthe
GapWarehouseinFishkill,theGalleriainNyack,and “Who’severhadabetterjobthanme?”Gaydosasks, onHudsonValleybridges.“Iputanydoubttorestrig adding that there is only one thing that could lure him away.Nobodyoutworkedme.” away:hiswifeMaggieandtheirson,MichaelPhilip. 8
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Mike Gaydos Retires
andsafely,therearen’ttoomanythingsthatfeelb than that.” It’sbeen40yearssinceGaydoswalkedintotheUnion
Hallandcommittedhisprofessionallifeto417,andhi looming retirement seems almost surreal.
Hismomanddadarenearbyandhe’slookingforwardt spendingmoretimewiththem.Mike,Maggieandyoung
Mike Gaydos and crew
nicelongfamilyvacationfilledwithbeachesandth Beyondthework,ormaybeatitsverycore,isthe kinship parks and,hesayssmiling,freeoftextmessagesand amongtheironworkers.Wordslike“friendship” or calls. phone
“comradery”aren’tquiteright.Brotherhoodiswhatgets “I’mstillwrappingmyheadaroundretirement,butI said,butthatmightnotbeadequateeither. excited,”hesays.“Iintendtoenjoyit.” “Youdevelopaveryspecialkindofbondwhenyouhave GaydoswillbefetedatafarewellreceptioninAugu somebody’slifeinyourhand,”Gaydossays.“Ihonestly andit’slikelytobeoneofthesummer’sbestparti don’tknowifIcanexplainit.” Therewillbestoriesandlaughter,maybeacoupleo HislastfieldjobwastheGEHanger,builtwhentears, General andglasseswillberaisedtoamanwhodedic ElectricmoveditsflightdepartmentfromWestchester fourdecadestohisunion,tohisfamily,andtothe
CountyAirporttoStewart.ButGaydoswasn’t done buildings andthestructuresthatmakeusalls justyet.Mikefollowedinhisfathers’sfootsteps again, gaze toward the sky. becomingLocal417’sPresidentandservingunderhis
“This dad,andthen,whenGaryGaydosretired,becoming
has truly been my life, it’s been a BusinessManager. lifetime,” he says. “And I couldn’t have asked“I for anything more.” “I trusted my dad and my dad trusted me, ” he says. knew they’d need another manager, and I knew I could be there for the union, for the members. I was up for the task.” The title came with a desk. And surely Gaydos has put inagreatnumberofhoursinhisoffice.Heprefersbeing outinthefield,thoughforaBusinessManager/Financial Secretary/Treasurer“thefield”mightbeanegotiation table,aninternationalconventionoranewsrally, advocatingfortheIronworkers.Eachday,hesays,the goal is to “go get the work.” “Istillmissbeingoutonjobs,connectingiron,”he says,“butasbusinessmanagertherewardsarefeltina differentway.Ifajobisgoingnon-unionandIcanbring thatjobbacktous,getitdoneprofessionallyandontime ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Lisa Argenio Retires After 38 Years at Local 17
She’sbeenthefaceofLocal17fornearlyfourdecades, It’salmosthardtoimaginetheUnionHallwithout knowntocountlessmembersandvisitorssince Argenio, shewho first firststartedworkingtherealmostby tookapart-timejobattheUnionHallsome38years accident. ago. “IwashomefromcollegewhenTodd’smom calledandasked,‘Doyouwantasummerjob?’“ But earlier this year, Office Manager LisaArgnenio made the announcement that many at Laborers Todd,ofcourse,isLocal17BusinessManagerL.Todd
International Union of NorthAmerica LocalDiorio, 17 were andheandLisawerehighschoolfriends.Turns dreading. She is retiring.
classesresumedandaddinghoursduringschoolbr Well,sheactuallyalreadyretired.Sortof.Butshe’sstill Whenshegraduatedshesaidsheassumedshe’dhav cominginafewhourseachweek,andherlastdaywill search for a full-time position somewhere else. beinDecember.Shefigureditwouldbebestifshewere availableforayear-afullcycleoftheoffice’sduties “ButthenLarrycametomeandsaid,‘Whywouldyou andresponsibilities-soshecouldassisther leave?’” colleagues shesaid. asLarry-LawrenceDiorio,Todd’s questions arise. Such is her loyalty to the place.
full-timepositionandhercareeratLocal17beganin “It’sawonderfulplacetowork.Wereallyareafamily. earnest.Shehasabsolutelynoregrets. That’stheonlywayIcandescribeit,”Argeniosays.“We love each other like a family and sometimes we even
fightlikeone.Butwereallyareafamilyhere.” “Tradespeoplearesweetandkindandjustgoodpe andI’mgoingtomissallofthem.”
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
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How to Turn all Your Projects Into “Yes Projects“ No. This one word is often the response to nearly every project proposal in the Hudson Valley.
NO PROJECTS TheNoProjectsI’veseen Dan Depew, Director of Business Development all have a few things in Holt Construction Nowlet’sbeclear;ifyouneedavarianceforadeck on mostnotably common, yourhouseormaybealittle-bit-bigger-than-it-an shouldbeoptimistic butunprepareddeveloperwhogetshi garage,you’reprettygoodtoproceed. witheverypossiblecurveball.Theygowrongfromthe start,pushedoutbyanoverconfidentownerenabled Butifyouwanttobuildashoppingmall,hotel,theme accommodating design professionals glad to draft anything park,warehouse,ahousingsubdivisionor,well,anything forafee.The ( bestdesignprofessionalswilltellyouw interesting,thengetreadytoheararesoundingno youdon’twanttohear;badonesdon’tknowandareas fromthelocalcommunity.Andthat“no”won’tsimply shockedasyouarewhenthingsgobad;theworstknow meanyoucan’tbuild.Itwillmakeyouwishyounever theprojectwillfailbutwillnodtheirheadsands consideredbuilding. billingyouthewholetime.) Ihavemorethanyears 2 ofexperienceingovernment, Meanwhile,manyprojectsarequicklydoomedbecause andI’vewitnessedhundredsofwhatI’vecometocallNo they pop up on a municipal meeting agenda seemingly out Projects,onesthatdiedbeforetheyhadachance.I’vealso seenplentyofYesProjects,andI’velearnedwhatworks andwhatdoesn’t,keepingmentalnotesonthetopicof planning and development. Solet’stalkaboutallthewrongthingsandtherightthings I’veseendevelopers,propertyowners,buildersandproject ownersdo,somedoomingtheirprojectstoNo,andothers attainingthecoveted“Yes.”
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
How to Turn all Your Projects Into “Yes Projects“
ofnowhere,causingthepublictocomeouthalfinformed, loadedforbearandchargeduponwhateverNIMBY commentstheyreadonFacebook. Andofcourse,sometimesthepublicisright.TheworstNo Projectsofallthreatenanirreplaceablenaturalresource orputatonoftrafficonasmallroad,andit’sprojects like these that create the suspicion that all development is misplaced,harmfulandunrealistic. Wetlands,setbackstotheapprovalschedule,trafficstudies, abadplan,abadprojectteamoraweakmunicipalboard willsinkaprojectandignitepublicopposition.Badboards thankfully ( thesearerare)will , capitulatetothepressure, findingareasontorejectaprojectbecausetheopportunity towinoverthecommunityhasbeenlostinRound.1 Andplanningboardsaresmart.Theyfollowtheprocessto ateeandmakesureallboxesarecheckedbefore anyone YES PROJECTS
oranythingmovesforwardif - theydon’t,theyandGood theconsultants and design professionals here in the
municipalitycanbesued.Butthisdrawn-outprocess Hudsonis Valleyknowhowtonavigatethelocallandsc
frustrating,andthewholetimetheanti-project crowd andit’s whyYesProjectshavetherightteaminplac
which ( wantsthingssummarilyshutdown)the , board and yourteamshouldbeassembledbeforeyoubuy on.Infact, the developers all seem to hate one another. It is the most
theland,or,ifyoualreadyownit,yourteamshouldbe involvedindiscussionsaboutwhattobuildonit.
NoProjectsoftenaskforanarrayofzoningchanges, A SOLID, SUCCESSFUL TEAM SHOULD INCLUDE variances,orenvironmentalresourceimpacts. IfyouPEOPLE: have THESE
trulydecidedthatthispropertyandproject areaperfect fitexperienced commercial A well-recognized and real-estate andyourmessagereflectsthat,thenyoulookpretty badbroker when you need special considerations.
paidonlyifyousucceed.Yourbrokerneedsexperience Wecallthese“turns,”aphrasefromtheracetrack.Each inthemunicipalityandafullunderstandingofzonin timeyoumakeaturnyouaresloweddown,andmost wetlands,utilitiesandtheneighborhood.Don’tle accidentshappencominginto,goingthrough,orcoming toyourcousinwhojustgottheirrealestatelicen outofaturn.Needavarianceforsightdistance?That’sa thebestyoucanfindandmakesuretheywillstandwit turn.Lookforaprojectwithnoturns. you throughout that approval process. Ifturnsarenecessary,getoutacalendaranddouble your An attorney with a seasoned background in land use
timeframeforexpectedapprovalandcost.Also,You ifyou do onerespectedbythecommunity,competentin need
moveforward,reduceyouroddsofsuccessbyatleast land03 uselaw,andwhoisnotcurrentlyor ( recently)ina percentor,mostlikely,percent. 05
mightnotbetherightfaceforthisproject.Alsofinda Whattotakefromthis?Reduceyourturns.Ifyouhavetoo attorney who realizes they might not never need to speak many,findanewtrack. at a meeting. continued ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
How to Turn all Your Projects Into “Yes Projects“
An engineer with experience in the municipality
andyes,itcanbeyou.But ( ifyoupickyourselfknowthis: Besureyourengineerhasampletimeontheircalendar Nooneislikelytochallengethatdecisionanditmi foryou,andtheindividualmattersasmuchas,maybe
abadcall.Don’t ) letonemember’scredentialsorins evenmorethan,thefirmthey’refrom.Theyneedthe bullying swayyourdecision.Thebestkeyvoiceisthe firm’shorsepowerbehindthem,mustunderstand atown’s
person whoisthebestfitforyourproject,inthispar nuances,andbeabletocookabestprojectapproach into place and at this time. the schedule. An environmental consultant
Lastly,aspartofyourteamselectionprocess,getaPLAi You’relookingforthepersonwhoisgoingtotell you Projectlaboragreementsarenotforeverypro place.
whatyoudon’twanttohearandanticipatethe worstcase outearlywithaPLAyoucanleverageth but bystarting
scenario.Ideally,they’rerespectedbythelocal, federal unions togiveyoureasonableterms,resultinginth andstateagenciesyou’llbeworkingwith.
mostqualifiedworkersandadeep,broadbaseofsuppor Alloftheabovepaysoff.
A construction manager
Yup.Isaidit.Notageneralcontractor.Aconstruction THE POWER OF LOCAL VOICES AND PUTTING YOUR manager. In the past it was wise to assume that a GC
PLA TO WORK Whenthecrowdsoflocalsshowuptotelltheirmunic capitalistinallofusbelievesthis.However, ageneral board thatthey’reagainstyourprojectand theywi contractorbroughtinlatecancauseanadverse relationship musthaveasolidgroupoftheirneighborsonyoursid betweenthedesignteamandbuilder.Duringtheplanning Tryingtomotivatefutureemployeestocometoapubl processyoudon’thaveplans,soselectingageneral meetingtosupportyourprojectisnearlyimpossibl contractor is premature. askingthetradestocomeoutwhenyou’vealreadysi Ontheotherhand,aCMcanofferpre-construction advice with themisaguarantee.Thelabortradesunionswi andplanestimatesandsolutionsearlyon,expediting scores of people in your community, and No Projects solutionsforsiteplandesign,longleadtimewait items until the last minute to engage these folk selection and pre-purchase. They can also create a wider then it can be too late.The local power of local vo selectionofsubcontractorstohelpkeepcosts is the in keyline. to shutting down misinformed and misappropriated opposition. Lastly,theCMcanbeselectedfromthelocalarea,and insteadofonecontractorperformingallofsub tradethe workmostimportantthingofallistogetyou Perhaps they’llselectfromseveralineachtrade,widening the base message right. Oversellingandoveroptimismwon’ts of your support pyramid. thecrowd.Aboveallelse,behonest.Projectsgetwayl approach worked and kept cost in check; the free market
when the community discovers a gap in the truth. They Bringyourteamtogetherearly,seektheirinput,and,most usethesegapstoquestioneverythingaboutaproj importantly,heartheirconcerns. Thinkingyoucancontrolthemessageorkeepaprojec This is harder than you might think. Developers and secretisimpossible,andquitefranklyitalwaysblo ownersaresmartandhavehadbigwins,anditcan be insomeone’s face.
difficulttohearcriticism.Butpastresultsdon’tnecessarily Makeyourteam,trustyourteam,deliverastrong leadtofuturetriumph.Eachplace,eachtime,isdifferent. message,andengagewithassociations,partnershi Nowthatyouhaveyourteam,listentothem.Watch how chambers andgovernmentaloffices,andyournext theyinteract,thenappointthepersonwhowill beyourwillbeaYesProject. project representativetothelocalboard.Thekeyvoice. 14
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Carpenters union opens new training center in Rock Tavern for apprentices and journey level members
When you want trained professionals, you hire union carpenters. There’s no greater asset in the building industry than a worker who shows up wellprepared and ready to go. It can mean the difference between a project that runs smoothly and a project that runs out of time. The Carpenters union recognizes this and has provided contractors with world-class quality and professionalism for 130 years – in addition to a can-do spirit to step up to meet any challenge. It’s not just a relationship, it’s a true partnership, and the entire building community benefits. ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Everything is Awesome in Orange County By Lisa Ramirez, CCA Director of Communication and Membership
AtLegoland,“awesome”isalwaysthewordofthe byday, the sites they saw and remained intent on furt
andifthetenoroftheOrangeCountyPartnership’s downstate, but Halahan asked them what, if anyth
SpringQuarterlyProjectMeeting,heldMay1atthey liked about Orange. More visits followed, and LegolandNY,isanyindicator,thingsarelooking a long pretty story made very short, Legoland has been greatinthecounty,too.
welcoming guests since Spring 20 1, creating 80
construction jobs and about 1,30 jobs in the park it The Partnership, led by President and CEO Maureen Halahan told the attendees. Halahan, works to bring quality projects - and with them, good jobs and tax revenue - to Orange County. The Spring Meeting was also an opportunity to update
Years of effort can be dedicated to a project members before onthearrayofprojectscurrentlyinthew ground is broken, she said, and sometimes, of course, or on the horizon. Among them: projects go elsewhere or are abandoned, despite GFIPartners’plansforaRoyalWinesiteinGoshen, everyone’s best efforts. with tasting room
“Economicdevelopmentisateamsport,”Halahansaid, TheEastgateGroup’sproposedFairOaksBusines acknowledgingthegatheringofcommunityleaders, ParkintheTownofWallkill builders,realtors,banks,communityleadersandothers, allwhoplayaroleinthecounty’scontinuedgrowth. Aplanfora60-acretourismcomplexinGoshen,with
threehotels,tworestaurantsandanofficebui OrangeCountyExecutiveSteveNeuhaus,justdaysback
fromactive-dutydeploymenttoEuropewiththeMultiple U.S. plansandproposalsforwarehousespa Navy,saidthecountygovernmenthasmade - improve shipping demands continue to increase.
mentstoseveraldepartments,includingPlanning,Health, Theand Partnershipalsonotedthatanarrayofindus andPublicWorks,removingunnecessaryhurdles holdupsfacedbybuildersanddevelopers.
orexpandingtheirpresencethere—hydroponic Legolanditselfisamongthebestexamplesofthose jointenergystorage,film,cannabisand greenhouses,
efforts.FirstintentonbuildingclosertoNew YorkCity, recreational marijuanacultivation, - andsteel Halahansaidpurepersistenceconvincedthe theme park’s ing among them. executives to tour Orange County.They were unswayed 16
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
1.800.264.PIKE | | ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Just in Time for Summer:
National Emphasis Program Aims to Protect Workers from Heat Hazards WASHINGTON, DC–TheU.S.Departmentof
Labor’sOccupationalSafetyandHealthAdministration enforcementandcompliance,whilecontinuinglong
haslaunchedaNationalEmphasisProgramtowork protect toestablishaheatillnesspreventionrul
millionsofworkersfromheatillnessandinjuries. effortsarepartofalarger,interagencyBiden-Harr administration effort to protect workers and communities Throughtheprogram,OSHAwillconductheat-related fromextremeheatandrisingtemperatures. workplaceinspectionsbeforeworkerssuffercompletely
preventableinjuries,illnessesandfatalities. “Tragically,thethree-yearaverageofworkplacedea
causedbyheathasdoubledsincetheearly190s. LaborSecretaryMartyWalshjoinedVicePresident Theseextremeheathazardsaren’tlimitedtoout KamalaHarrisattheSheetMetalWorkersLocal19 occupations,theseasonsorgeography.Fromfarm TrainingCenterinPhiladelphiaonApril12toannounce workersinCaliforniatoconstructionworkersi the new enforcement program. andwarehouseworkersinPennsylvania,heatilln
–exacerbated byourclimate’srisingtemperature Heatillnessaffectsthousandsofindoorand outdoor presentsagrowinghazardformillionsofworkers,”s workers each year and can lead to death. This National 18
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Aspartoftheprogram,OSHAwillinitiateinspectionsinove high-risk industries in indoor and outdoor work settings when the
NationalWeatherServicehasissuedaheatwarningoradvi alocalarea.Ondayswhentheheatindexis80Forhigher,OSHA inspectors and compliance assistance specialists will engage in proactive outreach and technical assistance to help stakeholders keep workers safe.. Inspectors will look for and address heat hazards during
inspections,regardlessofwhethertheindustryistarget NationalEmphasisProgram. “Our goal is to make it safe for workers in hot indoor and outdoor
environments, so that they can return home safe and heal
end of each day,” saidAssistant Secretary for Occupational
and Health Doug Parker. “Working together, we can ensure wor
know their rights and employers meet their obligations
protect workers from the growing dangers of extreme heat
OSHA’s area offices will engage in outreach to unions, employe in target industries and other organizations committed to advancing
protections for underserved workers.The agency’s On-Site
Consultation Program, a free and confidential health and
consulting program for small- and medium-sized businesses assist employers in developing strategic approaches for addressing heat-related illnesses and injuries in workplaces. Lastfall,OSHApublishedanAdvanceNoticeofProposed
Rulemakingtoinitiatetherulemakingprocesstowardsaf standard and is committed to using all tools at its disposal to reduce
heathazardsthroughacombinationofenforcement,outrea compliance assistance.
Working in the Heat SummerintheHudsonValleyisoftenveryhot,markedbyhigh humidityandpunctuatedbytheoccasionalheatwave.These lastsforthreeandahalfmonths,fromMay29untilSept.16,and July-withanaveragehighof83degreesfahrenheitinNewburgh-is our hottest month of the year.
exposure,andsomecasesarefatal.Mostoutdoorfatalities continued... ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
National Emphasis Program Aims to Protect Workers from Heat Hazards
Forexample,empowersupervisorsandworkerstosl down physical activity like reducing manual handling speeds. Scheduling work for the morning or shorter shifts
withfrequentrestbreaksintheshadeorawayfro sources are help.
How Hot is Too Hot? percent, occur in the first few days of working in Occupational heat exposure is a combination of many warm or hot environments, before the body hasfactors. built a heat results from the equilibrium of heat gain, Body tolerance to the heat gradually over time. The process
from internal work and outside addition, and heat loss, of building tolerance is called heat acclimatization, and cooling (sweat evaporation.) primarily from evaporative lack of acclimatization represents a majorContributors risk factor for include:
fatal outcomes.
• Physical activity
• Air temperature Heat-relatedillnessescanhaveasubstantialcostto • Humidity workersandemployers.Heatstresscancausefine • Sunlight motorperformance(likerebartyingorkeyboarding)to • Heat sources (e.g., ovens or furnaces, heat-absorbing deteriorateeveninacclimatizedindividuals. Heat roofs, andillness road surfaces) cancontributetodecreasedperformance, - lost productivi • Air movement tyduetoillnessandhospitalization,andpossibly death. • Clothing that hampers the body’s ability to lose Occupational risk factors for heat illness include heavy
excess heat, such as protective gear
• Individual and personal risk factors, such as physicalactivity,warmorhotenvironmentalconditions, pre-existing health conditions and lifestyle lackofacclimatization,andwearingclothingthatholds inbodyheat.HazardousheatexposurecanoccurManagement indoorsshould consider all factors that contribute to body temperature increase when determining if a heat hazard oroutdoors,andcanoccurduringanyseasonifthe is present in a workplace. Physical activity (workload) can be conditionsareright,notonlyduringheatwaves. estimated using tables such as this one. Employers should Workerswhohavenotspenttimerecentlyinwarmor also be aware of whether workers’ clothing increases risk. hotenvironmentsorbeingphysicallyactiveneedtime addition to a thermometer, these resources can tobuildtolerance(acclimatizeoracclimate)In to theheat. During their first few days in warm or hot environments,
help assess heat stress:
employers should encourage workers to:
• An on-site wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)
• Consume adequate fluids. Water and sport drinks
meter - the most accurate way (Morris 2018) to measure environmental heat impact on body temperature. WBGT
are best. • Take frequent breaks, and
incorporates temperature, humidity, sunlight, and air
• Quickly identify any heat illness symptoms.
movement into a single measurement.
•and Download the NIOSH/OSHA Heat App (iOS | Android) to Engineeringcontrolssuchasairconditioning access a simple heat calculator on your device. Remember increasedairflow,leadingtoincreasedevaporative that the Heat App provides only heat index (HI), not WBGT. cooling,canmaketheworkplacesafer.Otheroptions include making changes to workload and schedules. 20
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OVER 100 YEARS OF CONSTRUCTION EXCELLENCE A national network headquartered in the Hudson Valley
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Working with Affinity BST Advisors is like having a quarterback leading your team, looking out for the big picture and maneuvering you through the little details of getting you where you want to go.
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Orange County Chamber of Commerce Honors CCA Executive Director Alan Seidman The CCA’s own Alan Seidman was feted at the Orange County Chamber of Commerce’s black tie Snow Ball and given the organization’s highest individual award.
“It’ssuchanhonortobeselectedasthisyear’sOrange Champion Chamber,andSeidmanhelpedtoorchestrateth oftheChamber,”Seidmansaid.“Ihavealonghistorymerger with ofthetwointoonecountywidebusinessadvocac theChamber,andhelpingnurtureeconomicgrowth group. here Seidman in served in the Orange County Legislature for OrangeCountyisacausethat’sveryclosetomyheart. years, 02 ”actingasitsChairforfourofthem.
SeidmanacceptedtheawardattheChamber’sSnow “Ilove Ball theHudsonValleyandseeingitgrowtowards SpringsAheadGalaatCityWinery,heldonMarch.62 itsbestpotential,”saidSeidman.“Somanypeoplehave workedtogetherovertheyearstocultivateOrangeC Seidman,whoownedseveralindependentbusinesses in landscape,includingbusinessleaders,deve ourishing fl Cornwall,includingaliquorstoreandatransportation and,perhapsmostimportantly,ourtalented localtra company,firstjoinedtheorganizationinHe .2891 served people.I’vealwaysbeenanoptimistwhenitcomestoour manyyearsonitsboardofdirectors,andwasamongregion, thoseandIknowourfutureisbright.” instrumentalinmergingtwoOrangeCountychambers52 years ago. AttheSnowBalltheChamberalsorecognizedMontefior Luke’sCornwallHospital;UnitedWayoftheDutchessOr TheChampionoftheChamberAward,nowinitssecond angeRegion,andBeerWorldwiththeChamberChoice year,wasrenamedshortlybeforethegala.Itwillnow be PlacetoWork.”Honoreeswererecognizedinthree Best knownastheDr.JohnD’AmbrosioAward,inmemoryofthe categories:corporate,non-profitandsmallbusiness. longtimechamberpresident.D’Ambrosio,whosefriendship withSeidmanspanneddecades,retiredfromhispost Thehonorees 120 as SERVPRO ofOrange,Sullivanand ChamberpresidentinHe .4102 passedawaylastyear. SouthernUlsterasBusinessoftheYear;GarnetHealt Non-ProfitoftheYear,andFocusMediaPresidentCEO & Therewereoncetworegionalchambersofcommerce in Champion oftheChamberJoshSommers,FocusMedia OrangeCounty;theEasternOrangeChamberandthe Orange andCEOwere President alsorecognized. CountyChamber.D’Ambrosio,thenpresidentoftheEastern
By Lisa Ramirez ON THE LEVEL:
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From the Officers and Members of Local 21 Business Manager – Ron Diaz Business Agents Thomas Carey – Sean Carey Joseph Dullea – Thomas O’Brien President – John Stalker Vice President – Don Calabrese Executive Board Michael Sweeney – Nick Cassetta – Michael Zottola – Joe Molella Finance Committee Paul Cancellaro – Paul Abbatiello – James Buckley Examining Board Larry Muir – Sean Nickerson – John Ellis – Frank DeJesus Recording Secretary – Donald Calabrese Inside Guard – Anthony Masselli Treasurer – Brian Foley
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Metal Framing Drywall Insulation Carpentry ACT Ceilings Doors/Hardware Millwork Specialty Construction
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(845) 457-4021 Taylor Montgomery, LLC 350 Neelytown Road, Montgomery, NY 12549
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SECURE Act 2.0: Big Changes for Retirement Plans The House of Representative recently Auto Enrollment in 401(k) Plans voted and overwhelmingly approved Employerswouldberequiredtoenroll Robert Canterbury a bill by a vote of 41 -5 that employeesatpercent. 3 Employees Senior Wealth/ significantly impacts the rules about could opt out or opt to enroll at a lesser Retirement Plan Advisor contributing and withdrawing from Ifnoactionistaken,the Affinity BST Advisors amount. retirement plans. salary deferral amount automatically increasesbypercent 1 eachyearuntil SECUREAct2.0-SettingEvery theemployeereachespercent. 01 This Higher Catch-Up CommunityUpforRetirement is designed to force more individuals so Contribution Limits EnhancementAct-whichaimsto save more for retirement. Startingink) (104 , 20 participants encourage Americans to save more for agesand 36 ,2 would 46 beallowed retirement,iswidelyexpectedAs to pass we all know pension plans are to make additional annual catch-up the Senate later this year. virtuallyextinct,SocialSecurity contributionsofuptoThis .0 , 1$ generally is only enough to fund a amountisoverandabove HERE’S A LOOK AT WHAT SECURE fractionofretirementexpensesand thestandardallowable most Americans do not save enough 2.0 MEANS FOR BUSINESSES AND pre-taxcontributionlimit, to cover the rest. This change will THEIR EMPLOYEES: whichiscurrently.0 5,91$ forceemployerstodeduct3percent The current catch-up annual Required Minimum Distribution from employee paychecks unless the limitisfor 0 5,6$ thoseage (RMD) Penalty Reduced employee opts out. and 05 older. Currently,thepenaltyispercent 05 ofwhatyoushouldhavetakenbut continued... didn’t.IfSECUREpasses, 0.2 that penaltywillbereducedtopercent, 52 potentiallypercent 01 ifcorrected inatimelymanner.Whilemost retirees take more than the minimum withdrawalamounteachyear,many forget or incorrectly calculate the minimum.Thatmistakecanbecostly under current rules.The proposed new rules are more lenient and would allow for corrective measures.
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SECURE Act 2.0: Big Changes for Retirement Plans
Theextraproposedcatch-up Employer Matching for Student contributionswouldhavetobeLoan made Payments onanafter-taxbasis. This provision would allow employer
Part-time Workers Can Contribute
Employerscanexcludeemployeeswho workfewerthanhours 0 ,1 peryear from participation in retirement plans. matching contributions in correlation Push back the age for Required to any student loan paymentsUnder being thenewrules,thatthresholdi loweredtohours 05 aftertwoyears Minimum Distributions made by the employee. Many of service and allows part-timers the MandatorywithdrawalsfromIRAs younger individuals cannot afford to abilitytosaveforretirement. and401(k)planscurrentlybeginat contribute to a 401k plan and miss age72.Newruleswouldpushthe out on employer match. ageforRMDsbackto73inJanuary Small Business Tax Credits 203;74inJanuary203and75in Thecurrenttaxcreditforsmall National Database for Old and Lost JanuaryThis 203. changewould businessesup ( toemployees) 05 401(k) Plans allow investors to let their retirement start-upplansispercent 05 of Thecreationofanationaldatabase plansavingsgrowtaxdeferredlonger administrativecosts,cappedat overseenbytheDepartmentofLabor, beforehavingtotakemandatory annually. 0 , 5 $ UnderSECURE,0.2 whichwouldenablepeopletolocate withdrawalsandpayapplicable taxes. the employer credit increases to and verifyforgottenk 104 accounts.It percent 01 forbusinesseswithupto isacommonproblempeople areoften employees. 0 1 unawarethattheyhavek 104 balances invarious,forgottenaccountsfrom pastjobs.Adatabasewouldresultin bettertrackingand,inmanycases,the consolidation of these accounts.
The first phase - Setting Every
more Americans save for retirement
Community Up for Retirement
and build on our work last Congress
Enhancement (SECURE) - went into
to enact the SECURE Act, which was
effect in December 2019.
a first important step in the process of
This next wave of retirement reform further closes gaps in retirement plan access for employees and works to simplify plan administration for businesses. It additionally addresses the specific needs and concerns of older workers, part-time employees, and By Lisa Ramirez, CCA Director of
younger workers, including those paying
Communications and Membership
off student loans.
SECURE Act 2.0 is the second phase of Congress’ efforts to encourage Americans to better prepare for retirement.
The House of Representatives over-
whelmingly passed the SECURE Act 2.0 (H.R. 2954) on March 29, 2022 by a vote of 414-5. “I’m proud to join in supporting the bipartisan passage of legislation to help
making it easier for workers to open and contribute to retirement accounts,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) said in a statement released after the House passed Secure Act 2.0. “In passing today’s legislation, the Securing a Strong Retirement Act, the House is acting on a bipartisan basis to expand automatic enrollment in companies’ retirement plans, encourage more companies to offer and contribute to their workers’ plans, and allow those near retirement to save more and for longer.” The Senate is expected to vote, and will very likely approve, the measure before the end of this year.
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CCA Members Together Again for Annual Dinner
It was wonderful to see our members and guests They together putthelightsupfirst,Zolzerrecalled,soworkcoul at the CCA’sAnnual Dinner, which was heldApril continue 12 at with or without daylight. It was a short construction the Powelton Club, and we hope you had as much fun window, as andmanywereworriedthatitwouldn’tbeready we did. greet fans in time. The concern was unfounded.
Aspecial thank you to our guest speaker, Rick Zolzer “They were of still bolting in seats on opening night,” Z the HudsonValley Renegades, who made us all laugh told but the dinner crowd, which responded with a roun also reminded us all that Dutchess Stadiumapplause inWappingers for the dedicated and professional work Falls was proudly built by skilled union labor. as promised, the ballpark was ready in time, opening o June 18, 9 4.Through the years it’s been expanded and During his remarks, Zolzer recalled the construction enhanced,of with additional renovations planned t “The Dutch,” which was built at a cost of $8.3 million and ballpark as the Renegades move from Short SeasonAt completed in a mere 72 days - with some claiming itHightook A. just 71.
Thank you to everyone who made the annual dinner a wonderful evening of social networking.
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Total Compensation Statements: Are You Touting this Powerful Retention Tool? THE WORKFORCE HAS CHANGED.
overwhelming. Although the
numberswereincludedon Bynow,mostemployersknowthatretainingexisting theworker’spaystub,allthe employees and attracting new ones is far different from
employee noticed was the net pre-pandemictimes.Theavailablelaborpoolhasamount diminished of pay they were andfillingopeningshasbecomeahamster-on-the-wheel receiving. My direct reports exercise–lotsofworkbutgoingnowhere.Theresult? were amazed at how much Withoutafullstaff,companiesmustturndownnew business, the company paid overall -
Robin Seidman specializes in general HR policy and procedures.
customerservicesuffersandprofitabilitytakes anosedive. not justinsalary.Employees There is one powerful tool that many employers fail
becamemoreengaged.Itwasawin-winforthecompanyand to tout:The value of employer-provided benefits to a the employee. worker’s total compensation.
Therearepotentialissues.Forone,employeesmightsha Mostbusinessownersofferarobustbenefitspackage:Health, informationwithotheremployeesandifthereareine visionanddentalinsuranceavailabletotheemployeeand theemployermustbepreparedtoaddressthedifferen family,paidvacations,paidsicktime,personaltimeand Bytheway,youcanaskyouremployeesnottosharethe retirementplansarethemostcommoninclusions.Withthe informationwithothersbutyoucan’tstopthemfromd companypayingpartofthehealthbenefitcost,theremaining so. Nor can you retaliate if they do. premiumismuchmoreaffordablefortheemployee.And
whiletheownerscanprobablytellyoutothedollar how Someemployees mightnottrustthatthenumbersaret muchtheypaytowardthesebenefits,theworkforce isis why precision and accuracy are essential in preparing That generally clueless.
the statement. One mistake and the employee will lose all
confidenceintheinformationthecompanyprovides. That’swhereanannualTotalCompensationStatementcomes in. A Total Compensation Statement is a communication
that is tailored to each individual employee. It shows how
much the company pays annually in total salary and paid time
internet for Total Compensation Statements and you will offforthatemployeealongwithwhatitpaystoward taxes, not onlygetdetailedinformationbutalsotemplate
worker’scompensation,health,visionanddental benefits, totheorganization’sneeds.Aswithanypay betailored
shortandlong-termdisabilityandanyretirement benefits issue, itmakessenseforanemployertoruntheideapas suchasmatchingK104 contributions.Itcouldinclude CPAorlegalcounsel. commissionsorbonuses.Byputtingadollarnumbernext Losing and replacing employees equals recruiting and toeachoftheseitems,theemployeegenerallyhas an“aha”
training costs as well as disruption to the work environment. moment–especiallywhentheyseethebottomline amount Employeeengagementandloyaltytranslatestohigher of total compensation. It is an eye opener for sure and may
productivity,bettercustomerserviceandahappywor giveanemployeemoretothinkaboutiftheyareconsidering changingjobsorleavingtheworkforceentirely. All companies can use a competitive edge especially when
it comes to attracting and maintaining their workforce. The IknowfrompersonalexperiencethataTotalCompensation Statementworks.WhenmyformeremployerissuedaTotalCompensationStatementmightbethetooltha your employees statementtoallemployeesafewyearsago,theresponse wasengaged and loyal. 32
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Metal Framing Drywall
Acoustical Ceilings Doors & Hardware Insulation Specialty Ceilings
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JOIN THE CCA! For over 60 years the Construction Contractors Association of the Hudson Valley
has had a hand in almost every significant construction project across the region. With its strategy of providing quality management coupled with outstanding workmanship by highly skilled local labor, CCA is the right choice to get the job done right, on time and within budget.
Membership to the CCA includes: •
Promote your business or company on all CCA social media platforms
Members can take advantage of our health insurance plans that offer: •
Multiple plans to choose from
Contact list of professional contractors, suppliers and service providers
Favorable premium rates not available in the open market
Direct networking with our members at golf outings, lobster bake and holiday gathering
Highly rated national insurance companies
Extensive lists of preferred providers
Availability of PPE supplies
FOR MEMBERSHIP: Call 845-562-4280 or
FOR ASSISTANCE WTH CCA HEALTH PLANS: Contact Robin Seidman at or Millie Rodriguez at
845-562-4280 34
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Unions Urge Approval of Power Line Projects Unionofficials,stateandlocalrepresentatives, “It’s and asscores cleanas of youcanget,”saidSteveReich,ofthe
uniontradespeoplegatheredAprilat 21 theLocal Rockland Union 71 CountyBuildingandConstructionTradesCo Hall,callingfortheapproval Champlain oftheHudson
andBusinessManagerofLaborersLocal“Now .457 let’sget
Power Express and Clear Path New York power lines.
this thing going.”
ABOUT THE POWER LINES PROJECTS jobs”andpumpmillionsofdollarsintothelocaleconomy, saidToddDiorio,HudsonValleyBuildingTradesCouncil Two transmission line projects have had their contracts PresidentandLaborersLocalBusiness 71 Manager.“We’ve finalized, pending approval by the NYS Public Service supportedtheseprojectssinceDayOne,”hesaid. Commission. The comment deadline was Feb. 7, 2022 for both projects. Additional economic benefits to NewYorkers include $40 million for job training and workforce development; • The Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) 3,20 secondary jobs during construction; $40 million in is a 339 mile direct current cable that will bring 18 million family wages and benefits. and $1.4 billion in tax benefits megawatt-hours of hydroelectric power from Canada to the to 73 localities and 59 school districts during the project’s greater New York City metropolitan area. It will mostly be first 25 years. laid in the Hudson River by a process called jet plowing. Theundergroundelectriclines,poweredbysolar,windand • The Clean Path NY project proposes a 174-mile hydroelectric,wouldbringelectricpowerfromQuebec, underground transmission line that will deliver more than CanadaonaroutethatgoesfromCanadatoUlster,Orange, 7.5 million megawatt-hours of electricity to New York andRocklandcountiesandtheNewYorkmetropolitanarea, City annually from wind and solar in Western and Upstate powering more than one million homes while reducing the New York. region’sfossilfueluseforelectricitybypercent 08 by.03 2 Both power lines await approval by the NYS Public Service Commission. 36
By Lisa Ramirez
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S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
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Don’t Rest on Your Laurels: MWBE Renewals are Hardly a Sure Thing
In ancient Greece, laurel wreaths were awarded second to the renewal application - based on identical fa
winners of athletic competitions.Ancient Rome disclosures adopted as the first two approved application this practice and presented laurel wreaths to its victorious
denied. The Department found that the woman owner
generals. NewYork’s MWBE (minority/women-owned lacked the requisite “operational control” to qualify as business enterprise) certifications, much like aWBEthese as sheancient did not make “decisions pertaining to
crowns, are a highly coveted and valuable designation. the operations of the business enterprise” and fa
However, recent determinations by NewYork State’s participate in the “core activities” of the compan
Department of Economic Development (the “Department”) what about negotiating construction contracts
remind us that, just as with laurels, one should all of not the rest back-on office operations?These tasks were f one’s MWBE Certification!
to be “primarily administrative functions.”[2]Whil
“administrative functions” were apparently suffic The Department has issued no less than five MWBE garner initialWBE certifications, the Department f recertification denials over the past year.[1] Remarkably, was not bound by these prior determinations as it these denials were all based on facts previously disclosed exempt from “equitable estoppel.” as part of prior approved applications! How can this be? Governmentagencies,whenexercisingtheirgovernmental The matter of S.C. Spencer Electric, Inc.,[3] is another functions, generally are not prevented (“equitably example of the recent trend of MWBE recertification
estopped”) from taking legal positions contrary denials. to prior At the time of its recertification applica
determinations.The inapplicability of “equitable Spencer’s estoppel” woman owner held 50. percent of the stock an to the Department is on full display in its recent denial
her husband owned 49.5 percent. Spencer was previously
ofAnnandale Construction Corporation’sWBE certified to operate as aWBE, but its renewal applic renewal application.
was denied on several grounds including the fact that the
Annandale is a commercial concrete contractor formed in
“woman owner did not own at least fifty-one percent” o
the company.[4]Additionally, the Department analyze 20 3 by a married couple. From inception, the wife was the company’s formation details and found no proof o both the majority owner and president.As president, she the woman owner’s independent capital contribut handled payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, (which needed to be in proportion to her equity inte data entry, filing, updating, and maintaining office It cited Spencer’s initial 201 certification applicat policies and procedures, and played a “significant role” and its disclosure that the woman owner’s contri in preparing and implementing construction contracts. came from a joint bank account with her husband.As Annandale successfully applied for aWBE certification the Department called out in its decision, it “con in 20 9 and secured a renewal of this certification in denies applications forWBE certification where, as 201 . It must have come as a shock, therefore, when its
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
OLORI CRANE SERVICE, INC. the contributions from assets jointly held with an
Serving the building trades of the Lower Hudson Valley Since 1950
ineligible individual.”[5] Another point raised by the Department, and one seen frequently in denials, was the lack of proportionality
Michael Catania is a Managing
between risks and profits. Partner with Catania, Mahon The woman or minority owner must share in the company’s risks and
& Ryder and head of the Construction Practice Group.
profits in proportion to her ownership interest.Where officer compensation and wages favor the non-applicant owner, certification is often denied. Unfortunately, this may be an unavoidable situation where the non-woman/minority owner is also an employee and works on prevailing wage projects or where the women owner defers her officer compensation to help grow the business.
THE TAKEAWAY TheDepartment’srecentdecisionsallinvolveapplications thatpre-dateamendmentstotheMWBEregulations thatbecameeffectiveonDec.These 2,0. amended regulations,tosomeextent,aremoreexactingandwill likelyresultinfurtherdenials.Nowmorethanever, the Boom Lattice applicationitself,aswellasalldocumentssubmittedwith
Lattice it,narrativeexplanations,andresponsestoRFIs,must be carefully and thoughtfully drafted. This should include prior
Crawler Cranes to 100 ton
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mistakescorrectedwithproperexplanationandbackup. Rough
Terrain Cranes to 35 ton
[1] These denials come via “Recommended Orders” on appeal, which in turn have been adopted by “Final Orders,” all of which are available at the Department’s website. https://
Industrial Cranes to 15 ton
[2] The Department also noted the woman owner’s lack of applicable certifications and field experience, a common reason for MWBE denial- especially where, as here, the shareholder husband has such certifications and training.
[3] [4] The applicant argued that this was a mistake by its attorney and had since been remedied. However, all decisions on applications are made based on the facts as they existed as of the application date. [5] Evidence of commingled assets can include loans and lines of credit taken out by the woman/minority owner but secured by jointly held property. Data/Hearings/05022017_OTONEMechanicalConstruction_RecommendedOrder.pdf
“We measure success not in dollars, but in the longstanding business relationships we’ve built over the last seventy years. “ Ron Olori, Jr.
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Why You Need to Update Your CyberSecurity Right Now Thomas Kennedy, CPA Partner, RBT CPAs, LLP ThewarinUkraineiscloserthanyouthink.Recently, Imagine ( the thechaosthatcan
WhiteHousewarnedmaliciousattackscouldbe bejust caused afew bysomething
keystrokesaway,makingitcriticalforlocalgovernments assimpleasblockingaccesstoemergencycontact toclosetheirdigitaldoors,puttheirshields information up,andprotect forstudentsatapublicschool.)
people,data,andinfrastructurefromthedisruptiona Cyberattacks can impact everything from emerge cyberattackcancause.What’sevenmoreworrisomeis services ( including 9 1 call centers) to tax collec thatRussiaisjustonepartofamuchlargerproblem–the building permits, clean water, waste disposal, a U.S.sawapercent 719 increaseinransomwareattacksof more. Going after local governments is attractive governmentoperationsbetweenand 02 and ,120 last to cyber criminals because of the low hanging fru yearoverlocal 0 3,2 governments,schools,andhealthcare available, like Social Security numbers and vot providers were victims of ransomware attacks. tax payment information.
Whileitmayseemlikecybercriminalswouldbemore Recently,theU.S.CybersecurityandInfrastructure likelytotargetbanksorglobalcompaniesoverlocal SecurityAgencyCISA) ( –acomponentoftheDepartment schooldistrictsorgovernmentoffices,thesesofttargets ofHomelandSecurity–issuedadvisoriesindicatin areattractivebecausetheyhaven’thadthefundingor government,election,energy,water,andafewother resourcestobuilduptheirdefenses.What’smore,financial organizations are likely targets. All organizations – small gainisn’tthemaingoalofcyberattacks–disruptionis. andlarge–areurgedtostepupsecurityandbeprepar
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Why You Need to Update Your CyberSecurity Right Now
to respond to and mitigate the impact
lated scams by completing the reporti
ofpotentialcyberattacks.Thatincludes forms available on their website. training employees to help prevent attacks and conducting drills to make sure everyone knows what to do if an attack should occur.
Multi State Information Sharing and Analysis Center ( . center operates24/7,providingearlycyber
Withtheapprovalofthe$1.2trillion threatwarnings,malwareanalysis,and InfrastructureInvestmentandincidence Jobs assistance. Act(IIJA)there’sover$1billionfor
New York Cyber Incident improvingstate,localandtribal cyber Response Team security.Planningforandmanaging ( ) free thosefundswillhappenatthestatelevel, information,resources,andservices whereGovernorKathyHochulrecently includingriskassessment,phishing announcedaproposedbudgetof$62 exercises,cyber-tabletopexercises, milliontobuildupcybersecurity.So,it’s incidentanalysis,competitivegrants importanttostayintheknowaboutwhat upto$50,andmore.Toreportan NewYork’sChiefInformationOfficer, incident,call1-84OCT-CIRT. ChiefInformationSecurityOfficer,and Emailcirt@dhses.ny.govifyouare NYSJointSecurityOperationsCenterare interested in any of their services. up to.
Stop Ransomware Manual In the meantime, it’s easy to agree that and Resources more needs to be done to stand up to ( cyberattacks.The tough questions are resources).Breaksdownrisksbyindust “What?” and “How?” Recently, the and provides resources. HudsonValley Pattern for Progress kicked off a series of cybersecurity live virtual events to answer those questions and included a review of free resources
To free you up to focus on
cybersecurity, RBT CPAs is available to support local governments, including:
available to handle all of your tax and accounting needs. We work Shields-Up.Freetoolsandinformation with local governments and school offeredbyCISA ( districts throughout the Hudson and focus on critical infrastructure Valley. Give us a call today. sectors. They offer a security evaluation; a phishing campaign assessment; a
RBT Locations: vulnerabilityscanningservice;anda Newburgh: 845-284-9619 cyberhygienescanning service . CISA Poughkeepsie: 845-205-7984 encourages you to report any suspicious Wurtsboro: 845-940-7339 activity, including cybersecurity incidents, possible malicious code, software vulnerabilities, -and phishing-re ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
continued... 43
Why You Need to Update Your CyberSecurity Right Now
TheU.S.CybersecurityandInfrastructureSecurity If working with Ukrainian organizations, take
Agency(CISA)recommendsallorganizations,regardless care to monitor, inspect, and isolate traffic fro ofsize,adoptaheightenedposturewhenitcomes organizations to and closely review access controls for cybersecurity.CISA’srecommendationsinclude: that traffic. Reduce the Likelihood of a Damaging Cyber Intrusion
Be Prepared to Respond if an Intrusion Occurs
Validatethatallremoteaccesstotheorganization’s Designateacrisis-responseteamwithmainpoint network and privileged or administrative access requires
multi-factor authentication.
Assureavailabilityofkeypersonnel;identifyme ConfirmthatITpersonnelhavedisabledallportsand to provide surge support for responding to an incident. protocolsthatarenotessentialforbusinesspurposes.
Conductatabletopexercisetoensurethatev Ifusingcloudservices,ensurethatITpersonnelhave understands their role during an incident. reviewed and implemented strong controls outlined in CISA’sguidance.
Maximize Your Resilience
Take Steps to Quickly Detect a Potential Intrusion
canberapidlyrestorediftheorganizationisimpa Ensurethatcybersecurity/ITpersonnelarefocused byransomwareoradestructivecyberattack.Ensur onidentifyingandquicklyassessinganyunexpectedor backupsareisolatedfromnetworkconnections. unusualnetworkbehavior.Enablelogginginorderto betterinvestigateissuesorevents.
technology,conductatestofmanualcontrolstoe Confirmthattheentirenetworkisprotectedby thatcriticalfunctionsremainoperableifthen antivirus/antimalwaresoftwareandthatsignaturesin unavailableoruntrusted. these tools are updated. Source:
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International Union of Operating Engineers Local 137
Executive Board John Belardi – Ronald Burgess – Rocco Miceli – Michael Miller David Ryan - Rocco Sanseverino
1360 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 (914)762-0600 46
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Plan for tomorrow, live for today. We get it. You are busy writing bids, securing contracts, managing projects, and dealing with personnel issues all day long. But when do you get to plan for your own financial tomorrow and still live for today? We’ll help you plan to do the things you live for. Whether you are imagining a retirement sailing around the world or just kicking back with your family, we can tailor a plan from a wide range of financial options to make it happen. Our team of financial planning advisors can help identify your financial planning goals and address those needs with investment strategies for potential growth. With the full suite of Northwestern Mutual resources at our fingertips, we also assist business owners in developing succession and estate plans to protect the continuity of their life’s work and position it to flourish in the future.
See how we plan. Patrick A Di Cerbo, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®, MSFS, CFP® Wealth Management Advisor 518.281.8200
07-1016 © 2021 Northwestern Mutual is the marketing name for The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (NM), (life and disability insurance, annuities, and life insurance with longterm care benefits) and its subsidiaries in Milwaukee, WI. Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC (NMIS) (securities), a subsidiary of NM, broker-dealer, registered investment adviser and member FINRA and SIPC. Patrick A Di Cerbo is an Insurance Agent(s) of NM. Patrick A Di Cerbo, is a Registered Representative(s) of NMIS. Patrick A Di Cerbo, is a Representative of Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company®, (NMWMC) (fiduciary and fee-based financial planning services), a subsidiary of NM and federal savings bank. All NMWMC products and services are offered only by properly credentialed Representatives who operate from agency offices of NMWMC. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.
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4 7 9:49 PM 9/1/21
Orange County Exec Steve Neuhaus Returns from Overseas Deployment EveryonehereattheCCAextendsoursinceregratitude NeuhauswaspreviouslyonactivedutywiththeU.S. toOrangeCountyExecutiveStevenNeuhaus,alieutenant NavyfromNovember2018toJune2019,whenheserved
commanderintheU.S.NavyReservesassignedtothe withtheCombinedJointSpecialOperationsTaskFo PacificFleet,forhisservicetohiscountry. Neuhaus was deployed overseas in early March and returned in early May.
spending most of his deployment in Iraq in support of
againstISIS.HealsoservedoverseasinSouthKorea 2017andNorthAfricain1. 20
“I want to thank everyone who sent well wishes during my deployment. The outpouring of support for me and my family was moving and greatly appreciated,” he said on May 9 from his office at the Orange County Government Center.
areindirectlyengaged,armingandtrainingitsfor Upwardsof10,personnelarestationedinEuropeon
ongoingprojectsandupcomingevents,andremotel attended meetings.
“Duringmydeployment,Iwasabletostayintouchwith “Ican’twaittogethome,”hesaidinhisMay5message, myexecutiveteam,andIwanttocommendalldepartment oneofhislastfromanundisclosedlocationinEur heads,andtheentireCountyworkforceforcontinuing whichalsoincludedupdatesonlocalCOVID-19rates, their diligent work for our residents during my time in communityevents,andrecentactionsbytheOrange Europe.Mostimportantly,Iaskthatthepublicjoinme CountyLegislature.“Ilovethepeople,Ilovethejo inkeepingalltroopsthroughouttheworld,aswellasthe Ireallycan’twaittogettheheckhome.” Ukrainianpeopleinyourthoughtsandprayers.” 48
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Laborers Local 235
Skilled Laborers Quality Workmanship Safety & Dependability Dario Boccarossa
Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Celebrating Innovation
Y e a rs
Guided by a desire to provide excellent and comprehensive legal representation, the attorneys at Catania, Mahon & Rider, PLLC offer strategic and cost-efficient solutions to businesses and their owners. • (845) 565-1100 • 641 Broadway Newburgh, NY
CORPORATE SERVICES • Acquisitions, Sales and Mergers • Business Succession Planning and Estate Planning • Shareholder, Partnership and Operating Agreements • Commercial Transactions, Leasing and Financing • Business Breakups • Employment Law and Regulatory Compliance Michelle Rider
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Michael Catania
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
IRONWORKERS Local Union 417 Newburgh, NY 583 Route 32 Wallkill, NY 12589 Telephone: 845-566-8417 Fax: 845-566-8420
Michael Gaydos, Business Manager/FST Matthew Stoddard, President/BA Michael Dunn, Vice President Keith Eisgruber, Recording Secretary
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Brian Fries James Gardner III James Hubbard James McGrath John McGuire
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mark Gaydos Christopher Kunze Richard Schroder
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Content provided by Walden Savings Bank
Celebrating Walden Savings Bank’s 150th Anniversary Alocalinstitutioncelebratesamilestone anniversary “YOUR BANK. OUR COMMUNITY.”
thisyearasWaldenSavingsBank,theeleventholdest Asitcelebratesits150thanniversaryandlooks federallycharteredmutualsavingsbankinthecountry, ahead,WaldenSavingsBankkeepsitscorevaluesof marks150yearsinoperation. community,customerservice,pride,teamwork, commu Whenthebankopenedin1872,itwasamongtheearliest nicationandsecuritytopofmind.Nobankcansuccee toservearearesidentsandbusinessowners andprovided without thesupportofitscommunity,andWalden aconvenientalternativetooptionsinNewburgh Savingsand Bank’stagline“YourBank.OurCommunity” NewPaltz.Today,with12locations,36,0customers,
speaks to its commitment to the communities it serves.
“Wehavealwaysstrivedtoprovideourlocalresid WaldenSavingsBankprovidescommunitymembers andbusinesseswiththebankingoptionstheynee withavarietyofbankingservices,includingpersonaland coupled with an individualized approach to service that businessbanking,mortgagelending,investmentservices, buildstrustandcommunity,”saidPresidentandCE digitalbankingandmore. 52
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Celebrating Walden Savings Bank’s 150th Anniversary
DerrikR.Wynkoop.“Our150thanniversarypresents population and employment opportunities thanks to the agreattimeforustotakestockofeverything cutlery we’ve industry,ledbytheNewYorkKnifeCompany. accomplished,butit’salsoanopportunityto By1872,the lookarea tothe wasprimedtosupportabank,anda futureandidentifyhowbesttoserveourcustomers. teamoforganizers We —localfarmers,businesspeople,
believeourrecentinvestmentsintechnology merchants willhelp andattorneys—pooledtheirresource tohighlightWaldenSavingsBank’scommitment establish to WaldenSavingsBank. innovation and progress.”
Inhonorofits150thanniversary,thebankwillaward Furniture’soriginalbuilding.Sixyearslater,the
four$1,50grantstoBigBrothersBigSistersofOrange rentedspaceonMainStreetfromtheNationalBan County,TakeMeHomePetRescue,theHudsonValley Walden,andin192,purchasedpropertyatthecorner
CancerResourceCenterandtheNewburghLGBTQ+ ofBankStreetandUlsterAvenue,whereitcontin Center.Employeesselectedtheseorganizations operate to today. receive
thegrants,whichwillbeawardedquarterly. Addition There was one more feature to come that would make ally,eachWaldenSavingsBankbranchwilldonatea WaldenSavingsBankalocallandmark.In1925,the permanentitemtoanareanonprofit. fireman’smonumentinfrontofthebankwasmovedto ThebankgivesbacktothecommunitythroughVillage other Square,makingwayforthenow-iconicchime
programsaswell,mostnotablytheannual2Days clock, of and“Turnatthecornerbythebankwiththec Giving,whichtakesplaceduringthewinterholidays clock”becameitsslogan. and involves donations to a wide range of local causes.
YEARS OF GROWTH AND EXPANSION Employeesalsovolunteerallyearthroughthebank’s AlthoughWaldenSavingsBankhasexpandedto1 CommunityServiceProgram. additionaloffices,therewasatimewhenitseemed
LOOKING BACK itwouldcloseforgood,afatesufferedbycountless WaldenSavingsBankhasreliedonthesupport businesses ofits duringtheGreatDepression.Infact,whe community and its commitment to innovation to grow PresidentFranklinDelanoRooseveltorderedAme and thrive since its founding in the years following the bankstoclosefortwoweeksin193,itwasunclearif CivilWar.That’swhenWaldensawsignificantgrowth Walden in SavingsBankwouldreopen. continued...
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Celebrating Walden Savings Bank’s 150th Anniversary
Miraculously,though,thebanksurvived,andduring FORGING AHEAD
WorldWarIIandthepostwarboom,WaldenSavingsInadditiontoexpandingintonewcommunities,Walden Bankbegantoexperiencerealgrowth.In1962,it
SavingsBankisonamissiontobroadenitsrangeof underwentitsfirstmajorrenovationandthe new,modern services. Inthe ,210 bankestablishedWaldenInvestmen
buildingaccommodatedcustomersonthego,as the Services, afull-servicefinancialplanningdivisiont glass,steelandconcretestructurefeatured adrive-tackle up the challenges of retirement helps customers window. This was also an opportunity to modernize the
planning,savingforcollegeandestateplanning. chimeclock,preservingoneofthebank’smost recogniz Meanwhile,fouryearsago,thebankmadeaforayinto ablefeatures. DutchessCountywithaloanproductionofficeinBeac WhenWaldenSavingsBankcelebratedits10th Then,inan ,120 ambitiousplantotransformtheagship fl
anniversaryin1972,ithad$26millioninassetsandScott’s a Cornersbranchwiththeadvancementsind longhistoryofservice.Thebankexpandedin1973with technology was announced. The plan is a key part of a asecondlocationinWashingtonville.Newbranches strategy to provide an innovative and highly personalized
inMontgomery and Cornwall soon followed. Bybanking the experience;withacustomerbaseequallyspl
turn of the century there were branches in Pine Bush between thosebelowandabovetheageofthe ,5 intent
and NewWindsor, and, in 19 8, it expanded outside toappealtoallgenerations,particularlyasthep of Orange County with an Ulster County branch in oldercustomersembracedigitalbanking. helped
Gardiner.ATMs were introduced in 198 , and today This digital transformation includes redesigned teller technology allows customers to conduct transactions podsformoreengaginginteractionsbetweencust from anywhere in the U.S. and staff; a Digital Discovery Center; a high-tech ATM In20,itopenedabranchinScott’sCornersthat withbulkdepositcapabilities;aconferenceroom
wouldalsoserveasthenewheadquarters.Following videoconferencingcapabilities;aself-servicecof
amajorrenovationoftheoriginalWaldenBranch and,inin afirstfortheHudsonValley,augmentedreali Walden 204, SavingsBankexpandedtoCircleville, for conducting transactions and educating customers MiddlehopeandFlorida,andestablishedaContact aboutbankingoptions. Centerin209toprovideadditionalindividualized Customers have noticed these efforts. Walden Savings Bank has been customer support. 54
chosen by “Times Herald-Record” readers as the area’s Best Bank for eight straight years, and boasts a Customer Satisfaction Rating of 94.45 percent.
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
WE’RE HERE FOR YOU Your health and safety have always been our priority. Learn more about what MSLC is doing to keep you healthy and safe at
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Knowledge & Know-how WB&G’s comprehensive knowledge and insights into the intricacies of the construction and real estate industries are invaluable resources for companies, municipalities and business organizations seeking pragmatic and successful approaches to solve their legal challenges. For more than forty years, WB&G’s commitment and dedication to provide exceptional legal service have infused the firm with the knowledge and know-how to achieve practical and favorable results for its clients.
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
The CCAwelcomes Joshua Ingber, chief executive officer of Service Scaffold, to the C Board of Directors.
ASouth Fallsburg native, Ingber spent a few post-college years in NewYork City, t returned home to lead the family business. Service Scaffold was founded in 1956 by Ma Ingber, and it began as a small rental company. It quickly grew to become the leadi scaffold provider for Sullivan County’s Borscht Belt, including the Concord WoodstockArt and Music Festival.
“I grew up in the area and in the industry, and I still put on a tool belt a couple times a month and g he says.As a third generation business, Service Scaffold continues to expand. “We’re family owned bu bandwidth to compete with the bigger guys.”
Ingber said the company now offers a vast range of products and services for builders, including sc platforms, bulk storage, forklifts elevators, trash chutes, sidewalk sheds, and, essentially “e Ingber will additionally serve as CCABoard secretary/treasurer.
Mike Adams Board President
James McGowan 1st Vice President
Joseph Perez 2nd Vice President
Josh Ingber Secretary-Treasurer
Alan Seidman Executive Director
Joseph Barone
Roland Bloomer
Dan Depew
Scott Dianis
Lou Doro
Ira Gold
Jay Harrison
Robert Kaehler
Alfred D. Torreggiani
Charlotte Van Horn
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Justin Darrow Chairman
Jake Bidosky Vice Chairman
Bernie Hillman Secretary
Daniel Teutul Treasurer
Sitting, from left: Steve Mulholland, Vice President; James D’Annibale, President; Louis J. Doro and Daniel Harden Standing, from left: Mark DiPasquale, Secretary; Walter “Chip” Greenwood; Dennis LaVopa, Jr., and William Haskel Missing from photo: Dominick DiViesti, Treasurer, and Richard K. Berg
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S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Staff Changes at CCA Headquarters The Construction Contractors Association of the Hudson Valley has welcomed two new people to the CCA team. Lisa Ramirez
Lisa Ramirez
Vincent Rouhotas
Vincent Rouhotas
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
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Labor, Management Convene at Annual Mid-Winter Meeting
The20Mid-HudsonValleyConstructionIndustry’s “Westartedsmall,butsuccessfully,”saidCCAExecut Mid-WinterMeetingmayfeellikeitwasagesago,Director Alan Seidman. “Our attendance grew each
buttheexpertsandinfluencerswhoattended year itand areafter still acoupleofyears,weexpandedtoalabo talkingaboutwhathasbecomeanessential management conference meeting.” on their calendars.
TheMid-WinterMeeting,nowinitsthirteenth acrucial year, partofbuildingalliances,inspiringtea beganasajointboardmeetingoftheConstruction and achieving common goals.
IndustryCouncil(CIC)andtheConstructionContractors “Itisbecauseofparticipationinthisannualmee Association(CCA).HeldFebruary28throughMarch4 wehavedevelopedrelationships,thatwhenanis attheJWMarriottonFlorida’sMarcoIsland,thisyear’s arise,peoplecantalkandresolvethatissuequi “Let’s Get To Work” conference included panel withrespect,”Seidmansaidinhiswelcomingremark discussions,speakers,and,afterprolongedCOVID restrictionspunctuatedbyaspikeincasesoverthe
holidays,awelcomeopportunitytogatherwith“We work collaboratively, and we get
more support for our projects and positions because we present a unified position. When we meet with an official they see that labor and management in the Hudson Valley work together. The people in this room have a vision and they get things done.”
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Building relationships is important. The CCA is grateful to our sponsors and guest speakers who helped make the meeting a success.
Understanding what’s important.
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S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Succession Planning: It’s Not All About You Succession planning takes the skills and experience that made you successful in the first place and focuses them on what your business and business heirs need to thrive in a changing world.
Nicholas Preddice Founding Partner AffinityBST Advisors 973-534-5785
Thebiggesthurdletoeffectivesuccessionplanning isover? notWhat are their needs Who will take financialorstructural,butpersonalandpsychological. and capabilities? Oftenthosewhobuilttheirownbusinessidentify so Internal promotions are cost and culturally effective. I urge
closelywithitthattheycan’tquiteletit go.Yes,they myclients to:objectively )1 assessapotentialcandi knowthey’renotimmortal.Yes,theywanttoenjoy theandinclinationforleadership:map capacity )2 outa
fruitsoftheirlabor.Yes,thenextgeneration to ofcompetenciesandexperiences;and month -21 iseager timeline comeintoitsown.“ButI’mtooyoungandbusytomeasure )3 think howwelltheymeetthosecriteria. aboutthatrightnow.”“ButIalreadyknowthat[insert Who else needs to be involved? namehere]willtakeoversomeday.” AnewCEOneedsareliableC-levelteam.Bringyour Thiskindofabsolutistthinkingignoresthe CFO,complexities COO,CHRO,etc.into , theprocess;itwillbroaden andrealitiesofwhatthebusinessneeds,potentially your planning perspective and keep them appropriately
settinginmotionpainfulconsequencesforboth people informed sotheycanintegrateyourobjectivesint
andtheorganization.HBOhasbuiltahitcomedydrama, respective planningandhiringprocesses.Sizablere
“Succession,”aroundjustsuchaworst-casescenario. bonuseswillmakeitworththeirwhiletomaintain Theschemingandplottingofthedysfunctional Roythroughout the coming transition. course
familyisanobjectlessoninhownottosucceedasa Furthermore,don’tleaveotherbusinesspartne familyinbusiness. dark.Introduceyoursuccessortoyourbanker,espe
ifthebusinessisleveragedandyou’retheonesec Bothcontingencyandlong-termplanningrequire the loans. Transitioning leadership includes opening
owners/CEOstofirstdotheemotionalheavylifting of thenextgenerationofbusinessrelatio doorsfor accepting that they cannot forever hold the reins. Once
What’s next for the retiring CEO/owner, and how will youembracechange,youcanmorereadilyapplythe they be remunerated? skillsandexperiencethatmadeyousuccessfulinthe WhilemanyretiringCEOsshiftintoadvisoryrolesan firstplacetodrillingdownintothedetailsofcraftingan jointheboard,it’scriticaltodefinethefinancial effective succession plan. that secures your retirement. Clearly articulate your
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
CONSIDER A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE Johngrewahighlylucrativeconstructionbusinessby focusingonstarterhomes–nothingfancy,butalot ofthem.Hiskidsgrewupwithahigherstandardof livingandenjoyedmoreopportunitiesthanhehadhad. WhenJohn’sson,Jack,returnedtothefamilybusiness afterclimbingthecorporateladder,hisexperienceand education gave him a very different perspective on where thecompanyshouldbeheading.ABA’sprocesshelped fatherandsonstepbackfromtheiropposingpointsof viewtoconsiderwhatwasrightforthebusinessand howeachofthemmightrealizehispersonalgoals.Jack ultimatelyboughtJohnoutandrefocusedthebusinesson custom,high-endhomes.Thebusinessisthriving,and everymemberofthefamilyisreapingthebenefitsofa well-executedplan.
ESTABLISH RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Sallyisafourth-generationbusinessownerwhocredits hergreat-grandfatherwithestablishingthefamilyvalues system that continues to inform how the company runs today.Anyfamilymemberinterestedinthebusiness mustcompleteafour-yearcollegedegree,putinatleast twoyearswithanotherorganization,andthenapplyfor ajoblikeanyoneelse.Hiresaremadeonthebasisof capabilities,notgenetics.Everyaspectofthebusinessis intentional; no decision lacks discipline. This transparency means everyone feels empowered.
EMBRACE CHANGE Human beings are generally uncomfortable with change, but as Benjamin Franklin famously put it, “Change is the only constant in life. One’s ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success
The value of a business is not absolute. It relies that you can readily negotiate if you’re willing to take an honest look at the needs and capabilities of your in large part on the talent, business, your potential successors, and yourself.The experience, and value of a business is not absolute. It relies in large part on the talent, experience, and relationships of the person relationships of the person in charge. Focusing your capabilities and know-how on in charge. strategic succession planning can ensure the value of in life.” Succession planning is a challenge, but one
your business and set your business heirs up for success in a rapidly evolving world. ON THE LEVEL:
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Sullivan County Partnership President Mark Baez
Sullivan County Partnership Hosts Economic Development Summit The Sullivan County Partnership for Economic Development March 24 summit was a spring ahead gathering of the county’s leaders and business owners, all poised to get things done in Sullivan County.
“Themainreasonwe’rehavingthisbreakfast representatives todayis fromanarrayofindustries,fromre
thatthingsarehappeninginSullivanCounty, to”architecture saidSCP toconstruction.Thespeakerswe President/CEOMarcBaez.“Projectsthatstarted Lavelle prior ofRand toCommercial;MatthewMilnamowof COVID are now ramping up again.”
TerryFloodofCrownCastle;TownofLibertySupervisor Aprimary focus of the SCP, he said, is to encourage FrankDeMayo,andDanDepewofHoltConstruction. mindful development and, especially, to further expand
the Sullivan’s economic mix, which has traditionally Theconversationwaslively,informative,andpres
been tourism-based but is making strides towards holisticvisionofhoweconomicdevelopmentproj more diversity.
The“brasstacks.”saidBaez,ofwhatittakestoget Thepaneldiscussion,moderatedbyBaezandheldat things done. Bernie’sHolidayRestaurantinRockHill,included 66
S P R I N G | S U M M E R 2 0 2 2 Q U A R T E R LY P U B L I C AT I O N
Of course, things don’t always go well, and seldom Despite do thechallenges,theenergyintheroomwas
they go smoothly.The panelists spoke aboutoptimistic, challenges, andthepanelistspointedtoprojec some perennial - zoning, SEQRA, regulations and KohlsinMamakatingandAppleIceinThompson. anti-development sentiment - and some linked to the
“There’sacasinoherenow,”saidDepew,notingthat prolonged pandemic; supply chain interruptions, labor SullivanCountycapturedthecovetedResortsWo shortages, and an intensified demand for broadband Catskillsamidfiercestatewidecompetition.“Whe and connectivity. Sullivan County wants something and recognizes the Success,thepanelistsconcurred,requiresimportance, planning, itgoesoutanddoesit.” expertise,communication,persistenceandcollaboration. By Lisa Ramirez “Planfortheworst,hopeforthebest,”saidMilnamow.
Panelists discuss strategies at the SCP Economic Development Summit.
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