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Lavender has been grown in and around Hitchin for hundreds of years and museum is homage to this. Perks and Llewellyn was an apothecary located in Hitchin town centre until the 1960’s, Hitchin Historical Society have kindly loaned us much of the shops furniture and its artefacts which help give visitors an insight into the use of lavender throughout Victorian times.
We have over 30 acres of lavender containing a wide range of varieties for you to explore. You’ll be able to wander wherever you like within the field and pick some lavender to take home with you. We’ll provide a paper bag for collecting lavender which can be picked up at the entrance to the field. We kindly request that you bring your own scissors to help support our additional safety measures currently in place due to COVID-19. We advise that the lavender should only be cut from the sides of the bushes, not from the top. Our main flowering season is between mid-June and late August. Amateur photography is welcomed!
We have many varieties of British wild flowers in our meadow including Common Knapweed, Lady’s Bedstraw, Poppy, Tufted Vetch, Cornflower and Field Forget-Me-Not. The meadow can be found towards the right hand side of our main field and will usually be in flower from early summer.
Our top tips for growing lavender at home: Ideally, lavender prefers to be planted in a porous soil, such as sand or chalk. Chalk is ideal as it is slightly alkaline and allows for rain water to permeate through.
Lavender can grow in a non-porous soil, such as clay, if sand or grit or something that allows drainage is mixed in.

Here at the farm, we’re lucky to have ideal growing conditions as the soil is chalky and the slope of our field allows for a high amount of surface run-off, meaning that our lavender doesn’t sit in water for too long.
Lavender likes to be in a place that will get a lot of sun but so long as the plant is well aerated, it will still thrive.
When first planted, lavender needs help to become established in the ground and will need watering for the first seven to ten days or so. Once established, it won’t need any additional watering aside from incidental rainfall. If you’re planning to keep your lavender plant in a pot you will however, need to keep watering it occasionally. It doesn’t necessarily need any extra feed to help it become established.
There can be flexibility when it comes to harvesting your lavender stems. If you’re cutting your plant for fresh flowers, you can cut them whenever you like. For dried lavender, they should ideally be picked just before the petals (corollas) open up.
When pruning, stems should be cut above the greenery, about two inches above the old wood. This will allow for new growth for next season. If the stem is cut too far down into the old wood, it can damage or even kill off a plant. Lavender will survive just as happily if pruned once the lavender heads have lost all their colour.
There are 39 species of lavender worldwide and within each species there are hundreds of varieties, meaning that there are many different colours, scents and foliage types to choose from.

We have 2 main species that are farmed at Hitchin Lavender. They are Lavandula Angustifolia and Lavandula x Intermedia, although you’ll be able to see 60 varieties growing in our display field and 10 varieties in our main field.
Angustifolia is a very valuable species of lavender because of the high quality oil that is produced by the plants. The oils can be used in perfume, cosmetics, for aromatherapy and utilised as an antiseptic. Its typical flowering period is from mid-June to late July. It is an extremely hardy plant and fairly forgiving of pruning mistakes! It has a shorter stem than other species and more contained greenery, making it a good option for domestic use.
Intermedia is a hybrid plant which comes from a combination of Angustifolia and Latifolia lavenders. Many varieties of Intermedia are used for producing commercial oil and dried bunches, as the yields from these plants are up to three times greater than Angustifolia. Intermedia is also very hardy with a flowering period from early July through to September.
If you’d like to pick a variety of lavender that can be found in our fields, you’ll find a selection of Angustifolia and Intermedia plants, available in two different pot sizes in our farm shop. Dogs are welcome on-site so long as they are kept on a lead and any doggy deposits are cleared away by their owners.
The lavender attracts a diverse mix of wildlife, in particular bees. You’ll be able to see many bees amongst the lavender rows. Much of the other wildlife may be harder to spot but the farm is home to hares, butterflies, insects, partridges, skylarks and more.
Experience a different view of Hitchin Lavender and the surrounding countryside by walking along the public footpaths which intersect our farm alongside our main field and outbuildings.

Professional photography is allowed anytime during our general opening hours but is subject to an additional fee.
Cadwell Farm, Ickleford, Hitchin Hertfordshire, SG5 3UA 01462 434343 hitchinlavender.com