1 minute read

What makes you want to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle? Perhaps you’ve seen school strikes or nature documentaries, and you’re moved to lighten your load on the world around you? You might be trying to save money, or you may want a more healthy lifestyle. Whatever your initial reasons for pursuing sustainable living and maybe even reducing your carbon footprint, you’ll need to figure out where to start—then how to improve, one step at a time.
There are many places to start: and a visit to sustainablestalbans.org is a good place to begin. Highlighting steps you can take with the biggest impact on greenhouse gas emissions, you’ll find lots of practical advice and tips on a huge variety of topics from making your home more energy efficient, active travel to improve air quality and your mental health, how to navigate the complexity of sustainable food choices and fashion that doesn’t cost the earth. We have lots of personal experiences too in our blogs, with ideas for environmental reads and films to inspire you and the whole family.
If you’re looking for sustainably-minded activities then the Sustainable St Albans events programme can help you take tangible steps, meet experts or perhaps chat to like minded people. A visit to the Harpenden Sustainability Market could open your eyes to the everyday items that can be swapped for sustainable alternatives and keeps your purchasing power within the local community too.
Aside from making changes to what and how you shop, you can also take steps to improve your home’s energy efficiency, lowering your bills and keeping you warm at the same time. You could borrow our thermal imaging camera to show where heat is leaking from your house, helping you to take steps to block these draughts with simple tricks like thermal curtains and plugged floorboard gaps. Our regular Repair Fairs can teach you to fix your broken item instead of replacing it, saving you money and reducing the amount of waste going into landfill. You can find a full events calendar on our website or sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with our changing programme. Whatever steps you take, Sustainable St Albans can help you: our 2030 selves will thank you for starting your journey towards living more sustainably.

Funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, distributed by Transition Together, has helped Sustainable St Albans to promote our work here. Thanks to National Lottery players for making this possible. Look for more information about Transition Together at transitiontogether.org.uk.
For more information about Sustainable St Albans visit sustainablestalbans.org