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Winter 2017
PUBLISHER’S DESK www.fitnfabs.com Dear Readers, Season's greetings! Inside this double issue of FitNFabs, we invite you to celebrate the holidays with us and to meet six amazing individuals who demonstrate resolve and determination when it comes to taking control of their lives. Each of them made the decision at a key moment in their lives to break out of their chrysalis dreams to unfurl their butterfly wings and to share their beauty, passion and strength with the world. I hope that they inspire you to make resolutions for the new year that are truly meaningful. If you have any feedback or stories to share with us, we'd love to hear from you! Yours Truly,
ROSALIDIA DUBON Rosalidia Dubon is an entrepreneur and educator in the media publishing and content marketing industries. She is the founder of Dubon Consulting and a committed advocate of women and children’s issues worldwide.
CHRISTOPHER MATT Christopher Matt is an author, life coach, and Reiki practitioner based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has a passion for philosophy, self-improvement, and powerful ideas. Christopher cares deeply about healing people and helping them find meaning and happiness within themselves and live fulfilling lives. 2
FITNFABS Winter 2017
RICK GREEN Rick Green has over 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industries. He is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, licensed USA boxing coach level 3 and owner of Force Fitness in San Jose, CA.
CARMEN MILAGRO An entrepreneur, art lover, international entertainer and philanthropist, Carmen Milagro is the founder of Borbón, a premium skin care brand with products made from the world’s finest exotic raw ingredients and inspired by homeopathic traditions.
DR. CHRIS COLGIN Dr. Chris Colgin is a speaker and chiropractor serving the San Francisco Bay Area with 20 years of experience and specialties in weight loss, lifestyle medicine, wellness, and pain relief.
LAUREL MINES Laurel Mines is a physical therapist with a private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received her Doctor of Physical Therapy from the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute in 2011. She specializes in orthopedics with a focus on the metaphysical aspect of healing.
DR. NIRALI PATEL An entrepreneur, art lover, international entertainer and philanthropist, Dr. Nirali Patel is an acupuncturist and skincare specialist with a practice in San Mateo, California, with over 12 years of experience. She is the founder of Hello Beautiful Skincare, a line of handcrafted, organic products targeting problematic skin. She is also certified in constitutional facial rejuvenation, treating dermatological skin problems with facial acupuncture.
KELLY SHAW Frequently found lost in a book, Kelly loves exploring the places that words can take you. When she isn't writing for FitNFabs, Kelly is lead project manager at a San Francisco Bay Area production company where she manages new releases and film distribution as well as product marketing. 3
BEAUTY Your New Year's Body Begins
By Dr. Nirali Patel Each year, we celebrate New Year’s Eve counting Visiting loved ones is often the reason that we have down with our loved ones. The moment the ball less time for fitness. By sharing our goals with them, drops and the fireworks go off, we get caught up in we can tap them as our best source of support the moment with an embrace and a kiss. It’s out with through the holidays. They’re here to connect and the old and in with the new. What could be more celebrate with us. Since that togetherness is what’s natural than pledging to bring out a new you? important, we can plan and connect over physical activities that are good for body, mind and spirit. We resolve to improve our eating habits, cutting back on salts and sugars, to sign up for the gym and An active lifestyle is its own reward, not just a way to promise ourselves that we will actually go. For to get to a certain weight goal. Your body feels best most of us, these wonderful resolutions rarely make when it is healthy and moving which also keeps your it all the way through the first day of spring. What can mind fit and wards off depression. That’s the best way we do differently this year? for a family to enjoy the holidays! Exercising means having more energy for fun family games. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is the timing. Sure, it comes at the start of a new year, Begin by sharing your sincere commitment to begin but it is also at the tail end of a season replete with your resolutions early. Enlist your family’s support in company parties, large family feasts and nonstop creating new traditions to support your best active shopping excursions from Black Friday to afterselves, like modifying old family recipes to be more Christmas sales right next to the food court. In short, healthy, reducing or eliminating carbs, processed we get used to eating too much and not having sugars, caffeine and alcohol. It’s easier to pass on enough time to exercise. Embracing this festive unhealthy treats when there are plenty of healthy, lifestyle at the end of the year makes it that much delicious substitutes. Get everyone’s help putting harder to turn it all around suddenly. food away after meals and then do something physically engaging in another area so that we won’t So, why wait until the 1st of January to make these be tempted to continue snacking. New Year’s resolutions? What you can do differently this year is to be proactive and to get a jump on It is easier to maintain an existing diet and exercise your resolutions. Commit to making all the routine than to let it go completely and then restart right eating and fitness decisions before it. The more we make exceptions, the more the the holiday season. This means planning exceptions become the rule. By starting early, we ahead for the table with healthier won’t be discouraged and daunted January 1st. options, giving your family and friends Even if we don’t stick to the plan with perfection feedback about what to bring to the during the holidays, we will be that much more potluck and enlisting your loved ones ahead on our resolution for the New Year. to keep you accountable. Maybe We’ll truly get the most of the holidays in the they will all join you in being process. The new you can do it! health-conscious to help ensure fulfilling family gatherings long into the future! 4
Your Time to Shine By Becka Cady
Holiday is the moment to sprinkle some sparkle, wear that ravishing red, and highlight to glow. From office parties to family dinners, the holiday season is stocking-stuffed with social events. It’s time to look and feel your best! Just like you’d choose a theme to decorate your home, you’ll want to choose your Holiday Style. Use these tips to help you glow from the inside out!
SKIN: Hold on to hydration! Add a few drops of facial oil to your moisturizer to help boost radiance
and lock in hydration. Many of these oils are multi-purpose and great for both skin and hair! Prefer a treatment? Sheet masks are an easy, inexpensive way to pamper yourself and add multiple benefits to the skin including moisture. (Perfect stocking-stuffers for you and friends!)
MAKEUP: Grab the glow! Highlighters are a quick, easy way to add luminosity and accent. For a natural glow, look for a highlight that complements your skin tone. For example, choose a gold highlight for a yellow undertone. For a high-watt, bold glow choose a highlight color that is opposite to your natural skin tone. Apply to high points of the face such as tops of the cheeks, bridge of the nose, cupid’s bow, and inner corner of the eyes.
FRAGRANCE: It’s time to pack away the fresh floral scents and flip-flops and unwrap warmth and woods with your winter fragrance. Look for perfumes with rich, bold notes like leather, pink peppercorn, cedarwood, or our favorite vanilla bourbon! Think these aren’t for you? Dare to be different! The latest fragrance trends are woman embracing these bold scents. Build your confidence by spraying it on your skin to test and see if it fits your style.
LIPSTICK & NAILS: Tis the season to play with those festive,
decorative colors like metallic golds, silvers, or that classy crimson red that you have always wanted to wear. Lips and nails are the perfect accessory to any outfit. No need to be a makeup pro. Minimal makeup with just mascara, highlight and bright red lips adds elegance to any outfit. Be sure to grab a lip stain or matte pencil to ensure your lip color lasts all night, no matter which wine glass you’re on!
ACCESSORIES: Match your purse and accessories to your nails!
Gold nails? Choose a metallic gold clutch with gold bracelets. A trendy way to make an impression is to match your jewelry or bag to your nails. Not ready to sparkle with gold? Red and black is a classic way to stand out. Whether you choose bold and bright or classic and classy, be your version of beautiful. Happy Holidays!
Coach It Forward: A personal awakening that transformed 1400 lives By Mary-Ann Evans
FITNINSPIRING It’s hard to imagine Corporate America Magazine’s 2016 Boardroom Elite Awards’ nominee for “Best Life Coach” ever lacking confidence. Alejandra Crisafulli holds a Master of Metaphysical Sciences and trains all types of leaders in her role as a business development coach. She’s proud of her half Chilean, half Italian heritage — what she calls the perfect blend of sassy and sophisticated. With her husband, she owns Lofty Coffee Co, a chain of coffee bars in the San Diego area. Yet, success did not always come easily for her.
“Looking back at my life, I always had this nagging fear and anxiety which made me feel like I was stupid and worthless,” she recollects, “never as good as everyone else.” She explains, “Spanish was my first language and there was a slang term that my mother would say all the time. It was so common that I didn't give much thought to it until I began to learn English. When I translated it to English, I realized that it was an insult, and I took that on as my truth. Everything that I thought of myself revolved around that. Because of my dyslexia, I didn't learn to read until I was 12, and I was deathly afraid to speak to people. I didn't want them to know how I felt about myself.” When she was in her mid-twenties, she found herself pregnant and alone. She decided once and for all to do something about her lack of confidence and direction. “I knew if it didn’t change, I was going to pass this low self-image on to my daughter, and I didn’t want that to happen. My wish for her was to feel empowered as the beautiful being that she is.”
Alejandra turned to a combination of therapy and medication to manage her feelings of inadequacy as a mother. However, she wasn’t satisfied with her progress and realized that she was masking her pain with drugs. Not knowing what else to do, she contacted a life coach. Through coaching, Alejandra discovered ways to heal the pain of her past and realized that she did not need medication to get through life. “I felt joy in my life and in who I was as a person for the first time — like I was worthy and had a voice,” she said. “My new self-image attracted the most amazing man who is now father to my daughter, and we have been together for 15 wonderful years.” Her own transformation inspired her to become a coach herself. “I wanted to be able to share that awakening with everyone,” she says. Alejandra developed her ground-breaking Ultimate Life Success Formula. Now after 16 years, she has worked with over 1400 clients in their search for purpose and meaning in their lives. Alejandra helps her clients understand the difference between dealing with life’s challenges and healing. Choosing to heal requires facing the things that we try to hide from ourselves and others. “Many talk about change, but after they take a few steps and see what’s possible, they retreat to their comfort zones,” she explains. She has trained herself to help people overcome the fear of their own greatness and find the reason that will compel them to take that journey. Her mission is far from over. “Even though I have helped so many, I know that there are so many more silently screaming inside and don't know how to get help. The thought of that hurts me because I know what they are going through. That’s why I’m getting more vocal and visible so that they can see me and know that there are people out there to help.”
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PEOPLE As a life coach, how do you work with your clients? What kind of programs do you develop for them? It’s all about true healing — finding the core of why we do what we do and healing at that level. You need to look at your whole life: mental, emotional, and physical issues all tend to be related.
Is there a specific type of coaching that you do? What are the routines and exercises that you recommend to your clients in order to be positive and successful? I work a lot on relationships: partners, couples and anything relationship-based. Healing the relationship with yourself and your spouse are two of the most powerful changes that you can make in life. It is so empowering when you are no longer blaming someone or something else, when you take total control, and total responsibility, over your life.
Do you teach classes? If so, what are your favorite topics? I teach several workshops throughout the year and appear at trade shows. The Big Breakthrough Weekend is all about your relationship with yourself and healing internally to create external changes. I also teach at The Ultimate Speaker Course: two days for entrepreneurs learning how to use speaking as a marketing tool. I’m all about supporting people in business and helping folks overcome their fears of public speaking. The Ultimate Communications course helps people learn how to start communicating clearly and ensure that you aren’t just sharing your own perspective, but others as well. In addition, I have webinars on my Facebook page and website.
How do you recommend balancing professional and personal life? It’s all about self-care. I tell clients that “healthy selfish” is good for them and their families. Rather than compartmentalize things and looking at everything in life as a scale that needs balancing, see it as synergy — as flowing. This provides freedom, alleviating the feeling of guilt when you pay attention to the top priority and set other things aside temporarily. It’s recognizing the natural up and down flow which doesn’t mean you’re neglecting those other things. Give yourself permission to be in that flow.
What is your daily workout regimen? I walk like a mad woman! I used to do the gym thing, but, I’m really digging nature now, and I take long, meditative walks. I love exploring!
What are the core values that you live by? My dad taught me the importance of living life without regrets. I lost him two months ago. It’s been a challenge, but has given life a new 8
FITNINSPIRING fragrance. It challenged me to live the way that he taught me, and which helps me value each day, seeing it through a lens of aliveness and adventure. My other core values are truth and fulfillment. It’s really important to live with intention and not absently or half-heartedly. Purpose is important. I frequently stop and get clear on my intention.
What is the last book you’ve read that has made an impact on you?
What are your thoughts on America’s opioid crisis? Are there solutions? It’s sad. The “let’s just take a pill to fix it” method has become pervasive, and it’s all there to mask the guilt and hurt. Sadly, a broken spirit cannot be fixed with a prescription. Instead of numbing the pain, the solution is to address the root cause of pain.
Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling by Dr. Wayne Dyer. In the book he speaks to how we all have a purpose in life — a greater purpose, not career purpose, and that we have chosen to be here. We uncover our purpose through hardship. Hardship, then, is a gift.
Do you collaborate with other life coaches and instructors? Absolutely! I collaborate, and I also train other aspiring life coaches.
Do you have a mentor or guide yourself? I do! I work with a life coach too. I see it as a way for me to walk my talk. It enables me to continue growing and mastering the work that I do.
How has social media and technology helped and hurt the way that people perceive themselves and their selfworth? It definitely has an impact especially when it comes to insecurity. It’s too often a competition, all about one-upping rather than just being. It’s so important to be vulnerable and show one’s truth, even if it isn’t pretty.
How did you come to own a coffee business? My husband Eric was looking for his purpose after having worked as a bartender for 10 years. We were walking home one day after getting a disappointing cup of coffee and saying how great it would be if there was a really great coffee place. We were living and working in a loft and there was an open space right under us, so we opened a coffee shop that would only deliver organic and locally sourced coffee. We intended it to be “that place on the corner” that the neighbors would come to for amazing coffee. Little did we know it would turn into a multi-million dollar company.
“My mother always told me: ‘Your life is a masterpiece. Look at any master painter’s work; are there only light and bright colors? No. There is darkness and light and the contrast, or difference, is what makes the work beautiful’.” Like her mother before her, Anita Telle is not afraid of different. Her textured career has led her many places in the business, beauty, and philanthropic worlds where she has been moved by those suffering from feeling or being treated different. “We each have our life’s masterpiece,” Anita said. “Mine, I have decided to dedicate to building and sharing knowledge, wealth and kindness and helping children everywhere.” Growing up in Norway, Anita began modeling at 19 and developed a love for travel. As a young girl passionate about having a positive impact, she joined Amnesty International, a global movement of millions of people demanding human rights for everyone – no matter who or where they are. Through Amnesty, Anita made a variety of friends acquiring 90 penpals internationally. She learned to appreciate diversity and individuality while recognizing that underneath we are all very similar in what makes us human. In her own words, she found that “it can be tempting to be so focused on the differences we see in others that we overlook our similarities. It really is all about perspective. Being different is normal. We are all different, in different ways.” Having moved to the US to perfect her English, Anita and her 3 partners started Salon Technology, a beauty product distribution company. As COO, Anita helped the company grow to over 110 employees in 10 stores selling over $23 million a year in products. Connecting with every person on her team, she never expected an employee to do something that she wouldn’t do herself. “Everyone
deserves respect and dignity in the workplace. Each job is important, and I really wanted them to understand the value of their contribution to the company.” Anita and her partners were able to sell the company in 2003, and her experience in beauty led her to found her current company Asti Life, whose products are known to be a “miracle in a bottle,” providing relief to individuals suffering from various skin disorders. The company’s mission to positively impact people’s self-image earned her an Entrepreneur Award from the JT Foxx organization. While caring for her son Branden, she cofounded Santa Cruz Children’s Charities (SCCC), dedicated to improving the lives of children locally and globally. The charity officially adopted her “Shoe Fairy” program to gift shoes to needy children at Christmas. The program annually donates more than $8000 in shoes for CASA children. She carries with her the memories of their reactions. Next, she created Gnomy’s Boo-Boo Bears, a brand of soothing hot or cold compress with personality to make children’s boo-boos feel better. Each soft-sculpted bear comes with a unique story to capture the child’s imagination and keep it on warm and cozy thoughts. 20% of the profit from the sale of Boo-Boo Bears is donated to Operation Smile to help children with cleft lips and palettes. From there, Anita began writing award-winning children’s books with engaging stories and messages of love and acceptance. Her book “A Little Different All Perfect” won an award at the San Francisco Book Festival, and her book “Always Time for Kindness” won a silver Mom’s Choice Award. She brought her acceptance message to classrooms, reading her books aloud to more than 1000 children. Listening to their stories and teaching them acceptance of oneself and others became the driving force in her work with children.
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PEOPLE Inspired by her interactions with these children, their parents and teachers, and the experiences of her own child Branden, Anita wrote “The Ultimate Anti-Bullying Solutions Guide: The Sure Fire Way to Stop Bullying Now!” More than a handbook, this book tells its own story of how children are flooded with stereotyping messages instilling a ‘fear of different.’ She believes that the pursuit of perfection breeds intolerance, stimulating bullying behavior. Bullying peaks as children are transitioning to adulthood when they model the behavior of the adults. If intolerance is the norm, and diversity is not supported at home, children will act out those beliefs on their peers. She says, “I truly believe that the day we embrace different as perfect is the day we can celebrate the end of bullying.”
Who are the people who contributed to your successes at a personal and professional level? At a professional level, my partners, the unbelievable staff and great business experts willing to share their knowledge. At a personal level, my parents and extended family. Being in sports gave me the hunger to push myself. Growing up, my closest girlfriends and I always had the attitude “if we want it, we can have it; just work hard.” After all these years, we are still very close and still supporting each other.
Who are your mentors and role models?
Definitely Shannon Kring, John Assaraf, Jeff Hoffman, and Nido Qubein. I love people with a giving heart. I love the idea of the “giving pledge,” and I am inspired by people with positive energy like Hamdi Ulukaya, Chobani’s founder, and Richard Branson, who’s done so much work for our environment.
Which marketing technique or initiative generated the greatest return for Salon Technology? At first, business was based on word of mouth because of our superstar salespeople and “customer is always right” attitude. When we began promotional marketing and introduced our VIP club, it made our customers feel like a million dollars. This paid off in loyalty.
What’s one tip you would give to people starting their own business? Be realistic, have a plan and don’t let your ego get in your way of reaching out for help and advice. At times, it can feel lonely, and no one understands what you go through. Don’t be afraid of failure. Put together systems, and be clear in your communication. If you sell products, be mindful of the 80/20 rule - 80% of your sales come from 20% of your products. Be wise with your inventory; you can’t afford to sit on nonmoving inventory. That’s the money you need to invest in what does sell. Don’t ever think you know it all or get too comfortable; always be aware of what your competition is doing. Educate yourself and be a part of entrepreneurs groups.
What defining moments have brought you to where you are today? My story: I’ve always been grateful for my childhood and the love and compassion I received from my family. Both my parents were in Nazi “holding camps” as Norway was occupied. They were children, but the impact was lifelong. They taught me the importance of living in a “war free” world, helping others and knowing my purpose. So I have always known that my gift is helping others achieve their goals and guiding children to achieve self-confidence.
FITNINSPIRING How do you define bullying? It is repeated intimidation or mistreatment of a vulnerable person by someone stronger.
Why do people fear ‘different’? People fear change, or anything different from them. You see it often in treatment of people/ children with disability. “What’s wrong with him/ her?” “He/she is not ‘normal’.” “They are not like me, therefore they must be feared.” The attitude of “Us vs. Them” becomes prevalent. Education is the only thing that can change the world for good. We must make people feel safe enough to leave their cocoon of sameness, spread their wings and open their hearts to “Different”.
What is a bully shield and how can you make sure you are providing this to your child? A “bully shield” is an idea I came up with when my son was very young. In my book “The Ultimate Anti-bullying Solutions Guide,” I tell many stories of how this helped my son and other children. I teach them to imagine a beautiful shield around them that offers protections against hurtful words. It allows them to stop the words before they hit the heart.
What role does storytelling play in overcoming bullying? I tell the story in “3rd person” so that the child that bullies and the children being bullied hear the same story. I use common sense and facts. Doing it this way has been effective. One of my “aha” moments came when a 5 year-old child looked at me and said, “I never knew my words could hurt someone.” When things are in perspective, such as how silly it really is to think that someone’s worth is based on the pigment of their skin, they understand.
Tell me more about the movement that is growing from your book. My book has changed my life in so many ways from being invited into schools and appearing on TV and radio shows, to being invited to Honduras by someone from the UN. I recently met Master instructor John Gill, 7th Dan Black belt, 15-time world champion in self-defense. He proposed collaborating to improve children and women's safety through “nonviolent” and anti-bullying programs. Opportunities like this get me very excited.
Does an adult bully shield look different from that of a child? A bully shield for adults would be more in the form of “mindshift,” choices, self-respect and realizing that the act of bullying is not “your problem,” but comes from deep-rooted issues within the person that bullies.
WELLNESS Try this Freekeh recipe. It’s pronounced freekah. It’s essentially wheat that’s harvested while young and green. This ancient grain has long been a staple of Middle Eastern diets. It’s low in fat and high in protein and fiber, as well as iron, calcium and zinc. It promotes the growth of good bacteria in the digestive system. Freekeh can be cooked like rice or barley, can be used as a stuffing, and when roasted, makes an excellent addition to soups, stews, salads and pilafs.
VEGAN FOR THE HOLIDAYS Challenge By Rick Green
Growing up in the 1980’s in a traditional Latino family in San Jose’s East Side, meat was the centerpiece of every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My father made his living as a butcher, cementing our love for meat. When I was old enough, I donned the apron as well.
Ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil ½ cup onion (diced) ½ cup red bell pepper (diced) 4 garlic cloves (minced) 1 jalapeno (diced) 1 cup Village Harvest Freekeh 1 cup corn kernels 1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes with green chilies 1 (15 oz) can kidney beans 1 tsp kosher salt 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp dried oregano 3 cups vegetable broth ¼ cup finely chopped cilantro 1 avocado (diced) Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the onion, bell pepper, garlic and jalapeno, saute for 3-4 minutes. Add the freekeh, corn, tomatoes, kidney beans, kosher salt, cumin, chili powder & oregano. Pour the vegetable broth over the top. Stir to combine, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer covered for 45 minutes, or until all of the liquid has been absorbed. Remove from the heat and top with the fresh cilantro and avocado. 14
As much as I enjoy the comfort and fond memories that a good steak brings, as a personal trainer, I understand the negative impact brought on by a meat-heavy diet. A few years back, I challenged my personal training clients to go vegan for 40 days. My goal was to teach my clients how to control their diets, eat clean and jumpstart their bodies with newfound energy. After completing this challenge, clients could return to eating meat and diary, and they usually found themselves better able to control their consumption along with their portions. Each year my wife and I also do this challenge, which even overlaps with Thanksgiving! Going vegan for the holidays might sound difficult but I saw it as an opportunity and tapped the shoulders of a few of my vegan friends. Together we developed some excellent vegan recipes to help my wife and I get through the holiday dinners. Since the start of our Vegan for the Holidays Challenge, many meat lovers in my family gawked at
the idea and said they could never enjoy a vegan meal during Thanksgiving, so one year I served up dinner, keeping my vegan dishes my secret. By the end of our Thanksgiving dinner, my vegan dishes were the hit of the gathering! They absolutely loved them. To this date, my family continues to serve meatfree alternatives thanks to our Vegan for Holidays challenge. Bringing an alternative choice to the dinner table has become a new and fun family tradition. Try it for yourself using these easy and great tasting recipes for the holidays!
Ingredients (4 portions) Vegan Chili ingredients: 1 chopped onion 1 chopped red paprika 2 tsp minced garlic 680g tomato passata 1 stock veggie cube 1 tsp paprika powder 1 tsp bbq seasoning Salt and chilli powder to taste 220g cooked kidney beans (drained) 150g sweet corn Cashew white sauce ingredients: 120g cashew nuts 200ml water 3 tbsp lemon juice 3 tbsp nutritional yeast A dash of olive oil 1 tsp minced garlic 1 tsp salt Other ingredients: 6 lasagna sheets 1 large or 2 small mixed peppers. 1 avocado Parsley to garnish Preheat your oven to 180C (360F). chop 1 onion and 1 red pepper. SautĂŠ in a bit of oil. Then add all other vegan chili. Cook on high to medium heat for 20min. Add a bit of water if necessary. Stir occasionally to make sure it doesn't burn. While this is cooking, prepare the cashew white sauce. Just add all ingredients to a blender and blend until you get a smooth texture. If you have an average smoothie blender there is no need to soak cashews first. Then get an ovenproof glass dish and spoon in a layer of vegan chilli. On top of that add a layer of lasagna sheets. Then pour over the white sauce. Layer with thinly sliced peppers, then pour some more white sauce on top to cover them completely. Add another layer of lasagna sheets and then pour over more of the vegan chili to cover the sheets completely. Repeat the last step one more time. Put in the oven and bake for 35-40 min. Take out and serve with avocado slices on top and garnish with parsley. 15
Peace for the Holidays By Dr. Chris Colgin
Fatigue and stress fall into a vicious cycle where stress can keep you up at night and lack of sleep decreases your ability to manage stress. This can be especially overwhelming around the holidays when we feel the pressure to be productive while enjoying life or end up feeling like a failure. To this mixture, we add chaotic Christmas shopping and visiting family members, and no one’s going to ask for that recipe! Yet it is as much a part of the season as tinsel and bright bows. Stress is strongly linked to depression, sleep problems, tension, anxiety, making mistakes, reduced concentration, apathy, and the list goes on. As stress levels rise, quality of life is diminished. So how do we give ourselves the gift of peace on earth this holiday season?
most beneficial and overlooked part of prayer, both in a spiritual sense and for peace of mind. If you’re not particularly spiritual, then skip the prayer and stick with meditation. It’s wonderful for clearing mental noise and putting us in a peaceful frame of mind.
Get enough sleep
I know it’s easier said than done with everything going on, but it’s the most important step. Make a commitment to getting enough rest, even if it means some extra things get pushed off until tomorrow. Some food that support healthy sleep are walnuts, almonds, lettuce, tuna, cherry juice, chamomile, honey, kale, ashwagandha and hummus. Try to avoid alcohol and caffeine late in the day as these interrupt sleep.
Start by setting the intention for the day
Don’t make life all about your to-do list. Take time to get into a more healthy mindset. Remember to enjoy the process, even of Christmas shopping. It can all be part of the memories we create. Diet and exercise. We’ve addressed this one elsewhere this issue, and it’s not to be overlooked for keeping us at the top of our game. Proper nutrition is everything when it comes to functioning mentally, emotionally and physically.
Meditation or prayer
What better time to start or renew your daily devotional? If you’re accustomed to just praying, take an extra minute to breath and be open to listening rather than merely enumerating our stresses and grievances. This part is often the 16
The breakthrough diet that Wards off Winter Blues By Dr. Chris Colgin
Numerous studies link weather conditions to mood and mental health from temperature to the amount of sunlight we receive. We can make up for the change of the seasons with the other strongly linked factor - what we eat! Here are some foods that counterbalance those winter blues and brighten our moods keeping us energized. They’re rich in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Magnesium deficiency is common and can lead to chronic fatigue, heightened muscle tension, irregular heartbeat, restless leg syndrome, and insomnia, all of which result in feelings of depression. In fact, the average intake is around 250 milligrams a day, a low value compared to the recommended daily amount of 320 - 420 milligrams. Additionally, magnesium has been shown to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Spinach contains folic acid (vitamin B9), which helps produce new cells that actively participate in the regulation of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that determines your mood by regulating anxiety and happiness, and even your social behavior. However, spinach isn’t the only leafy green that confers such benefits. Others, such as kale, chard and collard greens, are high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Leafy greens also help your body maintain its sleep cycles helping to restore tired muscles and regulate stress hormones. Nuts, such as pecans, almonds, and walnuts, contain tryptophan, an amino acid precursor to serotonin. They also contain nutrients including healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and a moderate amount of protein. Also, nuts are an incredible source of dietary fiber and the B complex vitamins and trace elements like iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and antioxidant minerals like copper and selenium. Nuts also contain phytochemicals like flavonoids and plant sterols.
Calcium and magnesium are not only required for serotonin regulation, but also for absorption of vitamin D. During winter, there isn’t enough sunlight to process the vitamin D in our bodies. Foods rich in both trace elements will serve as important sources that enable the body to produce more serotonin and dopamine (the feel-good hormone). Some excellent sources of magnesium are spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, almonds, black beans, avocado, figs, dark chocolate and bananas.
By Rick Green
Holidays are notorious for putting on weight just to try to take it off again. Not only is this difficult and starts your year off with frustration and guilt, it’s also just bad for you. It doesn’t have to be that way! Just because we are away from our home gym, entertaining family and morally obligated to have overstuffed holiday meals doesn’t mean we have to slack on our exercise. In fact, the best way to get a jump on the New Year’s workout routine is to not slow down in the first place. Gyms can be hard to find when visiting relatives. Family members can fail to understand the need to work out, but having at least 30-60 minutes a day to get a workout is still possible — and worth a family feud. Think of it as therapy to help with holiday stress. And maybe, just maybe, you can get a family member or two to join you in your healthy habits. Read on for seasonally sound advice. The exercises laid out here can be done anywhere with no equipment.
FITNESS GURUS 1. PUSHUPS The push-up is a great upper body exercise, focusing primarily on activating the chest, shoulders, arms, and core. The best part is you can do them anywhere, even your aunt’s guest bedroom.
2. SPRINTING Sprinting is also a great way to relieve stress and release endorphins. Interval sprinting is far more effective at burning fat than traditional cardio, allowing you to get more done in half the time. For one minute out of four, push yourself to your comfort limit and walk for the other three. Do this at least 3-4 times. Watch out for ice if you’re running outside!
3. BURPEES Burpees, just like lunge jumps, are a great exercise because it works the whole body. Burpees are squat thrusts combined with a pushup and a jump. With burpees, you are working a vast range of muscles and also your heart, keeping it healthy and functioning.
4. SIDE PLANKS Side planks are effective exercises for developing the obliques. Adding a leg raise while doing it can make this exercise intensely formidable. Not only will the benefits be noticeable throughout the core, but you will also get lean muscle around the glute and abductor regions.
5. COMPASS LUNGES After all that sitting around on the sofa, you’ll need to work your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and inner and outer thighs, and the best way to do that is the Compass Lunge. Start with a forward lunge on the right foot, then go northeast, then east, then southeast. Do a backward lunge with the right leg and switch, continuing around the compass back to North with the left leg.
Family Affair!
By Laurel Mines, PT, DPT
With all the holiday craziness, keeping your fitness goals and routine can be
challenging. Kill two birds with one stone
and get your family involved. Spend time
Sign your whole family up for a race. It will get the endorphins going and burn some calories before your big holiday meal.
with your family and keep active.
GO FOR A HIKE Sometimes you want to tell your family to take a hike and now’s your chance! Take them to some local hiking trails. You will all get some fresh air and have an opportunity to enjoy the nature and all of its beauty. Make sure and bundle up if it's cold!
TAKE A WALKING TOUR AROUND YOUR CITY Map out a walking tour of your city. Try to make it a few miles depending on the fitness level of your group. Include historical sites, government buildings, libraries, art galleries, and boutiques. Try to find a site that each person in your group will enjoy.
Bring back some sibling and family rivalry with some friendly active competitions. Who can hold a plank the longest? Who can do the most push ups in one minute? Play a game and make the loser do 10 burpees. Every time someone forgets to close the door, turn off the light, take off their shoes, wash their cup (whatever the house rules) they have to do 10 air squats. Come up with “The (insert family name here) Holiday Games”. Devise a series of active games and make it a family tradition.
Strengthen your bonds with your family while maintaining your fitness goals this holiday season. You’ll all be ready to take on the New Year together! 19
Desserts and Candies By Christopher Matt
I hadn't had candy corn in ages, so I snagged a bag from the after-Halloween sale rack — I had to see if I could still make them stay on my teeth like fangs. As I doubled down on the bad decision with a midnight munch, it occurred to me, since I'm aware that nearly everything is made of corn these days, that I would have never guessed as a child that candy corn would be made of real corn. The irony! I also would have never guessed that it would be glazed in wood varnish, but sure enough I found shellac in the ingredient list — almost like it had business being there. This necessitated a 1AM trip to Wikipedia to make sure we're talking about the same shellac that I know. It is, but to be fair, shellac is a 100% natural insect by-product, much like honey. It is harvested by scraping it from trees in Thailand and India where it is secreted and deposited by the lac bug. Shellac has many uses including as a finish, polish
and sealant for various things such as wood, vinyl records and as a food glaze. That means that candy corn is not vegan either. The glaze is also not sourced harmlessly because the scraping process gathers the bark of the tree and the insects themselves with their secretions and it is all cooked together to melt the shellac to be filtered through canvas. None of that implicitly means it is bad for you, by the way. I continued reading and eating candy corn and came across the following: "Shellac is a natural bioadhesive polymer and is chemically similar to synthetic polymers, and thus can be considered a natural form of plastic."
FITNHEALTHY But just in case you didn't like the idea of eating plastic, natural or not, and were thinking of passing on the candy corn, as I did at this point, you might like to know the following confections also contain shellac: • Hershey’s Milk Duds™ • Hershey’s Whopper’s Malted Milk Balls™ • Nestle’s Goober’s™ • Nestle’s Raisinettes™ • Tootsie Roll Industry’s Sugar Babies™ • Tootsie Roll Industry’s Junior Mints™ (NOT Tootsie Rolls) • Russell Stover’s™ jelly beans; NOT their chocolate-covered cherries or mint patties • Jelly Belly™ jelly beans, mint crèmes • Godiva’s™ Chocolates • Gertrude Hawk’s™ chocolate-covered nuts and raisins; cupcake sprinkles; decorative cake pieces • Some cakes and pastries (so ask first!)
And if that wasn’t bad enough, Wikipedia wasn't done with me yet: "Shellac, edible, is used as a glazing agent on pills and sweets, in the form of pharmaceutical glaze (or, confectioner's glaze). Because of its acidic properties (resisting stomach acids), shellaccoated pills may be used for a timed enteric or colonic release. Shellac is used as a 'wax' coating on citrus fruit to prolong its shelf/ storage life. It is also used to replace the natural wax of the apple, which is removed during the cleaning process. When used for this purpose, it has the food additive E number E904." And I never would have guessed that either — that apples could be non-vegan!
Holiday Cocktails with a Dash of Healthy Edited by Christopher Matt
The holiday season is notorious for indulgence. We get so wrapped up in preventing overeating that we forget the calories accumulated through drinking — and cocktails are packed with them. But there’s no need to lose your Christmas cheer!
The following list submitted by our readers is made up of favorite holiday drinks, reinvented for the health-conscious. By no means are they health drinks, but with fewer calories, you can feel less guilt while enjoying the holidays!
Low-Calorie Eggnog
Split the vanilla bean pod lengthwise and scrape out the seeds. Add both the pod and the seeds to the pan and simmer on medium.
No holiday season is complete without this famous cocktail. Eggnog is a good source of calcium and protein, but the downside is its high fat content. Keep the calories in check with this healthier version of the classic with only 106.7
In a large bowl, beat the eggs, sugar and cornstarch until the mixture turns light yellow. Temper the eggs by gradually adding the milk to the egg mix one cup at a time, beating rapidly to avoid making scrambled eggs. Add the mix back into the pan and place on medium heat, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon until the eggnog thickens for about 6-7 minutes. Remove heat and promptly stir in the remainder of the milk (1/2 cup) to stop the cooking. Remove the vanilla pod and let it cool. Then keep it chilled in a pitcher until you’re ready to serve.
Submitted by Diane Foster of San Diego, California
Calories, 2.5 g Fat, 15.3 Carbs, 0.0 Fiber and 5.3g Protein.
INGREDIENTS 3 cups 1% milk 2 large eggs 1 tsp cornstarch 1/3 cup sugar freshly grated nutmeg, for garnish Cognac, bourbon or spiced rum PREPARATION Heat 2-1/2 cups of milk in a medium saucepan. 22
Add the liquor if you like, and finish with a dash of nutmeg.
Low Cal Wassail Punch
Submitted by Sarita Bandita of Key West, Florida
INGREDIENTS 12 whole cloves 6 whole allspice 1/2 inch fresh ginger root, peeled and sliced 3 cinnamon sticks 12 whole white peppercorns 1 gallon fresh apple cider 6 ounces cranberry juice 3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed 10-12 ounces bourbon Tools: cheesecloth, kitchen string, large pot Glasses: mugs Garnish: ground nutmeg and 1 cinnamon stick per drink PREPARATION To make the Wassail, wrap the cloves, allspice, ginger, cinnamon sticks, and peppercorns in cheesecloth and tie with kitchen string. Combine the cider, cranberry juice, brown sugar, and spice bag in a large pot over high heat. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes.
For each serving, put one ounce of the bourbon into a mug and fill it with hot Wassail. Garnish with a dusting of nutmeg and a cinnamon stick. TIPS The Wassail can be stored for several days in a covered container in the refrigerator. If you like lots of spice, you can make it a day ahead and leave the spice bag in the container overnight. There are multiple variants, some with wine and slices of fruit like a warm sangria, which might be the lowest calorie punch of all‌
Hot Apple Pie
Submitted by Amanda Owen-Walkup of San Francisco, California
PREPARATION Boil fresh apple juice with mulling spices until it reaches the desired strength. Let it cool for a few minutes. Combine 2 oz of Tuaca with about 6 oz apple cider. Optional: Top with reduced fat whipped cream, a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon, and garnish with a cinnamon stick You can buy your mulling spices prepackaged or be creative by selecting your own. Some example ingredients include cinnamon, cloves, allspice, and nutmeg; and sometimes star anise, peppercorn or cardamom. It also usually includes dried fruit (such as raisins, apples or orange rinds). 23
Submitted by Victoria Kenyon of London, United Kingdom
Mulled Wine and Hot Toddy are two great holiday hot cocktails. Both of these wine and whiskey drinks have nearly half the calories of most other cocktail alcohols. Here’s my recipe for mulled wine.
MULLED WINE INGREDIENTS 1 750ml bottle of red wine 1 cups of water ¼ cup raisins 5 whole cloves 2 cinnamon sticks, plus one for each cup being served 2 cardamom pods 5 allspice berries 2 oranges, wedged 1 lemon, quartered
My personal favorite this time of year is the hot toddy. Here’s my 10 minute cocktail recipe for two.
Hot Toddy INGREDIENTS 2 black tea bags 2.5 cups of water 2 cinnamon sticks 5-8 whole cloves 4 ounces of whiskey/ bourbon 1/2 a lemon juiced and remaining half sliced for garnish 1 tablespoon of honey 3 drops of liquid stevia PREPARATION In a pot, bring water to boil with cinnamon sticks and cloves. Remove from heat and steep tea 24
PREPARATION Boil the water with raisins, cloves, cinnamon sticks, cardamom and allspice, 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add the wine. Muddle the orange and lemon wedges, and stir into the wine mix. Continue to heat for another 10-15 minutes. Pour through a cocktail strainer into holiday mugs, add cinnamon stick and orange rind as a garnish. If the raisins don't sweeten it enough, you can add a couple drops of stevia at the end. Cinnamon and cardamon have lots of health benefits, plus loads of vitamin C from the citrus. bags in water mix for 2 minutes. Add lemon juice, honey and stevia. Divide whiskey between 2 heat resistant mugs/glasses, fill with tea mix and garnish with lemon slice and cinnamon stick The hot toddy is approximately 110 calories per drink. You can also reduce whiskey down to 3 oz from 4 oz for even less calories.
Cheers to Moderation
These lower calorie cocktail suggestions are sure to spruce up your holiday season without the fear of gaining extra… presence. Just remember that alcohol may lower your resolve to eat healthy, so enjoy in moderation and raise your glass “to your health” and to many more memorable holidays to come!
HAVE A HOLIDAY REBELUTION Submitted by Sarita Bandita of Key West, FL
You won't believe this sleek & sexy "Faux Nog" is dairy free with only 130 calories packing a foamy mouthful of creamy delight! Combine the following in a shaker with ice: 1 oz Triibe Celtic Spirit Liqueur 2 oz Vanilla Soymilk (Publix brand) 2 Tbsp Aquafaba (Chick-pea juice) 2 Dash Fee Brothers Orange Bitters 3 Dash Fee Brothers Cardamom Bitters Pinch of Pumpkin Spice Mix Shake firmly 30 seconds Strain into martini glass Sprinkle with more pumpkin pie spice Top with a star anise - Enjoy! Why we love this new cocktial: Triibe Celtic Liqueur is made by infusing charcoal filtered Irish Malt Whiskey with honey & royal jelly, but dairy and lactose free while retaining a similar taste to other cream liqueurs. The replacement of egg and egg white with Aquafabo makes your elegant cocktail effortless - and vegan! Cardamom - Among a lengthy list of highly impressive health benefits, this wonder spice possesses aphrodisiac properites and is also used as a cure for impotence!
Keep 'em coming. Share your recipes with us. Email them to editor@fitnfabs.com 25
HEALTHY DINNER Holiday Recipes Edited by Rosalidia Dubon
One of our readers was in the giving spirit and submitted some of her traditional family recipes to editor@fitnfabs.com. We hope you’ll love them as much as we did. Write in to let us know how they were received at your table and follow her blog at www.healthyisthenewyou.net! Lucinda discovered her love for cooking while preparing family meals at the age of 10. She pursued this passion later by enrolling in courses offered by local chefs and bakers to improve her skills in the kitchen. Using this training and her traditional Cuban and Puerto Rican family recipes, combined with what she learned as a
BRoccoli Brown Rice with Garbanzos INGREDIENTS 1 cup short-grain brown rice 1 head broccoli, cut into florets 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoon dijon mustard 2 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce 2 cloves of garlic minced Salt and Pepper to taste 1 14-ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Place brown rice and 2¼ cups water in a medium pot. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes until rice is tender. Meanwhile, toss broccoli with olive oil, season with salt and pepper and spread evenly on a large baking sheet. Place in the oven and roast for 20-30 minutes until tender. While rice and broccoli are cooking, whisk together mustard and soy sauce 26
Nutrition & Wellness Counselor, she created her blog, Healthy is the New You, in which she shares her love for delicious healthy eating, fitness and wellness! Lucinda says, "I like to change up the typical holiday traditions and recipes in my family to things that are more healthy and fun. Each year I take one side or main dish and modify it. Now that’s a compromise that warrants a second helping!"
When rice and broccoli are finished, toss in a large bowl with chickpeas. Mix with mustard sauce and serve.
FITNHEALTHY Cranberry Meatloaf INGREDIENTS 1 can (16 oz.) whole cranberry sauce 2 tbsp. brown sugar 1 lb. lean ground chicken or ground turkey 1 ½ cups soft bread crumbs 1 medium onion, chopped ½ medium green bell pepper, chopped 1/3 cup milk ¼ cup egg product I used 1 egg ½ tsp. salt ¼ tsp each parsley flakes and thyme leaves 1/8 tsp. oregano leaves
Bake, uncovered, for 30 minutes. Spread ¼ cup of reserved cranberry sauce mixture on top of loaf. Bake 20 to 30 minutes more. In small saucepan heat remaining cranberry sauce mixture over low heat until heated through. Serve with meatloaf
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In small bowl stir together cranberry sauce and brown sugar. Set aside. In large bowl combine ground chicken or turkey, bread crumbs, onion, bell pepper, milk, egg product, salt, parsley, thyme and oregano. In large shallow baking pan, shape meat mixture into a 8x4x2-inch loaf. I baked mine in a loaf pan. For my last recipe, try my Apple Sausage Stuffing but with some low cal tweaks! This is a traditional favorite from my family to yours!
Apple Sausage Stuffing INGREDIENTS: 6 tablespoons butter 2 large sweet onions, diced 4 cloves garlic, chopped 3 stalks celery, diced 2-2.5oz roll turkey sausage 4 red delicious apples diced 2 ½ tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped 1 teaspoon sage 3 ¼ cups chicken broth (preferably homemade) 1 pound, whole grain bread, crusts removed, cubed and dried overnight salt and pepper to taste
In a 3-4 quart saucepan melt butter over medium heat. Add onions and cook for 10-15 minutes— until they begin to brown and caramelize. Add garlic, celery, and sausage. Stir occasionally and continue cooking until sausage is fully cooked. Add the rosemary and sage, then stir in the broth. Lower the heat slightly and warm until the mixture boils. Pour mixture over dried bread cubes a cup at a time, mixing between each addition. You want your stuffing moist, NOT drenched. If it’s getting too wet, set the liquid aside. You can always add more when the stuffing is cooking and it gets too dry. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Place the stuffing in a buttered 3 quart casserole dish and cover. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until the stuffing is hot, removing cover or foil for the last 5 minutes to brown the stuffing. 27
Getting into the Holiday Spirit! Draeger's Market, a popular local grocer, partnered with FitNFabs to donate food to the homeless in the San Francisco Bay Area. We rolled up our sleeves to fill over 80 bags with fresh fruit, gourmet sandwiches and bakery items. What a joy!
SAN MATEO 650-685-3740
DRAEGER FAMILY BANQUET $244.95 Serves 12 to 14 people
(Cooked weight, approximately 16 to 18 lbs.)
This extraordinary feast includes a perfectly roasted Diestel Turkey, 2 quarts of gravy, 2 quarts of mashed potatoes, 2 quarts of string bean almondine, 2 quarts of sweet potatoes, 2 quarts of dressing, 1 pint of cranberry relish, a pumpkin pie, and a dozen freshly baked butter rolls.
MENLO PARK 650-324-7753
Cont. from pg. 13
What makes up a balanced diet for an active individual? Every individual is different. Work with nutritionists or personal trainers to develop a menu that will best meet your fitness and wellness goals.
What advice have you received that has had the greatest impact on your health and lifestyle? Cont. from pg. 17
1 Tbsp coconut oil ½ head of cabbage, chopped 3 carrots, chopped 3 celery stalks, chopped 1 leek, chopped 1 onion, diced 1 head of garlic, diced finely (allow to sit on cutting board for 10 min) 2 cups of your favorite mushrooms 2.5 cups of beans (your choice) 2 tsp liquid amino acid 2 tsp tamari or soy sauce 4-6 cubes vegetable bouillon Salt (or garlic salt) and pepper to taste Herbs such as bay leaf, oregano, sage, Parsley or chives (garnish) Dash of sriracha (optional) Nutritional yeast (optional) In a 2 gallon large pot, saute the leek, onion, carrots and celery in coconut oil on medium to get a caramelized flavor. Be generous with the coconut oil, as it will add a creamy texture to the soup. Add in water and the rest of the ingredients, cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer for 20 additional minutes. Turn off stove and allow to cool naturally and serve. As with all soups, the flavor is best by the third day. This soup is great for freezing in plastic to-go containers. Mix up the ingredient list for variety and enjoy regularly. 18
Set some goals... Then demolish them!
What do you do when you’re not playing football? I also work at 24 Hour Fitness in Redwood City, California as a sales advisor. I focus on delivering great customer experience to every member who wants to start their fitness journey. I️ love the fact that I️ am able to meet and connect with people everyday. Everyone has a different goal, everyone is in the gym for a reason, and everyone has a story. Listening to their stories, appreciating their uniqueness, and guiding people towards their fitness goals are what I️ love to do.
Who's your role model? My role model is Bruce Lee. “Be not for or against.”
In what ways do you see yourself as a role model for younger generations? I aim to mold young people’s worldview into taking actions for the better. Some do not have father figures or positive role models in their lives to teach them about good decision-making in life. I️ try my hardest to fill that void. My mission for 2018 is to bring back Pop Warner Football or a flag football program locally — to coach, educate, and teach young boys. We will partner with anti-bullying organizations and agencies that share our vision. By running these athletic programs, we, as coaches, are able to teach, develop, and witness firsthand the transformation of young players into the leaders of tomorrow.
Tech Neck Take a stand By Laurel Mines, PT, DPT Do you have a pain in the neck at work? I don’t mean your boss or coworker, I mean literally. If you have pain in your neck while working, you may be battling what they call “tech neck.” You get to your office, amp up on coffee, and sit at your desk, ready to start your day. Even before the pre-lunch hunger, you’re being slowed down by tense shoulders, a tight and sore neck and maybe even a headache. You rub the sides of your neck to keep going, but even with breaks the discomfort can linger all day. If this sounds familiar, you may be experiencing the new and growing phenomena of pain associated with the use of technology — “tech neck.” As more of our lives are centered around computers, on tablets, and with nonstop use of cellphones, wear and tear on our necks have increased dramatically. Fortunately, we can take a stand against tech neck! Here are some helpful tips:
1) Optimize your workspace setup Try to make your workstation as ergonomic as possible for your body. Many companies have ergonomic evaluations and setups. Request one if your company provides it. If not, look online for one of the many resources available.
2) Be mindful of your posture You may have to check in with your body every 20 or 30 minutes. As your body gets tired you naturally start to slump forward which starts to bend or curve the spine forward. This will put a lot of pressure on your spine and especially your
neck. You can tell your mom that she was right all those times when she told you not to slouch! Sit up straight; think about stacking the bones of your spine straight up in a vertical line. Also watch the position of your head in relation to your body. Pull your head back in line with your body so that your ears align with your shoulders if you were looking at yourself from the side.
3) Take breaks There are 360 joints in the human body. Joints are made to move. The whole human body is made to move. We’re not designed to sit for hours on end. Make sure to get up and move around. Take a short break every 1 to 2 hours to walk around the office, use the restroom and get some water. Even just standing next to your work station for a minute is helpful.
4) Stretch your neck The muscle on the side of your neck, the upper trapezius, can build up and hold tension. Stretching it can help relieve muscle tension and reduce pain in the neck. To stretch this muscle, sit or stand up straight with good posture, looking forward. Tilt your head to the right bringing your right ear towards your right shoulder. Put your right hand on the top of your head and gently pull your head to the right so the ear comes closer to the shoulder until you get a mild to moderate stretch on the left side of your neck. Let me stress gently. Be sure to keep your shoulders relaxed. Hold this stretch for a full 30 seconds. Relax and repeat to the other side. Do this 3 times on each side. You may want to do this stretch everyday initially until your neck pain starts to ease. Then you can taper down to 2-3 times a week for maintenance. Make it a goal to overcome tech neck this year with these simple steps, and you'll have one less battle in the workplace. 19
PITFALLS (And How to Avoid Them) By Christopher Matt Sticking to your New Year’s diet resolution is hard, and most end up dropping it by Easter — if not sooner. Some of us keep trying year after year (about 45% of us), while others have become jaded by their ineffectiveness. So should we stop trying, or do we really want to improve our health? The trick might just be in combining them rather than just focusing on one extreme method.
Starvation diets are disastrous because when they fail, they fail hard, leading to overeating. However, skipping one meal a day to reduce caloric intake and shrink your stomach is not unhealthy and manageable for most people. While most nutritionists say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it kickstarts your metabolism, others (myself included) maintain that eating breakfast gives them fatigue and makes them hungry all day and skipping it altogether makes them the most energetic and productive. The truth is that you have to determine which works best for your body and make it a routine. Just don’t work yourself into a famine and cave with a whole bag of Kit Kats.
THE MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKE So many attempt to live on a liquid diet for weeks, leading to hunger and boredom; no wonder they can’t stick with it. While quality shakes are delicious and produce visible results within weeks, maintaining the desired effect requires an ongoing lifestyle change, not just suffering through an
FITNHEALTHY ordeal for a short period. Remember, in order to make resolutions work, they must be sustainable. A highly nutritious shake can easily replace one meal per day; decide for yourself whether that will be breakfast or lunch. Whether skipping a meal or replacing it with a shake, curb cravings in between with a teaspoon of coconut or olive oil on an empty stomach. The added calories will be less than the snacks and reduce your habit of indulgence.
There are a lot of ways to mix and match vegetable soups to get delicious variety. (For my recipe, see page 18.) Packed with nutrition and low in calories, they make a great meal option, but again they will only be effective as a single meal out of your day. Attempting to consume it for breakfast, lunch and dinner is a recipe for failure (after all, even a pizza-only diet would get old within the week). Instead, make a huge pot of veggie soup and freeze portions in togo containers for your lunch pail. With a meal replacement shake, a togo container of soup and a tsp of oil to fight cravings, you have your breakfast and lunch covered, saving time, money and stress and can finish with a well-rounded, healthy dinner.
Another common fad is the water diet, or what I call pounding water senselessly. Cold water burns more calories to heat the water, but not by much. Staying hydrated can help curb hunger cravings because thirst is sometimes mistaken for hunger and leads to eating, but don’t go overboard. Gallon-a-day drinkers actually begin to deplete themselves of minerals, sometimes experiencing hunger cravings as a result. To battle this, make sure your diet contains enough nutrients and don’t try to replace whole meals with just water.
There are a lot of diet pills and thermogenics, many of which make us feel jittery and unwell, not to mention put a concoction of strange chemicals into our bodies. This is not likely to last all year, nor would you want it to, and later you’ll feel ill and be tempted to do a cleanse. Instead, stick to nutritious foods with a moderate amount of calories, avoid high sugars and toxic chemicals, fueling workouts with natural energy to avoid exhaustion and the crash.
The various concoctions of citric juices and syrups are somewhat of a combination of the starvation and water diets, and have the same problems. Plus, counting on putting yourself through it later might lead you to overindulge during the holidays — not the best option for a long-term solution because it is miserable and results are short-lasting. Consuming large amounts of even juice-laced water flushes the body of some nutrients necessary for weight loss and general health. Instead, avoid the the things that would make you want to cleanse in the first place and use the infused waters instead of sodas and inbetween meals, not in place of them.
No. Just no. New studies reveal that the carbonation is the biggest culprit in soda-related weight gain due to the stimulation of the hunger cravings. Don’t expect replacing sugar with even more harmful chemicals will help you lose weight. Instead, stick with non-carbonated options like fruit infused water and herbal teas. While diet fads and New Year’s resolutions rarely work because they are unmanageable in the long term, a modest combination of these ideas will go far in supporting a healthy and maintainable lifestyle. Have a happy, successful new year! Recipe see pg. 18
PEOPLE Fitness star performs like a muscle car By Rosalidia Dubon
With a background in gymnastics, Laura Castro started training martial arts at the age of 16 and worked her way to a fifth degree black belt in Kenpo karate under Great Grand Master Ralph Castro. Looking back at her own difficult childhood, she had always needed an outlet to channel her energy and found karate as an escape. Laura eventually discovered bodybuilding and knew that she had found her passion. She enjoyed watching her physique change through hard work and the support of her coaches and friends. The sport gave her a sense of purpose and belonging. “I believe your personal power can be developed by working out,” she explains. “Fitness not only develops our body, but also reveals our inner strength and courage to create a more disciplined and empowered individual.” For Laura, developing strength power and agility is the key to keeping the body fit. To get stronger, she believes in periodization and rotates 14
through a series of programs every four to six weeks to focus on power/strength principles, endurance/strength principles or a circuit training/plyometric-based workout. Laura practices clean eating in order to build muscle and stay lean. She describes her body as a temple and with other colorful metaphors: “I choose to keep it running clean like a Maserati.” She points out that the body requires high quality foods to aid in the repair of muscle tissue. “Protein helps to rebuild damaged muscles, balances blood sugar levels, and provides essential amino acids. Counting your macros is a good thing. If you need to count macros in the beginning, then go for it.” Laura recommends downloading apps like My Fitness Pal to track meals. “After years of eating healthy and training, you get to know how your body responds to food and workouts. I do believe in eating six small meals a day. Being consistent about my meals is a personal challenge given my day-to-day schedule training clients. Meal prepping is a great way to stay on track.” Having found her self-worth through fitness, Laura also embraces a more spiritual element to her
FITNINSPIRING physical well-being. She shares, “I believe that when the mind and body come together, you can achieve what your heart truly desires: atonement with the universe. Meditation and prayer keep my mind balanced.” As Laura reflects on her life’s many accomplishments, she is moved the most by the lasting legacy of having a beautiful daughter and 3 grandchildren. “They inspire me everyday to push harder to be a role model and mentor; as females, we have a voice and are capable of achieving truly whatever our hearts desire.”
Laura’s typical daily meal My basic day to day MEAL ONE: ¾ cup oatmeal with 1 sliced banana 2 egg whites MEAL TWO: 1 scoop protein with blueberries tsp almond butter blend MEAL THREE : 6 ounces lean grass fed beef Sliced avocado MEAL FOUR: 4 ounces fat free ground turkey, 1 ounce Brazil nuts MEAL FIVE: 6 ounces boneless skinless chicken breast, ½ cup brown rice, ½ cup steamed veggies MEAL SIX: 1 ccoop Casein protein shake This would be a good day for me! 15
DEDICATED COACH RETURNS TO THE GRIDIRON AS A RUNNING BACK “This is my breakout year as a running back,” Adam Chevelle Butler proudly exclaimed. After starting as a wide receiver last year, Adam described what it was like to play in his second season with the San Jose Hawks. “It’s a big family. The whole league is a family; everyone talks to each other like teammates even though we are on different teams.”
By Rosalidia Dubon
For Adam, football was indeed family. He grew up with football in the blood. His grandfather, Bill Morris, owned and ran the Bay Cities Bulldogs, a youth football nonprofit that used football as a means of mentoring kids both on and off the field, particularly those with problems in school or who didn’t have father figures. His dad, Dana Morris, spent 25 years in the organization coaching hundreds of players ages 6 to 15 — including Adam who went on to play for Hillsdale High School. While taking classes at the College of San Mateo, Adam joined his family’s nonprofit as a coach alongside his dad. 2014 brought an end to Adam’s ten-year tenure as coach and the Bay Cities Bulldogs’ thirty years of operating in the Peninsula area due to a decline in his grandfather’s health. Still, Adam wasn’t ready to give up football just yet. Over the next few years, Adam began to prepare mentally and physically for his return to the field as a player which required him to hit the gym and bulk up.
What was your motivation for getting back on the field? I️ decided to return to playing football for the love of the game as well as to give my dad the opportunity to coach again. When I joined the Hawks, he sobered up and started living a better and healthier lifestyle by dropping 58 pounds. He’s now the head coach of the Hawks and mentors adults by helping them deal with issues like marriage and family.
How do you prepare mentally and physically for the beginning of the football season? Mental preparation is the key to football. When they say the game is 90% mental and 10% physical, they’re not lying. Staying in a positive mindset and limiting distractions is how I️ prepare in the offseason.
How do you prepare for the game? Healthy eating. No junk food. Intense workouts at least three times a week. Living stress free. I stay active even in the offseason. I surround myself with friends who are active as well. Nothing is fun by yourself.
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PEOPLE Consistency is the Name of the Game -
A bellator MMA fighter shares her secrets By Rosalidia Dubon
Jaimee Nievera knew she was born to fight the moment that she put on her first set of boxing gloves and connected with the punching bag. As adrenaline coursed through her veins, the eighteen year old could hardly contain her emotions. She glanced quickly at her Dad to acknowledge the best gift that she had ever received. Then she threw another emphatic punch to declare her commitment to the sport. Jaimee was an avid boxing fan and grew up watching matches with her Dad. She had searched for a boxing gym, but there was none in the neighborhood. She took up kickboxing instead. Born and raised in the Bay Area by a family that stressed the importance of education, Jaimee pursued a career in the medical field to become a nurse. It turned out that being disciplined academically helped with her training in the gym. Seeing what she was capable of, her coach encouraged her to compete. Jaimee eventually discovered mixed martial arts and instantly fell in love with every aspect of a sport that rigorously tested her both physically and mentally. Mixed martial arts was as much about competing against her opponent as it was with herself, and Jaimee jumped at the opportunity to take her combat skills to the next level as a Bellator fighter.
How well are you doing after turning pro? As a professional fighter, I now have a record of 5-3. And, I’m loving every minute of it — the hard work, the dedication and the feeling of winning. I am accountable to nobody but myself. My performance is based on my own effort, determination and sacrifice.
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FITNINSPIRING How do you prepare mentally for competition? I like listening to motivational speeches especially by NFL player Ray Lewis. I also give myself pep talks to mentally prepare myself for a fight. I tell myself that I work hard for this and that I wouldn't be here if I didn't.
What makes up a balance diet for an active individual? Everyone’s diet should include carbs, protein and healthy fats, but for an active individual, you're able to have more depending on how intense your workout is. You will need an adequate amount of food as fuel to get you through your workout as well as for recovery after your workout.
What is your favorite food? I’m not very particular when it comes to eating so my food is usually bland. What I do really like to make is protein waffles. Here are the ingredients: 1 scoop of protein of your choice, 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of PB2. Water to your preferred consistency. Then top it off with sugar-free syrup!
What is your daily fitness routine? When I'm training for a fight, I run 4 to 5 miles outside in the morning, do strength and conditioning in the afternoon and train in the evening. When I'm not training for a fight, I will still do 2 out of the 3.
What advice have you received that has had the greatest impact on your health and lifestyle? This isn't advice that was given to me. However, it's something I've always stood by: STAY CONSISTENT. The journey isn't always a smooth ride, but remaining consistent will lead you to where you want to go.
What kind of workout routine can non-fighters take up as a New Year'S resolution? I recommend walking since it's something that we all do daily. Begin by setting goals of how far and how long to walk. Then eventually you can work your way up to a jog. A big mistake that people do is jumping into an advanced workout right from the start. They need to work themselves up and increase their exercises little by little. Big results will come soon enough!
Resolve to
Your comfort zone - that place in your life wellworn by routine. It’s a place where you are less likely to encounter stress and risk, but it’s also devoid of excitement or challenge. It’s a place safely rooted in the ordinary. What could you add to your life if you were willing to step beyond your everyday boundaries? To live up to our potential this coming year, we need to step outside our comfort zone to one called Optimal Anxiety. That’s right, anxiety. Optimal anxiety levels are just enough to increase performance and are only reached when we step beyond our ordinary comfort level. While too much anxiety hinders productivity, just enough will take us to the next level of performance.
When You Leave Your Comfort Zone… You'll be PREPARED for the new and unexpected. Let’s not pretend that fear isn’t limiting us. We all have ideas and dreams that we would act on, if only we weren’t afraid of failure, embarrassment, or even success. Instead, challenge that fear by giving yourself an opportunity to confront it directly. By tapping into our optimal anxiety zone and taking risks, we can train ourselves to manage uncertainty.
You’ll become more PRODUCTIVE. Comfort stifles productivity. You lose the ambition and the power to be more than what you already are or seek more than you have. You fail to realize the possibilities that come with expanding your horizons. Pushing your boundaries further out will allow you to grow as a person.
FITNMINDFUL You'll expand your creative POTENTIAL. New experiences force us to develop new skills and adapt to new circumstances. Give yourself the opportunity to deal with a new situation as it unfolds. You may surprise yourself with your ability to figure out your next move as you go.
You’ll PROPEL yourself to new heights. Once you expand your creative potential, make the resolution to be unstoppable. Don’t let fear or discomfort stand in the way of achieving incredible results in your life. Some examples of things to try might be taking new classes, asking someone out, or starting a new fitness routine. When the usual stumbling blocks come up — and they will — resolve to try something different in response. Instead of retreating back to the familiar, be bold. Your next level of achievement is just beyond what you can safely see from where you are. Security is something we all can appreciate. But if we keep doing what we have always done, we will keep getting the same results we already have. Take your life to the next level. Embrace the uncertainty and take on something that will make a difference in your life!
POWER MOM By Rosalidia Dubon
Shelly Martinez is on a mission to shed the stereotype that mothers have no time to stay in shape. With two kids in tow, she's in command of her life making fitness and wellness her foundation. For her, it’s not all about looking good on the outside. “The only thing that matters is having the motivation and desire to be fit,” says Shelly. “Remember this is all mental. Once the mind is focused, we can all be what we want to be.”
What is a daily workout routine that anyone can pick up as a New Year's resolution?
Here are some exercises to kick off your workout routine. For starters, warm up the joints by stretching. Then do up to 30 minutes of cardio such as speed walking, jogging, or jump rope or any cardio machine. End with up to 40 minutes of weightlifting of any muscle group, such as the back, arms, legs, shoulders or chest. The reason for this long workout routine is to get enough hydration and rest time in between each set and to form the mind and body connection.
Start off the New Year right with this full circuit: 25 to 45 minutes of the stair machine at level 5-7 — or enough to break a sweat — before or after you work out.
5 to 10 minutes of stretching your core, back, hamstrings and limbs Select a different muscle group each day and be sure to get in at least 45 minutes of 4 to 6 different variations to exercise that muscle group. Include a cool-off period which can be more cardio at a low speed, a light ab work, or the sauna.
What is your daily fitness routine?
A typical day starts by warming up on the treadmill or stair mill for 15 minutes at 3.5 mph or level 5. With my heart pumping and blood flowing, they help get my mind focused on my workout. This is followed by a 45 minute to 1 hour weightlifting session. I usually do 7 to 8 different exercises and 4 sets of 10 to 15 reps for the body part that I am working out that day. Once
FITNSTRONG I am done with my weightlifting routine, I do a 15 minute ab workout to finish off. It is important to get that mind and body connection that will benefit muscle growth.
What issues and trends are you seeing in social media when it comes to women and self-image?
As women, we must go beyond the superficial about getting a hot body and the latest yoga pants. It seems that we have been conditioned into thinking that we are beautiful only if we have flawless skin, luxurious automobiles, and the latest fashions. We need to view ourselves through a different lens and make it about being healthy, living a better life and growing spiritually.
What advice have you received that has had the greatest impact on your health and lifestyle?
My mentors taught me that “Bodybuilders do not eat for taste, but for purpose.” I have learned that we can be happy, healthy, and ripped while eating this way if we have self-control and a strong will. To reach my lifestyle goals, I write them down, stay focused, conquer them and then set new ones.
What are two of your favorite recipes?
This is my go-to meal for a low carb day: grilled chicken with Shirataki noodles in pesto sauce. Take 5 ounces of grilled chicken and marinate with pink Himalayan salt, fresh minced garlic and pepper. Rinse, drain and boil Shirataki noodles in water for 2 minutes. Then rinse and drain again. Add 1 tablespoon of organic Pesto Sauce.
Here is my recipe for a high carb day: ground bison spaghetti.
Take 5 ounces of ground bison and marinate with pink Himalayan salt, fresh minced garlic, and pepper. Boil 1/2 cup of brown rice noodles in water for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then drain and rinse under cold water. Then add 1/2 cup of sugar free marinara sauce.
These are both delicious, fast and easy to make. Give them a try! I know you’ll enjoy them.
By Rosalidia Dubon Let’s take a look at America’s six favorite new year’s resolutions and make them your own. Then check out our list of inspired tips to help you ace them.
1. Get Healthy
You promise yourself to eat well and to exercise everyday. Start off by learning more about yourself and scheduling a visit with your medical doctor for a physical. This will equip you with the information to plan your next move with diet and fitness goals. It's important to get guidance from experts in their fields such as personal trainers and nutritionists to jumpstart your newfound healthier habits. The more you understand the benefits of eating well and working out, the more likely that you will sign on and stick to a program that works for you. Make sure that you share your goals with family and friends so they can be your support system along the way.
2. Get Organized
Less clutter and more order will make you more productive. One way to get started is by focusing on your digital life. Back up all of your files, including photos and videos. You can transfer them onto another hard drive or upload them “into the cloud.” Ask a tech-savvy friend or do an online search for help guides on the topic. 4
Then create folders for 2017 and 2018, and put everything that you don’t need into the 2017 folder and everything that you do need into the 2018 folder. Organizing your digital files can have a ripple effect on other aspects of your life that need organization or decluttering to help you be more productive for the rest of the year.
3. Live Life to the Fullest
Each day is precious so fill every waking hour with meaningful activities. This includes leisure activities. Spend time doing the things that you want to do and being with the people that you care about. At the beginning of each month, open up your calendar and schedule three types of activities for each week. Schedule outings that are aligned with a friend or family member’s interest, such as watching a movie, trying out a new recipe with your vegan cousin or taking salsa dancing classes. Then schedule an hour where you get to be part of something bigger, such as volunteering at a senior center, clearing hiking trails or being a guest reader at a local grade school. Finally, schedule personal time for yourself, such as getting a mani-pedi at your favorite nail spa, visiting a Japanese rose garden or playing a game on your iPad. Treat them as appointments that you have to keep. After all, you are the most important person in your life and you need to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. You’ll get to look back at all the memories and realize how fulfilled your life is.
4. Learn a New Hobby
A hobby is usually an activity that is done for pure enjoyment. Pick a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try out or had previously pursued for a short period of time. Perhaps, it’s learning to play the guitar, writing poetry or painting. Then
FITNFOCUSED RSVP for Meetups to connect with people who share the same interests. Often, the best part of pursuing a hobby is the camaraderie and community experience that comes from sharing with other devotees.
5. Travel More
Make a resolution to plan your dream vacation which means creating a budget, saving money, and selecting flights, accommodations and activities that fit within your budget. Whatever you do, don’t go into debt to pay for the trip. Otherwise, you will only think about the debt instead of all the wonderful memories from traveling. Do the research to educate yourself about your destination, and you’ll enjoy your getaway even more.
6. Improve Concentration and Mental Skills
Do you find yourself zoning out at work, losing your place in the middle of a conversation or momentarily forgetting the show that you’re in the middle of watching? Fortunately, studies show that the brain, like the other muscles in your body, can be built up through exercise and proper nutrition. You can train your brain to grow and perform better by playing games designed to reinforce and even generate new synaptic connections. Sign up for brain game websites such as Lumosity.com and commit to exercising your brain once a day. Remember, it’s okay not to finish or “win” the game. Think of it as conditioning, not a competition. There are also several foods that aid in improving memory such as cabbage, broccoli, dark berries and walnuts. And, don’t forget your daily dose of omega-3.
So there you have it. Good luck with your six resolutions for 2018!
where your inner warrior meets
your outer goddess
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Connect with us. Email submissions to editor@fitnfabs.com Special thanks to our readers for recipe submissions Sarita Bandita of Key West, FL Amanda Owen-Walkup of San Francisco, CA Victoria Kenyon of London, UK Lucinda Sierra of New York City, NY Diane Foster of San Diego, CA GUEST CONTRIBUTORS Becka Cady is a hair stylist, Gallup-certified strength coach, educator, and content creator for the beauty industry based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her mission in life is to cultivate beauty from the inside out. She is passionate about mental, physical and spiritual development and believes that we are most powerful when we are authentic, use our personal strengths, and accept being perfectly imperfect. Stacy Hovan is a practicing attorney and founder of www. HumanNurture.us, a social purpose corporation bringing people together to participate in activities that restore and rejuvenate their inner peace, confidence, vitality, joy, and freedom. Human Nurture’s mission is to create an environment where all can discover ways to live meaningful and purposeful lives. Mary-Ann is a blogger in San Francisco, CA. She loves inspirational stories and learning about people’s lives, believing that everyone has a story to tell. She enjoys helping them find their voice and appreciate their uniqueness. She’s currently working on her first novel.
Dec 2017
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Dr. Nirali Patel Hello_Beautiful_Skincare Kelly Shaw becomingbohemian becomebohemian Dr. Chris Colgin DrChrisColgin DrColgin Laurel Mines LaurelMines Christopher Matt Christopher Matt Rosalidia Dubon FitNFabs Carmen Milagro BorbonSkin Rick Green RickAlexander11
Publisher Rosalidia Dubon Editor-in-Chief Christopher Matt Layout & Graphic Editor Tara Hickman Special Thanks Daricis Cruz • Kiara Randolph Leslie Vasquez • Wing Yu FitNFabs 1375 Burlingame Ave. #L6 Burlingame CA 94010
Winter 2017
ON THE COVERS Anita Telle's hair design: Jeffrey Travis of Aptos, CA Anita Telle's make-up: Theresa at Today’s Skin Solutions Photography for both covers: Rodney Washington www.rodneywashingtonphotography.com 1
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