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REPORT F I T S U M T E S F AY E O 7 0 17 2 1

Copyright Š 2011 by Fitsum Tesfaye Internship report Bahir Dar, Ethiopia All right reserved A Publication by the same author is also available at Tesfaye portfolio vol.1 Permission to Quote Quotations and/or reprints must be directed to and approved in writing by Fitsum tesfaye, A.A. Phone:+251923207007 E-mail: tesfayemamo1598741@gmail .com Printed in Ethiopia First published 2011

INTERNSHIP REPORT, F i t s u m Te s f a y e

CONTENT List figures ························································································································ v List of tables······················································································································ vi Declaration ······················································································································· vii Acknowledgment ············································································································ viii Executive summery············································································································ ix Preface ····························································································································· x CHAPTER 1- INTERNSHIP HOSTING COMPANY 1.1 Introduction ·················································································································2 1.2 The firm························································································································2 1.3 Financial standing·······································································································2 1.4 Legal status ·················································································································2 1.5 Objective·······················································································································2 1.6 Overall organization structure and work-flow···························································3 1.7 Companies previous work and accomplishments·····················································4 1.8 Product and services···································································································5 1.8.1 NIB international bank·····························································································5 1.8.2 Ethiopian insurance ·································································································6 1.8.3 Aser Apartments·······································································································7 1.8.4 Nib regional branch office .·····················································································8 CHAPTER 2- INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE 2.1 How i get in to the company·····················································································10 2.2 Section of the company that i have been working ················································10 2.3 Weekly activities········································································································11 2.4 Addis abeba river basin development·····································································12 2.4.1 Cafeteria and game zone 1···················································································13 Project description····························································································13 Design approach·······························································································13 Thumbnail sketches···························································································13 2.4.2 Cafeteria and game zone 2···················································································15 Project description····························································································15 Design approach·······························································································15 Thumbnail sketches···························································································15 2.4.3 Exhibition space ···································································································17 Project description····························································································17 Design approach·······························································································17 Thumbnail sketches···························································································17 2.4.4 Outdoor youth playing area··················································································18 2.4.5 Traditional adult playing area ··············································································19 2.4.6 Artifact shop···········································································································21 2.4.7 Shop with sitting area···························································································22 2.4.8 Adult sitting area···································································································23 2.4.9 Guard house and toilet·························································································24 2.4.10 Children playing area-candy shop······································································24

2.4.11 Amphitheater-outdoor kitchen·········································································24 2.4.12 Sawla gate proposal··························································································25 Project description·······················································································25 Design approach···························································································25 2.4.13 Bole matemiya apartment················································································27 Project description·······················································································27 Design approach··························································································27 Thumb nail sketches·····················································································27 2.4.14 Bole matemiya apartment················································································29 Project description························································································29 Design approach··························································································29 Thumbnail sketches······················································································29 2.4.15 Johsansun apartment······················································································31 Project description·······················································································31 2.4.16 Site visit··············································································································33 2.4.17 Residence /Home·····························································································34 2.4.18 Events·················································································································35 EIABC jury presentation·················································································35 Hotel show Africa 2010·················································································35 Construction Exhibition··················································································36 Nebab Lehiwet·······························································································36 CHAPTER 3- BENEFIT GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 3.1 Introduction ···········································································································38 3.2 Practical skill ········································································································38 3.3 Theoretical Knowledge··························································································39 3.4 Communication Skill ····························································································39 3.5 Team Playing Skill··································································································40 3.6 Leadership Skill······································································································40 3.7 Professional work flow··························································································41 3.8 Challenge faced······································································································41 3.9 Work ethics··············································································································42 3.10 Entrepreneurship skill·························································································42 CHAPTER 4- CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 4.1 Conclusion···············································································································44 4.2 Recommendation····································································································46 4.2.3 For the intern students······················································································46 4.2.4 For our university································································································46 4.3.5 F or the company··································································································46 4.3 Reference················································································································48

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 01: Nib Rendering······································································································5 Figure 02: EIC Rendering······································································································6 Figure 03: Aser Rendering 1································································································7 Figure 04: Aser Rendering 2································································································7 Figure 05: Front elevation; aser ··························································································7 Figure 06: Left elevation; aser ····························································································7 Figure 07: Section view; aser·······························································································7 Figure 08: Nib Rendering 1·································································································8 Figure 09: Nib Rendering 2·································································································8 Figure 10: Left elevation; NIB······························································································8 Figure 11: Front elevation; NIB····························································································8 Figure 12: Section view; NIB································································································8 Figure 13: Task that i have performed···············································································10 Figure 14: National construction Magazine·······································································12 Figure 15: SEG 5 autocad drawing····················································································12 Figure 16: SEG 6 autocad drawing····················································································12 Figure 17: Conceptual Sketches························································································13 Figure 18: Thumbnail sketches ······················································································13 Figure 19: Floor plan········································································································14 Figure 20: Elevation 1 & 2································································································14 Figure 21: Aerial view ······································································································14 Figure 22: Aerial view; rear side ····················································································14 Figure 23: Section View 1 & 2···························································································14 Figure 24: Thumbnail sketches·························································································15 Figure 25: Floor plan········································································································16 Figure 26: Section view 1 & 2···························································································16 Figure 27: Roof plan·········································································································16 Figure 28: Aerial view ······································································································16 Figure 29: Top view ··········································································································16 Figure 30: Section View 1 & 2···························································································16 Figure 31: Thumbnail sketches··························································································17 Figure 32: Floor plan Floor plan Floor plan········································································18 Figure 33: Roof plan·········································································································18 Figure 34: Section view 1 & 2···························································································18 Figure 35: Rear view ·······································································································18 Figure 36: Elevation view 1 & 2························································································18 Figure 37: Aerial view ······································································································18 Figure 38: Floor plan; Elevation and roof plan···································································19 Figure 39: 3D rendering ···································································································19 Figure 40: Aerial view ······································································································19 Figure 41: Floor plan; Elevation and roof plan···································································20 Figure 42: 3d rendering ···································································································20 Figure 43: Floor plan; Elevation and roof plan···································································20 Figure 44: Aerial view ······································································································20 Figure 45: Floor plan; side Elevation and roof plan···························································21 Figure 46: Floor plan; Elevation and roof plan···································································21

Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure

47: Side view ········································································································21 48: Aerial view ······································································································21 49: Front view ·······································································································22 50: Perspective ····································································································22 51: Thumbnail sketches ······················································································22 52: 3D rendering ··································································································22 53: Floor plan; Section view···················································································23 54: Side view ········································································································23 55: Aerial view ······································································································23 56: Floor plan; elevation; Section view···································································23 57: Floor plan; elevation; roof plan·········································································23 58: Floor plan; Section view···················································································23 63: (continued)···························································································23-42

LIST OF TABLES Table 01: Company’s working Experience············································································4 Table 02 : NIB bank building information············· ··································································5 Table 03: Ambassador building information········································································6 Table 04: Aser building information·····················································································7 Table 05: NIB regional building information·······································································8 Table 06: Weekly activity·································································································11 LIST OF DIAGRAMS Diagram 01: NIB Building illustration···················································································5 Diagram 02: NIB Building illustration 2················································································5 Diagram 03: EIC Building illustration 1 ···············································································6 Diagram 04: EIC Building illustration 2················································································6 Diagram 05: EIC Building illustration 3················································································6 Diagram 06: EIC Building illustration 4················································································6 Diagram 07: Aser Rendering 1····························································································7 Diagram 08: Aser Rendering 2····························································································7 Diagram 09: Aser Rendering 3····························································································7 Diagram 10: Nib Rendering·································································································8 Diagram 11: Nib Rendering·································································································8 Diagram 12: Nib Rendering·································································································8 Diagram 13: Elevation 1 & 2····························································································14 Diagram 14: Aerial view, 2 ······························································································15 Diagram 15: Aerial view 1·································································································17 Diagram 16: Aerial view····································································································19 Diagram 17: Aerial view 1·································································································20 Diagram 18: Aerial view illustration···················································································21 Diagram 19: Aerial view illustration···················································································22 Diagram 20: Illustration ··································································································22 Diagram 21: Aerial view illustration··················································································23 Diagram 22-25: Conceptual illustrations ·································································19-25

D E C L A R AT I O N I hereby declare that the reporting paper mentioned above has not been submitted to any other Universities by reporting nor will it be allow to any other students in the campus until department of Architecture declines to check it. I also declare that the work contained in this reporting paper is my original contribution, except the company profile and has not been published anywhere. I have mentioned the relevant references within my observations of the circumstance. This report focuses on the internship period which I have been engaged at IMAGE Consult aimed at gaining knowledge and skill practically as well as theoretically to understand the architectural industry . This internship report includes all requirements of an internship report format. To accomplish this report I have referred manuals /templates, different related books, many student report papers, and some websites to have a better understanding on what I have written on this internship paper. Works of mine and others are credited fairly below each figure. This final internship report is submitted to Bahir Dar University, department of Architecture due Mon. Oct 23, 2018.


I N T E R N I D E N T I F I C AT I O N : Name: Fitsum Tesfaye Address: Student of Bahir dar University, 4th year Phone: +251 923 20 70 07 E-mail : Status: Year 2010E.C Semester; II ID.NO; BDU0701721UR Name of Host Institution: IMAGE Architectural and Engineering Consulting PLC. I N T E R N S H I P H O S T I N G C O M P A N Y: Consultant’s Legal Name: IMAGE Consultancy PLC Place of Registration: Addis Abeba, Ethiopia Legal Address in Country of Registration: Haile G/Silassie Avenue, Gollagul Tower office No. 1004 Authorized Representative Information Name: Bizuayehu Sitotaw Position: Managing Director Address: Addis Abeba, Ethiopia Telephone: +251 118 685 275/ +251 930 03 35 54 Fax:+251 116 629 964 E-mail address: I, Fitsum tesfaye, hereby referred to as the intern confirm that I was working in image consulting Architects and Engineers company under the supervision of Bizuayehu sitotaw (Managing Architect) from Feb. 26, 2010 E.C to Jun 1, 2010 E.C. (totally for 125 days).

F i t s u m Te s f a y e 13/02/2011 E.C.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Anyone who has ever accomplished anything knows there is very little one can do without enormous support and help from others. I have had a great deal of help and support over the 4 months it has taken me to complete the internship. First I would like to thank our institute for preparing this essential internship program to explore the Architectural practice of the working environment. It really is important experience for us students to be exposed and to evaluate what we have got so far. Then, I Would like to give my warmest gratitude to all the staff members of the hosting company (IMAGE consult) for making my internship experience quite worthy, unforgettable and exciting. I would also like to specifically appreciate Bizuayehu Sitotaw ( Head of IMAGE consult and my supervisor) for pulling the best out of me by making me explore quite considerable disciplines and skills a professional Architect needs. But all is not said: As a teen without meaning in my life, I found Jesus as my Lord, Savior, and the shepherd of my soul. Little did I know then how much his message of love and forgiveness would change everything for me. For this and this alone; i live! Only one life , Twill soon be past Only what’s done for Christ will last; and when i‘m dying how glad i shall be if the lamp of my life has burned out for thee. C.T studd, (1860-1931) missionary to india


EXCUTIVE SUMMERY Architecture is broad fields of study which can be learn while practicing it. Until this internship program we students learn architecture theoretically in class through different methods and phases, But actual working environment is different. The diversified nature of the works I have been assigned to work on throughout this program has enabled me to become well-rounded, and taught me lots of skills and knowledge I can apply to many areas of study in the future. I believe i have developed three area of expertise; The first point is professional skills which is understanding the society, site and creating a good environment based on clients need and studying economy, material usage and structural requirements. The other point is communication skills which is challenging because your presentation is depends on the subjects who needs it, whether if it’s the client or the architect. The final point is management skills which involve managing each project like managing time and resource to meet deadlines, managing co-workers and fellow professionals and also supervising implementation throughout the project. It involves a clear planning of each steps and having smooth relation with all co-workers.


In general to be a better architect these three skills in proper manner could make a difference in architectural and engineering industries. So In this internship program I observed how each skill are performed in sequential and procedural manner, this thought me I have a lot to learn in this field - Architecture. The report is presented into four basic chapters as required. I ,first ,would state and describe the company’s profile. Next, my internship experiences and works that i have attained will be presented. The detailed lists of the tasks I have carried out and the specific lesson I have got are well explained in this section. The third chapter is about the benefits i have gained during my internship stay in the office. Lastly, my conclusion and recommendation is enumerated briefly as well.

P R E FAC E As Dr. zegeye cherenet puts it “ Architecture is the physical structuring of spaces �. Indeed it is! i found architecture to be exactly just that. Critical thinking and innovation are two key components in architectural design. Apart from studio experience gained at the School of Architecture, the best way to acquire such skills and experience is to work alongside accomplished designers in an actual work environment. Effective internship is a useful means for translating what is learnt in the academic setting to actual work situations, thereby, fostering sharper design sense and skill. For this very reason an effort such as internship can not be without some beneficial effect. Since this Report is neither esoteric nor technical, and it is written in the language with no pretension to elegant literary style, perhaps it is quite a worth thing to take a look at and have a plane understading. I have described my interinship experiance in truth and, I believe that nothing will be found here is contrary to the reallity i have percived it to be during internship period. This report is documentation on my internship at IMAGE Consultant Architects and Engineers during last semester. The internship takes place during the 8th semester, and is a compulsory part of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Architecture at Bahir Dar University. It describes the accomplishment, challenges and benefits I got in the internship program. it also shows the overall interenship process, describing the process of projects I got to work on, Challenges and benefits of the internship are also included in the report also.

Fitsum tesfaye


CHAPTER 1 I nt er ns hip H o s ti n g C o m p a n y

1.1 INTRODUCTION IMAGE CONSULTANCY PLC is a established and registered architectural firm. Beginning from its establishment its collaboration has covered a wide array of design and construction with range of clients. The consulting office is registered under the Ministry of Works and Urban Development and works on Architectural, Urban Planning, Urban Design and Engineering projects. The office has three-room offices housed in 300 m 2 area at Golagul tower, around 22, Addis Abeba. Besides, it has more than 76 permanently employed staff, 4 vehicles, full IT facilities including 20 Personal Computers, 5 Laptop computers, 2 projector, A3 and A4 cannon printers and scanner. These personnel and facilities are brought together in order to facilitate the efficiency of the firm’s service. IMAGE has experienced a rapid but healthy growth since its establishment, with successful implementations of high profile and complicated Architecture and Engineering Projects. It has an outstanding reputation amongst its clients and its peers for the quality of work they do and for the professional and ethical standards the company follows.

1.2 THE FIRM The founder had more than 17 years of experience. The firm included a highly qualified people from different disciplines. It incorporated Architects & Planners (5), Structural Engineers (2), Electrical Engineers (2), Sanitary Engineers (2), Quantity Surveyors (4), Office Engineers (2), Contract Administrator (1), Resident Engineers (8), Site Supervisors (35), Quality Controls (5), Administration & finance (6) any many supporting staffs to facilitate its work. 1.3 FINANCIAL STANDING In the beginning, the office had a humbling start with 400,000 birr and two people. Through the years, the company’s Working Capital has grown to 8 million birr with different company assets, and it is free from any debt or loans. 1.4 LEGAL STATUS Image consultancy plc. is established in 2009 G.C, and is now registered as consulting architects and engineers category I. Major information pertaining to its legal status is stated here under: • Company Name: Image Consultancy PLC • Address: Addis Abeba, Yeka S/City, kebele 07 • Trade License: -Description: Service Giving -License No: 08/1/3/22302/02 -Issued by: A.A. City, Trade & Industry Bureau • Professional License: -Description: Consulting Architects and Engineers -Class: I -License No: BO/CAE/194 -Issued by: AACA works & Urban Development Bureau • Ministry of Finance Registration Certificate: -License No: 0618 1.5 OBJECTIVE The objective of the company is to provide favorable services in the construction with the best interest of the client in compliance with the national and international standards. Some of the company’s objective in detail: ♦ Make available well experienced and ethical professionals in office and on project sites. ♦ Carry out feasibility study, architectural and engineering services, contract administration works and other related civil and development works in the construction industry. ♦ Carry out preparation of master plan, Local development plan and other planning works ♦ Carry out consultancy service for real estate development.


Future Prospects; Image Consultancy PLC is determined to achieve and expand its mission by recruiting more qualified personnel in the future. It always looks forward to excel its Client’s expectation with quality Architectural and engineering services under the three necessary constraints of the construction industry (Time, Allocated Budget and standard Quality).


To overcome the Professional requirement in various fields of architectural and engineering disciplines Image Consultancy PLC used two methods, Method 1: using its own well-trained experienced, profound more than 60 staffs who are some of them are also founders of the company. Method 2: working in association with other professionals and consulting offices on projects basis whenever the situation demands.


Image consultancy plc have three major departments as it clearly shows on the organizational structure. 1.Design And planning department: This department mainly carries out design activities from concept to final working drawing of building, road, and bridge. This department has one department head and all disciplines have their own senior professionals who check the quality of design works. 2.Supervision And Contract Administration Department This department mainly carries out supervision and contract administration work through one department head and individual resident engineers on site and quantity surveyors in the office. Beside the construction stage service this department handles pre – construction stage service, preparation of BOQ with engineering estimation and tender document. 3.Administration And finance Department This department mainly handles the administration and finance issue of the firm. All department heads directly report to the managing director. In addition the firm believes delivering quality service through incorporating the design professionals during construction phase periodically and all three departments work jointly throughout each and every project period.

fig.1 The organizational structure




Project Status


Cost Efficient Housing Project

Addis Ababa Housing Construction Project Office

Quality control, Supervision & Contract Administration

Under construction


2B+G+10 Transitional Head Office Building

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Design Work, Supervision & Contract Administration

Tendering on progress


G+5 Branch Bank & Multi Use Building

Nib International Bank

Design Work, Supervision & Contract Administration

Under construction


2B+G+11 Apartment Building

Aser Construction PLC

Design Work

Design on progress


Dire Dawa Youth Center & Millennium park development

Dire Dawa City Administration

Design Work

Design completed


Dire Dawa Palace park development

Dire Dawa City Administration

Design Work

Design completed


Ferncay Park Development

CGAA Beautification, Park and Cemetery Development Bureau

Design Work and Supervision

Design completed


Laboratory and Office Building

FDRE Institute of Biodiversity Conservation

Design Work, Supervision & Contract Administration

Design completed


Genetic Resource Center

FDRE Institute of Biodiversity Conservation

Design Work, Supervision & Contract Administration

Under construction


2B+G+11 Mixed Use Building

Alpha Tibeb

Design Work, Supervision & Contract Administration

Under construction


B+G+6 Apartment Building

Eng. Abu Bayu/ AB Construction

Design Work



2B+G+25 Office Building

Lion International Bank & Lion Insurance

Architectural Design Proposal



B+G+4 Office Building

National Lottery Administration

Design & Tender Document Preparation



Botanic Garden

FDRE Institute of Biodiversity Conservation

Design Work, Supervision & Contract Administration

Under construction


Renovation of NBE old Building

National Bank of Ethiopia

Supervision & Contract Administration work



Renovation of DBE Head Office Complex

Development Bank of Ethiopia

General Consultancy Service



G + 5 Mixed Use Building

ERCS Oromia Region Branch Office

Design & Tender Document Preparation



Hulegeb Production & Service Complex

Hulegeb Yeayne Sewranna Akal Gudategnoch Masfafiyana Makuakuamiya Mahiber

Feasibility Study, Master Plan Preparation & Design Work



2B+G+10 Apartment Building

A – Z Real Estate PLC

Design Work, Supervision & Contract Administration

Under Construction


2B+G+8 Mixed Use Building

A – Z Real Estate PLC

Design & Tender Document Preparation

Design Completed


2B+G+11 Mixed Use Building

A – Z Real Estate PLC

Design & Tender Document Preparation

Design Completed


South West Academy School Complex

South West Academy

Design Work, Supervision & Contract Administration

Design Completed

Under Construction 21

Mixed Use Building & Hotel

Bata Real Estate PLC

Design, Supervision & Contract Administration

Under Construction


G + 4 Medical College

Hayome Medical College

Design & Tender Document Preparation



G + 5 Commercial Building

Embosa Yegebeyana Yenigid Sh. Co.

Design & Tender Document Preparation

Design Completed


Guest House

Ato Alem Asfaw

Design, Specification & Bill of Quantities Design Completed


Hotel Building

Ato Belay Diress

Design & Tender Document Preparation

Under Construction


Mixed Use Building

Ato Bekele Fedessa

Design & Tender Document Preparation

Under Construction


Mixed Use Building

Ato Tesema Mekonnen

Design & Tender Document Preparation

Design Completed


Mixed Use Building

Ato Leta Seboka

Design & Tender Document Preparation

Design Completed


Tourist Lodge

W/ro Tsion Admasu

Design & Tender Document Preparation

Design Completed

Table .1; company’s working Experiance


Competition work A competition held by NIB international bank for southern regional head office, the office has delivered astounding building with regional character with the company‘s aim. Although the client appreciated much of the design and it appeared to be the selected one; the client shifted their preference with regard to curvilinear structural stability. Of all the entries, the design stood second in the competition.

fig .1; Nib Rendering


Assignment name Service provided Architectural design compitition for Architectectural design regionla branch office . Stractural design Sanitary design Elecrtical design Name of client location Nib international bank, 0911059234 Ethiopia, Hawasa Project status Design compitition Table .2; NIB bank building information

Diag .1; NIB Building illustration

Diag .2; NIB Building illustration 2

Compeition work Ethiopian insurance corporation launched a call for design compiption on september 16, 2013 to have a proposal for its ethiopian insurance corporation ambassador multipurpose building that can met its planned vision. The building is composed of two volumes that are linked through functional circulations. IMAGE consultancy plc. stood second in the design compitition and recieved a reward for its success. fig .2; EIC Rendering

Assignment name Architectural design compitition EIC Ambassador multi purpose building. Name of client Ethiopian insurance corporation 0115175297 Project status

service provided Architectectural design Stractural design Sanitary design Elecrtical design location Ethiopia, addis abeba

Design compeitition Diag .3; EIC Building illustration 1

Diag .4; EIC Building illustration 2

Diag .6 EIC Building illustration 4

Table .3; Ambassador building information

Diag .5; EIC Building illustration 3


Aser Apartments Aser apartments is owned by a renoun Aser construction PLC. The task included two G+11 apartment buildings with appropereiate Architectural, Structural, Sanitary and electrical construction documents. Quantity survaing and tener documents are also provided. A sector of a circle combined with a quare volume is the compositional character of the building. The balocnies are extruded to protect one’s from glare.

fig .3; Aser Rendering 1


Assignment name Aser apartments

2B+G+11 Apartment Building

Name of client Aser Construction PLC

service provided Architectectural design Stractural design Sanitary design Elecrtical design location Ethiopia, a.a.

Prohect status finished,waiting for cleint approval fig .4; Aser Rendering 2

Table .4;Aser building information

Diag .7; Aser Rendering 1

fig .5; Front elevation

Diag. 8; Aser Rendering 2

fig .6; left elevation

Diag. 9; Aser Rendering 3

fig .7; Section view

Competition work The building strives to incorporate shops, bank and guest houses. Currently, the building construction is finished and the commercial and the guest-houses are being advertised for rent. The advertisement is also launched to celebrate its accomplishments and inauguration. It happens to be one of the earliest finished works of the company - IMAGE consult. fig .8; Nib Rendering 1

Assignment name Architectural design competition for regional branch office .

Service provided Architectural design Structural design Sanitary design Electrical design Name of client Location Nib international bank, 0911059234 Ethiopia, Hawasa Prohect status Designed,and constructed fig .9; Nib Rendering 2

Diag. 10; Nib Rendering

fig .10; left elevation

Table .5;Aser building information

Diag. 11; Nib Rendering

fig .11; Front elevation

Diag. 12; Nib Rendering

fig .12; Section view


CHAPTER 2 Int er ns hip E x p e ri e n c e


After spending 2 months of compiling my portfolio, i begin to look for an office that would set me for an internship experience. I come across different architectural office like Abba architects (managing Architect Elias), ZIAS design (by Architect dr. dereja ), and IMAGE architects who gave me their acceptance paper. Thought this three giant architectural firm show interest in what i did in my portfolio, it sure did present me with a challenge to select one. I had to decide soon which office i am going to spend my internship. I consulted a few people close to my and i have joined IMAGE CONSULTING OFFICE, the least one from all three. The first day when i meet bizuayehu- the managing architect of IMAGE consult was at his office. After being impressed at my portfolio, the only question that he asked me was ; “are you good at group works ?’. Just after two minutes i gave him my answer to his question he immediately let me in despite there were more than 50 students applied prior to my coming. I started my internship at IMAGE consult on 26 th February. My first day at work was a trilling experience. I made sure to call to my supervisor when to arrive to the office for he had told me he already prepared a project work- for me. I took a taxi from where i live , jemmo, to the office - Golagul tower. My supervise, calling me at his office, explained to me my first task and when i should deliver. He encourage me to get to know staff members both in a design and engineering office chambers. I was taken to design office and given my office desk, from there on i begin to work.

2.2 SECTION OF THE COMPANY I HAVE BEEN WORKING Task that i have been working include complete Architectural design, computer drafting, presentation panels and illustration, 3d visualization works, window-door schedule, assisting project delivery... and many more. I have arranged a site visit with an IMAGE consulting former partner, who is now a project manager for the construction of zemen bank head quarter. Although there are areas where i haven’t got a chance to participate in, i believe i had tremendous insight and wonderful beginning experience for my architectural career for the future. Details for the each project work is described as following ; Project

partian design works

Cafteria and gamezone 1 Cafteria and game zone 2 Exhibiton center Outdoor pool playnig Perigola shade Artifact shope shop with sitting Adult sitting Guard house children candy shop outdoor kitchen Sawla Bole matemiya apartmetn 1 Bole matemiya apartment 2 johsansun apartment fig. 13; task that i have performed

Design modefication


full project


2.3 WEEKLY ACTIVITY The following are a list of activities i have performed during 4 month (16 weeks) internship period. It could be notice that some projects have taken more than a month and other took less than two weeks. This is due to the task responsibility i have been given as an intern in the company. Project title River basin project (Game zone and cafeteria 1,Game and cafeteria 2, exhibition space)

Assignment and Location -Ambassador Area, around Hilton hotel


Arbamich university;sawla campus gate

Bole matemiya Apartment


Johsansun apartment

-Complete campus design including the gate

Task performed


-Understanding the project space allocation /arrangement; identifying the existing project; preliminary sketch; -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 1

-Conceptual design approach, schematic design (form, space , and other aspects are to be established) -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 2

-Some technical aspects (details, specification, standard dimensions are configured ) -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 3

-Finalizing design factors (section and elevation ;3d rendering) -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 4

-Develop working drawing,material ,window door schedule (bringing revit cad file to autocad and fashioning them with auto cad layer) -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 5

-Design submission with final 3d visualization and complete construction working drawing . -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 6

-Co-designing sawla campus gate(which had already been developed by architect dereja) -Design modification -Floor plan; elevation ;section . . .cad drawing -Preparing final construction drawing and submitting for the client -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 7

-Site visit (to gather and allocate site properties ) -Preliminary design(site analysis)

Week 8

-Concept development ,vertical and horizontal space allocation -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 9

-Developing facade ;section,elevations -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 10

-Finalizing design;3d visualization and submitting project files to my instructors. -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 11

-Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 12

-Working on section and elevation cad drawing and other building details.(Co-design with 3 designers)

Week 13

-Final comment and submission -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 14

-Window door schedule and design modification

Week 15

-Final comment and submission -Consultation with my supervisor twice a week

Week 16 Table .6; weekly activity

2.4 ADDIS ABEBA RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT Addis abeba city administration has been working to improve the environmental conditions of different river basin. An initiative has been launched to advance acceptable quality environment to promote recreational use for the inhabitants of addis abeba. The initiative includes establishing governmental institute that look after parks, river basin, and green areas in the city. Part of this initiatives is to develop river basin that stretches from ‘Afencho ber ‘ to ‘Entoto’ , that is divided in to 6 segments. My task was not to design the landscape that would cover the entire area, but rather to propose different elements in the river basin. The rivers of addis had been a home to many industrial pollution which would affect the cities environmental conditions. Much of the river sides and areas has been the main source of environmental pollution in addis. The aim of the project was to design a livable, clean and evergreen conditions that would sustain the cities life for the better.

fig .14; National construction Magazine page 75, መጋቢት 2010 /ቅጽ 13/ ቁጥር 133 , 13ኛ አመት


fig .15; SEG 5 autocad drawing

fig .16; SEG 6 autocad drawing


It was the first project i was given among many in the office. My supervisor explained to me the needs of the client. The site has one of its sides facing towards main road. The programmatic requirements leads to three integrated , yet divided volumes. A building consists of a central cafeteria zone with game zone facilities at its two wings. The game zone consists tennis playing room while the other is dedicated for a pool house.


I was striving for shaded and functionally well integrated design, which would include solar sources and water reservoir tank at the eves of the roof. The publicness and the inclusiveness of the project in its functional essence is the very thing i was pursuing after. 13


fig .17; conceptual Sketches

Like always, i began by factoring-in different aspects of the project. I have used thumbnail sketch to feel my way through the design components. Spacial fluidity is achieved by shaded walkways along side the radial array. Outdoor communal spaces are achieved with the pedestrian road that cut through the building. fig. 18 thumbnail sketches

fig .18 ; Thumbnail sketches

dig 13 ; Elecvation 1 & 2

fig .19 ; Floor plan

A building’s surface is quite literally its face to the public, its civic mask. The Radial sequence as a series of interconnected perspective views would give enlighten public experience for the river basin. Front view, to enhance publicness and comfort, is grafted with a fountain and semi public areas. fig. 21 Aerial view The building would sit as a mediator between main street and the park by accommodating an outdoor cafe fig. 22 Aerial view; rear side

fig .20 ; Elecvation 1 & 2


fig .23 ; Section View 1 & 2


The site is placed in high slope gradient that would take 3-5 meter to reach to the secondary road along side the river from the main road. Game zone attached to a cafeteria with a scene of publicness was its programmatic needs. The building spacial layout and organization of spaces is based on the functional requirement that leads to its hygienic form. Assembling altered constituents to stretch the idiom of simplicity and massiveness was the key factor for the aggregation of different raw forms.


We would approach the building form the main road using blended ramp and stair to take us to the semi-public area then followed by a lobby which direct our egress to either the game zone or to the cafeteria which is linked to the pedestrian road. 15


Diag. 14 Aerial view ;the main road is located parallel to the diameter of the

building and the pedestrian access is placed at “ mouth �of the building . I was first thinking a cylinder with its head sliced parallel to the slope gradient. Then i had to cut the circle in to half and work my functional layout from there. Retaining wall; glass roof; blended stair with ramp has taken there places to from the final edifice in the building. The spacial experience is one of the primary assets for me as the building fit in the landscape.

fig .24 ; thumbnail sketches

fig .26 ; Section view 1 & 2

fig .25; Floor plan

Addressing for diciblity acces has been the major challenge in the project due to high slope gradiant. fig.28 Arial view The striking form and its simplicity as it relate to the landscape is what gave the character to its architectural imprint. fig. 29 Top view

fig .27 ; Roof plan


fig .30 ; Section View 1 & 2

3 - EXHIBITION SPACE PROJ ECT DE S C R I P TI O N The functional requirements of the building include administration office, store, workshop, exhibition space (two), with shaded semi public space in-closed by the two forms. It is made out of two identical volumes that have been put together. I have tried to combine different ideas to this elements as the evolution is made to manifest itself. The exhibition space on one side is raised to a certain height to signify its importance and formal hierarchy.


The functional components of the building is organized into two opposing radial curvatures volumes with rectangular prism that serve as an intermediate form for the public space. The rectangular volume is made pores by filtering light deep into the communal space using wood for the pergola.


Diag 15 ;after the conceptual framework is established; addis

abeba style handrail are embellished into it.

THU MBNAI L S K E TC HE S My attempt at first was to devise a singular radial form with two unites surrounded and broken by a walkway. Then the idea evolved into two opposite curves with volumetric spaces. The very focal point in the design is a tree which seems to cause torque of the building from to the central point. The trigger of the building comes from combining two seemingly opposing curvatures in to a new hybrid.

fig .31; thumbnail sketches

fig .32 ; Floor plan

Sectioning the over hanging exhibition space requires different structural layout with two false colons to avoid any structural colon to be noticed in the interior spaces.

fig .33 ; Roof plan

fig .34 ; Section view 1 & 2


The material finish in the wall is rough concrete wall of which the formwork is made to leave its statures. fig. 35 Rear view fig .36 ; Elevation view 1 & 2

The frontage is made accessible to insure disable could egress into it without any difficulties. fig. 37 Aerial view

4 - OUTDOOR YOUTH PLAYING SHADE Outdoor youth playing area with pergola shade is provided alongside each walkways. Each sideways include a singular pool game playing area, that would accommodate a few people.

Diag.16; Arial view 1


The roof of a pergola shade is designed in a radial fashion. The Shade is opened in one side to let people in and out. fig. 39 3d rendering fig .38; Floorplan; Elevation and roof plan

Each unites is equally dispersed across the park area that is penetrated through by a singular pedestrian walkway that divide the park space in to two. fig. 40 Aerial view

5 - TRADITIONAL ADULT PLAYING SHADE Traditional adult playing area is the place where people coming to the park and take time to play a traditional game called ‘gebeta’. The shade is divided in to 4 sections or parts to host different group games and discourses. Diag.17 ; Arial view 1

fig .41 ; Floorplan; Elevation and roof plan

The shade is opened up towards the public realm which create a welcoming and forgiving appreciation for its guests. fig. 42 3d rendering The shading element is made from wood with stainless steal post that is reflected on the floor as a concentric radial form to mirror its curvature. fig. 44 Aerial view

fig .43; Floorplan; Elevation and roof plan


6 - ARTIFACT SHOPS The artifact shop consists of two prime design considerations - a shop for artifacts and shade from burning sun. For some reason the dynamic form of the structure was a pri - requisite for the design to elevate a public spirit.

fig .45 ; Floorplan; side Elevation and roof plan


Diag. 18; Arial view illustration 1 & 2

The shade is made from 2 by 4 wood frames supported by a steel post with a plate connection. fig. 47 Side view

fig .46 ; Floorplan; Elevation and roof plan

The three artifact shops are concentrated at a fountain area giving a freshing air to accommodate shopping. The three shades are integrated with a flower area to the front side as well. fig. 48 Aerial view

My second attempt was even insainly further complicating the design. fig. 49 front view

In the office i was not only encourage to do the common but also the untold! fig. 50 perspective

Diag.19; Arial view illustration 1 & 2


7 - SHOPS WITH SITTING AREA The structures are to be exposed and frame the design elements to produce hierarchical and elemental forms coming together to form a singular unite cells. The cell forms both the shop and outdoor sitting area for customers. fig.51 thumbnail sketches

The perigola shade is interwinded with the shop cell Diag.20 illustration

The floor finishes and structral element gives the cellcohesiveness. fig. 52 3d rendering


Adult sitting area include 4 sitting benches centered at a flower area. This is the place where people sit around and have a discourse or engage in private accommodation like reading and have a well of a time.

Diag. 21; Arial view illustration


fig .53; Floorplan; Section view

The stud post inc l u d e s 2 compressed s t u d s that have verged to the central colorful flower area fig. 54 Side view Adult sitting pergolas is to be duplicated across the central array with in the park engulfed by a pedestrian road. fig. 55 Aerial view


The guard house and a toilet is a prototype house that is to be located across multiple areas of the park site. It is to be placed in to different places and areas to serve as a guardhouse and a toilet space for peoples coming to the park. Three toilet areas with 1 disability accommodation is given for each gender.

fig .56; Floorplan; elevation; Section view



The candy shop is reserved for kids to buy toys and snacks that is integrated with the park seamlessly.

An outdoor kitchen space is designed and located besides the amphitheater to enhance the publicity of the park and invites peoples in .

fig .57 ; Floorplan; elevation; roof plan

fig .58; Floorplan; Section view



Arba minich University is one of the largest university in Ethiopia. Recently the university is considering providing sound and sustainable infrastructures with in the Sawla campus. Based on the plot provided by the university, we proposed design for the G+4 Dormitory building and gate design. The gate design reflects sidama house geometrical iterations. It has four Entrance ; two for vehicle and two for pedestrian depending upon the requirements.


Derived from the cultural house of Sidamo People, the gate arches provide a welcoming feeling and creates hierarchical introduction into the campus. I begin first by de-constructing the overall into singular elements and develop form evolution from there.

The design depict asymmetrical balance between it self and the site elements

- longitudinal and latitudinal axis. fig.59 Aerial view


fig .61 ; Floorplan; at 510 and 170

The Sidama people cultural highland house is known as Sheeka. The wall and the roof of Sheeka house are constructed, from the ground to the top, with the splinted bamboo, which is wafted together like a basket. The waft bamboo is covered systematically with bamboo sheath called “Honce�. The honce is again covered with another splintered bamboo waft. fig. 60

Fig. 64; Elevation view 1; sawla Fig. 62;Front Elevation view 1; sawla

Fig. 65; Elevation view 2; sawla Fig. 63; Section view 1; sawla


The Gate maintain accurate spacial relationship with the surrounding environment. fig. 66 street level view

Fig. 68 ; Section view 2; sawla

The crossing between three vertical elements with two curvilinear elements, along with horizontal extension for gate keepers room, create balanced and relatively restful geometrical shape. fig. 67 Aerial view


The apartment building, around bole matemia, is placed in 222 m 2 area. The accommodation is a G+5 building for a 3 bedroom unites with its basic utilities considered. Creating a dialogue between each spaces is therefor very vital.


My aim was to create a very light but modern, singular elements confined with unique juxtaposed architecture which is pure in it’s form evolution and very pragmatic in its spacial considerations to result augmented simplicity. This approach, in the status of a monologue, is designed with a singularity of intention in the reiteration of forms, supplementing meaning by re-framing other forms in differing contexts. This form then transplanted into a different context absorbs new inferences, new potential meanings.


Adding small extension to the exterior surface give better articulation which otherwise


be a typical stack of apartment unites. Diag. 22 conceptual illustrations Here, functional relations take precedent over the rest of the design parameters. Followed by basic functional synchronization, articulating the building monologue by re-framing the form into iteration, is what i have dedicated for. Being specific in the simplicity of the form aspiration gives its original character and intriguing essence to the design.

fig .69; .38; thubnail skatches

Diag. 23; concept illustration

Ground floor plan including parking space, green area, garbage disposal,store with power house. fig. 70 ground floor

The typical floor plan include living with dinning area, 4 bed room, kitchen, 3 toilet and boundary with store. fig. 71 first floor plan

fig .72; Elevations

Altough in a very small interface, i have managed to provide green space,and different egress point for vehicle and pedestrians. fig. 73 front view I have used two minimum material pallets to come up with an interesting design character with a contrasting elements. fig. 75 perspective view


fig .74 ; Section view 2


The apartment building is located near ra-ey party head office, around bole matemiya company. An irregular plot area of 222 m 2 is given to build a G+6 apartment building a 3 bed room unites with maids room and common fire escape and elevator. 5 parking space along with basic utility rooms are also to be provided in a very limited and confined space. Note that all the 3 sides of the buildings are not available as they are shoulder to shoulder to the near-by plot areas.



Instead of each floor occupied by each unites, i conceived to design two floor to be occupied by two unites, each having half the floor at each floor spaces. This allows me to increase view and privacy for the master bed room and separate common spaces (like living and dinning) from private spaces (all the bed rooms).

A staggerd volumetric facade to correlate different apartment unites in a dynamic and playful manner, in


additive process, was what i was pursuing after. Diag. 24 conceptural illustrations

Dividing the plot area in to two to hold to my concept, is were i begin. The hierarchy of spaces are assigned according to light and ventilation needs. A plot area of this size and strict local regulations gave me a hard time to consolidate the apartment in to one singularity. Structural layout is also a challenge to solve after space allotment is finished .

fig .76; Thumbnail sketches

fig .25; concept illustration

fig .77 ; Ground floor ; ground floor and second floor plan

fig .78 ; Elevation views


A play on the monolithic voluminous prospect of the building is the main theme behind the building fig. 79 Aerial view Looking back , i would say it lacks fluidity and needs to be more qualified by adding some building elements like mesh and green -pot space in the facade. fig. 81 Aerial view

fig .80 ; Section view 1

15 - JOHSANSUN APARTMENT PROJE C T D E S C R I P T I O N Johsansun apartment is a 2B+G+21 mixed apartment building owned by federal housing corporation. IMAGE consult delivered 13 apartment designs for housing corporation.

Together with my partner , we have done partial functional design, modification and final construction drawings for the two apartment buildings, including johsansun.

Drafting window-Door scheduling helps me to understand type, size, quantity, material , glazing, frame, location specification for each door or window unites.

fig .90; Elevation and section


fig .91; window-door schedule

fig .92; floor plan


fig .93; section view

fig .94; orthographic view



Zemen bank inked a deal with a foreign construction company to erect its headquarters at the heart of ethiopian’s finacial district, along Ras abebe aregay street. The building is a 32 storey tower. The design is made in a intelegent building standards. Compare to CBE (commercial bank of ethiopia) which coasts 6 billion birr, it cost 1.2 billion birr. The contract type is an admeasurment contract

system, with contracter chiana state company. An insurance could be issued up to 6 million birr for one person.The tower includes office spaces with syndicated room, ground branch office and other utilities. It is being said that it looks quite similar to ‘capital fort’ building in sofia, which i have check out to be true.

A foundation work has been done by foundation speialist company to ensure its stability and shear resistance. it is said that its foundation cost was very high. fig. 95 foundation work

The design is concivied by JEDAW consultin architectural firms. lots of critics has been given to the building ;it’s formal stabborness which sores the eye and lacks any vitality abuilding should have. intermes of formal


perceptiom, the buildign is constituted from two basic forms, a rectangular prisim and a pramid with one side tilted to be perpendicular to Normal and the opposite side of it curved to creat a convex shape. fig.96 Zemen bank rendering

fig .97; site tools and site observation

The site inculde 200 site workers, 30 chinese people, 55 staff 1 RE (resident engineer), 4 site inspectors. C60 for colon ,C50 for shear wall ,C40 for slab isused. 204 car parking space is provided. The batching plant produce 16 m 3 mortar.

water tight concret is used for slab. The most challenging part was installing “pule cap”. skim coating in 4mm thick is used with 250birr/m2 for the wall. The curing tecniqe is fobbing ,reqiring no chessieling after pouring.

Augest 19, 2016 first contract signature with resident enginer, cleint representative, Admitration office to build a G+32 contianing 2304 m 2 office space with 134 total meter height .14 floors had already been realized. 33% is finished and took 47% of its time.

wastage is removed by shotter. The stracutural bar, stir-up, is done by welding which is good for seismic vibration but time taking to do so- it ensures its stractural integrity as well as its resitance to any form of vibrational forms.

The builiding signfies a very elegant look. compare to all teh head quarters fo r ethiopians banks ,i would say this appers to be the lest designed . fig.98 Zemen bank building currently

I was the only architect in the multitude of civil engineering post graduate students from AAU. we chat alot and seeing and hearing how a civil engieener views an architects work is so intriguing. Fig.99 Gathering during our dicussion with the project manger

12 - RESIDENCE / OUR HOME My parents, my aunt and my uncle, has began to build a G+3 building of which i am a superviser of sort. The complet design was made from an enggieener who previeiosly owned a plot. Now, we have finished the foundation work and erected all of the colons for the ground floor.

fig .105; construction site-residence

fig .106; constraction site - road

Santed colonon in front of the public frontage fig. 100 Slanted colon

Batching - a batch of concrete or mortar, and then introducing these ingredients into a mixer. fig. 101 site batching

Curring -fobbing Maintaining the humidity and temperature of freshly placed concrete during some definite period. fig.103sitecurring

Ramp - for carparking spaceA sloped surface connecting two floors. fig. 102 site ramp

Looking how a scafolding is supported from inside whic later become sacrificed. fig. 104 site scafolding support

Foundation work , more than that of any super stracture in a building , takes more time and money to realize . fig. 107 site with foundation and ground floor colons


12 - EVENTS 1- E I ABC JU RY P R E S E N TAT I O N For over 6 days, morning and afternoon , i have attianed EIABC student’s co-ordinate desing mid-term and final presentation.i took more than 650 pictures and 40 recordings and document them for an assesmnet. working thier project with them also brings another dimention of understanding how they work.Hearing the teachers critiqe , engaging in archi-

tectural discourse, wrting in my note for every little thing they said was quite what i did moment by moment. In reflection , i even get to know the teachers. I make some friends also.i was intrigued with thier design and oratory skill ,which is the heart of Architecture.

Each student’s project is loaded with very detail presentation panel and a model to show extensive future of theier design. fig.108 Student presentations

Extensive presentation of each student is done durign moring and after noon hours.Each student is given 15 minute to present their project were as the instructores use 20 minutes to do their critics fig.109 Student Presentations 2


2- H OT E L S HOW A F R I C A 2 010 The exhibition, Hotel show africa 2010 , was held in sene 14-17 at millinium hall by ozzie international hotel project consultants.the exhibition is focused on hotel management; hotel services and interior’s articipants not only inculde ethiopian hotel service providers but also africans, italin, latine, UEA,USA...etc. The exhibition inculded interior design, architectural consulting offices and furinture productes from italian company fig.110

Tibeb consulting architects, Baroque Interior design office, Addis Africa international and convention center, Etege design,IDC(innovative design consultancy), involved among local consulting offices.International firms like Uncontract, Incontra, perfecto... also participated in the exhibiton.

3- C ON STRU C T I O N E X HI B I T I O N This exhibition was held from miyaziya 11 to 15. More than site visities and site works, i belive this kind of construction exhibitions helps tremendously, for this reason- it disply all the components of building industry with a vivid and tangable elaboration. A single project might not help to undestand all elements of con-

struction in a single fashion for a project by it self ,is design specific by its nature.but hear you can!

paintings, Aluminium frames, paintings (tile system,tex,mintex,swiss sandtex,synplast,coatings), building machineries, agrigate, steel factories in differnt specifications, roofing tiles, LED panels, draingage pipes, security door, wood factories, light fitings....and many more.

during the explanation (what is it ,how it works ,cost,use,variation name it), take a picture(more than 140) and go home and analysis what i just absorbed during daytime.Also understanding the construction world in local amharic term is quite interesting thing to

what i did was ask, i took notes

The participants were ,to name a few, electromechanical building parts,real estate offerings (price and design), floor finishes, granite investigate,ex. substituting ‘ panels ’ with ‘ yekolen kerevat ’and ‘scaffolding’ with ‘kevelleto’ is among many words that i have learned. A renge of construction boom in ethiopia reqires a wide viriaty of construction tecniqes and usages. Architecture would only go asfar as the construction idustry does. fig.111


fig .112 ; Nibab lehiwet promotion poster

The exhibition was held from sena 26 to hamle 01. It is participated by almost any institute that deals with ‘books’. i have met different university representatives, publishing companies, Artists, Authors, renown peoples, so on and so forth. My visit to the exhibition addes an immense kownledge regarding what is going on in our soceity and what i should be looking in the future. A very few of them had architectural

books which has cought my attention. Another thing i had gained in this exhibition is a wealth of free architectural e-books that are not available in any format ,genearly speaking. Nebab lehiwet is one of prominent book festival in ethi.succeded by beherawi tiyate book festival.the exhibition poster dipicts a girl holding ethi.flag intensily in her study room.


CHAPTER 3 B enef it s gaine d fro m In te rn s h i p

3.1 - INTRODUCTION Architecture, as a profession, demand a number of practicing hours to reach to an ample or competent level. What we learned in architectural school goes a long way when dealing with real architectural practice, though not adequate. As student, my internship have been the place where i provide valuable contribution to the firm and, in turn, the firm provides me with a wealth of knowledge and real-world experience have come to conclude that architecture is a complex field and there is not a common understanding of its nature, not even among people working with in it. After completing 4 months of internship period, i have sought different benefits that i had gained during my stay at IMAGE plc. I have gained more confidence in the work that i did, which is a recipe for success in the career. Working in real world environment have boosted my insight as an architect. This being said, my deepest gratitude goes to the staff in the office. IMAGE’s best interest has been to support and mentor the next generation of architects.

3.2 - PRACTICAL SKILL Practicing architecture is a multi-dimensional experience which is only gained by practical and experiential methods. The following, i believe , are areas of expertise that i have made progress in the last 4 mouthes; 1-SPACE PLANNING:-The space planning is the important part of architectural design, it determine the perception and experience that the user achieve. The consideration for space planning in the design that i have worked through are; A . Personal space B. Functional relationships C. Adjacency privatization 2-DESIGN (CREATIVITY):- The other step in architecture design is that the creative ideas that gives the space the character of the Architecture it self. I have always try to push my self to the edge of architecture, little by little, in different aspects of every project i have faced. 3-MATERIAL SELECTION:- The selection of materials is largely depend on strength, durability and cost efficient. But in the office, we have to look passing through that and also think about its availability in the market and cost as well. Everything in the design should relate to each other so that everything looks as a part of one thing. I have visited and study different materials, in kasanchis material shopping building. This helps me to be in contact with their tactile quality and understand their cost at hand . 4-SOFTWARE SKILL:- Software developments, the major working software used in firm is Revit BIM software which have been a great deal of learning experience for me considering the fact that Revit is becoming the dominant working software in the engineering department, the collaboration of a BIM project which allow a vast working network between different department makes it to be a choice for many firms this days. Throughout this months of internship program, it helps me to develop my architectural skill during all the working project and all the dissection with architects in the office and in the process not only my design and drafting skill also my software working ability skill improved like speed, accuracy, working method.


3.3 - THOETICAL KNOWLEDGE A good design is always backed up with well configured critical thinking, i.e. Theory. Proper design work takes more time and need much attention to come up with better solutions. In order to specialize on this part I was constantly digging up on each design process in detail which finally helped me to end up finding more theoretical knowledge than I expected. This skill was developed by reading and researching different documents and analyzing it with the given projects. Most of the resources were existed in the office, finding a document was not difficult. We discussed and argued some prospects in architectural theory and how it affected our designs. I have learn how deep an architectural theory would influence our work. That helped me to be articulative and embed some of my theoretical skill into the design project i was doing. From the theoretical stand point, structural justifications with simple forms are the point at which every design starts in the office. Construction techniques, design philosophies & standards (both the legal & design standard) are also in the realm of theoretical discourse.


In the office, though there are not many books, we have a few precious ones. For example while i was designing apartments, i had ‘Architecture now!’ Apartment’ book in my hand. That helped a lot when it comes to understanding contemporary architectural ideas and how i had to learn some apartment layouts. This would mean enlarging my sight and facing challenges in the theoretical aspects.

3.4 - COMMUNICATION SKILL Architecture heavily relies with verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Illustrations , diagrams, visualization and graphics are non but part and parcel of architectural non -verbal communication skills. In my architectural journey, i soon discovered i was way a head in my software skill when bring in comparison with my design competence. I could deliver unbelievable graphical works but the design work is not as strong as i hoped it to be. To deal with this imbalance of mine, i begin to work my way through details, regulation, standards, line drawings, and even more sketch -architecture 101. This is the very thing i hoped to improve during my stay in school in the coming years. But verbal communication are as compelling to the client as non-verbal communications are. Thought i was not entitled to meet my project client i had to present my works to my instructors twice every week depending upon the type of work i did. Convincing what i did in the design project is no small task. Feeling my way through the presentation would require me to cultivate my confidence and oratory skills. Again, i would say i lack somethings hear and there. But,as sure as the day is long, i will work it out.

3.5 - TEAM PLAYING SKILL I remember the first day when i meet bizuayehu-the managing architect of IMAGE consult. After being impressed at my portfolio, the only question that he asked me was ; “are you good at group works ?”. Just after two minutes, i gave him my answer to his question he immediately let me in despite there were more than 50 students applied prior to my coming. When i was going home i was thinking what he meant by ‘group work’? Architecture is founded at the cross-road of many disciplines. In other word, no architectural work is done unless every aspects of the design (architectural, structural, sanitary, electrical, construction management...) Comes to blend to produce a desired effect. In the office when the rush hour comes in, i will always be asked to take a certain task apart form my assigned design works. This may be as simple as printing 44 A1 papers or ‘ add a room here and shift the structure there and make sure to switch this two...’ ; Which in other words means -REDESIGN IT!. I have done some that took me 10 minute and a week to finish the group task i was assigned. Even during my consultation hours i had to ask different questions to almost everyone in the office. When i commence a design project, i would spent most of my consultation hours with my mentor. But once the design idea begin to take shape and some how i had a clear understanding as to were i am going, i would go a lot to Elias-deign head, eskineder-assistant deign, and dereja to help me with regard to regulations, specification, and in essence to make the design mature enough so that i could begin working construction drawings. Just before that if i had some doubt concerning structural issues i would go to sintayew-a very experienced structural engineer in the office. Dealing with drainage and electrical matters would easily be handled in less than ten minute when talking to Hiwot.

3.6 - LEADERSHIP SKILL I don’t think there is any word this days that is fused with any notion or idea that it almost lost it original lexical meaning. Perhaps followed by the word success , it is the second one we know nothing of its existence and value in our lifes. Ironically although we are the generation that talk a lot about success, we are yet to be successful in the basic fundamentals of reality it self - life. We bow down in the altar of success but doomed to fail in the tyranny of identity crisis. How do we become that ?. It’s indeed serious philosophical question charged with deep sited emotions. Ok, coming to architecture, leading a project’s progress in an office is pretty much the same with that of school. But one thing that struck me deep is what i saw in my instructor. Managing such a large office with 76 people on your staff is not easy after all. I never saw him putting pencil and paper together or a mouse with his laptops to design something. He never designs, neither will he deal with specific issues with the design tasks. He spent most of its time in client and contract management. I saw in him the other end of an architect -which is a business minded practitioner. For some reason beyond which i can’t bear witness i found out most, if not all of managing architects, tend to pursue after this kind of management style rather than the design flare and creativity. This i think contributed or at least accredited for the lack of any master piece architectural works in the country at large. Architecture, therefore, become mundane and laborious to live in it let alone to create it.


3.7 - PROFESSIONAL WORK FLOW The work flow or pipeline of a company is always depend on the service they give. The life cycle of a project delivery is the very life of any architectural office. At IMAGE consult we provide the following services to our customer Architectural, structural engineering , civil engineering, MEP, Quantity surveying, Construction Supervision and Contract Administration works. The steps we take after a client arrives and give a consent to the office to do the project, we proceed the followings to fulfill the desired needs; 1-Neighborhood Design 2-Preliminary Design 3-Topographic Surveying 4-Final Design 5-Final Specification & BoQ with Tender Document 6-Geotechnical Investigation With Foundation Recommendation 7-Site Work/ Infrastructure Design


At every stage we form a close relationship with the client until the project ‘client delivery’ phase . if, and willing, the client is for further collaboration, we move on to the supervision work, which would ensure the design to be constructed according to the given specification and manage the client-contractor relationship. I have learn how a single project is processed from start to finish, how design phases and administrative phases is conducted, more importantly how a client views the architectural works.

3.8 - CHALLENGE FACED I have lived to see different problems across the terrain of my life. Being a man, and living in fallen world, is at the root of my every day problems. Leaving that aside two things in particular stand out when i consider my internship period, detail drawing and time to leverage the desired design stand out to be the major ones. The day we were celebrating ‘company day’, we went to a town named sululta . It took us 3 hours to get there, along with 76 workers of image consulting staff members. After presenting all the achievements they had over the last 9 years, our managing director give a comment about me. He said, ‘ the intern students know how to come up with an idea-concept, know how to model in software, know how to . . . . . about every thing except they don’t know a lot about construction’- that is a very serious point to make. It is not that i don’t know how to pull up a good detail drawing, nearly all the details we have been doing in school fail short the practical side of the construction industry as of today. I remember the project that took 4 weeks to complete had actually taken 2 weeks to do a detail drawing i don’t know the how-to of ‘construction drawing’. I would also consider time leverage to produce finalized drawing to be another challenge that i have faced during my internship. They produce a whole construction document in a heart beat. It would not take them more that two weeks to deliver G+15 building - that is staggering for me - i would perhaps spend a month just thinking about it! This is also something i hope to train myself for the better - design leverage time.

3.9 - WORK ETHICS Architects have ethical as wells as professional responsibilities to protect the health, safety, and welfare of others though their design. An adequate appreciation of the relationship between ethics and architecture depends on a proper understanding of what constitute the fundamental question at the heart of all ethical deliberation; what ought one should do? - Ethics. In its broadest scene, the work of an architect should be in comprehensive ethical framework. Only by experiencing the design - and how it impacts its world of owners, users, and the public - can we judge how each architect has meet those challenges. Interacting with clients, the public, colleagues will always fall in the realm of ethics as it relate to the profession. Once the concrete idea which will be the guide vision thought the long process of preparation and construction is about to be set, there is an explicit relation for the character of an individual architect to the overall assessment of the design process. I would even go as far as saying ‘bad’ architect can’t produce ‘good’ architecture . Business rationale; Self regulation would come as a roaring lions to seek whom they may devour. ‘ Everything for money !’ and ‘ Everything for happiness! ’ Seems to be the mantra of our generation. Penetrating though this would require severe character discipline and grace from the LORD. I believe - being accountable, fulfilling schedule and commitment, avoiding conflict with appropriate dedication to the task given are what i have gained over the last 4 months. Team work has always a tendency to improve one’s communication as well as ethics and/or manner. We need to remind ourselves again, that the art of architecture is serving people , and education, along with money and power are not the tools to move up and high in our social pyramid strata.

3.9 - ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILL In his book, Architect and Entrepreneur - field guide , Architect Eric talks about how architecture can be integrated in entrepreneurship. He questions the business model of architectural practice that heavily relies on unprecedented call from the client to the office to design a building. This result waving financial status. Could this model be changed to a higher profit margin? That is, can architect deliver a product that can be made ones and be sold multiple times?, for we know people buy products. Client see design as a cost not as a value , but products add values. Productized service in their nature are one and repetitively sold. He then re-frame the architectural business model by Branding certain products, and show how it could be improved through passive incomes.

fig .113; Eric’s book

I have come to understand architecture as a singular creaitive process between architects and cleints. The profession is highly based on one to one job freqency. Sometimes thier are hard times were we had to stay 2-3 days sleeplessly. Other times, we would be bored to death beacuse we had nothing to do - for this rason i have joined architecture. I didn’t hope architecture to be my profession all thought my life, but being an architect frees me to persue other serious things in life. I’m just passsing trough it- just for the time being!


CHAPTER 4 C onc lus ion an d R e c o me n d a ti o n

4.1 - CONCLUSION A qualified architect is the one who’s career is supported with a strong theory and mature experience. After three and half years of studying Architecture in school, one need to experience the practical side of the industry to be whole in the profession. An internship experience is very vital for an architecture student; it’s like an introductory to future professional work in the field. My internship program has enabled me develop and showed me what an architect should resemble. Experiencing the industry helps me to put my dream and expectation on the correct path. It was also vary eye-opener for my knowledge and skills level. I believe I have achieved the objective of the internship by being part of a design team with lots of experience and knowledge, I can say I am whole now because I have seen the challenges and the hardship that the practical architecture can bring therefor I’m fitted for this things . All of my days at the company were filled with learning new skills and knowledge. Starting from designing simple structure to high-rise apartment for the federal housing corporation, I have found myself working on a variety of tasks teaching me multitude of skills and knowledge making me a well rounded person. I have been able to observe how much of a well-respected profession being an Architect is, by seeing the level of work, responsibility and professionalism that is expected from one. One of the other lesson I took is that being an Architect is not only about designing but rather being a successful architect requires one to have a good skill and personality in building and maintaining a good relationship with clients, marketing one’s work to penetrate into the highly competitive market, always being up-to-date with the current trends and style, mind reading clients’ needs and leading an everyday life of an artist. Since the purpose of internship were to provide access of exposure to the current market. I saw the main pillars of the work and had a great time with my hosting company for the past four months. In general, here are some of my experiences; ♦ I develop my designing skills from small project to large projects correlated with existing design trends. ♦ I work on each design process with senior architects. ♦ Improving software skills, through working on drawings, rendering images and 3d modeling. ♦ Improving communication skills with our staff and other personal development. ♦ The benefits of working with other architects and other professionals were a very positive experience. ♦ Use of basic skills that include use of computer (and software), sketching , notes ... ♦ I learn how to be reliable and be responsible for the design work. ♦ Open mind approach in the learning process, self-evaluation the design work. ♦ Develop a general knowledge and understanding of working environment. ♦ Site visit and working on ongoing projects, Knowing the local construction terms. ♦ Work on detail drawings which helped me gain more practical skills. ♦ Professional communication skills including meetings, client interaction, input of ideas, and confidentiality. ♦ Senior Architects assisted me in developing greater understanding of my strength and weakness. ♦ The company work flow enabled me to develop my Work ethics, Problem solving, critical thinking, Sociability, Team playing skills and Upgrade my theoretical understanding. ♦ Gain a greater understanding of the duties and responsibilities of the profession and professional standards in the field. ♦ Understand and adhere to Relate to, interact with, and learn from current professionals in the field.


Here below I present summarizing diagrams to show case my progress;

Computer drafting Sketching Project delivery Presentation tecniqes Creativity Visualization skill Communication skill Work ethics team pleaying professionalisim 10










fig .114 Professional career development progress bar


Autocad Illustrator Photoshope Indesign Revit 3DS max Lumion Unreal engine Sketch up Microsoft office 10










fig .115 Professional Software development progress bar

I would say the one thing that is revieled to me above anything was the fact that what makes good architect is the stuff that takes them away from thier desk meaning that you have to always move out and see how what you have designed can be realized in a real construction scenrio, which protect one’s from falling in to the trap of imagination with no adherance to the reality of the real world.secondly, It also seemed to me that , refering to the architect, when people ask, ‘ who is this guy, what does he do ?’ he simply have to say ‘i am the designers best freind’- That is to say that i undstand construction, design theory, organizing ideas . . . as the core esscense for the profession and bring all this into one cohesive entity, which is design. The third thing, i would say , is there is more to life than to just to become Architect. Finally my deepest gratitude goes to Bizuayeh setotaw, for his good mentorship; I have learned a lot about project development, interaction between co-workers, clients, and contractors. Lastly my gratitude also goes to IMAGE consult collueges.

4.2 - RECOMENDATION Though teaching students designing without setting many constraints can work well in developing students’ creativity and exploring new ideas and techniques with freedom, making students become well aware of the legal, client, and budget constraints that awaits for them in their future career path also will enable Architecture students to become realistic designers who can still deliver creative works that comply with the regulations on the ground. I believe i have accomplished my internship programs, but i also believe my internship experience would have given better fruits if the following things were added; For the intern students Before internship - i strongly believe a student should prepare a profound portfolio before looking for an internship hosting company. I have visited more than 20 architectural office, from category 3 to all the way through international firms like ZIAS design. The only thing that they are looking for is not somebody they can train for 4 or 5 month, rather they are looking for any intern who can perform well for a given task. In other word, they are not trying to help the students to gain experience but rather they are looking for somebody to help them with what they are doing. For this reason they heavenly relay on portfolio. It is not a question of who get their first, for i was the last among 50 students applying for an internship, but how well your portfolio really is. So, i would recommend students to take their portfolio seriously!

During internship - architecture students should take initiative to ask questions and respond. Office discipline is also critical, being on time and delivering projects punctually is very vital. For our university Having clear preparation for architectural internship program is crucial for the university. Internship fees and scheduled internship program should be give to the student on time, so they can be sent to their respective company early. The program director should interact with the hosting office frequently. The director should ask how a student is doing in his/her abilities and capabilities, strength and weakness...Should be discussed with the mentors concerning the student, not just sending an acceptance paper. I also believe that the duration of an internship is very short. I have seen places like USA, that they take an immense hour of internship training to qualified to become architect. I recommend that the time is not enough to gather practical skill in our short internship period , which is four months. Bahir dar university have to work a lot in creating awareness about choosing an architectural firms, because we didn’t get any formal feedbacks and support from the university. Information about the actual building codes should be practiced in a school seriously. The university should provide an awareness before being exposed to practice in a real world. For the company In all of my time at IMAGE consult, i have never for once met with the client to address the design issues. I believe the student should be exposed to the client directly throughout the design process. But i also understand the company’s measure on this area, for i don’t think me talking to the clients for such a large project is for fact profitable to any one. I also recommend that hosting companies should not open their doors only to those interns who can present very attractive portfolio. Since the internship program is intended for the benefit of the intern, every student deserve to be given the chance to get in and grow up his/her potential learning from those that are ahead of him/her.


4.3 - REFERENCE ► SENIOR REPORT PAPERS • Abrham_Zebene_-_Internship Report Paper .pdf • Addisalem ayele finalll .pdf • Abubeker final print .pdf • Afework Kefyalew’s report .pdf • Biruk’s Internship report .pdf • HENOCK REPORT .pdf • Haileyesusreport .pdf • Liuel Legessereport.pdf • Zablon adane intern ship report.pdf • Beki internship report finished.pdf • Birhanu semeneh internship report.pdf • FASIL AREGA report.pdf • Final report (nesebho).pdf • BINYAM YESUF report.pdf


► OTHERS • internship_development_program_2.0_2.pdf • ncarb_handbook_2.pdf • e_catalog_nfb.pdf • [Architecture Ebook] Report Writing for Architects and Project Manaers.pdf • Hannahs Report.pdf • Tener document from image office, Company profile • Internship report format (.pdf) • Guidelines for writing an internship report by Bahir dar university


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