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The CAZ is UK’s global city centre

The Economic Future of the Central Activity Zone (CAZ) Phase 1: Office use trends and the CAZ ecosystem Report to the Greater London Authority (GLA)

Transport to, from and within the CAZ


London’s transport system is orientated around the CAZ

The CAZ is at the centre of London’s, the South East’s and the UK’s transport network. As such, a medium to long-term reduction in travel overall caused by the outcomes of COVID-19, will have a disproportionate impact on the CAZ. Demand for travel will also be affected by the service frequencies that are operated in postpandemic (which in turn will be affected by the finances of the providing authorities, see Arup and London First, 2021). Given its popularity, and the structure of TfL and National Rail fares, the CAZ is also the place that generates much of the passenger revenue. Conversely too, there is a risk to the viability of the wider regional – and potentially national – public transport system if the CAZ doesn’t recover. Prior to the pandemic, transport demand growth nationwide was slowing, and reducing in places, as more retail and socialising journeys transferred online (DfT, 2019a). Fewer journeys were being made into central London (see p.27). COVID-19 may accelerate this trend towards lower travel overall. Before this, the number of people entering central London during the morning peak has remained relatively constant since the 1970s at around 1-1.2m people per day, although the mode used has shifted significantly from car to rail and underground, and more recently, cycle (TfL, 2020b). The CAZ is dependent upon discretionary flows of people from inner London and the rest of the UK in particular (see p.112). It is also dependent on workers, predominantly those from inner London, whose commute into the centre combines with shopping and other travel after work. Many of these workers, if they did not come into work daily in the CAZ, may choose instead to undertake evening leisure opportunities closer to home often in inner or outer London. Others would be expected to “save” up their leisure time to spend it in the CAZ, on the days in which they do come in to work.

Evening leisure trips by purpose (Source: LTDS in TfL, 2020b) Many evening leisure trips are made by those that work in the CAZ. Start time of discretionary trips wholly within central London, made by Londoners commuting into central London on a weekday.

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