The 150th Anniversary Campaign
THANK YOU FROM THE MASTER The last year saw us celebrate 50 years as a college. There is no doubt that 1966 was crucial: a full college of the University! We didn’t celebrate in a demonstrative sort of way – as we tend to celebrate our roots as being 1869 – but the Royal Charter was a great statement of intent. Clearly the site has evolved remarkably from the original nucleus designed by Sir Denys Lasdun. Indeed, at that time half the current grounds were inaccessible. We are, rightly, hugely proud of the way the fabric of the place, including the gardens, has developed. But sadly, 50 years means tired buildings that need more than a quick injection of new life. The renovated A Staircase was last year’s triumph, and this summer saw the transformation of B and C staircases. But this is only the beginning – there are the Huntingdon Road-facing staircases, the necessary re-development of the Central Building, and an expansion to the MCR still to be conjured up. The last fifty years have also seen efforts to raise academic standards and to enhance the intellectual life of the College – always chasing a moving target, with no room for complacency; but how wonderful that last year 104 of our students were graded as first class. The size and quality of the graduate student body within the College has also transformed, and we now matriculate as many graduate students each year as undergraduates. This year over 170 new graduates arrived, of whom more than 40 are starting PhDs. We also welcome an increasing number of part-time graduate students. As we move forward, we also remember those who helped us to build the College. 2016 saw the death of Alan Cuthbert, who became Master when the College was only 25 years old, and I was honoured to explore his significant legacy at his memorial service. In addition, two Fellows retired who had each served over thirty years – Dr Bill Allison and Dr David Scott. Both have been exemplary in their dedication to Fitzwilliam, and I shall miss their constant good sense. I would also like to thank our outgoing Development Director, Dr Helen Bettinson, who will forever be an alumna and is currently helping us develop our connections and fundraising in Singapore. It has been a great pleasure to welcome Dr Nicola Jones to the role of Development Director – she brings significant experience, and has settled very comfortably into the Fitzwilliam community.
Our financial year runs from 1 August - 31 July, and I write, as ever, with huge thanks to those of you who have dug deeply to help us over the last year. Your generosity and commitment is wonderful, and is essential to Fitzwilliam’s future. We pride ourselves on being a friendly place, but Fitzwilliam is much more than that. Alumni support helps to create an environment in which it is easy to work and important to think. Please take time to read this Report and to consider the ways in which you may be able to help, and the doors you may be able to open. With your support, Fitzwilliam College is marching onwards and upwards!
Nicola Padfield
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
PROGRESS OF THE CAMPAIGN Thanks to alumni generosity, we’re getting close to our 150th Anniversary Campaign fundraising goal, as reported by Dr Nicola Jones, Fitzwilliam’s new Development Director.
At the time of writing, I have been in post for four months. It is a real pleasure to begin my first Campaign Report with some excellent news: we have now raised over £17 million towards our goal of £20 million by 2019. This is an amazing success and a credit to everyone involved. Thank you. As you will see across the pages of this report, alumni donations enable great things. Fitzwilliam is a living institution, and as such our strategic priorities are broad and changing. From transformational gifts in subjects such as Engineering and Classics, to key refurbishment of our accommodation, alumni have come together to support the College in its work. Looking back over the year’s donations, I am particularly struck by how many alumni supported our students by giving to hardship bursaries. These bursaries are vitally important to the students who receive them. On their behalf, I would like to thank you. With just under three years now until our 2019 celebrations – our 150th anniversary – this is an important moment for reflection. A huge amount has been achieved already, but how should we look to the future? We live in interesting times, and the role of the University _ and our College _ in such times cannot be underestimated. 2
Never has it been more important to promote social mobility, rigorous scrutiny of our political and economic structures, scientific discovery, and culture. Fitzwilliam College remains a place of opportunity, a place of intellectual freedom, and, perhaps most importantly, a place where students can learn the skills to enact positive change in their communities. It is a special place, and one that we must look to preserve. Many of the projects set out in this campaign report are necessarily large, and come with significant costs. A key part of my role is to find those who can help us
with these ambitious plans. But smaller gifts also make a tangible difference to our work. The majority of our alumni who give do so through the telephone campaign, and most donations are of £15 a month or less. Cumulatively, these gifts fund full bursaries, they support teaching costs, and they ensure that students can make the most of their time at Fitzwilliam. They make a difference. It is in this knowledge that I have set up a small monthly donation to Fitzwilliam, and I hope very much that you will be inspired to do the same. As students, staff and alumni we are Fitzwilliam today, but as donors we are also its future.
Allocation of Donations 2015-2016 £2,608,152 was donated to Fitzwilliam between 1 August 2015 and 31 July 2016.
Sport 1%
Other 1% £23,018
Prizes & Scholarships 0.5% £9,259
Academic & Teaching 33% £864,202
Buildings 39% £1,024,553
Student Support 21% £543,247
Unrestricted 4.5% £124,059
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
FINANCIAL REPORT Support from our donors, along with a sound financial performance, has resulted in an increase in student bursaries and the refurbishment of more Freshers’ accommodation, as the Bursar, Andrew Powell, reports.
I am very pleased to report another satisfactory financial year for the College, with the operating surplus before depreciation increasing from £1.23 million to £1.32 million. Income grew by 5.1% and expenditure by 4.8%. A good year This good performance was largely due to increased income from conference and catering activities, together with personnel costs coming in well under budget. These factors have offset budget shortfalls in fees and rental income, but also enabled expenditure increases for academic and tutorial purposes. The permanent endowment (which now excludes all expendable reserves, including expendable restricted funds) has increased from £50.8 million to £53.9 million. £1.9m of the increase arose from investment growth, and the balance came from new donations, including the grant from the Colleges’ Fund of £285,000, for which we were once again extremely grateful. Restricted expendable reserves at the yearend stood at £3.2 million, of which £842,000 was for building projects, including the Dining Hall roof, the upgrade of which we hope to complete in summer 2017.
Particular highlights Firstly, the total funds paid to our students in the form of bursaries (including the Cambridge Bursary Scheme), studentships, grants from the Student Opportunities Fund and travel funds reached a new high of £542,531, which was an increase of 10.7% over the previous year. The costs of the Cambridge Bursary scheme are shared between the College and the University, and Fitzwilliam was very grateful to receive additional support from the Isaac Newton Trust to the extent of £50,963. In four years’ time the College will have to find this additional amount from its own resources. The College’s contribution to all student bursaries in the year amounted to 12.3% of fee income. The second big achievement has been the successful financing of the refurbishment of A-C staircases. I am delighted to report that not only have we met our target to fund 50% of the cost of internal refurbishment
by donations, thanks to the generosity of our alumni and other institutions, but also that the College has been able to meet its share of the cost from cash flow, without touching its limited general reserves. This suggests that our formula is suitably prudent and we can approach the next phase of the works with confidence. The future We are only in the early stages of there furbishment programme, and requirements to provide financial support to both graduate and undergraduate students from College resources continue to grow. Sustaining the unique Cambridge teaching model is of course the bedrock on which all else is built. The 2015/16 performance is a good base to build on, but there will be many calls on our limited resources in these uncertain times, and we are fortunate indeed to have such loyal support from our alumni and friends – thank you.
Income 2015-2016 £9.39 million
Conferences 13%
Fees 29%
Catering 13%
The new standard requires the College, as a charity, to produce a 'Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and Expenditure' (SOCIE), in which all donations, as well as asset gains and losses, are treated as income. This presents an unrealistic picture for an endowed charity, for which new endowments cannot be spent, and expendable donations (including those for buildings) may fund expenditure over several years.
Investment 14% Rents 30%
Expenditure 2015-2016 £9.53 million Other 5% Conferences 12%
Catering 12%
Accommodation 31%
Readers of the Accounts will notice that there have been some substantial changes in the presentation of the numbers this year, arising from the introduction of a new Financial Reporting Standard (FRS 102), and some consequential changes in policy.
Education 40%
To assist understanding, therefore, the SOCIE has been presented in three columns – Unrestricted, Restricted and Endowment. Whilst it would be tempting for the casual observer to focus on the 'Total surplus or deficit for the year', which shows a surplus of £4.54 million, the true measure of the operational performance of the College is set out in the 'Unrestricted' column of the SOCIE which is in deficit to the extent of £142,000. The College has also taken advantage of the opportunity afforded by the new Reporting Standard to revalue its operational assets, and, as a consequence, reassess its annual provision for depreciation – the amount we set aside each year to recognise the need for continual reinvestment in the buildings and other assets of the College. The revaluation increased the value of the College’s fixed assets by £43.7 million, increasing the College’s 'net worth' at the year end to £119.7 million. This is after taking into account the inclusion in the Balance Sheet of pension fund deficits for the first time, which has had the effect of reducing the net worth by £2.4 million. The revaluation has also brought about an increase in depreciation charges of more than £500,000, causing the operational result to move from surplus into deficit. The level of depreciation in these accounts is realistic in the light of known reinvestment needs, and the resulting financial deficit reflects the reality that the College is, as it always has been, reliant upon continuing philanthropy to maintain its resources in perpetuity.
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
CENTRAL BUILDING REFURBISHMENT Thanks to two generous donations, the restoration of the Central Building’s distinctive and architecturally significant lantern roof is about to begin, writes Deputy Development Director Isobel Cohen.
Through the extraordinary generosity of an award from The Headley Trust, founded by Sir Timothy Sainsbury, and a matched gift from alumnus Xiaoyang Xie (Engineering 2006) we have raised the £450,000 necessary funds to carry out repairs to the concrete of the lantern roof. The roof repairs mark the start of phase two of the Central Building restoration. With
the help of our supporters, we hope to create a new Dining Hall gallery, kitchen, silver and art stores, and a wine cellar in the basement. The Gaskoin and Reddaway rooms will be refurbished to the standard of the Upper Hall. If you would like to be involved in this exciting phase in Fitzwilliam’s transformation, please get in touch.
Completed in 1963, the architectural Modernism of Sir Denys Lasdun’s Central Building is the ideal reflection of Fitzwilliam’s ethos, a visible break with the traditionalism of the University’s historic buildings. We now face the challenge of retrofitting and preserving this extraordinary architecture. The structure of the Central Building remains sound, but the canopy of the lantern roof is showing signs of wear, and the plumbing, wiring and air handling of the building are near the end of their useful lives. The scale of this internal work offers an exciting opportunity however; to open up the first floor on three sides to form a gallery space overlooking the Dining Hall. Our task is to restore the Central Building to its place as the social hub of College life, whilst protecting and enhancing its unique architectural features – the distinctive arrowhead Old SCR, striking concrete lantern roof, expressed sills and boxed out copper clad windows. Prototype drawings for the Royal College of Physicians and the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Competition, also designed by Lasdun, show a similar roof design, but Fitzwilliam is the only place where such an uncharacteristically lavish ambition was realised.
A CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART IN CAMBRIDGE With the recent acquisition of 24 paintings donated from the private collection of sculptor Sir Anthony Caro (1924-2013), Fitzwilliam, together with Churchill, Murray Edwards, Girton and Kettle’s Yard, has become a major focus for contemporary art in Cambridge. The Caro collection includes Robert Scott’s 'Barcelona' and Graham Miles’s 'Silent Running', along with the work of ten artists associated with the Triangle Artists’ Residency (now Triangle Arts) in New York. The Upper Hall was refurbished in 2013 as part of phase one of the Central Building restoration, thanks to donations from Vivien Povah (Natural Sciences 1951), Doug and Rachael Webb (Geography and Management Studies 1979, and Natural Sciences 1979), and Paul Forster (Geography 1983). It is already home to works from the 'Black Earth' series of Fenland paintings by Anthony Michael Dorrell. If the College’s phase two restoration plans are realised, the Dining Hall gallery and refurbished Gaskoin and Reddaway Rooms will provide three more stunning new spaces for the College’s art collection, turning the Central Building into an inspiring backdrop for works of contemporary art by recognised artists.
CENTRAL BUILDING • North Gallery & Gaskoin Room: £650,000 • South Gallery & Reddaway Room: £590,000 • Dining Hall upgrade: £780,000 THE GROVE • MCR Extension: £500,000
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
TRANSFORMING STUDENT ACCOMMODATION The transformation of our Freshers’ accommodation continues, with two more staircases – B and C – now completely refurbished.
The 41 new rooms – each with their own shower and basin – provide accommodation of a very high standard. Along with the 20 rooms refurbished on A Staircase in 2015, Fitzwilliam is now able to offer 61 exceptional rooms for Freshers, essential when it comes to attracting applications from the most talented students. All of the study-bedrooms have increased storage space and shelving, yet still feel more spacious than the previous layouts. A, B and C staircases are part of the original College buildings designed by Sir Denys Lasdun in 1963, and are now over 50 years old. The necessary updating of Lasdun’s original accommodation has presented a wonderful opportunity to improve the student experience at Fitzwilliam. Respecting the integrity of the architect’s original vision, the imaginative retrofitting of our Freshers’ accommodation has resulted in three ‘houses’ within the Lasdun shell, with shared student flats on each floor. Through clever reorganising of Lasdun’s internal layouts, the architects have been able to turn corridors into flats with new and spacious living areas. Shared bathrooms and old gyp rooms on each floor have been replaced with new social spaces that allow flatmates to cook, eat and relax together. New wheelchair-accessible ground floor bedrooms, as well as customised kitchen facilities, enable Fitzwilliam to offer the same shared-living experience to all new students. The remainder of the original rooms are part of a rolling renovation plan. Please get in touch if you would like to be involved in this exiting opportunity to turn our 1960s heritage into a 21st century community, which will bequeath Fitzwilliam some of the most contemporary and appealing accommodation in the University.
Edgar Thornton (Geography 2016) “Moving into a lovely new room has been key to me settling into university life and has really put any nerves to rest. The fact that it’s so well lit, combined with copious amounts of natural light, makes it an ideal place to both work and relax. The social space is well equipped and the sitting area ideal for entertaining. I think the fast rate at which we've bonded as a corridor can be directly attributed to having such a positive space to socialise in.”
With your help we can complete the renovation of Freshers’ accommodation at Fitzwilliam, enhancing the Fresher experience and attracting the brightest applicants • External work to D, E and F staircases: £1.32 million • Internal work to D, E and F staircases: £3.56 million 42 refitted study bedrooms 5 social spaces 5 refitted guest bedrooms 4 offices/teaching rooms 1 teaching suite
Peter Lord (Theology & Religious Studies 2016) “It is an amazing privilege to have such wonderful rooms for our first year at Fitz! There's plenty of space for my stuff, and we really like having the social space in the kitchen to chill and chat in. Thank you to everyone who donated, it was definitely worth it!”
A new sculpture has been installed in Tree Court to commemorate a significant donation by alumnus Roger Graham OBE (Engineering 1958) and his wife, Irene, towards the refurbishment of A Staircase. Dark Planet, designed by David Harber, was gifted to the College by Roger and Irene. Created using hundreds of Welsh slate pieces joined together to form a sphere, it transforms at dusk when light from inside permeates through the gaps between the stones. Roger explains the reason behind his choice of artist and art work: “We have admired David Harber’s work for years and Welsh slate has a real meaning for our family. My grandfather was an entrepreneur and had ships collect slate from North Wales and bring it to the East Coast where he developed a
building material business. In the 1970s we bought a cottage in Porthmadog and had ten years of fun with our young family and repeated visits to Blaenau Ffestiniog, one of the few remaining slate mines. Harber’s Dark Planet is evocative of the new focus on spheres and space and I hope Fitzwilliam undergraduates may find some inspiration in its form and structure.”
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
ADMISSIONS The refurbishment of Freshers’ accommodation has already resulted in a rise in applications, according to the Admissions Team.
A team of Fellows, staff and students work together to ensure that the brightest pupils choose to apply to Fitzwilliam, regardless of their background. Getting this right is crucial to preserving Fitzwilliam's unique characteristics, and improving our student accommodation is proving to be a big draw when it comes to attracting the most talented students. The admissions round is the culmination of a huge amount of recruitment work, including visits to and by schools, study days, essay competitions, Open Days, and initiatives to widen participation. None of these recruitment strategies would be effective without something wonderful to offer. Fitzwilliam College has always been a special place: it is a nurturing and academically rigorous environment in which students are guided to achieve great things. Our building projects over the last few decades have created a wealth of facilities of which we are justly proud – from our fantastic new library to our lovely café. However, it is perhaps the newly refurbished Freshers’ accommodation on A, B and C staircases that has had the greatest impact on admissions in the past couple of years. The University prospectus encourages
those applying to see accommodation as one of the key areas to look at when choosing a college, and our experience is that it is a clear priority of prospective students. We are currently only halfway through our refurbishment of Freshers' accommodation, and it has already had a large effect on our application numbers, which are now higher than they have been for many years.
We very much enjoy working to encourage applications to such a wonderful place, and if the refurbishment programme continues to produce the high standard of accommodation now found on A, B and C staircases, we will be better placed than ever before to attract high achieving students.
Carl Plane, who studied History at Fitzwilliam from 2012 to 2015 and was also JCR Access Officer, is Operations Manager at the Accelerate and Access Foundation, formerly known as the Kent Academies Network. The Foundation runs a scheme which involves university students mentoring school pupils from less-advantaged backgrounds. Fitzwilliam is a major partner to the scheme and provides most of the student mentors.
“In the summer of 2013, eleven bright, enthusiastic, and slightly nervous school pupils started out on a four-year journey, designed to help them make the most of their potential. Joining them on that journey were four Fitzwilliam College undergraduates who were to act as their mentors. These mentors, it was hoped, would help the students feel that elite universities were accessible to them. “This unique scheme is now three years old, and that first cohort of school pupils is in the process of writing personal statements and choosing which universities to apply to. Three more cohorts of keen and ambitious students have since signed up to the programme, determined to achieve academically, and most of the original mentors are
I mentor really well. The residentials are fantastic, everyone gets involved and the pupils really make the most of them. Isla Phillips (Classics 2014) has been a mentor on the scheme for two years, with responsibility for two pupils who are currently in Year Ten. “Access is important to me and is something that I feel strongly about. As a Classicist, I found myself studying alongside students who’d had the advantage of learning Greek at school, whereas I hadn’t. “I was very keen to take part in the scheme and I’ve got to know the pupils
“Mentoring seemed like something I’d be good at as I enjoy teaching, and it’s extremely rewarding. At the last residential I could see how the scheme had had an impact on the participants, especially when watching them interact with and encourage the younger cohort – you could see how far they’d come and how comfortable they were. “I hope to stay in contact with the scheme after graduation and, who knows, perhaps even come back as a speaker at one of the future residentials!”
still mentoring – despite some having graduated – excited to see the results of this unique programme. “In addition to providing most of the student mentors, Fitzwilliam also hosts summer residentials for the school pupils, allowing them to experience what university is really like – from living in College accommodation, to working in the Olisa Library, to playing sport at Oxford Road. “The support of Fitzwilliam and the optimism, friendliness and expertise of Fitz Fellows and staff has left a lasting impression on the pupils, helping to shatter the illusion of the ‘ivory-towered academic’ and inspiring them to pursue subjects they love at university.”
If you would like to support Fitzwilliam’s Widening Participation programme you can make a gift to the Fitzwilliam Access Fund. • Five-day summer residential at Fitzwilliam for a small group of school students and teachers: £5,000 per visit • Widening participation in schools and school visits to College: £25,000 per annum • Fitzwilliam Shadowing Scheme: £2,188 per annum • Fitzwilliam’s Schools Liaison Officer: £35,000 per annum
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
SUPPORTING STUDENTS Senior Tutor, Dr Paul Chirico, explains how alumni donations help to ensure that financial background is not a barrier to students applying to, or making the most of their time at, Fitzwilliam.
circumstances there are no longer any government grants, even for students from the poorest families.
We recognise that our students, and usually their families, invest heavily in their university education – in terms of fees, living costs and a deferred start to their careers as wage-earners! Of course, we work very hard to offer outstanding teaching and research facilities in an inspiring academic environment with extensive, enriching opportunities. It is essential that we also continue to offer financial support to ensure, as far as possible, that financial considerations do not deter any suitably qualified student from applying to Fitzwilliam or thriving whilst here. No UK or EU student studying for their first undergraduate degree has to pay their tuition fees (presently £9,000 per year) up front: a government loan allows deferral of payment until a minimum salary is earned (presently £21,000 per year for students from England, Wales or the EU), at which point 9% of the salary above that level is taken as repayment. An additional loan is available for living costs – a minimum of £3,821 per year for all such students, rising on a means-tested sliding scale up to £8,200 per year for students from families with a household income below £25,000. This loan is repayable on the same terms as the tuition fee loan. So in effect most of our present undergraduates will graduate with a repayable government loan ranging from £39,000 to £69,000. In standard 12
This system of public funding through means-tested loans depends on parental contributions for all undergraduates from families with incomes above £25,000. The Cambridge Bursary Scheme, co-funded by the University and the College, seeks to alleviate that burden by offering nonrepayable bursaries of up to £3,500 per year. The College also offers additional support through maintenance bursaries and accommodation allowances, responsive to individual needs. Our aim is to ensure that financial worries do not obstruct the progress of any of our students. Costs and support arrangements vary considerably for international students, mature students and care leavers. As far as our means allow, we offer emergency assistance if unanticipated changes in circumstance cause difficulties; such support is inevitably limited in relation to the total costs, so it is most important for us to ensure our students are able to make use of external and collaborative bursary and studentship schemes. We are always keen to expand our capabilities in such areas. Addressing the funding needs of our graduate students is equally important, in keeping with the College’s longstanding commitment to equality of access. The College is proud to open Cambridge to a large number of students studying on taught masters courses and research degrees, for whom (as the MCR President discusses on page 22) a generous offering of financial support and top-class facilities is essential. We are lucky to benefit from their excellent scholarship and engagement in world-leading research.
THE CAMBRIDGE BURSARY The Cambridge Bursary Scheme offers maintenance support to undergraduates in greatest financial need, and is one of the best such schemes in the country. In 2015-2016, 24% of our undergraduate students received Cambridge Bursaries, with awards totalling £286,700.
Ross Hunter (Natural Sciences 2014) "For me it’s as simple now as it was when I applied to Cambridge: I can’t afford to study here without the Cambridge Bursary. The student maintenance loan and grant (soon to become just a loan) doesn’t come close to covering rent, food etc. and sadly my family can’t make up the shortfall. “I came here to achieve my dream of doing physics research; to push the boundaries of human knowledge. There’s no Bursary gives me a real chance of achieving those dreams. I’m giving it all I can, and so is every other person here from a low-income background. But without the Cambridge Bursary, I’d have to miss out. So thank you again for your continued support. It truly means the world to me."
BEREAVED STUDENTS TO RECEIVE FINANCIAL HELP When John Latham was five years old he lost his father. With the benefit of the state support then available, John was fortunate to be able to take up the educational opportunities he was offered, including his place to study Medieval and Modern Languages at Fitzwilliam in 1975. Aware that such support is no longer available, in 2015 John and his mother Marjorie decided to set up the Marjorie Latham Fund in order to alleviate the hardship suffered by students in similar circumstances. The Fund was established with a donation of £25,000, and it provides financial assistance to students of the College who have suffered the loss of a parent or are in need of financial support.
NEW STUDENT BURSARY HONOURS FATHER The John Richards Fund was created in 2015 with a gift of £20,000 from Gary Richards, who read Law and Economics from 1974 to 1977. The Fund is designed to provide bursaries to undergraduates of the College in need of financial support. Gary discovered that his father John was offered a place to study Mathematics at Cambridge in the 1930s, but despite also being offered a scholarship to cover his tuition fees, he did not want to be a burden to his parents in respect of living expenses. Instead John obtained his undergraduate degree via night classes from London University while working full-time.
Gary says: “People often say 'no pressure', however I am so grateful that my father did not tell me, until Fitzwilliam had offered me a place, that another college had offered him a place 40 years earlier but he felt he had to turn it down for his family’s sake. At the time it concerned me, and it still does, that there might be another prospective undergraduate who felt constrained to make the same choice. If this bursary tips the scales, and as a result that undergraduate comes to Fitz, that will be my (and my father’s) reward.”
You can help support our undergraduate students either by setting up your own endowed fund to provide bursaries, or by contributing to our new expendable Fitzwilliam College Bursary Fund. • To provide one full Cambridge Bursary: £3,500 per annum • To endow one Cambridge Bursary for a student’s three-year course: £116,750 • To endow one Cambridge Bursary each year in perpetuity (three students at any one time): £350,000
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
TEACHING The College is wholly committed to providing supervisions, an expensive approach to learning but one which is central to a Cambridge education.
At the core of the Cambridge experience for all undergraduate students lies the supervision system. Supplementary to University lectures and classes, supervisions are provided by colleges. They enhance our students’ understanding of their subjects, and teach broader analytical and discursive skills. Academics and graduate students work with undergraduates across the College community, developing ideas and working collectively to advance learning. Supervisions are key to the Fitzwilliam experience, but they are costly to maintain. Indeed, the supervision system is a key factor in why a Cambridge education actually costs around double the £9,000 fee. It is thanks to the support of alumni – who contribute to the Teaching Fund or endowed subject funds – that we are able to continue to offer the worldclass teaching for which Cambridge is renowned.
THE TEACHING FUND More than 300 alumni supported the Teaching Fund in 2015-2016, many of whom made their donation as a result of speaking to a student in the annual telephone fundraising campaign. The Teaching Fund helps to pay for the cost of College supervisions, ensuring that our students continue to receive small-group supervisions led by worldleading academics, and protecting the best that Cambridge, and Fitzwilliam, has to offer.
In 2015-2016 our undergraduates received more than 20,000 hours of small-group teaching.
THE EXPERIENCE OF A GRADUATE SUPERVISOR Sam Strong, who is undertaking a PhD in Geographical Research, supervises undergraduate Geography students. He recently received a college prize for excellence in teaching, and has has held a Senior Scholarship at the College since 2014. He completed his BA in Geography at Fitzwilliam in 2012, achieving a double starred first and receiving the College's undergraduate 'Scholar of the Year' prize. “The supervision system is what makes Cambridge such a special place to learn. Time spent individually or in small groups with a supervisor is not only central in expanding and improving students' knowledge of their subject, but is also a vital step in a broader process – in helping students to find their voice. The key skills of communication, argument and critical thinking are cultivated consistently in supervisions, with students not only learning key concepts, but also how to express themselves persuasively and
confidently. At Fitzwilliam, this is done especially well as students establish and perfect skills that will prove invaluable to them in their futures stretching far beyond their time here at the college. “What the students I teach might not be aware of, however, is that the supervision system is just as important for me as a postgraduate. The opportunity to discuss contemporary issues relating to my own research with some of the brightest minds of their generation is incredibly informative for me also, enabling me to similarly find my academic and pedagogical voice – for which I am incredibly grateful.” Sam Strong (Geography 2009)
Cristina Matache (Computer Science 2014) "Supervisions are a great help to me. They give me the opportunity to ask questions about concepts in my course that I haven’t understood, and therefore consolidate my knowledge. Moreover, through supervisions I’ve had the chance to meet people involved in Computer Science research who have introduced me to interesting topics not strictly
covered in my course. This has partly informed my decision to pursue further studies once I have finished my undergraduate degree. The relationship with some of my former supervisors goes beyond the courses they taught me; they play the role of mentor and are also ready to give me professional advice."
You can help support College teaching either by setting up or contributing to an endowed subject fund, or by giving to the expendable Teaching Fund.
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
REWARDING EXCELLENCE Helping our students to develop academically is extremely important to the College, and subject funds, scholarships and prizes play a key role in facilitating and recognising their achievements.
Education is the principal activity of Fitzwilliam College, and we are very proud of the support we give our students to develop through their academic work. All students benefit from excellent teaching, and where possible – often through the generosity of alumni – they are supported by grants to enrich their studies. As you will read below, some subjects are particularly costly, and involve fieldwork, specialist equipment or expensive key texts. It is very important that no student be disadvantaged by financial circumstance, and these subject funds are key to ensuring fairness and opportunity for all. Our graduate students often need financial help to attend conferences and to carry out research trips. Without that help, many would not be able to complete crucial elements of their courses. As the article on page 22 explains, graduate numbers are extremely healthy at Fitzwilliam, but, of course, this means we must redouble our efforts to ensure fair provision for all.
TRANSFORMING ENGINEERING AT FITZWILLIAM Engineering at Fitzwilliam will be transformed thanks to two significant alumni gifts this year. The first comes from our new 1869 Fellow Benefactor, Xiaoyang (Chris) Xie (2006) who donated US $1.4 million in 2016, the majority of which was allocated to support Engineering students through the Fitzwilliam Engineers' Fund. After working in high frequency trading in London, Xiaoyang established the hedge fund TianYan Capital in Shanghai. His former Fitzwilliam DoS and Head of the Department of Engineering, Professor David Cardwell, comments "We are exceptionally grateful to Chris for his generous donation, which will have an immediate and significant impact on the Fitz Engineering experience for all our current and future undergraduates".
NEW ENGINEERING FUND IN HONOUR OF SON Engineering at Fitzwilliam has received a boost thanks to a new fund set up by a former student in memory of his son. The Adams Engineering Fund was established in 2016 by a donation from John and Joan Adams. John read Engineering at Fitzwilliam from 1958 to 1962, and after a commitment to Fitzwilliam that has spanned six decades, he was keen to make a donation that would celebrate, and invest in, the potential of talented young engineers at the College. The Fund honours the memory of Christopher Adams, who read Engineering at Bath University and, through his career and his example, inspired young people from around the world. His untimely death in a motor-cycling accident in 2014 cut short an extraordinary life. John comments "I enjoyed a memorable four years as a student at Fitzwilliam House, reading Engineering and spending time on the river with the Boat Club. That experience enabled me to follow a challenging and most rewarding career in engineering. Joan and I wish today’s and tomorrow’s students to be able to benefit in the same way from the opportunities that Fitzwilliam offers. We both hold a firm belief that engineers can bring great value to society, so we are delighted to be in a position to set up a fund to assist with the teaching and learning of Engineering in Fitzwilliam."
ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS TO RECEIVE EXTRA SUPPORT Architecture can be an expensive subject to read, with extra costs associated with field trips and studio work. After receiving a call in the 2016 telephone campaign, a former student who studied Architecture at Fitzwilliam in the late 1960s, and who wishes to remain anonymous, decided to donate £5,000 to support Architecture students. His donation has resulted in the creation of a new Architecture Fund which will help students with their expenses. He comments: “When I arrived in 1964, in the era of Fitzwilliam House, it seems that despite my constrained resources I could afford the basic materials needed to study Architecture more readily than in these more complex and costly times. Some books, pens, pencils and paper were about all that was necessary. “Relatively little changed for me in this respect in my twenty-five years as an architect in a London Borough, but it was becoming obvious that methods and technologies were rapidly developing so there is much more now to take on board in order to operate. “A fund dedicated towards providing some material support for the new intake of Architecture students is a welcome aim and it is my hope that further donations will be attracted so that this becomes more substantial.”
ACADEMIC AWARDS IN 2015-2016 Undergraduate and graduate students benefited from hundreds of financial awards in 2015-2016, recognising academic excellence and helping to fund research. • 204 prizes and scholarships were awarded to undergraduates and graduates with distinguished academic records. • 5 new awards of Goldman Sachs Bursaries were made to undergraduates, and a further 10 renewals were made for 2015/16. • 22 graduate students received studentships ranging in value from £1,000 to £14,000. 48 College Senior Scholarships were also awarded. • 115 Graduate Research Awards were made.
To discuss how you can support a particular subject please contact the Development Office. • To endow a new prize or scholarship: £5,000 • Donations to existing subject funds, and to the Teaching Fund, are also very welcome
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
FITZWILLIAM LIFE Life at Fitz is busy, but none of us would have it any other way, says JCR President Fenella Keevil.
More Freshers than ever performed in the Music Society’s Freshers’ Concert, so we look forward to seeing more talented students coming up through the ranks.
College life is thriving in all areas: from sporting achievements to musical performances and social events, everyone’s busy getting the most out of their time here. Fitz enjoyed a particularly successful year for sport. Our champion Cricket team brought home the Cuppers Cup for the first time since 1972, a victory celebrated not only by the team members, but also by most of the College later that evening in the bar! Men’s Football, Women’s Netball, Women’s Hockey and Mixed Hockey all performed well, with each team making it to the semi-finals of Cuppers and only narrowly missing out on the finals. A loyal contingent of Fitz students has been going along to shows at the ADC to support our ‘fab five’ Footlights members. The enthusiasm shown across years to attend their shows is testament both to their comedic flair, and also to the strong community bond that is so cherished within Fitz, meaning we always support one other’s achievements. Alongside theatrical Fitz talent, our musical talent has been on show. The Choir was selected to sing at the launch of the University’s ‘Dear World… Yours, Cambridge’ fundraising campaign, and the Barbershop and Sirens took their best sets all the way to the Edinburgh Fringe.
The JCR committee has been extraordinarily busy keeping up with student suggestions and providing welfare. A highlight includes our anonymous ‘angel scheme’, where students sign up to give and receive random acts of kindness. Our Ents team have also been running a jam-packed social calendar, essential for those all-important study breaks. The Easter Term bouncy castle proved the most popular method of de-stressing prior to exams, and will undoubtedly be back next year by popular demand!
PRESTIGIOUS NEW YEHUDI MENUHIN SCHOLARSHIP After spotting a feature in last year’s Campaign Report about plans to create a Yehudi Menuhin music scholarship, Chris Wood (MML 1977) generously stepped forward and offered to endow it. The new scholarship will provide awards for talented string players at Fitzwilliam, and the first award has already been made to Hannah Roper (Music 2013). Hannah is a talented violinist who began studying the violin at the age of three, and at the age of twelve was the youngest regional finalist in the BBC Young Musician of the Year competition. The Yehudi Menuhin Scholarship is a fitting tribute to the College’s late Honorary Fellow, and its creation marks the centenary of his birth. Chris commented: “My support for the Menuhin Scholarship is a way of bringing together two of my passions – music and
education – for the benefit of talented musicians at Fitz. Music has always been important to me, and Yehudi Menuhin was one of the big names ‘accompanying’ me through much of my life. So when I learned that Fitz was seeking to establish a scholarship in his name, I thought this would be an excellent way of giving something back to the College where my own education created the platform for all that I have done since. “I hope that the scholarship will help the first scholar Hannah Roper to develop further her wonderful musical talent and community engagement with and through music.”
AWARDS FOR ENTERPRISING STUDENTS Fitzwilliam students who undertake projects of environmental, charitable or entrepreneurial value can now apply for a unique source of funding – the Sailbridge Special Project Awards. Established by Phil Behenna (MML 1985), the Sailbridge Awards are named in recognition of Phil’s mentors: his teacher at Exeter School, Lawrence Sail, who taught him to be imaginative, and former Master, Professor Robert Lethbridge, who taught him to persevere. Phil commented: “The awards are designed to encourage students to contribute to the world beyond Cambridge. Intelligence and a great education can provide a tremendous start to life, but only when those building blocks are combined with a willingness to get one’s hands dirty do they become truly useful. “My hope is that the students will help others around the world in a ‘hands-on’ way, and I have already observed this in our first four recipients. They travelled to Sierra Leone (helping to provide support for survivors of Ebola), Kenya (assisting women’s charities), Nepal (volunteering at a health centre for disabled children), and Russia (helping at a summer camp for disadvantaged children). The Awards may also lead onto other things: the medical student who travelled to Nepal may return there to complete his elective, and the student who went to Kenya wants to pursue a career in international development. “If the Sailbridge Awards inspire our students to take their intelligence and education and use them for good in the world, then they will undoubtedly have been worth it.”
Alexandra Watsham (MML 2012) travelled to Russia to volunteer at a camp for underprivileged children. “My role at the camp involved teaching English and German and organising cultural activities, including drama and music, for the children, many of whom had never met anyone from outside of Russia, much less travelled abroad. “This fantastic experience not only provided a tremendous boost to my language skills in preparation for my final oral exam in September, but has also given me a great deal to think about as I prepare for life beyond university. I am extremely grateful to the Sailbridge Awards for helping me to put my degree to such good use.”
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES FUND The Student Opportunities Fund exists to help our students take advantage of academic and extracurricular opportunities. As outlined elsewhere in the Report, the financial climate and present student support arrangements involve a very substantial repayment obligation; this can result in students, especially those from less wealthy families, feeling reluctant or unable to incur non-essential costs. Our belief is that all students, whatever their background, should be able to make the most of their time at Fitzwilliam, whether in relation to recreation, their wellbeing, or in pursuit of excellence. In 2015-2016, 247 awards were made from the Fund, with a total value of ÂŁ50,095. The use of the Fund is overseen by the Tutorial Committee, which ensures that it complements other funding sources where appropriate. The Student Opportunities Fund has been very generously supported by a large number of alumni, mostly through the annual telephone fundraising campaign. We are very grateful indeed for this kindness shown in opening doors for the present generation of students, significantly enhancing their experience in Cambridge and often enabling them to pursue transformational projects.
Awards made in 2015-2016 Undergraduate Travel Awards
Charitable Project Awards
Maintenance Grants and Rent Allowances
Accommodation costs for undergraduates while pursuing research projects
Graduate Research Awards
Foreign language courses and English language support
Sailbridge Special Project Awards
Assessments and mentoring support for students with disabilities
Grants for materials for students in specific subjects
Prizes and awards for art, drama, music and sport
Grants for attendance at a university-wide conference of African societies
STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES FUND AWARDS Aran Shaunak (Natural Sciences 2013) volunteered for Parkinson's UK for six weeks as part of their research communications team. “I produced a report for Parkinson’s UK on how successful the charity had been at implementing its new strategy. It was an excellent learning curve. It taught me to apply the scientific analysis skills I have learnt from my science degree to a new setting, and it was very useful in improving my ability to write about complex scientific topics in an accessible way. “The report was eventually published in two magazines, a research conference booklet and on the Parkinson’s UK website. It is a hugely valuable addition to my science writing portfolio, and the placement was very useful in informing my future career choices.”
Anna Kaye (Education with Music 2013) performed at the Edinburgh Fringe with the Fitz Sirens. “As Musical Director of the Fitz Sirens, it has been my pleasure to lead the group in one of its most successful years to date. The pinnacle of this was our tour to the Edinburgh Fringe with the Fitz Barbershop, presenting our show ‘AcaDemic: Cambridge A Cappella On Tour’. The show ran to a sell-out crowd and exceeded all our expectations in terms of popularity and reviews. “Whilst in Edinburgh the group’s performance skill and comfort on stage grew stronger and it was wonderful to see the two Fitz groups working together and forging new bonds. I am very grateful that my grant allowed me to help in the execution of what turned out to be a very special few days at one of the world’s foremost arts festivals.”
Annabel Cleak (Geography 2014) travelled to Meru, Kenya for four weeks to work for a charity and undertake research for her undergraduate dissertation. “I carried out my research while I was enrolled in a work placement with a British charity called, working in partnership with a local Kenyan charity, CIFORD. I visited women’s farming groups five times a week, interviewing them about their lives. This was in order to gain information about how generating an independent income through farming affects gender roles in the public and private space. “The award was invaluable. The data I collected, although difficult at times, proved to be really insightful, and I am now analysing it in detail for my dissertation. It was a privilege to get to know the women of the community, and the people within the charity I was working with.”
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
FUNDING GRADUATE STUDENTS There is no typical Fitz graduate student, but one thing unites us: a passion for expanding humanity’s knowledge in our subject area, says Millie Papworth, MCR President.
Talking to fellow graduates every day, I continue to be amazed not only by their expertise and passion for their specialism, but also their dedication and tenacity in pursuing their academic dreams. This often involves building a package of funding from across College and the University, a lengthy task, but one which shows how committed Fitzbilly students are.
Studying for a postgraduate degree requires single-minded devotion to one’s subject, but at times it is hard to focus. A recurring preoccupation of graduate students I talk to is how to fund, or continue funding, their studies in a world of rising fees and shrinking grants. Many students will already be in debt from undergraduate courses, to which might be added the costs of moving around the world and paying the higher rate for overseas fees. Unlike undergraduates, we haven't historically benefited from Government help to cover the cost of a postgraduate degree, although loans for students studying for a Master's degree have just been introduced. Sadly, as the European Union has been a major source of funding for university research projects involving graduate students, Brexit could mean fewer opportunities for funded places, not to mention worries over immigration. There is a high number of graduate students at Fitzwilliam – almost equal to the number of undergraduates. College studentships and bursaries remain the most effective way of attracting and retaining excellent graduate students from across the globe. Our ability to do so is testament to the generosity of alumni and the strength of College support. 22
the best students regardless of financial situation, and whose generosity enables us to create such a warm, diverse and exciting College.
In 2015-2016, Fitzwilliam had 360 MCR members, 45% of our total number of students.
On behalf of the whole graduate community, I would like to thank those alumni who support Fitz’s proud tradition of attracting
GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS ATTRACT TALENTED STUDENTS In 2015, Professor Sir Angus Deaton (Economics 1964) received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Angus was both an undergraduate and graduate student at Fitzwilliam, and is now an Honorary Fellow. We do not expect a Nobel, but we do nurture in all our graduates that potent alchemy of academic excellence and rigorous research, combined with multidisciplinary curiosity, that helps to turn the enquiring minds of today into the influential global citizens of tomorrow. Although financial circumstances continue to be a challenge to Fitzwilliam’s founding principal of fair access at graduate level, we remain committed to attracting the most talented students at every stage of their academic career. We would not be able to do this without the support of our alumni. Partial awards, such as the Charlton Studentships and Peter Wilson Estates Gazette Scholarships, enable us to invest in graduate students, which in turn encourages departments to also offer support, allowing the students to fully meet the cost of studying at Cambridge.
LEATHERSELLERS’ GRADUATE STUDENTSHIPS The Leathersellers’ Company have supported Fitzwilliam students since 1894, and 2017 marks thirty-five years of Leathersellers’ Graduate Studentships. Our Leathersellers’ graduates have gone on to senior academic posts all over the world.
new letters or layers of information within our DNA, which is part of a wider field called ‘epigenetics’. This will hopefully further our fundamental understanding of the genetic code and its relevance to disease.”
“My research looks at ways of monitoring
Robyn Hardisty (Chemistry 2013)
CCS is to reduce our emissions of carbon
“I feel incredibly honoured and fortunate to have been awarded the Leathersellers’ Graduate Studentship, which contributes to my PhD studies. Fitzwilliam is such an incredibly diverse and friendly place, and the unique and generous level of postgraduate financial support makes it stand out amongst the other Cambridge colleges. During my PhD, I have been looking at chemical methods to sequence
“I have been at Fitzwilliam for seven years now (undergraduate, Masters and now PhD), and feel very fortunate to have chosen such a welcoming and down-to-earth college. For the last two years of my PhD, Fitzwilliam awarded me the Leathersellers' Graduate Studentship. This funding has enabled me to attend some of the largest conferences in my field and network with academics I would not have otherwise met.
and modelling the flow of carbon dioxide that has been injected into underground storage reservoirs (also known as carbon capture and storage, or CCS). The aim of dioxide into the atmosphere released by burning fossil fuels by storing it in rocks deep underground. I have recently published a paper on an improved method to monitor the flow of the carbon dioxide once it has been pumped into the reservoir. These new results will increase our understanding of how carbon dioxide flows through rock, and allow us to improve our predictive flow models.” Laurence Cowton (Natural Sciences 2009)
In 2010 Fitzwilliam acquired 139 Huntingdon Road, which provides a dedicated 20-room graduate hostel only five minutes’ walk from the College. Head Gardener, Steve Kidger, had been keen to get to grips with the garden, so when John Latham (MML 1975) generously made a donation towards College gardens – to advance what he saw as their already impressive progress – his gift provided the perfect opportunity. As part of the garden upgrade, a social ‘pod’ was purchased to provide a new focal point and a spectacular outdoor space in which students can socialise whatever the weather. Graduate students now make up around half the student intake of the College, but space to house them on the main site is limited. Therefore, the College’s graduate hostels are vital, allowing graduates to get together to socialise and discuss their research. The garden at 139 Huntingdon Road now provides the perfect space in which to form friendships and share ideas. 23
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
2016 TELEPHONE CAMPAIGN The annual telephone fundraising campaign goes from strength to strength, with alumni donations in 2016 exceeding £200,000 for the first time.
Hundreds of generous alumni pledged to support Fitzwilliam's students in the April campaign through two important funds: the Student Opportunities and Teaching Funds. The final total raised in the campaign – £200,330 over the next three years – is providing bursaries to students to allow them to take up academic and extracurricular opportunities, and also helping support the costly but essential system of providing College supervisions. The campaign saw 13 student callers speak to more than 600 alumni over a two-week period, and also resulted in the students gaining valuable careers advice. Some conversations lasted well over an hour, and many stories were exchanged about how Fitzwilliam has changed over the years. Thank you to all who took the time to speak to the students. The total raised illustrates the collective difference that hundreds of alumni can make when coming together to support the College. Indeed, most donations were of £15 a month or less. Gifts of all levels are greatly appreciated, and show the pride in Fitzwilliam and ambition for the College’s future that’s shared by all our Members.
"I've been a caller twice, which says something about how engaging the campaign is. It was such fun to talk to alumni about their time at Fitz, both about their subject and the huge range of extra-curricular activities they were (and often still are) involved in. To get paid and support the College and my fellow students at the same time seemed like a no-brainer. “For students, the campaign is a great way of networking with experienced and interesting alumni. Everyone is happy to share their wealth of knowledge,
which definitely helped me to secure a graduate job. The training given by the campaign staff is fantastic and everyone is there to help you (including most of the alumni)." “I’d recommend that all members of Fitzwilliam, both past and present, get involved in the campaign. It’s a great way to help the College continue to provide a word-class education to all students." Josh Briegal (Physics 2012)
GIVING TO FITZWILLIAM There are many ways in which you can make a gift, a number of which have tax benefits for you and Fitzwilliam.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase the value of your donation by choosing to donate through Gift Aid. Gift Aid adds an extra 25% to your donation, at no extra cost to you. Higher rate taxpayers can also reclaim the difference on a gift between the Basic and Higher (40%) rate of tax. This can be done by contacting HMRC and asking them to amend your tax code, or through your Self Assessment tax return.
Gift Amount
Gift Aid
Cash Gift with Gift Aid, Basic Rate Taxpayer
Cash Gift with Gift Aid, Higher Rate Taxpayer
Cash Gift with Gift Aid, Additional Rate Taxpayer
Tax Reclaim
Final Cost to Donor
Benefit to Fitzwilliam
Example: A gift to Fitzwilliam of £1,000
Single and regular gifts You can make a single donation, or set up a regular monthly, quarterly or annual gift. This can be done online or by returning the enclosed giving form. Alternatively, you can contact the Development Office to donate over the phone by credit or debit card, or make a bank transfer. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Fitzwilliam College’.
Donating straight from your salary or pension
Gifts of listed shares, securities and real property Gifts of listed shares, securities and real property by UK tax payers have become one of the most tax-efficient ways of giving. They attract full relief from Capital Gains Tax and, in addition, allow you to claim Income Tax relief on the full value of the gift at the time the shares, securities or real property are transferred to the College – a double tax saving.
If your employer, company or personal pension provider runs a Payroll Giving scheme, you can simply tell them to make a donation to Fitzwilliam from your salary or pension before taking off any tax. For example, if you pay tax at the basic rate of 20% and make a monthly donation of £10, you save £2 tax (20% of £10), meaning the actual cost of the donation to you is £8. Contact your Human Resources department to set up Payroll Giving.
Donating via your Self Assessment tax return
Your company may also operate a giftmatching scheme. To find out if your company operates such a scheme and to obtain a copy of their matching gift form, please contact your Human Resources department.
Remembering Fitzwilliam in your Will costs you nothing today, but will make a lasting difference for generations of students and scholars to come. Leaving a legacy to Fitzwilliam can also have tax advantages for your estate. Once you
If you complete a Self Assessment tax return, you can donate to Fitzwilliam all or part of any tax repayment due to you, simply by entering the College’s details in the relevant section of the tax return form. Gifts made in this way are also eligible for Gift Aid.
Leaving a legacy
have informed the College of your planned legacy, you will be invited to join the 1869 Foundation. Please contact the Development Director if you would like to discuss making a bequest.
Giving from the USA If you live in the USA, it’s best to make your gift via Cambridge in America as you can then claim your donation against tax. You can donate online, or send your cheque, made payable to: ‘Cambridge in America’, to: Cambridge in America 1120 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor New York, NY 10036. Please ask that the Directors of Cambridge in America exercise their discretion and allocate your gift to support Fitzwilliam College.
THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS 1869 FELLOW BENEFACTORS (total donations £1m+) Fitzwilliam College is proud to bestow 1869 Fellow Benefactor status on any person who has shown exceptional munificence towards the College, and is so called by virtue of the date of Fitzwilliam’s original foundation. 1869 Fellow Benefactors may also become Companions of the Guild of Cambridge Benefactors. They are invited to all major College events and are members of the SCR and High Table. Peter Selman (1991)
Ken Olisa OBE (1971)
Xiaoyang Xie (2006)
FITZWILLIAM BENEFACTORS (total donations £100,000+) Fitzwilliam College celebrates the Commemoration of Benefactors at a Chapel Service and Dinner held annually in April, to which benefactors – in their distinctive gowns – are invited. An honours board in the Gatehouse recognises Fitzwilliam’s major supporters in chronological order (unless they wish to remain anonymous). Names in RED show new Members in the financial year to 31 July 2016.
University of Cambridge Clothworkers’ Foundation Worshipful Company of Leathersellers W F Reddaway British Petroleum Imperial Chemical Industries Central Electricity Generating Board Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths Dunlop Rubber Company Trinity College King’s College Ian Rawlins (1933)† Wolfson Foundation Nigel Stapleton (1965) Peter Wilson E D Davies (1928)† Tsuzuki Sogo Gakuen Dr Robert Schnurmann (1935)† Smith Kline Beecham Hubert Walker (1935)† St John’s College Philip Rest (1946)† The Revd Lester Brewster (1948)† John Stanley (1956) John Skillington (1926)† Professor Norman Pounds (1931)† Dinesh Dhamija (1971) Sally Benthall (née Ranger 1981) Julia Olisa Dr Josep-Maria Batista I Roca The Fitzwilliam Society Trust Dr Ray Kelly†
Ben Gunn (1970) Graham Nutter (1966) Chris Martin (1976) Goldman Sachs Lee Kuan Yew (1946)† Godfrey Kelly (1948) Dr Elizabeth Harris William Drummond (1950)† Mary Thatcher† Kenneth Wilson (1946)† Dr Shamil Chandaria (1984) Sir Peter Bazalgette (1973) Doug Webb (1979) Stanley Gold (1967) Vivian Povah (1951)† T W G Charlton (1975) Paul Forster (1983) Audrey Wilson Howard Davies (1949)† Roger Graham OBE (1958) Paul Cassidy (1981) Dr Babak Eftekhari (1990) Antony D Garner (1968)† Glyn N Jones (1986) Anonymous (1) Kenneth Snell (1948)† Robin Bell (1965) Simon Arora (1988) John Adams (1958) The Headley Trust Anonymous (1)
THE MASTER’S CIRCLE (total donations £20k+) The Master’s Circle recognises those who have made significant contributions to the College. Its members are invited to all the College’s major events and a special lunch, hosted by the Master, at the Reunion Weekend in September Dr Simon Barnes (1987) Ian Barrett (1954) Dr David Bowyer The Revd Anthony Brown (1953) Robert Burrow (1969) Jaime Carvajal Urquijo (1960) Jonathan Couchman (1976) Dr Simon Crosby Professor Alan Cuthbert † Professor Graham Davies Paul Day (1977) Ken Dearsley (1965) Paul Dixon (1984) Ron Fondiller (1974) Gabriel Fong (1989) Geoffrey Fox (1950) Dr Chris Gill (1965) Dermot Gleeson (1968) Roger Goddard (1971) Geoff Harrison (1955) Martin Hart (1984) Dr Tim Johnson (1965) Barry Landy John Latham (1975) Dr Alfred Lee (1952) Tony Ley (1956) David Lilley (1965) & Jennifer Lilley Houston P Lowry (1980) Herman Niederste-Hollenberg Sir Duncan Ouseley (1968) Jeremy Prescott (1967) Richard Reger (1985) Dr Iain Reid (1978) Gary Richards (1974) Paul Roberts (1982) The Revd Professor David Thompson Dr Richard Trethewey (1987) Louis Wong (1981) Anonymous (2) Anonymous (2)
† Deceased
THE 1869 FOUNDATION Alumni and friends who have informed us that they will be supporting the College with a legacy are invited to join the 1869 Foundation. Every year in May we hold a special lunch for members, followed by academic presentations from graduate students and a music scholars’ concert. Names in RED show new Members in the financial year to 31 July 2016.
The Fellowship M P D Baker-Smith D E Bowyer J F Cherry J R A Cleaver J M Coles A G Cross R G Edrich P Haggett B Landy R D Lethbridge W L McClelland I Reid (1978) D R Starkey (1964) D M Thompson G J Walker (1955) P M Ward Anonymous (1) 1946 R P F Saunders 1947 D F O Doyle 1948 K A Bystram J S Duncan 1949 B Askew A E Silvester 1950 K J Walker 1951 H M Burton J M Nelson H J Snelling Anonymous (1) 1953 A F P Brown S H J Gregory D Hailstone A J Morten A L M Shepherd A Warren Anonymous (1) 28
1954 I M Barrett B H Burgham B Chilver A F Page J N Pilling 1955 R W B Ball J N Barlow G Harrison M R J Lyons Anonymous (2) 1956 J W Arthern J D Chrisp R R Pascoe M H Reardon Anonymous (1) 1957 J D Bass P K Boden M G Briant 1958 J V Adams P Facer J F Gamlin G M R Graham T R Graves-Smith H E Wagstaffe 1959 E L Brooks M E Bruce C D V Gosling S D Image M R Judd 1960 D A Knowles C H Lee T J Vincent Anonymous (1) 1961 C C Cannon R N Marshall
J B Turner G E Wells 1962 O D Bennett W P M Day W E Grant R A Lee M McIntosh Reid T R Smith J K Ward Anonymous (2) 1963 P D Matthewman K C MacRae 1964 J Blackburn P E L Knowles G K Reid D J Rogers K Slater 1965 N Barton R G Bell A K Dawber C J Gill G Hawkes J W F Herring D J Howells C L Johnson J R Monahan I M Rickell 1966 P J Comley H F Mallinder T D Martin-Jenkins J J O Roebuck D H Humphreys 1967 R S Lyon J M Prescott D I Stewart Anonymous (2)
1968 J E Bradshaw P J K Hall 1969 A J B Oakes J M Walmsley 1971 J J Hartley B L Heselton K A Olisa D I Wurtzel Anonymous (2) 1972 K A Abbott M J Baker S N J Cross D Miles C B Price C R Swinburn Anonymous (1) 1973 P L Bazalgette A R Crafter P M Dawson C P Dunkerley G R Gollop D C Souden S T Walker 1974 A A D McKerrell G N Parkes R T Widdicombe 1975 S A Jackson J A Latham N M Rees Jones J Turnbull
1978 J I Beazley A K Charles S D Scott-Fawcett M Somerville N W Olney 1979 D N Ainsworth Z R L Fisher Anonymous (2) 1980 T Hancock H P Lowry P S Kashap 1981 S K Benthall I A Harrington 1982 A R Chadwick 1983 D A Owen J A Rawnsley 1984 M M Allen P R Dixon 1985 R M Reger I C Whittle 1987 M G O'Brien J Washington 1989 T J Aspray J Ward
1976 C G Martin
2000 L C Jones
1977 D M Williams C T Wood
2002 T C Wood
Friends L Burns A Day M Ellis-Walters E I Harris M F Lloyd S Morten H NiedersteHollenberg M Stewart L Swinburne A C Walker
LEAVING A LEGACY TO FITZWILLIAM Remembering Fitzwilliam in your Will costs you nothing today, but will make a lasting difference for generations of students and scholars to come. Legacies accounted for just under 5% of the amount donated to Fitzwilliam in 2015-2016, totalling more than £121,000.
BENEFITS OF JOINING THE 1869 FOUNDATION Once you have informed the College of your planned legacy, you will be invited to join the 1869 Foundation, a prestigious group which celebrates legators’ extraordinary commitment to Fitzwilliam. 1869 Foundation members benefit from a distinct set of privileges: • An invitation for you and a guest to the annual 1869 Foundation day in May, hosted by the Master. The event includes lunch, private lectures and a special concert. • You will be presented with a certificate and a distinctive pin designed to celebrate the commitment of our legators. The presentation is made the first time you attend the 1869 Foundation day. • Your name will be included in our annual list of donors, although we will, of course, respect the wishes of those who request anonymity. • The Development Director would be pleased to discuss naming opportunities to ensure that you are remembered in perpetuity. Named fellowships, scholarships, courts, staircases, concerts and feasts are among the possibilities that we can explore with you.
Bequests received in the year to 31 July 2016: Antony D Garner (1968) Kenneth R Snell (1948) Richard S Eldridge (1956) John B Moroney (1953) John Shakeshaft
£5,066 £100,000 £1,000 £10,176 £5,000
Buildings Refurbishment Programme Student Support General Purposes Chaplaincy Buildings Refurbishment Programme
ALL DONORS IN 2015-2016 The Master, Fellows, students and Campaign Council thank those who contributed so generously to the 150th Anniversary Campaign between 1 August 2015 and 31 July 2016. Donors are grouped under headings showing the number of years they have given to Fitzwilliam.
20 years or more of donations Brian Blake (1947) Tony Palmer (1949) Brian Chilver (1954) John Barraclough (1955) Geoff Harrison (1955) Ian Stead (1955) John Gamlin (1958) Hugh Wagstaffe (1958) Ed Brooks (1959) Colin Akester (1960) Edward Bacon (1960) Phil Barnard (1960) John Payling (1960) Martin Latham (1961) Michael Williamson (1961) Michael Lumley (1962) Derek Rogers (1963) Nigel Pearson (1964) Roger Blaney (1965) Paul Carr (1965) David Howells (1965) Dave Steventon (1965) Bob Bateman (1966) Peter Brunner (1966) Ken Bulteel (1966) Julian Litchfield (1966) Paul Rapley (1966) Michael Wilson (1966) Jeremy Prescott (1967) Henry Stone (1967) Paul Heffer (1968) Jim Thomson (1968) Charilaos Zavros (1968) Paul Fairweather (1970) Irving Oppenheim (1970) Anthony Inglese (1971) Bob Mole (1971) David Wurtzel (1971) Tom Smith (1973) John Goulandris (1974) Gary Richards (1974) Ian Rosser (1974) Jonathan Knight (1978) Iain Reid (1978) Richard Charrington (1981) Nigel Holcombe (1981) Richard Booth (1988) Vimal Shah (1988) Joanne Lawrence (1991) Simon Molyneux (1991) 30
Nigel Rix (1992) John Garrett John Koumoulides John Willis Leathersellers Company
15 years or more Michael Potter (1946) Brian Wood (1946) John Sertin (1947) Garth Lancaster (1951) Tony Brown (1953) Ralph Hill (1953) Frank Beavington (1954) Richard Gregory (1955) William Lanigan (1955) Jeremy Arthern (1956) Tony Ley (1956) John Stanley (1956) Graham Hogg (1957) John Adams (1958) Roger Graham (1958) Michael Simpson (1958) Dick Yorke (1959) David Foulds (1960) John Lansley (1961) Richard Meads (1963) James Bradnock (1965) Ken Dearsley (1965) Tim Johnson (1965) Pat Marshall (1965) Richard Brumby (1966) Graham Nutter (1966) Peter Phillips (1966) John Roberts (1966) Tony Stevenson (1966) Ken Wright (1966) Ray Mills (1967) Jonathan Price (1967) Chris Scarisbrick (1967) David Stewart (1967) John Venning (1967) Sir Duncan Ouseley (1968) Iain Clark (1969) Stephen Kingsnorth (1971) Geoff Gollop (1973) David Dew (1974) Simon Jackson (1975) John Latham (1975) Alaisdair Stewart (1976) John Lees (1977)
Richard Short (1977) Chris Wood (1977) Stephen Farris (1978) Guy Thorpe-Beeston (1978) Houston Lowry (1980) Paul Austin (1985) Geraint Jenkins (1985) Michael Eddleston (1987) Sophie Heywood (1989) Colin Haines (1991) Sue Fleming (1993) John Boxall (1994) Steve Smyth (1995) Alec Lazenby Anonymous Donor
10 years or more Clyde Cartwright (1946) Reg Saunders (1946) John Duncan (1948) Ian Mortimer (1948) Ken Walker (1950) James Nelson (1951) Paul James (1952) Alfred Lee (1952) Alan Warren (1953) Ian Barrett (1954) Charles Hallows (1954) Basil Hunt (1954) John Lewis (1954) Noel Pilling (1954) Lawrence Lockhart (1955) Tony Reynolds (1955) Michael Thompson (1955) David Chrisp (1956) John Delany (1956) Bob Hammond (1956) Geoff Robson (1956) David Bass (1957) Philip Boden (1957) Jonathan Bryant (1958) Edward Charles (1958) Phillip Crowson (1958) Geoff Powell (1958) Peter Bartram (1959) David Gosling (1959) John Rogers (1959) Bob Beale (1960) Edward Osmotherly (1960) Chris Bradnock (1961) Christopher Cannon (1961)
David Sigee (1961) Christopher Thompson (1961) Ben Allen (1962) Michael Day (1962) Robert Hamilton (1962) Colin Hughes (1962) Colin Morley (1962) Alex Fisher (1963) Tony Kirkman (1963) David Rottenberg (1963) Chris Bagnall (1964) Jeff Smith (1964) Robin Bell (1965) John Catto (1965) Ronald Clifton (1965) David Lilley (1965) David Meachin (1965) Bob Rotheram (1965) David Wright (1965) Chris Andrews (1966) Peter Comley (1966) Nigel Penny (1966) Howard Canning (1967) Steve Cardy (1967) Christopher Hughes (1967) Martin Butterworth (1968) Ian Grant (1968) David Mandle (1968) Colin Anderson (1969) Don Fleet (1969) Tim Reucroft (1969) Peter Howard (1970) Stephen Jones (1970) James Sleigh (1970) Tim Gray (1971) Chris Halliwell (1971) Martin Broadhurst (1972) Rob May (1972) Bob Barltrop (1973) Peter Bazalgette (1973) Ken Jacobs (1973) Rob Stansbury (1973) Edward Osicki (1974) Shane Beadle (1975) Mark Rees Jones (1975) Nigel Sheffield (1975) Paul Thomas (1975) Andy Burrows (1976) Dale Gibson (1976) Rick Baum (1977) David Chalk (1977) Simon Clephan (1977) Tony Fielding (1977)
We have made every effort to ensure accuracy and completeness but we apologise for any errors that may be contained in this list. Donations received after 31 July 2016 will appear in the 2018 Report. † Deceased
Nick Francis (1977) Andrew Nainby (1977) Simon Trevor (1977) Andrew Granger (1978) James Howell (1978) Dan George (1979) Valerie Shoukry (1979) Doug Webb (1979) Michael Bach (1980) Chris Thomas (1980) John Thorpe (1980) Carl Pierce (1983) Gus Tibazarwa (1985) Andrew Singer (1986) Julian Washington (1987) Craig Woodgate (1987) Michael Kezirian (1988) Harvey Maycock (1989) Sue Roxby (1989) Stephen Borrill (1990) Colin Read (1990) Kate Maurici (1991) Charlanne Ward (1991) Beth Callen (1992) Kate Murray (1992) Penny Wilson (1994) Sally Wheeldon (1995) Daniel Auger (1996) Philip Grant (1996) Glen Cronin (1997) Lorna Dodson (1997) James Rider (1997) Iona Hine (1998) Peter Leonard (1998) Katie Dowbiggin (2001) Jo Aldridge John Beer Larry Poos Cliff Roberton Eugene Roop Anonymous Donors
Peter Bates (1959) Roger Frost (1959) Roy Wood (1960) Mike Bucher (1961) Robert Perkins (1961) Stephen Cheshire (1962) Glen Norcliffe (1962) John Braithwaite (1963) Michael Turney (1964) Tom Moffatt (1965) Stephen Andrews (1967) Iain Macbriar (1968) Ian Smith (1968) Tony Knox (1969) Tim Straker (1969) Kevin Bichard (1970) Jeremy Thompson (1970) Will Adams (1971) Michael Blogg (1971) Brian Smith (1971) Paul Richards (1973) Michael Nix (1974) David Barnett (1976) David Dyer (1977) Andrew Reid (1977) Larry Bush (1978) David Hall (1978) Sally Benthall (1981) Mark Steed (1984) Jonathan Hughes (1988) Heidi Whitelock (1988) Mike Hilton (1989) Sam Marshall (1989) Roz Saunders (1992) Matt Rogan (1993) Claire Blakeway (1994) Caroline Marriage (1994) Ruth Reed (1996) Kathleen Brittain Authors' Licensing & Collecting Society Ltd
9 years
8 years
Ian Bucklow (1948) Godfrey Kelly (1948) Alan Morten (1953) John Davies (1954) James Grave (1955) Alastair Everitt (1956) Raymond Brown (1957) John Ainger (1959)
David Mills (1938) Martin Brunt (1949) Harry Goold (1952) Alan Shellcross (1954) Roger Ball (1955) Peter Golder (1955) Michael Greenough (1955) Clive Willis (1957)
Bill Brown (1958) Ian Cox (1958) Duncan Hamilton (1958) Glyn Matthews (1958) Michael Thomsett (1958) Peter Battye (1959) Randle Theobald (1959) Paul Ramage (1960) John Ennals (1961) Douglas Howe (1962) Barry Wilson (1962) Tony Barker (1963) Peter Catton (1963) Graham Jones (1963) Bob Masding (1963) Peter Matthewman (1963) Howard Sutcliffe (1963) Peter Knowles (1964) Peter Till (1964) John Hidle (1965) Dick Lidwell (1965) Eric Meek (1965) Graham Read (1965) Stephen Roberts (1965) John Combie (1966) Michael Le Flufy (1966) Alastair Adams (1967) Richard Lyon (1967) Andrew Neil (1967) Ian Quickfall (1968) Ian Torkington (1968) David Acott (1969) Rob Greaves (1969) Colin Reese (1969) Graham Hollis (1970) John Wheals (1970) Ian Hollows (1971) Barry Shorthouse (1971) Mike Thomas (1971) Pat Cornell (1972) Andrew Crafter (1973) David Souden (1973) John Taylor (1973) Larry Elliott (1974) David Hodgson (1974) Alasdair McKerrell (1974) Mike Murray (1974) Nigel Atkinson (1975) Tom Charlton (1975) Bryan Deane (1975) Jerry Townhill (1975) Gerry Tucker (1975) Dave Whitaker (1975)
Geoff Harvey (1977) Doug Lawry (1977) Clive Thompson (1977) David Bonham (1978) Shaun Hexter (1978) James Oliver (1978) Rod Stewart (1978) Alastair Ferguson (1979) Martin Outram (1979) Martin Breddy (1981) Chris Roberts (1981) Helen Bettinson (1982) Martin Dinkele (1982) Vanessa Baron (1983) Jennifer Greaves (1983) Richard Allsop (1987) Jonathan Hustler (1987) Alan Coates (1988) Reg Quirk (1990) Walton Denton (1995) Gareth Mawdsley (1998) Rob Perrons (2001) Eleanor Hughes (2002) Mei Qin (2002) Sir John Chapple Anonymous Donor
7 years David Williamson (1949) Allan Shepherd (1953) Anthony Hassan (1954) Barry Gent (1960) David Knowles (1960) Michael Pyke (1960) David Latchford (1961) Bob Douthwaite (1963) Clive Brown (1964) Rodney Buckton (1964) Brian Holroyd (1964) Robert Simpson (1965) John Davies (1966) David Humphrey (1966) Richard Humphry (1967) Charles Kellett (1967) Paul Cockle (1968) Martin Hemming (1968) Jonathan Hooker (1968) Andrew Beckett (1970) Roger Jackson (1970) Paul Divall (1971) Geoff Hale (1971) 31
David Sharrocks (1972) Matthew Searle (1973) David Thompson (1973) Nigel Hall (1974) David Stone (1974) Paul Banks (1975) John Bleasby (1975) Stephen Smith (1975) Matthew Green (1976) Tim Ladbrooke (1976) Martin Passmore (1976) Nick Tittle (1976) Michael Page (1977) Jonathan Pearce (1977) Andy Procter (1977) Charles Clark (1978) Andrew Cope (1978) Stephen Head (1978) Andrew McGahey (1978) Dean Armstrong (1979) Julian Lloyd (1980) Amanda Alexander (1981) Paul Cassidy (1981) Jonathan Renfrew-Knight (1981) Bruce Braithwaite (1982) Selwyn Fernandes (1982) Quentin Holt (1982) Steve Clayton (1983) Andy Graham (1983) Ian Paczek (1983) Janet Busby (1984) Richard Hibbs (1984) Danny Cullinane (1985) Jim Wimhurst (1986) Tim Slater (1987) Euan Stuart (1988) Jason Ward (1989) Babak Eftekhari (1990) Dominique Sherry (1991) Ian Duffy (1994) Carl Meewezen (1994) Paul Speedy (1994) Ted Westervelt (1996) Toby Fogg (1997) Alanna Fraser (1997) Ben Cuthbertson (1999) Eddie Stride (1999) Siân Whitaker (2002) Tsuzuki Sogo Gakuen Anonymous Donors
6 years John Saveson (1951) Harold Singer (1953) Lee Suan Yew (1954) Colin Boden (1956) David Cooper (1957) Marcus Juddn (1959) Colin Garley (1960) Geoff Wilson (1960) John Henderson (1962)
Jeremy Nichols (1962) Jeremy Ward (1962) Roger Angold (1964) Nigel Braithwaite (1964) Neil Chisman (1965) Graham Drake (1965) Bill Weston (1965) Rod Keech (1966) John Sudbery (1966) Peter Tavner (1966) Richard Winterton (1966) Charles Bennion (1968) Tom Hiney (1968) Melvyn Walmsley (1969) Stuart Bostock (1971) Ed Davies (1971) Mike Francis (1971) Robbie Burns (1972) Tim Parkes (1972) Edward Benson (1973) Henry Croft-Baker (1973) Crispin Salimbeni (1975) Edward Butler (1976) Frank Chacko (1976) Christopher Copeland (1976) Mike Wedgewood (1976) Paul Blackborow (1977) Adrian Gault (1977) Tim O'Dell (1978) Geoff Ballinger (1979) Mary Alexander (1981) Martin Conduit (1981) Ian Palotai (1981) Colin Mendoza (1983) Julian Morley (1983) Jamie Black (1984) Robert Crompton (1984) Jonathan Kell (1984) Ben Ward (1985) Richard Thomas (1986) James Gell (1988) Rosemary Hickman (1988) Karenza Thomas (1988) Helen Wood (1988) Mike Hutchison (1990) Graeme McTait (1990) Andy Sederman (1990) Deborah Syme (1990) Mark Taylor (1990) Ralph Wickenden (1990) Andrew Grout (1991) Pete Matthews (1991) Shamma Musthapha (1991) Guy Brett (1992) Phil Haigh (1992) Zoë Neill (1993) Bill Yost (1993) Caireen Hargreaves (1994) Gareth Hopkin (1994) Rebecca Mitchell (1994) Kate Wilson (1994) Channa Jayasena (1995) Phil Read (1995)
Meline Danielewicz (1996) Robert Hague (1996) Matt Inniss (1997) Steve Maidment (1997) Richard Rawstron (1998) Sarah Finnegan (1999) Dan Hurst (1999) William Roberts (1999) Chris Salt (1999) Myles Treharne (2000) Richard Harker (2002)
5 years John Francis (1952) Frank Hall (1953) Keith Marshall (1955) Norman Johnsen (1957) Graham Jones (1959) John Gough (1960) Mike Buckley (1961) Andrew Maddocks (1961) Keith Williams (1961) Sarwar Lateef (1962) Tony Gould (1963) Harvey Orrock (1965) Bernard Sharratt (1965) Tim Bale (1966) Chris Tod (1966) Neil Jenner (1967) Stephen Rogers (1967) Paul Tomkins (1967) John Bradshaw (1968) Philip Mason (1968) William Rankin (1968) Roger Clarke (1969) Richard Firth (1969) Peter Middleton (1969) Charles Britton (1970) Richard Acton (1971) James Besley (1971) Jeffrey Chambers (1971) Tim Dickson (1972) Colin Fish (1972) David Miles (1972) Michael Hamment (1973) Robert Howarth (1973) Mark Leaning (1973) Timothy Mercer (1973) Ron Fondiller (1974) Richard Morris (1974) Ian Renwick (1974) John Newman (1975) Maris Pulkstenis (1975) Brian Worden Hodge (1975) Ben Booth (1976) Mark Blagrove (1979) Karen Cheatley (1979) Andy Evason (1980) Iain Brown (1981) Richard Clayton (1981) Mary Hammond (1981)
Mark Hardie (1981) Ben Lucas (1981) Irene Pearman (1982) Dave Edwards (1983) Jo Giddins (1983) Sarah Meyrick (1983) George Peplinski (1983) Michaela Swales (1983) John Driscoll (1984) Graeme Purdy (1984) Sue Rayner Jacobs (1984) Cathy Garland (1985) Andy Woosey (1985) Colin Pritchard (1986) Paul Barber (1987) Martin Leatherbarrow (1987) Simon Collett (1988) Mark Jones (1988) Andrew Gossage (1989) Justin Roe (1990) David Harrington-Lynn (1991) Dan Lott (1991) Eng Kiat Peh (1991) Mark Baker (1992) Graham Jones (1993) Eleanor Chambers (1994) Pippa Archer (1996) Rob Adamson (1997) Calum McFarlane (1997) Alethea Tang (1997) Dominic Nancekievill (1998) Dan Lehner (1999) Leo Peskett (1999) Emily Crosby (2000) Lila Dobbyn (2000) Aidyn Kussainov (2000) Richard Booth (2001) Jason Breslaw (2001) Richard Coles (2001) David Da Rosa (2001) Faye Jones (2001) Stuart Mansfield (2001) James Crawford (2002) Jim Higginson (2002) Faizal Mangera (2002) Tracy Chen (2004) Ian Redfearn (2004) Chuck Stanton (2004) Nick Wood-Roe (2007) Anonymous Donor
4 years Hock Heng Heah (1954) David Stuart (1955) Charles Markus (1960) David Matthiae (1960) Mike Snelling (1960) Colin Tucker (1960) Max Keyzar (1961) Ian Chadderton (1963) John Hughes (1963)
Christopher Ivory (1963) Colin McIntyre (1963) Alan Drake (1964) John Fletcher (1964) Derek Wilson (1964) Patrick Salt (1965) Stephen Studd (1966) Martin Winbolt-Lewis (1966) David Crosby (1967) Andrew Hope (1967) David McKenzie (1967) Timothy Rayner (1967) Roger Smith (1967) Colin Whittle (1967) Nick Bainbridge (1968) Stephen Elvidge (1968) Peter Hewlett (1968) John Phillips (1968) Peter Williams (1968) David Bendell (1969) Tony Lawson (1969) George Salmon (1969) Christopher Frost (1970) Barry Moxley (1970) Robin Dean (1971) Keith Emerson (1971) Preston Hannibal (1971) David Boldy (1972) Leo Ling (1972) Ed Sturmheit (1972) Chris Batterham (1973) Andrew Buckoke (1973) Robin Mann (1973) John Orr (1973) Malcolm Taylor (1973) Michael Waterson (1973) Steve Tapping (1974) Robin Brooks (1975) David Callender (1975) Paul Duesbury (1975) John Wombwell (1975) Duncan Ross (1976) Jim Collins (1977) Malcolm Hollifield (1977) Martin Holmes (1977) Andy Makin (1978) Mark Pallen (1978) Christopher Rowland (1978) Duncan Allen (1979) Bridget Biddell (1979) Liz Makin (1979) Michael Tucker (1979) Terry Chan (1981) Jo Deasey (1981) Richard Fitzpatrick (1981) Philip Winterbottom (1981) Caroline McDonald (1982) Paul Sansome (1982) Paul Wallace (1982) Eric Fifer (1983) Fiona Nickerson (1983) Sally Helm (1984) Gill Plain (1984)
Nigel Williams (1984) Carole Wright (1984) Anne Gibson (1985) Richard Reger (1985) Ali Allsop (1987) Iain Anderson (1987) Simon Keefe (1987) Tomi Owens (1987) Nick Pennell (1987) Rowan Waller (1987) Loona Hazarika (1988) Tom Anderson (1990) Sarah Moores (1990) Martin Pool (1990) James Tong (1990) Jim Wright (1990) Phil Buckley (1992) Joe Moffatt (1992) Rob Powell (1992) Philip Smith (1992) James Stamp (1992) Simon Gregor (1993) Rahul Moodgal (1993) Swag Ganguly (1994) Nick Reed (1994) Jaume Vilar Hall (1994) Victoria Beale (1995) Allan Hogwood (1996) Iain Flockhart (1997) Dean Swallow (1997) Kasia Averall (1998) Ryan Dollard (1999) Amit Ghosh (1999) Nicos Savva (1999) Steve Farndon (2001) Bunmi Abe (2002) Kelvin Donald (2003) Gemma Donald (2003) Michael Fordham (2003) Priscilla Mathewson (2003) Ed Phillips (2003) Chris Pitchford (2003) Mark Collins (2004) Catherine Morrison (2004) Tom Tharayil (2004) Kiran Singh (2005) Michael Wharton (2005) Michal Koblas (2006) Eric Kwan (2008) Tim Parish (2008) Anonymous Donors
3 years John Tobin (1954) Tony Extance (1956) Antony Johns (1956) Michael Bracken (1957) Des Evans (1959) Brian Matthews (1959) Roger Phillips (1959) Clive Wilkinson (1959)
Tony Blake (1960) Michael Brocklebank (1960) Tony Plumridge (1960) Tim Walton (1960) David Willatts (1961) John Davies (1962) Allan Dickie (1963) Michael Herbert (1963) Barry Keane (1963) David Penn (1963) Tony Saunders (1963) Peter Steinthal (1963) Keith Walton (1963) David Holmes (1964) Jeremy Streeten (1964) John McAllister (1965) Nigel Stapleton (1965) Keith Williams (1965) Allan Baird (1966) Roger Davies (1966) John Hargreaves (1966) Ed Martin (1966) Simon Pettit (1966) Nicholas Whines (1966) Ian Yates (1966) Bob Barton (1967) Jon Prichard (1968) Ian Jones (1969) Nigel Porter (1969) Stephen Reid (1969) Mike Cobb (1970) Stephen Cutler (1970) David Ackland (1971) Richard Baker (1971) Robert Wood (1971) Paul Blackburn (1972) Charles Brown (1972) Richard Slater (1972) Ian Hughes (1973) Martin Lewis (1973) Elwood Mather (1974) Simon Hall (1975) George Plint (1975) Alan Creech (1976) Sandy Crole (1976) Paul McCarroll (1976) Mike Smith (1976) Mark Churchlow (1977) David Griffiths (1978) Malcolm Hull (1978) Bruce Kutter (1978) Steve Larcombe (1978) Caroline Connor (1979) Adrian Heafford (1979) Liz Woods (1979) John Birch (1980) Louis Wong (1981) Kwok Yau (1982) Nick Breton (1983) Alex Kay (1984) Elizabeth Coleman (1986) Andrew Grigg (1986) Glyn Jones (1986)
Lucy Nott (1986) Michael Wray (1986) Ian Tattum (1987) Pam Watts (1987) Pete Whitbread-Abrutat (1987) Josephine Farthing (1988) Robin Morgan (1988) Gabriel Fong (1989) Bruce Hurrell (1989) Fraser MacMillen (1989) Emma Woolfenden (1989) Helene Hewitt (1990) Chaanah Patton (1990) James Shakespeare (1990) Graham Sparrow (1990) Rob Clemmitt (1991) Noel Purdy (1991) Jason Bray (1992) Pins Brown (1992) Dominic Spiri (1992) James Miller (1993) Laura Milton (1994) Caroline Stearman (1996) Julia Goldsworthy (1997) Ben Hayes (1997) Emma Bennett (1998) Inderpal Gujral (1998) Nic Le Breuilly (1998) Neil Rickards (1998) Anna Welchew (1998) Adam Dickison (1999) Liz Elliott (1999) Andrew Garmory (2000) Andrew Martin (2000) Matt Neave (2000) Ed Nissen (2000) Matthew Amos (2001) Vicky Coles (2001) Michael Hallsworth (2001) Ellen Hallsworth (2001) Claire Harbron (2001) Elizabeth Keane (2001) Chris North (2001) Lucy Pallett (2001) Emily Blake (2002) Keith Brown (2002) Andy Peace (2002) David Knight (2003) Marc Kofler (2003) Saad Mian (2003) Lizzie Radford (2003) Angus Abbot (2004) Rob McDonald (2004) Catherine Overed-Sayer (2004) Chris Arnot (2005) Brett Jarvis (2005) Kai Wang (2005) Alex West (2005) Will Wall (2006) Liam Conlon (2007) Julie Kendall Clothworkers' Foundation Trinity College Anonymous Donors 35
2 years Donald Kimber (1953) Neil Anderton (1954) Peter French (1955) Alan Starling (1955) Gordon Wynne (1959) Tony Dale (1963) Richard Green (1963) Glyn Davies (1964) Ron Tulley (1964) Bill Hall (1965) Chris Aylwin (1966) David Birtwhistle (1966) David Francis (1966) Michael Kee (1966) Brian Smith (1966) Derek Stansfield (1966) Robert Winfield (1966) Jonathan Long (1967) Geoffrey May (1967) Jim Bachman (1968) Nigel Davis (1969) Martin Dyke (1969) Alan Davidson (1970) Andrew Graham-Stewart (1970) Nigel Jones (1970) Douglas Stevens (1970) Michael Matthews (1971) Michael Dean (1972) Simon Lawry-White (1973) John Hare (1974) John Seawright (1974) Stephen Yu (1974) Simon Farrow (1975) Andrew Goulden (1975) Thomas Shanahan (1975) Sean White (1975) Tom Young (1975) Chris Radford (1976) Derek Barretto (1977) Peter Cakebread (1977) Mark Davies (1977) Paul Day (1977) Dave Grimshaw (1977) Danny Levin (1978) Mike Pelton (1978) Jane Jowitt (1979) Prabhu Kashap (1980) Andrew Logan (1980) Nick Bennett (1981) Sarah Dallin (1982) Swati Barve (1984) Lorraine Hart (1984) William Bremner (1985) John Finch (1985) Tim Stagg (1985) Jane Coates (1986) Gillian Fyfe (1986) Simon Csoka (1987) Simon Arora (1988) Caroline Baker (1988) Grace Williams (1988)
Joy Cousans (1989) Richard Mackay (1989) Paul Dyson (1990) Melanie Ord (1990) Richard Sparham (1990) Susanna Glaser (1991) Rich Jefferson (1991) Jonathan Cartmell (1992) Anna Jeziorska-Chapman (1992) Eleanor Rayner (1992) Emily Tanner (1992) Lynsey Metcalfe (1993) Nicky Peters (1993) Bettina Becker (1994) Neal Hansen (1994) Melissa Heightman (1994) Katharine Rabson Stark (1994) Ben Lewis (1995) Naomi Dobraszczyc (1996) Jason Lai (1996) Jon Maxmin (1996) Mark Niblock (1996) Daniel Borthwick (1997) Raghu Das (1997) Claire Ng (1998) Joanne Sefton (1998) Dominic Taylor (1998) Calin Trenkov-Wermuth(1998) Joel Dowling (1999) Susannah Roberts (1999) David Rodrigues (2000) Jessica Mercer (2002) Jane Clarkson (2003) Mutlu Dogruel (2003) Barbara Fairburn (2003) Jen Henderson (2003) Tessa Lennartz-Walker (2004) Andrew Alderwick (2005) Adam Boulter (2005) Greg Chadwick (2005) Ben Hamilton (2005) Sang Yoon Cha (2006) Matt Alchini (2007) Ajlaan Bridle (2007) Rosie Cook (2007) Alex Jenkin (2007) Simeon Kesler (2007) Yun Lin (2007) Simon Parker (2007) Mike Shiel (2007) Callum Abbot (2008) Vincent Bennici (2008) Marco Chan (2008) Emma Dyer (2008) Salwa Elhalawani (2008) Charlotte Parker (2008) Emily Sexton (2008) Ian Trzcinski (2008) Shuo Zhang (2008) William Tarvainen (2009) Kenneth Kendall Anonymous Donors
1 year Arvind Parikh (1946) Keith Slater (1964) Michael Gimber (1965) Ray Godwin (1965) John Reddaway (1965) Roger Perkins (1968) Mike Watson (1969) John Holman (1970) John Rankin (1971) Paul Frost (1972) Larry Yarbrough (1972) Robert Gedarovich (1973) Lamontte Luker (1973) Paul Staten (1973) Richard Thorne (1974) Richard Ryley (1976) David Hughes (1977) William Ring (1977) John Bauer (1978) Brian McKinney (1981) Stephen Bradnock (1982) Alison Hunt (1982) Gary Dukes (1984) Jill Marshall (1984) Martin Roper (1984) Phil Behenna (1985) Ian Griffiths (1985) Ian Maddaford (1985) Angela Brazier (1986) Brett Burkhart (1986) Ruth Hughes (1986) Nick Brown (1987) Matthias Buck (1987) Peter Hills (1987) Ceri Jones (1988) Jatt Khaira (1988) Clare Bolton (1989) Charles Patrick (1989) Pauline Barnett(1990) Julian Griffin (1990) Mark Crankshaw (1992) Rachel Grout (1992) David Wang (1992) Maria Garcia (1993) James Henderson (1993) Robert Baranowski (1994) Trevor McTait (1994) Matthew Clark (1995) Steve Clarke (1995) David Gartside (1995) Calum Murray (1995) Ben Chalmers (1996) Emma Swinnerton (1996) Kathleen Das (1997) Jon Guinness (1997) Ed McBride (1997) Marcie Vallonchini (1998) Adele Dray (1999) Edward Keevil (1999) Anna Hill (2000) Ranjan Vasudevan (2000)
Ana Chinyaeva (2001) Jon Hardy (2001) Deepti Bisht (2002) Lucy Taylor (2002) Evan Garner (2003) Tara Moore (2003) Rachel Oldham (2003) Jing Wu (2003) Sam Brown (2004) Roger Cai (2004) Aleem Iqbal (2004) Alex Lambeth (2004) Jonathan Senior (2004) Charlie Butler (2005) Jossie Clayton (2005) Alex Hedges (2005) Hugo Lomax (2005) Josh Randell (2005) Weerada Sucharitkul (2005) Lucy Bryant (2006) Ashley Cukier (2006) Zofia Karasinska-Stanley (2006) Nadia Lees (2006) Felix Newton (2006) James Sharpe (2006) Xiaoyang Xie (2006) Corin Jeffcock (2007) James Metcalfe (2007) Melodie Doumy (2008) Xiang Jiang (2008) Robin Lees (2008) Felix KrĂźger (2009) John Mueller (2009) Lanre Fatimilehin (2012) Diego Feinmann (2012) Nehel Khanani (2012) Sze Chng (2014) Savannah Wisdom Headley Trust Anonymous Donors
The 150th Anniversary Campaign CAMPAIGN COUNCIL
The College is grateful to members of the Campaign Council for their advice to the Master and Development Director on fundraising initiatives.
The Rt Hon Lord Lamont of Lerwick PC (English & Economics 1961, Chair) Sir Peter Bazalgette Sally Benthall Dr Shamil Chandaria Dinesh Dhamija Paul Forster Roger Graham OBE Helena Morrissey CBE Ken Olisa OBE Christian Purslow ZoĂŤ Shaw
(Law 1973) (Geography 1981) (NatSci &Economics 1984) (Oriental Studies & Law 1971) (Geography 1983) (Engineering 1958) (Philosophy 1984) (NatSci, SPS & Engineering 1971) (MML 1983) (English 1979)
Ex Officio 2015-2016 Nicola Padfield Dr Helen Bettinson
(Master) (History 1982, Development Director & Secretary to the Council)
NORTH AMERICA CAMPAIGN COUNCIL David Lilley (Chair) Tony Knox Tony Ley Houston P Lowry David Meachin
(Natural Sciences 1965) (History 1969) (Engineering 1956) (Law 1980) (Industrial Management & Economics 1965)
Design: Photo credits: Sir Cam, Alison Carter, Dr John Cleaver, Alan Davidson, Perry Hastings, Anna Thomas, JET Photographic
The 150th Anniversary Campaign
To raise £20 million by 2019 • to ensure that every student admitted can take up their place regardless of their financial means • to provide the best possible resources for study, teaching, learning and research • to expand and enrich the collegiate experience
If you would like further information about Fitzwilliam’s 150th Anniversary Campaign please contact: Dr Nicola Jones Development Director Fitzwilliam College Cambridge CB3 0DG +44(0)1223 332015 Registered Charity No 1137496