Mikhaiel final colortheory

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Color Theory M














Color + Myself& Culture Color +


3 12

C o l o r + Designer 1 7 C o l o r + Film


C o l o r + Balance


C o l o r + Healthcare 3 4 C o l o r + Rhythm


C o l o r + Retail


C o l o r + Scale


C o l o r + Render


C o l o r + Hospitality 5 9

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11


Color + Myself & Culture



H E L L O ! My name is Marina Mikahiel. I am an Egyptian American, born and raised in Dubai, immigrant to the US 5 years ago! I am in in the Architectural, 5 year master’s program, and I can not imagine myself doing anything different than design. I enjoy the beginning of the project, from a simple concept to whole actual project. And then comes color and material to make it perfect. I am lucky to have been exposed to different cultures, because it shows in my work and design, and integrated the love of travel and seeing the world in me. Hopefully, I can make travel a natural routine in my life, not just a hobby. Seeing the different cultures, their architecture and history opens up the mind to many possibilities. Having such a knowledge not just opens up our minds to the possibilies but also our hearts to acceptance.


B a c k g ro u n d


I am orginally from Egypt, I was born and raised in Dubai until I turned 17 and then my family and I immigrated to the US.

Who my family is

My closest family is Mom, Dad,

Sister and a Bother. Extended Family in the US, I have a few cousins and their families, 1 uncle, and a couple of second cousins. Extended Family in Egypt, I have a huge family I don’t think I can mention them all here! But I am thankful for each and everyone of them!


I am Fluent in Arabic and English.

When did I become focused on design

Since I can remember. I have been always interested in the furniture at our house and the colors of the walls, changing it up, always asking my parents for a chance to redesign our place! Growing up in Duabi, I have been exposed to so many city redevelopment and new buildings built, it felt natural for me to choose Architecture.

What is important to me

Family and friends. I can not think of snything I can cherich more in my life.



There’s a big difference between simply being a tourist and being a true world traveler,� notes travel writer Michael Kasum. I travel because we share this world with so many other different cultures, and so we owe to them and they owe it to us to know them and experience those different cultures. The more you experience the more your mind opens up and the better you become at accepting changes and different people in your own community. Because evenually you realise we are not so different. Traveling helps me discover new things about myself. It’s always an adventure, a challenge and a way to meet new friends!



Culture E G Y P T


Food is a big part of my culture. We use a lot of spices, and ingrediants, so when you are at a table with Egyptian food on it, it is a happy and colorful place! We appreciate family time, and every holiday or vacation is an excuse to come together, cook, and enjoy our time. We made sure to carry the tradition even after moving to the US. Thanks giving, Christmas, and Easter are the times we always ddedicate to family.. and great homemade food!



Red is the color of life. In ancient drawings men were painted in red to represent their vitality.

Gold represents wealth and industructability.

White is the color representing purity, in ancient Egypt white clotheds were worn in rituals.

Blue is associated with creation, rebirth and fertility, as it is the same color of the Nile.

Black is associated with ressurection, and agriculture, because dark ground next to the banks of the nile was meant healthy ground for agriculture. 10


Every culture has a range of colors that symbolizes its history and accompploshmits. So color is a language that can tell a story, or a glimpse of a background of people around you, inclusing yourself.


Color + Theory



Color Theory C O L O R Color

is the intangible, powerful sensation that has the baility to enhance our physical environemnt, influence our personal experience of space, and provide a greater sense of health and well being.

Color Theory is the study and understanding of the relationships among colors.


Color in 3D

HUE is the set of pure “color� within a color space. It defines pure colors in terms of "green", "red" or "magenta". Value It refers to lightness or darkness of a color, indicating the amount of light reflected.

Chroma refers to the intensity and saturation of color. It is color at its purest state, without addition of black, white or grey.



Color + Designer



“I have studied Mies, excavated Mies, reassembled Mies. I have even cleaned Mies. Because I do not revere Mies, I’m at odds with his admirers.” Rem Koolhaus



Rem Koolhaus was born on Nov 17, 1944 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Koolhaas eventually took up journalism as a career, writing for the Haagse Post. Koolhaas realized that what he truly wanted to do was build. That particular career option had always been lurking in the back of his mind. So, Koolhaas packed his bags and headed for London, where he studied at the Architecture Association School. Because of his innovative ideas Koolhaas was given a Harkness Fellowship in 1972, which allowed him to study at the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in New York City. In 1975, Koolhaas, Vriesendorp, and two friends, Elia and Zoe Zenghelis, formed their own design company called the Office for Modern Architecture. Known as OMA, which happens to mean "grandmother" in Dutch, the company was originally based in London, but eventually moved to Rotterdam in the West Netherlands. 18

Designer & Building The McCormick Tribune Campus Center

The McCormick Tribune Campus Center seeks to revitalize inherent urbanism masterplan designed by Mies van der Rohe in 1940 for the Illinois Institute of Technology, neglected a long time ago. Rem’s team was deciding on the best way to develop a building that can accommodate as many students as possible, with the least amount of incoporated materials, adapting and molding itself to master Mies Van der Rohe, former Head of Department plan, which ruled in his unique style “less is more”. Rem Koolhaus captured the most frequent paths of the students to several places and then applied those paths into the center of the project. OMA, then decided to develop the one condensed story plane to reflect an urbanised evironment. Koolhaas’s work is an active student center full of the scruffy hubbub of daily academic life. There are bustling food courts, a newspaper shop, lounge areas, a “hanging” garden, conference centers, computer stations, a bookstore, and an auditorium.


Design Part of a successful design process is the choice of color to enhance the program of your project and bring out an environment that speaks for the space. Color and psychology relate to each other because as humans our minds respond to our environment, including the color oon the walls. So choosing the right color schemes can control human behavior. Colors can make you want to stay in a certain sace or leave, it can promote a better healing process, and also infuse energy or calmness. Because Rem Koolhaus wanted an energetic and busy program that reflects the environment of the always developing and molding of his project, he was careful with the colors that defined each space. Rem Koolhaus used :



Orange is typically correlated with excitement, enthusiasm and warmth. It’s an energetic color that tend to draws attention, which is why it’s often used on traffic signs. Citrus fruits and the refreshing sensation of beauty are also commonly linked with the color orange. In the hallways, offices and activity rooms, Orange is used.

R E D The color red is often associated with evoking strong or passionate emotions. Love, comfort, confidence, warmth, excitement and passion are some of the more positive emotions connected to this color. A lower level computer room, with a 93-foot-long lighted shelf, is painted a bright red.


Y E L L O W Yellows are generally cheerful and warm colors. Yellow is the most eye-catching of colors, so it’s often used to draw attention on traffic signs or capture the viewer’s eye in an advertisement. Yellow is used in the game room and hallways.

G R E E N Green is a lively color, and it symbolizes renewal and growth. It is the color you see the most in the natural environment. So it is the color of spring, when everything comes to life. And it depicts the period when everything is alive and unrolling its natural processes. Green is used in the food hall and the welcome lobby of the building.



Throughout the interior design of the project, color has been utlized to reflect vibrancy, stimulation, energy and highlting each space individually. The colors correspond in a healthy way to the activity or program that occupies this space and invite the student body to come in and stay. In some areas Koolhaus uses complementary colors like “Red-Orange to Blue-Green� in the same space. Overall, the building proved to be successful and is busy with student activities, and different types of people crossing path and stopping just to look and enjoy the space they are in, with the enhanced sunlight coming in.


Color + FILM




S T O R Y Life of Pi tells the story of Pi Patel, a sixteenyear old South Indian boy who survives at seat with a tiger, for 227 days. An intelligent boy, by the age of fifteen Pi - Hindu from an early age- has also adopted Christianity and Islam, and considers himself a pious devotee to all three religions. Pi’s family decides to close down the zoo and move to Canada when Pi is sixteen. They all board the Tsimtsum along with the zoo’s animals, who are on there way to be sold around the world. An unexplained event then causes the shp to sink and Pi as the only human survives, and makes it on the lifeboat, along with Richard Parker the tiger.



Orange represents rewarding ambition. It is mostly associated with Hiduisma nd Buddhsim. It is considere a sacred colour and because of its higher visibilit, it’s mostly associated with safety purposes. It combines the happiness of yellow and energ of red. The objects around him create the spirtual aura which makes him feel better. He prays regularly which keeps his confidence alive. The orange colour makes spirtually bonded and gives him hope and determination to lead a new life at the sea.

B L U E The ocean represents Blue. It is an important symbol because through the ocean Pi learned to fend for himself, and survived through eating fish. So the ocean gave him life and sustained him. Blue represents Christianity too. It stands for loyalty, wisdom and confidence.


G R E E N Green is the color of beauty, joy, health and hope. It is the loyalty in love. It is cosidered as a peaceful color for the human eyes, and associated with Islam. The author symbolizes green to give a new life. Pi is a spirtual person who follows Hiduism and Chritianity in the begininng, and meets Islam at the end. In his miserabe journey, Pi reaches the floating Island and eventually finds the green trees which gives him hope of survival.


Conclusion Symbol takes the form of the object, sound, visual images to represent the ideas and beliefs. The author uses colours as a tool to imitate the emotions which are handled in the book. Life of Pi is full of adventures of the essence, feelings and new experiences. The use of color has helped boost those emotions and experiences of the character.



Color + Balance



P R O P E R T I E S Balance is what we use to make sense of the world arous ud- to make our environments aesthetically pleasing. When color is used with the design prnciples, unity within a space can occur. It refers to the relationship of color hues in a space, and that they are percieved in an equal visual weight.


Types of Balance


Asymmetrical balance through complementary contrast

Contrasting Hue in two intensity levels balances levels

Color shift perceived because of background variations


Value Contrast is the dark to light scale. It is used to emphasize the difference between two objects. The amount of the desired contrast depends on the space types and the design application. Hue Balance is the global adjusment of hues. The colors that cmpliment each other, intensifying each others. Intensity Contrast is the realtive brightness or dullness of color. It is established by adding a certain complimentary color to a particular hue or adding gray. Size of Color Area the larger the amount of color used, the lighter it appears, the smaller the amount of color used, the darker it appears.


Color + Healthcare



Healthcare COLOR HEALTH Colour is an influence on everything. It seeps into our consciousness whether we know it or not. The psychology of colour is especially connected to the healing process. It is a known fact that our state of mind directly affects our physical body. Colour can accelerate healing, lift spirits and calm nerves. Objectively recognizing color is important and useful in design by providing us with the ability to select and fine tune specific colors used for a particular space. However, there is another aspect of color that is important too, namely that of human perception related to color.


Color Cares Color for Calming or Arousal It has been commonly thought that people have universally direct emotional or psychological responses to specific colors. In particular, colors such as red have been associated with arousal and excitement while blues have been associated with calming people.

Color and Spaciousness Color has also been understood to either “advance” or “recede” from a viewer which in the context of building design means that colored surfaces feel closer or farther away from the viewer. That perception is then assumed to contribute to either a feeling of spaciousness in a room or a feeling of enclosure.

Color and Thermal Comfort colors are routinely referred to as “warm” or “cool.” Those in the warm category are typically the reds, oranges, and yellows that we might associate with sunshine or fire. Those in the cool category are the blues, greens, violets, and even whites that may be reminiscent of water, snow, or ice.



Color + Rhythm



N a t u r a l

T r a i t

Rhythm is a natural evolutionary trait in nature that can be trasnferred into interior spaces and can be further emphasized with color. Alternating Hues, progressive values, and contrasts of saturation are methods of a designer can use to manipulate interior elements, bringing a better rhythmetic order to space.


Types of Rhythm

Repetition the systematic orderly succession of identical design elements like shape, line, color and form, along a defind path.

Alternation occurs when two design elements are repeated in sequence, as in repetition. However, the difference is that the patern includes two distinctly different elements.

Progression involves the repetition of similar elements with a continuous change (large to small, narrow to wide).

Radiation refers to an arrangement of objects in a radial pattern.


Color + Retail



Saks Fifth Avenue A B O U T Saks Fifth Avenue was the brainchild of Horace Saks and Bernard Gimbel, who operated independent retail stores on New York's 34th Street at Herald Square in the early 1900s. Their dream was to construct a unique specialty store that would become synonymous with fashionable, gracious living. The combined financial input of these great merchant families led to the purchase of a site between 49th and 50th Streets on upper Fifth Avenue, then jointly occupied by the Democratic Club and the Buckingham Hotel. With the opening of its founders' "dream store" on September 15, 1924, Saks Fifth Avenue became the first large retail operation to locate in what was then primarily a residential district. By offering the finest quality men's and women's fashions, as well as an extraordinary program of customer services, Saks Fifth Avenue has become the byword for taste and elegance 44

Design Contrast of Hue To acheive the best results for contrast of Hue, Complementary Colors at their highest intensity should be used. Saks Fifth Ave main goal is to provide high end fashion and products to their cutomers, so it is only natural to make the profucts the contrast to the background colors of the store itself. So thy become the emphasis. In spaces like showrooms of the shoes, the background colors are used at light shades so they blend in the background, while the colors of the furniture are purple and red contrasts. As for the shoes, they also are used with their complementary colors like blue-orange. The main color scheme used around is grey beige. And in this case the product becomes and emphasis.


Contrast of Value



The most prominent type of contrat is Contrast of Value. Our eyes are quick to recognize dark/light differences. In this case, Saks Footh Ave used Contrst of Value in 2 different ways: 1) A simple centralization of the dark grey and the products, and surrounding it with light color of beige. The lighter colored walls dissolve in the background while the darker contrast attracts the eye. 2) A corner case, where a darker color wall meets a lighter value wall, the darker wall holds most of the products to show because it attracts the ye more.

Contrast of Design Feature Design Feature defines Hierarchy of information, in which one aspect of the design comes out differentl than the rest, which draws the eye to the specific object and its importance, it can be through material, color or form. In this case, SFA designer implemented a simple white background opposing a geometrical partition wall. The colors of the displayed cloth also contrasts, from monochromatic against intense colors.


Contrast of Texture To apply Contrast of Texture, one item must stand out with a different kind of texture than its surroundings, which helps bring visual interest to the space. Throughout the store, the designer uses different Contrasts of texture. The designer uses temporary walls with two different texture (smooth on the outside, rough on the inside) to bring attention and emphasis on the displayed products.

Focal Point The oversized, spiral staircase in the store is the implementation of the directional movement. The architecture of the staircase is more curvilinear than the rest of the store, which sets it apart and it becomes an emphasis with its function. As if asking people to use it for circulation!



Color + Scale



P R O P E R T I E S Proportion is defined as the size reationships between elements and the visual composition or spce. Scale refers to the size of a shape in relation to a given known- most likely the human body and its position within a space.


Proportion and Scaling Methods Relying on one’s intuition can lead to good results when it comes to proportional relationships. But there’s also Mathematical proportions that are followed for more reliable results.

Golden Section is a mathematical formula where an object’s width is to its length as its length is to the sum of its length and width.

1 1





Fibnacci Sequence is a series of numbers where each number in the sequence is the sum of the two proceding numbers.


Color + Render



Render I N S P I R A T I O N In image on the left I find happiness, and joy. which is the aim of the designed space. to use color schemes that develop a feeling of joy, calmness and modernity. A Grey toned cielings and walls was used to set a cool and nutral bachground. With a pop of orange on the decorative pieces and a cool blue green, the room comes to life.


Color Properties

The color scheme was developed from the complementary colors, Red-Orange and Blue Green/Blue Cyan. A 60/30/10 proportion was used.

30% Light Grey

30% Dark Grey

30% Blue Green

10% red Orange

Dominant Gray is a cool, neutral, and balanced color. It also typically stands for sophistication, modern and formal.

Secondary Blue Green is Communication and self expression. Stimulates ability to communicate one's deepest truths. Also, calming and stablizing.

Accent Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.



Conclusion In this exercise it was really interesting to put our knowlede to this point to test and actually design a space. For myself, it helped me to look at different interior design schemes and color palettes. After that I personally put myself in the given space and tried to imagine what woud I like if that space belonged to me. The color scheme I chose translates modern, cool, nutral with a pop of fun!



Color + Hospitality


VARIETY is a principle of design that is concerned with


the combination of one or more color elements that use: Line, Shape, Texture, and/or pattern, to create Diversity and Contrast, in an interior space.

A B O U T Project: FontaineBleau Hotel Designer: Morris Lapidus Location: Miami Beach, FL Situated on oceanfront Collins Avenue in the heart of Millionaire's Row, Fontainebleau Miami Beach is one of the most historically and architecturally significant hotels on Miami Beach, Florida. Its iconic design is a spectacular blend of Miami’s glamorous golden era and stylish modern luxury. The 22-acre oceanfront Miami Beach hotel features signature restaurants by award-winning chefs; two chic nightlife venues; a two-story spa, a virtually endless poolscape, miles of pristine beach and state-of-the-art conference and event facilities.




Color + Pattern The most noticable pattern is in the floors of the lobby it is a repetitve arrangment of geometric shapes with contrasting colors of black and white in a diagonal pth. The pattern creates a visually interesting design, contrasting with the more bare and simple ceilings and walls.

Color + Line, Focal Point Line is a “connection� etween two points in space. Similarly, a column could be defined as the a connection between two points, the ceiling and the floor, and in the lobby of the hotel there is two distinct designs, one smoth and another with a rough pattern on it. The verticality of the lines symbolizes strength and stability responding to the function of the columns. Once your eyes travel to the ceiling, the chandliers become a main focal point with their size , organic shape and golden accented color. Color + Shape An organic shape like a circle represents fluid movement allowing the eye to move around freely. The carpets on the floor of the lobbycontrast both in material and shape, when compared with the orthogonal pattern on the smooth floor.




Color + Texture The designer used a variety of textures throughout the design of the bar. The textile of the furniture is smooth compared to the texture of the columns. This kind of variety results in making each item distinct, yet a balance is also acheived.

Color + Pattern The pattern used on the floor is blue light transmitted through a transparent material, rsulting in a calming blue colored floor. Also, the panels used create a grid patter of vertical and horizantal lines, symbolizing stability and strngth, contrasting with the curbilinear ege of the bar, which creates a smooth break.

Color + Line The lines on the ceiling are created through the curvilinear extrusions, they symbolize fluidity, softness and gentleness, t is supported by hues of soft Pink lights which stands for gracefulness aand peace. The curved extrusions all direct the attention to a centralized column which comes down to the ground in the middle of the bar, creating an emphasis on that space.





Conclusion Overall, this course has been fun and useful! I always paid attention to colors in a certain space, and had a curiosity when it comes to color and psychology. Through this class, I learned different terminology and how to apply color in proportion, and how color have visual weight too! Color is important, and sometimes we tak it for granted. As a designer, I can use it to enhance the space, health, and mood of the user, to the better!

Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up. References: -Allen Klein 1) Ron Reed: Color +Design 2)https://www.saksfifthavenue.com/Entry.jsp?site_refer=360i+G+TR&kw_refer=saksfifthavenue&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_NXt6ZaC2AIVAi5pCh0D4QsMEAAYASAAEgLnRvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds 3) https://fontainebleau.com/packages/miami-beach-hotel-suite-specials?rt=google|cpc|FBM01-Fontainebleau-Miami-Beach-FL-Brand-5321-12476|%2Bfontainebleau%20%2Bhotel&adpos=1t1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInb67_J aC2AIVh7fACh1JGghYEAAYASAAEgLX1vD_BwE


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