City of Doral Competitive Assessment

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Economic Analysis Competitive Assessment

A Note on Data Sources Used in This Report This report uses multiple data sources to develop its economic profile of the City of Doral, including U.S. Census data, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) employer and wage data, private proprietary business listing data from InfoUSA, and the U.S. Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) system — a quarterly analysis that tracks where workers live and where they work, in order to determine employment, commuting and travel patterns. At this small level of geography, data sources can contain inconsistencies, as detailed business data is rarely tracked at the City level. Also, different federal agencies use different methods to collect and summarize economic and demographic data. For example, the LEHD uses Quarterly Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, which excludes certain type of employment, such as agricultural employees, selfemployed farmers, self-employed nonagricultural workers, domestic workers, unpaid family workers, some railroad employees, and certain non-profit employers. The InfoUSA database is a complete count of individual businesses, and does not exclude any category of business type from its inventory. However, as the data is self-reported by individual businesses, much of the data can be unreported, unclassified, or may require the application of economic modeling techniques to produce sales estimates from InfoUSA. No economic or demographic data source, including Federal sources, should be considered definitive, as they all require significant statistical extrapolation to be useful on a current year basis. The reader should note that there will be differences between numerical counts. We have tried to indicate where there are significant discrepancies between counts or estimates, and indicate a range of values for total employment, incomes, and/or wages.


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