Hello April. As tradition says, “April showers bring May flowers”, let this month kick off the spring season we have all been waiting for.
Loch Lloyd Country Club and the Saddle and Sirloin Club are pleased to announce they have reached an agreement to reestablish a reciprocal use plan between the two organizations for 2023. We believe the program to be one of the best in the area and an exceptional value for members of each club.
While the new arrangement does have slightly different terms, the basic provisions remain the same and are open to all Loch Lloyd Full Golf Members and certain membership levels at Saddle and Sirloin. The reciprocal agreement will be evaluated by each club and up for renewal annually. Members who desire to use the reciprocal arrangement in 2023 should reach out to their club management and will be provided with a new packet of information to review and sign.
This is a great opportunity for members to add variety to their dining experiences and we look forward to serving you in the coming year.
As you dive further into this month's newsletter, you'll soon find our full events calendar filled with happenings that will cater to everyone in your family. Stay in the know of all the exciting events we will soon have to offer by joining our Private Member Facebook Group Please follow the link below to request to join.
I would like to introduce all our new members here at the Club. I encourage you to give them a Loch Lloyd welcome. We are happy you are here!
Ryan & Mary Anthony
Bob & Ruth Bjorseth
Jordan & Taylor Dreiling
Clinton & Amy Gallagher
Brent Heater
Andrew & Krystal Lund
Ian McCrary
Adam & Alyson Peipert
Michael & Brandy Rea
Colin Riesman
Evan & Elaina Riesman
Tyler & Lizzi Sallee
Timothy Saettele
Corbin & Julie Terlip
Kevin & Meredith Tessmer
Alex & Stacey VanVliet
Trevor & Lauren DuVall
Mike & Pam Robinson
Spring is in the air… trees are blooming, lawns are getting greener, baseball’s back and let’s not forget about the Masters. April is typically the month where golf starts to pick up here at Loch Lloyd as well. Many of you will kick the dust of your clubs and our “snowbirds” start returning bringing more action to the club as the month advances.
It’s time to sign up for this year’s Pride Club membership. The Pride Club is Loch Lloyd Country Club’s Golf Shop “merchandise club”. Your $200 investment goes straight to your credit book, and you begin the instant savings. 10% off all hard goods, 20% off apparel and a one-time 40% off apparel only purchase It pays to be a Pride Club member! Don’t forget, the golf shop matches all prices and already has the lowest golf ball pricing in the area.
As we start to slowly warm up and more people start playing golf again, please respect your fellow members and the golf course itself by pairing up on golf carts. Pairing up puts far less stress on the golf course because cart traffic is minimized and believe it or not, pairing up also helps control pace of play.
Be on the lookout for emails regarding Golf Club Fitting Days. These fitting days are a great way for you to get a personalized “fine-tuned” fitting. The Golf Professionals will be on the range along with representatives from the club manufacturers.
Finally, I hope you have all had a chance to look at the 2023 Golf Calendar. Its jam packed with all of our traditional events along with many more fun and fantastic events Let’s have a great season and I can’t wait to see all of you playing more golf.
Play ready golf and see you on the first tee,
All members are invited to join us on Saturday, April 8th for a great day of golf on “Moving Day” at the Masters. This is a unique and fun way to enjoy a round of golf, no matter what time of the day you are playing. Everyone that participates will play their own ball. Here is the fun part…. before play each participant will choose a professional playing in the Masters and combine his Sunday score with your Saturday Net score Those two combined scores will be your final tournament score. Flights will be determined by which set of tees you play. Winners will be announced Tuesday morning and Golf Shop credits will be applied to your account Cost of the event is $20
The Scotty is currently sold out with a waiting list. All players who participate in the Scotty will receive one (1) complimentary Guest Pass to be used during 2023. We look forward to another great event beginning with the Calcutta Party on May 18th and two days of golf on May 19th and 20th. Don’t forget to block your Sunday off as well, in the event of a rain out on either Friday or Saturday, we will finish the event on Sunday, May 21st. Good luck to all players who are scheduled to play.
Throughout the season we will be hosting multiple Fitting Days and our first couple are scheduled in April. Join Callaway on Saturday, April 15th, from 11:00 AM -3:00 PM. REMEMBER to take advantage of the Pride Club for discounts on all of your purchases on demo days
Start thinking about who you would like to partner up with for the 2023 Four-Ball Match Play Tournament. Entries close on April 29th with the event beginning on Tuesday, May 2nd.
This is a great event for you and a friend to play competitive team golf. The cost to enter the event is $60 per player. The more teams that sign up, the more flights can be created.
Individual Match Play will have the same entry requirements as Four-Ball. Entries close on April 29th with the event starting on May 2nd.
APRIL 7:00 AM to 8:00PM
First Tee Time: Weekdays: 8:00AM Weekends: 8:00AM
Monday 3
Tuesday 4
Saturday 8
Monday 10
Tuesday 11
Saturday 15
Sunday 16
Monday 17
Tuesday 18
Wednesday 19
Thursday 20
Monday 24
Tuesday 25
Tuesday 25
Thursday 27
Saturday 29
Club & Course Closed
New Kids on the Loch 4:00 PM Tee Times
Highland Game – Masters All Day
Club & Course Closed
One-Day Guest Event 1:00 PM Shotgun
Callaway Fitting Day 11:00 AM-3:00 PM
Couples Golf 5:30 Shotgun
Club & Course Closed
Ladies Clinic- Get Back into the Swing 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM
LLLGA Opening Day 1:00 PM Shotgun
Ladies 3-Hole Clinic 5:30 PM
Club & Course Closed
EKL High School Golf Tournament 12:30 Tee Times
Ladies Clinic- Get Back into the Swing 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM
Ladies 3-Hole Clinic 5:30 PM
PGA Junior League Practice 9:00 AM & 10:15 AM
Spring has arrived as we are excited to welcome warm weather and golfers back to the course! Prior to turning the corner to the busy golf season, I want to highlight some of our most recent winter course enhancement projects. Over the winter months we put emphasis on evaluating ways to improve the golf course and member experience. Below is an update of some our most recent course enhancement projects.
We recently constructed a rock stairway leading up to the gold tee surface on hole #18. Assistant Superintendent, Stephen Wilds did a great job shaping and installing this feature. These rock steps match the previously installed rock stairway leading to the black tee surface also located on hole #18.
Drainage was installed last winter on holes #3 & 10 to eliminate wet fairway areas which provided great results We have again started installing drainage to problem areas on holes #1,3,9 & 17. These holes were chosen due to having extensive problematic areas and/or traffic flow limitations due to the wet conditions. We will continue to evaluate adding fairway drainage throughout the property to enhance playing conditions.
Spring greens aerification is scheduled for March 27th & 28th. The course will be closed during the greens aerification process.
We thank you for your patience when performing course enhancement projects as we remain committed to providing Loch Lloyd Country Club with the best golfing experience in Kansas City.Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at grants@lochlloyd.com
Ihaveturnedintomyparents,mygrandparents,myauntsandmygreatuncles Ifindmyself ALWAYStalkingabouthowfasttimepassesandMarchwasabsolutelynoexception.
WejumpedheadfirstintoourEventsCalendarandconcoctedopportunitiesfortheMembersto engageinClubactivities. Ihavetosay-thisfar-theeventsthatarefocusedaroundthelittles havethebestattendance. ItisrefreshingtohavethekiddosintheClubhouseastheybringthe giggles,theenthusiasmandthespiritoffamily. THANKYOUtoalloftheparentswhohave engagedinouractivities. Itisourhopewearehelpingyoumakelastingmemories.
Ourscheduledeventsaroundtheothergenerationshavebeenalittleslowertogetoffthe ground. Whiletheresponsefromthosethathaveattendedhasbeenincrediblyfavorable,our numbershavebeenabitlackluster. Withthatbeingsaid-therewillbenotowelsthrowninand theteamwillcontinuetoorchestrateeventsforourmembers. Ourhopeisyouconsider attending. Ipromise...youwillhaveagoodtime! Heck-ourAdultsOnlySpringBreakLuauwas completewithalcoholinfusedsnowcones,arockin'DJspinningallthetunes,BASKETBALLon theTV'sAND(insertdrumroll)AFIREDANCER. Youaskedforit-webuiltit-nowJOINUS!
OntheFood&Beveragesideofthings,Chefandhisteamareworkingontweaksforthenext versionofthemenu. Ianticipate80%willremainthesameandmodificationswillbemade basedonwhatourtopandbottomsellingitemsare,whatwillbeseasonablyfavorableforyour palletsandmembersuggestions. Thisprojecthasgottenalittledelayed(originallyitwas scheduledtobeaMarchdate)andIamnowanticipatingMayforarevampedmenu,anewlook tothemenuitself,andaspecificallycraftedcocktailmenu
Astheweathercontinuestoimprove,youwillstartseeingseasonalfacesaroundthe Clubhouse. Somefanfavoritesfrompastyearswillonceagainjointheteamandwewillalso welcomenewassociatestotheLochLloydfamily. Weareallheretoensureyourexperienceis exceptionalsopleasedon'thesitatetoletusknowhowwecanassistyou!
Click here to view the 2023 Event Calendar
Click here to view the 2023 Golf Event Calendar
We want to ensure all our members are updated on the tasty options offered and have attached the new menu's to this email for your convenience - see the clickable links below. The menu's have also been shared to our Private Members Facebook Group, a new group set up to keep all of our incredible members informed with up to the minute information and happenings in the Club. If you are not apart of that group, please see the clickable link below to request to join.
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Dining Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Afternoon Sharables Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Desserts Menu
Click here to access our Private Members Facebook Group
MosteventsrequireanRSVPandthiswillbenotedintheeventspecificinformationsentclosertoeventtime Cancellationpolicyappliesformostevents.
Wewillkeepyouupdatedoneventswithtargetedemails,onourPrivateMembersFacebookGroup,andwithpostingson ourbulletinboards.
The countdown to Opening Day on April 19th begins! In less than a month, we’ll be out on the course kicking off our LLLGA’s 2023 Season! The event is available for sign-up in ForeTees under “Golf Event Registration”. You’ll need to be an active member of the LLLGA to participate so, if you haven’t already, complete and send in your LLLGA registration form to Sherie Bartlett by April 12th As a member, you can play in our 1:00 PM shotgun event and/or attend dinner that evening. We’d love to see you at both but don’t hesitate to join us if you’re only able to attend one or the other!
We’re still working on a few details for some of the other LLLGA events we plan to offer. More info on those will be provided as the specifics are finalized. In the meantime, the Pro Shop announced a new member/member event just for women, The Sheltie We can’t wait to see what the club’s Pro Shop and events team will be cooking up for us in this inaugural ladies only event. It’s sure to be a great complement to all the fun things we have in store for our LLLGA members!
By the time you read this, we’ll have had our final Winter Lunch gathering on March 22nd of LLLGA past, present and future members. A number of us also got together for happy hour on March 9th. The lunch and happy hour gatherings for the last three months have been a welcome ray of sunshine for our weary winter souls We still have a final happy hour event that will be scheduled in April More info will be sent out on that shortly.
There is a section titled “2023 LLLGA News” under “Golf Information” in ForeTees This info will be updated at the start of each month to highlight the upcoming events and provide contact info for the LLLGA Board. Feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions related to LLLGA matters.
Let’s keep those LLLGA registration forms flowing! We look forward to seeing some great shots out on the course and a roomful of happy golfers at dinner on April 19th!
Someone had “fore” times the fun at our March 9th happy hour! ��
May 4th, 2023, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Hosta's, Hosta's, Hosta's! This months' speaker will dive into how to grow, care and nurture your Hosta's as we transition into their blooming season of Spring & Summer!
Business Meeting 10:00 AM
Speaker 10:45 AM
Lunch 12:00 AM
Hola! May’s Garden Club menu will be pleasing to the pallet as we celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Build your own taco salad in a handmade corn shell bowl and fill it with south of the border favorites including seasoned ground beef, shredded chicken, fresh greens, tomatoes, onions, salsa and more. Prefer to wrap all of the goodness in a tortilla? No problemo. And no Cinco Celebration would be complete without a handcrafted sweet treat from Chef Nics kitchen!
Parent Info Mtg.- 3/29 at 6pm (lower level of LL Clubhouse)
Registration Window- 3/29- 5/1 or until full
*Registration will be completed online. Links will appear on our website when window opens.
1st Day of Practices- 5/30 (Jr and new swimmer evaluations)
5/31 (all competitive team swimmers).
Practices are M-F mornings and are 1 hour each. Age group breakdown/times TBA.
Swim Meets: 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/12, Champs- 7/15
End of Season Banquet: 7/16
Want to learn more about the Loch Lloyd Lightening Swim Team? Visit lochlloydlightning.swimtopia.com for all things swim team here within the gates. The 'Parent 101 Handout' is a great source of information for your frequently asked questions. As always, feel free to email me at llccswimteam@outlook.com and I will get in touch with you as soon as I can! -Dara Witte
Chris Brems | Club President Chrisb@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Linda Newby | Accounting Lindan@lochlloyd.com | 816-505-4292
Lance Darling | Fitness Lanced@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-5463
Sean Hanna | Golf Operations Seanh@lochlloyd.com | 816-674-7882
Grant Suderman | Golf Superintendent Grants@lochlloyd com | 785-448-4267
Kim Palmer | Operations Director Kimp@lochlloyd.com | 816-786-0494
Hannah Huffman | Food and Beverage Executive Hannahh@lochlloyd.com | 816-273-4835
Shelby Shatford | Club Communications and Brand Associate Shelbys@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Ciara Mayes | Concierge Associate Ciaram@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Ashlea Black | Vice President of Real Estate and Marketing Ashleab@lochlloyd com | 816-331-9500
Dale Brouk | COO Real Estate Daleb@lochlloyd.com | 816-505-4297
Michelle Canales | Real Estate Operations and Community Associate Director Michellec@lochlloyd.com | 816-892-3721
Doug Adam | Realtor Douga@lochlloyd com | 816-331-9500