February may be short and sweet. Join us with our fun-filled events to make it a good one.
To kick off this month, accompany our associates on February 1st in the 20th hole to update your Loch Lloyd contact information Stay in the know of all the happenings here at the club to ensure our communication is connected.
Following on February 7th is our Little Chefs Pizza Class with our very own Chef Nic Bandelier The kids will get the chance to learn how to knead, spin, toss and build their very own pie Subsequently, we will celebrate the official Pizza Day on February 9th with $3 off any large ZAH all day long.
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, our Galentine's Day Brunch and Valentine's Day dining specials will cater to everyone celebrating with their friends, partners or with their pets and Netflix
Call Ciara at our front desk to secure your spot and be sure to check out our events calendar on page 4 to view the exciting events we have planned here at the Club.
We heard your voices, and we are eager to introduce our new hours of operation to allow you more time to enjoy your Loch Lloyd Country Club on Friday and Saturday nights.
Monday | Closed
Tuesday – Thursday | 11:00AM to 8:00PM
Friday – Saturday | 11:00AM – 10:00PM
Sunday | 11:00AM – 4:00PM
As the new year brings new beginnings, the next page will include an introduction to all our new members here at the Club I encourage you to give them a Loch Lloyd welcome We are happy you are here!
Ajay & Priti Arora
David & Alicia Becker
Brent & Marty Cooper
Mike & Kim Coughlin
Jason & Jessica Dalton
Greig & Michelle DeBow
John & Tracey Denne
Joshua Donnici
Zach & Amanda Fletcher
Blake & Ashlee Harmon
Todd Johnson & Shelly Hulsey
Kevin & Jenny Kopff
Blake & Liz Kramer
Kevin & Brenda Mobley
Patrick & Libby Moss
James & Shannon Myers
Jared & Hillary Myers
Chris & Kylie Nicholas
Andy & Sally Nielsen
Michael & Brittany Rader
Patrick & Whitney Roberts
Clay & Brittany Smith
Aaron & Christy Soule
Matthew Starkey & Colleen
Luke & Sarah Wilson
Bridget Martin
As the Golf Operations team settles into February, we are hard at work getting ready for 2023. All the behind the scenes work to prepare for 2023 is in full swing. The team is working diligently on calendars, flyers, and all the documents that you see throughout the year
Enjoy the month of February wherever you are Stay safe, healthy and warm!
The Masters countdown has begun 67 days and counting (depending on when you are reading this)!
We are excited to announce that we are scheduling Demo Days scheduled for this spring This is a great opportunity to test out the new equipment that is available for 2023 before you make your new club purchases for the season. Sales representatives from many of the major manufacturers will be on site at our Practice Facility to showcase their new equipment. Once we have all of the dates, we will send an email announcing those dates to you.
The Scotty- May 19 & 20 (Rain Date 21)
The Whummle- June 21-24
The Brigadoon- September 21-23
Men’s Gross Club Championship- July 14-16 (Match play format)
· Junior Club Championship- July 28
· Club Championships- July 28-29
· Men’s Gross 54-Hole Stroke Play Championship- September 29-October 1
Starting January 2nd, 2023 the Golf Shop will open from 9:00am to 5:00pm This will remain the opening time for the Golf Shop throughout the month of February
Tee times will begin one hour after the Golf Shop opens, weather permitting
See you on the 1st tee!
Loch Lloyd Country Club has completed a $250,000 capital expense project to replace many of the critically damaged golf course cart paths. The plan was executed in five phases to accommodate golf course access throughout the project The final phase on holes #5 & #16 was installed on January 27. In February all repaired paths plan to be open for traffic. The damaged turf surrounding the newly constructed paths will be sodded or seeded at a later date when weather first allows
Please abide by all signage and roped off areas redirecting traffic to protect newly sodded and/or seeded areas We thank you for your patience during this project as we remain committed to providing Loch Lloyd Country Club with the best golf experience in Kansas City. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns at grants@lochlloyd com
Happiest of New Years to all of our Members. I hope this first month of 2023 has been filled with health, happiness, and forward progress on those resolutions
When I took this position, my fellow associates told me "things slow down at the Club for the first couple months of the year" I would like to publicly say they were lying While I do not see as many of my regular "favorite" members (you know who you are), the team, the pace and the internal operations are at full steam ahead Taking the colder temperatures and turning them into an opportunity to focus on much needed "behind the scenes" organizational preparedness Goal setting, aligning our Food & Beverage Associates on initiatives to ensure exceptional service, housekeeping, and preparing for the 2023 "season" which includes producing a year-long calendar that will enable our members to mark their calendars and attend the fun that is Loch Lloyd Country Club This is in the final stages of approvals and I anticipate it will hit your mailboxes before Love Day
To further prove my point that there is no slow time at Loch - the Club has hosted some really top notch activities in January We introduced our first FAMILY GAME NIGHT that took 1st Place with a lot of members. This event will be hosted every quarter and it is our hope Stan Perry hula hoops at all of them The kitchen unveiled Taco Tuesday - which will be the first Tuesday of each month A successful event with some feedback from associates and members that will better equip us for February's Taco Madness (don't miss Claudia's Enchilada's and yes - I know that isn't a taco but trust me... you WILL thank me for this - and PITCHERS of margaritas). 21 & Over Bingo was a true BINGO and hit the mark with laughs, lottery tickets, and maybe a drink or three. The Chinese New Year was welcomed with an incredible buffet from Chef Nic and rumor has it one of our members said "best Chinese food I have ever had" and Kids Eat Half Price is back the last Wednesday of each month If all of this isn't enough, we hosted our first of two New Member Mix & Mingles on January 24th. What a perfect evening to celebrate the newest members of the Loch Lloyd Family. Having our “experienced (aka - low handicap)” members help us welcome the newest editions to Loch Lloyd is simply incredible The foyer was filled with the truest sense of community and that is something that can’t be bought or replicated. I am proud to be a tiny part of such an amazing group of people.
Last update is on our Winter Hours We heard from a handful of members that that earlier close time on the weekend's as a little bit of a... shall we say... buzz kill? In response, we modified Winter Hours to allow more time for fun on the weekends
Monday's | Closed
Tuesday - Saturday | 11:00AM - 10:00PM
Sunday | 11:00AM - 4:00PM
I am looking forward to 2023 with great optimism and can’t wait to see what it holds!
Take care and stay well,
So, you did Dry January (or maybe you were like me and did a “damp January”), and you’re ready to restock your wine cabinet Cupid has struck at the Club and here’s a couple wines I’m lovin’ on this month:
Orin Swift, Abstract is a red blend of Grenache, Petite Sirah and Syrah primarily from the hillsides of Sonoma It is earthy and a little spicy which makes it easy to pair with your meal preps (if you’re still doing that) Perfect with grilled meats and has the name and reputation to back to it up You can buy at the club this month for $36/bottle!
Maybe you’re still trying to watch your calories while drinking For 95 calories per glass, Liquid Light Blush Rose is sure to help you stay on track with your calorie goals. From Washington State, Liquid Light has a very vibrant spectrum of citrus, tropical, and orchard fruit flavors. On sale the month of February for $11/bottle. Did I mention it’s pink? Perfect touch for your Galentine’s Brunch that you’re hosting.
Starting this week, we will be bringing back Wine Wednesdays Every Wednesday we will be featuring specials on certain bottles and ½ price bottles and glasses of our house wine I know the snow and the cold has kept you inside, so come hang out with us and let’s taste these great wines we have!
As always, if you’re not feeling any of the above, give me a call and I can help you find something you like!
Stevew@lochlloyd com
At Loch Lloyd County Club we encourage our members to pay monthly invoices via ACH or check. Beginning January 1, 2023 there will be an added convenience fee of 3.5% for all members that elect to pay their monthly bill via credit card Below are some details pertaining to the updated payment preferences:
If you are currently paying via credit card, you will receive information in the mail with details to update your payment method to ACH.
If you determine that you would like to continue to pay via credit card, Loch Lloyd will maintain the credit card that you currently have on file and process payment based on your preferred method.
Beginning January 1, 2023, Loch Lloyd Country Club no longer accepts cash as a form of payment Moving forward, the Club will accept member charge and all major credit cards as valid forms of payment.
We want to ensure all our members are updated on the tasty options offered and have attached the new menu's to this email for your convenience - see the clickable links below. The menu's have also been shared to our Private Members Facebook Group, a new group set up to keep all of our incredible members informed with up to the minute information and happenings in the Club. If you are not apart of that group, please see the clickable link below to request to join
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Dining Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Afternoon Sharables Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Desserts Menu
Click here to access our Private Members Facebook Group
Feb 1
Feb 7
Feb 9
Feb 11
Feb 12
Feb 14
Feb 21
Feb 22
Data, Details & Drinks
Personal Pizza Class With Chef Nic & His Little Chefs
National Pizza Day - $3 Off Any Large Pizza ALL DAY
Galentines Day Brunch
Super Bowl Sunday
Love Struck & Love Bites - Valentines Day Dinner Special
Fat Tuesday Buffet Dinner
Kids Eat Half Price - The Last Wednesday of Each Month
Feb 24 - April 7
March 1
March 8
March 10
March 11
March 14
March 17
$3 Off All Fish Entrees For Lent
Musical BINGO - All Ages
(Kids Only) (Friday's Only)
International Women's Day - Women Receive 25% Off Their Meal
Family Game Night
St Patrick's Day Lunch Buffet
Beer Dinner
St Patrick's Day Drink Specials
We intend to add additional events to the calendar. Updates will appear monthly
Detailed information on each event will be sent via email to all members closer to event date.
While the KC weather has yet to be hospitable to golf, it didn’t stop us from getting together this past month! Seventeen of us gathered in the 20th hole on Jan 12th to catch up and enjoy some food and drink And, sixteen of us also gathered for lunch on Jan 25th With Wednesdays being our usual 18-hole play day during the golf season, Jeremy Dear, our Head Golf Professional, stopped by to say hello and talk golf with us!
While these gatherings were originated with the intent of keeping the LLLGA members connected throughout the winter months, we welcome any Loch Lloyd member who is a past, present or would-like-to-be golfer! It’s a pleasant way to spend an afternoon or evening. And, as we ready ourselves for golf, the lunches also provide an opportunity to address some of the questions you may sometimes have when faced with a bad lie or penalty situation Not to mention knowing when and how to apply those perplexing golf rules! But, we’re not all about golf and we usually have lots of other things to chat about!
Don’t miss out on the fun! RSVP to join us for our February events. We’ll be once again gathering for Happy Hour starting at 4:30 on Feb 9th and Lunch at noon on Feb 22 Details and reminders for each are sent to LLLGA distribution list. If you’re not already on the LLLGA distribution list, email me at wilmacollado@outlook.com to let me know you’ll be there. It’s an enjoyable way to connect with friends and neighbors, and use up some of that quarterly dining minimum!
March 2nd, 2023, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Ms. Dena Hildebrand. Dena is the owner of Butterfly Road Productions a local company, started in 2018. She has since produced three short films. Her 2022 documentary, Mildred’s Escape A WW2 Survival Story is now an official selection at the WRPN Women’s International Film Festival
Please join us on Thursday, March 2, 2023 for this unique and fun event
Business Meeting 10:00 AM
Speaker 10:45 AM
Lunch 12:00 AM
Loch Lloyd is excited to think SPRING with the March Home and Garden Club menu that features a fresh and crisp, mixed green salad Top these greens with one of two proteinsofferings will include citrus glazed shrimp or grilled, seasoned chicken There will be three dressing options, including ranch, champagne vinaigrette and of course, Chef's very own Green Goddess This salad will be accompanied by a homemade croissant and no lunch would be complete without a delectable dessert hand crafted by Chef Nic!
Do you want to spoil your loved ones with the perfect Valentine’s gift? Give the gift of massage therapy at the Fitness Center Please reach out to Lance Darling, Fitness Center Director at lanced@lochlloyd com to purchase gift certificates.
30 minute massage - $50
60 minute massage - $75
90 minute massage - $110
Just a reminder that we will not have classes if the Belton School District cancels school.
Chris Brems | Club President Chrisb@lochlloyd com | 816-322-1022
Linda Newby | Accounting Lindan@lochlloyd com | 816-505-4292
Brytoney George | Events Associate Brytoneyg@lochlloyd com | 816-322-3108
Lance Darling | Fitness Lanced@lochlloyd com | 816-322-5463
Sean Hanna | Golf Operations Seanh@lochlloyd com | 816-674-7882
Grant Suderman | Golf Superintendent Grants@lochlloyd.com | 785-448-4267
Kim Palmer | Operations Director Kimp@lochlloyd.com | 816-786-0494
Hannah Huffman | Food and Beverage Executive Hannahh@lochlloyd.com | 816-273-4835
Shelby Shatford | Club Communications and Brand Associate Shelbys@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Ciara Mayes | Concierge Associate Ciaram@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Ashlea Black | Vice President of Real Estate and Marketing Ashleab@lochlloyd com | 816-331-9500
Dale Brouk | COO Real Estate Daleb@lochlloyd com | 816-505-4297
Michelle Canales | Real Estate Operations and Community Associate Director Michellec@lochlloyd com | 816-892-3721
Doug Adam | Realtor Douga@lochlloyd com | 816-331-9500