Congratulations to the Kanas City Chiefs on back-to-back Super Bowl victories, and the third in the past five seasons. Can you say, DYNASTY!
Golf at Loch Lloyd is also getting ready to ramp up and we can’t wait to start seeing everyone on the first tee. The team has worked diligently to offer up our most exciting golf calendar to date. Please save the dates for all the events that interest you and remember, the more people that participate, the better the event will be.
Be on the lookout for major announcements as it pertains to signups for those events
Enjoy the month of March - there’s a ton of fun to be had. March Madness basketball, baseball spring training, St Patrick’s shenanigans and a perfect month to start tuning your golf game up.
The World Handicap System goes active on March 1st at Loch Lloyd. You are now able to post your scores starting March 1st for use in calculating your handicap We ask that you post all scores, whether 9 hole or 18-hole scores, directly following the completion of your round. Doing so will ensure that you have the most accurate handicap possible as well as to ensure that we have fair and competitive play during our club events For more information on the handicap system, or to get a handicap established, please contact the Golf Shop. If you have any questions or concerns regarding how to post your scores, any of the golf professionals are happy to help. Please make sure to download the new app, it will allow you to have the most accurate daily information regarding your handicap at your fingertips
Women’s Member-Member: May 16th & 17th (Rain date May 18th)
The Whummle- June 5th – 8th
Men’s 36-Hole Stroke Play Championship (Gross): July 13th & 14th
Club Championships (Junior, Women’s Gross/Net, Senior Gross/Net, Men’s Net): August 3rd & 4th
Men’s Gross Club Championship Qualifier: August 9th
Men’s Gross Club Championship (Match Play): August 16th – 18th
Mixed Club Championship (Divorce Open): September 2nd
The Brigadoon: September 19th – 21st
The Scotty: September 26th – 27th (Rain date September 28th)
Your opportunity to try the new products that have recently hit the market is just around the corner. We are pleased to be joined by sales representatives from the various golf club manufacturers that we stock in our Golf Shop at the Practice Facility for our Fitting Day Events The golf shop stocks a wide range of demo clubs for our members to use throughout the season. If you are unable to join us for ANY of our Fitting Day Events but are interested in trying out some new equipment this season, please ask one of the Golf Professionals in the Golf Shop for assistance The current schedule of Fitting days is listed with additional dates and vendors to come. Each of these events will be by appointment only.
May 24th 12:00 PM -5:00 PM
July 27th 10:00 AM -3:00 PM
April 23rd 10:00 AM -2:30 PM
April 3rd 2:00 PM- 6:00 PM
June 21st 2:00 PM-6:00 PM
April 5th 2:00 PM -6:00 PM
May 29th 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
March 22nd 11:00AM -3:00PM
April 11th 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Have you ever considered using logo golf balls as a part of your marketing or promotional strategy? And did you know that the Loch Lloyd Golf Shop can be your one-stop shop for all your business needs? Each day, more and more business is being conducted on the golf course. Golfers also make up one of the most attractive demographic audiences and typically possess above average household incomes Golf Balls with your company’s logo are a great way of reaching your most sought-after customers and provide you with an additional means of keeping your company’s image in front of them. Don’t hesitate, contact one of the Golf Professionals and let’s get your company’s logo on your golf balls!
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
*Tee times will begin one hour after the Golf Shop opens, weather permitting.
See you on the first tee,
The golf maintenance team has joyfully welcomed the mild weather the past few weeks. The GCM team appreciates the support many members have shown by stopping by and expressing thanks for their efforts on course enhancement projects. These short-term disruptions to golf will provide long-term solutions and provide better conditions for our members
The Loch Lloyd golf maintenance team will continue installing drainage to zoysiagrass fairways. This continues our commitment to installing drainage in all fairways to eliminate turf decline We will be working forward on the remaining holes - #10,12,14,15,16 - until the project is complete. The golf hole or area being worked on will be closed for worker safety reasons until completion.
Welcome new Assistant Superintendent, Gavin Bright Gavin was raised just north of Des Moines, Iowa and took his first job at a 9-hole golf course when he was 16 where he worked summers through high school and into college. Gavin received his Turfgrass Management degree from Iowa State University in May 2023. His employment at Loch Lloyd is preceded by a season in Chicago at Medinah Country Club and a season in the Twin Cities at Spring Hill Golf Club. We are excited to add Gavins’s experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to the golf maintenance team at Loch Lloyd Country Club! Now Let’s really get to know Gavin below.
Dream Vacation - A hunting trip in British Colombia with no end date Favorite Meal - Cedar plank grilled salmon with seasoned potatoes. My Inspiration– My first boss at my home course. He introduced me to the behind-the-scenes operation that is golf course management. He taught me how to keep a course functional while maintaining its natural beauty Hobbies - I enjoy boating and golfing whenever possible I also really enjoy turkey and deer hunting. Dream Foursome - Tough one to decide but I think Tiger Woods, Jordan Spieth, and Max Homa would be my picks for a round of golf.
We thank all of you for your support during our course enhancement projects and ask that you all join me in welcoming Gavin Bright to our Loch Lloyd Golf Maintenance Team!
-Grant Suderman TRENCHINGDRAINLINEHOLE#7Golf in January and February? In Kansas City?? YES! After blasting us with frigid temps that dipped as low as -9 (with wind chills of -35!), Mother Nature decided to gift us with some spring-like weather. The course was full of the sounds of happy chatter and the crackling of stiff joints as golfers temporarily emerged from their winter hibernation The ground may have been soggy but it did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of golfers able to play some rounds of golf in the dead of winter!
The unexpected warm weather winter gifts certainly whet our appetites for the upcoming golf season. Our planned events for this season were announced in last month’s newsletter. There are two changes to that schedule so I am reprinting the corrected schedule below
April 23rd | Opening Day*
May 16th & 17th | Ladies Member-Member
June 18th | 18-Hole Informal Guest Day
June 26th | 9-Hole Guest Day
July 3rd | Red, White & Blue 9-Hole Fun
July 9th & 10th | Solheim Cup
July 30th | 18-Hole Formal Guest Day
September 19th - 21st | The Brigadoon Member-Guest Tournament
October 15th | Closing Day*
*Opening and Closing Days are afternoon golf events followed by dinner, a meeting and fun surprises! **Date has been changed
As a reminder, if you are spending most of your winter in KC, you are welcome to gather with us for lunch in the Fireside Room on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Twelve ladies met on January 31st to enjoy lunch and the beautiful views of the course It happened to be one of those unexpected spring-like days so it truly felt like a winter escape! We will be gathering again for lunch at noon on February 28th. As mentioned last month, lunches are on your own, which helps pay down the quarterly dining minimums during the winter months. And, you don’t have to be an LLLGA member to join us. All ladies who are Loch Lloyd members are welcome. And, feel free to bring a guest! If you are planning to join us, please let me know. Or, you can call the club and ask Ciara to put your name on the list We want to know how many to expect so the kitchen and dining room staff are properly staffed and prepared. Hope to see you there!
-Wilma ColladoClick here to view the 2024 Event Calendar
We want to ensure all of our members are updated on the tasty options offered and have attached the new menu's to this email for your convenience - see the clickable links below. The menu's have also been shared to our Private Members Facebook Group, a new group set up to keep all of our incredible members informed with up to the minute information and happenings in the Club. If you are not apart of that group, please see the clickable link below to request to join.
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Dining Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Treats Menu
Click here to access our Private Members Facebook Group
All dates, times and activities are subject to change.
Most events require an RSVP and this will be noted in the event specific information sent closer to event time
Cancellation policy applies for most events
We will keep you updated on events with targeted emails, on our Private Members Facebook Group, and with postings on our bulletin boards.
Sean Hanna | Golf Operations
Seanh@lochlloyd.com | 816-674-7882
Jeremy Dear | PGA Head Golf Professional
Jeremyd@lochlloyd.com | 918-284-1705
Grant Suderman | Golf Superintendent
Grants@lochlloyd.com | 785-448-4267
Kim Palmer | Interim General Manager
Kimp@lochlloyd.com | 816-786-0494
Hannah Huffman | Food and Beverage Executive
Hannahh@lochlloyd.com | 816-273-4835
Shelby Shatford | Club Communications and Brand & Membership
Shelbys@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Ciara Mayes | Concierge Associate
Ciaram@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Kari Amensen | Events Associate
Karia@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Michelle Canales | Real Estate Operations and Community Associate Director
Michellec@lochlloyd com | 816-892-3721
Janessa Howell | Accounting
Janessah@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-5654
Lance Darling | Fitness
Lanced@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-5463