My favorite part of this last month was feeling complete. Members that take up residence in alternative zip codes returned to the neighborhood, college kids moved back into their childhood bedrooms and the team is at capacity with our summer help completely onboard. It’s safe to say our nest is full! With this full nest comes lots of friendly faces and we have seen an increase in traffic throughout the Clubhouse. The recent dining room adjustments have helped to ensure everyone has an enjoyable dining experience (that includes comfortable new seating throughout all dining areas).
July historically slows down for us just a little as the dog days of summer send some members to the cooler temps of the mountains and others prefer to stay indoors. I invite you all up to the Clubhouse to stretch your legs and soak in the fully functioning air conditioning Get a bite to eat, consider day drinking in the bar, or bring a deck of cards and deal them with friends. As we like to say, Loch Lloyd is not a Clubhouse - it is a Club home. A few other ideas on how to beat the heat at Loch Lloyd this summer:
Cool off with a frozen cocktail (if you are 21 years and older) We feature 2 frigid treats that will bring your temperature down (while bringing your mood up).
Did you know the menu at the pool is different than the main clubhouse? If you are looking for a twist on dinner, stop by The Dive and dine poolside with your feet dangling in the cool waters.
Join us for Aloha BINGO! on July 19th While the cash prizes will be HOT, we promise to crank up the tunes and A/C.
Menu pro-tip for the month (since I got fan mail on my Chicken Caesar Salad recommendation). Kids quesadilla, add chicken and black bean pico de gallo.
Stop by the Golf Shop and get a new pair of sunglasses because the future is BRIGHT Exciting details regarding our recreational complex and pool enhancement projects will be hitting your inboxes this summer.
Take care, stay well and STILL don’t trespass at the pool.
- Kim Palmer
Our annual Folds of Honor Day on the first tee will take place on Friday, July 5th This is a wonderful day on which the membership of Loch Lloyd contributes to a worthy cause, the Folds of Honor. In addition to our Folds contributions, the club will have a half price guest day and all guest restrictions will be lifted for the day.
The inaugural 36-Hole Stroke Play Championship is a Gross (scratch) event for all players to compete. The top 9 players will automatically qualify for the field of 16 in the Men’s Gross Club Championship
Join us for a fun one-day event Invite as many as three guests to play in the event If you only have one guest, the Golf Professionals will pair your group with another twosome to form a team. The event includes a round of golf, tee gift, payouts and dinner following golf.
Join us for the third couples golf event of the year
Raking Bunkers is not just a courtesy but a MANDATORY responsibility for ALL players Failure to rake bunkers is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Players must repair their ball marks on every green. It is good practice to not only repair your ball mark, but to seek out additional ball marks on the green to repair.
Please continue to pair up on golf carts. All members, regardless of whether you are using one of Loch Lloyd’s golf carts or your own personal golf cart, you should pair up when applicable. Two carts per foursome and if you are a five some, there should be no more than three carts in your group.
July 5:30am – 8:00pm. Tee times will begin 1 ½ hours after the Golf Shop opens, weather permitting.
- Sean
Picturedfromleft:TravisBoeve,EdenHernandez,DavidNajera,GavinBright,DanielNoble,ChristianAlvarez,DiegoMartinez,AnthonyChamba,EfrainHuesca,Vicencio Escamilla,YohadrithCaldera,StanFoust,YiovaniSantos,EliSandoval,RyanSackrider,AgustinCabrera,CesarMorales,ValeriaAcosta,LukeDevoss,GeovanniGines, EduardoRivera,AlexSedeno,JuanLopez,ToddCody,BulmaroPantoja,HaroldHorton,MikeCrawford,GrantSuderman NotPictured:AlejoSanJuan,AndrewTenholder
As we head into the second half of the year I want to highlight the strength of the golf course maintenance department, THE TEAM! I am proud of this team for their early, long, strenuous and unheralded service into making Loch Lloyd Country Club a premier golf course. Loch Lloyd is a vast property that requires intensive planning and professional skill to maintain. Pictured below is the 2024 Loch Lloyd golf course maintenance team.
Please join me in thanking members of the golf course maintenance team for their efforts in providing Loch Lloyd Country Club with the best golfing experience in Kansas City. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at grants@lochlloyd.com.
Click here to view the 2024 Event Calendar
We want to ensure all of our members are updated on the tasty options offered and have attached the new menu's to this email for your convenience - see the clickable links below. The menu's have also been shared to our Private Members Facebook Group, a new group set up to keep all of our incredible members informed with up to the minute information and happenings in the Club. If you are not apart of that group, please see the clickable link below to request to join.
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Dining Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Treats Menu
Click here to access our Private Members Facebook Group
JANUARY THROUGH MARCH Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday | | | | | | | CLOSED 11AM - 9PM 11AM - 9PM 11AM - 9PM 11AM - 11PM 11AM - 11PM 11AM - 9PM
CLOSED 11AM - 8PM 11AM - 8PM 11AM - 8PM 11AM - 10PM 11AM - 10PM 11AM - 4PM
All dates, times and activities are subject to change.
Most events require an RSVP and this will be noted in the event specific information sent closer to event time
Cancellation policy applies for most events
We will keep you updated on events with targeted emails, on our Private Members Facebook Group, push notifications through the Loch Lloyd app and with postings on our bulletin boards.
Your friends and family are welcome to accompany you here at the Club.
To allow your guests’ entry into the community, please register your guests’ through the South Guard Gate located off of Holmes Road by calling 816-322-1201 and provide all necessary names, date/time of arrival and destination.
Yes to guests! $7 per person charged to your account. You must be present with your guests during the duration of their visit.
One guest has the privilege of golfing with your membership up to six times per year. You must be present with your guests during the duration of their visit.
The more the merrier! Your guests or extended family have the opportunity to join you for the many Club hosted events we put on throughout the year. From brunches, to wine dinners, to cooking classes and more, any fees your guests’ will endure during their visit will be charged to your member account, unless a separate credit card transaction is made. You must be present with your guests during the duration of their visit.
You must be present with your guests during the duration of their visit.
POOL | 11AM - 8PM
*Weather permitting*
Click here to view the menu’s
8am - 10:45am Monday-Friday beginning the end of May and continuing through mid-July
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7am - 7:45am. Adult Only Swim begins Monday, June 3rd. Classes taught by Dawn Adams. Register through Lance Darling at Lanced@lochlloyd.com
Fitness Center Members: $75 per month
Non-Fitness Center Members: $120 per month
Monday-Friday from 7am - 8am. This will be extended to 7am - 10am on Saturday and Sunday. Adult Only Swim begins Tuesday, May 28th.
*There will be no lifeguard on duty and the signage indicates/warns on the appropriate risk*
Why wait until December to start the holiday fun? Book your festive party at our clubhouse now and get ahead of the game after all, Christmas in July is just a dress rehearsal for the real thing! Our clubhouse offers a cozy, festive atmosphere that’s perfect for any celebration. Picture this: twinkling lights, delicious food, and plenty of space for dancing and laughter. Our friendly staff will help you with everything from decorations to catering, so you can focus on having fun. Don’t let December sneak up on you secure your spot today and make your holiday party the talk of the season!
Availability is limited - call or email to get your reservation started!
816-322-3108 | Karia@lochlloyd.com
Warm regards,
Our LLLGA membership is now 127 strong! It’s exciting to have so many ladies sign-up for the league and we’d love to see equally high participation in our play days and events. For our June events, we had over 50 players participate in our 18-hole Informal Guest Day event on June 11th and 32 ladies participated in the Club’s Member/Member event held from June 20th -22nd.
The following is what’s scheduled for July:
This is an annual 9-hole event that’s loaded with fun, in more ways than one! Consider this the unofficial kick-off of Loch Lloyd’s July 4th festivities and prepare yourselves to enjoy this “spirited” event!
18-holes: July 2nd, 16th and 23rd
9-holes: July 10th, 17th, and 31st
This is a two day match play event. There will be two teams, Red and Blue, competing against each other in match play formats. Day one will consist of fourball matches in which two partners from one side compete together against two players from the other side with each player playing her own ball. The best net ball of the two partners is used to determine the winner of each hole. The winning net score earns one point with a tie earning a half point. From an overall scoring perspective, the winning partner team will get awarded a point for the match. Points are similarly awarded for the next day’s singles match play with the difference being that it is a one-on-one competition versus a partner event. Handicaps are taken into account when pairing competitors to keep the matches as even as possible. If you’ve never played in it before, the camaraderie with your teammates is a great experience. If you have played before, you know it’s an event you don’t want to miss!
This is a change from the original date of June 26th that was published in our handbook. You can invite 1, 2, or 3 guests to join you for 9-holes of scramble golf after which you can grab a quick bite to eat and/or enjoy a cocktail or two as you wind down with some socializing. LLLGA members without guests are welcome to sign up and join in on this scramble format. More info will be shared as plans are finalized so be on the lookout for more info on this fun casual event!
You can invite 1, 2 or 3 guests to join you for a round of golf and enjoy a meal afterwards. Unlike our informal guest day events, your guests will need to have a verifiable handicap to participate since prizes will be awarded based on team scores. More info on this event will be provided soon so start thinking about who to invite!
I’ll send out emails with more event details as the dates get closer. These events are put out there for your golfing pleasure and we’d love nothing more than to see you out there enjoying them!
Happy golfing!
-Wilma Collado
August 1, 2024, 10:00am - 1:00pm (No July Meeting)
Thursday, August 1st
Welcome our Guest Speaker, MO State Representative, District 62 Ms. Sherri Gallick
9:30AM: Social time with friends
10:00AM: Business Meeting
11:00AM: Speaker - Representative Sherri Gallick
12:00PM: Lunch served with reservation
Representative Sherri Gallick is responsible for portions of Cass and Bates counties (District 62) in the Missouri House of Representatives. She was elected to her first two-year term in November 2022.
Ms. Gallick went to the University of Missouri. She holds a BS in Education and her MBA. She continues to be active with her alma mater, serving on executive boards for 15+ years, and as president of the MIZZOU Alumni Association in 2015. She is a committed community leader and volunteers for various nonprofits.
Prior to serving in the legislature, Gallick was an executive in the food industry with companies such as Jimmy Dean Foods. Her business expertise served her well during her first year in the Missouri House. She was named the 2023 Freshman of the Year by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce for her business insight and economic development experience.
Sign up for membership now and receive an EVITE for the next meeting Go to llhomeandgarden com / membership and dues
The Loch Lloyd Home and Garden Club features home décor, food, fashion, gardening experts, field trips, socials, & more! The annual dues are only $65.00. The friendships are priceless! TO FIND OUT MORE OR JOIN THE CLUB, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.llhomeandgarden.com or email llhomeandgardenclub@gmail.com
Water Aerobics taught by Dawn Adams will begin June 3rd. Classes are Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 7:00-7:45am and will be held at the pool Fees
Fitness Center Members: $75 per month
Non-Fitness Center Members: $120 per month
Join the Total Yo-Golf Conditioning Tribe for a fun, interactive, golf related way to improve your score and your health. Sessions consist of movement patterns that are based on the biomechanics of the golf swing and include flexibility, mobility, stability, balance and strength. To schedule a private or small group session, or to join the pre-existing classes, please contact Joni Van Horn, Fitness Trainer & Level 2 Yoga for Golf Instructor at upgradeyourselfnow@gmail.com or cell (913) 226-4688.
July 4-5 - NO PRACTICE!
July 10th - WF Stingrays @ LL Lightning (HOME) 5:30pm
July 12th through 13th - CHAMPS- Required for ALL competitive swimmers!
July 14th - Season Celebration Banquet
Interested in joining the 2025 Lightning Swim Team? Check our our website and information guides linked below. New season information is published on the site late January through February.
See you at the pool, Loch Lloyd Lightning Website - Click Here
CALENDAR Parent 101 Guide - Click Here
FAQ Guide - Click Here
-Dara Witte
Sean Hanna | Golf Operations
Seanh@lochlloyd.com | 816-674-7882
Jeremy Dear | PGA Head Golf Professional Jeremyd@lochlloyd.com | 918-284-1705
Grant Suderman | Golf Superintendent Grants@lochlloyd.com | 785-448-4267
Kim Palmer | Interim General Manager Kimp@lochlloyd.com | 816-786-0494
Hannah Huffman | Food and Beverage Executive Hannahh@lochlloyd.com | 816-273-4835
Shelby Shatford | Club Communications, Brand & Membership Shelbys@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Ciara Mayes | Concierge Associate Ciaram@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Kari Amensen | Events Associate Karia@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Michelle Canales | Real Estate Operations and Community Associate Director Michellec@lochlloyd com | 816-892-3721
Janessa Howell | Accounting Janessah@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-5654
Lance Darling | Fitness Lanced@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-5463