Hello July. Some of the best memories are made in flip flops with your friends and family.
While our time together is flying by, we made the most out of June with activities around the Club. It was a pleasure to kick off the month with our first hosted swim meet of the season as well as channeling our inner shanti's during our Namaste & Chardonnay event. Enjoying a four-coursed bourbon dinner with Whistle Pig and Donuts with dad, that led us right into the ladies of Loch Lloyd's first ever MemberMember Tournament. Congratulations to Kay Rippy and Linda Boice on your welldeserved honors. As we began wrapping up the month with the Men's Member-Guest event, The Whummle we send our congratulations to Sal Belfonte & Johnathan Dold.
KayRippy&LindaBoice LadiesMember-MemberChampionsJuly holds the time to celebrate summer accordingly. I look forward to seeing each of you at the Club as exciting things are happening here at Loch Lloyd.
Have a joyous and safe Fourth of July.
- Chris Brems, Your Club PresidentBlake Freeman & Kenedy Biltoft
Andrew Hannan
Derek & Denise Jones
Frank & Amy Maldonado
Gunnar Wilson & Logan Glenn
John & Cheryl Baldus
Ryan & Erin Christensen
Jason & Lisa Ciminieri
Todd & Cara Conrad
James & Natalie Ismert
Mark & Katie Jennings
Chris & Michelle Mellinger
James & Angela Sadler
Dave & Kay Scott
Brad McKnight & Jennifer Spencer
July has arrived and spectacular golf and fun are on the Loch Lloyd horizon. The inaugural Women’s Member-Member occurred and what an event it was. There were thirty-two particpants competing for the top prize. The teams of Wilma Collado & Patty Merlie captured the top prize in one flight, while Ann Carlson and Julie Farrell were the winners of their flight. Both flight winners along with the second and third place teams of each flight participated in the shoot-out to determine the overall champions of the event.Congratulations to Kay Rippy and Linda Boice on capturing the title. Thanks to all that participated in the event, and we look forward to this event becoming a Loch Lloyd tradition.
Thank you to all that participated in this year’s Whummle. Congratulations to all flight winners and let’s give a special shout out to this year’s Whummle Champions, Sal Belfonte and guest, Johnathan Dold.
Don’t forget to sign up for Club Championships. The Men’s Gross Club Championships takes place July 14th-16th, while Women’s (Gross & Net), Senior’s (Gross & Net) and Men’s Net all take place on July 28th and 29th. Please sign up on ForeTees.
As you are playing a round of golf be sure to fill divots on the fairways, rake all bunkers and fix ball marks on the greens. Proper course etiquette as it pertains to fairways, bunkers and greens will only improve the overall golf experience.
While working on your game at the practice facility, please remember to be in proper golf attire. Players should not be wearing tee shirts and athletic shorts while practicing at the practice facility Thank you for your cooperation in advance
See you on the 1st tee,
Loch Lomond Flight
·1st Place- Patty Merlie & Wilma Collado
·2nd Place- Sherie Bartlett & Helen Scott
·3rd Place- Pat Hersma & Peggy Frazier
Lady Bank Flight
·1st Place- Ann Carlson & Julie Farrell
·2nd Place- Linda Boice & Kay Rippy
·3rd Place- Kelly Arnold & Kathy Karst
Shoot Out Winners
Linda Boice & Kay Rippy
Congratulations to Sal Belfonte and his partner Jonathan Dold on becoming the 2023 Whummle overall champions. Thank you to all that participated, and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year!
Flight Winners
·Mac Andrews- Sal Belfonte & Jonathan Dold
·Mac Barkley- Sean McGrevey & Bryant Kroutch
·MacCarter- Jerry Schaefer & Dave Newman
·Mac Dowd- Doug Gaumer & Scott Coons
·Mac Ernie- John Walczuk & Michael Walczuk
·Mac Farland- Michael Coughlin & Chris Dowdy
·Mac Gregor- Brent Draper & Sean McNicholas
·Mac Heath- Brent Elder & Card Sappington
·Mac Intyre- Jordan Dreiling & Bob Underwood
·Mac Joseph- Justin Mahoney & Derek Fricke
Join us for our third Highland Game of the season. Our monthly Highland games are fun competitions that you can sign up for on the first tee. The Golf Professionals will offer a fun game without interrupting your traditional Saturday groups. The cost of the event is $15.
The Men’s Gross Club Championship will be played over 3 straight days starting Friday, July 15th, through Sunday, July 17th. All participants must sign up on ForeTees and the deadline for signing up is Wednesday, July 11th.
Calling all junior golfers that want to play in the Junior Club Championship. This is event is flighted by age. Ages 6-8 will play 3-holes, ages 9-10 will play 5-holes, ages 11-14 will play 9holes and ages 15-18 will play 18 holes. The cost of the event is $20.
The annual Club Championship takes place on Friday and Saturday, July 28th & 29th. The following flights are up for grabs, so pick which flight you would like to play in. Tee times begin at 1:00 PM on Friday afternoon and 8:00 AM tee times on Saturday morning. The cost of the event is $60.
Women’s- Gross and Net
Senior’s- Gross and Net
Men’s- Net
JULY | 6:30AM to 8:00PM
Tee times will begin 1 ½ hours after the Golf Shop opens, weather permitting.
“The strength of a team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” Phil Jackson.
As we head into the second half of the year, I want to highlight the strength of the golf course maintenance department, THE TEAM! I am proud of the entire GCM team for their early, long & strenuous behind the scenes work dedicated to making Loch Lloyd Country Club a premier golf course. To date we have hosted many successful events including The Scotty & Whummle which were highlighted by the preparation of the golf course maintenance team. Loch Lloyd is a vast property, and we know there is much more work to be done yet we continue to strive to be 1% better each day. Picture below is the 2023 Loch Lloyd golf course maintenance team
Pictured from left: Stephen Wilds, Bulmaro Pantoja, Travis Boeve, Alex Sedeno, Todd Cody, Jerod Leverenz, Jaime Martinez, Agustin Cabrera, Alejo San Juan, Juan Lopez, Yohadrith Caldera, Vicencio Escamilla, Eli Sandoval, Eden Hernandez, Yiovani Santos, Mike Crawford, Cole Hibdon, Geovanni Gines, Ryan Sackrider, Connor Warn, Gabriel Totton, Diego Martinez, Trevor Warn, Chris Martinez, Harold Horton, Michael Boma, Efrain Huesca, Dakotah McBride & Grant Suderman.
Please join me in thanking members of the GCM team for their hard work maintaining the Loch Lloyd Country Club grounds.
Best Regards,
JunewasanintensemonthatLochLloydandtheteamexecutedourbusiestmonthwithlotsofsmilesandon verylittlesleep. Whatkeptusbusy?
Namaste&Chardonnay-aneveningofYOGAatthepracticefacilitythatallowedallofourmemberstostretch inthebeautyofLochLloyd.
WhistlePigDinner-anincredible4coursemealpairedwithWhistlePigSpirits. Thiseveningwasorchestrated withthehelpofIngridRodriguezfromWhistlePigHeadquartersinVermonttoeducateattendeesonthe delectablejuicesofWhistlePig.
LeagueNightscontinuedonThursdaywiththeintroductionofagrillstation. EachThursdayevening,oneof ourexecutivesouschef'streksouttotheComfortStationandslingsburgers,dogsandchicken.
ICSWGAGolfandLuncheonwheretheladieswereluckyenoughtogetapreviewofoneofthenewitemsthat willappearonthenextversionofthemenu. Anyonewhoattendedwilltellyou-don'tmissthemarinated steakthainoodlesalad.
LLLGAInformalGuestDaywasaHIT! TheseladiesweresuchajoytohostastheyjoinedusinFiresideafter hittingthelinksforalimited,anddelicious,lunchmenu
CouplesGolfwasanothernewinitiativein2023andcontinuestoprovideanenjoyabletimeofgolf,laughs,and alittlebitofpartakingofbeveragesafterwardsinthe19thHole.
LadiesofLochLloydInauguralMemberMemberTournamentwasadynamicwaytostartthistournament. Over30ladiesjoinedusfor3daysoforchestratedfuncompletewithfood,music,andchampagneatevery opportunity. AbigTHANKYOUtotheladieswhobelievedinourabilitytohostatop-notchLadiesMember Member.
Andfinally,TheWhummle-amen'smemberguesttournament. 4daysfullofmemoriesandacouplebottles ofTito's. MemberfeedbackontheeventhasbeenverypositiveandIwouldechothepraise,specificallywhen itcomestotheteam. 15hourdayswerenotuncommonforthemajorityofourstaffandthedetermination andsacrificeIwitnessedwashumbling. Ifanyoftheassociatesseemtobealittlewobblyontheirfeetthis week-givethemabitofgraceandknowtheyarestillcatchingupontheirrest.
Golf balls are like eggs. They’re white, sold by the dozen, and a week later you have to buy some more.
LochLloydLightninghostedtheirfirstswimmeetandwecouldnotbemoreproudofthoselittlefish! WhatafunatmospheretohearthecheersfortheirfellowswimmatesItisaveryspecialenvironment
Alphapointe,theregion’sleaderforvisionrehabilitation,educationandadvocacydedicatedtohelping anyoneexperiencingvisionlosshostedalargetournamentatLoch.Ourteamwasproudtowork alongsidethemtoraisemoneyforthisveryworthycause.
OwenLumberCompanyhostedtheirannualgolftournamentmid-Juneand,althoughitwastoasty outside,nooneseemedtomindastheyallenjoyedgolf,dinnerandoneortwolibationstohelpthem cooloff.
MizzouTigerClubGolfTournamentwas24hoursaftertheconclusionoftheWhummleandthe associatesralliedtoensuretheirexperiencedidnotlack.18holesofchampionshipgolffollowedby dinnerandaprivatefundraisingeventinFireside.
Aswedoeachandeverymonth,wereflectonthelast30daysanddiscusswhatworkedandwherethere werestruggles-weadjustoperationsbasedonthisdataaswellasfeedbackofmembers.Withthatbeing said,andwhilebalancingourprofessionalresponsibilitiesandrememberingourmembersarediverseinage, interests,andwhatappealstotheminsocialactivities,palletpreference,investment,etc.thefollowing changesarebeingmade:
TheDeckCrawlwillnotbeaClubEventIhavetalkedtoacoupleofdynamicmemberswhowillbe spearheadingtheseefforts
Thisupdateisjustaglimpseintotheworkthatisbeingdonetoimproveandexceedexpecationsatthe ClubAsalways,mygoalistobehonest,transparent,andsupportivetoourteamandourmembersWith thatbeingsaid,wehavesomeREALLYstellarassociatesandIwouldberemissifIdidn'trecognizetheir sacrificesTheystaypastclosingtimewhenamemberisn'tquitereadytocallitanight,spendunplanned timeawayfromtheirfamilieswhencircumstancesarise,theycraftspecialtyitemsinthekitchenupon demandWehavesomerealgoodeggsandIhopetheyalsowanttocallLochLloydhome
Click here to view the 2023 Event Calendar
Click here to view the 2023 Golf Event Calendar
We want to ensure all our members are updated on the tasty options offered and have attached the new menu's to this email for your convenience - see the clickable links below. The menu's have also been shared to our Private Members Facebook Group, a new group set up to keep all of our incredible members informed with up to the minute information and happenings in the Club. If you are not apart of that group, please see the clickable link below to request to join.
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Dining Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club 19th Hole Fare Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Desserts Menu
Click here to access our Private Members Facebook Group
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
All dates, times and activities are subject to change. Most events require an RSVP and this will be noted in the event specific information sent closer to event time. Cancellation policy applies for most events.
We will keep you updated on events with targeted emails, on our Private Members Facebook Group, and with postings on our bulletin boards
Pool | 11AM - 8PM *Weather permitting*
The Dive & Snack Shack | 11AM - 7PM
$5 | Charged to your member account
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7AM-7:45AM. Register through Lance Darling at lanced@lochlloyd.com
8AM-10:45AM Monday-Friday beginning the end of May and continuing through mid-July
Monday-Friday from 7AM - 8AM. This will be extended to 7AM - 10AM on Saturday and Sunday.
Adult Only Swim begins Tuesday, May 30th.
*There will be no lifeguard on duty and the signage indicates/warns on the appropriate risk*
Looking back, we enjoyed two great events in June. We had over 50 members and guests partake in our Informal Guest Day on June 14th. While there were no prizes, the great time we had was priceless! The following evening was the cocktail party for the inaugural Ladies Member-Member event. Thirtytwo LLLGA members supported this premier club event and it was quite the experience! We shopped, ate, drank, swayed to the music, hung out on the patio and deck, and, oh yeah, golfed in some pretty nice weather. It was the start of a new Loch Lloyd tradition, and one we hope will have more ladies signing up for next year!
Looking ahead, it may be steaming hot out there but the LLLGA gals have some fun cool events to look forward to in July! First up will be the 9-hole Red, White & Blue Blast on July 6th Talk about an annual tradition! This event has become bigger and better each year with our very important sponsors, who mix up some interesting and tasty potions for our drinking pleasure, and the ladies who sign up to golf, or at least swing a club to get the ball closer to those sponsored holes! If you’ve participated in the past, you know what we mean.
July is also when we have our annual Solheim Cup event. This is a two day event that will be played Wednesday and Thursday, July 19th and 20th Similar to the format used in the biennial golf tournament played by teams representing the US and Europe, two teams will be formed. On day one, four-ball matches will be scheduled. Day two will be single matches. The team that collects the most points for matches won over the two days is declared the 2023 Solheim Cup winners It’s an event full of friendly competition and bragging rights! There’s a Team Reveal event the evening of July 18th where team members are selected and the fun trash talking begins on whose team will be this year’s victors!
More info on the Red, White & Blue Blast and the Solheim Cup will be shared in advance of those events Both events are open for sign-up on Foretees so, if you already know you want to join in on the fun, go ahead and register now!
Also available for sign-up in Foretees is our Formal Guest Day on August 2nd. Invite one, two or three guests to join you as we embrace the tropical weather we’ve been experiencing for some hot fun in the sun! Look for the flyer toward the back of this newsletter for more details.
See you out on the course!
August 3rd, 2023, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
We welcome Dr. Rodney Hammer from ReHope as our guest speaker. REHOPE, formerly known as Restoration House of Greater Kansas City, began its mission in 2015 as a response to the increasing epidemic of sex trafficking in the U.S. ReHope is a faith-based 501(c)3 providing help and housing to women and children who are survivors of sex trafficking. The 17-acre ReHope Farm in rural Cass County provides safe, long-term housing, trauma therapy, healing programs, education services, job preparation assistance, and support to reenter society.
To learn more please visit www.rehope.org
Business Meeting 10:00 AM
Speaker 10:45 AM
Lunch 12:00 AM
This month's menu will include your choice of a citrus chicken breast or salmon filet paired with a spinach, peach and walnut salad topped with a balsamic vinaigrette. To wrap up a pallet pleasing meal, a lemon New York style cheesecake with a strawberry sauce will await your taste buds on a hot summer's day.
If you are not a member of the LLH&GC and would like to attend the meeting, please visit our website llhomeandgarden.com and contact us. Members will receive an EVITE in July.
The 2023 season is well under way. The Loch Lloyd Lightning will conclude the season with 2 remaining meets. Join us for our final meet home on Wednesday, July 12 at 5:30. You don’t have to be part of the team to cheer the kids on. The meet will conclude with an after-party, so join us for a fun-filled night!
The 2023 Championship Meet will happen at the Shawnee Mission Aquatic center on July 15th, and the end-of-season banquet the following day.
We are so proud of our swimmers and all of their accomplishments! If you’re interested in joining our team next season, you can learn more on the team website. 2024 information will be posted in Jan/Feb 2024, so stay tuned! GO LIGHTNING!
July 12th | 5:30PM | NGC Dolphins @ Loch Lloyd
July 15th | 8AM | 2023 SSA Championship Meet
July 16th | 5PM - 9PM | End of Season Banquet/Awards Night
Water Aerobics taught by Dawn Adams will begin June 5th. Classes are Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 7:00-7:45am and will be held at the pool.
Yo-Golf Fitness is here! Looking for a funway to improve your health and your golfskills? Yo-Golf Fitness may be your answer. Golf doesn’t require the endurance of a triathlete or brawn of a powerlifter. Instead, it's all about technique and form - which in turn require mobility, stability, flexibility, and core strength. This is true for a healthy lifestyle and daily living as well, which is why we focus on these aspects of fitness during our Yo-Golf Fitness Happy Hours. Sessions are offered on Monday and Wednesday at 5:45 pm and Saturday at 9:15 am Contact Joni Van Horn for more info on the sessions or to schedule a privatesession at (913) 226-4688.
Folds on Honor - View the flyer on the following pages to learn more!
30 minutes - $50
45 minutes - $65
60 minutes - $80
Tandem session - $120/$60 per member
30 minutes - $55
60 minutes - $80
90 minutes - $115
Chris Brems | Club President Chrisb@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Sean Hanna | Golf Operations
Seanh@lochlloyd.com | 816-674-7882
Grant Suderman | Golf Superintendent Grants@lochlloyd.com | 785-448-4267
Kim Palmer | Operations Director Kimp@lochlloyd.com | 816-786-0494
Hannah Huffman | Food and Beverage Executive Hannahh@lochlloyd com | 816-273-4835
Shelby Shatford | Club Communications and Brand Associate Shelbys@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Ciara Mayes | Concierge Associate Ciaram@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Kari Amensen | Events Associate Karia@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-1022
Ashlea Black | Vice President of Real Estate and Marketing Ashleab@lochlloyd.com | 816-331-9500
Michelle Canales | Real Estate Operations and Community Associate Director Michellec@lochlloyd com | 816-892-3721
Linda Newby | Accounting Lindan@lochlloyd.com | 816-505-4292
Lance Darling | Fitness Lanced@lochlloyd.com | 816-322-5463