Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons
As hard as it is to believe, the fall has begun trending behind us as we begin our next steps into the holiday season. With the great show of events October had for our members here at the Club, the last two months of the year will parade nothing less! From A Taste of Tuscany, to Holiday Brunches, to small family gatherings and more, the team and I are eager to see you there as we embark through the season of spending quality time together.
An important announcement was sent out this week regarding changes to our memberships. Beginning January 1, 2023, each Full Golf Membership will observe a $100/month “Capital Expenditure” fee line on their bill, and each Social Membership will observe a $50/month " Capital Expenditure" fee line on their bill. Your Advisory Board and Executive Leadership Team have agreed that Capital Expenditure Fees are necessary to ensure our Club receives the care and maintenance it deserves If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
I look forward seeing you all here at the Club and be sure to give our new members a Loch Lloyd welcome!
November has arrived and with that, the 2022 tournament season has come to an end. Thank you to all that participated in this year’s events and congratulations to all of the lucky and skilled competitors that took home victories We are beginning to work through the 2023 event calendar and are sure to have a great variety of events for you to enjoy next season! While the colder weather is sure to set in soon, don’t hang up your golf clubs for the year! The golf course is in fantastic condition and there are sure to be many great fall days ahead of us before the snow falls
Tee times will now begin at 9:00 am each day of the week and will extend to 10:00 am in December. The 10:00 am starting tee time will remain in effect until the end of February 2023 Please check ForeTees for daily updates on the weather forecast to be advised of any potential frost delays or inclement weather. In preparation for colder weather, the ice/water dispenser will be removed from the comfort station on the golf course until next spring. This is done annually to prevent the water lines in the machines from freezing
Congratulations to Lori McConnell, the 2022 Player of the year in the Loch Lloyd Ladies Golf Association!
Beginning on Tuesday, November 1st the Practice Facility setup will transition to our winter setup. All golf balls will be set up on the synthetic mats rather than the zoysia grass teeing areas. We make this transition because the zoysia grass has gone dormant and is no longer able to recover from divots that are created Our zoysia grass teeing areas will open in the spring.
Come out and enjoy a fun golf event on Saturday, November 19th. Form a four person team or sign up as a single (the golf shop will pair you up) to play in a scramble format. Gross and Net payouts along with an optional cash skins game. $60 per player includes carts, tee gifts and winners payouts. Sign up on ForeTees
Please join us as we host our annual Member Appreciation Sale. This year’s sales will be similar to last year in which we will have the sale for one week rather than one night. Come in and spin the wheel for your additional discounts! It’s a fun way to spend your shop credit and maybe purchase some holiday gifts
Also, during the month of December, the Golf Professionals will provide complimentary gift-wrapping on all purchases made in the Golf Shop. Come take advantage of the great deals in the Golf Shop to pick up some great gifts for the holiday season!
See you on the 1st tee,
Congratulations to Helen Scott, The Individual Net Match Play Champion in October
Kansas City Senior Golf Association (KCSGA) is an exclusive UGSA supported organization composed of members of KC’s seventeen finest private golf and country clubs. Individual members of those clubs who are 60+ may apply for membership. Members are eligible to participate in any of the KCSGA events at one of ten rotating courses each year In addition, KCSGA members can play in a travel event in the fall at one of the regions popular courses including Prairie Dunes, The Patriot Club, Firekeeper, and Porto Cima. Each event includes gross and net competition by age group, closest to the pin awards, and an optional gross and net “skins” game While players can choose any set of tees, players are encouraged to “move up” a tee to help with pace of play. The entry fee for an event is $110 which includes the 18 hole round with a cart followed by cocktails, dinner, and awards The events are scheduled in late spring, summer, and early fall The most common day of play is on Monday's when most area clubs are only open for event play. Registration for membership begins in late December of each year The annual registration fee is $150, event registration is online and begins 30 days before the event. If you are interested in learning more about KCSGA and/or being included in the registration process, email Dave Guyot at daveguyot@gmail.com.
Frost is a common occurrence throughout the property on many cold mornings. Heavy frost events cause golf delays disrupting morning schedules. So why do we enforce frost delays? Frost is a thin layer of ice that has the potential to cause lasting turf damage where traffic occurs. Closely mowed turf such as greens is extremely vulnerable to damage from frost. Frost damage looks aesthetically unpleasing throughout the winter months and can cause unacceptable playing conditions due to turf decline or death.
Pictured is damage from foot traffic at the practice facility last winter:
Frost covered turf is susceptible to immediate damage from traffic. Ice crystals on and inside the plant can puncture cell walls and cell organs. When traffic occurs on heavily frosted turfgrass surfaces, entire plants can be killed, leaving patches or streaks of dead turf where traffic occurred
Damage to the turf will occur immediately, and the symptoms of the damage become obvious as the turf grows. Healing may not occur until the next growing season begins.
The time-honored tradition of not playing on frosted turf is recommended and has produced good results over time. In the big picture, the disruption to golf is small, yet it prevents injury to the turf. Rapid and clear communication should reduce the inconvenience and make frost delays less frustrating Thanks for your cooperation in following our frost delay protocols to protect the course from unnecessary damage. PLEASE AVOID ALL USE OF THE GROUNDS DURING THESE FROST EVENTS as all turf is susceptible to damage. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Best regards,
They say December is the "most wonderful time of the year". I would challenge that whomever coined that phrase has never experienced Loch Lloyd in the fall I mean the tress are really putting on a spectacular show. The yellows, reds and orange of the leaves against the still green landscape of the course is truly something none of us should take for granted. I hope you will all consider dining with us, specifically in Fireside, at least once more this season to soak in the beauty that is your Loch Lloyd Country Club. It's something special.
And while we are chatting about dining, I would like to update our members on our menu Can you believe the new menu has only been published for a little more than 8 weeks? In those weeks, we have experienced incredible support for the fresh, never frozen and locally sourced options that are on our new menu and I tip my hat to the culinary team for their tireless work in the kitchen In addition to this support, we have also welcomed and received feedback on changes that could be made to continue to improve on options available. We value these suggestions and are working with Chef Nic to make tweaks to the menu and our hope is to have this published by mid November The majority of the menu will remain the same but you will see a few items removed, a handful added, and a couple tweaked, all in hopes of producing a menu that is agreeable to the majority of our members. Believe it or not, pleasing hundreds of people proves to be a little challenging (I kid ok I am not kidding) After this revision, we will turn our focus to the Spring when we anticipate another version of the menu to be released. Again, the foundation will remain similar while we continue to make improvements based on feedback and look at seasonal options that will compliment and impress In other food news.
Full menu is available for to go's all day everyday (except for Mondays)
The patio off of the 19th Hole is available for open seating each day, weather permitting. Reservations required for Fireside Dining. Please call 816-322-1022.
Beer and Cocktail specials in the 19th Hole every Saturday and Sunday in November as we celebrate FOOTBALL FRENZY!
In addition to the eats, we have been busy with events and have seen an increase in members utilizing the Club for personal celebrations, meetings, and even nuptials WE LOVE THIS! Our Clubhouse is your Clubhouse As a reminder, members are allowed to use rooms in the Club, schedule permitting and reservation required, for up to 2 hours free of charge (assuming there is no additional set-up or services being used). Members and nonmembers can also rent multiple event spaces in the Club/on the property and our rooms can accommodate groups from a handful of people to over 200 attendees. If you have a need - I am confident we have the space. For a list of available rentals or to book a date, please reach out to Brytoney at brytoneyg@lochlloyd com or call the Clubhouse at 816 322 1022.
While our hands have been full with events happening in the Club, we have also made sure to block out time to celebrate with our members with our Club hosted events. We just wrapped up Witches and Wine and all I have to say is....
Decked from head to toe and "spirited" from beginning to end The Witches turned Fireside Dining into their personal coven and partied the night away while looking absolutely FABULOUS. While the witches were brewing up trouble downstairs, Beasts and Bourbon took over the 2nd Level of the Men's Locker Room. While girls weren't permitted, my sources have confirmed that an evening full of mischief was had by all
We now turn our attention to Trunk or Treat that we will be hosting on the south end of the Clubhouse parking lot this Saturday, October 29 from noon until 2 Bring those little goblins down for candy, games and a hayride. Then, consider joining us for GOBBLER BINGO on November 2nd. If BINGO doesn't tickle your fancy, RSVP for the chili bar that evening November will be full of great events including a wine tasting straight from Italy and a true Thanksgiving Day Feast and all this fun will lead us into a jam packed December. Please see our event calendar and our informational pieces in this newsletter for these, and additional happenings, at your Loch Lloyd Country Club
Take care, stay well, and GOBBLE GOBBLE!
We want to ensure all our members are updated on the tasty options offered and have attached the new menu's to this email for your convenience see the clickable links below. The menu's have also been shared to our Private Members Facebook Group, a new group set up to keep all of our incredible members informed with up to the minute information and happenings in the Club. If you are not apart of that group, please see the clickable link below to request to join
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Dining Menu
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Afternoon Sharables & Dessert Menu
Click here to access our Private Members Facebook Group
Pea Salad Broccoli Salad Beet Salad
Smoked Salmon Shrimp Cocktail Crudite with Ranch Dip
Green Bean Casserole Candied Yams Loaded Mashed Potatoes Bread Stuffing Baked Mac and Cheese Corn Bread & Rolls
Roast Turkey with Gravy and Cranberry Sauce Honey Baked Ham
Sliced Bistro Filet with Mushroom Sauce
Pumpkin Pie with Fresh Whipped Cream Pumpkin Roulade Cranberry Crisp
Hello Ladies
I can’t believe it, the season is over, but we ended strong October 5th , for cancer awareness month, the LLLGA raised $3,115 for Options Bring Hope. This is a research grant to honor Lindsay Zubeck, daughter of Jim & Linda Miller, who is currently fighting Ocular Melanoma. Thank you Melinda Baty for making this happen! Next, we had an amazing closing day thanks to the hard work of Ann Carlson, Janice Schaefer and Amy Walleck. Congratulations to:
Beth Nichols Club Champion
Dahlia Gilmore - Net Club Champion
Helen Scott Individual Match Play Winner
Melinda Baty and Paula Henry - 4 Ball Partner Challenge Winners
Congratulations ladies!
This will be my last newsletter submission, the presidency of the LLLGA is getting passed on into the capable hands of Wilma Collado. It has been fun serving and nderful ladies of the LLLG
December 1st, 2022, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Please join us on Thursday, December 1, 2022 for this unique and fun event Don't forget to wear your best holiday attire!
Enjoy a festive beverage during the Business Meeting at 10:00 AM where we will vote on officers Mix and mingle, enjoy the fun, sip and chat and enjoy the ambiance Blessing at 11: 40 AM Lunch at 11:45 AM Special presentations and entertainment all around!
Please gather your favorite holiday appetizer, dessert & beverage recipes for distribution at the December Garden Club meeting Please email your typed or scanned recipes to Shelbys@lochlloyd.com by November 20th, 2022.
Chef has hand selected two wonderful entrees as we head into the holiday season A deliciously tender brisket pot roast or a succulent roasted leg of lamb. Both protein options will be accompanied by a flavorful grilled, root vegetable assortment Dessert will be a moist and lightly spiced gingerbread cake complimented with vanilla sauce A bar will be available to celebrate with true holiday cheer and just maybe there will be a holiday specialty beverage at club charge. Fresh brewed tea and coffee available as well
With winter weather is right around the corner, the Fitness Center will follow the Belton School District closure policy for inclement weather. If the Belton School District does not have school the Fitness Center will not have classes on that day If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out
Chris Brems | Club President Chrisb@lochlloyd com | 816 322 1022
Linda Newby | Accounting Lindan@lochlloyd com | 816 505 4292
Brytoney George | Events Associate Brytoneyg@lochlloyd com | 816 322 3108
Lance Darling | Fitness Lanced@lochlloyd com | 816 322 5463
Sean Hanna | Golf Operations Seanh@lochlloyd com | 816 674 7882
Grant Suderman | Golf Superintendent Grants@lochlloyd.com | 785 448 4267
Kim Palmer | Operations Director Kimp@lochlloyd.com | 816 786 0494
Hannah Huffman | Food and Beverage Executive Hannahh@lochlloyd.com | 816 273 4835
Shelby Shatford | Club Communications and Brand Associate Shelbys@lochlloyd.com | 816 322 1022
Ciara Mayes | Concierge Associate Ciaram@lochlloyd.com | 816 322 1022
Ashlea Black | Vice President of Real Estate and Marketing Ashleab@lochlloyd com | 816 331 9500
Dale Brouk | COO Real Estate Daleb@lochlloyd com | 816 505 4297
Michelle Canales | Real Estate Operations and Community Associate Director Michellec@lochlloyd com | 816 892 3721
Doug Adam | Realtor Douga@lochlloyd com | 816 331 9500