September 2022 Member Newsletter

A Message from your Club President Straight from the Pro Shop with Golf Operations Keeping it Green - Update from our Superintendent Your Experience Update Events Calendar LLLGA Information Loch Lloyd Home & Garden Club Fitness Report September Fitness Calendar Club Communications 03 04 05 06 13 14 16 17 18 19 C O N T E N T S T a b l e o f
Welcome to our new golf members:
Welcome to our new social members:
Will & JJ Coates
Chris Brems, Your Club President
Phillip & Daria Byrne
New beginnings have taken course here at the Club If you have been staying up to date with our many announcements regarding our new dining experience, then I am certain you have had a chance to stop in and see some of the changes we have initiated. One of which includes our new menu Chef Nic has diligently created.
Johnny & Nadine Russell
From the land to the sea, this new dining experience will hit the many food areas we have long waited for here at Loch Lloyd. I want to thank each and everyone of you for being cooperative with us during our closure and have been open to the many new experiences our team wants to share with you. It is our mission to deliver the best in class service our Club can provide to you, our members.
Just like that, summer falls into September

The Junior Club Championships took place as well, despite the weather forcing divisions to play on different days. Congratulations to Carsen Schlup for capturing the Junior Club Championship this year.
Aerification of the golf course will take place on September 6th & 7th , with a rain date scheduled for September 8th. The golf course will be closed on the days of aerification, but the practice facility will be open.
September is also the month in which the club hosts the annual Mixed Club Championship….aka…”The Divorce Open”. If you are interested in playing, the date of the event is Monday, September 5th This always is a great event so be sure to sign up on ForeTees.
Congratulations to all our Club Champions! Mike Hillyard, Trent Newby, and Beth Nichols each won their Gross Championships while Jeffrey Wendel, Larry Dillon, and Dahlia Gilmore each won the Net Championships of their respective events.
Football season, PGA playoffs, apple cider doughnuts and did I mention that September is the one of nicest months of the year to play golf in Kansas City? So come on out and enjoy the best golf course in the area and bring your friends along as well
Sean Hanna, Director of Golf
The golf course is very busy in September with club events, daily play and yes, outside events. As our golf calendar winds down, the biggest women’s event of the year takes place this month The Brigadoon Classic tees off with a practice round on September 23rd this year. Our annual Women’s Member Guest is a fun filled event that takes place from September 22nd and concludes on September 24th . If you would like to play, please call the golf shop for details
See you on the 1st tee,

G r a n t S u d e r m a n
5 DearMembers,
TheSummerof2022haschallengedthegolfmaintenanceteamwith consistentexcessiveheatanddryconditions.Iamproudofthehard workandintensivelonghoursthemaintenanceteamhasperformedto providethemembershipwithhighqualityplayingconditions Ithas beenanhonortoleadthisgroupofindividualsthatsharethesamegoal ofprovidingthebestgolfcourseinKansasCity.Weunderstandthereis stillmuchtoimprove,yetweembracethesechallengesandlook forwardtocorrectingthem.Weholdourselvestoahighstandardand appreciateyourexpectationsaswell
Fall aerification is scheduled for September 6th & 7th. The course will be closed during this process. We will be using smaller ¼” inch hollow tines compared to the ½” tines used for spring aerification. This less aggressive approach is being implemented to limit additional turf injury under the higher stressed conditions Greens will be fully recovered as early as 1 week following aerification due to this less aggressive approach Thank you for your patience as aerification is critical for long term health of the greens.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! L F C O U R S E S U P E R I N T E N D E N T
While the new menu is out, we are still experiencing a handful of temporary changes to normal operations. These were decided by leadership to ensure we set our team up for success I would like to stress again that the changes are temporary and will be lifted as we feel appropriate. They include:
KIM PALMEROperations Director
One change that is permanent are required reservations for Fireside for parties of 6 or more any day/time of the week and all seating is by reservation only each day after 4pm Please call 816 322 1022 or stop by the front desk to make reservations We look forward to hosting you!
The patio off of the 19th/20th Hole is available for seating but there is no service. You can visit the 19th Hole Bar, order and take care of your own items, and enjoy on the patio.
No to go’s after 4pm with the exception of pizza Those delish, hand made pies can always be ordered (and please always allow a 30 minute prep-time… they are all homemade and perfection takes time.)
What a month for Loch Lloyd Country Club, specifically the dining operations. On August 14th, we suspended all food service for 5 days while we concentrated efforts on our new menu The kitchen was completely turned over with fresh product, a box truck full of no longer needed food was donated to Harvesters, the kitchen staff learned the preparations of an entirely new menu, we did some sprucing up inside the Clubhouse, and our serving associates participated in 4 days of training, specifically focusing on excellent service. I think it’s safe to say we did a months worth of work in those 5 days with long days and short nights to ensure our members received an exceptional new menu with service to match.
I hope everyone is enjoying the new menu and will consider joining us at one of our upcoming events. It’s truly a great time to be a part of Loch Lloyd Country Club!
Before I close with my remarks on Food & Beverage, I MUST take a moment to give a standing ovation to our team. Loch Lloyd is not immune to the staffing shortages that are plaguing our country but what we lack in numbers, we make up for in heart These associates are giving it their all every time they step on the floor to serve you. Most of them are working double shifts numerous times a week, they are remaining committed to exceptional service even when they have been on their feet for hours on end, and they are doing it all for YOU and with the exceptional leadership of Chef Nic and Hannah Huffman. I hope you will help me in thanking these tireless individuals for showing up, for committing to Loch Lloyd, and for striving to ensure your experience is exceptional. I am humbled by their give and proud to be a part of the team.
While the new menu is a real BANG, there is even more fun to be had at Loch Lloyd in September. A couple of can’t miss upcoming events include the WHITE OUT PARTY, Saturday, September 10th. RSVP’s are required please connect with Brytoney at Following up from that fun, Sunday, September 11th, it’s our PUPPY POOL PAWTY! Bring that H20 loving pooch poolside, 3pm 5pm and your best friend can splish splash the afternoon away while the humans enjoy the Chiefs game (kick-off is at 3:45pm). Note that dogs are not required to participate in the fun! A tailgate buffet will be available and RSVP’s are required to chow down please connect with Brytoney at Additional information on both of these events can be found on the following pages of this newsletter.
7 - Kim Palmer
Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Afternoon Sharables & Dessert Menu

Click here to view the Loch Lloyd Country Club Dining Menu

We want to ensure all our members are updated on the tasty options offered and have attached the new menu's to this email for your convenience see the clickable links below. The menu's have also been shared to our Private Members Facebook Group, a new group set up to keep all of our incredible members informed with up to the minute information and happenings in the Club. If you are not apart of that group, please see the clickable link below to request to join
Cl k h b rs Facebook Group

Course Closed
Thanksgiving Brunch
The White Party
Loch Lloyd Country Club Holiday Party
Witches & Wine @ 5pm
Puppy Pool Party
Club & Course Closed

We intend to add additional events to the calendar. Updates will appear monthly. Detailed information on each event will be sent via email to all members closer to event date.
Trunk and Treat @ Noon
Fireside Dining CLOSED for Private Event
Club & Course Closed
Sept 6 7 10 11 22 24 26 29 30 4 19 24 3 11 12 24-25
The Gobbler
Santa Brunch Ladies Holiday Party
12th - Closing Day 1pm Shotgun Start with Dinner to Follow
- Terri Thomas
We had an exciting and active August!! We started off the month with our formal guest day, Swing with Bling THANK YOU to Ann Carlson, Amy Walleck and Janice Schafer for all the work you did to make this such a fun day. A little afternoon rain shower just added to the fun

14 SAVE THE DATES September 22 24 The Brigadoon, Sign up on ForeTees
Next, we had our 2nd annual Belton Girl’s Golf Benefit THANK YOU Lindsey Elder for making it happen this year. The LLLGA raised $7,790. We also want to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT TO BRIAN ILLIG for making a matching contribution, so we were able donate $15,580 to the golf team. The golf team is the only school sport where equipment is not provided, so this donation helps to make the sport assessable to all that wish to learn how to play the game. We still have more fun to come in September and October.
5th October is Cancer Awareness Month, More information on the way October 6th Our last 9 hole play day

As we embark on our journey to fall, we will be serving an Austrian lunch for October's Home & Garden Club Meeting. Chef will accompany the Pork Schnitzel with a creamy mushroom goulash, buttered spätzle and a cucumber salad. The goodness will continue with a mud brownie to complete this cuisine.

October 6th, 2022, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Presented by Associated Plastic Surgeons of Leawood Kansas. The practice began in 1977. There are four board certified physicians on staff and aestheticians. They perform surgical and nonsurgical procedures to the face, body, and breast They treat both men and women The practice has a relationship with Children's Mercy South and Main for treating pediatric patients Complimentary consultations are available and monthly specials are offered. At the Garden Club presentation, a drawing for door prizes will be held. Please join us for an informative and fun meeting!
“Ilookforwardtotheworkoutandfriendship.Atthebeginning,Icouldn’ttouchmy knees,nowIcantouchmytoesandfeel1000%better.”
JonihasbeenaCertifiedFitnessInstructorthroughTheAerobicsandFitness AssociationofAmericaforover20yearsandearnedherYogaforGolfLevel2 Certification6yearsago.Additionally,sheisacertifiedNutritionCoachthrough NationalAcademyofSportsMedicine.Jonibelievesmovementandmealsare medicineandlovesworkingwithclientsofallagesandabilities
- lance Darling
The last day for Water Aerobics is Friday, September 9th. Thank you to all the participated and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Golffitnessisatopicthatisnotgivenenoughattentiontoinregardstogame improvement.Weknowexerciseimprovesmentalandphysicalwellness,buthow doesitimproveyourgolfscore?Golferswhoexerciseconsistentlyreportfewer injuries,increasedspeedandpowerintheirswing,morecontrolovertheirswing, andreducedfatigueonthecourse
YogaforGolfConditioningisagolf-specificworkoutthatcanimproveyour performanceonthecourse Sessionsincludeintervalsofstrength,balance,core, andflexibility.Thisefficientandeffectiveworkoutistheperfectcombinationthatwill leaveyoufeelingstronger,morebalanced,moreenergizedandcertainlymore flexible!
Individual,tandemandsmallgroupsessionsareavailableattheFitnessCenter Tolearnmore,pleasecontactJoniVanHorn,Level2YogaforGolfersInstructorand


Douga@lochlloyd com | 816 331 9500

Chris Brems | Club President
Hannahh@lochlloyd com | 816 322 1022
Grant Suderman | Golf Superintendent | 785 448 4267
Kimp@lochlloyd com | 816 786 0494
Brytoney George | Events and Experience Associate
16750 Country Club Drive
Seanh@lochlloyd com | 816 674 7882
Kim Palmer | Operations Director
Ashlea Black | Vice President of Real Estate and Marketing
Hannah Huffman | Food and Beverage Executive
Michellec@lochlloyd com | 816 892 3721
Lance Darling | Fitness
Linda Newby | Accounting
Lindan@lochlloyd com | 816 505 4292
Brytoneyg@lochlloyd com | 816 322 1022 | 816 322 5463
Sean Hanna | Golf Operations
Village of Loch Lloyd, Missouri 64012 816 322 1022
Shelby Shatford | Club Communications and Brand Associate | 816 877 4774
Ashleab@lochlloyd com | 816 331 9500
Loch Lloyd Country Club
Michelle Canales | Real Estate Operations and Community Associate Director | 816 322 1022
Daleb@lochlloyd com | 816 505 4297
Dale Brouk | COO Real Estate
Doug Adam | Realtor