The Wealthy Contractor

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Volume 1, Issue 1









Business is Great Today…But What Are You Doing Today to Keep It That Way Through 2020? By Brian Kaskavalciyan

Right now, you are simply knocking it out of the park.

You’re not just hitting your sales goals, you’re crushing them.

Leads are flowing in, and you’re selling one job after another. In fact, you can’t hire people fast enough to keep up with the demand.

Let me be the first to say, “Congratulations.” Seriously, take a moment and soak in the pride you must feel for yourself and your team.

This has been a great couple of years for most of my clients, and the industry as a whole. In fact, according to all leading indicators home improvement will continue to be strong at least through 2019.

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That’s the good news.

Now for the bad news. At some point in the not so distant future, conditions will change and business will get tough again.

Don’t get me wrong here, this is not doom and gloom talk; this is opportunity talk.

You see, most companies won’t be ready for the turnaround. Just like the stock market bubble and the real estate bubble, you’ll have companies that are doing great while things are good and then POW!, the rug is pulled out from under them and the problem is they weren’t prepared. They were riding high thinking the good times would continue forever. (Continued on page 7)

in this issue 2 3 5 6 9 10 11 12

Welcome Unequivocal Belief In Abundance Recognize & Value Your Stakeholders Stop Chasing New Customers Book Club Entrepreneur Hack The Wealthy Contractor Lifestyle Spotlight


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Welcome Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Wealthy Contractor™ Newsletter. Inside these pages you will find strategies, tactics, tools and resources to help you create more high quality leads, close more sales and make more money in your home improvement business, so you too can become a Wealthy (Or Wealthier) Contractor! You work hard for your family, your business, your staff and your customers; in turn, we at gFour Marketing want to work hard for YOU.

Ultimately, it’s my belief that what drove you and me to be entrepreneurs was and is the desire to increase the level of personal FREEDOM in our lives. The freedom to make as much money as we want. The freedom to spend our time doing the things we want to do, on our timetable. The freedom to spend our time with the people of our choosing. And, the freedom to express ourselves and pursue our life’s purpose… all in our own way, and without compromise, excuses or apologies.

And, it is our businesses which serve as the vehicle for achieving those freedoms. We are willing to put up with all of the outcomes of the choices we make - good, bad or ugly because of the desire we have to live life on our terms.

So, our purpose with The Wealthy Contractor™ is to do everything we can to help you gain greater personal freedom in the areas of your life that matter most. That is why our tagline is: Your Path to Freedom™.

With each issue, you will get ideas for marketing, sales, money, mindset and lifestyle that will not only improve your business, but also your life. You’ll notice we’ll be covering two areas sorely missing from other industry publications… mindset and lifestyle.

So read through this issue and let us know what you think. We want to know what you like and what you don’t. Tell us how we can improve because it’s all about YOU and for YOU.

Also be on the lookout for new resources from The Wealthy Contractor™ over the next year as we expand your access to the knowledge, tools and experience that will help you live your entrepreneurial dream and become a Wealthy (Or Wealthier) Contractor. Dedicated to Your Success,

Brian Kaskavalciyan

About Brian Brian Kaskavalciyan is an entrepreneur and marketing strategist specializing in the home improvement industry. He has worked with companies ranging from start-ups to 50 million dollar enterprises. As an entrepreneur, he owned 5 different home improvement companies, one of which he developed into a multi-million dollar national franchise. Brian is the founder and lead marketing strategist of


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gFour Marketing Group Inc., a strategic marketing firm that specializes in providing “Done For You” sales and marketing programs to home improvement companies. Brian has created a number of TURNKEY marketing programs including the award winning 1Into5 Program™ (to help home improvement companies develop Customers For Life). Brian is also the author of How to Double Your Profits in Six Months or Less - available now on Amazon.


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“UNEQUIVOCAL BELIEF IN ABUNDANCE” an excerpt from No B.S. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs By Dan Kennedy

the Forum Shops in Las Vegas, Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, and Bergdorf Goodman in New York City. Vacation in Boca Raton, Florida; Scottsdale, Arizona; and Aspen, Colorado. Immediately go to your nearest bookstore…

The more aware you make your own mind – conscious and subconscious – of just how much affluence there is, just how much money is moving around, the more easily you will attract wealth. This is no idle exercise I suggest. It is an important step in conditioning your mind to attract wealth. Just as your body must be conditioned for health and fitness and longevity, your mind must be conditioned for wealth.

Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink. Well, our world is no desert island. There’s money, money everywhere. Drink all you want.

If you do not hang out with people who own private planes, have shares in private jets, or at least fly first class everywhere they go… If you do not hang out with people who have their shirts and suits custom tailored… If you do not hang out with people who own racehorses or boats or vacation homes… If you do not hang out with people who are extremely prosperous and adept at wealth attraction, you might be fooled into thinking that money is “tight,” in limited supply or hard to come by, and based on those thoughts, you might inhibit your own wealth attraction. Or you might think such people are rare, in small number. They are not. I suggest the following experiences: visit

To believe the streets are awash with money, you need to see streets awash with money. If there aren’t any in your own neighborhood, you just need to get out more!

It is a huge, huge mistake for you to accept any part of the suggestion that money’s tight or hard to get, that your customers don’t have money or won’t spend it. And if by some rare, incredible chance you actually have managed to put yourself into a position where the people you are doing business with are short of money or are tight about spending it, bubba, you choose your customers. Switch to those who freely spend. There are plenty of them out there. The trend is toward mass affluence. Get with it.

There is, right now, this minute, more disposable income by any measurement – dollars, percentages, ratios, you pick the statistics you like – than ever before. There are more people invested in real

estate in addition to their homes and in the stock market than ever before. There will be the biggest wealth transfer in American history from my generation to the next.

On top of that, new categories of products and services, new entertainments and recreations, new industries, new opportunities abound. Stop and think about all the businesses that didn’t even exist when you were a kid. I marvel at it all.

I am also absolutely convinced that if you don’t do well financially in America today, it is either due to utter ignorance of opportunity or choice. It definitely is NOT due to a lack of opportunity. These fact-based beliefs are essential to turning off wealth inhibition and turning up wealth attraction. If you do not share these beliefs, if you doubt and question the fact of unlimited, readily available abundance of both opportunity and money, then you need to invest time and energy on your own fact-finding research mission and make this sale to yourself. Otherwise, to borrow from a friend, the late Jim Newman, author of the fine book Release Your Brakes, you are driving down the highway to wealth with one foot on the gas but the other riding the brake.

Reprinted with permission from GKIC, the global, member-based community of entrepreneurs achieving amazing results with their exclusive Magnetic Marketing strategies. They can help you attract a flood of your ideal customers, too – please visit, or call 800-871-0147.

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While most of us entrepreneurs strike out on our own in search of freedom from corporate structure, horrible bosses, income limits or principles with which we disagree, we should all acknowledge that we still have stakeholders to whom we must answer.

In our case, these stakeholders are not a long list of investors, a corporate board or mid-level management.

Rather, we have thankfully built a life in which we’ve earned the freedom to choose our stakeholders.

This past spring, I did a 7-city tour with CertainTeed, and at every stop I made sure to share with all of the contractors in each conference room who I consider to be my stakeholders, because I think it told them a lot about me in a short period of time.

For me, my stakeholders are my wife and business partner, Adi and our daughters, Sophie and Lena. They are my daily motivation to build our company, and it is their lives which are affected by every major decision I make in our business.

If I make a commitment that has me working late, traveling non-stop or mentally preoccupied when I go home at the end of the day, they are the ones who make sacrifices. Likewise, if I make a deal that frees up my time or improves our financial Powered by

stakeholder, find ways to invite the local community to get to know your business better - join a local organization that can benefit from your knowledge or expertise, or spend some time giving back to the community.

state, they are the ones who benefit.

So I challenge you to consider if you haven’t before… who are your stakeholders?

And perhaps you may say, “Brian, I’m not married, I have no kids. I am just in this for myself.”

If your children are your stakeholders, invite them to spend a day in your office learning about each department. If

your community is a

The greatest benefit of this bonding time between your business and your stakeholders is that when it comes time for sacrifices from either one - either by the business or by the stakeholders - each side of this inter-dependent relationship will have a deeper understanding and greater compassion for one another.

So the next time you introduce yourself or your company, tell what really drives your company… tell them about your stakeholders.

But certainly there is someone or something near and dear to your heart that either suffers or benefits from each of your decisions.

It may be your extended family, your friends, your employees, your community, a cause, your faith or your ambition. In any case, it’s important that you identify it, because doing so will center your goals, your commitments and your decision making better than anything else can.

Once you identify your stakeholders, make sure to take time to thank and acknowledge them. Likely, they have invested time, energy and ideas into making your business what it is today. Secondly, invite them to strengthen their relationship with your business...



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Are you keeping in touch with your customers so they remember who to call next time they need service or a friend needs a recommendation? Or are you making the same foolish mistakes that 99% of all businesses are?

Too many business owners today are taking their customers for granted… naively believing that either a) there isn’t opportunity to make any more money from them or b) they’ll just show back up when they need your product/service again or c) they’ll recommend you (send you referrals) when the opportunity comes up.

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you believe any of those scenarios you are missing out on a ton of moneymaking opportunity.

Leads, sales and customers are the lifeblood of every business. When you spend time, money and resources to attract, then sell a customer, you must also figure out how to maximize the Lifetime Profit Value (LPV) of every one of them.

Your customers have value beyond today’s sale. At a minimum, there are opportunities for future sales and referrals.

What are you doing to mine that gold in your customer base?

When was the last time your customers heard from you?

I talk to contractors around the country every day. Not a week goes by that I don't hear stories of lost jobs due to lack of follow-up or because a customer forgot about all the other services their company offers.

Have you ever driven past the home of a past customer and see one of your competitor’s trucks in front of their house? When you ask the customer why she didn’t call you, she tells you, “I didn’t know you did windows, too. I wish I would have known that before we called Joe’s Windows and Doors.”

Whose fault is it that you didn’t get the job? His or yours? Yours, of course! In today's 24/7 wired world of TV, radio,


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YouTube, Facebook, smartphones, Google, Home Advisor, Angie's List, magazines, newspapers, email, direct mail, home shows and canvassers knocking on doors - your competitors are able to go after your customers and prospects. Hard. Every single day.

As vigilantly as you pursue new customers, you need to protect and nurture your past customers if you want to be a Wealthy Contractor.

As vigilantly as you pursue new customers, you need to protect and nurture your past customers if you want to be a Wealthy Contractor.

I learned this lesson the hard way. In one of my businesses, I failed to keep in touch with my customers consistently, and over the course of 5 years I know it cost me millions. The worst part is, I knew better. But knowing something and actually doing something are two completely different things.

More so than ever before, we can’t make the mistake of assuming our customers will automatically come back to us when they need our services. Or that they’ll enthusiastically recommend us to their friends... especially if we’ve ignored and neglected them since we completed their job.

So if you want to maximize the LPV of your customers while minimizing the chance of losing their add-on sales and referrals to your competitor, then my best advice to you is to stay in touch with your customers.

For maximum repeat and referral business you need to remain fresh in the minds of your customers 2 months, 6 months, 15 months after you’ve completed their project... constantly reminding them you’re there for them. So they’ll know who to call when they need your products and services again (or when one of their friends asks who

they’d recommend).

One of the PROVEN ways to stay TOPOF-MIND with your past customers is through regular communication.

And the best form of regular communication I have found and used is the company newsletter. Not just the email variety those are okay, too - but I’m talking about the print kind delivered right to your customer’s mailbox. Yes, the kind with real paper, ink and a USPS stamp.

Newsletters work great because your customer HAS TO touch it and look at it. If you do your job right with the design, they’ll open it. It’s a lot easier for your customers to delete an email or ignore a phone call than it is for them to throw your newsletter away.

Also, rather than simply sending them this month’s latest sale or coupon, you’re providing them with value. You’re offering them fun, friendly, timely information and entertainment they appreciate.

And while there is no “hard sale” associated with the newsletter, it is doing its job. It is keeping you, your company, your services and your contact information handy and top of mind for the next time your customer – or their friends and neighbors – can use your services.

Hands down, printed newsletters are the best way I’ve found to accomplish regular communication with customers and build relationships with them. If you want to learn more about this go to: Are you willing to take a chance and possibly lose good customers (and their referrals) to a competitor because you didn’t make even the slightest attempt to stay in touch with them? I’m not! And I certainly hope you’re not.

Bottom line - make certain your past customers are part of your overall marketing mix, ideally with a friendly form of communication like a company newsletter. Because in the end if you're not paying attention to your customers, you can rest assured your competitors will. 305-856-8788

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(continued from pg. 1) Think back to the Great Recession of 20082009. How many home improvement companies were riding high? Back then, I used to advertise in the Orange County Register in a special Saturday Home Improvement section. It was packed with ads… especially replacement window ads. There must have been over 20 window company ads every Saturday. Business was booming.

But then the bottom fell out, and most of those companies weren’t prepared. They naively assumed the boom could never end. My guess is less than 20% of those companies are still in business today. Most of those company owners - who were riding high - are probably either salespeople for other companies now or left the industry all together. We have a client whose business was cut in half in less than 2 years. Needless to say, business was VERY tough.

However, he was different. He knew better. And today, he has one of the largest and most successful home improvement companies in the country.

What pulled his business through that tough time? His relationship with his customers.

You see, even though business was great, he KNEW that he needed to always be developing

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and nurturing his customer relationships. And because of his commitment to creating Customers for Life™, his customers supported his business through the Great Recession. In fact, during that time he refocused the majority of his marketing efforts to his past customers and guess what… they responded. Again, this is because he laid the groundwork early. So, if you want to: • Achieve long-term staying power in this business • Build real WEALTH for your family • Not be a SLAVE to your business

Here is my advice to you; COMMIT to creating Customers for Life™ because the RELATIONSHIP with your customers is what will drive your future success and wealth.

Here is how you do it: 1. Make the commitment to creating Customers for Life™. This means you have to get your entire team enrolled. When you do this it will force you to do things different in your company. You will look at each customer interaction in a new light, which brings us to;

2. Deliver an exceptional WOW experience for your customers. Customer experience is about a transference of trust and confidence. The more your customers trust you and are confident in your product, service and price, the more likely they are to recommend you to others. In home improvement, everyone

basically sells the same products - no one has an iPhone - so the sole difference is the customer experience. Design yours from beginning to end to WOW your customers, and finally;

3. Build, nurture and maintain a strong relationship with your customers. One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in business is that the customer is your path to profit, wealth and freedom. Instead of focusing all of your efforts, time and money on chasing after the next new customer, take some time to nurture the ones you already have. As my mentor says, “put an iron cage around them.” Keep in touch, not just for a few days after the project but for YEARS. Stay top-of-mind, don’t ever let them forget who you are, what you do and how to get ahold of you.

The last couple years have been great for home improvement and so will the next couple, but if you want long-term staying power in this business and to build real wealth, then start thinking about 2020 and beyond. I guarantee you that most of your competition isn’t thinking that far ahead, and as a result, most of them will get crushed at the slightest turnaround in economic conditions. Don’t be one of them. Take advantage of today and use it to plant the seeds for a bright and WEALTHY future.

If you want to dive deeper into this topic, go to: for a FREE WEALTHY CONTRACTOR™ ONLINE TRAINING. ◊



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same person

“You will be the in five years as you are today except for the people and the books you read.” Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

you meet


No B.S. Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy

If you haven’t yet, check out page 3 for an excerpt from a book by my mentor, Dan Kennedy. Most of his books begin with the phrase “No B.S,” which is one of the reasons why I respect him so much - he cuts through all the nonsense and gets straight to the point. Whether you already consider yourself a “Wealthy Contractor” or are just starting out, this book will help you realize an even greater level of prosperity. Going beyond the grand philosophies of other wealth attraction materials or the seedy schemes in “get rich quick” books, Kennedy provides real-life experiences - his own, his friends’ and his clients’ - revealing how adjustments to your mindset, your business and your lifestyle will help you to achieve your highest levels of wealth.

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller

As one of the co-founders of Keller-Williams Realty, most of Gary Keller’s books previously focused on how to achieve success in the real estate industry. However, with The One Thing, he emphasizes a truth that pervades all business, especially as it relates to entrepreneurs: the power of eliminating distractions so you can focus on performing the one talent you do better than anyone else. For you, this talent may be building and leading teams, it might be sales or it may be customer service. In this book, you’ll find strategies and techniques for eliminating monotonous everyday tasks that do not use your core genius, so that you can spend more time doing what you do best - and achieve extraordinary results for you and your business.

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

At a time when politics and philosophical views are on every piece of news media we consume, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged is a worthy read for any Wealthy Contractor. Exposing the dangers of devaluing individualism and free markets, this novel inspires you to continuously pursue the vision you have for yourself and your company, despite the challenges society and circumstances may throw at you.


HIP Summit 2016 September 14,15 November 16,17 December 7,8 East Brunswick, NJ October 5-7 Baltimore, Maryland

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Certified Contractors Network (CCN) Fall conference October 6-8 Baltimore, Maryland

PHCC Connect 2016 October 19-21 San Antonio, TX



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With the fall season fast approaching, business travel is about to pick up

dramatically for us. Airplanes, rental cars and hotels are in my future so I can attend educational events (my own and others), and visit with clients.

On top of that I’ll be making a couple of trips to California to visit family and whatever else may come up.

People are always amazed at how much travel I do and how unfazed I seem by it all. Now, I’m no professional road warrior but I do travel quite a bit so here are a few travel “hacks” for you - 4 things that make my life on the road much, much easier.

1) TSA-PRE; this is the pre-check system from the TSA. If you aren’t already in the program, I’m the guy that goes in the short line next to you that is pre-9/11 screening. So just a metal detector, not full body scan. I keep my shoes on, keep the laptop in the bag and basically walk right through airport security. If you don’t

have TSA-Pre, I guarantee you it will be the best $100 you have ever spent in your life. Go here to sign up:

2) LUGGAGE: I only use carry-on. I do NOT check luggage unless I absolutely have to - even then I do all I can to avoid it. Costco sells a great carry-on bag for less than $100; it holds tons of stuff and is easy to maneuver around airports.

“I basically pack the same bag every time I travel so there isn’t much thinking involved and I can be ready to go fast.” 3) PACKING: I basically have travel “uniforms”... I hate to admit this but if you see me at an event, more than likely I’m wearing the same thing or something very similar to what I wore at the last event. I generally pack 2 jackets, 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shoes and 3 or 4 shirts depending on how many days I’m gone. I basically pack the same bag every time I travel so there isn’t much thinking involved and I can be ready to go fast. NOTE: always have snacks, gum or mints, books and magazines with you. 4) RENTAL CARS: I use Budget because they have FastBreak… basically, as a FastBreak member I don’t have to wait in line at a counter, I go straight to the lot, find my name on the board, grab my car and go. Most of the major rental companies have a program like this… join it, it’s worth it. These are just a few of things I do to make my travel life a little easier. I hope that these travel “hacks” help you get up and go.


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LIFESTYLE Like Golf? Here is the Ultimate Course Cruiser Marketed as the “real sports car”, German luxury automaker Mercedes-Benz recently debuted a vehicle that is truly meant for leisure - the Mercedes-Benz Style Garia Golf Cart.

With a sleek design including 14-inch wheels and chrome inlays on its headlamps, this sporty vehicle does more than just turn heads.

James Bond’s Choice “I was convinced that Commander Bond, a naval man, a diver and a discreet gentleman of the world would wear the Seamaster with the blue dial.” - Lindy Hemming, Oscar-winning costume designer Who loves watches? I do. My favorite watch is my Omega Seamaster 300… yes, the James Bond watch. Omega, based in Switzerland, was founded in 1848 by Louis Brandt, who assembled

Featuring an integrated onboard touchpad, this high-tech cart shows you the layout of the course ahead, allowing you to forget the double bogey you just earned on the 9th hole and focus instead on the hole-inone you’ll get coming up on the 10th.

Only two concept cars have been created at this time while Mercedes-Benz showcases them at sporting events around the world. With enough interest, they’ll go into production, and you may see one gliding past you the next time you’re on the links - that is, unless you’re the first to snag one up.

key-wound precision pocket watches from parts supplied by local craftsmen. He sold his watches from Italy to Scandinavia by way of England, his chief market. In fact, Britain's Royal Flying Corps chose Omega watches in 1917 as its official timekeepers for its combat units, as did the American army in 1918. Omega watches were the choice of NASA and the first watch on the Moon in 1969. Omega has been the official timekeeping device of the Olympic Games since 1932. And is has been James Bond’s choice since 1995. end of the Mustang's first anniversary, April 17, 1965, Ford had sold 418,812 Mustangs.

Could This be the Most Beautiful American Car Ever Produced? I certainly think so!

In 1961, Lee Iacocca, vice president and general manager of the Ford Division, had a vision. His vision was a car that would seat four people, have bucket seats, a floor mounted shifter, be no more than 180 inches long, weigh less than 2500 pounds, and sell for less than $2500.00. Out of this vision, the Ford Mustang was born.

The Mustang was designed for everyone and was advertised as "the car to be designed by you". On April 16, Powered by

1964, the day before its release, Ford ran simultaneous commercials at 9:30pm on all three major television networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS. The following day, April 17, 1964, people "attacked"

the Ford showrooms. Everyone was in a frenzy to be one of the first to own the Mustang. Ford sold over 22,000 Mustangs the first day. By the end of the year, Ford had sold 263,434. By the

The Mustang was actually available in 3 main styles; the coupe, the convertible and my favorite the Fastback 2+2. Now I’m a little bit of purist, my favorite is the 1965/1966 Fastback body style. 1967/1968 were OK but there is something about the original design that is just timeless to me. This car has been on my want list for almost 20 years. In fact the one in the picture above is THE Mustang I want. I think this might be the year, but Adi won’t let me get one until she gets a new house… ugh! Anyway, over 50 years later, the Mustang is still one of the most sought after classic cars in the world. 305-856-8788


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By Adi Kaskavalciyan

About adi

At gFour Marketing Group, we’re blessed with many clients who eat, sleep and breathe the philosophy of Customers For Life™. One client who inspires us daily is Arry’s Roofing Services in Tampa Bay. With many awards recognizing their achievements as one of the largest and most respected roofing companies in the country, we decided to ask Owner & Vice President Matthew Housh to share some of the company’s secrets to success.

Relationships are the most important element of their business. Over 25 years ago, Arry Housh, founder of Arry’s Roofing and Matthew’s father, started the business on this principle. Whether it’s their relationships with employees, vendors or customers, Arry’s Roofing makes people their top priority. “We focus on people, not so much the mechanics of business,” Matthew says.

In fact, one of the most important lessons their company has learned over time is the value of hiring the right people. While at one time, they may have put more emphasis on specific skills or experience, Matthew says they now look


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for employees who have “character, personality and integrity, and then we’ll teach them whatever skillset they need to have.” With this team of “A-players” in place, Arry’s Roofing is able to achieve their goal of providing customers with a first-class experience. Of course, through their partnership with us at gFour Marketing, we help them ensure that every customer is appreciated, asked for feedback and referrals and kept in touch with regularly. “It’s the backbone on which we build our whole marketing program,” Matthew says. While in the past, they put an emphasis on spending money to get new customers, they find their greatest value in marketing to their past and current customers to increase repeat and referral business.

Mistakes will happen – how you handle them is what sets you apart. Matthew explains that when problems arise – and they will – that those are the most critical moments for a business. “We find that if we treat people with fairness and respect, they reciprocate.” Arry’s Roofing makes a point of surveying all of their customers for feedback to make sure they’re aware of any issues. When any

mistakes or misunderstandings occur, Arry’s makes sure to fix them promptly and to the customer’s complete satisfaction.

Focus on the intangibles rather than numbers. When Matthew is asked to measure the success of Arry’s Roofing Services, he’s hesitant to point to a number. Instead, he says it’s memorable day-today moments that Arry’s prefers to use as their key performance indicators. For example, when they recently completed a large condominium project, every member of the board signed a card thanking them for the quality job they did. That, along with all of the thank you letters they receive daily from their many residential customers, are the goals they prefer to shoot for rather than numbers. By doing so, they’ve seen the money take care of itself.

One number that Arry’s Roofing does get excited about is 100... As of last year, they reached 100 employees on the payroll. For Matthew, this number is not just thrilling because it says something about the growth of the business; rather, it shows the impact they’re able to have in the local community simply by fulfilling their mission of providing residents with a quality re-roofing option.

Adi Kaskavalciyan is the co-founder & director of client success at gFour Marketing Group Inc., a strategic marketing firm that specializes in providing “Done For You” sales and marketing programs to home improvement companies. Since 1999 Adi has worked with hundreds of Home Improvement Entrepreneurs across the country to create profitable, long-lasting relationships with their customers. With Adi’s help, companies that once struggled to get 5% of their business from Repeat and Referral clients now enjoy upwards of 20%, 30%, 40% even 50% of their business consistently from those sources. Adi has firsthand experience in relationship marketing. The strategies she teaches and executes for her clients come from the same strategies she successfully used and implemented in her own home improvement businesses.

We look forward to sharing future “Wealthy Contractor Spotlights” like this to help inspire you and your business. Is there a home improvement business you know of that sets the bar? Let us know about them by calling 305-856-8788, or email me at 305-856-8788

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