Burning Issues - The Military Issue

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Cover Image: SPLA soldier from the Dinka tribe shows his tribal scars and fierce expression during a conference in a South Sudanese barracks. See page 4

All photography by Gareth Barton

CONTENTS 02.2012


Laying Hands on the Army


Breaking New Ground


A Picture Tells a Thousand Words


Harvests and Hindrances (part 2) Rev Simon Ponsonby


Three Questions - Tim Cross


Prayer Diary


News & Reviews

Flame International is a Christian ministry with a passion to reach out with God’s love to broken and hurting people, particularly those in the poorest countries of the world, and to see nations healed and walking in forgiveness and reconciliation. Through healing conferences, trauma workshops and prayer ministry, we equip and train leaders in the church, the military and in the wider society, to impact their communities.

PO BOX 424, Aldershot, GU11 9ER Tel: 01252 336509 www.flameinternational.org office@flameinternational.org Registered Charity Number 1096374


Did you know that Flame International was founded by two women as they retired from distiguished military careers? Flame’s core beneficiaries are those communities that suffer from the trauma of conflict and war, and Flame teams equip pastors and church leaders with the tools to help them minister more effectively among their people. But Flame also performs a unique service - taking teaching and prayer ministry right into the intimidating environment of South Sudan’s military barracks. In this issue we’ll be looking at what God does as we step boldly into this arena and share His love with some of the world’s most grisly, war-hardened soldiers such as the Dinka Warrior on the cover with his ceremonial scars and fierce disposition. We’ve also got the second part of Simon Ponsonby’s excellent article on Harvests and Hindrances. Happy New Year!

UPCOMING EVENTS 25/2 Area Rep Day at St. Paul’s, Camberley, GU15 2AD 15/3 Mission trip to Armenia 17/3 Prayer Day at St. Paul’s, Camberley, GU15 2AD 28/4 Mission trip to Burundi


Focus on Democratic Republic of Congo. As Flame International embarks on its most ambitious project to date, we take a good look at this extraordinary country and the challenges it faces as well as how Flame’s project aims to assist those most traumatised by its conflicts. www.flameinternational.org

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layING hands on THE

ARMY Retired British Army Officer Nick Shenow reflects on the trauma experienced by a friend and how he saw the same fears in Sudan.


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Nate rubbed his face, “It’s the medication,” he explained, “It takes me a while to wake up.” His multicam baseball cap pushed further back as he rubbed his forehead. It would take him another hour or two to wake up fully. He was experiencing terrible nightmares, hence the Amitriptyline to help him sleep. Our cheerful server brought the water. Nate became more lucid as the drugs loosened their nighttime grip. Tucked away in a booth in Lumberjacks Diner, in a small city in Northern California, Nate and I were having our weekly slap-up breakfast - pancakes, syrup and eggs. Both students at Bible College and both having retired from the military within the last year, we had found each other quickly breakfast was our weekly summit of mutual encouragement, talk and prayer. Nate had been a Special Forces Officer, even despite his intellect, battlefield agility and warm personality; this paragon had been deeply affected by conflict. The prosaic, detached vernacular of contemporary warfare, “kinetic effect”, “collateral damage” etc eloquently and precisely label war’s outcomes in scientific terms, but not in human ones. Being at the sharp end, Nate, in common with many others, was certainly bearing the bruises, but I pray not now the scars, of his tours in Afghanistan. He bore his condition, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), quietly and with dignity. So to a very different context: from the table of a North American restaurant to a Southern Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA)

barracks. I was again face to face with the reality of conflict trauma. A bloody civil war had divided Sudan and as we drove off the dusty main road into the barracks, I wondered at the men we could see working in the heat. Some would be bearing similar wounds to Nate, but perhaps deeper ones; caused by many years of war, the privation of their environment, poverty, famine, tribal feud, rejection, family tragedy… Being from the military can be a huge advantage when ministering to the armed forces. One can identify with other military people - quickly crossing divides in language or culture. In this instance Flame’s military credentials gave us unique and surprisingly unfettered access into this other world. Crucially it gave us permission to minister to this wonderful group of Sudanese soldiers. I could now see God’s hand very clearly in those He had positioned in Flame International and the very unique opportunity of ministering to these people. Jan and Val, both former officers, were very much at home in that environment and being of high rank themselves, our ministry was sanctioned by the highest ranking SPLA officer in the barracks. We were accompanied by the bishop too, a wise, highly respected and joyful man - all seemed to love him. Now in the barracks I glanced around to orient myself to this strangely familiar scene. It was nothing like Sandhurst, my ordered barracks in Germany where I had spent four years of my life or even Iraq, but there were many recognisable sights. www.flameinternational.org

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As I sought the familiar, I looked at the soldiers first. Most wore tokens of rank on their new, but slightly shabby uniforms. I could see that day’s ‘Orderly Sergeant’ supervising a group of other soldiers grass cutting with machetes in the African heat. As in the British Army this ‘Orderly Sergeant’ was resplendent in his red sash but incongruous blue rubber (and probably quite sweaty) wellington boots. I had never seen blue wellies on a soldier before. The simple surroundings, barely a barracks, were more like a village of huts where they grew their own crops on the perimeter. It felt very basic.

These huge Dinka warriors came to forgive others and to be forgiven

We began our teaching under the spreading branches of a small grove of trees at the barracks’ edge. The men-folk sat and listened obediently to Jan and the team’s teaching. Their young wives and chattering children made this a distinctly family affair. As Jan taught, the love of the Father flowed from her. As she spoke, the Father’s love now surpassed the affinity she already had with these men. In fact, I could see that she built a foundation of love from which to minister. 6

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Now the stage was set. Soldierly kinship was eclipsed by the love of the Father. The team of all backgrounds - students, former soldiers, charity workers, professionals - could then talk from this foundation of love. After we spoke on a number of subjects including forgiveness and the Father’s heart, these huge yet humble Dinka warriors came forward for prayer, to forgive others and to be forgiven. Many were deeply moved and wept as they nailed red discs to the cross we had brought, seeking forgiveness in their own language. Our team, including a young pacifist, ministered in the love of Christ to these men and their families. We prayed for their healing, we poured God’s balm into their trauma. We laughed with them and for two days God brought this group and us together. A pacifist and a huge Dinka warrior, replete with ceremonial scars on his head! I thought it such a hallmark of God to bridge such ideals and move two very different people close, the pacifist to minister to the soldier, with no agenda, just the Father’s love. No divide is too large for the Holy Spirit to cross; nothing can separate God from those He wants to reach with His love. We prayed for a soldier with a crippled hand and saw his hand gradually free up a little – a healing in progress. We prayed for every illness we saw. We prayed for every broken heart revealed to us. At times signs and wonders followed our ministry. Legs grew longer so they were equal in length, the Holy Spirit touched those we prayed for, and his presence was palpable. We had words of knowledge and

LAYING HANDS ON THE ARMY prophecy for encouragement. But the preeminent aspect was love. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:1 that if we do miraculous acts but don’t have love, then it is all pointless. So we simply loved these people. War causes dreadful trauma and in ministering to its victims we often forget the combatants. In developing countries like Southern Sudan, it seems its trauma is more widespread; the rule of law seems absent and atrocious behavior and evil even more unfettered. I believe God does not forget the soldier in all of this, whether ‘good’ or ‘bad’. God still loves them and sent His son to reconcile them to Him. Flame is uniquely placed to combat this trauma and it was a privilege to bring the Father’s love to this group who may have otherwise been forgotten.

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal

Love in action: Nick and Pete, in Nzara, South Sudan, minister to a traumatised SPLA soldier with God’s love. www.flameinternational.org

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BREAKING NEW GROUND As Flame’s work expands, Jan Ransom tells us more about the new opportunities that God is presenting us with and how we’re moving to keep up with Him. Flame is going to new nations with a new modus operandi! We haven’t changed our teaching but we have been responding in fresh ways to new Godly initiatives. In the West Bank and Armenia we have seen the Lord change lives in what seemed impossible situations. We have pioneered a Generation Y programme, watching 20-35 year olds take hold of the ministry; teaching, praying and releasing God’s healing to the youth and military of South Sudan. We are also facilitating missionaries from China to go into South Sudan. We had a great visit to a dynamic Vineyard Church in Norway. I am reminded of the verse in Job 42:2 where Job says to the Lord, “I know that You can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted”, and when we know the Lord’s plan and follow it, His will is accomplished. New ground is being broken. Armenia We arrived in Armenia with our host downcast and his dream of helping the nation through his business being thwarted. His offer was clearly an opportunity given to the nation by the Lord but it was being rejected. Armenia,

a small Christian nation on the ancient “Silk Route” surrounded by countries that worship foreign gods, is in a central position for trade and, we believe, prayer and praise to the living God and outreach to these nations. A small group of intercessors commissioned by the Lord went to pray. It is a nation that suffered genocide in 1915 when up to 1.5 million people were massacred, and as we approach the 100th anniversary of this genocide we hope to take our teaching on forgiveness into the nation to facilitate a measure of reconciliation. We prayed and we prayed and we prayed again. Flame International has never had such a team as this to prepare the way. After four days of prayer our host, a key “gatekeeper” and businessman, witnessed doors opening which he had not anticipated and we believe through prayer that the nation could be impacted in a way not hitherto expected. He was no longer downcast, but upbeat, buoyant and on fire for the gospel. This intercession team were acting in line with Isaiah 62:10: “Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations.” We expect to return to minister to key leaders.

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West Bank A unique trip into the West Bank led us to minister to 60 ladies, plus 20 leaders of an Apostolic Church, children in handicapped children’s homes, hospital ministry, and prayer over Jerusalem from the Shepherd’s field, intercession over the dividing fence, prayer for Bethlehem from a housetop location and much, much more. We had a Holy Spirit filled visit to Bethlehem and our hope is one day to minister across the nation of Israel, but with the doors currently open to Palestinian Christians we saw the Lord’s heart for this people group. We have good friends in this area and we desire to return to bring God’s hope. Again prayer was a key factor. Generation Y We witnessed the Lord use 20 – 35 year olds in Nzara, South Sudan using our teaching and prayer ministry plus sports training, painting and creative arts. The combination of these streams transformed the youth of the area and Flame hopes to grow this ministry to develop young pioneers both in this nation and those that we visit. Many testimonies were told of transformed lives and the team have a real hunger to return. Norway Following on from our 2008 Paris trip, we had an invitation from one of our team members to minister to the Vineyard Church in Oslo

SEE, I AM DOING A NEW THING! NOW IT SPRINGS UP; DO YOU NOT PERCEIVE IT? I AM MAKING A WAY IN THE WILDERNESS AND STREAMS IN THE WASTELAND Isaiah 43:19 that she pastors. The visit was prompted by the killings there in August 2011, plus our desire to bring healing to people traumatised through war, violence and death. We met with over 40 people for a day and saw His Kingdom come in a number of lives. Chinese Missionaries to South Sudan Finally we are assisting Chinese missionaries from the “Back to Jerusalem” vision to enter and work with people in the newest nation in the world, South Sudan. We see this as a key to the West helping the East to go to the African continent with an extraordinary opportunity to help the Africans as the Chinese take business and agricultural expertise with them. Do you believe like us that we are in the end times? Flame International is contributing significantly to the preparation for the Lord’s return and new ground is indeed being broken. We praise Him for the opportunity.

REAKING NEW GROUND www.flameinternational.org

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We were thrilled to have our photographer, Gareth Barton, join our team again last year as we ministered in Nzara, South Sudan. His images do so much to communicate our work and the lives of those we meet. Here, Sudanese soldiers’ children enjoy the attention of being photographed. www.flameinternational.org

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Harvests & Hin


Nobody should hear the gospel twice until everyone has heard it once 12

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ndrances the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out, displeasing God by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they might be saved.”

In the second part of his study from the book of Romans, celebrated speaker and author Simon Ponsonby considers those things that hindered Paul’s mission and asks what hinders us from bringing in the harvest?

We can expect direct conflict and contestation whenever we give ourselves to preach the Gospel, witness to Christ and bring in a harvest of souls. Sometimes overt, sometimes subtle, the Devil always opposes the missionary. Satan seeks to blind unbelievers to the Gospel and blind believers to the harvest.

There are three occasions when, for three different reasons, Paul is hindered from harvesting:

2. Divine - Acts16:6-7. The Holy Spirit hindered Paul and Timothy from entering Asia, and then the Spirit didn’t allow them to enter Bithynia. Here God was hindering a harvest in one place so that he might reap a harvest in another. Paul had a dream of a Macedonian man saying “come and help us” and that door was opened - they then had a fruitful harvest planting churches in Philippi, Thessalonica and Berea.

1. Demonic - 1Thess. 2:18: “I, Paul, wanted to come to you again and again but Satan hindered us”, and in v15-16, “The Jews killed

When I first felt a call to be in the ministry, I went to my vicar, John Simmons and told him I wanted to go to YWAM or YFC and needed

Harvests & HINDRANCES, Romans 1:13: “thus far I’ve been prevented.”


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his blessing. He refused to give it. I was gutted. But some months later, through God speaking in an open vision and confirming through a second party, God called me to a far more radical adventure of faith and mission – this time my vicar said “this is God” and prayerfully and financially backed it. The divine delay was not a “no”, but a “not here now”. A couple of years later I wanted to go to America to plant a Vineyard Church. At a conference in the summer before leaving, God spoke very clearly again, closing the door to America and calling me to seminary! I was so reluctant. But God spoke and I acted on it and found myself ordained as an Anglican priest. 3. Duty - Romans 15:20-22. He states that the reason he was “hindered” in coming to Rome was because he had made it his ambition to preach the Gospel and reap a harvest where the Gospel had not already been preached. And because Rome had already heard the Gospel, Paul felt pragmatically, and on principle, that his time was better spent preaching in virgin territory. Only when he’d exhausted cities from Jerusalem to Illyricum did he feel free to come to Rome. Much mission activity is looking to harvest in a field already reaped - we are just rearranging the chairs, and preaching to the choir. No-one should hear the gospel twice until everyone has heard it once. A report in Frontiers Mission magazine states that over 50% of all American missionaries in Africa are in Kenya – the most Christian African nation with more than 80% Christians. Most missionaries have never led anyone to Christ! 41% of all ethne, distinct racial people groups, with their own language have yet to see an indigenous church - untold millions untold. You cannot keep harvesting the same field. 14

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What are some of other hindrances? Maybe we don’t believe the Bible when it speaks of judgment and hell for all without Christ. Maybe we’re ashamed of the Gospel and don’t believe its power to save. Maybe we are at heart prejudiced, we differentiate between Jew and Gentile. Maybe we’ve forgotten the Reformation – we leave it all to the professional clerics. Maybe we are so tainted by the X Factor instant success culture that we aren’t prepared to put in the long hard years of faithful training and service. John Stott wrote, “The greatest single hindrance to evangelism today is the secret poverty of our own spiritual experiences.” Stott said that we have tasted so little that God is good that we’ve no passion for the Gospel. Only when we have God’s heart and He has hold of ours, will we overcome the hindrances and reap a harvest of lives for God. The Spirit-filled see the harvest field Oh Church, let us cry to God: send us your Spirit then send us as labourers into the harvest field.


Maybe we are so tainted by the X Factor instant success culture that we aren’t prepared to put in the long hard years of faithful training and service

The Apostolic father of the Salvation Army, General Booth, said, “You have enjoyed yourself long enough. You have had pleasant feelings, pleasant songs, pleasant meetings and pleasant prospects. There has been much of human happiness, much clapping of hands, and much shouting of praises – very much of heaven on earth. Now then, go to God and tell

Him you are prepared as much as necessary to turn your back upon it all, and that you are willing to spend the rest of your days struggling in the midst of perishing multitudes, whatever it may cost you.” Look, the fields are ripe for harvest – what’s hindering you?

Simon Ponsonby left the meat industry to become an evangelist, then trained for ordination at Trinity College, Bristol. He holds a BA & MLitt in Theology and served a curacy in Bradford before becoming Oxford Pastorate Chaplain in 1998. Simon took up the position of Pastor of Theology at St. Aldates in 2005, a role that combines teaching, travelling and writing. He is the author of ‘More’ and is married to Tiffany, with two sons, Joel and Nat. www.flameinternational.org

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Major General (Retired) Tim Cross CBE Tim joined the British Army in 1971 and commanded at every level, from leading a Bomb Disposal Team in Northern Ireland to commanding a Division of 30,000. He was deployed to Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo and was appointed CBE in the subsequent operational awards for his work in leading the NATO response to the humanitarian crisis. Now a Lay Minister in his home church, he is also a director of two international aid agencies, a visiting professor at three universities, a defence adviser to the UK House of Commons Defence Committee and a number of UK/ international companies, and a trustee of a number of Christian and secular charities. What was the most significant part played by your Christian faith in your military career? I have done a number of operational tours, but Kosovo was in many ways the most demanding; it was also the one where my personal Christian faith played the biggest part. On my third tour in the Balkans, there was a serious crisis in Kosovo, with tens of thousands of refugees needing to be helped who would have died without humanitarian assistance. I was asked by the UNHCR team leader and the President of Macedonia to use my brigade to build and run refugee camps. I had no military order or authority to undertake this task and I had to make a quick decision whether or not to go ahead and assist. My decision was certainly driven by my Christian faith. Unlike Alistair Campbell’s infamous 16

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comment that Tony Blair didn’t do God, my Christian faith is an absolute central part of who I am; how could I not respond positively to the request?! What difference will Flame International’s ministry be making in the lives of African soldiers? Flame’s ministry makes the same difference in Africa that the Gospel in action makes to soldiers everywhere – and indeed to anyone else who receives the ministry! Soldiers are human beings who are made with the same physical, emotional and spiritual needs as everyone else. They are, however, subject to greater trauma than most civilian individuals - seeing death and extreme violence - and they are subjected to serious fear and emotional stress. Clearly the Gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be preached to everyone; healing is a part of that ministry - and military personnel need to receive it. How can people pray more effectively for the military in the UK and worldwide? First, pray for physical protection for individual servicemen and women. Secondly, it is essential to pray for the families who are left behind and are separated from their loved ones. Next pray for the spiritual and emotional impact that war and conflict has on the men and women on operations, and for the moral courage needed to face up to the serious pressures they encounter. Finally, pray for the leadership of the men and women on military operations; the decisions made on operations are of life and death importance – for the troops themselves and for those they are working with and amongst those on operations.


Thank you for supporting us in prayer. Please feel free to cut out this guide if you’d like to place it in your Bible. 05 Feb: Give thanks for God’s faithfulness through prayer and His provision for our new team members, Simon and Paul. Pray for them as they develop our strategic plan and establish a new database. 12 Feb: Pray for our links with the Burundi military and for an opportunity for Flame to contribute to their programme of Trauma and Reconciliation Ministry. 19 Feb: The Area Reps meet in St Paul’s, Camberley on 25th. Pray for the training and sharing - that the collective ideas will encourage and inspire. Pray for an increase of fruit from this work and for more Area Reps to take up the challenge. 26 Feb: Six Chinese missionaries are due to arrive in Kajo-Keji, South Sudan at this time. Pray that the permits and licenses will be issued and the living arrangements put in place and for God’s abundant grace to overcome cultural barriers.

04 Mar: Pray for the church in Armenia. Pray for unity through forgiveness, for the captives to be set free and that Flame is able to work alongside church leaders. Give thanks for the warm relationships already established and pray for reconciliation between church leaders.

11 Mar: Pray for the trustees as they meet on 16th, for wisdom to know God’s will and purpose for Flame. Pray too for the Prayer Day on 17th - for a release of the prophetic as we gather and for an increase of pray-ers on the Prayer Carpet. 18 Mar: Thank God for our co-workers: Les, Valerie, Joy, Natalie, Gareth, Simon, Paul, Wendy and all our valued supporters who pray, donate and participate and for our pastors Ken and Jean. Pray for Jan as she speaks at St George’s Church, Beckingham. 25 Mar: Pray for the team in Armenia who will be ministering to six key leaders and their wives. Pray for miracles of healing, forgiveness and reconciliation. Pray for the Lord’s anointing on all that we do. 01 Apr: Pray for increased opportunities to develop partnerships with churches, businesses and Charitable Trusts and for us to link with suitable humanitarian and local organisations. Pray for MAF Uganda who serve us in South Sudan and DR Congo. 08 Apr: Pray for Gareth and Paul as they fundraise for the Congo and as the appeal goes out. Give thanks for the substantial grant from the Jerusalem Trust, but much more is needed for this project to succeed. www.flameinternational.org

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PRAYER DIARY FEB - MAY 2012 15 Apr: Give glory to God for His healing work in Burundi and for the favour Flame has with President Nkurunziza, Archbishop Bernard and other key leaders in the land. A team departs for Bujumbura on 20th. 22 Apr: The Muyinga Conference opens today in Burundi and runs until 27th. Pray for the Lord’s anointing on the teaching and ministry and that this second visit will reinforce the Godly foundations established last year. Pray for the team travelling to Bujumbura on 27th. 29 Apr: The Bujumbura Conference opens today until 4th May. The number of delegates has been doubled in order to increase the outreach in this capital city. Pray for a move of God and favour as we minister where the message of cleansing the land can be shared.

13 May: Pray for our plans to visit New Wine events at Shepton Mallet and Newark in July and August. Pray that we will get volunteers to help and that the preparation goes well, as we have some ambitious ideas to encourage people to engage with us. 20 May: Pray for Archbishop Henri in DR Congo as we prepare to visit in July. Remember South Sudan as the war rages in Nuba and Abyei and as the tribal conflict continues in Jonglei State. Thousands have been killed and many have fled their homes. Pray for Bishop Andudu and his family as they seek asylum in the USA. 27 May: Pray for Brother Yun as Flame hosts his visit from 29th May to 10th June. Give thanks for host churches in venues across the UK. Pray for many people to draw closer to Jesus through his ministry and for lives to be saved. Give thanks for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) who fly us prayerfully into the remotest of places!


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06 May: Pray for the team, Paul, Gareth, and Simon, as they compile the visit programme for Brother Yun; for good relationships with church leaders and that

this will help broaden the links Flame has with a growing number of churches.



FEB 2012

Burning Issues is now available to view, download or print online the Visit www.flameinternational.org military and click on the link to view issue and download new and old editions. SIMON PONSONBY +++ NICK SHENOW ISRAEL & ARMENIA +++ PRAYER DIARY


ou y d

ul o k W pea s o t like for Flame? AREA REPRESENTATIVES Join our Area Representatives for a day of training on Sat 25th Feb at St Paul’s, Camberley GU15 2AD Call 01252 336509 for more info ‘Blood and Sand’ by Frank Gardner Flame exists because of the legacy of conflict. In this book the BBC’s Security Correspondent describes his first-hand experience of being shot and left paraplegic by terrorists in Riyadh. His cameraman, Simon Cumbers, was killed in the same incident. But the book is about much more. Mr Gardner describes his background, his love of Arabia and his life there; his command of Arabic put him in a unique position to understand how the people of the Middle East think. He tells of his flirtation with investment banking before moving into journalism and how he created the role of Security Correspondent to become one of the most familiar faces on the BBC News. Intertwined with explaining candidly how he started to come to terms with paraplegia, he explains the events leading up to 9/11 and the chapter of mistakes by Western powers since which have helped make the Middle East the dangerously unstable place it now is. Frank Gardner wrote this book in 2006, so much has happened since, but as an insightful look at what goes to make our world as it is, it is both compulsive and unbeatable reading-and surely a sequel will not be long in coming. Maggie L

The Happy Intercessor

This very easy read by Beni Johnson was an enlightened book which makes intercession easy for those whose primary gifting it may not be. This is a book which will help us draw closer to the heart of the Father. God is waiting for us to enter into His presence and is longing for us to see His world. He wants us to partner with Him for heavenly breakthrough. This book makes intercession easy for the beginner. After our trip to Armenia I have been challenged to pray more. The keys offered to us in this book will be my guide! Jan R



Join us on this of day most im s to pr ay for portant work a Fla nd for those t me’s we min o ister. Come t whom Paul’s, o Ca St. on satu mberley GU15 rday 17 2AD th 9.30am til 4.00 March from pm and bring a pack ed lunc h! Calling all 20s to 30s Join us on mission in 2012 call us for details www.flameinternational.org


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Jubilee Action rescues and protects the world’s most vulnerable children: • imprisoned • trafficked • prostituted • child soldiers • street children Will you help us rescue them? Send your life-changing gift to: Jubilee Action, Dept FI1, Carroll House, 11 Quarry Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3UY Phone: 01483 230250 • Fax: 01483 546035 • Email: info@jubileeaction.org


Registered Charity Number: 1013587 Registered Company Number: 2735643

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