Burning Issues - Tomorrow's World

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....Democratic Republic of CONGO Sp ecial....

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Tune in, discover Inspiring, Uplifting, Rejoicing, Radio. DAB DIgITAl RADIo www.pRemIeR.oRg.Uk DowNloAD THe App FReevIew 725 Sky DIgITAl 0123 loNDoN: 1305 1332 1413 mw

Cover Image: The Anglican Church of DR Congo has a vision to turn its nation’s people from violence and bring God’s peace for the .....Democratic Republic of CONGO Special..... generations to come. See page 4 D ’S WORL flame international


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Photography by Gareth Barton


CONTENTS 06.2012


Tomorrow’s World Archbishop Henri Isingoma


Up, Up and Away with MAF


Back to Jerusalem


O Armenia, Armenia...


Three Questions - Gareth Barton


Prayer Diary


News & Reviews

Flame International is a Christian ministry with a passion to reach out with God’s love to broken and hurting people, particularly those in the poorest countries of the world, and to see nations healed and walking in forgiveness and reconciliation. Through healing conferences, trauma workshops and prayer ministry, we equip and train leaders in the church, the military and in the wider society, to impact their communities.

PO BOX 424, Aldershot, GU11 9ER Tel: 01252 336509 www.flameinternational.org office@flameinternational.org Registered Charity Number 1096374


This summer sees the start of Flame International’s most ambitious project to date. We have been invited by the Archbishop of the Anglican Church in DR Congo to train its pastors throughout the country for ministry among its most hurting communities. We’re privileged to have Archbishop Henri Isingoma tell us of his hopes for DR Congo’s future and of Flame’s part in bringing that vision to reality. We also have key partners MAF tell us of their experiences in DR Congo and open a window on the challenges for us as we prepare teams for service in the “rape capital of the world”. Also this issue, as Brother Yun tours the UK with Flame we take a look at the Back to Jerusalem movement and the vision, which he represents. Finally, with new doors opening for ministry, we ask Mark Leakey to tell us about the emerging vision for Armenia.


29/5 - 8/6 Brother Yun Tour 23/6 Prayer Day - West Street Christian Fellowship, Crewe, CW1 3HE 1/7 Mission trip to DRCongo 21/7 New Wine North & South 8/9 ‘Gen Y’ Mission to South Sudan


Going Deeper with Flame. We’ll take some time to look at the foundations of our work and teaching - getting to the roots of our faith and mission. And as Flame’s work is being broadened into new areas we will share more of how God is calling us to go deeper with Him. www.flameinternational.org

06.2012Burning Issues



People live in perpetual fear of armed robbers who destroy, kill and rape

- Archbishop Henri Isingoma


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As teams prepare to start Flame’s first five-year programme of training and ministry in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country’s charismatic Anglican Archbishop writes about the nation’s difficult history, the vision he and the bishops have for its future and of his hopes for their new partnership with Flame International. The Democratic Republic of Congo is located in Central Africa and has a special history of colonisation. The country went through three major seasons: 1. From 1885 to 1906, it was set as an independent state under the rule of the Belgian King, Leopold II as its own property, and this period was characterised by the fight against slavery and the plundering of natural resources. 2. From 1906 to 1960 were years of colonisation characterised by natural resources extraction, warfare and emancipation. Three major pillars, namely the administration, the colonialists and the church contributed to achieve this. Although the country was run mainly to benefit the colonialists, it at least managed to retain a somehow stable economy and provided some hope for its population. 3. From 1960 to date, it has been a postindependence period, characterised by the extension of colonial rule and dictated by the citizens, wars, ethnic conflicts and clashes, resulting in huge damages and killings; the

in our hands

most recent one being the war in the East that killed nearly 3 million people. That’s eighty years of colonial history which mainly built the Congolese people‘s mentality in general! The Democratic Republic of Congo is a huge country (the size of Western Europe) in the heart of Africa with an estimated population of 70 million and with remarkable human and economic resources. It shares borders with nine countries. DR Congo is envied for its resources by some of its neighbours and this leads to continuous and increasing conflicts, mostly in the East in the Great Lakes region with Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. People live in perpetual fear of armed robbers who destroy, kill and rape. All the damaged social and economic structures take time to be put back in place. Corruption in state services is at a high level. It is in this cruel context that the Anglican Church of Congo operates. The Anglican Church of Congo was established in 1896. Together with other Christian churches such as the Roman Catholic Church (the major one in the country), the Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans and others, it contributes to the nation’s christian development with its operations in evangelisation, education, training and healthcare, along with other social and humanitarian activities. The Anglican Church was introduced in DR Congo by the Ugandan evangelist, the Reverend Canon Apollo Kivebulaya, in the Northeast www.flameinternational.org

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For one decade, the Anglican Church has been involved in the socio-economic and political stabilisation of the country through peace and reconciliation processes among the communities in order to bring peace during and after war. It is also involved in the creation and rehabilitation of social and economic infrastructures and in the fight against all kinds of violence against women and children. Considering the political factors in DR Congo, Uganda and Rwanda and the envy aroused by the natural resources of Congo, the conflict is far from over and the church needs to intensify its activities for a genuine and lasting peace.

The mission of the new church was centred on three aspects: evangelisation and Christian education, population education through creation of schools, and social and humanitarian activities to ensure the welfare of the communities.

In its traditional vision of bringing souls to Christ and ensuring their welfare, the Church seeks to bring about a socially transformed environment, with a collective feeling of holistic development. It also feels called upon to return to its roots - the Church must strengthen its members’ faith in accordance with its original missionary commitment as characterised by the vibrant revival movement from East Africa. To face the challenges of large-scale expansion, the leaders have to re-establish the life of the Church after a long period of intellectualism and a tendency towards administrative power.

The implementation of this mission caused an effective integration of the Anglican Church of Congo in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a francophone Belgian colony with Roman Catholic tendency. Since then, the church has tremendously grown and is found in almost all the provinces of the DR Congo. There are currently nine dioceses with nearly half a million believers.

This is the view of all the bishops of the province of the Anglican Church of Congo as expressed during the 6th Ordinary Session of the Provincial Assembly held in Muhito/ Bunia in April 2007. This same assembly identified the following objectives in order to see a transformed and transforming church within the next decade: a spiritually renewed, missionary, transformed and transforming

and by the Anglican Church in southern Africa (Zambia) to cater for the spiritual need of the foreign workers in the Katanga mining sites. The most vibrant mission however was that of the Northeast as a result of the great revival movement of East Africa.


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church that attests the love of Christ and that is on the giving and sacrificing end rather than receiving; a socially and politically committed church; a unified and reconciled church that attracts the youth, welcomes them and follows them up; and a self-reliant church that speaks with a prophetic voice. Hence, there is a need to intensify the training of pastoral and spiritual cadres. To attain this, the church needs to build up a pragmatic, realistic and fruitful partnership to help in the implementation of the above goals. Looking across borders for a cooperative mission partnership in the process of achieving our goals, by the grace of God we entered into contact with the Flame International team in 2010. Flame International was already in our region doing in Rwanda, Burundi and Sudan exactly what we were seeking. We found their teachings very significant and harmonious with our vision, especially those about

‘Healing the Land’ and the assurance of God’s blessings through repentance. This mission partnership has been established hoping that our people could be spiritually transformed for a blessed life with our Lord Jesus Christ, the true liberator and peace provider. That action is made in terms of strengthening existing faith for a secured future of the church. To conclude, the church has a duty to respond to the needs of the people of the DRC in terms of how to enjoy the blessings of Almighty God given to their country through important human and natural resources, instead of permanently articulating the paradox of a very poor people living in a very rich and very Christianised country. The Congolese potential might be unlocked through a return to the faith revival movement, then it could be easily and peacefully shared with other countries as testimony of the power of God for His glory (John 10:10). -Archbishop Henri Isingoma

This mission partnership has been established hoping that our people could be spiritually transformed for a blessed life with our Lord Jesus Christ www.flameinternational.org

06.2012Burning Issues


FLYING INTO DRC WITH MAF As we prepare for our biggest programme to date in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) we take a look at one of our key partners and their experience of working in the country that Flame will minister to over the next 5-10 years, and discover why their help is essential as we seek to bring hope and healing to this hurting nation. Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) provides vital aviation and communications services to national churches, Christian missions, and nongovernment organisations (NGOs) ministering in DRC. Today, out of a Congolese population of more than 70 million, 90% profess Christianity. However, large numbers have no clear grasp of repentance and faith in Christ or of salvation by grace and not works. As a result, animistic thought patterns, fear of witchcraft, and the blending of Christianity with tribal religions are major problems. Formidable barriers stand in the way of evangelism and the provision of critical

resources to nurture struggling indigenous churches. Some of the ministry challenges include continuing unrest and danger due to intermittent outbreaks of violence; witchcraft; tribalism; interethnic hostility; widespread corruption; collapsed infrastructure including education, transportation, health, communications, and financial systems; and exploitation by political leaders. Ground travel is difficult, dangerous and slow due to the poor state of roads and the lack of security. Local air services can be expensive and do not meet acceptable s a f e t y standards. Communications systems are unreliable and costly with no communications infrastructure available in the bush.

In September 2002, the MAF base in Nyankunde was the site of heavy fighting between two tribal factions. In all, an estimated 1,200 people died in the ethnic massacre, a number of which were killed on the mission station. As a result, the mission hospital was


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shut down, and all other mission work in the area came to a sudden stop. The MAF base was destroyed, the equipment looted, and personal effects pillaged. Yet in the midst of the conflict, MAF conducted evacuation flights. In the years since, three disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programs have been quite successful in disarming combatants and helping them to revert to civilian life. Some 25,000 combatants as well as 10,000 child soldiers have been demobilised, and hundreds of thousands of civilians have returned to their homes. In 2006, DRC held its first democratic election in more than 40 years. Though some militia activity has continued - as recently as summer 2008 - the elections, along with the success of the DDR programs, bring hope to the region. MAF fills a strategic role in touching countless lives for Jesus Christ by standing with, and supporting, Congolese churches, missionaries, and an increasing number of short-term mission teams. MAF is committed to supporting the

emerging interdenominational and intertribal Christian movement that is facilitating ministries of healing, reconciliation and Biblical community development. Other mission groups and humanitarian agencies utilise MAF services to help with rebuilding efforts and alleviate the suffering of those displaced or affected by a destabilised DRC. Since its Nyankunde base was destroyed in 2002, MAF has been providing services as effectively as possible from a base in Kampala, Uganda. In 2005, five Congolese MAF staff and their families returned to Nyankunde and began the challenging task of clearing the airstrip and MAF grounds of more than two years of debris and tropical growth. In 2006, MAF completed the installation of new roofs on missionary houses, and in December the military finally vacated the MAF Nyankunde compound. In 2007, MAF established an interim base in Bunia—45km from Nyankunde—staffed by two families and a Cessna 206. By mid-2008, a third family and a Cessna 208 Caravan were added to the Bunia base, moving all flight operations into DRC. This facilitates rebuilding efforts in Nyankunde while providing

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FLYING INTO DRC WITH MAF more effective air service for church and humanitarian workers within east DRC. MAF hopes to return full operations and aviation services to Nyankunde in the future. From bases in Vanga and Kinshasa in west DRC, MAF’s light aircraft and communications networks offer a valued solution to barriers created by vast distances, jungles, and everchanging rivers. MAF sustains and multiplies the ministry efforts of expatriate missionaries, national Christian workers, social workers, and a 350-bed hospital in Vanga. MAF pilots and planes conduct emergency medical evacuations, transport medicines from the hospital to outlying areas, deliver evangelistic materials, as well as enabling training events, learning institutions, social action projects and crisis relief. Though stability is returning to the region, DRC continues to be a place of great need and

uncertainty. Tomorrow’s ministry opportunities will be shaped by the future level of security in the country. The potential need for new relief and development work is vast, but will be tempered by the ability of organisations to work unmolested. As the number of viable national air carriers continues to decline, the transportation needs of DRC will likely be under served. A new focus on flight safety by NGOs and mission organisations is creating opportunities for MAF to minister. The lack of road and transportation infrastructure throughout DRC will make MAF’s aviation expertise strategic for the foreseeable future.

once again M work to bring G MAF will continue to help facilitate God’s ministry through Flame by flying teams into the most remote areas of DRC


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Join us for an unforgettable week to get inspired, empowered and fired up to change lives, communities and the nation!

For the sports fans: Don’t worry, you don’t need to miss out on the Games, as we’ll be bringing you some live, large-screen action in our dedicated venues.


In April this year we asked for your help as we embarked on this amazing project to serve the church and people of DRC. To date we have received over £15,000 for which we are truly grateful. There’s still time to give and we’ll be raising more money and awareness at this year’s New Wine summer conferences.


MAF will be a key partner in our God’s healing to hurting people


06.2012Burning Issues


BACK TO JERUSALEM This summer Flame International is hosting a series of events with Brother Yun to promote our partnership with Back to Jerusalem. Together we are placing Chinese missionaries into war-torn South Sudan, which for many of us begs the question -

Who or What is “B Back to Jerusalem is the largest coordinated mission movement in history but very few people have ever heard about it. There are two reasons why there is so little known about this vision. First, it is a Chinese mission movement and the idea of a communist country sending out missionaries contradicts the common world view of most churches that see China as a missionary receiving country, not a missionary sending country. Second, most of the advances that are made by the Chinese underground house church regarding the Back to Jerusalem missionary movement are not advertised in neon lights. Back to Jerusalem is a vision of the Chinese church to take the Gospel to the countries that are in between the borders of China and Jerusalem. This area is often referred to as the 10/40 Window and is the location of the most unevangelised and impoverished area in the world today. Brother Yun, known from the amazing true story documented in the book The Heavenly Man, is one of the main representatives of the Back to Jerusalem vision. Ever since he 12

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escaped from China he has travelled around the world and raised awareness of the underground house church and the mission movement. The name unfortunately leads a lot of people to believe that it is about evangelising the Jews in Israel. That is not the case at all. When the Chinese say ‘Back to Jerusalem’, they are actually talking about the movement of the Gospel as it can be traced throughout history. The Gospel message started in Jerusalem and (for the most part) had a westward march through Asia Minor, Europe, Africa, the Americas, and today is sweeping through Asia. The Chinese are now pushing that advancement westward all the way Back to Jerusalem. The largest official church today can be found in South Korea, but the underground house church networks in China are much larger, often having more members than some European countries. The largest revival can be found in China with more people coming to the Christian faith per day than any other nation on earth.

Back to Jerusalem�? The Back to Jerusalem movement began in the early 1920s, was forced underground for decades during war with Japan and the rise of Communism, but now plans to send out more than 100,000 missionaries to 51 nations and more than 52,000 unreached people groups and tribes. Critics perceive this vision to be a pipe dream because Christianity in China is in its infancy and the countries within the target region are some of the most hostile and inhospitable towards missionaries and their activities. The Chinese are uniquely equipped to carry out this massive vision. Not only have they been tested by the fires of persecution in their own country for decades, but China shares borders and political/social relationships with most of these countries in the 10/40 Window. As an atheist country, they are seen as clever businessmen and women who have travelled along the traditional trade routes in these unreached tribal areas for generations. Today Chinese missionaries are working in countries to which missionaries representing other nations are not able to get access, like

North Korea. The Chinese are also working in areas that most missionaries have abandoned because of political fall out, like Syria and Egypt. Chinese missionaries are also in other countries such as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan and Burma, where they have unique relationships to share the Gospel of Jesus. The Back to Jerusalem vision of the underground church in China may not be a well known vision, but the impact is changing the spiritual landscape of the world.


The largest co-ordinated mission movement in history



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O Armenia, Armenia... We have broken Your heart With our stubborn acts With our unclean hands Corrupting and spoiling We have stained Your land Defiled Your valleys And polluted Your streams Lord have mercy Christ have mercy Lord have mercy See the snow from My heaven Spread on the mountains Cleansing the ugliness Renewing the dirtiness Sweeping the brokenness A symbol of holiness Of hope for My people

Flame International has been three times to Armenia. The first was a recce in Nov 2010 Jan Ransom, Flame’s CEO, and Jeremy Clare, who had already paid many visits to Armenia and who is one of the organisation’s trustees, established key initial connections with church leaders during this early visit. A year later, in Nov 2011, Jan led a 10 day prayer trip, accompanied by some seasoned intercessors, which was felt to be an important precursor to 14

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undertaking any future Flame missions. Many hours were spent praying for Armenia. Flame’s network of contacts was developed, and the team was privileged to speak at a small number of churches, and to minister to their people. In March this year, Flame hosted a retreat for a small number of selected church leaders and their wives. Mark Leakey, Chairman of the Trustees, has written this article – less a detailed chronological account of the two latter visits he

has been on and more an impressionistic picture based on a piece he wrote during a time of intercessory prayer for Armenia during Flame’s second visit: ‘We have broken Your heart With our stubborn acts With our unclean hands Corrupting and spoiling We have stained Your land Defiled Your valleys And polluted Your streams...’

and Bartholomew, two of Christ’s apostles. A country that reminds us that it was the very first to establish Christianity as its state religion, and that this took place over 1,700 years ago, after a miraculous act of healing. A nation that has a long history and a huge diaspora. A Christian nation surrounded by Islamic states. A land at whose doors we, Flame International, have tentatively been knocking for several years. Our teams of two, then six, then eight have recently visited Armenia. We have read about it, explored it, prayed over it, eaten its wonderful food, listened to its orchestra, wondered at its strange alphabet. And worshipped with its people, ministered to its sick and hurting, listened to its pastors. And taught in its churches.

Armenia – unique, tortured and proud. A land cursed by decades of oppression under the ruthless hand of Soviet Communism. A people A land of beautiful, snow covered mountains, still at war with one neighbour, threatened by a vast blue, deep lake. Of sandstone churches others. A realm of decaying Stalinist tenement unlike any others in the world. Whose capital buildings, of abandoned factories, of polluted city looks out towards Mount Ararat, no longer rivers. A nation whose people’s dark faces are in Armenia. A land that cries out for forgiveness, downcast. A country that has few jobs, that has for healing, for reconciliation. A land that some shrunk to a tenth of its size during its heyday, believe is birthing a spiritual breakthrough. The that still grieves over an earthquake, a genocide, poem concludes... a war, a famine. A land whose orthodox despise ‘See the snow from My heaven and resent their non-conformist brothers and Spread on the mountains sisters. The poem continues... Cleansing the ugliness Renewing the dirtiness ‘Lord have mercy Sweeping the brokenness Christ have mercy A symbol of holiness Lord have mercy’ Of hope for My people’ A land that is rightly proud of its heritage, its rich history, its church founded by Thaddeus - Mark Leakey


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We asked GARETH BARTON, Flame’s photojournalist and all round creative about the images he captures when travelling with us on mission.

What are you seeking to communicate with your images for Flame International? That’s the question I’m always asking myself when shooting in the field. It helps that I know Flame’s work so well and I’m constantly thinking about the charity’s messaging and how best to get that across. When I took this image of Betty (below) in an IDP camp in South Sudan I had been looking for a way to tell people what the country was like. As she stands with muddy face, ragged shift dress and holding discarded bullet shells from the civil war we see beauty and poverty, a troubled past and a hope for the future. In many ways it is the answer to the “why?” question of Flame’s work - to help broken and traumatised people walk forwards, holding the symbols of a hopeful future and not those of a violent past.

Do you have a favourite Flame picture? That’s a tough one. I can’t shake from my mind the picture I shot of Rev Esbon in Nzara, South Sudan (above). He was sharing how Flame had helped him to forgive the LRA who had clubbed his wife to death a short time before. I really wasn’t expecting what came next - he went to his bicycle and removed a package which he unwrapped to reveal the club that was used - and then he showed me his wife’s teeth marks still clearly visible in the wood. I can’t say it’s my favourite photograph but it brings back so many emotions and memories for me of that trip and the courageous acts of forgiveness that, with God’s love and our help, the most hurting people are capable of. So where are Flame sending you next? I’m not sure yet. I’d love to get some images from outside of Africa that show Flame’s work in other areas of the world - but I’m keeping an eye on Israel, Armenia and China!


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Thank you for supporting us in prayer. Please feel free to cut out this guide if you’d like to place it in your Bible. 03 Jun: Give thanks for Brother Yun’s visit. Pray for strength following yesterday’s Wolverhampton events and as he speaks at two services this morning, and in Sheffield this evening! He has a full programme this week in Lancaster, Salisbury, and Poole. 10 Jun: Pray that many will have drawn closer to God from the Brother Yun tour. Give thanks for funds raised to support the Chinese missionaries in South Sudan. Pray Brother Yun and the team will be rested and refreshed. Pray for the Generation Y mission team members who will be training 15th-18th June. 17 Jun: Pray that the host churches for the Brother Yun tour received abundant blessing; that Flame will develop an ongoing relationship with them, and with individuals who heard of our work for the first time. Pray for the release of the prophetic at the Prayer Day in Crewe on 23rd, and for good attendance. 24 Jun: The Trustees meet on 29th, pray for wisdom in decision making. The DR Congo Provincial Assembly is gathered in Kinshasa. Pray for unity, forgiveness and healing. As the Flame team prepare to go on 30th Jun pray for guidance and protection.



01 Jul: The team arrive in Kinshasa this morning to run a conference and workshop. Pray for rest and strengthening, for good relationships with the 100 pastors and leaders, and the 50 staying for the workshop; for the opportunity to meet with government officials and the military. Pray for safe and hassle free travel to Brazzaville on 7th. 08 Jul: Continue to hold the team in prayer for the conference and workshop in Brazzaville tomorrow; for Holy Spirit leading in the teaching and ministry, and lives to be changed. Pray for safe travel for the team’s return. 15 Jul: New Wine SW starts on 21st. Pray for Gareth, Jan and the team as they prepare. Pray strength for Jan and a quick recovery from the DR Congo trip before she goes to New Wine. 22 Jul: Pray for the team at New Wine this week; that they will enjoy good teaching and fellowship as well as working hard on the stand. Pray for divine appointments and productive conversations. Pray for Val and Paul as they go to New Wine N&E in Newark for the first time on 28th. Pray that both stands will attract new supporters to Flame. www.flameinternational.org

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PRAYER DIARY JUN - SEPT 2012 29 Jul: Pray strength for the Bath and Newark teams at New Wine, for relationships to be built and new ones formed. Thank God for our volunteer workers at both venues. 05 Aug: Give thanks for all the conversations during New Wine. As the database is updated, pray that each person will be blessed and Pray, Participate, Donate. Pray that church partnerships and team members will come from the links made. 12 Aug: Pray for a time of reflection, rest and refreshment for the Flame teams. 19 Aug: Pray for partnerships with business and Charitable Trusts, with churches and other organisations; that these may multiply and strengthen, enabling us to serve those in great need overseas.

02 Sep: Pray for South Sudan as the Gen Y team prepares for mission to KajoKeji next week; for God to intervene and bring peace to the Northern areas.


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16 Sep: The young people will be speaking in churches today; ministering to prisoners and on an outreach in town before flying out on 20th. Jan and Val fly to Nzara for a government Healing the Land conference on 21st & 22nd. Pray an anointing of the Holy Spirit. 23 Sep: Jan and Val will be speaking in churches in Nzara today and returning to the UK on Wednesday. Give thanks for the opportunity to teach government officials. Pray that action will be taken, and for the Lord to heal the land. 30 Sep: Give thanks for our ministry in Burundi. Pray that as we prepare for the 3 week school starting 13 Oct, we will hear from God for our future work there. Pray for the Burundi military, for the President, and opportunities for a Healing the Land conference.

For this reason I kneel before the Father Eph 3:14a

26 Aug: Pray for our co-workers; Les, Valerie, Joy, Natalie, Gareth, Simon, Paul and all our valued supporters who pray, donate, participate; for our pastors, Ken and Jean. Pray for Gareth and Paul as they fundraise, and for wise stewardship of all that God gives to us.

09 Sep: The Gen Y team arrives at Entebbe Airport in the early hours today. Pray for God’s favour for the South Sudan visas to be ready within the day so we can depart Kampala by road on Tuesday. Pray for a trouble free drive and arrival in Moyo before the Uganda/South Sudan border closes. Pray for the youth this week, for fun, fellowship and healing.

istry ilable to visit your church prayer min New: Flame International is now ava ouragement. Call now and book us in! teams for training, coaching and enc BURNING NEWS & REVIEWS ISSUES flame international

JUN 2012

.....Democratic Republic of CONGO Special.....



their future in our hands


Burning Issues is now available to view, download or print online. Visit www.flameinternational.org and click on the link to view and to download.


‘The Clowns of God’ by Morris West (published by Toby Books) The world is heading inexorably towards all-out nuclear war within months. Pope Gregory XV11 has a vision, seeing not only that this apocalypse is inevitable with a cold and empty wilderness resulting, but that God intends it as the Parousiathe second coming of Jesus. He knows he is called to proclaim his vision and to warn Christians to prepare. His cardinals cannot accept a pope-turned-prophet and depose him. How is a deposed and gagged pope to bear the witness that he knows he must in the face of opposition from the political, religious and military establishment? The end is as surprising as the vision itself. On the way the author raises questions about the nature of good and evil; the possibility of God changing his mind; about healing; the nature of guidance and prophecy; and the Parousia itself. Morris West was for many years in Catholic orders. This, the second in his ‘Vatican Trilogy’, is a gripping and thought provoking novel, so good that I re-read it every few years. Like good wine, it just gets better and better. - Jonathan Liggins

COME AND SEE US AT NEW WINE LONDON & SOUTH EAST Saturday 21 - Friday 27 July NORTH & EAST Saturday 28 July - Friday 3 August CENTRAL & SOUTH WEST Sunday 29 July - Saturday 4 August

Calling all 20s to 30s Join us on mission call us for details

~ Yohu k many n e t ur Tha u to


o yo thank sponded to 00 e g u A h £15,0 t re e u tha - over of yo RC appeal not too lat D s t ’ n t d e I ha a rec date! ven’t o a t h d e u r!!! yo rais so fa in if t n f i i g o j to ive a e to g chanc

on s u in o t J : e r p e r ray er Ca P l to Pray ssors l a C ame erce as Fl h int ntry e h it t cou w e g alon ross th e pray for ac w rly la rk u NEWSFLASH: look g r e s wo sharp and keep ’ warm! join the e s m flame1000 club la pdate F today, by signing h u he t up to give £10 a i w ll t month or more, a they and we’ll send m o you a fabulous fr ts as . flame fleece to ec appen j o say thank you! r p h www.flameinternational.org

06.2012Burning Issues


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