Burning Issues - Under Pressure?

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flame international



Cover Image: Dr Gareth Sherwood reminds us of the effects of pressure on people and how we as the church can make a difference - even to those suffering in the wake of conflict, violence and war. Designed and edited by spreadcommunications.co.uk


CONTENTS 06.2013


Under Pressure? Rev Dr Gareth Sherwood


Whither the Flame? What next?


Prayer Diary


3 Questions - Brenda Schwartz


Who Do You Think You Are?


Summer events around the UK


Letters, News & Reviews

Flame International is a Christian ministry with a passion to reach out with God’s love to broken and hurting people, particularly those in the poorest countries of the world, and to see nations healed and walking in forgiveness and reconciliation.


I don’t know about you but things around here have become very busy! Our mission to DRC is back under way after a delay, we’ve got three summer conferences to plan, prayer days, healing events, young people’s missions, talks, meetings... It’s fair to say that following a time of being called to “wait”, we are now feeling under pressure! We all know that stress can have a huge impact on our lives - especially after a significant trauma - but what does that look like? What are its effects? We asked Rev Dr Gareth Sherwood to help us understand more about the inner workings of those we minister to who have carried the burden of pressure for years and who are in need of emotional, spioritual and physical healing. We also have Jan looking at a tricky bit of teaching - one that isn’t mentioned too often in our churches these days. Enjoy!


Through healing conferences, trauma workshops and prayer ministry, we equip and train leaders in the church, the military and in the wider society, to impact their communities.

29 June YAP Mission Training 20 July Prayer Day - See p20 27 Jul - 10 Aug New Wine LSE & CSW 3 - 9 Aug New Wine N&E 23 - 27 Aug Momentum 23 Aug YAP Mission - DRC 5 Sep Mission to Aru, DRC 28 Sept Prayer Day - See p20

PO BOX 424, Aldershot, GU11 9ER


Tel: 01252 336509 www.flameinternational.org office@flameinternational.org Registered Charity Number 1096374

SIGNS AND WONDERS: Postponed from this month, we’ll be looking back on a decade of extraordinary stories and testimonies from around the world that will inspire and encourage you. www.flameinternational.org

06.2013Burning Issues



REV DR GARETH SHERWOOD: UNDER PRESSURE? As a medic turned church leader, Rev Dr Gareth Sherwood is well placed to consider the issues of people under pressure. As we minister to those under extreme stress in post-conflict zones, Gareth’s perspective, away from Flame, gives us some insight and cause for both thought and prayer. I have worked in both the medical field as a hospital physician for almost eight years, and now in ministry for six years as a church leader. It has been my privilege and perhaps sometimes burden, although I do not use that word with resentment but rather strangely with gratitude, to be able to serve people in some of the most traumatic and stressful situations life can throw at them. As a doctor you work on the frontline of crisis in health, being the bearer of both the bad news and good news; being the place where the buck stops and decisions rest; where life is saved and life is lost; where the decisions made are things you live with, learn from and sometimes, where experience has not yet taught you foresight, fail to grasp the gravity of the moment until your patient or their relative breaks down in tears. The good times are truly great; but there is a temptation as a doctor or care provider to depersonalise the tough moments, to detach in order to protect yourself from the emotional gravity of some of the illness or death around you. Professional distance or protecting the integrity of the professional relationship is instilled as a student and carried out by mutual encouragement. It may sound heartless but it is a necessary mechanism for getting on 4

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with the job. One outworking of this is what we know as a dark sense of humour; where ordinary things you would not laugh at are indeed a source of amusement. The longer you serve as a doctor, the more you either detach, or the more the wounds of others leave a deep impression on your mind and memories. You either laugh it off or break down in tears, there does not seem to be much of a middle ground and I used to tell people, there isn’t always a right thing to feel. Over time for me it has been a combination of both and in the ministry it is certainly more the latter than the former when dealing with people’s stress. However, it is not possible for those going through a crisis to simply walk away and laugh or take time out from it, without losing touch with reality, closing off a piece of their identity or living on in denial of their circumstances. The doctor may have to make the decision to amputate a limb or start a diabetic on insulin, but the person has to live on and learn to adapt to a new way of life. For a person to maintain their sanity, they have to face what is happening to them and, after the emotional onslaught of reality, endure the long painful process of re-evaluating what it means to live on. The mind during this time processes some big questions concerning life’s meaning and purpose, personal significance and indeed sometimes the person’s own identity. Nothing is more challenging to your sense of self than to look in the mirror and not accept who is looking back at you. The physical effects, illnesses and conditions associated with stress are manifestations and indeed symptoms of the mental and spiritual struggle a person is going through in a www.flameinternational.org

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crisis. The struggles come from life’s storms; the frustrations, deadlines, performance demands, life changes, loss of relationship, insecurity, uncertainty of the future, threat to health or life and threat to family, friends or community. Individuals vary widely with their ability to cope with these struggles, adopting various strategies, some founded on temporary relaxation or escape from feelings, but most are founded or dependent on a source of strength or personal reserve. Some trust their money, power, fame, friends, community, provider, helper, leader or hero figure. But what about when these do not deliver on the faith and hope put in them, what happens when they are not enough? When systems or people fail to deliver, anger, violence, denial, apathy, depression, inability to concentrate and anxiety all follow in various manifestations. As a doctor I can recall countless times where people’s expectations of what modern medicine could achieve for them were higher than what was possible to deliver, or where it was simply unable to stave off personal disaster. The resulting onslaught of emotion was sometimes predictable, sometimes accepted and sometimes nothing short of fear inducing. I have been hit, bitten, screamed at, dressed down, falsely accused, shunned, denied, ignored and sent away. However, I would rather endure these than allow the alternative, where someone finds themselves alone with nobody even to be angry at or cry with. A prolonged sense of loneliness in the midst of overwhelming stress is a sure and certain pathway to a personal breakdown. News reports are replete almost daily with the desperate and tragic actions taken where people have found themselves alone, under 6

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prolonged stress and with the feeling that there’s nobody to turn to. I once witnessed a kind man, a father and husband who would never have hurt a fly, crush a nurse’s hand in a fit of what can only be described as paranoid rage on hearing the news that he had terminal cancer. That same man after coming round from the sedation we gave to calm him down, broke into sobs realising what he had done, he had no idea why it happened. The words of the consultant still ring in my ears, and just about sum up everything I have seen and explained so far, “Stress does weird things to people.” As a minister looking back, it is almost as if sometimes when significant life changing stress assaults a person, the lid of character and reserve is removed and the sinful nature in its fullness is unleashed to the surprise of everyone, especially for the person who is left looking at their hands in horror or in the mirror in disbelief. Doctors call this fight or flight, the reaction to either run or do battle with what threatens. Not all reactions are negative. I have seen great courage and stood in awe at the way some have handled themselves in tough times. Some manage to maintain their sense of peace by depending on the love of others, their faith in God or hope in death. The proverb, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire realised is the tree of life” is true. Where hope is abandoned, fear and despair flood in to suffocate the spirit and existence is blanketed in darkness. Where hope flourishes, life and personal significance are magnified in all their technicoloured radiance; the sun breaks through the clouds and the rays of joy

REV DR GARETH SHERWOOD: UNDER PRESSURE? dance across the fields of our hearts. Hope is indeed one of the most powerful of agents and precious of treasures in this remarkable world. The only way to deal with someone under stress is to support the person enduring a storm in such a way as to provide them with a way of breaking down what they are dealing with into manageable parts. This may take a significant period of time as sometimes things are so large it’s hard to see clearly. The ultimate goal is to help people come to terms with the past, see themselves in a healthy way now, and to see a secure future or at the very least a secure today and a solid source of hope and significance for tomorrow. That may mean removing a load, sheltering or protecting from further crisis or simply being there throughout. Doctors refer to counsellors, nurses, friends, family, lifestyle advice and medication, to balance the body and mind’s reactions to the onslaught of life changes. As a minister my concern is also for the spirit, where I believe the mind finds the securest of roots and the unshakable foundations of faith, hope and love; in the words of Paul these are indeed the three that remain. Where I have seen someone holding on to one or more of these, I’ve seen a strength to endure what has crushed others, and an ability to face reality without being crushed by it.

the ashes of death, and knows that there is a power beyond measure that can conquer evil, stand up for justice and bring about good from every and all situations. A hope that is never fleeting, always encouraging and always a light in dark days. A hope that cannot be shaken and is not swayed by the winds of change and that guarantees a secure future. A love that does not change when we fail, fall, unleash anger or look at our face in the mirror and hate what we see. A love that is unrelenting, that lavishes itself on us unreservedly, that anchors the ropes of our hearts in peace and the knowledge of sure comfort, and that proves itself most powerful in the midst of suffering and sacrifice. A faith, hope and love that never fail. I truly believe that faith wins, hope wins and love wins because God won! These three are capable of keeping the spirit alive, the mind secure, the heart at peace and the body at rest through and in spite of all circumstances. As a minister of the gospel, it is always my mission to bring these through the risen Christ to one another; bringing life, bringing goodnews, bringing the very person of God into the darkness and piercing it with the Father’s light. Bless you in all that you do overseas and at home with poeple under pressure. Gareth Sherwood is a medic turned Elim Penecostal church leader who lives in Dundee with his wife Sonja, and their two young children, Jack and Naomi.

I therefore have come to believe in the power of faith, hope and love in a practical and deep way. A faith that is steadfast and unchanging, founded in a saviour who is not shaken and is able to shield life’s purpose, meaning, significance and joy from the arms of disaster. A faith that knows life can rise again from www.flameinternational.org

06.2013Burning Issues


WHERE NEXT FOR FLAME INTERNATIONAL? We have just celebrated Flame International’s 10th anniversary. We have been looking back with a sense of awe at how and where the Lord has directed, led and taken us, and with a sense of deep gratitude for the way God has resourced and protected us. But this has been less an opportunity for self-congratulation and more a chance to check where we are going, where God is directing our paths in the future, and what changes the Holy Spirit is calling us to introduce into our modus operandi. It’s a natural tendency to map out one, five or ten year plans, to have aims, goals and objectives, and there is nothing wrong with having such plans. Flame has many plans. But in place of rigid frameworks, I believe that, as we continue to grow, we need to continue to be flexible, fluid and responsive. Some of you came to Ashburnham in February; a key part of the weekend was listening to God, exercising the prophetic and committing to paper whatever pictures or words we felt the Holy Spirit was putting on our hearts. These have been collated and distributed to the trustees and are being carefully considered! One of the themes was to do with ‘waiting’. Not rushing. Being patient. Indeed this was something of a theme last year with several in the leadership having a sense of ‘waiting’. 8

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Participants had many thoughts about Flame’s role and future in specific countries; it has been remarkable to witness consistent themes that people have had for particular countries. For example, one of the countries in Africa we visit, namely Burundi, attracted the idea of ‘unity’ from several of the participants. The theme of ‘mercy’ applied to another, DRC. The sense of Armenia’s strategic role in future times was another thread. The warning of spiritual warfare applied to China. But there were also three more generic thoughts that came out at Ashburnham. The first was the idea of a new authority coming to Flame, the idea of touching nations, perhaps particularly in the context of South Sudan. Indeed, the weekend we had spent in Yambio last September was witness to this idea; it was a mission with a difference where we spoke for two days mainly to political leaders, the Governor, his deputy, several MPs and other politicians, as well as several bishops. This echoes the thoughts behind Flame’s vision of seeing nations healed and walking in forgiveness and reconciliation. Another idea that one participant has written at length to us about is the tension between ministering to individuals and reaching out to communities in a more holistic manner. This idea has to do with the flourishing of whole societies, their governance, justice, education and economics and


so on. Could Flame have a part to play in all this? A third theme was that of meeting the physical needs of people along the lines of: A Cleansed People + A Healed Land = The opportunity for a Prosperous Country

Overall there was no great sense that we should, at least in the short term, be forming a separate ‘humanitarian arm’. Common threads of prayer, partnership, empowering and seeing which doors God opens were evident in people’s responses. We intend to push forward, prayerfully and carefully, on a ‘broad front’. In the short term we are looking to start a ‘pilot’ micro-finance project in one of the dioceses in South Sudan, to develop ideas of including ‘mini-project’ phases (eg perhaps doing some building work) for future trips and to explore the opportunities for developing partnerships with Christian organisations who specialise in meeting physical needs. So, in tying these threads together, I see Flame continuing to grow, but perhaps in a more holistic manner, meeting more of the broader needs of people, communities and nations. But all this without diluting Flame’s unique, core, spiritual mission, to ‘bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for captives and release from darkness for the prisoners’.

wHither the flame? Flame’s Chair of Trustees, Mark Leakey, considers the way forward for Flame International after TEN years of ministry. www.flameinternational.org

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Sarah knows what it’s like to be under pressure. Captured by the LRA, she was marched through the bush and forced to witness the executions of family members and friends before being released when they discovered she was pregnant. She now lives with her father-in-law, a pastor trained by Flame International, who prays for her every day and helps to raise her son. 10

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Diary June - September 2013

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18 www.flameinternational.org

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Thank you for supporting us in prayer. Please feel free to remove this guide if you’d like to place it in your bible. 02 Jun: Give thanks for the opportunity to work in Goma and Bukavu, DRC, and to minister to women. Pray that the ministry will have lasting value by contributing to the work of others.

churches and for Brenda as she leads the day.

09 Jun: Continue to pray for peace across the DRC Eastern region and cessation of violence, bloodshed and murder, in faith that prayer will change the situation.

7 Jul: Give thanks for the churches linked to Flame, and the prayer ministry training at Cranford Heath on 13th. Pray more churches will support us in prayer and join us on mission. Pray for partnerships with business and Charitable Trusts. Give thanks for the partnerships we already enjoy.

16 Jun: For Archbishop Henri Isingoma in Congo, particularly Bishop Sylvestre in Bukavu, Bishop William in Boga, Bishop Ande in Aru, and Bishop Ise-somo in Butemba as they seek God’s peace and restoration from huge loss of life, atrocities, deprivation and injustice against the weak.

14 Jul: For the Trustees as they meet on 19 July; for a clear vision on the issue of micro-finance, and how to generate interest and help for Ezo Diocese. Pray for the Prayer Day on 20 July at St Peter’s Church, Farnborough. Pray for all to hear the voice of the Lord!

23 Jun: For the Young Adult Programme (YAP) training weekend. Pray for those attending that they will encourage one another as well as generate interest for the August trip to Aru, DR Congo. Pray for young leaders who can develop this ministry.

21 Jul: South Sudan Archbishop and Bishops. Pray for peace, and the displaced people caught up in conflict. Pray God’s leading for Flame’s future work. Pray for Israel and Armenia as we plan to visit later this year, and for our Far East partners.

30 Jun: For the Mission Training Day in Crewe on 6 July. Pray for good attendance from those who are joining a trip and those praying about doing so; that God will clearly direct. Pray for new openings in 12

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28 Jul: For the New Wine LSE team this week. Pray for relationships to be strengthened and new ones made; that we will impact the community and forge genuine relationships with church leaders. Pray for love, joy and grace for the team.

PRAYER DIARY: JUN - SEP 2013 04 Aug: For the New Wine CSW and N&E teams as they seek to establish new links and relationships. Pray for Jan and Val as they have opportunities to speak and for Godly appointments following. 11 Aug: For our pastors, Ken and Jean; our co-workers, Les, Brenda, Joy, Natalie, Gareth, Simon, Wendy, the Area Reps, and our valued supporters who pray, donate, participate. 18 Aug: For Gareth and the young adults as they represent Flame at Momentum for the first time; for a holy joy and excitement that will draw interest in our work. Pray for the Young Adult team as they depart for Aru, DR Congo on Friday 23. 25 Aug: The Young Adult team in Uganda preparing to travel to Aru on Monday and start the Youth Conference on Tuesday or Wednesday. Pray for the teaching and ministry, for the Lord to use each team member and to stretch them beyond their own understanding.

strength and an infilling of the Holy Spirit. Pray the new team will settle well into the conference and work in unity. 15 Sep: Continue to pray for the team in Aru; for miracles of healing, for wisdom and discernment, for the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to move in power. Pray for safety as the team returns to the UK via Uganda on 20 September. 22 Sep: For the Prayer Day in Crewe on Saturday 28th; that we will hear from God and glorify his name as we share and encourage one another. Pray for Val as she leads the day. 29 Sep: The Training Day in Camberley on Saturday 5 October; that people will be envisioned to join mission teams and pray for the work. Pray for Brenda as she leads and teaches, and for those assisting her.

01 Sep: Pray for miracles of healing as the young people minister God’s love with power and authority; for lives to be changed as God works through them. Pray for protection and safety as the team return to the UK on 6 September. 08 Sep: The adult team arrives in Aru on Monday 9th. Jan and Val remain in Aru to receive them. Pray for renewed www.flameinternational.org

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Prayer Diary Notes:

ce spa r s i h ou se t thing s u ua se d any o a y e l e r P v and eco t gi to r r migh r us - o us he ay fo on t Fat pr it you e pass ffice! o s plea at the 14

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Q& A


BRENDA SCHWARTZ It’s easy to see that you’re passionate about your work - what is your role and what do you enjoy doing? My role is to improve the training available for Flame mission team members and to help recruit people for our mission teams. I love to see the healing that Jesus brings into the lives of his people when we teach the truths of his kingdom and pray with them when we are on mission or at our events in this country. I enjoy training people who are preparing to go on mission. I particularly like seeing people being able to pray effectively for the healing of others. You’re involved in a new thing that Flame is doing. Can you tell us a little about that? We are now offering to run Healing Days in local churches so people can experience some of the teaching and healing prayer Flame delivers in its Healing Conferences on missions overseas. There’s nothing like experiencing something for yourself! Our first Healing Day was held in

Poole last November and was well attended. A number of people were deeply touched by the Lord. It led to a prayer team training course in the area. This is blessing the individual course members and their churches, and providing training for those who want to go on mission. There are also regular Mission Training Days for those thinking about and preparing to come on mission with Flame. What steps should someone take if they would like to invite Flame International to their church? They can email me (brenda@flameinternational.org) for more information, including the programme and ideas to help the day run smoothly. Then they can discuss it with their church leaders. One of our key values in ministering to the local church at home and overseas is only to go where we are invited! Once a date has been agreed there is some organisation to sort out and we will put together a team for the day. The dates for the next Mission Training Days are 6 July in Crewe and 5 October in Camberley. www.flameinternational.org

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I was about 40 years old when I first heard how our lives can be defined by the sins of our fathers and mothers. It was teaching that I found tough to grasp. I thought my parents were good but I said a few prayers of confession and repented in the areas that I had repeated their sin and sought to forgive. The next thing I knew I was literally thrown to the floor and being delivered of the sins of my forebears - what a shock that was! I was grateful afterwards, though - I was a different person. 16

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by Jan


who do

Are you your mother’s son or daughter? Do you reflect your father’s good looks? Can you identify your personality as coming from your mother or father? Many of us have attributes which reflect our parents, grandparents or great grandparents. Sometimes we are proud of this, at other times we despise it. When I asked the soldiers in Ezo, South Sudan whether their children looked like them, the fathers ran to their children and held them up one by one so that I could see the family resemblance! They were so excited and saw

you think you are?

the reality of what I was asking them. They and their children knew who they were and it seemed to please them. They were proud of each other!

We are influenced by our families - indeed we know that gifting comes down the family line. Some people are very musical and their sons and daughters have the same gifting. Some people are great artists and their daughters and sons can draw. Others have the gift of languages and this is passed down the family line. The list could go on and on. www.flameinternational.org

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Some of us are delighted to be in our family but I have met many who find their family history painful and really don’t want anything to do with their family. What does your family line look like? What I mean is, were your parents, grandparents and great grandparents perfect or did they have some negative points? Would your family tree be full of adjectives like joyous, beautiful, gifted, kindhearted and generous or would it also have adjectives like mean, fearful, selfish, angry, jealous, bitter or sickly? Would they have been Freemasons, new-age practitioners, promiscuous, addicted to alcohol or cigarettes? I would be very surprised if everyone in your family was without sin!

We see the mercy of God coming down the generational line from our ancestors, “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9. How the Lord wants to bless us! What I want to communicate to you is God’s desire to give you his blessings - to bless you, to bless you, to bless you! If our family are the type to bless we will reap what they have sown.

When God blesses, he also multiplies. These are laws that are linked and are always God’s plan for mankind. He wrote the laws You see, in the same way that we can have of blessing and multiplication and, when gifts and physical attributes passed down, we referring to animals, it says, ‘God blessed them can also be prone to sin in similar ways. In 2 and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number Corinthians 4: 18 it says, “So we fix our eyes and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, increase on the earth.” Genesis 1:22. And since what is seen is temporary, but what when referring to mankind, ‘God blessed them is unseen is eternal.” We can see physical and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in attributes but we cannot see spiritual ones! number; fill the earth and subdue it.”’ Genesis 1:28. God’s multiplication flows out of his They are eternal. desire to bless the world. The secular world recognises this; very often alcoholics will have children with an alcohol I want to tell you a few stories: problem. Of course some is learned behaviour Following teaching and ministry into this area but there can also be a spiritual influence. We during a 2010 mission in a military barracks I can have a drive inside to behave in similar asked if anyone had been healed of anything. ways to our ancestors. Who are we? We are Immediately a soldier stood up from the ranks made in the image of God and he always and said, “Why are you asking? We have all wants to bless us. been healed!”


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In January of this year we were called to the County Commissioner’s office in Ezo, South Sudan because they had heard of miracles in the area following our teaching. I was able to teach for 5 minutes about blessing and sin coming down the family line. We were asked to pray for them and then the testimonies came - healed hernia, restored eyesight, all over pain in body gone...

have confessed the sins of their forefathers ,including issues such as divorce, alcoholism and addictions, depression, suicide, early death, fear, freemasonry, occult, lies, sexual sin, barrenness, trauma, poverty, financial insufficiency, violence, abuse, idolatry, dishonouring parents, anger, fear, theft… The list of sin is endless and yet many people are impacted and walk in brokenness just because they do not realise that their lives are affected Later that same week the Bishop’s Chaplain by the sin of their ancestors. The verse from 1 went to the hospital and told his sick aunt Peter 1: 18, “For you know that it was not with about the teaching on generational sin. They perishable things such as silver or gold that prayed together and she began to show signs you were redeemed from the empty way of life of improvement. He also preached to all the handed down to you from your ancestors”, is patients on the ward and prayed over them. the New Testament verse which says it all for When he returned the following day, the me. How many of us have an empty way of life nurses told him that all the patients on the handed down to us? ward had slept well and were much better. If only we could get this type of teaching into Sadly, we know that it’s not just blessing that our churches. I am convinced we would see is passed down the family line. Sicknesses such so many more people healed because I believe as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and this sin is a hindrance to our healing, our other illnesses can affect the whole family. personality and our walk with Jesus. And what about family traits? How many of us know people who are fearful just like their grandmother or have anger just like their father? We see that both blessing and sin can come down the family line. Most of us are happy to receive the blessing but may find it difficult to accept that a propensity to sin could also affect us. As I have ministered over the years, I have seen so many lives changed because individuals

How many of us have had an empty way of life handed down to us?


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day of Prayer for the work of Flame around the World NOW ON: Saturday, 20 July 2013 - 9.30 am to 4.00 pM NOW AT: St Peter’s Church

60 Church Avenue, Farnborough, GU14 7AP Drinks provided – please bring packed lunch

PRAYER DAY - CREWE day of Prayer for the work of Flame around the World Saturday, 28 SEPTEMBER 2013 - 9.30 am to 4.00 pM West Street Christian Fellowship Crewe, CW1 3HE

Drinks provided – please bring packed lunch



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calling all young ADULTS join the team for momentum 2013 Royal Bath & West Showground Shepton Mallet 23 - 27 AUGUST to register YOUR interest in joining the team please visit our website or call us on: 01252 336509


www.momentum.co.uk www.soulsurvivor.com www.flameinternational.org/yap


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LETTERS to Flame...

Send your letter to us at the office by post or on email and we’ll send a small gift to the writer of our ‘star letter’.

Be encouraged! It is for this that, together with you, we work and pray. 22

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PRES SURE? R E D N U Come and see us at New Wine where we will give you a free blood pressure test. As you consider the stresses of life we’ll talk to you about the burdens carried by people living after conflict, and invite you to join us in a spot of ‘weight lifting’ that will provide them with the respite they need!


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