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THE SHOW CAMBIO DE TERCIO is the new show created by choreographers and directors Rojas and Rodríguez, builds up from the beginning, the energy that the cast of four female dancers along with the directors of the company are developing and maturing in three well differentiated pieces. A choreographic world that comes from within the souls of the dancers, and their creators Rojas and Rodríguez the sincere intention to perform for the audience and with all the purity and intensity that the magic of flamenco can provide on stage. With CAMBIO DE TERCIO, Rojas and Rodríguez have once again re-design unique their own choreographic style with pure essence that has conquered the heart of audience within Spain and worldwide, making the audience enjoy a classic Spanish flamenco dance and much more innovative and mature as to be expected. CAMBIO DE TERCIO means a change in the artistic career of Rojas and Rodríguez, a change in the course of their creation. It is a journey through tradition and constant renewal of a style applauded and praised in all five continents. Booking:


The show consists of ten scenes of different lengths, with the figure of the dancer as a material that is transformed and dressed for every dance and every piece. Choreographers gift us with a variety of pieces and movements, changes in style, wardrobe changes and “palos flamencos”, providing the stage with a vibrant power in each choreography. CAMBIO DE TERCIO is a dance with a mixture of styles based on the classical Spanish and flamenco dance, such as: CANTIÑAS, SEVILLANAS, FANDANGOS, RUMBAS, BAMBERAS, BULERIAS, TANGUILLOS y SEGUIDILLAS (danced with 4 spectacular tail dressing gowns and Spanish gowns). Rojas y Rodríguez with their four female dancers and together with live music played by six musicians, are back with this new show, that they consider their best creation together. As is to be expected with choreographies of this quality, Rojas and Rodriguez will gift us with solos, duets and exciting group numbers full of sensuality and strength. One of the major innovative aspects of this production is the active participation of the musicians on stage interacting with the cast of dancers in the choreographies. The visual effects in this show are guaranteed due to the careful selection of costumes and lighting designed exclusively for this occasion. CAMBIO DE TERCIO is an opportunity you have been waiting for years, an opportunity for your senses, with the most talented female dancers since the company was founded by Rojas and Rodriguez. It is the discovery of four new solo brilliant dancers. In the show, these dancers nourish your senses, through the transmission of feelings, giving them the opportunity to cover new dimensions in the style of each dance as CAMBIO DE TERCIO gives us the opportunity to enjoy a range of mature and risky pieces, throughout the entire show. The lighting design will be handled by David Perez, while the wardrobe is designed by Vicente Soler and Carlos Rodriguez. Booking:


ARTISTIC CREDITS Choreographies, Artistic Direction and Original Idea: Rojas y Rodríguez Invited Choreographers: Rocío Molina, Manuel Liñán y Rafael Campallo Main Artists: Rojas y Rodríguez Dancers: María López Pilar González Cristina de Vega Raquel Tamarit Musicians: Daniel Jurado Guitar Gaspar Rodríguez Guitar Thomas Potiron Violin Enrique Terrón Percussion Davinia Jaén Singer Sandra Rincón Singer Duration of the show: 1 hour and 20 minutes approximately with no intermission. Booking:


DIRECTORS’ QUOTES TOWARDS CAMBIO DE TERCIO “CAMBIO DE TERCIO means it can work out, means that we can speak, we can have different projects and collaborate among other professionals and it shows what can be done and this is the proof. For me, the most important matter about the creation of Cambio de Tercio is in the final result, our best artistic creation…” ROJAS “The choreography is a mixture of tradition and modernity and we are very pleased to have worked with the guest’s choreographers Rocío Molina, Rafael Campayo and Manuel Liñan. I am convinced that this is one of the best shows of our career.” RODRÍGUEZ “Regarding the choreography, we did not wanted to look for discordant elements, our intentions have been to look up to the traditional part of our art, I mean everything is already made up and really what you have to do is to modernize what already exists…” ROJAS “Our new show, Cambio de Tercio, came out from the idea of making a show related with the aesthetics and traditions of the flamenco roots. We wanted to get the inspiration from the seventies, the flamenco with flounce dresses and dots, wanting to give the freshness of the actual flamenco to the aesthetics’s stereotypes of those times.” RODRÍGUEZ “On the creative side we have collaborated with our assiduous team, David Pérez at lighting and Vicente Soler at the dress design, with whom we manage to put together our ideas about the dresses and made the show very special from the aesthetics point of view. The sound is also very special, designed by Victor Tomé, as we count with professional wireless equipment, all musicians interact with the dancers during the show, there’s a lot of dynamism and movement on stage.” RODRÍGUEZ “…we have carried out with lots of efforts such an ambitious project as CAMBIO DE TERCIO, a change of pace in our career and it has come true.” ROJAS “...the only commitment we had was: with the flamenco, with the theatre, with the respect for the auduence and the art. We take the audience to a magical world, the world of the stage and the dance, the language we speak, showing the transformation of how we are in and out of the stage.” RODRÍGUEZ Booking:


“They dazzled us with their talent, their presence and their immutable complicity…” Rosli Ayuso El Mundo, Spain. 1.5.2007 “Creatively and musically they do much more than fulfill expectations, dominating the profession and controlling flamenco, they do not fail.” La Vanguardia, Spain. 30.4.2007 “Nuevo Ballet Español vibrates in unison and communicates its love for dance.” Il Monferrato, Italy. 28.6.2002 “An enormous success and completely sold out for Nuevo Ballet Español!” Samantha Cipolla La Tribuna, Italy. 28.2.2001 “…The two young talents that created and who now lead the Nuevo Ballet Español, give a practical demonstration of how both serious work and responsible production values are the necessary ingredients to establish a dance company, and from that, examine the possibilities for a new style of dance. Angel and Carlos dance with soul, they take care with their form and their gestures, and they never fall into the excesses of pseudo-folklore, or a desire to be too contemporary that so damage this genre of dance. And if it is virtuosity that we are talking about, we can already class these two as new stars.” Roger Salas El País, Spain. 13.11.1998 Booking:


ROJAS Dancer and Choreographer - Artistic Director Rojas was born in Madrid in 1974. His professional debut was at the age of sixteen touring with Ballet Teatro Español of Luisillo and Ballet Teatro Español of Rafael Aguilar. He was selected to take part in the revival of the Ballet Español of Madrid, directed by José Granero, with the show Hamlet. In the Universal Exhibition 1992 of Seville (Expo 92) he took part in the show produced by the Spanish Pavilion with Antonio Alonso and Laura del Sol, as dancer, singer and supporting actor. The same year he became a member of the Ballet Flamenco of Antonio Canales, taking part in the show A tí Carmen Amaya and later on he played one of the main roles of his second production Torero, playing the role of the Bull, receiving great critics from the National and International press. He takes part in the tribute to Escudero, sharing stage with Cuban Ballet´s leading dancer, Rosario Suárez. He also takes part in the Gala Greco Románica in the Itálica Festival and the Gala de Estrellas (Gala des Étoiles) of Montreal. He works as choreographer - together with Carlos Rodríguez and Alicia Mántaras - for the show La zapatera prodigiosa with the Company Teatro de la Danza of Madrid. He wins the Prize for Best Outstanding Dancer of the National Spanish and Flamenco Dance Competition in 1994, prize shared with Carlos Rodríguez. During 1994 he works as guest dancer for the Company of Victor Ullate. Booking:


In 1995 he is called by the Professional Dance Association to participate in the International Dance Day with the premiere of his choreography Infinito S.L. and he is also invited with the NUEVO BALLET ESPAÑOL - of which he is founder and Artistic Director together with Rodríguez - to participate with the premiere of their choreography Dos Orillas. He also has worked for the company of Jose Antonio and the Ballets Españoles, of which he was soloist dancer. During 1996 he tours Spain with Infinito S.L. the first production of his own company, NUEVO BALLET ESPAÑOL, and due to the big success he premieres his second production at the end of the same year, granted by the Ministry of Culture and the Comunidad de Madrid and called Canela y Fuego. Rojas has toured during two years with two of the productions of his company, Flamenco Directo and Gallo de Pelea that were premiered on the 9th October 1998 in the Teatro of Madrid and the 15th September 1999 in the Teatro Tívoli of Barcelona respectively. T The International tour has been round more than ten countries (France, Finland, Peru, Venezuela, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, USA, Holland, Germany, Belgium, etc.). On the 1st December 2001 Furia was premiered in the Teatro de Madrid, where it stayed until December 17th. Furia is at present touring together with Flamenco Directo performing in important venues and festivals like La Biennale di Venezia (Italy), Kuopio and Tampere International Festivals (Finland), Maison de la Danse (France), Flamenco Arts Festival (USA), etc and extended tours around Italy, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Spain, etc. One of the latest N.B.E. choreographic works has been a special TV program for the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service USA) with 24 dancers and 13 musicians. A video, DVD and CD were recorded and acquired by Sony (USA). The show had National coverage in the USA and was broadcasted in March 2002; it started its International tour at the beginning of 2004 with a new format as a musical and with the name of Fury. Concierto Flamenco was premiered in the Teatro Albéniz of Madrid in June 2004 following with a National and International tour. Concierto Flamenco is a selection of solo and duet numbers from Flamenco Directo and Furia performed by N.B.E. Booking:


The music comes from the company´s repertoire and has been created by the usual N.B.E. composers, Gaspar Rodríguez and Antonio Rey. On the 16th April 2003 Romeo y Julieta was premiered in the Teatro Albéniz of Madrid with Ángel Rojas playing the role of Mercuccio and choreographed by Carlos Rodríguez. The tour of this new production started in Germany in November of the same year. Rojas latest choreography for another company was Don Juan, premiered the 18th February 2004 in the Saint Denis Theatre of Montreal (Canada) and toured the principal cities of Canada (Montreal, Québec and Ottawa) during 2004 with two of the N.B.E. leading dancers, Ricardo López and María López. The European premiere took place in Paris on the 23rd February 2005 and stayed in the Palais des Congres (Paris) until the 17th April 2005 with Rojas and Rodríguez as leading dancers. The 10th December 2004 Tierra was premiered in the Teatro of Madrid. Tierra is the generic name of the show and the same as the second part, choreographed by Rojas. The first part of the production De las cenizas has been choreographed by Rodríguez. This is the first time the company uses live and recorded music together. On October 2005 he is awarded - together with Rodríguez - with the Villa Prize Pilar López for best Dance Performer 2005. That same year the company went for first time to Japan and Turkey. During 2006 the company premiered the show El Alma, visiting places like Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, Boston and Washington, and also doing shows in Canada, Hong Kong and France among others. This same year, 2006, they received the “International Prize of the Madrid Community” in the Dance category. In 2007, Rojas premiered its own creation called Bailando entre Palabras (Dancing between Words), a solo dance with a mixture of theatre and script where he expresses its own feelings and tours through the different moments of his life, from the most human point of view, from the word up to the movement, from the heart and from the truth. During 2007 they receive the order of realizing their first choreography for the National Ballet of Spain, Dualia with original music by Jose Nieto and released in the Theatre of Zarzuela in Madrid (Spain), where Rojas and Rodríguez are invited artists in the principal roles. Booking:


Once again this choreography receives a great critical and audience acclaim, demonstrating again the quality, beauty and tuning of Rojas and Rodríguez at the moment of choreographing. Both, Rojas & Rodriguez were rewarded by Móstoles’s City Hall in 2007 due to the Diffusion of the Municipality. For the last 3 years the Nuevo Ballet Español is the official resident company of Móstoles’s city (Madrid). In May, 2008, the Community of Madrid entrusts to the company a spectacle to commemorate the Bicentenary of the War of Independence called Baile De Máscaras (MASKS DANCE), a mixture of dance and theatre, with variety of live musicians and 12 dancers. The premiere of their show Sangre Flamenca that was premiered in Madrid in February, 2008 has visited countries such as Holland, Belgium, Portugal, Cyprus, England (3 weeks in London), Macao (China), Germany (Dusseldorf, Berlin), France, Latvia, Belgium, Holland, Germany, México, Brasil among others with great critical acclaim. Booking:


RODRÍGUEZ Dancer and Choreographer - Artistic Director Rodríguez was born in Madrid in 1975. At the age of thirteen he was finalist for the auditions of the Ballet Nacional de España. He starts working for the Ballet Teatro Español of Rafael Aguilar and from that moment he is called to take part in the Ballet Teatro Español of Luisillo, Ballet Español of Madrid - directed by José Granero - and Ballet Zambra. In the Expo´92 of Seville he works in the production of La Petenera directed by Emilio Hernández. He was selected by the Teatro de la Zarzuela to take part in the show Chorizos y Polacos, choreographed by Alberto Lorca. He was called by the Real Conservatorio to dance in shows as guest soloist dancer. He also takes part in the Oti Festival in the years 1992 and 1993 dancing choreographies by Goyo Montero. He takes part in the Company of José Antonio and the Ballets Españoles as a soloist dancer. He wins the Prize for Best Outstanding Dancer of the National Spanish and Flamenco Dance Competition in 1994, prize shared with Rojas and works with the Teatro de la Zarzuela under the direction of Emilio Sagi. He works as choreographer - together with Rojas and Alicia Mántaras - for the show La Zapatera Prodigiosa with the company Teatro de la Danza of Madrid. In 1995 he is called by the Professional Dance Association to participate in the International Dance Day with the premiere of his choreography Infinito S.L. and he is also invited with the NUEVO BALLET ESPAÑOL - of which he is founder and Artistic Director together with Rojas - to participate with the premiere of their choreography Dos Orillas as guest for the Certámen Coreográfico de Flamenco y Danza Española 1995. Booking:


He has worked as choreographer for the Company of José Antonio and the Ballets Españoles. During 1996, Rodríguez tours Spain with Infinito S.L. the first production of his own company, NUEVO BALLET ESPAÑOL, and due to the big success he premieres his second production at the end of the same year, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and the Comunidad de Madrid and called Canela y Fuego. Rodríguez has being touring during two years with two of the productions of his company, Flamenco Directo and Gallo de Pelea that were premiered on the 9th October 1998 in the Teatro of Madrid and the 15th September 1999 in the Teatro Tívoli of Barcelona respectively. The International tour has been around more than ten countries (France, Finland, Peru, Venezuela, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, USA, Holland, Germany, Belgium, etc.). On the 1st December 2001 Furia was premiered in the Teatro de Madrid, where it stayed until December 17th. Furia is at present touring together with Flamenco Directo performing in important venues and festivals like La Biennale di Venezia (Italy), Kuopio and Tampere International Festivals (Finland), Maison de la Danse (France), Flamenco Arts Festival (USA), etc and extended tours around Italy, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Spain, etc. One of the latest NBE choreographic works has been a special TV program for the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service USA) with 24 dancers and 13 musicians. A video, DVD and CD were recorded and acquired by Sony (USA). The show had National coverage in the USA and was broadcasted in March 2002; it started its International tour at the beginning of 2004 with a new format as a musical and with the name of Fury. On the 16th April 2003 Romeo y Julieta was premiered in the Teatro Albéniz of Madrid with choreography by Rodríguez. The tour of this latest production will start in Germany in November of the same year. Concierto Flamenco was premiered in the Teatro Albéniz of Madrid in June 2004 following with a national and international tour. Concierto Flamenco is a selection of solo and duet numbers from Flamenco Directo and Furia performed by N.B.E. Artistic Directors, Rojas and Rodríguez, plus guest artist Mayte Bajo. The music comes from the company´s repertoire and has been created by the usual N.B.E. composers, Gaspar Rodríguez and Antonio Rey. Booking:


His latest choreography for another company was Don Juan, premiered the 18th February 2004 in the Saint Denis Theatre of Montreal (Canada) and toured the principal cities of Canada (Montreal, Québec and Ottawa) during 2004 with two of the N.B.E. leading dancers, Ricardo López and María López. The European premiere took place in Paris on the 23rd February 2005 and stayed in the Palais des Congres (Paris) until the 17th April 2005 with Rojas and Rodríguez as leading dancers. The 10th December 2004 Tierra was premiered in the Teatro of Madrid. Tierra is the generic name of the show and the same as the second part, choreographed by Ángel Rojas. The first part of the production De las Cenizas has been choreographed by Rodríguez. This is the first time the company uses live and recorded music. On October 2005 he is awarded - together with Rojas - with the Villa Prize Pilar Lòpez for best Dance Performer 2005. During 2006 the company premiered the show El Alma, visiting places like Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, Boston and Washington, and also doing shows in Canada, Hong Kong and France among others. This same year, 2006, they received the International Prize of the Madrid Community in the Dance category. During 2007 they receive the order of realizing their first choreography for the National Ballet of Spain, Dualia with original music by Jose Nieto and released in the Theatre of Zarzuela in Madrid (Spain) during March, where Rojas and Rodríguez participate as invited artists in the main roles. Once again this choreography receives a great critical and audience acclaim, demonstrating again the quality, beauty and tuning of Rojas and Rodríguez at the moment of choreographing. Both, Rojas & Rodriguez were rewarded by Móstoles’s City Hall in 2007 due to the Diffusion of the Municipality. For the last 3 years the Nuevo Ballet Español is the official resident company of Móstoles’s city (Madrid). Booking:


In 2007, Rodríguez, was finalist at the MAX AWARDS in Spain in the category of best male dancer interpreter. In May, 2008, the Community of Madrid entrusts to the company a spectacle to commemorate the Bicentenary of the War of Independence called Baile De Máscaras (MASKS DANCE), a mixture of dance and theatre, with variety of live musicians and 12 dancers. In February 2008, the show SANGRE FLAMENCA is premiered in Madrid in February, 2008 and since then this production has visited countries such as Holland, Belgium, Portugal, Cyprus, England (3 weeks in London), Macao (China), Germany (Dusseldorf, Berlin), France, Kuopio Finland Festival, Latvia, Russia, Italy and Czech Republic among other with great standing ovation of the audience. Nowadays, Rodriguez participates as invited artist in the latest show Corazón de Piedra Verde from the National Ballet of Spain (Ballet Nacional de España), premiered in October 2008 in Madrid. Booking:


DANCERS María López María López was born in Alicante (Spain) on the 24th October 1980. She obtained her title in the Real Conservatory Superior of Dance in Alicante in the specialty of Spanish Classic Dance. She has worked with Goyo Montero and Carmen Cortés among others companies. From the 2002 she forms part of the Nuevo Ballet Español Company and she dances in the main productions of Fury (2002), Romeo and Julieta (2003), Tierra (2004), Don Juan (2004-2009), El Alma (2006) and Sangre Flamenca (2007). At the moment she works as artistic direction assistant of the Nuevo Ballet Español Company (Rojas & Rodríguez).

Raquel Tamarit Raquel Tamarit Carlon born in Valencia (Spain) and began her dance studies at the age of 4 years. She studied in the Dance Conservatory of Red Riba of the Turia and participated in the contest of Soloists of Castellón, where she obtained a scholarship to finalize his studies in the Real Dance Conservatory of Madrid. She has developed his professional experience in the companies of Antonio Márquez, Rafael Aguilar and Miguel Ángel Berna. Since September 2007, she is part of the Rojas and Rodriguez Company, Nuevo Ballet Español, forming part of the list of the productions El Alma, Tierra, Baile de Máscaras, Sangre Flamenca and now Vertigo Flamenco Show. Booking:


Pilar González Pilar González “Pilu” was born in Santander (Spain) in May 1981. She starts her professional studies with the master Mari Carmen Luzuriaga and finalizes her studies in the Real Professional Dance Conservatory of Madrid She makes her first debut with 19 years old in the show Pura Pasión (Pure Passion) produced by Joaquín Cortés premiered at the Peacock Theatre in London. In 2004, she participates in the show Don Juan choreographed by the directors Rojas & Rodriguez. Since 2006, she is part of the Rojas and Rodriguez Company, Nuevo Ballet Español, forming part of the list of the productions Flamenco Directo, El Alma, Baile de Máscaras, Sangre Flamenca and now Vertigo Flamenco Show.

Cristina de Vega Cristina de Vega was born in Madrid (Spain) in 1984. She studies at the Real Professional Dance Conservatory of Madrid finalizing as one of the best dancers of her promotion, specializing in Spanish Dance. In 2003, she wins the special price in the category of Spanish Dance and that same year she collaborates with the Ballet Nacional de España. Cristina de Vega has also dance as soloist main dancer in shows such as the opera La Traviatta in Barcelona with the company Miramon Mendi. She has also collaborated with the company Miguel Ángel Berna in the show Encuentros and with the dancer Carmén Cortés in the show Mujeres de Lorca. She has been part of the company Nuevo Ballet Español since 2003, touring worldwide with shows such as Flamenco Directo, Furia, Tierra, Romeo and Julieta, Sangre Flamenca, Baile de Máscaras and now Vertigo Flamenco Show, showing all her talent. Booking:


TECHNICAL DETAILS Artistic Direction: ROJAS y RODRÍGUEZ Production Director: ALICIA CORDERO Lighting Designer and Technician: DAVID PÉREZ Sound Designer and Technician: VICTOR TOMÉ Dress Design: VICENTE SOLER y CARLOS RODRÍGUEZ Wardrobe Tailoring: DALMIRA y PEPÓN ZURITA Shoes: GALLARDO Wardrobe: NATALIA FERNÁNDEZ Studio Photographer: JOSÉ LUIS TABUEÑA Stage Photographer: JESÚS VALLINAS Technical Coordinator and Stage Manager: MARC BARTOLO National Distribution: PENTACION SL International Booking: ROJAS y RODRÍGUEZ COMPAÑÍA, ALICIA CORDERO Production: NBE Management NBE: ALICIA CORDERO Booking:




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