Say Something Chapbook By Yogii with 2 I's

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Touch the Truth

Backward Butterfly

My once beautiful butterfly has turn her extrovert wings, inward, trying to create a new cocoon 
from the colorful wings that have now turned blue, pale...and grey...
drenched with pain that these wings won’t cooperate, 
is forever changed, 
no longer confident in her wing span, 
no longer wishing to fly, 
calling on the cocoon that once held her captive again, this time not to set her free, but to keep her there,
to hold her like she can’t hold him, 
to remind her that life although does go on it will never be the same with out him 
and a cocoon is the only thing she wants to remember, because remembering to fly is to painful,
but she can’t...
wing tucked in and it won’t stay in place where she needs it 
where she can’t see out of it, she can’t breathe afraid that is no way out of it, 
she finally bows her head in belief of having achieved... one more failure to look up and see, God had provided leaf... yogii

She stood there, with the biggest tears in her eyes, quivering at the sight of him. All he wanted to do was touch her, hold her, caress her, keep, but she could not stand the touch of his skin on hers the imprint of passion was too much for her, see she his wife and he...her husband, wedding band should have melted all the boundaries away, but they didn’t he couldn’t catch a break, and he waited, 2 years, 6 months, waited, understood her need to be...”A Lady” treated like a “Queen” he is now scratching his head like “What you mean” as she screams out “Don’t touch me” between tears she musters out something like, “ I guess, I guess I should explain” and she stood looking at this man, that had done EVERYTHING RIGHT, to tell him about the man that did EVERYTHING WRONG, “ See baby, I want you to love me, hold me, caress me, care for me, keep me as my head on your chest HEARTBEAT sounds of comfort I pray to one day find, but he, he took my heart beat and broke it into samples...shortness of breathe has left me sick to the songs of sweet nothings in my ears, all I hear is rush pants, and the imprint of his finger print on my skin, his finger nails dug in, and I want you to touch me but I keep picturing HIM, smile sliced open by FANGS, that appeared out of nowhere...CAN YOU PROMISE YOUR PASSION WON’T TURN POSION? And he stood there, with tears in his eyes, asking “What can I do to prove to you that my fingers with stroke light like feathers, and my kisses like, like, baby, I love you and would never think to hurt you, I HATE HIM for what he’s done to you, done to us, to me...taken the woman I have waited for and destroyed her, who was he... WHO DID THIS...” Deep breathe she mustered up a kiss, a token, the way little girls keep secrets, behind beautiful smile and sexuality...behind twirled finger in straight hair...then a slow look down, “He’s no longer around” she extended her hand to her husband and they sat the sound of silence. Yogii

Beauty Beyond Broken How To Break Her

If you want to keep a good woman down, You have to break her, then rebuild her...tell her that she is beautiful, and that you see the future in her eye...but don’t say it right away, just sit back and enjoy the smile on her her, make her laugh...this is the easy part... small touches in places men never touch, mid back, forehead kiss...fake ass delight in holding her hand, kiss her on her I said, not all at first, this will get you slapped if done to quickly...but you have to build before you can destroy...your job now... make her believe she is worthless, now this won’t happen over nite...its going to take time...she’s a strong one, so just do what I call the push, then pull...the “You look good in purple” or the “Your friends are kinda cool” then slowly you pull, not to fast, cause she knows what she likes and it will take a lot to change that...but YOU WILL KNOW, the moment it changes, when Purple is now the color she wears when she is with you, and she starts looking at the things her friends do more closely...go in, with the PULL “Purple looks good on you, but I’m not sure about that style, of dress...” or “I love Jean, she is cool, but what’s up with Kim, she seems to be a little loose with men” now anything she was doubting has been confirmed by your question...for her there is no guessing, and for you, onto the destroying of her dreams, those private things shared in the moments held sacred like church...the bedroom now broadcast into the air, make it seem like your mad and it somehow just came out in the argument...right there...tear a piece into pieces on any important idea she’s had, and make it sound like your telling her this for “her own good” cause “no one else will tell you this...” then throw in a “You know I love you” to soften the blow...and not to long after that, blow by her with your friends with loud whispers and giggles and laughs...and when she wants to know what you were talking about...let the “You” come out your mouth...and then a “I’m just playin, just playin” now your messing with her mind, and by the way, this is the perfect time to ask for money, keys to the car, or just hell anything, cause she’ll want to get you OUT so she can call her girls (whoever is left behind from your meddling) to try to figure out what your REALLY UP TOO...and she’ll never be the wiser....that this plan is already in play...she’s wearing purple crying, distracted from her dream living a nightmare...yogii

She had decided that tonight would be the night that she, would share herself with him. He would no longer be waiting, to caress the curves he’d seen in the shape of blue jeans, and under cotton tees, he now would see. He licked lips in anticipation of the unwrapping of such a gift, she smiled standing a distance...making it hard for him to get...then with a flip of the switch, lighting switched and he was about to GET IT...and the slow stretch of t-shirt made extra long, danced along the waist, and once flipped to a angle, revealed the smoothness of stomach and the cutest of navel...smiles as arms lift, than drop, then lift again, as if to tease, he could never imagine what he was about to see...see...he... had no idea that after a twirl to the shimmy to jeans removed to reveal a butt smooth, the removal of her top, would change the mood...she confident that he would be strong enough of a man, to understand, and place a powerful part of who she completely is in his hand...she began to remove top, about mid way she stopped , her heart dropped and she peaked over her shoulder and saw him waiting for what he thought would be two of the most beautiful breast he ever did she crossed arms over chest to turn to expose who she truly come to be, she slowly removed her arms and exposed the scars left from her mastectomy... Yogii

Likely Love Story Master the Stroke

A lot more of us masterbate, then we really want to say, you know play with ourselves...our dreams, our goals, our mapped out quest plotted by God...but we work ourselves into a ego intense bust, a need, no..a want to satisfy...don’t lie, you do it more then you care to say, put gratification on delay for a small pleasure oh and if your like me, sometimes you lay, lay in the position of submission and let tears flow...knowing that will never satisfy soul, the seconds that frothed into these memories still leave you lonely and off course...but of course, you thought you could, do yourself...alas...we all need to remove our hands from ourselves and allow love in, beyond condition... listen, it’s even better when you let him in..

“How..did...i... get here...” he stood scratching his head while talking to the back of one “Exactly...How...DID YOU GET HERE?” came the voice...from the back of head he was facing ”I was just, hanging with the fellas, playing ball...then the next thing I know...shots rang out...” “likely story” “ was like in a split second...someone said “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE”...and then I was running...” “Um, Hummm” “yeah, that’s what it was, we all started running...and it was so hot, I didn’t know which way to go, but my spirit just kept saying. . .don’t stop.” “Great story...but how, did you get ALL THE way HERE from your lil...basket...ball...court?” not once did the person talking move, or did he question talking to the back of a head...”Not sure, some where along the way my run began to slow down, and every time I’d look back, see fewer and fewer of my buddies...oh my God, does that mean they’re...died... there were so many of us...they didn’t make it...AWWW They didn’t make it...” to this the back of the head turned to be the most beautiful woman this man had ever seen...’It’s ok, I know, I see death all the time, every month for the past few years I have lost a’s sad but...hey, don’t I know you...” he looked confused but somehow seemed to have the same inkling...”it seems like we may have met before.” Wait, when you came in did you happen to leave your shoes at the door?” he looked down and said...”I did” she gasped... then yelled “Your HIM...” and with that she ran to him and said “ I have heard about you all my is said, that when the ONE comes he comes baring gifts, jewels, 23 of them and sir, you would NOT have made it this far if he wasn’t YOU.” with that she stood back and waited for him to present her with the gift...when he looked and said...”only when we kiss” with an attitude she twisted her lips...then leaned in...for this kiss. Instant love. “In the true view of conception”

all poems are copyright of Yogii with 2 I’s (Yolanda A. Barnes)

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