El reverso de las cosas

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Cuaderno de Proyectos Florencia Reina

Reina, María Florencia El reverso de las cosas: cuaderno de proyectos / María Florencia Reina; con prólogo de Laura Inés Belvedere. - 1a ed. - Buenos Aires : Flanbé, 2012. 56 p. : il. ; 21x14 cm. - (Cuadernos de artista / Jimena Passadore; 8) Traducido por: Ivone Clarisa Barassi ISBN 978-987-27610-5-9 1. Arte. I. Belvedere, Laura Inés, prolog. II. Barassi, Ivone Clarisa, trad. III. Título CDD 708 Fecha de catalogación: 20/07/2012

Edita FlanBé Diseño de la colección Jimena Passadore Diseño y Producción Laura Belvedere Traducción Ivone Barassi CONTACTO + Web flanbe.com.ar + E-Mail flanbe.ediciones@gmail.com + Dirección postal Av. de los Incas 3350 3B (1426) CABA, Argentina. Impreso en Dot Pre Press Rocamora 4129 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Prohibida la reproducción del material contenido en este libro, a través de cualquier medio de impresión o digital en forma idéntica, extractada o modificada, en castellano o cualquier otro idioma, salvo autorización por escrito de los editores. Hecho el depósito de ley 11.723.

The Reverse of Things EL REVERSO DE LAS COSAS Cuaderno de Proyectos

Florencia Reina

Para esta publicación se seleccionó el último anteproyecto de Florencia Reina, Mercadolibre, presentado en marzo de 2010 en la séptima edición del Premio ArteBAPetrobras. Además, se incluyen otros trabajos que presentó en esa ocasión a modo de porfolio adjunto. Tanto el contenido como el orden de aparición de las obras son los propuestos por ella. De los textos que figuran en primera persona, no se han corregido errores gramaticales, con el fin de preservar su origen de borrador, o nota espontánea, por parte de la autora. For this publication, Florencia Reina´s last preliminary work Mercadolibre was selected. This work was presented in March 2010 at the 7th Edition of the ArteBa- Petrobras Prize. Moreover, other works which she presented in that occasion were selected as attached portfolio. Both the content and the order of the works were those she proposed. The texts in first-person have not been modified or grammatically corrected to preserve their origin as drafts or spontaneous notes from the author.

A Manuel


Laura Belvedere

Transformar los lugares comunes hasta sorprenderse con los propios hallazgos. Esta práctica se convirtió, de manera consciente, en un método de trabajo ineludible. Así transformó Florencia, las cosas más ordinarias en objetos de estudio, devolviéndolos a la realidad como dispositivos cargados de información, de puesta en crisis, de discusión y quiebre de supuestos dados. Mundos llanos que atravesados por su mirada aguda, despliegan una entramada complejidad y nunca vuelven a ser los mismos. To transform the common places until you are marvelled by your own findings. This practice consciously became an unavoidable work method. This was the way in which Florencia transformed the most ordinary things into study objects returning them to reality as devices loaded with information, criticism, discussion and the breakdown of suppositions. Flat worlds which, pierced by her sharp look, display a meshed complexity and which cease to be what they were.




‘MercadoLibre is the biggest Latin American on-line market where millions of people come together to buy and sell their articles every day…’ ‘You can find anything in MercadoLibre: from children’s clothes to the latest computer model!’ ‘Besides, MercadoLibre is a place where everyone can meet others who share their interests.’ ‘Everything begins when a seller places something in MercadoLibre under the ‘Immediate Buy or Auction’ mode…’* In the past couple of years, I have considered the internet sales site MercadoLibre a place for work and research. The task is to regularly visit the auctions which start in $1.- and make my offers in those I’m interested in. If I win the auction, I acquire the object and I personally collect it at the seller’s address. The choice of goods is not only subject to the fascination with the object itself but also to the attraction to the photo that appears alongside. These photos are generally taken by the seller himself; they are amateur pictures which have been taken in private contexts and which become public only to sell something. I also find the description and the titles assigned to the goods by the sellers to be interesting. These ojects together, with their images and brief descriptions, form a particular universe, a collection which resignifies them beyond appropriation and recontextualization, beyond the ready-made and the representation. They are, in any case, a remix of the daily (extra) ordinary lives of anonymous beings and private worlds in the digital post-capitalistic era. Within the context of the ArteBA-Petrobras Prize, on the one hand, I’d like to set up a photography exhibition with the appropriate images for the site together with photos of the acquired goods. Another exhibition hall will be dedicated to the display of these objects. In this case, the objects will be spread out in the hall taking into consideration the elements and concepts of museology. Special furniture will be designed to include shelves, showcases and pedestals, among other things. The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue with the advertising of all the goods in the collection together with their corresponding descriptions. Part of the collection will be auctioned in MercadoLibre during the fair.



Artificial Roses Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm

Withering Artificial Rose Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm



Mask Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm

Selfportrait Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm



Valentino Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm

Valentino Ad Campaign Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm


Juan Pablo II / triptych Inkjet print/wood/tag 70 x 30 cm



15 Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm

Book Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm



Batch Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm

Play Gun Inkjet print/wood/tag 20 x 30 cm


dividing wall 4m

exhibition room 1 surface: 7x5 m2

View of Exhibition rooms 1 and 2 total surface: 70 m2 divided into 2 halls of 7.5m2 each

exhibition room 2 surface: 7x5 m2

plane plant


exhibition room 1 measures: 7 x 5 m2

exhibition room 2 measures: 7 x 5 m2



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