volume lxxxiv, february 2016 A Publication of the florida association of colleges and universities
Association News
Dear Colleagues:
It’s that time again! Time for us to come together as Florida’s leaders in higher education to discuss the issues impacting our institutions, the students we serve and the communities for which we supply an educated workforce. I’m excited about our theme this year Access: Myth or Reality, as it speaks directly to an issue which is impacting institutions of higher learning in Florida and throughout the nation. The stronger our system of higher education, the better equipped we will be to meet future workforce demands with career ready graduates who are educated, productive, civically engaged citizens. Additional societal benefits can include a more robust economy, reduced crime and the need for fewer social services. However, if not carefully considered, the state’s Performance Funding Models could adversely impact access for underserved student populations. While we as leaders in higher education are all in favor of accountability and performance measures, we should also be concerned about the potential for unintended consequences which could result from the use of these measures. If not carefully considered, the state’s Performance Funding Models could actually result in further limitations on access to opportunities for some segments of our communities. In 2014, the U.S. was ranked 12th in the world for college attainment for the 25-34 year old population and only half of all undergraduates completed a college degree in six years. Furthermore, information from the 2013 Workforce Estimating Conference, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, and the Florida Access Network, indicates 64% of Florida jobs will require some form of postsecondary education by 2012 and Florida will need an additional 1.4 million skilled workers by 2025. In order to meet this demand for the workforce and regain a respectable ranking in the world in the area of a degreed citizenry, we must pull together across institutional and cultural/historic differences (state vs private; two-year vs four-year; and all of our varying levels of admission criteria) to holistically address the issues of access, retention, persistence and graduation. There are many issues to be addressed, but two stand out: 1) A lack of incentives and resources to support the challenges of working with the underserved population and 2) Inherent and unintentional disincentives for Colleges and Universities to engage a rapidly growing population of students who need additional support to be successful in college and graduate into meaningful employment. The 2016 FAC&U Annual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday June 1st at the Reunion Resort in Kissimmee, Florida. The meeting will be packed with inspiring speakers and meaningful sessions which will assist us in dialogue on how to better serve our underrepresented populations while remaining accountable for performance. So, SAVE THE DATE and join me in making Access a Reality in Florida. Sincerely,
Dr. Nathaniel Glover President, Edward Waters College FAC&U Vice-President 2015-2016 Dr. Nathaniel Glover was the first African American elected Sheriff in Florida since the end of Reconstruction. He served as Sheriff of Duval County from 1995 - 2003. He became the President of Edward Waters College in 2011.