A Publication of the florida association of colleges and universities
vol. lxxviii, Winter 2013
Association News
FACU & 80 Years – One Focus
As the Florida Association of Colleges & Universities celebrates its 80th anniversary, there has never been a more critical time to have a unified voice. With over 70 institutions of higher education across this large state, there is rich diversity in our delivery systems. However, we all share similar challenges, and there appears to be at least the potential for universal reform on the horizon. As the president of a Florida college or university, you know the landscape of higher education in our state all too well. As leaders of higher education at this critical juncture, we have an opportunity to come together soon in Tallahassee; I hope you will join me in making the case for the future of higher education in Florida. Continued on Page 2
John Delaney, J.D., University of North Florida
Distinguished service awards Call for Nominations
All members of the Florida Association of Colleges and Universities are invited to submit nominations for the Distinguished Service Award. The award recipient will be announced at the FAC&U annual meeting in June. Please click here for the nomination form. Awards Criteria information may be found by clicking here. Please e mail your nomination(s) no later than April 26, 2013 to: Eileen Holden, Chair, FAC&U Distinguished Service Award Committee, at eholden@polk.edu
see you soon!
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