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The Advo-Kit

President Walker announces advocacy toolkit to aid municipal officials

by Kelli Gemmer, Florida League of Cities

For 100 years, the Florida League of Cities (FLC) has advocated for local self-government. The idea that Florida’s communities should be governed by the people who live in them is the essence of Home Rule. Put simply, local voices making local choices. Everyone plays an important role in protecting Home Rule, but we can’t do it alone.

That’s why the League created The Advo-Kit, an advocacy toolkit for municipal officials. This interactive digital resource provides new and experienced elected officials with the materials to take their advocacy efforts to the next level. The Advo-Kit contains engaging videos, essential tips, relevant examples and comprehensive guides on topics such as lobbying, media relations and legislative procedures.

Officials new to office can view information on the importance of Home Rule (particularly local decision-making authority), building relationships with legislators, contacting their legislators and crafting their message, as well as examples of legislation that impact their community. The toolkit also includes a glossary of key legislative terms and definitions.

For those officials already experienced in advocacy, The Advo-Kit offers resources such as tips for working with the media to spread a city’s message and suggestions on media outlets to follow. It also includes reminders on how to properly testify in front of legislative committees and keys to lobbying in person, virtually or via email.

“Your efforts as elected officials are vital to the success of the League’s Legislative Affairs team,” said FLC President Phillip Walker at the 2021 Legislative Conference, where he announced The Advo-Kit. “Each year, with your dedication and support, we protect our cities from numerous preemptions and unfunded mandates. Together with your help and The Advo-Kit aiding our advocacy efforts, we will be stronger and more impactful.”

Kelli Gemmer is the Assistant Editor for the Florida League of Cities.


Whether a newly elected or long-serving official, The Advo-Kit from the Florida League of Cities has several resources to help every local leader make their advocacy even more successful. View The Advo-Kit online at flcities.com/toolkit.

Source: flcities.com/toolkit


Florida League of Cities (FLC) President Phillip Walker is dedicated to expanding diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts for cities during his one-year term as President. As part of this effort, FLC University continues to provide education and training on DEI to city leaders.

“FLC University is a tremendous resource offered by the League to its members,” said Walker. “These trainings equip municipal staff and elected leaders with the tools to broaden their perspectives and better understand the diverse cities they serve.”

To help place your city at the forefront of educating on DEI, contact Christen Barton at cbarton@flcities.com for available trainings and dates.

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