Loving local honey When it comes to locally produced honey, the Fleurieu Peninsula is spoiled for choice.
Not only do our local, raw honeys taste amazing, they also come with tremendous health and environmental benefits. Consuming local honey, where the pollen has come from your local environment or even your very own backyard, can help our bodies fight seasonal allergies. And unlike mass produced honey, local honeys are often raw and unfiltered, so they retain all the nutritional and medicinal benefits that nature intended, including anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. But it’s not just about the honey – bees play a crucial role in pollinating local flora, which benefits not only plant life but all local wildlife. With bees now classed as endangered, it’s more important than ever to support our local bee farmers who are raising and maintaining healthy bees. Harbor Honey Harbor Honey is a fresh, new family business based in Victor Harbor focused on nurturing the exquisite and perfect workings of the honey bee and its hive. Embracing a love of the environment, Harbor Honey is a naturally rich and raw product drawn from the Fleurieu’s local flora. It can be enjoyed in any style of cooking or simply nourish yourself by the spoonful.
Lind’s Honey Lind’s Honey is a family-owned and operated business located in Port Elliot. What makes Lind’s Honey unique is the specific floral flavours of honey and honeycomb that are collected. From golden honey, beeswax, beauty products, soaps and beekeeping supplies, Lind’s honey has it all. All honey is raw, unprocessed and chemical free, just as nature intended. It’s always sustainably harvested to leave enough for the bee colony to be happy, healthy and productive. Rose Herbs and Honey Rose Herbs and Honey looks after approximately one million bees, making honey from backyard herbs, flowers and native flora in and around Victor Harbor through to Currency Creek. They take a beecentric approach, only taking honey when the bees can spare it, and allowing the bees to build fresh wax comb to minimise any garden residues. No overheating or ultra filtering is used, to ensure all of the goodness is left in. Bush Organics The family behind Bush Organics sustainably harvest raw honey and propolis from Ligurian bees which forage on Kangaroo Island’s abundance of native flora, rich in melaleuca, mallee and tea tree. The honey is extracted from wooden hives, spun or cold pressed and lightly sieved to preserve the natural enzymes and retain the antioxidants and antibacterial properties of the honey. Bush Organics also handcraft salves and rubs in small batches.