B City Magazine

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July/ August 2013

B u r l i n g t o n

M a g a z i n e

Meet Mr. Burlington

Getting Saucy

Discovering this city, one adventure at a time

Counting the days until Canada’s Largest Ribfest

Cool Contrast Statement making summer trends

Green City


Cool Cocktails


Fit in the Core

BCity May/June 2013 | 1

Be au t i f u l Bump to 1 2 B o u t i q ue i n the h e a r t o f Wate rd own

July/August 2013 Director & Publisher Leah Flippance leah@flipsidemediagroup.com

Welcome to Carousel Kids, the brightest, most friendly kids boutique you will ever visit. Carousel Kids has become a firm favorite for local moms wanting to shop for the latest brand name kids clothes and maternity wear, sell their outgrown items, and find brand new unique gifts and toys. Our mission is to help you save money, care for the environment and have fun shopping for your precious little people.

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2| BCity May/June 2013

Editor Camille Llosa camille@bcitymagazine.com Designer Camille Llosa Account Executives April Eden april@flipsidemediagroup.com Nicole Buchan nicole@bcitymagazine.com Becky Brennan becky@bcitymagazine.com Photography Derrick van der KOLK Style Group Marcie Costello Marcie Costello Photography Contributors Steph Churma Liz Marques Kogan Adrienne Roman Stylist Chloe Sylvestre Hair and Makeup Angela Cimino To advertise in B City Magazine contact us at: info@bcitymagazine.com 289.684.2482 B City Magazine is published by: Flipside Media Group Stoney Creek, ON www.flipsidemediagroup.com


HIGH VALLEY With Special Guest Marshall Dane at The Burlington Performing Arts Centre in partnership with

Live in Concert

Wednesday, August 14 at 8 PM Purchase tickets in person at the box office or by phone 905.681.6000 or online burlingtonpac.ca BCity May/June 2013 | 3


july/august 2013

6 Publisher’s Letter 7 Editor’s Letter

Business Profiles

8 – 9 Guelph Line Dental 10 – 11 Images


15 - 19 Cool Contrast Summer’s coolest fashion pairing: classic black and white

On the Cover

20 - 25 Mr. Burlington: there’s no place like home by Adrienne Roman


13 The Daily Minx explores the digital devolution of dating By Stephanie Churma

Great Finds

14 Best patio and barbeque gear

4| BCity May/June 2013


28 - 29 Chef’s Table Burlington born chef Daniel Pascoa shares his summer recipes

17 Drink

30 - 31 Thirst Quenchers Downtown Burlington’s Honey West shows you how to cool off on a patio this summer

Then and Now

35 – 39 Burlington’s Smoky Sensation: Canada’s Largest Ribfest by Liz Marques Kogan

36 - 37 Summer Events Calendar


38 - 39 Halton Women’s Place by Liz Marques Kogan

40 - 41 Pools and Spashpad guide 42 City Tidbits Green City 43 Reusable water bottles - keeping our city beautiful


44 - 45 Downtown Burlington hosts free outdoor fitness classes all summer

Health and well-being


46 – 47 Clean break: Examining the world of cleanses

In the crowd

48 – 49 Chefs around the block

Dining guide 50-54


35 BCity May/June 2013 | 5

Publisher’s letter

As we are putting the final touches on our Summer edition I can’t help but think of what a great city Burlington is, and how grateful I am to be able to provide its residents with a publication that can bring them pieces of their cities history, events, and local entertainment. The weather this season so far has been unpredictable at best, but luckily we have so many great resources right at our fingertips. In every edition we offer an events calendar, fashion spread, and dining guide, which is always fun to piece together with the local retailers and restaurants, which we hope you find helpful. In this summer edition we chose to utilize the beautiful new pier for our shoot, and shed some light on that for you! With recipes, and local events and prominent citizens and athletes I hope you find this to be as great a publication as we strive for it to be. If you have any suggestions, feedback, or story ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we appreciate your support!

Leah Flippance info@bcitymagazine.com

6| BCity May/June 2013

Editor’s letter

High summer is a season we Canadian’s look forward to all year long, and when it is finally upon us, we try to cram as many activities in as possible. In this July/ August issue we hope to help you make the most of this summer by showcasing some of the best Burlington has to offer. We take a look at some amazing culinary creations, great outdoor products, cool cocktails, sizzling summer fashions and of course, summer events. Our Then and Now feature: Burlington’s Smoky Sensation, delves into the history of a city favourite - Canada’s largest Ribfest. Each year thousands flock to Spencer Smith Park to sink their teeth into award winning ribs, and we can hardly wait until this Labour Day Weekend. We also introduce you to a local celeb, Mr. Burlington. A B City native, Mr. Burlington has challenged himself and his family to experience all this town has to offer, one adventure at a time. His story shows us that adventure and fun is right in our back yard, and its not hard to find. This city is bursting with amazing things to do and see and we hope that you too discover a little adventure, just footsteps away. Camille Llosa camille@bcitymagazine.com

BCity May/June 2013 | 7

Your Health. Your Beauty. Your Dentist.

The Dental Hygienists of Guelph Line Dental

Our dental hygienists are an integral part of Guelph Line Dental’s commitment to your health and a large part of the reason for our office’s success over the last 42 years! Our dental hygienists ensure our patients receive optimal care by keeping up to date on the most current research on oral health. Our commitment to you is to keep you healthy and beautiful!

2463 Mount Forest Dr. Burlington, Ontario ● 905-592-2576 ● smile@guelphlinedental.com 8| BCity May/June 2013

Gum Disease and Overall Health What You Can Do About Gum Disease FACT: Statistics show that as many as 75 per cent of adults over the age of 30 may suffer from some degree of gum disease. It’s the most common disease of humans. Gum disease may be a risk factor for a number of serious health conditions such as: heart disease and stroke, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, diabetes and premature or low birth weight babies. If you have gum disease, the bacteria from swollen or bleeding gums can travel through the bloodstream, potentially worsening or causing other types of health problems. How gum disease develops Gum disease starts with the formation of hard and soft deposits on the surface of the teeth. Over time, a buildup of bacteria called plaque collects at the gum line, eventually hardening on the teeth into deposits called calculus or tartar. Without proper oral care, these bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), penetrate the gum line and finally spread into the underlying bone (periodontitis). If left untreated, the infection can eventually lead to shrinking and/or swelling, bleeding gums, loose teeth, abscesses and, ultimately, loss of teeth. What you can do If you have gum disease and/or are at risk for heart disease, stroke or respiratory diseases, it is particularly important to pay attention to your oral health. With regular, proper home and professional oral care, gum disease can be controlled and sometimes even stopped or reversed. Information provided by Ontario Dental Hygienists’ Association www.odha.on.ca

Find us on Facebook and Twitter


BCity May/June 2013 | 9


Best Kept Secret

Get the benefits of seven hours of exercise in just one hour... without sweating!


you want to get healthy, you need to work out, go running, lift weights... you need to SWEAT, and PUSH yourself to the limit, no pain, no gain… isn’t that the way is HAS to work? At Images Reducing Salon & Body Care, they have revolutionized the term “exercise”. With their program that has been developed to incorporate seven toning tables you can actually achieve in one hour what would take you seven hours of serious work outs. Owner and operator, Luann Yachetti says, “A large portion of the population cannot do strenuous exercise for a variety of reasons. Passive exercise provides the same benefits as traditional exercise without the sweat and toil. Your muscles respond to any outside stimuli. Whether you are here for weight loss, inch loss, or mobility issues... I do it to help everybody, regardless of what they are here for.” Yachetti says, “Back in 1936 these machines were invented for the ‘elite’,” as they could get fit without having to work really hard at it. How very posh, right? Not anymore. Luann sits with each client and determines their needs and any potential restrictions they may have, to design a custom program for them. These toning

10| BCity May/June 2013

tables are not only for those wanting to get fit, but also can help significantly with a variety of health issues such as Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and more. The low impact of the machines allows for an increase in range of motion and circulation, which can be critical for illness or clients with these types of restrictions. Images has helped a long list of clients such as professional golfers who found the IRM Machines drastically helped improve their golf swing, those with dibilitating illness, or those just looking to get fit. The passion behind the business is indescribable, “I do this because I want to help people,” she says. That is just what she did for a young boy named Jeffery with PraderWilli syndrome, which causes diminished muscle tone, and excessive weight gain from chronic and uncontrollable eating. “I really connected with him, ” she says. Typical exercises were too difficult for the 12-year-old boy. Three months

after Jeffery was weighed and measured he was no longer the boy that watched the kids at school run and play - he was one of them. His self-confidence went up, and his body weight went down. “This is just the stuff that makes it worthwhile for me,” says Yachetti. Another long time client at the original location in Stoney Creek, Glenn Buttaro, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in his early 40’s. “MS affected all of my body. Flexibility, muscle pain, circulation, and fatigue were real problems for me,” he says. “I heard from a friend about Images and thought it was worth trying. After going for a short while I noticed a significant improvement in my mobility and circulation. The muscle pain, and severe cramping were also diminishing.” When that location moved to Burlington, and Glenn was no longer able to walk up stairs Luane moved a set of machines into his house for him. “That’s just what you do you for people, you just try and help,” she says. If you are looking for a personalized experience, with a fabulous energy and positivity all around you, you should check out Images Reducing Salon, Luann will take care of you and develop a personalized program suited just for you and assures clients they can see significant inch loss (5-20 inches) in as little as 10 one hour sessions.

How do IRM Machines Work? IRM machines guide various parts of the body through ranges of motion to strengthen weak muscles, relax tight muscles and establish balanced muscle tension.

What is Stress-Free Exercise? Stress-Free exercise utilizes Induced Rhythm Motion (IRM) machines to achieve desired physical results. The body, while relaxing, responds to movements initiated by IRM machines. This is an on-going program that will restore the shape and health of your body and enable you to maintain it with minimum effort.

Call today to book your FREE 1 hour trial: 2011 James St Suite #200 Burlington, On

905-639-5509 imagesburlington@hotmail.com

BCity May/June 2013 | 11

12| BCity May/June 2013


the daily minx Digital Devolution: How Social Media is Killing Romance

Stephanie Churma Dating Sucks. Or does it? In our text-happy, Facebook obsessed, social media world, everything becomes an update, or a filtered Instagram of our mood (or meal.) The problem? We rarely do anything face to face or over the telephone anymore. Sadly, it seems that the days when we anticipated the anxiety induced, “I’ll call you,” have been replaced with ‘Status Updates’, and ‘Check Ins.’ No longer does the tummy do back flips when the phone rings; we now get excited if someone ‘Likes’ our latest picture. Flirting has gone from hoping he will be at the local bar, to lurking Twitter to see where he is and then conveniently being there yourself. While this spells convenience, the surprise and mystery of romance gets tossed out the window. The anticipation gets lost; we know too much information. At first glance this can make dating easier, but not so fast. Because dating is a numbers game, you may be competing with Dude’s other five hundred Facebook friends. This is maddening. Social media is the culprit for our constant need for stimulation. We document everything; when we aren’t ‘Posting’ we are ‘Pinning’; when we aren’t ‘Checking In’ we are Tweeting about that

amazing sushi place. Everyone is busy, everyone is constantly doing something, and the days of booking a Friday night by Wednesday has turned to dust. Calling a girl on the telephone and asking her out? Ancient. Get the gist? The perk of social media is that we are never short for information. In five minutes, we can find a recipe for dinner, a wine that matches, and a ‘Friend to join us. If not, just log on to Plenty Of Fish, there are more than enough bored people eager for some face time (quality is not guaranteed, mind you.) It is all about instant gratification. We have lost the art of the asking. We Poke people we are interested in, Like their profiles and text LOL as an easy, inapt response. How romantic. It is time to turn the page folks. Yes, that amazing YouTube video should be shared, and using Facebook to get your flirt on is cute, but we need to up the ante. Let’s bring the talking back into dating. Guys, pick up the phone! Dare I say, get to know someone outside of the streamlined version of what they want to show. What a concept! Why don’t we discuss this over a cocktail? I’ll call you.

Stephanie Churma is a freelance writer and certified Astrologer with over a decade in the industry. With focus on relationships and personal development, her work has been published in both print and online media. She can be contacted at: Steph@thedailyminx.com

BCity May/June 2013 | 13



We’ve rounded up some of Burlington’s best finds for barbeque season

Coconut Marinade $9

Anise Apothecary 446 Pearl St.(289)337-6851 aniseapoth@gmail.com

Emile Henry Barbeque Pizza Stone $50

Stir Kitchen Store 447 Brant St. Burlington, On 905-333-0522

Wine Barrel Table $75

Bauer Barrels

Orderby emailing bauerbarrels@outlook.com or visiting www.bauerbarrels.com

Barbeque Apron $22

Fairhome 14| BCity May/June 2013

468 Brant St. Burlington, On 905-333-4644


Contrast we take a look at this summer’s hottest trend, the classic pairing of black and white.

Styled by Chloe Sylvestre Photography by Derrick van der KOLK Models courtesy of Vogue Models and Talent

Marc Cain cotton dress $260 Marc Cain yellow belt $260 Clothing provided by: The Oyster 460 Pearl St. Burlington

BCity May/June 2013 | 15

Lacoste Cotton Dress Shirt with Cuffs $125 Pants: 7Seven for All Mankind $265 Shoes: John Varvatos black high top Converse $169 Clothing provided by Jeff’s Guy Shop 457 Brant St. Burlington

16| BCity May/June 2013

On Him Blazer: John Varvatos 5 button notch lapel jacket $485 Shirt: Michael Kors cashmere knit v-neck $85 Pants: Alberto modern fit pant $218 Shoes: John Varvados Dean studded driver shoe $250 Clothing provided by Jeff’s Guy Shop 457 Brant St. Burlington On Her Jacket: Michael Kors $295 Shirt: InWear-Moma sleeveless long blouse $129 Shoes: Michael Kors Lana wedge $178 Necklace: SNO of Sweden $170 Clothing provided by Joelle’s 457 Brant St. Burlington

BCity May/June 2013 | 17

Vest: Sarah Pacini Black Zip Vest $395 Tank: Hanron microfibre tank $120 Pant: Marc Cain printed denim $350 Bracelets: Ben Amun Peach Bangle $15, Ben Amun Blue Bangle $30 Clothing provided by: The Oyster 460 Pearl St. Burlington

Dress: Parker Maya Dress $265 Necklace: glamjulz.com $260 Bracelet: SNO of Sweden $107 Clutch: Rebecca Minkoff skinny mac $150 Shoe: Sam Edelman sandal $80 Clothing provided by Joelle’s 457 Brant St. Burlington

18| BCity May/June 2013

Shirt: Swiss Army Neachatel polo $115 Shorts: Napapijri Portes 13 Shorts $125 Shoe: Howard shoe by Native in Jiffy Black $60 Clothing provided by Jeff’s Guy Shop 457 Brant St. Burlington

Scarf: Nexy Designs $35 www.facebook.com/ NEXYdesigns BCity May/June 2013 | 19

20| BCity May/June 2013

Mr. Burlington There’s No Place Like Home...

by Adrienne Roman

Photo courtesy of Marcie Costello Photography


assionate people fuel the world. They just emanate a certain magnetism. You can feel the energy in the air. With genuine intention anything is possible. Just ask Dorothy in Kansas - she knows. She accomplished a goal that she thought was virtually impossible, only to realize in the end that she had the tools to succeed within her all along. For one Burlington advocate, the courage to step outside the box in pursuit of adventure has catapulted him into a brave new world. Trent Schwartz wasn’t looking for the spotlight, or anticipating any fanfare. What he did want was change. Frustrated by feelings of inactivity and indifference he vowed to abandon his daily routine in favour of something a little more exciting. Families often fall victim to the stagnation of video game addiction and endless hours of television, but this wasn’t the way Mr. Burlington wanted to roll. He knew that there was, “Life on the other side of the screen” and decided to find it. Of course there were the ever-so-popular events we’ve all come to appreciate, Sound of Music, Ribfest, but this venture was urging him to explore uncharted

territory. Mr. Burlington wanted to do something innovative. “It came to me while I was driving” he quipped with a grin, “I wanted to encapsulate the experience of life’s local adventures.” On New Year’s Eve 2012, Mr. and Mrs. Burlington and their two mini Burlington’s set out on a mission, to spend 2013 living 100 different homegrown adventures, with a promise to document the entire journey. “Many of us have that bucket list of grand adventures in far off places that we plan to check off one day, but those dreams are often delayed because real life kicks in. There are so many places to explore right here at home that often go undiscovered ’’ he says. He wasn’t going to let real life stop him; he was going to really live. What he didn’t anticipate was the multitude of interesting people he would meet along the way. “Seeing the passion that Burlington residents put into what they do has been the best part of this journey!” He says. Seniors, volunteers, entrepreneurs, or environmental crusaders, he’s truly enjoying meeting them all. Trent discovered a new found appreciation BCity May/June 2013 | 21

for all the people who work diligently behind the scenes, often for free, to ensure that their programs and events run smoothly from start to finish. There are countless committees and organizations with dedicated workers who simply glow with a genuine passion for what they do. One of these organizations was Nemo 7G, a committee formed to develop and support a proactive generational plan for the future preservation and education of the Mount Nemo Plateau. Mr. Burlington’s Adventure # 38 took place on Mount Nemo Day, when admission to the public is free once a year. Five kilometers of lush hiking trails provide stunning views from atop the limestone cliffs, and soaring turkey vultures glide overhead as you make your way along the winding forest trails-a definite must-see. If you’re fit and fearless, brave bunches of climbers also converge on Mount Nemo, eager to conquer their fears. With route names like “Fat Man’s Honor” and “I Owe a Lot of Money to a Guy Named Guido” you’ll be sure to get a laugh just reading the map. Adventure # 26 gave Mr. Burlington and his family an inside look at the Burlington Teen Tour band, Canada’s oldest and largest youth marching band.

They sat in on a rehearsal at the Burlington Music Centre, and went on a personal guided tour, hosted by the band’s passionate ambassador, Chris Harrison, Senior Drum Major. Chris’s animated stories succeeded in bringing the bands colourful sixty-six year history to life. The family also went on a special tour of the mini-museum, filled to the brim with mementos of their incredible travels as award-winning musicians representing Burlington around the globe. Thanks to resources supplied by the Burlington Historical Society, Adventure #23 took them downtown on a walking tour published by Heritage Burlington. They visited a number of impressive heritage properties, including a gingerbread house with a window in the chimney, and stopped in at the Lakeshore Coffee Shop, once the home to Vaudeville style stage shows. Mr. Burlington enjoyed reading about the interesting history behind the Queen’s Head Pub at the corner of Elgin and Brant, a striking three-story brick house that has continuously operated as a tavern since it opened in 1860. Once upon a time it was called The Queen’s Hotel, and was a radial line stop for the electric streetcars that ran from Hamilton to Burlington and Oakville. Adventure #9 was a particularly memorable one for the family, taking them snowshoeing MECstyle along the Bruce Trail; Canada’s oldest and longest footpath. It’s maintained by thousands of volunteers dedicated to upholding its successful land conservation efforts. Also connected to the Bruce Trail is Kerncliff Park, beside the Niagara Escarpment, the original site of the Nelson Quarry. It’s now been transformed into a peaceful place to escape. With outstanding views of our city and Lake Ontario, it’s no wonder it’s a favourite spot. You can wander aimlessly through the deciduous forest or watch for wildlife along the wetland boardwalks. With Adventure #50 recently completed there’s no stopping this train. The countdown to #100 is on! They’re relishing the new found connection with their community and taking it all in day by day. Of course with anything worthwhile there’s always a few bumps in the road. Luckily Mr. Burlington can rely on his sense of humour to get through the rough patches. “I don’t know if you’ve ever tried a long hike with a toddler and a chatty six year old in tow, but let’s just say it’s not quick going!” he says. A little comic relief along the way is always a welcome bonus. Life often comes full circle. Mr. Burlington met his wife at Walt Disney World, a magical place

“I wanted to encapsulate the experience of life’s local adventures.”

22| BCity May/June 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Burlington at Epcot Photo courtesy of Mr. Burlington

where dreams can come true and happily ever after is a way of life. What a place to fall in love. They were working together making Beavertails in the Canada Pavilion at Epcot. As Canadian Ambassadors their job entailed helping tourists to learn more about Canada, shattering stereotypical images of igloos and dogsleds, and answering unrelenting questions about the popularity of our favorite word- “eh”. Today he’s once again facilitating the same genuine connections. Only this time it’s closer to home, enabling a real-life introduction to the incredible amount of undiscovered beauty and adventure that can be found in Burlington and the surrounding areas. He was tired of constantly hearing, “I wish I’d known about that.” He wanted live action, taking the experiences we peruse on a page in the newspaper and transforming them into reality. How clever. With a growing following of almost five thousand friends on Facebook, and one thousand on Twitter, word is on the street-literally. He’s still getting used to people stopping him in the strangest of places. Luckily for his fans he’s all smiles and doesn’t mind posing for a picture. “Everyone has a story” he says, “I like hearing about them all.” With his friendly face and an easy-going swagger it’s no wonder people are gravitating in his general direction. He’s one of the good guys. Mr. Burlington is following his heart, expanding his social circle, and inviting others to hop aboard. He’s discovered the true essence of living, taking the time to fully experience life’s moments in the now as they unfold. Living isn’t a dress rehearsal, it’s the main act, and we only have one shot at it. He’s aware that the most insightful outcomes often stem from

BCity May/June 2013 | 23

the simplest of experiences, and he’s simultaneously succeeding in bringing attention to a number of important issues. Boldly promoting his city has also allowed him the opportunity to participate in a number of community events, such as being the Keynote Speaker for the Burlington’s Best Awards Committee in May 2013. Mr. Burlington proves that our capabilities are truly without limit. What we dare to dream we can just as easily make happen. It’s that simple. It’s a process of choice, of taking something in from the outside, bringing it into your life, and making it into something new. The foundations for change are ultimately constructed by the voices of those who choose to be heard. Serendipitous events occur in mysterious ways when we let it go and let it be. Magical things do happen, and not just at Disney. Mr. Burlington is living, breathing proof of that. Dorothy in Kansas knows the secret too. Every life is a journey of self, and, “ There’s no place like home.”b Mr. Burlington on his 50th adventure on Canada Day, 2013

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24| BCity May/June 2013


Mention this advertisment and get one free day of care with registration

Visit www.mrburlington.ca Follow his adventures on Facebook and Twitter


Photo courtesy of Mr. Burlington

Photo courtesy of Marcie Costello Photography


BCity May/June 2013 | 25

Burlingtons Choice for Mens clothing since 1921


B City is a lifestyle magazine directly delivered to 20,000 Burlington and Waterdown residents Please contact us more information or to advertise with us



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26| BCity May/June 2013

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BCity May/June 2013 | 27

Chef's Table

Burlington born chef Daniel Pascoa shares his table with us in this fresh summer pairing:

Grilled Yellowfin Tuna with Fennel and Orange Salad Shopping List 24 oz. yellowfin tuna 2 whole fennel bulbs 2 navel oranges 1 meyer lemon (or regular lemon if not available) 3 oz. cured black olives 16 pieces caper berries 1 bunch chives

28| BCity May/June 2013

1/2 bunch green onion 1/2 cup chopped parsley 1 cup pea tendrils Extra virgin olive oil (preferably organic) Sea salt Fresh cracked black pepper

Fennel and orange salad


Chop the chives, green onion and parsley and put aside separately until needed.

Chef Daniel Pascoa has been in whites for more than 20 years but has just recently taken Oakville by its palate. As the executive Chef at Piazza Bistro in Oakville’s Town Square, Pascoa has been feeding the masses one dish at a time.

Cut each fennel bulb into six pieces so there will be three wedges of fennel per person. Bring a medium sized sauce-pot of salted water to a rapid boil. Blanch the fennel for around 45 seconds just to soften it. Remove fennel from boiling water and place it straight into an ice bath (water and ice) to stop the cooking process. Pat the fennel dry and drizzle with a light amount of olive oil (too much oil will flare up on the grill), season with salt and grill until it’s soft but still has some crunch in the middle, approximately 3-4 minutes per side. Peel the oranges and slice into rounds. In a bowl place the fennel, oranges, olives, caper berries, half of the chives, half of the parsley, half of the green onions and drizzle with enough olive oil to coat. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl. Toss everything together and begin plating ensuring everyone gets an equal share.

Grilled tuna If you don’t feel comfortable butchering the tuna yourself ask your fishmonger to cut four 6 oz. pieces. When you get it home place it directly into the fridge and keep it cold as it is best eaten rare. If rare is too raw you can cook it to your liking.

Pascoa trained at George Brown College and has apprenticed under Chef Lino Collevecchio, formerly of Via Allegro. His passion and dedication to the culinary industry has left impressions in Halton and Toronto but this modest chef feels he wouldn’t have been as fortunate as he has been without paying respect to the great people he has worked with over the years. Chef Pascoa has a flare for presentation and a great understanding of what people want to enjoy. His dishes are artistic and presented with style. It isn’t uncommon to find a fresh fish feature, amazing wine pairing and perhaps a piece of art. Pascoa’s love for the dining experience shines through each dish as if he were at your home table breaking bread with you over a bottle of Barolo. He creates flavors that envelope the palate with incredible combinations – like those you find in these beautiful summer dishes that blend the salt of the sea with the fresh orange groves of Florida. He enjoys preparing classic dishes such as fresh pastas, whole fish and braised meats, but most of all he just loves to cook. Pascoa has even been quoted as saying: “I am only as good as my last dish.” Conveniently located beside the Towne Square Art Gallery, Chef Pascoa and owners Joanne Toma and Frank Bruno are ready to invite you to their table at Piazza Bistro, found at 94 George Street, downtown Oakville.

Place the tuna on the heated grill and grill for 40 seconds on all sides. This will make sure you have an equal ring of cooked meat surrounding the raw centre. Using a sharp knife cut the tuna into thick strips in one swift motion. Place the tuna on the salad. Sprout garnish Place the pea tendrils and the rest of the reserved herbs into a bowl drizzle with olive oil, a small amount of lemon juice and salt. Drape over the tuna and serve

To see more of chef Pascoa’s summer match-ups like the

Beet and Goats Cheese Salad please visit: www.bcitymagazine.com

BCity May/June 2013 | 29


Quenchers The hot sunny days of summer have us all clamoring to the nearest patio. Honey West Restaurant + Lounge shows is how to cool off with these masterfully mixed libations

Honey West Restaurant + Lounge, 399 Elizabeth Street Burlington, On Photographs by Marcie Costello Photography

The Hurricane

Grape Fusion

0.5 oz. white rum 0.5 oz. dark rum Cranberry juice Orange juice Bar lime

0.5 oz. grape flavoured vodka 0.5 oz. melon liqueur Cranberry juice

30| BCity May/June 2013

The Abominable Snowman 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

oz. oz. oz. oz.

vodka Kahlua crème de cacao Frangelico

Whatever Lola Wants 0.5 oz. orange flavoured vodka 0.5 oz. blue Curacao Bar lime Pineapple juice

B52 1/3 oz. Kahlua 1/3 oz. Bailey’s 1/3oz. Grand Marnier

BCity May/June 2013 | 31

then & now

burlington’s smoky sensation

e f s e b i t R Canada’s Largest

by Liz Marques Kogan


he waves lap softly against the shore. As you walk closer and closer towards your destination, your senses are overwhelmed by the power of the savoury smelling smoke filling the air. It’s the Labour Day-long weekend and you’ve arrived at your Burlington shrine of culinary worship: Fearmans Pork Inc. 18th Annual Canada’s Largest Ribfest at Spencer Smith Park. And oh, did we mention that admission is free? The tale of this delectable event began Labour Day weekend 1996. Having been inspired by the wildly successful ribfests in the United States, the Rotary Club of Burlington Lakeshore had the idea to host one in Burlington.

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then & now


he opening day of the ribfest in 1996, started out slightly cold and even more devastatingly, rain showers pitter-pattered ever so indelicately over the city Co-Chairs of the event, John Thorpe and Dr. Robert Peeling of The Rotary Club of Burlington Lakeshore, fretted over the possibility that the Ribfest event wouldn’t raise any fundraising money at all. “I remember the money more than the crowds. Spent the whole weekend worrying about whether we’d break even,” Thorpe confessed. “That opening weekend, we were dealing with the tail end of a hurricane and so it rained all weekend long,” he added. Yet, despite the waters pouring freely from the sky, people stood devoutly in line to get a taste of the saucy ribs. The event ended up earning $800, an encouraging start. The Ribfest started out small but continued to grow steadily and has reached legendary proportions earning it the title of “Canada’s Largest Ribfest”. In 2009, this homage to the almighty rib brought in more than 175,000 festival attendees with more than 150,000 pounds of ribs sold. Every year, 18 ribber teams from across North America come out to satiate Burlington’s voracious appetite with their mouthwatering parade of smoky, savoury, sweet, and spicy ribs. Thorpe indicated that the usual suspects such as Jack On the Bone (Jack Daniels

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used in their sauce); Bone Daddy’s Gator BBQ; Camp 31; Bibbs BBQ and Horn Dawgs Smokin’ BBQ are expected to be at the 2013 Ribfest extravaganza. We spoke to Camp 31 owner, Bernie Gerl. When asked why he comes back year after year to participate in Canada’s Largest Ribfest, he let out a good-natured laugh and said, “Because I love barbeque!” Camp 31’s own story begins in Brewton, Alabama. Gerl explained that Camp 31’s founder, Larry Murphy, “the granddady of barbeque”, as Gerl describes him, invented a rib rub and sauce. Gerl said that Murphy was invited to a local (Brewton) fire department cook-off and very quickly, his rub and sauce creations became a huge success. Murphy was one of the first ribbers to participate in Burlington’s Ribfest. Gerl advised that Camp 31 teamed up with the Rotary Club of Burlington Lakeshore as they support the community focus of Ribfest. Over the last 16 years, an impressive $2.6 million dollars from this fundraising initiative has been donated to local community organizations and charities such as: Burlington food banks, Burlington hospices, Multiple Sclerosis Society housing complex projects, after school programs, athletic and academic scholarships and much more.

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Recognizing the need to protect our environment, Canada’s Largest Ribfest and the Rotary Club of Burlington Lakeshore went “green”, making environmentalism a top priority. The efforts made to keep Burlington’s Ribfest vibrant and beautiful have not gone unnoticed. In fact, the event has become the benchmark for festivals by the Recycling Council of Ontario. Ribbers, food vendors, and support service providers must comply with guidelines set by Canada’s Largest Ribfest and the Rotary Club of Burlington. All consumables must be biodegradable or recyclable. Moreover, due diligence is done to ensure that the local recycling facilities can process the material. Green (compostable) bins and blue recycling bins are placed in convenient locations throughout the festival grounds. This year’s event, like the previous years, promises to have a stellar lineup of entertainment with more than 40 bands. Not to mention the extensive crafter and merchandising booths. A shopper’s heaven! As you’re walking through the grounds, your eyes will be taking in the dazzling sights and your mouth will be relishing the taste of the pulled pork sandwiches or ribs (perhaps you should even try both, why not?) Gerl pointed out that although pulled pork sandwiches are a popular restaurant menu item now, this wasn’t always the case. “A little Camp 31 joke is that Murphy brought the pulled

pork sandwich to Canada,” Gerl says. When Camp 31 first participated in the Ribfest, “Only 30 sandwiches were sold. Murphy said to me that we gave away more sandwiches than we sold. ” Gerl admitted. Prices range from $5 for a pulled pork sandwich to up to $20 for a rack of ribs, there truly is something for everyone. The steamy taste of the rib sauce on your lips need not be a fleeting memory as most of the ribbers sell their own branded sauces, so you can take it home and create new barbeque sensations of your own. There will be contests for the ribbers and lucky winners will get to take home shiny trophies and bragging rights for the People’s Choice and Best Judged, both sponsored by Utter Morris Insurance Brokers, as well contests for Best Sauce; and Best Pig Rig. For those guests daring to sink their competitive teeth into a little fun competition, there will be a rib-eating contests sponsored by Frank’s RedHot Sauce. Walk-in and join in on the competitive fun by taking a bite – well, several hearty bites, if you want to win! The telltale sign of intoxicating rib infused smoke filling the air will have us eagerly making our way over to Spencer Smith Park on Labour Day Weekend 2013. From August 30-September 2, 2013, thousands of people from all over the world will flock to Burlington for a barbecue affair to remember.b

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Summer Events

We wait for it all year - summer. A short season of frenzied fun that has us hopping from a family barbeque one day to your best friends cottage the next. The summer months are always bursting with activities, events, the odd impromptu road-trip and countless festivals. With so many amazing things to do, it helps to be prepared. Check out some of the great events happening this summer, right in your backyard.

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Highlights Canada’s Largest Ribfest

August 30 - September 2

Spencer Smith Park Fan favourite, the name says it all. Competitors from all over come to vie for Best Rib Title while dishing up award wining barbeque.

A Taste of Burlington

July 21 - August 5

24 participating restaurants A selection of Burlington restaurants showcases their specialties in this annual prix-fixe event.

The City of Burlington’s Children’s Festival

August 17 - 18

10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Spencer Smith Park Twenty-second annual funfest for kids boasts sandcastles, clowns, sweet treats and movies.


Season-Long Events

July/August Events

Saturdays in the Square Saturdays until August 31 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Civic Square downtown Burlington A free live music series in the centre of downtown Burlington. New performers each week.

Red Bag Sale July 18 - 21 Participating downtown stores A weekend long sale at select stores in downtown Burlington.

Fit to the Core Sundays until August 25 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Civic Square downtown Burlington A free outdoor fitness class hosted in downtown Burlington’s Civic Square. Each Sunday sees a new activity led by a local instructor. No equipment needed. Burlington Mall Farmers Market Wednesdays 8 p.m. - 2 p.m. Fridays 8 p.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday 8 p.m. - 2 p.m. until October Burlington Mall parking lot 777 Guelph Line Rd. Serving Burlington since 1960 the market hosts local produce, honey, cheese, bread, preserves and crafts. Organic options available. www.burlingtonmallfarmersmarket.com Country Music Nights Tuesdays until August 13 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Hendrie Garden - Royal Botanical Gardens Lineup of country performers with barbeque and beverages. www.rbg.ca/country Red Hot Jazz and Cool Blues Wednesdays until September 4 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Hendrie Park - Royal Botanical Gardens Live jazz and blues performances in the gardens with dinner and drinks available. www.rbg.ca/redhotjazz Movies Under the Stars Thursdays until August 22 9 p.m. Various Burlington parks Outdoor family movie series, bring your own chairs and blankets. http://cms.burlington.ca/Page3025.aspx Donn Zver: Forty Years in the Making Now until September 22 Burlington Art Centre A curation of ceramics artist Donn Zver has created over forty years. www.thebac.ca

The Trews July 21 8 p.m. Burlington Performing Arts Centre Nearing the tenth anniversary of their first studio album, The Trews perform at the Performing Arts Centre, presented by Sound of Music Festival. www.burlingtonpac.ca Family Picnic hosted by The Italian Canadian Club of Burlington July 21 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. LaSalle Park Area 2 North Shore Boulevard East Come and enjoy a daylong family picnic event. A Taste of Burlington July 21 - August 5 24 participating restaurants Explore Burlington’s diverse culinary scene during this annual prix-fixe event. www.tasteofburlington.ca Driftwood Theatre presents: The Bards Bus Tour August 1 7:30 p.m. Spencer Smith Park Gazebo Come and enjoy an open-air performance of The Odyssey. www.driftwoodtheatre.com Lakeside a la Carte August 11 Spencer Smith Park Annual charitable event hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Burlington Central showcasing local restaurants, wineries and breweries. www.lakesidealacarte.com

Full Throttle Detailing and Beverly Tire Car Wash August 17 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Beverly Tire 490 Guelph Line A charity car wash in support of the Joseph Brant Foundation. The City of Burlington’s Children’s Festival August 17 - 18 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Spencer Smith Park A great time for kids of all ages. Entertainment, activities and refreshments. Women’s Health Workshop August 19 7 - 8 p.m. Goodness Me Natural Food Market, 2300 Fairview St. One-hour workshop highlighting women’s health. Bruce Cockburn August 29 8 p.m. Burlington Performing Arts Centre Performing Arts Centre hosts celebrated Canadian songwriter and guitar player Bruce Cockburn. www.burlingtonpac.ca/ Canada’s Largest Ribfest August 30 - September 2 Spencer Smith Park Come for the 18th annual Ribfest, Biggest in Canada. Sample mouth-watering barbeque, brews, and great entertainment. www.canadaslargestribfest.com

Do you have an event you would like to see in our calendar? Email us at: info@bcitymagazine.com

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by Liz Marques Kogan


iane Beaulieu, Executive Director of Halton Women’s Place, utters a powerful statement: “If we don’t start with the kids we’re never going to end this cycle.” In the late 1970s, a focus group from Sheridan College identified a need for a women’s shelter in the Halton region. By 1978 a group of nine volunteers, primarily women, began Halton Women’s Place in Milton. The Burlington location opened in 1994 and acts as the administration office for the organization. From the day its doors were first opened, Halton Women’s Place has been running at near capacity and currently responds to more than 2,500 crisis calls each year. “Our reason for being, is to end violence against women and make Halton a safer community for everyone,” Beaulieu explains. Raising awareness and providing education are key in laying the foundation for achieving these goals. Through one of their newer endeavors, the public education program, Halton Women’s Place has a dedicated team working with youth and children in the schools to stop the cycle of violence. School sessions can be booked directly through there website: HaltonWomensPlace.Com. “When we hear survivors talk, we all pay attention and so we should. The survivors of domestic violence have an incredibly powerful story to tell and the impact to those hearing it is phenomenal,” says Beaulieu. “Including survivor voices in the communication is paramount, as they are, after all, the experts.”

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Halton Women’s Place works closely with a group of survivors who formed, Women At the Centre of Halton, a group whose aim is to make change. This all starts by women speaking about their experience with violence and meaningfully encouraging other women to also speak out. When asked how people can help Halton Women’s Place, Beaulieu reiterates that it all starts by raising awareness. The fourth annual Hope in High Heels, happening in Burlington at Emma’s Back Porch on September 28, 2013 and in downtown Oakville at Centennial Square on September 29, 2013 is a men’s walk where men walk in high heels in support of women and children living in and fleeing from abusive situations. Last year, more than 80 men participated in the event that raised more than $70,000 for Halton Women’s Place. “If you are looking to give a gift to Halton Women’s Place, consider a gift card to Target, Wal-Mart, or a grocery store,” Beaulieu suggests. Often when women leave the shelter, they leave with very little. A gift card is extremely useful in assisting the women in starting over and buying essentials for themselves and their children. Ending violence against women through community awareness is, as Beaulieu explains, the responsibility of us all. We need to remove the stigma of being a survivor of domestic violence. Beaulieu encourages us to work together and continue to speak out against domestic violence. The time is now to invest in the safety of women and children in Halton.

Halton Women’s Place is proud of the services it offers: Free, safe shelter Counseling to abused women and their children Telephone counseling for women in need of assistance Other support services as needed Provides meals and emergency clothing Therapeutic and recreational activities for children Court support for interim custody and restraining orders One-to-one counseling as needed Supportive group counseling Depart planning

Contact Halton Women’s Place Halton Women’s Place North Shelter 905-878-8970

Crisis line 905-878-8555 Halton Women’s Place South Shelter 905-332-1593

Crisis line 905-332-7892 Email: info@haltonwomensplace.com

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Pools & Splashpads Gone are the days of oscillating sprinklers on the lawn to cool the kiddos in the summer. Burlington has gone above and beyond to cater to the children of the city by providing a place for parents to relax, and kids to swim, splash, and climb through these hot summer months. Most of these locations are free - an added bonus. If you aren’t picky on location there are a ton of options for kids and tweens alike! Spencer Smith Park has the beauty of a gorgeous view right on the waterfront, and the functionality of not only a splash pad, but the convenience of a playground right beside, and a snack bar right under Spencer’s restaurant! A short but breathtaking drive down Northshore through the big beautiful ceiling of trees brings you to LaSalle Park in Aldershot. This is a paid splash pad/ wading pool, but very secluded and protected; a great place young2013 kids. Just outside the fenced in splash 40| BCityfor May/June pad are picnic tables to take a break, sit down and

enjoy a picnic together. Moving north we have Nelson Pool and splash pad with a heated outdoor pool, two levels of diving boards, a fun slide, wading pool, splash pad, play area and picnic areas this is a multi-faceted fun place with something for little ones, and big brothers and sisters as well. In the middle of the city we have the newly renovated Mountainside pool. This outdoor pool recently opened on June 29 after a series of renovations and now offers a six lane heated pool, two storey double loop waterslide for the older kids, a wading pool and spray pad for the little ones! Heading north we have Norton Community Park in the Alton community. This is an all-encompassing park with a leash-free park for the dogs, two artificial sports fields, a skate park for the big kids, splash pad, playground, two half court basketball courts, plenty of seating for parents and picnics and the list goes on!

Burlington is full of fun ways to keep the kids cool in the summer months and the various locations are spread nicely throughout the city. Check out Tim Hortons Free Swim Schedule throughout the summer as well! Enjoy the sun, the fun and the water and building those lifelong memories with the wee ones!

Aldershot Pool, 50 Fairwood Pl. July 5 – 1:30-3:30 p.m. July 20 – 10 a.m.-noon July 31 – 1:30-3:30 p.m. Aug. 16 – 1:30-3:30 p.m. Angela Coughlan Pool, 2425 Upper Middle Rd. July 10 – 2-4 p.m. Aug. 12 – 2-4 p.m. Aug. 21 – 2-4 p.m. LaSalle Wading Pool 50 North Shore Blvd. E. July 25 – 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Aug. 24 – 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Mountainside Outdoor Pool 2205 Mount Forest Dr. July 4 – 1:30-6 p.m. July 22 – 1:30-4 p.m. Aug. 25 – 1:30-8 p.m. Nelson Outdoor Pool 4235 New St. July 8 – 1-7 p.m. Aug. 11 – Noon-7 p.m. Tansley Woods Community Centre, 1996 Itabashi Way July 6 – 1-4 p.m. July 16 – 2-4 p.m. Aug. 9 – 2-4 p.m. Aug. 19 – 2-4 p.m.

Aldershot Community Pool 50 Fairwod Place Burlington, ON L7T 1E5

Angela Coughlan Pool

Lasalle Wading Pool/Splash Pad 50 North Shore Blvd. East Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6

Mountainside Pool/Splash Pad 2205 Mount Forest Drive Burlington, ON L7P 1H8

2425 Upper Middle Road Burlington, ON L7P 3N9

Aldershot Community Pool 50 Fairwod Place Burlington, ON L7T 1E5

Burlington Centennial Pool 5151 New Street Burlington, ON L7L2425 1V3 Upper Middle Road

Angela Coughlan Pool

Lasalle Wading Pool/Splash Pad 50 North Shore Blvd. East Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6

Nelson Pool/Splash Pad 4235 New Street Mountainside Pool/Splash Pad

Burlington, ON L7L 1V3 2205 Mount Forest Drive Burlington, ON L7P 1H8

Burlington, ON L7P 3N9

Tansley Woods Pool 1996 Itabashi Way Burlington, ON L7M 4J8

Burlington Centennial Pool 5151 New Street Burlington, ON L7L 1V3

Nelson Pool/Splash Pad 4235 New Street Burlington, ON L7L 1V3

Tansley Woods Pool 1996 Itabashi Way Burlington, ON L7M 4J8


Ramp Into Pool

Community Room Accessible

Slide Ramp Into Pool

Community Room

Diving Board Diving Board

Free Form Free Shallow Form Shallow Area Area Heated Pool

Heated Pool

Hydraulic Lift


Spray Park Spray Park

Steps Into Steps Into PoolPool Tarzan Rope

Tarzan Rope Teaching Pool

Hydraulic Lift

Teaching Pool

Picnic Area Natural Light

Warming Pool Wading Pool

Natural Light

Play Area

Wading Pool

Water Basketball Net

Picnic Area

Warming Pool

Play Area

Water Basketball Net

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City Business Tidbits Business

Ikea IKEA Canada has submitted plans to the city to relocate both its Canadian corporate head office, warehouse and retail store to a new site in Burlington. The company proposes to build a new facility farther to the east at 3455 North Service Rd., with the goal of opening the new facility sometime in 2013. The proposed facility would be 71 per cent bigger than the current store and would include a retail space, warehouse, restaurant and the Canadian corporate head office. It will reportedly have many sustainable and environmental features. IKEA’s relocation to a new site would mean an additional 108 jobs within the city.

Dining Dining Wendel Clark’s Classic Bar and Grill The latest addition to the Wendel Clark restaurant franchise opened its doors in Burlington on June 10, 2013. The location on 380 Brant Street combines the classic appeal of a sports bar with the laid back atmosphere of a lounge. Many large screens adorn the restaurant to ensure all patrons have a view of the game. The menu includes Canadian classics like poutine, meatloaf, Montreal smoked meat and an extensive Caesar menu.

Art Dream State - No Vacancy

Keeler Financial Planning of Manulife Securities Incorporated Keeler Financial Planning of Manulife Securities Incorporated is relocating to the downtown core of Burlington. Their new address is 390 Brant Street, Suite 400. Timothy J. Keeler, B.A., CFP, Senior Investment Advisor, has been dedicated to protecting and building his client’s wealth since 1994. Through strict adherence to the principals inherent in The BURLEY Format, Tim’s clients can sleep easy knowing that this strategy, exclusive to Keeler Financial Planning, will navigate them through uncertain times. You don’t have to start out wealthy to end up wealthy. What you need is a good plan to get started and monitor your progress. The BURLEY Format, not only covers the protection and growth of financial wealth, but also teaches you how to get started. Keeler Financial Planning can be reached at 289-245-1003. Please call to schedule an appointment. 42| BCity May/June 2013

10 artists: 10 dreams: 1 night A conceptual art installation that looks at the experience of dreams, subconscious reality and creativity. Each of the 10 artists involved will have a hotel room at the Waterfront Hotel to display their interpretation of the dream state in sculpture, sound, textile, performance and light. This one-night-only event takes place at the Waterfront Hotel on September 19, 2013. Tickets are available in August. www.novacancyart.com


Burlington Beachfront Restoration As of June 27 a phase one of a plan to restore Burlington Beach has been put forth to the Conservation Halton Board of Directors. Phase two is expected to come in the fall, hopefully for commencement of restoration next year . A major attraction up until the 1970s, it was once a major drive for summer tourism in Burlington through the summer months. Do you have a news item yout would like to see on our City Tidbits page? email us at info@bcitymagazine.com

Green City Your guide to reducing your footprint and keeping our city beautiful


Water, the essence of life. We all need it and drink it daily, but did you know that how you choose to hydrate yourself can have a drastic effect on the environment as well as your wallet? We break down bottled water by the numbers.

estimated that bottled water creates up to G It’s 1.5 million tons of plastic waste annually. That’s the same weight as 23,000 jumbo jets.

G Despite the high quality of the plastics the

bottles are made of, only a mere 20 per cent of bottles are recycled.

bottles thrown out as litter can take more G Plastic than 700 years to biodegrade in a landfill. inexpensive bottled water is little more G Most than treated municipal water. If you opt to sip

on an import you can expect to pay as much as $3 a liter, more than twice the cost of the same amount of fuel.

Of course we will all still buy the occasional bottle of water, but to offset the waste created and cost, consider a reusable water bottle, like the Insulated Bottle from Burlington based company: Greens Your Colour. This stainless steel bottle comes in three sizes and has a double wall, which keeps your beverage hot or cold for hours while remaining cool to the touch and sweat-proof. It’s BPA free, has an attached cap, comes with a tea and ice strainer and a one-year manufacturers warranty. The Insulated bottle can be found at:

Anise Apothecary in Downtown Burlington 446 Pearl Street

Or through Greens Your Colour website: www.greensyourcolour.com

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Fitcore in the


e all know how important it is to stay active, and what better way to do it then out in the open air, with expert instruction. Downtown Burlington is excited to launch Fit in The Core, a free of charge outdoor fitness class held in the downtown Civic Square. Launched on May 26, this outdoor fitness program runs every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. until August 25 and is led each week by a different fitness expert from a downtown facility. It’s a great opportunity to try an activity you may not have otherwise, like say Chair Fit or Sexy Flexy hosted by Brass Bombshells, a local pole-dancing studio. Carmella Fedosa of Brass Bombshells says, “We’ve made it

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fun and accessible for men and women. We’ve taken a bit of the sexy out to make it more family friendly,” she says. But you can still expect a full intensive work out that will isolate and elongate key muscle groups. Or why not kick off your Sunday with a little free kickboxing hosted by Four Forty Fitness & Connections? An exhilarating, high energy, challenging hour of cardio. There are also more low impact days planned like rejuvenating outdoor yoga hosted by The Yoga Centre of Burlington. There is something for everyone, of all age groups and fitness abilities. All classes are free and no equipment is needed, just some water, energy and you and a friend. See you in the square!


Class Schedule July 21 
 Four Forty Fitness & Connections
 “move” Yoga / Pilates July 28 
 Dancescape Dancetone Yoga August 4 
 Brass Bombshells Chair Fit / Sexy Flexy August 11 
 Peter-built Fitness Studio Peter-built Glute Camp August 18 
 Kinetic Physiotherapy
 Kinetic Weightloss Boost August 25 
 Yoga Centre Of Burlington Rejuvenation Yoga

Good Photography isn’t Cheap...

and Cheap Photography isn’t Good. Wedding, Commercial, Corporate, & Portrait Photography BCity May/June 2013 | 45

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health and well-being

Clean Break

Summer indulgences can get the best of us, and sooner or later we need to detox - mind and body. Here, we take a look at how cleanses can help the purifying process Camille Llosa


luggish, tired, foggy, backed-up. We’ve all felt this way. An nondescript slowness in our bodies that we just cant seem to shake. It’s at times like this when we yearn for a way to ‘flush our internal engine’. More frequently people are turning to cleanses to help reboot their metabolism. There is great debate regarding the benefits of cleanses, and we have all heard the horror stories of cleanse-takers being limited to only drinking unappetizing mixtures, experiencing cramping, bloating and unexpected dashes to the nearest washroom. Luckily, the natural health world has refined and developed cleanses for every needs, most with reasonable diets to accompany them. The sheer choice of cleanses, claims and concoctions can leave even the most well researched customer overwhelmed. Here, we break down how to confidently choose a cleanse that’s right for your needs, and how to manage while on one.

Cleansing Basics

A cleanse in a program that combines herbal and mineral supplements accompanied by nutritional and lifestyle changes to purge toxins from the body through the digestive system. Most cleanses require a time commitment from anywhere between seven-45 days in which to fully see results. Although there are specific weight loss cleanses, most cleanses, if adhered to correctly will have a sliming effect. Most programs have specific diet stipulations which commonly include: no alcohol, no caffeine no processed foods and an increase in fresh produce. Cleansing may seem like a new fad, but the concept of purifying the body of toxins and harmful buildup can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome where intoxication in the body was recognized and treated with procedures like enemas, purgatives and emetics fashioned out of a mix of herbs and minerals.

Know Your Needs

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Michael Stetson, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Assistant Manager at Burlington Health Foods, recommends talking to someone trained in natural supplementation when

deciding to purchase a cleanse kit. “Most people go in without much information and they will just pick something off of the shelf and go right to the counter,” he says. “We really try to get people to talk to us, to give us the most amount of information so that they can make the most informed decision that they possibly can.” According to Stetson the key factor that drives people to seek out cleanses a buildup of bad lifestyle habits. “Things such as a poor diet, junk food, smoking, drinking, taking street drugs or a medical history requiring a lot of medication are really what drive cleanse sales,” he says. “A lot of times we get people who are very curious and who just want to do something new to benefit their health.” Selecting the right cleanse for you can help rid your body of a build up of toxins from these lifestyle choices. In picking a cleanse Stetson encourages the prospective cleanser to consider what it is they are looking for, what they are willing to commit to and what kind of results are expected. If you are new to cleansing, “Go slow and steady at first,” he says. “I don’t like to recommend really strong products to people who aren’t accustomed to them. I want to encourage people not scare them off.” Another consideration when cleansing is time of year. “Cleansing is usually done during the turn of a season,” he says. “Usually spring to

summer or summer to fall. Winter is usually off limits, as it is more of a time of hibernation, and we don’t have as great access to nutritious produce,” which is a must for most programs.

Do’s and Don’ts

Cleanses are designed to make you feel better and there are certain mistakes people tend to make when doing or selecting a cleanse. Stetson says the number one mistake people make is: “Not changing dietary and lifestyle habits to support the cleanse. They are not eating more fresh produce, not staying away from processed or fast foods or they continue to drink alcohol,” he says. “To keep those things coming in while you are cleansing is two steps forward one step back.” Another mistake Stetson says he sees is people choosing a cleanse that is far too intense for what their needs are. “Sometimes the result can be too strong and uncomfortable and that can be discouraging.” he says. Stetson does caution that, “Sometimes cleanses can make you feel a little bit worse before they make you feel better.” He recommends to maximize the efficacy of the cleanse, follow the directions, modify your diet and lifestyle and ask lots of questions when purchasing. He also suggests doing a cleanse with someone as it is always easier when you have someone else who is going through it, for support and encouragement.

Established in 1970, Burlington Health Foods is Burlington’s first health food store and prides itself in the expertise of its staff, which includes Registered Holistic Nutritionists, Certified Nutritional practitioners and Certified Iridologists. Find a wide variety of nutritional supplements, cleansing and detox programs, gluten-free products, homeopathics, bulk organic foods, herbs, teas, natural pet foods and personal care products. Subscribe to their newsletter for discounts, deals and events. www.burlingtonhealthfoods.com

Registered Holistic Nutritionist Michael Stetson at Burlington Health Foods gives us his bestselling cleanses

Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox $40.80 Capsules or Tinctures Duration: 12 days Designed to enhance all aspects of digestion this formula promotes bile production in the liver and enhances elimination of toxins. This cleanse has a particularly rigorous diet, but a corresponding booklet with recipes and tips helps to make it manageable. CleanseSMART by Renew Life $34.59 Capsules Duration: 30 days One of the best selling cleanses for nine years in a row. This is a more intense, deep cleanse. Supports colon and liver detoxification with a blend of 23 natural ingredients. Promotes regularity and digestive balance.

First Cleanse $22.89 Capsules Duration: 15 days Gentle and mild, specifically designed for first time cleansers or those with sensitive digestive tracts. Formulated with organic whole herbs, which are more gentle than herbal extracts, which tend to have a deeper cleansing effect. VegeGreens $33.79 – 265 g $60.19 – 530 g Powder As needed A combination of 60 land and sea cruciferous vegetables each scoop is nutritionally equivalent to six to eight servings of fresh vegetables. Available in original and blueberry flavours, this green supplement works to restore pH balance and improve digestive function with mild cleanse effects.

BCity May/June 2013 | 47

Chefs block around



e were fortunate enough to take part in the “Chefs Around the Block” event on Sunday July 7, 2013. Much like Taste of Burlington, and Lakeside A La Carte, this event was an opportunity to try a few of Burlington’s different dining establishments in the downtown area...”Around the Block” With SB Prime, The Water Street Cooker, Paradiso, Martini House, and the Red Canoe Bistro all within walking distance there was no shortage of excellent food and drink. Meeting new people, and dining with them

Water St. Cooker

at restaurants you may not have had the opportunity to visit gave such a great new experience you really should try it whenever you have the chance. Each of the chefs made a quick appearance, and explained their feature dish(es) to the guests, and also which drink they had decided to pair with their item and why. For only $80 we sampled the food at five restaurants, along with a feature drink at each – which left you full by the end – on both counts!

Tacos: Achiote rubbed organic pork shoulder (wrapped in banana leaves) Organic smoked duck and roasted Poblano pepper Tarogashi dusted pacific snapper fillet Cumin roasted king oyster mushrooms, leeks and organic kale Condiments: Organic plum and chipotle coulis “In House” pico de gallo Queso fresco Infused crema with avocado Tomatillo and roasted jalapeno relish Mango chutney Anaheim pepper hot sauce “from scratch” Pickled red onions All served with organic corn tortillas Paired with: Rickard’s Shandy Emma’s White Wine Summer Sangria Jackson Triggs Merlot White Sangria 48| BCity May/June 2013

The Martini House

Three sample-sized dishes: 1.Wisconsin blue-cheese wedge salad with a pancetta crisp and confit of heirloom cherry tomato 2. Arancini; stuffed mozzarella and double-smoked bacon, with tomato concasse and topped with shaved Parmigianino Reggiano 3.Certified Angus beef mini touranduo; red skin garlic mash, natural reduction topped with a truffle-butter poached black tiger shrimp Dessert: Cherry candyfloss Paired with: “ASS CANDY” cocktail, light pomegranate vodka with house made lemonade and a splash of cranberry

Red Canoe

Atlantic lobster croquette with salmon and halibut on a lobster reduction Paired with: Rosewood Winery Mon Cherie Cosmopolitan


First Course: Peppered chicken liver and Andouille sausage pâté Paired with: 2011 Vineland Estates Pinot Grigio Second Course: 12-hour braised wild boar gnocchi Paired with: 2011 Vineland Pinot Meunier

SB Prime

Dry ribs with Summer roasted corn salad Paired with: Pomegranate Margarita

BCity May/June 2013 | 49





Bistro Bianca’s Bistro 441 Elizabeth St.
Burlington, Ontario
 (905) 637-1328 Famous for its abundant daily specials, Bianca’s is an eclectic menu that fuses the tastes of old and new. Visitors to Bianca’s Bistro are invited to explore the variety and casual atmosphere. Pepperwood Bistro 1455 Lakeshore Rd, Burlington, ON (905) 333-6999 The menu at this busy, contemporary bistro/bar, and lakeside patio features thin crust pizza, an inspired selection of salads, a fresh fish, seafood and pastas, Certified Angus steaks, guarantees a palate pleasing experience.

Lowville Bistro 6179 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON (905) 335-0750 An upscale casual dining experience focused on seasonal local produce, elegant presentation and a clean, modern palate, The Lowville Bistro is the place to be for an intimate evening with impeccable service and cuisine.

50| BCity May/June 2013

Italian Red Canoe Bistro 398 John St, Burlington, ON (905) 637-6137 Fresh, flavourful and uniquely innovative Modern Canadian cuisine straddles this menu. Seasonal influences highlight Canada’s farmers, fishers, producers and rich ethnic cuisines. Two dining rooms; one a private dining room accommodates up to 80. West Plains Bistro 133 Plains Rd E, Burlington, ON (905) 333-9449 This quaint bistro, in the former home of Lucerne, is an attractively redone space, with oak beer coolers and a long bar, small tables, and wooden booths along the main front windows. A small patio for intimate summer evenings completes the space. A lovely menu of mixed fair with delicious daily specials make this the ideal spot for a families and singles alike. Bernardino’s 127 Plains Rd W, Burlington, ON (905) 634-7677 A gourmet food store with a difference. There is an enormous selection of gourmet food to enjoy as take-out or stay in the fully licensed bistro, where you can sip a glass of Pinot and enjoy the ambiance.

Alloro Restaurant & Bar 3063 S Service Rd, Burlington, ON (905) 639-4443 Alive with robust flavour and a joyful spirit, Alloro Restaurant & Bar stands out as a comfortable, decidedly urban setting for relaxed and friendly get-togethers. Enjoy the best tastes Italy has to offer from one-of-akind pastas to premium steaks and seafood. Eatalia Ristorante 527 Brant St, Burlington, ON (905) 634-3300 Bold modern decor matches a brilliant menu at this architecturally eye-catching venue occupying a former bank. Dante’s Trattoria 398 John Street Burlington, ON (905) 637-6137 Elegantly casual surroundings and some of the best Italian veal, pasta and seafood entrées around. Dante’s has a banquet room for 20-75 people for intimate events. Reservations recommended on weekends. Closed Sundays. Nonna’s Cucina Ristorante 127 Plains Rd W, Burlington, ON (905) 632-7677 This home-style Italian eatery features rich, tasty homemade gnocchi, pizza, pasta al forno, fish, meat and chicken dishes made fresh and bursting with the bounty of rustic aromas of Nonna’s Italian traditions.

Steak & Seafood Canyon Creek Chop House 2429 Fairview St Burlington (905) 333-3339 A favourite of Burlingtonians, Canyon Creek Chophouse offers a casual and elegant atmosphere for dinner or late-night dining that is always perfect. Prime rib, rack of lamb, cedar-plank salmon and double pork chops are only minor examples of the expansive menu for all tastes. Walkers Fish Market 4045 Harvester Rd 
Burlington, On 905-633-9929 Only the freshest seafood is considered for this restaurant’s chef-driven dishes - the menu is ever-changing with 80 seafood choices, and it’s printed twice daily. Whether dining fireside in the main dining room, or enjoying oysters in the bar/lounge Walkers is the place to settle in for sultry ocean feast. Milestones 1200 Brant St Burlington (905) 332-6057 Steaks and prime rib, fish entrees, burgers, pastas, salads and daily features, plus a selection of wines to match your menu choices will overwhelm you on first sight. The food is delicious, and they have a gluten free menu catering to those with allergies. The chefs are more than willing to prepare any dish to your liking. Brunch is also served on Sat/Sun. The Lord Nelson Fine Dining 650 Plains Rd E, Burlington, ON (905) 639-7950 A wonderfully cozy fine dining experience focusing on fresh seafood and juicy steaks that are the specialty here, along with some additional continental entrees.

Continental SB Prime 390 Brant St, Burlington, Ontario (905) 634-6275 Experience authentic steakhouse cuisine and traditional steakhouse atmosphere with a uniquely modern spin in a brand new atmosphere. A stylish night on the town, hot date, or family dinner, SB Prime brings new energy and sexiness to the traditional steakhouse. Jake’s Grill and Oyster House 950 Walkers Line, Burlington, ON (905) 639-4084 Burlington’s first oyster house features a fresh selection of oysters from Canada’s east and west coasts, and a unique menu that highlights fresh fish, choice steaks, chops and much more. Carriage House Restaurant 2101 Old Lakeshore Rd, Burlington, ON (905) 634-7723 A truly memorable culinary experience in a relaxed upscale atmosphere. Celebrate in fine dining style with a large selection of the finest meats, seafood and game meats available, expertly prepared by talented chefs. Let the relaxed mood carry your dining experience through out the night. Napoleon’s Steak and Seafood House 3455 Fairview St, Burlington, ON (905) 637-7171 Experience the elegance of Napoleon Bonaparte’s France in an elegant dining room enhanced by romantic candlelight and soft musical notes. Napoleon’s reputation for excellence and fine dining is built on quality food, generous servings and superb service in true French fashion.

The Alex 480 Brant St, Burlington, ON (905) 220-0520 One of Burlington’s newer restaurant destinations, The Alex specializes in small plate dining. Chef Matthew Kershaw offers a creative spin on all things small and sharable. Items are house-made and range from Pingue charcuterie to decadent desserts. All served in a warm, intimate candle-lit space. Blacktree Restaurant 3029 New, Burlington, ON (905) 681-2882 The hidden gem of Burlington arrives in this New York meets Burlington venue, with visual style and culinary moxie. The room is black, red and grey, with large black and white photographs. A stylish new restaurant tucked away in Roseland plaza, that is full of vitality. Spencer’s at the Waterfront 1340 Lakeshore Rd, Burlington, ON (905) 633-7494 An upscale, airy casual dining restaurant located directly on the water that combines family friendly dining during the day and a patio nightlife lounge in the evening. Enjoy a wonderful view of the shores of Lake Ontario in this open concept venue.


Paradiso 2041 Pine St, Burlington (905) 639-1176 Warm, intimate atmosphere and friendly, efficient staff make Paradiso one of Burlington’s most exciting dining experiences. Dinner is the show. The exciting menu draws its inspiration from both European and Mediterranean culinary tradition. Watch the chefs prepare mouth watering dishes before your eyes as you listen to live entertainment every Friday and Saturday.

Sokratis 437 Plains Rd E Burlington (905) 639-7300 An authentic, family-owned traditional Greek restaurant, that caters to lovers of true Greek cuisine while also including menu inspiration from other European countries. Boasting a warm casual atmosphere that welcomes patrons daily, it is ideal for business meetings or small gatherings in the private room available for special events.

BCity May/June 2013 | 51

dining guide


Martini House Beaver & Bulldog Neighbourhood Taps 437 Elizabeth St, Burlington, ON & Grille (905) 333-9553 2020 Lakeshore Rd, Burlington, ON This Burlington venue achieves its rich (289) 337-9119 atmosphere with plush armchairs and The old sports pub feel featuring a menu couches and the subtle sounds of jazz music of Canadian and British favourites plus 31 wafting through the air. The dynamic menu flavours of wings, and a hint of the wilder includes interesting tapas, exotic featured side of Burlington on Friday and Saturday nights. Always a hotspot for those who love meals and the cocktail menu cannot be out done by anyone. to graze while viewing the shores of Lake Ontario. Joe Dog’s Gasbar Grill The Dickens 531 Brant Street, Burlington
 423 Elizabeth St Burlington, ON (905) 632-5110 (905) 333-4991 A British pub with all the usual trimmings, Everything is on the menu at this fun-style restaurant, from ribs, wings, and steak to including pub pies and stout. British and Canadian beers on tap, including the pub Louisiana shrimp and their specialty, deepfried pickles. Also home to the Underdog must have - Guinness. Special breakfasts are served on weekends and holidays. Live nightclub and Brant Street’s busiest patio. music Fri/Sat. The Queen’s Head 400 Brant St, Burlington, ON (905) 632-1300 A popular watering hole for locals, this British-style pub offers daily specials, amazing appetizers and imported lager on tap. Live music can be heard here weekly and the patio is always a favourite for summer lovers.

The Poacher 436 Pearl St, Burlington, ON (905) 639-6291 A local landmark for many years, The Poacher is the oldest and most authentic British pub in the area. Friendly staff serving great beer and food make this a go to for locals of all ages. Play a game of darts on the upper level, enjoy a warm summer night on the patio, or listen to the jukebox while shooting a game of pool in the basement, The Poacher is always a favourite.

Vegetarian/Vegan Sabores Latinos 4055 Harvester, Burlington, ON (905) 333-5377 Sensational authentic Latin American foods that will bring your taste buds alive. Tucked away in a commercial plaza, this little store is the only place in the area to produce authentic Latin American dishes made fresh each day. Fresh local ingredients are used as often as possible, all meats are hormone-free, products are made without preservatives, fillers or added sugars, and a number of vegetarian and vegan products are offered, in addition to a wide selection of tasty gluten-free options. Kindfood 399 John St, Burlington, ON (905) 637-2700 An organic natural food café featuring vegan foods, located close to the waterfront on John Street. Thwe juice bar serves real fruit smoothies, fresh juices, and fresh baked goods that are made without gluten to keep the healthy, wheat conscious consumer happy. The Naked Sprout 4040 Palladium Way, Burlington, On (905) 319-2293 Serving superfood smoothies, vegan, raw and cooked meals, this is the health concious customers paradise

Denninger’s has been the #1 local destination for the best meats and sausages in Hamilton for 60 years. Our meats are produced from animals raised locally and without hormones to ensure fresher and higher quality products for you. Hamilton Burlington Oakville


52| BCity May/June 2013



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BISTRO Jun-27-2013 12:23 PM

dining guide

Fresh Market Cuisine The Rude Native Bistro & Lounge 370 Brant St, Burlington, ON (905) 632-6682 Eclectic fusion fare is the hallmark of this famously adventurous eatery, whose menu embraces flavourful options from regional and international cuisines – from Louisiana and the Caribbean, thorough Thailand. Always a favourite for the crowd of all ages this happening downtown locale flatters clientele with its rooftop patio.

Honey West Restaurant and Lounge 399 Elizabeth St, Burlington, ON (905) 634-7999 Honey West offers a market fresh menu, featuring the finest hand-carved steaks, fresh seafood and White Marble Farms pork tenderloin. Kick back in our lounge with a custom brew, enjoy the open concept bar/ dining room and sit back to watch the chefs work.



Russell Williams 20 Plains Rd E, Burlington, ON (905) 634-2929 The dinner menu features steaks, salads and more. A top choice with families in Burlington. Breakfast is served all day and has been a popular breakfast venue for years. No weekend reservations, so arrive

Benny’s Famous Deli 1455 Lakeshore Road Burlington, ON 905-632-8084 A long standing deli in the city that boasts incredibly thick sandwiches with Montrealstyle smoked meat, great salads, lasagna and quiche are on this eclectic menu.


Coffee Culture Café & Eatery 390 Brant St Burlington (905) 637-2633 Cozy atmosphere with a bustling vibe and delicious foods make Coffee Culture a perfect meeting place. Enjoy specialty coffees‚ hearty custom-made sandwiches‚ soups‚ salads‚ decadent desserts and baked goods. Now licensed and ready to dazzle late night strollers with their glorious desserts that are perfect for a date night share.

Denninger’s Foods of the World 699 Guelph Line Burlington, ON (905) 639-0510 European-style entrees, soups and salads highlight Denninger’s large selection of prepared meals. Known for its German sausages and gourmet burgers, the deli counter also serves up made-to-order sandwiches. Catering and eat-in dining area are available as well as take-out.

Pizza/Ice Cream Lugano’s Pizza 355 Brant St Burlington, ON (905) 637-7474 A favourite stop for years, this local pizzeria boasts prompt service and always has a warm slice fresh from the oven for the late night pub-crawler. R.C.’s Boardwalk Fries & Ice Cream Parlour 2013 Lakeshore, Burlington (905) 333-9595 Enjoy the accouterments of what a 1950s summer would have felt like all year round. Fresh-cut fries, hot dogs and ice cream/yogurt frosty treats in a fun retro atmosphere, with an authentic 1955 Seeburg jukebox, malt shop. Mamma’s Pizza 2500 Appleby Line, Burlington (905) 332-8500 Traditional and gourmet specialty pizzas, homemade pastas, calzones, sandwiches and salads can always be found at Mamma’s.

The Water Street Cooker 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd, Burlington, ON (905) 634-2084 Overlooking Lake Ontario and located above Burlington hotspot Emma’s Back Porch, this fresh market grill offers seafood, pasta and prime rib dishes and much more. Spectacular appetizers complement the entrée menu, and it doesn’t stop there with brunch served each Sunday.

JC’s Hot Bagels 3011 New, Burlington, ON (905) 631-6258 A favourite spot for local high school students and business professionals alike, JC’s is a quick stop for all things bagel. The food is fresh, made on site and never fails to deliver on taste and courteous staff. Pane Fresco 414 Locust St, Burlington, ON (905) 333-3388 Always casual and consistently great, this popular downtown bakery/café offers sublime artisanal breads, pizzas and sandwiches, fresh coffee and pastries. The Grinning Gourmand Market & Café 1-3040 New St, Burlington, ON (905) 633-7185 A full-service catering company, The Grinning Gourmand offers a wide variety of services to meet the needs and expectations of each new client we meet. An upscale market featuring specialty foods in a full service atmosphere. Let The Grinning Gourmand take care of all your catering needs.

dining guide


Le Chinois 1250 Brant St, Burlington, ON (905) 331-0033 The menu here offers a large and varied selection of great Asian dishes, with Szechuan, Cantonese and Mandarin cuisine a focus. Courteous service is a hallmark, whether dining in or taking out!

Ris Asian Fusion Cuisine 2180 Itabashi Way Burlington, ON (905) 336-1028 Options are plentiful at this comfortable spot with a menu packed with delicious variety: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, and seafood as well as vegetarian dishes. À la carte dim sum and daily lunch specials.


Red Maple Buffet 1950 Appleby Line, Burlington, ON (905) 319-3388 Your standard array of Chinese cuisine abounds at this buffet. Good service, pleasant staff and quite the selection of dumplings, beef, sushi, pork, veggies, noodles and more, can be found at the expansive restaurant.

August 8 834 Brant St, Burlington, ON Adami Sushi (905) 633-8288 1505 Guelph Ln., Burlington, On The chefs at August 8 have creatively blend (905)315-1800 traditional Cantonese-style dim sum with Crisp, professional and service-forward, traditional Japanese sushi, to create a dining Adami scores points with its wide selection experience that not only entices your senses of fresh AYCE sushi, sashimi, maki, hand but also tantalizes the taste buds. rolls, tempura, udon dishes and are never short on sake.

Bento Box 2405 Fairview St, Burlington, ON (905) 631-1780 Offering “a fusion of Asian cuisine,” the core of the menu is Japanese, featuring teriyaki dishes and maki sushi rolls, as well as spicy soups, salads, grilled seafood and good service.

Ichiban Sushi House 3315 Fairview St Burlington (905) 681-7977 Modern design meets traditional Japanese cuisine. Specializing in sushi, sashimi, tempura and all rolls, Ichiban is a pleasant escape for the local sushi lover. Sakai Japanese and Korean Restaurant 4155 Fairview St #22, Burlington, ON (905) 333-6585 An extensive menu of sushi and sashimi, tempura, teriyaki and seafood, served in a bento box. Authentic and freshly prepared for you. Catering is also available.

Thai/ Vietnamese Pho Do Thi Vietnamese & Thai Cuisine 583 Brant St, Burlington, On (905)-631-1888 Casually fine dining with a large menu featuring healthy, tasty appetizers, a tremendous variety of delicious rice noodle soups in small through extra large portions, stir fried noodles, Pad Thai and so much more. Bahn Thai 4490 Fairview St Burlington, ON (905) 631-8868 Authentic Thai dishes made with the freshest, ingredients and herbs that are prepared when you order - never ahead of time. The restaurant features authentic ambience in true Thai style. Vietnam’s Pearl 3550 Dundas Street West, Burlington, ON (905) 592-3882 A modern Vietnamese and Thai fusion restaurant enthusiastically serving up authentic Vietnamese and Thai fare in both traditional and modern styles. Fresh ingredients, careful preparation and thoughtful presentation make this a favourite of Vietnamese cuisine lovers.

Indian My-Thai by the Lake 399 Elizabeth St #1, Burlington, ON (905) 631-8373 Freshly prepared genuine Thai cuisine with a warm atmosphere and friendly service. Boasting the best green shrimp curry in town. Express lunches are served and convenient take out is available. Saigon on Brant 474 Brant, Burlington, ON (905) 633-9262 An unpretentious Vietnamese eatery with a pleasing menu, Saigon on Brant welcomes diners with its relaxed atmosphere and cordial service.

Bombay’s Chutney 3450 Dundas St b1, Burlington, ON (905) 335-2060 From tender tandoori tikka dishes and freshbaked naan bread to aromatic green and red curries, numerous chutneys and thali samplers, this sleek modern restaurant serves up an assured suburban take on traditional Indian cuisine. The Bombay Grill 3480 Fairview, Burlington, ON (905) 681-1227 Serving traditional dishes inspired by Bengal and Northern India, Bombay Grill is a hot option whether take-out or eat-in. Spicy chicken vindaloo and tandoori are popular choices, and vegetarian pakora decorate this menu. A true hint of India with warm, friendly service.

Siam Dish 1477 Lakeshore Rd, Burlington, ON (905) 632-2525 The Spices Indian Take Out Authentic Thai cuisine is always served 814 Brant, Burlington, ON L7R 2J5 fresh in and modern, elegant atmosphere. (905) 631-8888 Special lunch menu attracts downtown Choose from over 90 items of authentic urbanites to its scenic patio overlooking traditional Indian fare, as each dish is made the lake. fresh to order and to your preferred level of spiciness. A place where the customer is always happy.

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