Who has lacquers which apply a finish in one coat ?
Photo – Blanchon
Is there such a thing as a lacquer which finishes in one coat? Your immediate instinct says it’s not possible, but it seems that that’s not entirely correct. We scoured the market and asked a producer all about a lacquer in one coat. To give the answer in a nutshell, yes, it is possible to finish in one coat, but there are several factors to consider. Our readers have probably heard of Blanchon. A spokesperson from this French company outlines firstly the history of lacquers in one coat. Indeed, it seems that they are not a recent phenomenon.
A fashion in the 1980s ‘We have to go back to the 1980s. In those days, varnishes with just one coat did catch on for some time. However, they soon fell out of fashion because the quest for a rapid and therefore economical finish clashed with the harsh realities of life: Wood is something which reacts whenever it is ‘treated’ with a fluid, whether that’s water, a solvent, or a greasy substance.’ ‘Wood pores swell up and that’s particularly important during the first coat. And so, various factors mean that one-coat lacquers are
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possible, but this does mean that this one coat has to be applied on top of a coat of primer. That primer, in turn, often dries quickly because long drying times are not the soulmate of economic gain. With one coat, the composition of the lacquer itself has to provide good coverage because high durability is absolutely essential. Moreover, you also need to ensure perfect application comfort. Since you only apply one coat, the fact is that any shortcoming and any application mistakes will be exposed mercilessly and have an adverse effect on the finished floor.’
Some contradictory elements Obviously, therefore, we want to know the cases where one coat is the best choice. However, perhaps there’s another more important question: When is it best to avoid it? ‘Here, you have to consider that the two elements contradict each other. If you want a visually perfect finish which is also highly durable, your best choice in all cases is to apply three coats. Two coats can suffice, but then you need a hard base. It’s only if your choice is governed by the need to save on costs or by speed of application that you will opt for a finish in one coat on a hard base.’
Floor Forum International 120