The new sanding method with various discs, heads, brushes, and nets
SANDING IS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS IF YOU DON’T FOLLOW THE RIGHT STEPS, YOU’RE JUST ASKING FOR TROUBLE Michaël Devriendt (Bona - B) ‘The aim is still to help parquet floor fitters work as ergonomically as possible.’ What do new abrasives mean for parquet floor fitters? We called on Bona Belgium, where Michaël Devriendt is well qualified to give us some idea. Not only has he worked for 18 years as a parquet floor fitter, but also in the last three years he’s been working as a travelling sales representative for Bona Belgium with responsibility for the whole of Flanders. First of all, we want to know which products Bona sells as new abrasives. ‘Our range of abrasives specifically for the parquet sector is highly varied. It goes from classic silicon carbide 8100 and aluminium oxide 8500 over the better zirconium 8300 and the modern ceramic mix (8600 and 8700) to the ultimate Diamond Abrasive System,’ says Michaël Devriendt. ‘Our abrasives are available in endless belts, discs, and even material in mesh form, and in all sorts of measurements and /or widths.’ What are the main developments which Bona will have for the sector within the foreseeable future? ‘In all honesty, this is a matter of conjecture. Our sector has progressed quite fast in recent years after a period of standstill and further progress actually depends mainly on what floor fitters want. In all cases, Bona is pressing on, and certainly in developing machines which are designed mainly to help users work as ergonomically and efficiently as possible.’ Efficient alternatives One of the key questions is why we have to abandon the classic abrasives at all. How do you see new abrasives at Bona? ‘Our classic abrasives, types 8100 and 8500, are still good, but Bona can now offer better and more efficient alternatives. I’m thinking here of the 8300 series, for instance, and the newer 8600 and 8700 series. These types of abrasives each have a longer lifespan and work more aggressively. The purchase price may be somewhat more expensive, but in this case a higher price is far from being a negative factor. It is precisely due to the longer lifespan that these new abrasives are cheaper to use than the classic types.’ On which machines can these abrasives be used? Are there any restrictions? Our interviewee laughs: ‘Qualitatively correct abrasives require qualitatively correct sanding machines. In the past, you always started sanding parquet with a belt sander, then you switched to an edge sander, and you ended with the buffer. That’s still the same in many cases, certainly when it comes to bigger rooms. An interesting development is that we’re living in increasingly smaller homes and that rooms have thereby become more compact. In those cases rotary sanding wins the day from classic sanding with the belt sander. Rotary sanding is just quicker in combination with the right abrasives.’ ‘The time saving lies mainly in the fact that you have fewer machines to transport. This means that you spend a lot less time and effort on the edge sanding, precisely because you can sand closer to the edge. My advice: Do you have a room of 400m² with a floor with an old coat of varnish which has to be completely removed? If so, use the belt sander first and then switch to the Bona Flexi Sand, and that will save you lots of time. By contrast, if you are talking about a room of 70m² which has to be sanded to remove a top layer, you only have to take the Bona Flexi Sand with you to the site. This powerful, versatile, and rotary machine makes sanding seem a “little job”, certainly in combination with the right choice of abrasives.’
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