Prostal+ Brochure English CAN

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Prostal+ Prostal+isisnot notbee beepollen pollen Bee Bee pollen pollen is is randomly randomly collected collected from from a varia varietyety of of flowers, flowers, plants, plants, and and weeds, weeds, and and can can bebe contaminated contaminated byby mold mold and and spores. spores. Prostal+ Prostal+ unlocks unlocks thethe healing healing power power within within flowers flowers with with a aspecialized specializedenzymatic enzymaticextraction extractionprocess process that that dissolves dissolves thethe hard hard outer outer shell shell of of thethe pollen pollen grain, grain, making making thethe micronutrients micronutrients in in flower flower polpollenlen readily readily bioavailable bioavailable and and eliminating eliminating risk risk of of allergic allergic reaction. reaction. ™ ™ Flora Flora Scandinavian ScandinavianFlower FlowerNutrients Nutrientshave have been been carefully carefully selected selected over over thethe past past 5050 years years based based onon results results of of clinical clinical analysis. analysis. The The flowers flowers areare grown grown in privately in privately owned, owned, pristine pristine fields, fields, and and thethe resulting resulting extracts extracts have have undergone undergone extenextensive sive testing testing to to ensure ensure that that all all secondary secondary effects effects have have been been eliminated eliminated and and all all key key constituents constituents areare guaranteed guaranteed byby standardized standardized potency. potency.

Prostal Prostal++


CLINICALLY CLINICALLYPROVEN PROVEN Supports SupportsLower Lower Urinary UrinaryTract TractHealth Health Prostate, Prostate,Bladder, Bladder,Libido Libido &&Associated AssociatedED EDProblems* Problems*

Earth Earth laughs laughs in in flowers... flowers... - Ralph - Ralph Waldo Waldo Emerson Emerson

“Finding “Finding a natural a natural solution solution forfor supporting supporting prostate prostate and and urninary urninary tract tract health health is an is an important important element element forfor any any man man and and thethe flower flower pollen pollen extracts extracts used used to to create create thethe Prostal+ Prostal+ formula formula areare historically historically used used to to support support a a healthy healthy excretory excretory system system creating creating anan ideal ideal supplement” supplement” Thomas Thomas Greither, Greither, President President of Flora of Flora

D.B. D.B. Glasser, Glasser, “Prevalence “Prevalence of storage of storage and voiding and voiding symptoms symptoms among among menmen agedaged 40 and 40 older and older in a US in apopulation-based US population-based study: study: results results fromfrom the Male the Male Attitudes Attitudes Regarding Regarding Sexual Sexual Health Health study”. study”. Int J Int SlinJ Pract, Slin Pract, August August 2007, 2007, 61, 8.61, 8. J. Elist, J. Elist, “Effects “Effects of pollen of pollen extract extract preparation preparation Prostat/Poltit Prostat/Poltit on lower on lower urinary urinary tracttract symptoms symptoms in patients in patients with with chronic chronic nonbacterial nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pelvic pain pain syndrome: syndrome: A A randomized, randomized, double-blind, double-blind, placebo-controlled placebo-controlled study” study” (2006), (2006), 67 Urology: 67 Urology: 60-63. 60-63. L.X. L.X. QianQian et al., et “Treatment al., “Treatment of Benign of Benign Prostatic Prostatic Hyperplasia Hyperplasia with with Poltit”, Poltit”, Department Department of of Urology, Urology, JiangSu JiangSu province province hospital, hospital, Nanjing, Nanjing, China. China.

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* This * This statement statement has not hasbeen not been evaluated evaluated by the byFood the Food andand DrugDrug Administration. Administration. 8001A 8001A any any disease. disease. 08/09 ThisThis product product is not is intended not intended to diagnose, to diagnose, treat, treat, cure,cure, or prevent or prevent 08/09


Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Lower urinary tract symptoms include both storage and voiding problems as well as general pelvic pain. Storage symptoms are associated with bladder and urethra function while voiding symptoms are thought to be associated with prostate health.

Storage Symptoms: Urgency Frequency Bladder Control Nocturia (Night Urination)

Voiding Symptoms: Incomplete Emptying Hesitancy Weak Stream Dribbling Straining

Flower Power

Scandinavian Flower Nutrients For centuries the people of ancient China, Persia, and Egypt have used pollen as a super-food. Nearly 50 years ago Gösta Carlsson, a Swedish biologist and beekeeper, developed a special method for cultivating and harvesting flower pollen extracts for nutritional use. These pollen extracts do not cause allergies caused by airborne pollen! Each full-spectrum, standardized extract is clinically tested for specific health benefits.

Clinical studies show Unlocking naturesconsistently wisdom significant reduction of (LUTS) Researchers have meticulously selected and combined Lower Urinary Symptoms* the micronutrient extractsTract from specific flower pollens to potentiate biochemical nutrient profiles. Results the fromsynergistic a randomized, double-blind, placebo con™ Scandinavian Flower Nutrients confirm Flora trolled study from Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterGösta’s in Califorbelief flower pollen holds exceptional powers that can niathat published in Urology Journal (Vol. 67, 2006) indicate contribute to a long, healthyand life.improvement in symptoms a significant reduction of LUTS and chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. ParticiIn Scandinavia, specialized nutritional flower symptoms, extracts pants experienced a 73% decrease in voiding from specifically selected pollen beenin 64% decrease in storage flower symptoms, 71%have decrease used for over half a century and support pelvic pain,aas well as 75% to of normalize participants experienced healthy lowerlibido urinary tract function. Clinical show improved while 70% improved theirstudies ED. a significant reduction of LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms). Flora’s Prostal+ contains(SSI) a biologically % Symptom Score Improvement Afternutrient 6 monthsbalance of treatment correct for normalizing cell regeneration and healthy function of prostate, bladder, libido and Voiding Symptoms associated erectile dysfunction.* 73% LUTS

Prostal+ & (LUTS)

Real life satisfaction

Healthy urine flow and ure function* 87.1% of men taking this patented blend experienced a reduction and/or an improvement in symptoms Healthy libido and erectil contraction* after 3 months of use, and 92% reported improvement after 6 months. storage function of urinary tract*

(Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms)

to promote total lower urinary tract health, Prostate, Bladder, Libido & Associated ED.

Helps support total lower urinary

Reduced Pelvic Pain


Prostal+ works by strengthening the contraction of the bladder and reducing It also reduces Storage Symptoms urethral constriction. 64% inflammation of the prostate gland by reducing the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins and cytokines.*100% 0 25% 50% 75%

Full-spectrum nutrient concentrates flowers In a second studyfrom lookingorganic at the effects of Prostal+, researchers foundformula that 87.1% of menflower taking this Prostal+ specialized of nutritional pollen patented blend experienced an improvement extracts has some of the richest full-spectrum source ofin symptoms months of use, and 92% reported trace elementsafter and 3 micronutrients known to people. It improvement after(oxidoreductases 6 months. The men in the study contains vital enzymes and oxygenase experienced completeprostate emptying of the bladder and enzymes knownmore to support health), vitamins, reduction in prostate volume.* minerals, amino acids, RNA and DNA factors, fatty acids, prostaglandin precursors, as well as many other essential % of Participants bio-factors necessary forImprovement life. It is true cellular super-food. After 6 months of treatment

Clinically proven consistently Delayed Ejaculation for over 50 years SYMPTOMS

Prostal+ is clinically proven

Premature Ejaculation



The first study linking the Prostal+ formula to prostate health Libido was published in the Swedish 75% Medical Journal in 1959 and the latest noteworthy study was published in Erectile Dysfunction 70% the Journal of Urology in 2006 essentially confirming the significant reduction of symptoms associated with 0 25% 50% 75% 100% LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms), prostate, bladder,

Helps support total lower urinary tract health*

Healthy prostate function* Healthy urine flow and urethral function* Proper bladder contraction* Healthy libido and erectile function* Healthy voiding and storage function of urinary tract*

Unlocking natures wisdom Researchers have meticulously selected and combined the micronutrient extracts from specific flower pollens to potentiate the synergistic biochemical nutrient profiles. Flora™ Scandinavian Flower Nutrients confirm Gösta’s belief that flower pollen holds exceptional powers that can contribute to a long, healthy life. In Scandinavia, specialized nutritional flower extracts from specifically selected flower pollen have been used for over a half a century to normalize and support healthy lower urinary tract function. Clinical studies show a significant reduction of LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms). Flora’s Prostal+ contains a biologically correct nutrient balance for normalizing cell regeneration and healthy function of prostate, bladder, libido and associated erectile dysfunction.* Prostal+ works by strengthening the contraction of the bladder and reducing urethral constriction. It also reduces inflammation of the prostate gland by reducing the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins and cytokines.*

Full-spectrum nutrient concentrates from organic flowers Prostal+ specialized formula of nutritional flower pollen extracts has some of the richest full-spectrum source of trace elements and micronutrients known to people. It contains vital enzymes (oxidoreductases and oxygenase enzymes known to support prostate health), vitamins, minerals, amino acids, RNA and DNA factors, fatty acids, prostaglandin precursors, as well as many other essential bio-factors necessary for life. It is true cellular super-food.

Clinically proven consistently for over 50 years The first study linking the Prostal+ formula to prostate health was published in the Swedish Medical Journal in 1959 and the latest noteworthy study was published in the Journal of Urology in 2006 essentially confirming the significant reduction of symptoms associated with LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms), prostate, bladder,

and further shedding light on a more promising future with regard to associated libido and ED. In addition results of the latest clinicals may also contribute to a reduction of negative psychological affects of LUTS that may result in an improvement of overall wellbeing and quality of life. Few products on the market if any can rely on clinical data that spans such length of time as the formula of Flora’s Prostal+.

Participants Experienced: 64% 71% 75% 70%

decrease in storage symptoms decrease in pelvic pain of participants experienced improved libido improved their ED

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) are categorized as storage (urgency, frequency, nocturia and incontinence), voiding (sensation of incomplete emptying, hesitancy, weak stream, dribbling and straining) and pelvic pain. Lower urinary tract symptoms are bothersome, have a negative impact on health related to the quality of life, and are associated with sexual disorders, including erectile dysfunction (ED).A study conducted by the University of North Carolina division of Urology, Cornell University and the University of Chicago found a 40% prevalence of erectile dysfunction among individuals with LUTS and an increase incidence directly correlated with age. Lower urinary tract symptoms are highly prevalent and even though men are reluctant to speak about their condition incidence continues to increase. Though LUTS can affect men in their early twenties it significantly increases as we get older. Almost 30% of men in their 40’s and over 50% of men in their 60’s experience LUTS. It’s estimated that over 90% of men over the age of 70 experience moderate to severe symptoms. As men age the prostate enlarges and since the prostate surrounds the urethra, this can have a constricting affect restricting flow. This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Other causes of LUTS are chronic abacterial prostatitis (CAP), chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), bladder/urethra dysfunction, and more severe conditions such as bacterial prostatitis (BP), and prostate or bladder cancer.

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