Mission Report from Rodrigo Rodriguez In February 2017, our church helped finance Rodrigo’s trip to Havana Cuba, where he held a concert and gave his testimony before hundreds at the First Baptist Church in downtown Havana.
Got Gold?
Mother's Day
Dear Kids, There has been a GOLD STRIKE in Promise Valley near Gold Bottom Creek where no one has looked before. I need your help in finding the gold this summer at Kids Kamp 2017. There will be two exciting camps for kids young and old. You can’t miss it! Climb in the Discovery Mines to learn about Jesus and His Word. I can’t wait to see you play the games and competitions like Mountain Slide Winder, Gold Rush Fever, Trail Twister, and more. You’ll love Apple Jack’s Miners Diner 'cause it’s my favorite. Come and follow my real adventures with the Tumbleweed Gang. You are gonna have so much fun! Please let us know that you are a comin.' The Gold Miner’s Almanac is saying that June 19th-June 22 from 6:30-8:30 PM is the best time to find gold. Tell your friends that are comin’ to go to fbt.org and register today.
Grand Opening Sunday FBT Kindergarten Ministry The Children's Ministry is expanding and adding a new emphasis to our 4K & 5K division. Meet Sprout, our new FBT Kindergarten mascot. Sprout wants everyone to know that kindergarten is a place where kids sprout and grow. Beginning Sunday, May 7, the 5K children will move to join the 4K in their own section of the Preschool Building. This section of the building has been specifically designed for this age group with new renovations. Kindergartners will love coming to Sunday School and learning about the Bible.
New K Church
After Sunday School, the 4K & 5K will attend K CHURCH where they will be greeted by a new friend, Tico the Toucan. K CHURCH is the new worship service for kindergarten. Here kids will learn truths from God's Word each week. The new Kindergarten Ministry will be under the direction of Amy Giles and Sara Deaver, the Kindergarten Director. Spread the word, we want FBT Kindergarten to be the place every kid wants to come to on Sunday.
May God Bless, Prospector Pete
Sunday, May 14 Special gift for each mother! Music by Adult Choir & Orchestra. Family Worship Day. Children will participate in a special Mother's Day presentation.
k k k k
Sunday School in May Join us this month as we discuss the following topics: May 7: Israel Rejects God as King. What are the results of seeking to be like the world? May 14: God Rejects Saul as King. What is really at the heart of our disobedience? May 21: God Chooses David as King. Have you ever wondered why Bethlehem is so important? May 28: Getting Back Up to Speed. Join us as we review what we have learned so far in 2017. There is a place for you in Sunday School! Contact Jeff Johnson at jjohnson@fbt.org for help in finding a group.
P.S. Go to fbt.org to watch “The Adventures of Prospector Pete & the Tumbleweed Gang." Every video adventure will give you a clue. These clues will lead ya'll to the map we’ll find on the opening night of Kids Kamp. Come on and get the gold!
College & Career
Summer Kickoff Cookout @ the Caudill’s Monday, May 22 @ 6:30 PM Time to celebrate the end of the semester! Come to Ryan & Jennifer’s for yard games and a delicious cookout. Bring a guest who needs the Lord!
Father’s Day, June 18
Hospitality Ministry Appreciation Dinner & Training
Thursday, May 11 6:30 PM in the Dining Hall. If you’re part of the team, don’t miss this special night of recognition, dinner and training. We’re ready to kick-off a new season of ministry, recognizing those who have been serving and also new volunteers!
onor all fathers… H l Recognition of the oldest father… l CD gift package including two special talks by Pastor Monroe for men only, one dealing with sexuality & the other with parenting.
Florence Christian School Graduation May 19
Kindergarten at 9:00 AM High School at 7:00 PM
Graduate Recognition & Supper (PM Service) Missionary Marc Buxton in Youth SS Tour Meeting for parents & teens (after PM service) Youth Choir Tour to Bible Baptist Church Mt. Orab, OH
um S l to
a ant i c pe t w
ATM Night (All Things Manly)
For fathers and Jr./Sr. High Sons Friday, May 12, 7:00 – 9:30 PM Guys, you don’t want to miss this! We will enjoy manly food (off the grill), manly activities (still developing details, but you will love them), and manly fellowship. Dads, get your teenage sons and join us! If your dad cannot attend, teens are still welcome to join us anyway.
S u don’
e e two s r i es
Sunday, May 21 Sunday, May 28 June 4-9
st! e u G services!
Non-Profit Organ. U.S. Postage PAID Permit # 56 Florence, SC 29501
May Youth
Florence Baptist Temple
July 17 - July 21
2308 S. Irby Street P.O. Box 12809 Florence, SC 29504-2809
River Oaks Retreat Center, Honea Path SC Cost is $210 per person. Youth Camp is the most important week in the life of a teenager!
Soul Winner's Payer Dear Lord, give me an opportunity to share my faith today. Help me to recognize the opportunity when it happens, and give me the boldness to follow through. Amen.
Printed by the Beacon of Truth Baptist Ministries l PO Box 6979 l Florence, SC 29502
www.fbt.org www.fcseagles.org
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10:30 AM & 6:00 PM Saturday at 7 PM on WFXB ThisTV Sunday at 7 AM on WFXB Sunday at 11 AM on WMBF
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7:00 PM
9:00 AM 10:30 AM 6:00 PM
Sunday Sunday School Worship Service Evening Service Wednesday Evening Service & Prayer
Church Office: 843-662-0453 Bill Monroe, Pastor 661-4327 bmonroe@fbt.org Jim Berry, Principal of FCS 661-4346 jberry@fcseagles.org Ryan Caudill, Administration 661-4335 rcaudill@fbt.org Mike Coker, Evangelism 661-4338 mcoker@fbt.org Chris Edwards, Youth 661-4320 chrisedwards@fbt.org Gaye Erwin, Media 661-4343 gerwin@fbt.org Amy Giles, Children 661-4325 agiles@fbt.org Al Harley, Counseling 662-0453 aharley@fbt.org Jeff Johnson, Education 661-4340 jjohnson@fbt.org Kent Kendall, Pastoral Care 661-4321 kkendall@fbt.org Liz Lewis, Preschool 661-4344 llewis@fbt.org Clayton Simmons, Ministry 661-4330 csimmons@fbt.org Corbett Stone, Ministry 661-4342 cstone@fbt.org Jim Symons, Music 661-4348 jsymons@fbt.org
Sunday, May 28 We’d Love to See You...
Staff Contact Information
Address Service Requested
Youth Camp 2017
Stirring Music by Our Choir & Orchestra. All Veterans & Active Duty Members Are Invited. You Are Welcome to Wear Your Military Uniform!
Baptist Temple